Esempio n. 1
SEXP R_stream_chacha20(SEXP n, SEXP key, SEXP nonce){
  if(LENGTH(key) != crypto_stream_chacha20_KEYBYTES)
    Rf_error("Invalid key, must be exactly %d bytes", crypto_stream_chacha20_KEYBYTES);
  if(LENGTH(nonce) != crypto_stream_chacha20_NONCEBYTES)
    Rf_error("Invalid nonce, must be exactly %d bytes", crypto_stream_chacha20_NONCEBYTES);
  unsigned long long clen = (unsigned long long) asReal(n);
  SEXP res = allocVector(RAWSXP, clen);
  crypto_stream_chacha20(RAW(res), clen, RAW(nonce), RAW(key));
  return res;
crypto_stream_xchacha20(unsigned char *c, unsigned long long clen,
                        const unsigned char *n, const unsigned char *k)
    unsigned char k2[crypto_core_hchacha20_OUTPUTBYTES];

    crypto_core_hchacha20(k2, n, k, NULL);
    assert(crypto_stream_chacha20_KEYBYTES <= sizeof k2);
    assert(crypto_stream_chacha20_NONCEBYTES ==
           (sizeof n) - crypto_core_hchacha20_INPUTBYTES);
    return crypto_stream_chacha20(c, clen,
                                  n + crypto_core_hchacha20_INPUTBYTES, k2);
crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt_detached(unsigned char *m,
                                              unsigned char *nsec,
                                              const unsigned char *c,
                                              unsigned long long clen,
                                              const unsigned char *mac,
                                              const unsigned char *ad,
                                              unsigned long long adlen,
                                              const unsigned char *npub,
                                              const unsigned char *k)
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_state state;
    unsigned char                     block0[64U];
    unsigned char                     slen[8U];
    unsigned char                     computed_mac[crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ABYTES];
    unsigned long long                mlen;
    int                               ret;

    (void) nsec;
    crypto_stream_chacha20(block0, sizeof block0, npub, k);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_init(&state, block0);
    sodium_memzero(block0, sizeof block0);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, ad, adlen);
    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) adlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    mlen = clen;
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, c, mlen);
    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) mlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_final(&state, computed_mac);
    sodium_memzero(&state, sizeof state);

    COMPILER_ASSERT(sizeof computed_mac == 16U);
    ret = crypto_verify_16(computed_mac, mac);
    sodium_memzero(computed_mac, sizeof computed_mac);
    if (m == NULL) {
        return ret;
    if (ret != 0) {
        memset(m, 0, mlen);
        return -1;
    crypto_stream_chacha20_xor_ic(m, c, mlen, npub, 1U, k);

    return 0;
crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt_detached(unsigned char *c,
                                              unsigned char *mac,
                                              unsigned long long *maclen_p,
                                              const unsigned char *m,
                                              unsigned long long mlen,
                                              const unsigned char *ad,
                                              unsigned long long adlen,
                                              const unsigned char *nsec,
                                              const unsigned char *npub,
                                              const unsigned char *k)
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_state state;
    unsigned char                     block0[64U];
    unsigned char                     slen[8U];

    (void) nsec;
    crypto_stream_chacha20(block0, sizeof block0, npub, k);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_init(&state, block0);
    sodium_memzero(block0, sizeof block0);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, ad, adlen);
    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) adlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    crypto_stream_chacha20_xor_ic(c, m, mlen, npub, 1U, k);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, c, mlen);
    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) mlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_final(&state, mac);
    sodium_memzero(&state, sizeof state);

    if (maclen_p != NULL) {
        *maclen_p = crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ABYTES;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
void tv(void)
    static struct {
        const char *key_hex;
        const char *nonce_hex;
    } tests[]
      = { { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "0000000000000000" },
          { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
            "0000000000000000" },
          { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "0000000000000001" },
          { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "0100000000000000" },
          { "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f",
            "0001020304050607" } };
    unsigned char  key[crypto_stream_chacha20_KEYBYTES];
    unsigned char  nonce[crypto_stream_chacha20_NONCEBYTES];
    unsigned char *part;
    unsigned char  out[160];
    unsigned char  zero[160];
    char           out_hex[160 * 2 + 1];
    size_t         i = 0U;
    size_t         plen;

    memset(zero, 0, sizeof zero);
    do {
        sodium_hex2bin((unsigned char *)key, sizeof key, tests[i].key_hex,
                       strlen(tests[i].key_hex), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        sodium_hex2bin(nonce, sizeof nonce, tests[i].nonce_hex,
                       strlen(tests[i].nonce_hex), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        crypto_stream_chacha20(out, sizeof out, nonce, key);
        sodium_bin2hex(out_hex, sizeof out_hex, out, sizeof out);
        printf("[%s]\n", out_hex);
        for (plen = 1U; plen < sizeof out; plen++) {
            part = (unsigned char *) sodium_malloc(plen);
            crypto_stream_chacha20_xor(part, out, plen, nonce, key);
            if (memcmp(part, zero, plen) != 0) {
                printf("Failed with length %lu\n", (unsigned long) plen);
    } while (++i < (sizeof tests) / (sizeof tests[0]));

    randombytes_buf(out, sizeof out);
    crypto_stream_chacha20(out, sizeof out, nonce, key);
    sodium_bin2hex(out_hex, sizeof out_hex, out, sizeof out);
    printf("[%s]\n", out_hex);

    assert(crypto_stream_chacha20(out, 0U, nonce, key) == 0);
    assert(crypto_stream_chacha20_xor(out, out, 0U, nonce, key) == 0);
    assert(crypto_stream_chacha20_xor(out, out, 0U, nonce, key) == 0);
    assert(crypto_stream_chacha20_xor_ic(out, out, 0U, nonce, 1U, key) == 0);

    memset(out, 0x42, sizeof out);
    crypto_stream_chacha20_xor(out, out, sizeof out, nonce, key);
    sodium_bin2hex(out_hex, sizeof out_hex, out, sizeof out);
    printf("[%s]\n", out_hex);

    crypto_stream_chacha20_xor_ic(out, out, sizeof out, nonce, 0U, key);
    sodium_bin2hex(out_hex, sizeof out_hex, out, sizeof out);
    printf("[%s]\n", out_hex);

    crypto_stream_chacha20_xor_ic(out, out, sizeof out, nonce, 1U, key);
    sodium_bin2hex(out_hex, sizeof out_hex, out, sizeof out);
    printf("[%s]\n", out_hex);