Esempio n. 1
/* simpler dispersion relation for the case when Phi = 0 */
static void calc_dispersion2(struct param *p, double q, complex double e[])
	double denom = 2. * p->eta * q * q * (p->km1 + p->mu) +
		4. * p->eta * p->b +
		q*q*q*q*q * SQR(p->d) * p->km1 * p->mu +
		2. * q*q*q*q * SQR(p->d) * p->km1 * p->eta +
		2. * q*q*q * SQR(p->d) * p->km1 * p->b +
		4. * SQR(p->eta) * q;
	double tkappa = p->kappa + 2. * SQR(p->d) * p->km;
	double tmp1 = p->kappa * SQR(q) + p->gamma;
	double tmp2 = tkappa * SQR(q) + p->gamma;
//	printf("tkappa=%lg tmp1=%lg tmp2=%lg denom=%lg\n", tkappa, tmp1, tmp2, denom);

	/* prefactor omega^0 */
	double b = -.5 * q*q*q * p->km * tmp1 / denom;

	/* prefactor omega^1 */
	complex double a = -.5 * I * q * (
			4. * p->eta * q * p->km +
			2. * p->b * tmp2 +
			2. * q * p->eta * tmp2 +
			q*q * p->mu * tmp2 +
			q*q * p->km1 * tmp1) / denom;
//	printf("a=%lg%+lg b=%lg%+lg\n", creal(a), cimag(a), creal(b), cimag(b));

	e[0] = -.5 * a + csqrt(.25 * a * a - b);
	e[1] = -.5 * a - csqrt(.25 * a * a - b);
Esempio n. 2
inline double complex T2(double complex x, double complex z) {
  if (creal(x) >= -0.125 && cabs(f4(x,z)) < TOLERANCE2) {
    double complex temp = cpow(( -1.0 - 6.0 * x + 15.0 * x*x - 8.0 * x*x*x), ONE_THIRD) / 3.0;
    return c05 * (c1 - csqrt(f1(x) / 2.0 + temp) + csqrt( f1(x) - temp - c2 * x / csqrt(f1(x) / 2.0 + temp) ));
  } else {
    double complex temp = csqrt(f1(x) / 2.0 + f2(x,z) / (c3 * f4(x,z)) + f4(x,z) / c12);
    return c05 * (c1 - temp + csqrt( f1(x) - f2(x,z) / (c3 * f4(x,z)) - f4(x,z) / c12 - c2 * x / temp ));
Esempio n. 3
File: main.cpp Progetto: CCJY/coliru
int main()
    double complex z = csqrt(-1.0 + 0.0*I);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
    z = csqrt(1.0 + 2.0*I);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", creal(z), cimag(z));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
double complex
cacosh(double complex z)
	double complex w;

#if 0 /* does not give the principal value */
	w = I * cacos(z);
	w = clog(z + csqrt(z + 1) * csqrt(z - 1));
	return w;
Esempio n. 5
static void findroots(complex double a, complex double b, complex double c,
							complex double e[])
	int i;
	complex double p = (b - a * a / 3.) / 3.;
	complex double q = (2. * a * a * a / 27. - a * b / 3. + c) / 2.;
	complex double D = creal(p * p * p + q * q); /* MODEL SPECIFIC!!! */
	double eps;

	assert(abs(cimag(p)) < 1e-10);
	assert(abs(creal(q)) < 1e-10);
	assert(abs(cimag(p * p * p + q * q)) < 1e-10);

	complex double upr = -q + csqrt(D);
	double mod_upr = pow(cabs(upr), 1. / 3.);
	double arg_upr = carg(upr);
	complex double umr = -q - csqrt(D);
	double mod_umr = pow(cabs(umr), 1. / 3.);
	double arg_umr = carg(umr);

	complex double rp = .5 * (-1. + I * sqrt(3.));
	complex double rm = .5 * (-1. - I * sqrt(3.));
	complex double up = mod_upr * cexp(I * arg_upr / 3.);

	for (eps = 1e-30; eps < 1e-6; eps *= 10.) {
		complex double um[3];
		double sort[3];

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			um[i] = mod_umr * cexp(I*(2. * M_PI * i + arg_umr) / 3.);
			sort[i] = cabs((um[i] * up + p) / p);
		qsort(sort, 3, sizeof(*sort), cmp);

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			double test = cabs((um[i] * up + p) / p);
			if (test == sort[0] && test < eps) {
				e[0] = up + um[i] - a / 3.;
				e[1] = rp * up + rm * um[i] - a / 3.;
				e[2] = rm * up + rp * um[i] - a / 3.;
	fprintf(stderr, "This should never happen!\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "up=%lg%+lg*I p=%lg%+lg*I q=%lg%+lg*I D=%lg\n",
		creal(up), cimag(up), creal(p), cimag(p),
		creal(q), cimag(q), creal(D));
Esempio n. 6
int m2_solve_quartic_equation(double d4, double d3,
                              double d2, double d1, double d0,
                              double roots[4])
    Complex a3 = d3 / d4;
    Complex a2 = d2 / d4;
    Complex a1 = d1 / d4;
    Complex a0 = d0 / d4;
    Complex W = 1./3;
    Complex X = 12*a0 - 3*a1*a3 + a2*a2;
    Complex P = -72*a0*a2 - 9*a1*a2*a3 + 27*a1*a1 + 27*a0*a3*a3 + 2*a2*a2*a2;
    Complex Q = cpow(X,3);
    Complex S = csqrt(-4*Q + cpow(P,2));
    Complex T = -8*a1 + 4*a2*a3 - a3*a3*a3;
    Complex B = cabs(P + S) < 1e-15 ? 0.0 : (cpow(2,W)*X)/(3.*cpow(P + S,W));
    Complex U = (-2*a2)/3. + (a3*a3)/4. + B;
    Complex C = csqrt(U + cpow(P + S,W)/(3.*cpow(2,W)))/2.;
    Complex D = cpow(P + S,W)/(3.*cpow(2,W));
    Complex E = T/(4.*csqrt(U + D));
    Complex F = csqrt((-4*a2)/3. + (a3*a3)/2. - B - D - E)/2.;
    Complex G = csqrt((-4*a2)/3. + (a3*a3)/2. - B - D + E)/2.;
    Complex r0 = -a3/4. - C - F;
    Complex r1 = -a3/4. - C + F;
    Complex r2 = -a3/4. + C - G;
    Complex r3 = -a3/4. + C + G;

    roots[0] = creal(r0);
    roots[1] = creal(r1);
    roots[2] = creal(r2);
    roots[3] = creal(r3);

    if (roots[0] != roots[0] ||
            roots[1] != roots[1] ||
            roots[2] != roots[2] ||
            roots[3] != roots[3]) {
        /* set breakpoint */
        return 0;

