pcontact_t * getContactP_from_via(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d) { ppublic_t * p; struct via_body *vb; vb = cscf_get_ue_via(_m); if (!vb) { LM_WARN("no via header.....strange!\n"); return NULL; } if (vb->port == 0) vb->port = 5060; if (_m->id != current_msg_id) { current_msg_id = _m->id; c = NULL; LM_DBG("Looking for <%d://%.*s:%d>\n", vb->proto, vb->host.len, vb->host.s, vb->port); if (ul.get_pcontact_by_src(_d, &vb->host, vb->port, vb->proto, &c) == 1) LM_WARN("No entry in usrloc for %.*s:%i (Proto %i) found!\n", vb->host.len, vb->host.s, vb->port, vb->proto); } asserted_identity = NULL; if (c) { p = c->head; while (p) { if (p->is_default == 1) asserted_identity = &p->public_identity; p = p->next; } } return c; }
/** * Force Service routes (upon request) */ int force_service_routes(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d) { struct hdr_field *it; int i; str new_route_header; struct lump* lmp = NULL; char * buf; pcontact_t * c = getContactP(_m, _d, PCONTACT_REGISTERED,0 ,0); // char srcip[20]; // str received_host; struct via_body* vb; unsigned short port; unsigned short proto; // Contact not found => not following service-routes if (c == NULL) return -1; /* we need to be sure we have seen all HFs */ parse_headers(_m, HDR_EOH_F, 0); vb = cscf_get_ue_via(_m); port = vb->port?vb->port:5060; proto = vb->proto; /* Save current buffer */ buf = _m->buf; // Delete old Route headers: if (_m->route) { for (it = _m->route; it; it = it->next) { if (it->type == HDR_ROUTE_T) { if ((lmp = del_lump(_m, it->name.s - buf, it->len, HDR_ROUTE_T)) == 0) { LM_ERR("del_lump failed \n"); return -1; } } } } /* Reset dst_uri if previously set either by loose route or manually */ if (_m->dst_uri.s && _m->dst_uri.len) { pkg_free(_m->dst_uri.s); _m->dst_uri.s = NULL; _m->dst_uri.len = 0; } // received_host.len = ip_addr2sbuf(&_m->rcv.src_ip, srcip, sizeof(srcip)); // received_host.s = srcip; /* Lock this record while working with the data: */ ul.lock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); if (c->num_service_routes > 0) { /* Create anchor for new Route-Header: */ lmp = anchor_lump(_m, _m->headers->name.s - buf,0,0); if (lmp == 0) { LM_ERR("Failed to get anchor lump\n"); goto error; } /* Calculate the length: */ new_route_header.len = route_start.len + route_end.len + (c->num_service_routes-1) * route_sep.len; for(i=0; i< c->num_service_routes; i++) new_route_header.len+=c->service_routes[i].len; /* Allocate the memory for this new header: */ new_route_header.s = pkg_malloc(new_route_header.len); if (!new_route_header.s) { LM_ERR("Error allocating %d bytes\n", new_route_header.len); goto error; } /* Construct new header */ new_route_header.len = 0; STR_APPEND(new_route_header, route_start); for(i=0; i < c->num_service_routes; i++) { if (i) STR_APPEND(new_route_header, route_sep); STR_APPEND(new_route_header, c->service_routes[i]); } STR_APPEND(new_route_header, route_end); LM_DBG("Setting route header to <%.*s> \n", new_route_header.len, new_route_header.s); if ((lmp = insert_new_lump_after(lmp, new_route_header.s, new_route_header.len, HDR_ROUTE_T)) == 0) { LM_ERR("Error inserting new route set\n"); pkg_free(new_route_header.s); goto error; } LM_DBG("Setting dst_uri to <%.*s> \n", c->service_routes[0].len, c->service_routes[0].s); if (set_dst_uri(_m, &c->service_routes[0]) !=0 ) { LM_ERR("Error setting new dst uri\n"); goto error; } } /* Unlock domain */ ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); return 1; error: /* Unlock domain */ ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); return -1; return 1; }
