int sparse_solve_cholesky(sparse_matrix* matrix, sparse_vector* b, sparse_vector* x, int n){
		if( n < 1)
			return 0;

	return cs_cholsol(1 , matrix , x);
/* solve a linear system using Cholesky, LU, and QR, with various orderings */
int demo2 (problem *Prob)
    cs *A, *C ;
    double *b, *x, *resid,  t, tol ;
    int k, m, n, ok, order, nb, ns, *r, *s, *rr, sprank ;
    csd *D ;
    if (!Prob) return (0) ;
    A = Prob->A ; C = Prob->C ; b = Prob->b ; x = Prob->x ; resid = Prob->resid;
    m = A->m ; n = A->n ;
    tol = Prob->sym ? 0.001 : 1 ;               /* partial pivoting tolerance */
    D = cs_dmperm (C, 1) ;                      /* randomized dmperm analysis */
    if (!D) return (0) ;
    nb = D->nb ; r = D->r ; s = D->s ; rr = D->rr ;
    sprank = rr [3] ;
    for (ns = 0, k = 0 ; k < nb ; k++)
        ns += ((r [k+1] == r [k]+1) && (s [k+1] == s [k]+1)) ;
    printf ("blocks: %g singletons: %g structural rank: %g\n",
        (double) nb, (double) ns, (double) sprank) ;
    cs_dfree (D) ;
    for (order = 0 ; order <= 3 ; order += 3)   /* natural and amd(A'*A) */
        if (!order && m > 1000) continue ;
        printf ("QR   ") ;
        print_order (order) ;
        rhs (x, b, m) ;                         /* compute right-hand side */
        t = tic () ;
        ok = cs_qrsol (order, C, x) ;           /* min norm(Ax-b) with QR */
        printf ("time: %8.2f ", toc (t)) ;
        print_resid (ok, C, x, b, resid) ;      /* print residual */
    if (m != n || sprank < n) return (1) ;      /* return if rect. or singular*/
    for (order = 0 ; order <= 3 ; order++)      /* try all orderings */
        if (!order && m > 1000) continue ;
        printf ("LU   ") ;
        print_order (order) ;
        rhs (x, b, m) ;                         /* compute right-hand side */
        t = tic () ;
        ok = cs_lusol (order, C, x, tol) ;      /* solve Ax=b with LU */
        printf ("time: %8.2f ", toc (t)) ;
        print_resid (ok, C, x, b, resid) ;      /* print residual */
    if (!Prob->sym) return (1) ;
    for (order = 0 ; order <= 1 ; order++)      /* natural and amd(A+A') */
        if (!order && m > 1000) continue ;
        printf ("Chol ") ;
        print_order (order) ;
        rhs (x, b, m) ;                         /* compute right-hand side */
        t = tic () ;
        ok = cs_cholsol (order, C, x) ;         /* solve Ax=b with Cholesky */
        printf ("time: %8.2f ", toc (t)) ;
        print_resid (ok, C, x, b, resid) ;      /* print residual */
    return (1) ;
Esempio n. 3
bool solve_sparse(int* px,int *py,double *pv,double *pB,int sz,int N) {
    cs a;
    a.m = a.n = N; = a.nzmax = sz;

    a.p = px;    a.i = py;
    a.x = pv;

    cs *pa = cs_compress(&a);
    int nRet = cs_cholsol(1,pa,pB);
    return 0 != nRet;