    /* int nr = 0; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r0)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r1)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r2)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */
    /* if (fabs(cimag(r3)) < 1e-10) ++nr; */

    /* the check for realness of roots is hard to make robust */
    return 4;
Esempio n. 7
/* Conformal map that takes the unit disc onto the disc minus a slit
 * starting at cexp(I * u). Approximates the atomic maps for radial
 * SLE, and the reciprocal of this approximates the atomic maps for
 * full plane SLE. */
static complex sle_cmap_slit_disc(double t, double u, complex z)
  complex rotation = cexp((I * u));
  complex w = 4 * cexp(-t) * z;
  complex v = z + 1;
  return rotation * 1.0/w * (2 * v * v - w - 2 * v * csqrt(v * v - w));
Esempio n. 8
 *  \brief
 *      Returns the two roots of the quadratic equation.
 *  \details
 *      Returns the two roots of the quadratic equation;
 *              \f[a z^2 + b z + c = 0,\f]
 *      where \f$a, b, c\f$ are real coefficients.
 *      \param[in]      a   Real coefficient of the \f$z^2\f$ term.
 *      \param[in]      b   Real coefficient of the \f$z\f$ term.
 *      \param[in]      c   Real constant term.
 *      \param[out]     z1  First (possibly complex) root.
 *      \param[out]     z2  Second (possibly complex) root.
 *      \return         The number of real roots
 *      \author         Mike Henderson
 *      \date           2011
int  Lgm_QuadraticRoots( double a, double b, double c, double complex *z1, double complex *z2 ){

    int             nReal;
    double          x, D2 = b*b - 4.0*a*c;
    double complex  D;

    if ( fabs(D2) < 1e-10 ) {
        // roots are real and equal
        nReal = 2;
        x = -0.5*b/a;
        *z1 = *z2 = x;
    } else if ( D2 > 0.0 ) {
        // roots are real and unequal
        nReal = 2;
        D = sqrt(D2);
        x = (-b + D)/(2.0*a); *z1 = x;
        x = (-b - D)/(2.0*a); *z2 = x;
    } else {
        // roots are imaginary and unequal
        nReal = 0;
        D = csqrt(D2);
        *z1 = (-b + D)/(2.0*a);
        *z2 = (-b - D)/(2.0*a);


 *  Function: PASTIX_potrf
 *  Factorization LLt BLAS2 3 terms
 * > A = LL^T
 * Parameters:
 *    A       - Matrix to factorize
 *    n       - Size of A
 *    stride  - Stide between 2 columns of the matrix
 *    nbpivot - IN/OUT pivot number.
 *    critere - Pivoting threshold.
PASTIX_potrf (PASTIX_FLOAT * A, PASTIX_INT n, PASTIX_INT stride, PASTIX_INT *nbpivot, double critere)
  PASTIX_FLOAT *tmp,*tmp1;

  for (k=0;k<n;k++)
      tmp=A+k* (stride+1);
#ifdef USE_CSC
      if (ABS_FLOAT(*tmp)<critere)
          (*tmp) = (PASTIX_FLOAT)critere;
      *tmp = (PASTIX_FLOAT)csqrt(*tmp);
      *tmp = (PASTIX_FLOAT)sqrt(*tmp);
      if (*tmp < 0)
          errorPrint ("Negative diagonal term\n");
      SOPALIN_SCAL (n-k-1,(fun/(*tmp)),tmp1,iun);
      SOPALIN_SYR ("L",n-k-1,-fun,tmp1,iun,tmp1+stride,stride);
Esempio n. 10
//## Complex Complex.csqrtf();
static KMETHOD Complex_csqrtf(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kComplex *kc = (kComplex *) sfp[0].asObject;
	float _Complex zf = (float _Complex)kc->z;
	float ret = csqrt(zf);
Esempio n. 11
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
  _Complex double x = -1.0;
  _Complex double y;
  FILE * file;
  y = csqrt(x) + x;

  /* we now test whether the real and imaginary parts can serve as lvalues */

  printf("C99 complex numbers seem to be supported, 1+sqrt(-1)=%f+%fi\n",

  file = fopen( argv[1], "a" );
  if ( file == NULL ) {
    printf("Problem opening file.\n");
    return 1;
  fprintf(file, "/* Does the compiler support C99 complex numbers? */\n");
  fprintf(file, "#define TAUCS_C99_COMPLEX\n");
  fclose( file );

  return 0;
Esempio n. 12
//## Complex Complex.csqrtl();
static KMETHOD Complex_csqrtl(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kComplex *kc = (kComplex *) sfp[0].asObject;
	long double _Complex zl = (long double _Complex)kc->z;
	long double ret = csqrt(zl);
Esempio n. 13
 * Initialisation of a transform plan, guru.
 * \arg ths The pointer to a fpt plan
 * \arg N The number of source nodes
 * \arg M The number of target nodes
 * \arg sigma The parameter of the Gaussian
 * \arg n The polynomial expansion degree
 * \arg p the periodisation length, at least 1
 * \arg m The spatial cut-off of the nfft
 * \arg flags FGT flags to use
 * \author Stefan Kunis
void fgt_init_guru(fgt_plan *ths, int N, int M, double _Complex sigma, int n,
		   double p, int m, unsigned flags)
  int j,n_fftw;
  fftw_plan fplan;

  ths->M = M;
  ths->N = N;
  ths->sigma = sigma;
  ths->flags = flags;