/** * Check, if a user-agent follows the indicated service-routes */ int check_service_routes(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d) { struct sip_uri uri; int i; struct hdr_field *hdr; rr_t *r; char routes[MAXROUTES][MAXROUTESIZE]; unsigned int num_routes = 0; struct via_body * vb; unsigned short port; unsigned short proto; /* Contact not found => not following service-routes */ // if (c == NULL) return -1; /* Search for the first Route-Header: */ if (find_first_route(_m) < 0) return -1; // LM_DBG("Got %i Route-Headers.\n", c->num_service_routes); vb = cscf_get_ue_via(_m); port = vb->port?vb->port:5060; proto = vb->proto; /* Lock this record while working with the data: */ ul.lock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); if (_m->route) { hdr = _m->route; r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; //get rid of ourselves from route header if (r) { LM_DBG("Route is %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); while (r && (parse_uri(r->nameaddr.uri.s, r->nameaddr.uri.len, &uri) == 0) && check_self(&uri.host,uri.port_no?uri.port_no:SIP_PORT,0)) { LM_DBG("Self\n"); /* Check for more headers and fail, if it was the last one Check, if service-routes are indicated. If yes, request is not following service-routes */ if (find_next_route(_m, &hdr) != 0) r = NULL; else r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; LM_DBG("hdr is %p\n", hdr); LM_DBG("r is %p\n", r); if (r) LM_DBG("Next Route is %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); } int i = 0; while (r) { memset(routes[i],0,MAXROUTESIZE); memcpy(routes[i], r->nameaddr.uri.s, r->nameaddr.uri.len); if (find_next_route(_m, &hdr) != 0) r = NULL; else r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; i += 1; num_routes += 1; } LM_DBG("num_routes is %d\n", num_routes); for (i=0; i<num_routes; i++) { LM_DBG("route %d for checking is %s\n", i, routes[i]); } pcontact_t * c = getContactP(_m, _d, PCONTACT_REGISTERED, routes, num_routes); if (!c) { LM_DBG("no contact found in usrloc when checking for service route\n"); goto error; } LM_DBG("we have a contact which satisifes the routes...\n"); ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); return 1; } } else { LM_DBG("Request doesn't have any route headers to check service-route...ignoring\n"); goto error; } pcontact_t * c = getContactP(_m, _d, PCONTACT_REGISTERED, 0, 0); if (!c) { LM_DBG("no contact found in usrloc when checking for service route\n"); goto error; } /* Check the route-set: */ if (_m->route) { hdr = _m->route; LM_DBG("hdr is %p\n", hdr); /* Check, if the first host is ourself: */ r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; if (r) { LM_DBG("Route is %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); /* Skip first headers containing myself: */ while (r && (parse_uri(r->nameaddr.uri.s, r->nameaddr.uri.len, &uri) == 0) && check_self(&uri.host,uri.port_no?uri.port_no:SIP_PORT,0)) { LM_DBG("Self\n"); /* Check for more headers and fail, if it was the last one Check, if service-routes are indicated. If yes, request is not following service-routes */ if (find_next_route(_m, &hdr) != 0) r = NULL; else r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; if (!r && (c->num_service_routes > 0)) { LM_DBG("Not enough route-headers in Message\n"); goto error; } LM_DBG("hdr is %p\n", hdr); LM_DBG("r is %p\n", r); if (r) LM_DBG("Next Route is %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); } LM_DBG("We have %d service-routes\n", c->num_service_routes); /* Then check the following headers: */ for (i=0; i< c->num_service_routes; i++) { LM_DBG("Route must be: %.*s\n", c->service_routes[i].len, c->service_routes[i].s); /* No more Route-Headers? Not following service-routes */ if (!r) { LM_DBG("No more route headers in message.\n"); goto error; } LM_DBG("Route is: %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); /* Check length: */ if (r->nameaddr.uri.len != c->service_routes[i].len) { LM_DBG("Length does not match.