  ths->x = (double*)nfft_malloc(ths->N*sizeof(double));
  ths->y = (double*)nfft_malloc(ths->M*sizeof(double));
  ths->alpha = (double _Complex*)nfft_malloc(ths->N*sizeof(double _Complex));
  ths->f = (double _Complex*)nfft_malloc(ths->M*sizeof(double _Complex));

  ths->n = n;
  ths->p = p;

  ths->b = (double _Complex*)nfft_malloc(ths->n*sizeof(double _Complex));

  ths->nplan1 = (nfft_plan*) nfft_malloc(sizeof(nfft_plan));
  ths->nplan2 = (nfft_plan*) nfft_malloc(sizeof(nfft_plan));


  nfft_init_guru(ths->nplan1, 1, &(ths->n), ths->N, &n_fftw, m, PRE_PHI_HUT|
  nfft_init_guru(ths->nplan2, 1, &(ths->n), ths->M, &n_fftw, m, PRE_PHI_HUT|

  ths->nplan1->f = ths->alpha;
  ths->nplan2->f_hat = ths->nplan1->f_hat;
  ths->nplan2->f = ths->f;

  if(ths->flags & FGT_APPROX_B)
      fplan = fftw_plan_dft_1d(ths->n, ths->b, ths->b, FFTW_FORWARD,

      for(j=0; j<ths->n; j++)
	ths->b[j] = cexp(-ths->p*ths->p*ths->sigma*(j-ths->n/2)*(j-ths->n/2)/
                          ((double)ths->n*ths->n)) / ths->n;

      nfft_fftshift_complex(ths->b, 1, &ths->n);
      nfft_fftshift_complex(ths->b, 1, &ths->n);

      for(j=0; j<ths->n; j++)
	ths->b[j] = 1.0/ths->p * csqrt(PI/ths->sigma)*
Esempio n. 14
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  if(argc < 3) {
  json_object *jobj = json_tokener_parse(argv[2]);
  if(json_object_get_type(jobj)!=json_type_array) {
    printf("Input error: second argument is not a JSON array.\n");
    printf("%s\n", argv[2]);
    printf("%s\n", argv[3]);
  struct layer *layerlist = layers2list(argv[1]);
  int nf = json_object_array_length(jobj);
  int i;
  json_object *jvalue;
  float omega;
  float complex g, iwm, coth_gd;
  struct layer *l;
  float complex Z;
  printf("freq Zreal Zimag rhoa\n");
  for(i = 0; i < nf; ++i) {
    jvalue = json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, i);
    omega = json_object_get_double(jvalue);
    l = layerlist;
    Z = csqrt(I * omega * mu / l->sigma);
    l = l->prev;
    while(l) {
      g = csqrt(I * omega * mu * l->sigma);
      iwm = I * omega * mu;
      coth_gd = 1 / ctanh(g * l->d);
      Z *= g / iwm;
      Z = (Z * coth_gd + 1) / (Z + coth_gd);
      Z *= iwm / g;
      l = l->prev;
    printf("%f %f %f %f\n", omega, creal(Z), cimag(Z), pow(cabs(Z), 2) / (omega * mu));
  return 0;
Esempio n. 15
double complex casin(double complex z) {
    double complex w;
    double x, y;

    x = creal(z);
    y = cimag(z);
    w = CMPLX(1.0 - (x - y) * (x + y), -2.0 * x * y);
    return clog(CMPLX(-y, x) + csqrt(w));
Esempio n. 16
int main(void) {
  float complex i = I;
  double _Complex another_i = i;

  put_complex(another_i + 5.);
  put_complex(i * another_i);
  put_complex(cpow(I, CMPLX(6., 0.)));
Esempio n. 17
 *  \brief
 *      Returns the four roots of the quartic equation with real coefficients.
 *  \details
 *      Returns the four roots of the quartic equation;
 *              \f[z^4 + b z^3 + c z^2 + d z + e = 0,\f]
 *      where \f$b, c, d, e\f$ are real coefficients, and the coefficient on the
 *      \f$z^4\f$ term is assumed to be 1.
 *      This rotuine uses Ferrari's' method. The idea is to recast the quartic
 *      in terms of a quadratic. In the process of doing this, a real root of a
 *      cubic equation needs to be obtained (hence the reason for
 *      Lgm_RealCubicRoot()).
 *      \param[in]      b   Real coefficient of the \f$z^3\f$ term.
 *      \param[in]      c   Real coefficient of the \f$z^2\f$ term.
 *      \param[in]      d   Real coefficient of the \f$z\f$ term.
 *      \param[in]      e   Real constant term.
 *      \param[out]     z1  First (possibly complex) root.
 *      \param[out]     z2  First (possibly complex) root.
 *      \param[out]     z3  First (possibly complex) root.
 *      \param[out]     z4  First (possibly complex) root.
 *      \return         The number of real roots found.
 *      \author         Mike Henderson
 *      \date           2011
int Lgm_QuarticRoots( double b, double c, double d, double e, double complex *z1, double complex *z2, double complex *z3, double complex *z4 ){

    int             nReal;
    double          p, q, r, y1, v, R2, b2, b3, f;
    double complex  D, E, g, R, s, t;

     * Obtain a real root from the "resolvent cubic".
     *    y^3 + p y^2 + q y + r = 0
    p  = -c;
    q  = (b*d - 4.0*e);
    r  = 4.0*c*e - b*b*e - d*d;
    y1 = Lgm_CubicRealRoot( p, q, r );

     * Construct the quadratic and solve. (Must use complex math of course.)
    b2 = b*b;
    b3 = b*b2;
    R2 = b2/4.0 - c + y1;
    R  = csqrt( R2 ); // R will in general be complex

     *  If R is small do the first one. Its fairly sensitive here...
    if ( fabs(R2) < 1e-7 ) {
        v = y1*y1 - 4.0*e;
        f = 0.75*b2 - 2.0*c;
        g = 2.0*csqrt( v );
        D = csqrt( f + g );
        E = csqrt( f - g );
        s = t = -0.5*b;
    } else {
        f = 0.75*b2 - R2 - 2.0*c;
        g = 0.25*(4.0*b*c - 8.0*d - b3)/R;
        D = csqrt( f + g );
        E = csqrt( f - g );
        s = -0.5*b + R;
        t = -0.5*b - R;

    *z1 = 0.5*( s + D);
    *z2 = 0.5*( s - D);
    *z3 = 0.5*( t + E);
    *z4 = 0.5*( t - E);

    nReal = 0;
    if ( fabs(cimag(*z1)) < 1e-10 ) ++nReal;
    if ( fabs(cimag(*z2)) < 1e-10 ) ++nReal;
    if ( fabs(cimag(*z3)) < 1e-10 ) ++nReal;
    if ( fabs(cimag(*z4)) < 1e-10 ) ++nReal;

    return( nReal );

Esempio n. 18
Xtetra(struct place *place, double *x, double *y)
	int i,j;
	struct place pl;
	register struct tproj *tpp;
	double vr, vi;
	double br, bi;
	double zr,zi,z2r,z2i,z4r,z4i,sr,si,tr,ti;
	zr = vr/2;
	zi = vi/2;
		zr = TFUZZ;
	z2r *= two_rt3;
	z2i *= two_rt3;
	if(br<0) {
		br = -br;
		bi = -bi;
			return 0;
		vr = fpir - vr;
		vi = fpii - vi;
	} else 
			return 0;
	if(si>=0) {
		tr = f0r - vi;
		ti = f0i + vr;
	} else {
		tr = f0r + vi;
		ti = f0i - vr;
	tpp = &tproj[i][j];
	*x = tr*tpp->postrot.c +
	     ti*tpp->postrot.s + tx[i];
	*y = ti*tpp->postrot.c -
	     tr*tpp->postrot.s + ty[i];
Esempio n. 19
static int
Xhex(struct place *place, double *x, double *y)
	int ns;
	int i;
	double zr,zi;
	double sr,si,tr,ti,ur,ui,vr,vi,yr,yi;
	struct place p;
	ns = place->nlat.l >= 0;
	if(!ns) {
		p.nlat.l = -p.nlat.l;
		p.nlat.s = -p.nlat.s;
	if(p.nlat.l<HFUZZ) {
			if(fabs(reduce(p.wlon.l-hcut[i]))<HFUZZ) {
				if(i==2) {
					*x = 2*cr[0] - cr[1];
					*y = 0;
				} else {
					*x = cr[1];
					*y = 2*ci[2*i];
		p.nlat.l = HFUZZ;
	zr /= 2;
	zi /= 2;
	yr /= rootk;
	yi /= rootk;
	if(yr < 0)
		*x = w2 - *x;
	if(!ns) reflect(hcut[0]>place->wlon.l?0:
Esempio n. 20
  getRefraction ()
  This function retrieve the x-ray index of refraction and
  Atomic scattering factors f1 and f2
int getRefraction (int mode)
  int     i, Z=0;
  float   energy_keV;
  complex cosThetaIn, sinThetaIn, cosThetaOut, n, sAmpReflect, pAmpReflect;
  if (verbose > 3) { fprintf(stdout, "getRefraction: targetFormula = %s\n", targetFormula); }
  if (verbose > 2) { 
    if ( mode==1 ) { 
      fprintf(stdout, "\n Index  PhotonEnergy    delta        beta"); 
    } else if ( mode==6 ) { 
      fprintf(stdout, "\n Index  PhotonEnergy    delta        beta      Refelectivity"); 
    } else { fprintf(stdout, "\n Index  PhotonEnergy       f1          f2"); 
    fprintf(stdout, "\n            (eV)       ");

  cosThetaIn = cos(thetaIn  * degToRad);
  sinThetaIn = sin(thetaIn  * degToRad);
  if (mode > 9 )   { Z = SymbolToAtomicNumber ( targetFormula ); }
  for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) {
    energy_keV  = 0.001 * energy[i];
    if ( mode < 10 ) {  /* Compound target */
      RefracIndexRe[i] = Refractive_Index_Re ( targetFormula, energy_keV, targetDensity );
      RefracIndexIm[i] = Refractive_Index_Im ( targetFormula, energy_keV, targetDensity );
      delta[i]         = 1.0 - RefracIndexRe[i];
      beta[i]          = RefracIndexIm[i];
      if (verbose>2) { fprintf(stdout, "\n %4d %12.1f %12.4g %12.4g", i, energy[i], delta[i], beta[i]); }
      if ( mode==6 ) {  /* Mirror reflectivity */
        n = RefracIndexRe[i] + RefracIndexIm[i] * _Complex_I;
        cosThetaOut     = csqrt(n * n - sinThetaIn * sinThetaIn) / n;
        sAmpReflect     = ( cosThetaIn - n * cosThetaOut ) / (cosThetaIn + n * cosThetaOut );
        pAmpReflect     = ( cosThetaOut - n * cosThetaIn ) / (cosThetaOut + n * cosThetaIn );
        reflectivity[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 + polarization) * cabs(pAmpReflect * pAmpReflect) + 0.5 * (1.0 - polarization) * cabs(sAmpReflect * sAmpReflect);
        // fprintf(stdout, "\n n = %f,%f, determ = %f, %f", n, determ); 
        // fprintf(stdout, "\n sAmpReflect = %f, %f, pAmpReflect = %f, %f, reflectivity = %f", sAmpReflect, pAmpReflect, reflectivity[i]); 
        if (verbose>2) { fprintf(stdout, "%12.4g", reflectivity[i]); }
    } else { /* Atomic scattering factor */
      ScattFactor1[i] = Z + Fi( Z, energy_keV );
      ScattFactor2[i] = - Fii(Z, energy_keV );
      if (verbose>2) { fprintf(stdout, "\n %4d %12.1f %12.4g %12.4g", i, energy[i], ScattFactor1[i], ScattFactor2[i]); }