\n"); goto error; } /* Check contents: */ if (strncasecmp(r->nameaddr.uri.s, c->service_routes[i].s, c->service_routes[i].len) != 0) { LM_DBG("String comparison failed.\n"); goto error; } if (find_next_route(_m, &hdr) != 0) r = NULL; else r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; } /* Check, if it was the last route-header in the message: */ if (r) { LM_DBG("Too many route headers in message.\n"); goto error; } } else { LM_WARN("Strange: Route-Header is present, but not parsed?!?"); if (c->num_service_routes > 0) goto error; } } else { LM_DBG("No route header in Message.\n"); /* No route-header? Check, if service-routes are indicated. If yes, request is not following service-routes */ if (c->num_service_routes > 0) goto error; } /* Unlock domain */ ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); return 1; error: /* Unlock domain */ ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); return -1; }
pcontact_t * getContactP(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d, enum pcontact_reg_states reg_state, char service_routes[][MAXROUTESIZE], int num_service_routes) { ppublic_t * p; contact_body_t *b = 0; contact_t *ct; pcontact_info_t search_ci; str received_host = {0, 0}; char srcip[50]; struct via_body *vb; unsigned short port, proto; str host; sip_uri_t contact_uri; int mustRetryViaSearch = 0; int mustRetryReceivedSearch = 0; LM_DBG("number of service routes to look for is %d\n", num_service_routes); b = cscf_parse_contacts(_m); if (_m->first_line.type == SIP_REPLY && _m->contact && _m->contact->parsed && b->contacts) { mustRetryViaSearch = 1; mustRetryReceivedSearch = 1; LM_DBG("This is a reply - to look for contact we favour the contact header above the via (b2bua)... if no contact we will use last via\n"); ct = b->contacts; host = ct->uri; if (parse_uri(ct->uri.s, ct->uri.len, &contact_uri) != 0) { LM_WARN("Failed to parse contact [%.*s]\n", ct->uri.len, ct->uri.s); return NULL; } host = contact_uri.host; port = contact_uri.port_no ? contact_uri.port_no : 5060; proto = contact_uri.proto; if (proto == 0) { LM_DBG("Contact protocol not specified - using received\n"); proto = _m->rcv.proto; } } else { if (_m->first_line.type == SIP_REPLY) LM_DBG("This is a reply but we are forced to use the via header\n"); else LM_DBG("This is a request - using first via to find contact\n"); vb = cscf_get_ue_via(_m); host = vb->host; port = vb->port ? vb->port : 5060; proto = vb->proto; } LM_DBG("searching for contact with host:port:proto contact [%d://%.*s:%d]\n", proto, host.len, host.s, port); received_host.len = ip_addr2sbuf(&_m->rcv.src_ip, srcip, sizeof (srcip)); received_host.s = srcip; // if (_m->id != current_msg_id) { current_msg_id = _m->id; c = NULL; //search_ci.reg_state = PCONTACT_REGISTERED; //we can do this because this function is always called expecting a REGISTERED contact memset(&search_ci, 0, sizeof(struct pcontact_info)); search_ci.reg_state = reg_state; search_ci.received_host.s = received_host.s; search_ci.received_host.len = received_host.len; search_ci.received_port = _m->rcv.src_port; search_ci.received_proto = _m->rcv.proto; search_ci.searchflag = SEARCH_RECEIVED; search_ci.num_service_routes = 0; if (is_registered_fallback2ip == 1) { search_ci.searchflag = SEARCH_NORMAL; } search_ci.via_host = host; search_ci.via_port = port; search_ci.via_prot = proto; search_ci.aor.s = 0; search_ci.aor.len = 0; int size = num_service_routes==0?1:num_service_routes; str s_service_routes[size]; int i; for (i=0;i<num_service_routes;i++) { s_service_routes[i].s = service_routes[i]; s_service_routes[i].len = strlen(service_routes[i]); LM_DBG("Setting service routes str for pos %d to %.