  fprintf(stdout, "\n");
  return 0;
Esempio n. 21
cmplx (double _Complex z)
  cabs (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 129 } */
  cacos (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 131 } */
  cacosh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 133 } */
  carg (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 135 } */
  casin (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 137 } */
  casinh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 139 } */
  catan (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 141 } */
  catanh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 143 } */
  ccos (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 145 } */
  ccosh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 147 } */
  cexp (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 149 } */
  cimag (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 151 } */
  clog (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 153 } */
  conj (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 155 } */
  cpow (z, z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 157 } */
  cproj (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 159 } */
  creal (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 161 } */
  csin (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 163 } */
  csinh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 165 } */
  csqrt (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 167 } */
  ctan (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 169 } */
  ctanh (z); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..complex.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 171 } */
int main (void)
	double a, b, c;
	printf("This program finds the values of a quadric equation.\n");
	printf("Please enter three coefficients of the polynomial: ");
	scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &a, &b, &c); 
	double complex discriminant_sqrt = csqrt(b*b - 4*a*c);
	double complex root1 = (-b + discriminant_sqrt) / (2*a);
	double complex root2 = (-b - discriminant_sqrt) / (2*a);
	printf("root1 = %g + %gi\n", creal(root1), cimag(root1));
	printf("root2 = %g + %gi\n", creal(root2), cimag(root2));
	return 0;
Esempio n. 23
int laguer(double complex a[], const int m, double complex *x, int *its, const int maxit) {
  int iter, i, j;
  double abx, abp, abm, err;
  double complex dx,x1,b,d,f,g,h,sq,gp,gm,g2;
  static double frac[MR+1] = {0.0,0.5,0.25,0.75,0.13,0.38,0.62,0.88,1.0};
  for (iter = 1; iter <= maxit; iter++) { 
    *its = iter;
    b = a[m];
    err = cabs(b);
    d = 0.;
    f = 0.;
    abx = cabs(*x);
    for (j = m-1; j >= 0; j--) {
      f = (*x) * f + d;
      d = (*x) * d + b;
      b = (*x) * b + a[j];
      err = cabs(b) + abx * err;
    err *= epss;
    if (cabs(b) <= err) return(0);
    g = d / b;
    g2 = g * g;
    h = g2 - 2. * f / b;
    sq = csqrt((double)(m-1) * ((double)(m)*h - g2));
    gp = g + sq;
    gm = g - sq;
    abp = cabs(gp);
    abm = cabs(gm);
    if (abp < abm) gp = gm;
    dx=((dmax(abp,abm) > 0. ?
	 ((double complex)(m))/gp :
	 (1. + abx)*(cos((double)iter) + _Complex_I*sin((double)iter))));
    x1 = (*x) - dx;
    if (creal(*x) == creal(x1) && cimag(*x) == cimag(x1)) {
    if (iter % MT) {
    else {
      *x = (*x) - frac[iter/MT]*dx;
  fprintf(stderr, "Too many iterations in laguer\n");
inline void runFFT(fftwf_plan plan, GDALDataset *srcDS, complex float *img, int band, GDALDataset *dstDS)
	const size_t px_count = srcDS->GetRasterXSize() * srcDS->GetRasterYSize();

	/* Note: sizeof(complex float) * dstDS->GetRasterXSize() is the length of a scanline
         *       in the destination image's buffer. This is used in case the source is smaller
         *       than the destination (as we don't want to rescale... I think.
	srcDS->GetRasterBand(band)->RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, 0, 
				   srcDS->GetRasterXSize(), srcDS->GetRasterYSize(),
				   img, srcDS->GetRasterXSize(), srcDS->GetRasterYSize(),
				   GDT_CFloat32, 0, sizeof(complex float) * dstDS->GetRasterXSize());

	complex float norm = csqrt(px_count + 0I);
	for(int i = 0; i < px_count; i++) {
		img[i] = img[i] / norm;
Esempio n. 25
int quad_roots(double complex* argv, double complex* roots)
  /* Chan, Joey, JMCSC, ync12 */
  double complex c2 = *(argv+0),
                 c1 = *(argv+1),
                 c0 = *(argv+2);

  if (cabs(c2)< DBL_EPSILON)
    c2 = 0. +  0*I;  
  if (cabs(c1)< DBL_EPSILON)
    c1 = 0. +  0*I;  
  if (cabs(c0)< DBL_EPSILON)
    c0 = 0. +  0*I;

  //printf("c2 = %10.5g + %10.5gi\n", creal(c2), cimag(c2));
  //printf("c1 = %10.5g + %10.5gi\n", creal(c1), cimag(c1));
  //printf("c0 = %10.5g + %10.5gi\n", creal(c0), cimag(c0));

  double complex* r1 = roots+1,
                * r2 = roots+2;
  double complex delta;

  if (cabs(c2) == 0)
    return lin_root(&c1, roots);

  delta = c1 * c1 - 4. * c2 * c0;
  //printf("delta = (%10.5g, %10.5g)\n", creal(delta), cimag(delta));
  delta = csqrt(delta);
  *r1 = (-c1 - delta)/(2*c2);
  *r2 = (-c1 + delta)/(2*c2);

  //printf("c2 = (%10.5g, %10.5g)\n", creal(c2), cimag(c2));
  //printf("c1 = (%10.5g, %10.5g)\n", creal(c1), cimag(c1));
  //printf("c0 = (%10.5g, %10.5g)\n", creal(c0), cimag(c0));
  //printf("sqrt(delta) = (%10.5g, %10.5g)\n", creal(delta), cimag(delta));
  //printf("*r1 = (%10.5g, %10.5g)\n", creal(*r1), cimag(*r1));
  //printf("*r2 = (%10.5g, %10.5g)\n", creal(*r2), cimag(*r2));
  return 0;
Esempio n. 26
static inline void ntffOutput()
    const double w_s = field_getOmega();
    const double complex coef = csqrt( 2*M_PI*C_0_S/(I*w_s) );
    const int maxTime = field_getMaxTime();
    NTFFInfo nInfo = field_getNTFFInfo();
    double complex *Eth = (double complex*)malloc(sizeof(double complex)*360*nInfo.arraySize);
    double complex *Eph = (double complex*)malloc(sizeof(double complex)*360*nInfo.arraySize);
    int ang;
    double theta = 0;
    for(ang=0; ang<360; ang++)
        double phi = ang*M_PI/180.0;

        int k= ang*nInfo.arraySize;
        double sx = cos(theta)*cos(phi);
        double sy = cos(theta)*sin(phi);
        double sz = -cos(theta); //宇野先生の本では -sin(theta)になってる
        double px = -sin(phi);
        double py = cos(phi);
        int i;
        for(i=0; i < maxTime; i++)
            double complex WTH = 0 + 0 + Wz[k+i]*sz;
            double complex WPH = 0 + 0;
            double complex UTH = Ux[k+i]*sx + Uy[k+i]*sy + 0;
            double complex UPH = Ux[k+i]*px + Uy[k+i]*py;
            double complex ETH  = coef*(-Z_0_S*WTH-UPH);
            double complex EPH  = coef*(-Z_0_S*WPH+UTH);

            Eth[k+i] = ETH;
            Eph[k+i] = EPH;
    ntffSaveData("Eph", Eph);
    ntffSaveData("Eth", Eth);
void move_stars_LF_complex_kick(Star *s, int N, double complex dt){
	/* XXX uses softening XXX */
	int i, j, d;
	double mi, *ri, *vi, *riI, *viI;
	double mj, *rj, *vj, *rjI, *vjI;
	double complex rij[3], rij2;
	double complex apre, apostpre;
	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
		mi  = s[i].m;
		ri  = s[i].r;
		riI = s[i].rI;
		vi  = s[i].v;
		viI = s[i].vI;
		for (j=i+1; j<N; j++) {
			mj  = s[j].m;
			rj  = s[j].r;
			rjI = s[j].rI;
			vj  = s[j].v;
			vjI = s[j].vI;
			for (d=0; d<3; d++){
				rij[d] = (ri[d] - rj[d])
				       + I*(riI[d] - rjI[d]);

			rij2 = rij[0]*rij[0] + rij[1]*rij[1] +
				rij[2]*rij[2] + eps2;
			apre = 1.0/(rij2*csqrt(rij2));

			for (d=0; d<3; d++){
				apostpre = apre * rij[d] * dt;
				vi[d]  -= mj * creal(apostpre);
				viI[d] -= mj * cimag(apostpre);
				vj[d]  += mi * creal(apostpre);
				vjI[d] += mi * cimag(apostpre);
int ChebyshevFilter::zplna()
    cmplx r, cnum, cden, cwc, ca, cb, b4ac;
    double C;
    if( kind == 3 )
        C = c;
        C = wc;
    for( i=0; i<ARRSIZ; i++ )
        z[i].r = 0.0;
        z[i].i = 0.0;
    nc = np;
    jt = -1;
    ii = -1;
    for( icnt=0; icnt<2; icnt++ )
        /* The maps from s plane to z plane */
            ir = ii + 1;
            ii = ir + 1;
            r.r = zs[ir];
            r.i = zs[ii];
            switch( type )
            case 1:
            case 3:
                /* Substitute  s - r  =  s/wc - r = (1/wc)(z-1)/(z+1) - r
                 *     1  1 - r wc (       1 + r wc )
                 * =  --- -------- ( z  -  -------- )
                 *    z+1    wc    (       1 - r wc )
                 * giving the root in the z plane.
                cnum.r = 1 + C * r.r;
                cnum.i = C * r.i;
                cden.r = 1 - C * r.r;
                cden.i = -C * r.i;
                jt += 1;
                cdiv( &cden, &cnum, &z[jt] );
                if( r.i != 0.0 )
                    /* fill in complex conjugate root */
                    jt += 1;
                    z[jt].r = z[jt-1 ].r;
                    z[jt].i = -z[jt-1 ].i;
            case 2:
            case 4:
                /* Substitute  s - r  =>  s/wc - r
                 *     z^2 - 2 z cgam + 1
                 * =>  ------------------  -  r
                 *         (z^2 + 1) wc
                 *         1
                 * =  ------------  [ (1 - r wc) z^2  - 2 cgam z  +  1 + r wc ]
                 *    (z^2 + 1) wc
                 * and solve for the roots in the z plane.
                if( kind == 2 )
                    cwc.r = cbp;
                    cwc.r = c;
                cwc.i = 0.0;
                cmul( &r, &cwc, &cnum );     /* r wc */
                csub( &cnum, &cone, &ca );   /* a = 1 - r wc */
                cmul( &cnum, &cnum, &b4ac ); /* 1 - (r wc)^2 */
                csub( &b4ac, &cone, &b4ac );
                b4ac.r *= 4.0;               /* 4ac */
                b4ac.i *= 4.0;
                cb.r = -2.0 * cgam;          /* b */
                cb.i = 0.0;
                cmul( &cb, &cb, &cnum );     /* b^2 */
                csub( &b4ac, &cnum, &b4ac ); /* b^2 - 4 ac */
                csqrt( &b4ac, &b4ac );
                cb.r = -cb.r;  /* -b */
                cb.i = -cb.i;
                ca.r *= 2.0; /* 2a */
                ca.i *= 2.0;
                cadd( &b4ac, &cb, &cnum );   /* -b + sqrt( b^2 - 4ac) */
                cdiv( &ca, &cnum, &cnum );   /* ... /2a */
                jt += 1;
                cmov( &cnum, &z[jt] );
                if( cnum.i != 0.0 )
                    jt += 1;
                    z[jt].r = cnum.r;
                    z[jt].i = -cnum.i;
                if( (r.i != 0.0) || (cnum.i == 0) )
                    csub( &b4ac, &cb, &cnum );  /* -b - sqrt( b^2 - 4ac) */
                    cdiv( &ca, &cnum, &cnum );  /* ... /2a */
                    jt += 1;
                    cmov( &cnum, &z[jt] );
                    if( cnum.i != 0.0 )
                        jt += 1;
                        z[jt].r = cnum.r;
                        z[jt].i = -cnum.i;
            } /* end switch */
        while( --nc > 0 );

        if( icnt == 0 )
            zord = jt+1;
            if( nz <= 0 )
                if( kind != 3 )
        nc = nz;
    } /* end for() loop */
    return 0;
Esempio n. 29
double complex
casin(double complex z)
	double complex w;
	static double complex ca, ct, zz, z2;
	double x, y;

	x = creal (z);
	y = cimag (z);

	if (y == 0.0) {
		if (fabs(x) > 1.0) {
			w = M_PI_2 + 0.0 * I;
			/*mtherr ("casin", DOMAIN);*/
		else {
			w = asin (x) + 0.0 * I;
		return (w);