*s", i, s_service_routes[i].len, s_service_routes[i].s); } if (num_service_routes > 0) { LM_DBG("asked to search for specific service routes...\n"); search_ci.service_routes = s_service_routes; search_ci.num_service_routes = num_service_routes; search_ci.extra_search_criteria = SEARCH_SERVICE_ROUTES; } // b = cscf_parse_contacts(_m); tryagain: if (b && b->contacts) { for (ct = b->contacts; ct; ct = ct->next) { search_ci.aor = ct->uri; if (ul.get_pcontact(_d, &search_ci, &c) == 0) { if (checkcontact(_m, c) != 0) { c = NULL; } else { break; } } } } else { LM_WARN("No contact-header found...\n"); } if ((c == NULL) && (is_registered_fallback2ip == 1)) { LM_INFO("Contact not found based on Contact-header, trying IP/Port/Proto\n"); // received_host.len = ip_addr2sbuf(&_m->rcv.src_ip, srcip, sizeof(srcip)); // received_host.s = srcip; search_ci.searchflag = SEARCH_RECEIVED; if (ul.get_pcontact(_d, &search_ci, &c) == 1) { LM_DBG("No entry in usrloc for %.*s:%i (Proto %i) found!\n", received_host.len, received_host.s, _m->rcv.src_port, _m->rcv.proto); } else { if (checkcontact(_m, c) != 0) { c = NULL; } } } if ((c == NULL) && (is_registered_fallback2ip == 2)) { LM_INFO("Contact not found based on IP/Port/Proto, trying Contact-header\n"); search_ci.searchflag = SEARCH_NORMAL; if (ul.get_pcontact(_d, &search_ci, &c) == 1) { } else { if (checkcontact(_m, c) != 0) { c = NULL; } } } asserted_identity = NULL; registration_contact = NULL; if (c) { LM_DBG("Trying to set asserted identity field"); registration_contact = &c->contact_user; p = c->head; while (p) { LM_DBG("Checking through contact users"); if (p->is_default == 1) { LM_DBG("Found default contact user so setting asserted identity"); asserted_identity = &p->public_identity; } p = p->next; } } if (asserted_identity != NULL && asserted_identity->len > 0) { LM_DBG("Have set the asserted_identity param to [%.*s]\n", asserted_identity->len, asserted_identity->s); } else { LM_DBG("Asserted identity not set"); } // LM_DBG("pcontact flag is [%d]\n", c->flags); // if (c && (c->flags & (1<<FLAG_READFROMDB)) != 0) { // LM_DBG("we have a contact that was read fresh from the DB....\n"); // } if (!c && mustRetryViaSearch) { LM_DBG("This is a reply so we will search using the last via once more...\n"); vb = cscf_get_ue_via(_m); search_ci.via_host = vb->host; search_ci.via_port = vb->port ? vb->port : 5060; search_ci.via_prot = vb->proto; mustRetryViaSearch = 0; goto tryagain; } if (!c && mustRetryReceivedSearch) { LM_DBG("This is a reply and we still don't have a match - will try src ip/port of message\n"); search_ci.via_host = received_host; search_ci.via_port = _m->rcv.src_port; search_ci.via_prot = _m->rcv.proto; mustRetryReceivedSearch = 0; goto tryagain; } return c; }
static int fill_contact(struct pcontact_info* ci, struct sip_msg* m) { contact_body_t* cb = NULL; struct via_body* vb = NULL; unsigned short port, proto = 0; struct sip_msg* req = NULL; if(!ci) { LM_ERR("fill_contact() called with null ptr\n"); return -1; } memset(ci, 0, sizeof(struct pcontact_info)); if(m->first_line.type == SIP_REQUEST) { struct sip_uri uri; memset(&uri, 0, sizeof(struct sip_uri)); if(parse_uri(m->first_line.u.request.uri.s, m->first_line.u.request.uri.len, &uri)) { LM_ERR("Can't parse the request URI from first line\n"); return -1; } // populate host,port, aor in CI ci->via_host = uri.host; ci->via_port = uri.port_no ? uri.port_no : 5060; ci->via_prot = proto; ci->aor = m->first_line.u.request.uri; req = m; } else if(m->first_line.type == SIP_REPLY) { cb = cscf_parse_contacts(m); vb = cscf_get_ue_via(m); port = vb->port?vb->port:5060; proto = vb->proto; struct cell *t = tmb.t_gett(); if (!t || t == (void*) -1) { LM_ERR("fill_contact(): Reply without transaction\n"); return -1; } req = t->uas.request; cb = cscf_parse_contacts(req); if (!cb || (!cb->contacts)) { LM_ERR("fill_contact(): No contact headers\n"); return -1; } // populate CI with bare minimum ci->via_host = vb->host; ci->via_port = port; ci->via_prot = proto; ci->aor = cb->contacts->uri; } char* srcip = NULL; if((srcip = pkg_malloc(50)) == NULL) { LM_ERR("Error allocating memory for source IP address\n"); return -1; } ci->received_host.len = ip_addr2sbuf(&req->rcv.src_ip, srcip, 50); ci->received_host.s = srcip; ci->received_port = req->rcv.src_port; ci->received_proto = req->rcv.proto; // Set to default, if not set: if (ci->received_port == 0) ci->received_port = 5060; return 0; }
/** * Save contact based on REGISTER request. this will be a pending save, until we receive response * from SCSCF. If no response after pending_timeout seconds, the contacts is removed. Can only be used from REQUEST ROUTE */ int save_pending(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d) { contact_body_t* cb = 0; int cexpires = 0; pcontact_t* pcontact; contact_t* c; struct pcontact_info ci; struct via_body* vb; unsigned short port, proto; int_str val; struct sip_uri parsed_received; char srcip[50]; memset(&ci, 0, sizeof(struct pcontact_info)); vb = cscf_get_ue_via(_m); port = vb->port?vb->port:5060; proto = vb->proto; cb = cscf_parse_contacts(_m); if (!cb || (!cb->contacts)) { LM_ERR("No contact headers\n"); goto error; } c = cb->contacts; //TODO: need support for multiple contacts - currently assume one contact //make sure this is not a de-registration int expires_hdr = cscf_get_expires_hdr(_m, 0); if (expires_hdr < 0) { //no global header we have to check the contact expiry if (c && c->expires && c->expires->body.len) { str2int(&(c->expires->body), (unsigned int*) &cexpires); } if (!cexpires){ //assume de-registration LM_DBG("not doing pending reg on de-registration\n"); return 1; } } pcscf_act_time(); int local_time_now = time_now; int expires = calc_contact_expires(c, expires_hdr, local_time_now); if (expires <= 0) { LM_DBG("not doing pending reg on de-registration\n"); return 1; } LM_DBG("Save Pending"); LM_DBG("contact requesting to expire in %d seconds\n", expires-local_time_now); /*populate CI with bare minimum*/ ci.via_host = vb->host; ci.via_port = port; ci.via_prot = proto; ci.aor = c->uri; ci.num_public_ids=0; ci.num_service_routes=0; ci.expires=local_time_now + pending_reg_expires; ci.reg_state=PCONTACT_ANY; ci.searchflag=SEARCH_RECEIVED; //we want to make sure we are very specific with this search to make sure we get the correct contact to put into reg_pending. // Received Info: First try AVP, otherwise simply take the source of the request: memset(&val, 0, sizeof(int_str)); if (rcv_avp_name.n != 0 && search_first_avp(rcv_avp_type, rcv_avp_name, &val, 0) && val.s.len > 0) { if (val.s.len > RECEIVED_MAX_SIZE) { LM_ERR("received too long\n"); goto error; } if (parse_uri(val.s.s, val.s.len, &parsed_received) < 0) { LM_DBG("Error parsing Received URI <%.*s>\n", val.s.len, val.s.s); goto error; } ci.received_host = parsed_received.host; ci.received_port = parsed_received.port_no; ci.received_proto = parsed_received.proto; } else { ci.received_host.len = ip_addr2sbuf(&_m->rcv.src_ip, srcip, sizeof(srcip)); ci.received_host.s = srcip; ci.received_port = _m->rcv.src_port; ci.received_proto = _m->rcv.proto; } // Set to default, if not set: if (ci.received_port == 0) ci.received_port = 5060; ul.lock_udomain(_d, &ci.via_host, ci.via_port, ci.via_prot); if (ul.get_pcontact(_d, &ci, &pcontact) != 0) { //need to insert new contact LM_DBG("Adding pending pcontact: <%.*s>\n", c->uri.len, c->uri.s); ci.reg_state=PCONTACT_REG_PENDING; if (ul.insert_pcontact(_d, &c->uri, &ci, &pcontact) != 0) { LM_ERR("Failed inserting new pcontact\n"); } else { LM_DBG("registering for UL callback\n"); ul.register_ulcb(pcontact, PCSCF_CONTACT_DELETE | PCSCF_CONTACT_EXPIRE | PCSCF_CONTACT_UPDATE, callback_pcscf_contact_cb, NULL); } } else { //contact already exists - update LM_DBG("Contact already exists - not doing anything for now\n"); } ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &ci.via_host, ci.via_port, ci.via_prot); return 1; error: LM_DBG("Error saving pending contact\n"); return -1; }