	/* Power series expansion */
	b = cabs(z);
	if( b < 0.125 ) {
		z2.r = (x - y) * (x + y);
		z2.i = 2.0 * x * y;

		cn = 1.0;
		n = 1.0;
		ca.r = x;
		ca.i = y;
		sum.r = x;
		sum.i = y;
		do {
			ct.r = z2.r * ca.r  -  z2.i * ca.i;
			ct.i = z2.r * ca.i  +  z2.i * ca.r;
			ca.r = ct.r;
			ca.i = ct.i;

			cn *= n;
			n += 1.0;
			cn /= n;
			n += 1.0;
			b = cn/n;

			ct.r *= b;
			ct.i *= b;
			sum.r += ct.r;
			sum.i += ct.i;
			b = fabs(ct.r) + fabs(ct.i);
		while( b > MACHEP );
		w->r = sum.r;
		w->i = sum.i;

	ca = x + y * I;
	ct = ca * I;
	/* sqrt( 1 - z*z) */
	/* cmul( &ca, &ca, &zz ) */
	/*x * x  -  y * y */
	zz = (x - y) * (x + y) + (2.0 * x * y) * I;

	zz = 1.0 - creal(zz) - cimag(zz) * I;
	z2 = csqrt (zz);

	zz = ct + z2;
	zz = clog (zz);
	/* multiply by 1/i = -i */
	w = zz * (-1.0 * I);
	return (w);
Esempio n. 30
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  /* -------Initialize and Get the parameters from command line ------*/
  PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"--------Initializing------ \n");
  PetscErrorCode ierr;

  PetscBool flg;

  int myrank;
  int Mx,My,Mz,Mzslab, Npmlx,Npmly,Npmlz,DegFree, anisotropic;

  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Nx",&Nx,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Nx,"Nx","Nx");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Ny",&Ny,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Ny,"Ny","Nx");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Nz",&Nz,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Nz,"Nz","Nz");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Mx",&Mx,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Mx,"Mx","Mx");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-My",&My,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,My,"My","My");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Mz",&Mz,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Mz,"Mz","Mz");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Mzslab",&Mzslab,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Mzslab,"Mzslab","Mzslab");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Npmlx",&Npmlx,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Npmlx,"Npmlx","Npmlx");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Npmly",&Npmly,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Npmly,"Npmly","Npmly");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Npmlz",&Npmlz,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Npmlz,"Npmlz","Npmlz");

  Nxyz = Nx*Ny*Nz;

  // if anisotropic !=0, Degree of Freedom = 3*Mx*My*Mz; else DegFree = Mx*My*Mz;
  if(!flg) anisotropic = 0; // by default, it is isotropc.
  DegFree = (anisotropic ? 3 : 1 )*Mx*My*((Mzslab==0)?Mz:1); 
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," the Degree of Freedoms is %d \n ", DegFree);
  int DegFreeAll=DegFree+1;
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," the Degree of Freedoms ALL is %d \n ", DegFreeAll);

  int BCPeriod, Jdirection, Jdirectiontwo, LowerPML;
  int bx[2], by[2], bz[2];
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-BCPeriod",&BCPeriod,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,BCPeriod,"BCPeriod","BCPeriod given");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Jdirection",&Jdirection,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Jdirection,"Jdirection","Diapole current direction");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Jdirectiontwo",&Jdirectiontwo,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Jdirectiontwo,"Jdirectiontwo","Diapole current direction for source two");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-LowerPML",&LowerPML,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,LowerPML,"LowerPML","PML in the lower xyz boundary");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-bxl",bx,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,bx[0],"bxl","BC at x lower");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-bxu",bx+1,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,bx[1],"bxu","BC at x upper");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-byl",by,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,by[0],"byl","BC at y lower");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-byu",by+1,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,by[1],"byu","BC at y upper");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-bzl",bz,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,bz[0],"bzl","BC at z lower");
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-bzu",bz+1,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,bz[1],"bzu","BC at z upper");

  double  epssub, RRT, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz ;
  PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-hx",&hx,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,hx,"hx","hx");
  hy = hx;
  hz = hx;
  hxyz = (Nz==1)*hx*hy + (Nz>1)*hx*hy*hz;  

  double omega, omegaone, omegatwo, wratio;
  PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-omega",&omega,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,omega,"omega","omega");
   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-wratio",&wratio,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,wratio,"wratio","wratio");
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"---omegaone is %.16e and omegatwo is %.16e ---\n",omegaone, omegatwo);

  if (flg && Qabs>1e+15)
  PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-epsair",&epsair,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,epsair,"epsair","epsair");
  PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-epssub",&epssub,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,epssub,"epssub","epssub");
  PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-RRT",&RRT,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,RRT,"RRT","RRT given");
  sigmax = pmlsigma(RRT,Npmlx*hx);
  sigmay = pmlsigma(RRT,Npmly*hy);
  sigmaz = pmlsigma(RRT,Npmlz*hz);  
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"----sigmax is %.12e \n",sigmax);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"----sigmay is %.12e \n",sigmay);
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"----sigmaz is %.12e \n",sigmaz);

  char initialdata[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN]; //filenameComm[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
  PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL,"-initialdata",initialdata,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg); MyCheckAndOutputChar(flg,initialdata,"initialdata","Inputdata file");
  PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL,"-filenameComm",filenameComm,PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN,&flg); MyCheckAndOutputChar(flg,filenameComm,"filenameComm","Output filenameComm");

  // add cx, cy, cz to indicate where the diapole current is;

  int cx, cy, cz;
  if (!flg)
    {cx=(LowerPML)*floor(Nx/2); PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"cx is %d by default \n",cx);}
    {PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the current poisiont cx is %d \n",cx);}

  if (!flg)
    {cy=(LowerPML)*floor(Ny/2); PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"cy is %d by default \n",cy);}
    {PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the current poisiont cy is %d \n",cy);}

  if (!flg)
    {cz=(LowerPML)*floor(Nz/2); PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"cz is %d by default \n",cz);}
    {PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the current poisiont cz is %d \n",cz);}
  posj = (cx*Ny+ cy)*Nz + cz;
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the posj is %d \n. ", posj);

  int fixpteps;
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-fixpteps",&fixpteps,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,fixpteps,"fixpteps","fixpteps");