/** * Check, if a user-agent follows the indicated service-routes */ int check_service_routes(struct sip_msg* _m, udomain_t* _d) { struct sip_uri uri; int i; struct hdr_field *hdr; rr_t *r; // char srcip[20]; // str received_host; struct via_body * vb; unsigned short port; unsigned short proto; /* Contact not found => not following service-routes */ if (c == NULL) return -1; /* Search for the first Route-Header: */ if (find_first_route(_m) < 0) return -1; LM_DBG("Got %i Route-Headers.\n", c->num_service_routes); // received_host.len = ip_addr2sbuf(&_m->rcv.src_ip, srcip, sizeof(srcip)); // received_host.s = srcip; vb = cscf_get_ue_via(_m); port = vb->port?vb->port:5060; proto = vb->proto; /* Lock this record while working with the data: */ ul.lock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); pcontact_t * c = getContactP(_m, _d, PCONTACT_REGISTERED); if (!c) { LM_DBG("no contact found in usrloc when checking for service route\n"); goto error; } /* Check the route-set: */ if (_m->route) { hdr = _m->route; LM_DBG("hdr is %p\n", hdr); /* Check, if the first host is ourself: */ r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; if (r) { LM_DBG("Route is %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); /* Skip first headers containing myself: */ while (r && (parse_uri(r->nameaddr.uri.s, r->nameaddr.uri.len, &uri) == 0) && check_self(&uri.host,uri.port_no?uri.port_no:SIP_PORT,0)) { LM_DBG("Self\n"); /* Check for more headers and fail, if it was the last one Check, if service-routes are indicated. If yes, request is not following service-routes */ if (find_next_route(_m, &hdr) != 0) r = NULL; else r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; if (!r && (c->num_service_routes > 0)) { LM_DBG("Not enough route-headers in Message\n"); goto error; } LM_DBG("hdr is %p\n", hdr); LM_DBG("r is %p\n", r); if (r) LM_DBG("Next Route is %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); } LM_DBG("We have %d service-routes\n", c->num_service_routes); /* Then check the following headers: */ for (i=0; i< c->num_service_routes; i++) { LM_DBG("Route must be: %.*s\n", c->service_routes[i].len, c->service_routes[i].s); /* No more Route-Headers? Not following service-routes */ if (!r) { LM_DBG("No more route headers in message.\n"); goto error; } LM_DBG("Route is: %.*s\n", r->nameaddr.uri.len, r->nameaddr.uri.s); /* Check length: */ if (r->nameaddr.uri.len != c->service_routes[i].len) { LM_DBG("Length does not match.\n"); goto error; } /* Check contents: */ if (strncasecmp(r->nameaddr.uri.s, c->service_routes[i].s, c->service_routes[i].len) != 0) { LM_DBG("String comparison failed.\n"); goto error; } if (find_next_route(_m, &hdr) != 0) r = NULL; else r = (rr_t*)hdr->parsed; } /* Check, if it was the last route-header in the message: */ if (r) { LM_DBG("Too many route headers in message.\n"); goto error; } } else { LM_WARN("Strange: Route-Header is present, but not parsed?!?"); if (c->num_service_routes > 0) goto error; } } else { LM_DBG("No route header in Message.\n"); /* No route-header? Check, if service-routes are indicated. If yes, request is not following service-routes */ if (c->num_service_routes > 0) goto error; } /* Unlock domain */ ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); return 1; error: /* Unlock domain */ ul.unlock_udomain(_d, &vb->host, port, proto); return -1; }