  // Get minapproach;
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-minapproach",&minapproach,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,minapproach,"minapproach","minapproach");
  // Get withepsinldos;
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-withepsinldos",&withepsinldos,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,withepsinldos,"withepsinldos","withepsinldos");
  // Get outputbase;
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-outputbase",&outputbase,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,outputbase,"outputbase","outputbase");
  // Get cavityverbose;
  if(!flg) cavityverbose=0;
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the cavity verbose is set as %d \n", cavityverbose); 
  // Get refinedldos;
  if(!flg) refinedldos=0;
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the refinedldos is set as %d \n", refinedldos);
  // Get cmpwrhs;
  int cmpwrhs;
  if(!flg) cmpwrhs=0;
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the cmpwrhs is set as %d \n", cmpwrhs);
  // Get lrzsqr;
  if(!flg) lrzsqr=0;
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the lrzsqr is set as %d \n", lrzsqr);
  // Get newQdef;
  if(!flg) newQdef=0;
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the newQdef is set as %d \n", newQdef);


  /*---------- Set the current source---------*/
  //Mat D; //ImaginaryIMatrix;
  ImagIMat(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &D,6*Nxyz);

  Vec J;
  ierr = VecCreateMPI(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_DECIDE, 6*Nxyz, &J);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) J, "Source");CHKERRQ(ierr);
  VecSet(J,0.0); //initialization;

  if (Jdirection == 1)
    SourceSingleSetX(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, J, Nx, Ny, Nz, cx, cy, cz,1.0/hxyz);
  else if (Jdirection ==2)
    SourceSingleSetY(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, J, Nx, Ny, Nz, cx, cy, cz,1.0/hxyz);
  else if (Jdirection == 3)
    SourceSingleSetZ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, J, Nx, Ny, Nz, cx, cy, cz,1.0/hxyz);
    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," Please specify correct direction of current: x (1) , y (2) or z (3)\n "); 

  Vec Jtwo;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J, &Jtwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) Jtwo, "Sourcetwo");CHKERRQ(ierr);
  VecSet(Jtwo,0.0); //initialization;

  if (Jdirectiontwo == 1)
    SourceSingleSetX(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, Jtwo, Nx, Ny, Nz, cx, cy, cz,1.0/hxyz);
  else if (Jdirectiontwo ==2)
    SourceSingleSetY(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, Jtwo, Nx, Ny, Nz, cx, cy, cz,1.0/hxyz);
  else if (Jdirectiontwo == 3)
    SourceSingleSetZ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, Jtwo, Nx, Ny, Nz, cx, cy, cz,1.0/hxyz);
    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," Please specify correct direction of current two: x (1) , y (2) or z (3)\n "); 

  //Vec b; // b= i*omega*J;
  Vec bone, btwo;

  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&b);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) b, "rhsone");CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&bone);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) bone, "rhsone");CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = VecDuplicate(Jtwo,&btwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) btwo, "rhstwo");CHKERRQ(ierr);

  if (cmpwrhs==0)
      ierr = MatMult(D,J,b);CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = MatMult(D,Jtwo,btwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);


      double complex cmpiomega;
      cmpiomega = cpow(1+I/Qabs,newQdef+1);
      double sqrtiomegaR = -omega*cimag(csqrt(cmpiomega));
      double sqrtiomegaI = omega*creal(csqrt(cmpiomega));
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the real part of sqrt cmpomega is %g and imag sqrt is % g ", sqrtiomegaR, sqrtiomegaI);
      Vec tmpi;
      ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&tmpi);

  /*-------Get the weight vector ------------------*/
  //Vec weight;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&weight); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) weight, "weight");CHKERRQ(ierr);

    GetWeightVec(weight, Nx, Ny,Nz); // new code handles both 3D and 2D;

  Vec weightedJ;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&weightedJ); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecPointwiseMult(weightedJ,J,weight);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) weightedJ, "weightedJ");CHKERRQ(ierr);

  Vec weightedJtwo;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(Jtwo,&weightedJtwo); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecPointwiseMult(weightedJtwo,Jtwo,weight);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) weightedJtwo, "weightedJtwo");CHKERRQ(ierr);

  //Vec vR;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&vR); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  GetRealPartVec(vR, 6*Nxyz);

  // VecFReal;
  if (lrzsqr)
    { ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epsFReal); CHKERRQ(ierr); 
      ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) epsFReal, "epsFReal");CHKERRQ(ierr);

      if (newQdef==0)
	  sqrtomegaI = omega*cimag(csqrt(1+I/Qabs));
	  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the real part of sqrt cmpomega is %g and imag sqrt is % g ", omega*creal(csqrt(1+I/Qabs)), sqrtomegaI);
	  betar = 2*sqrtomegaI;
	  betai = betar/Qabs;
	  double gamma;
	  gamma = omega/Qabs;
	  betar = 2*gamma*(1-1.0/pow(Qabs,2));
	  betai = 2*gamma*(2.0/Qabs);

      ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&nb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) nb, "nb"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&y); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) y, "y"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&xsqr); CHKERRQ(ierr); // xsqr = x*x;
      ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) xsqr, "xsqr"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      CongMat(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &C, 6*Nxyz);
  /*----------- Define PML muinv vectors  */
  Vec muinvpml;
  MuinvPMLFull(PETSC_COMM_SELF, &muinvpml,Nx,Ny,Nz,Npmlx,Npmly,Npmlz,sigmax,sigmay,sigmaz,omega, LowerPML); 

  //double *muinv;
  muinv = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*6*Nxyz);
  int add=0;
  ierr = VecDestroy(&muinvpml); CHKERRQ(ierr);  

  /*---------- Define PML eps vectors: epspml---------- */  
  Vec epspml; //epspmlQ, epscoef;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epspml);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) epspml,"EpsPMLFull"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  EpsPMLFull(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, epspml,Nx,Ny,Nz,Npmlx,Npmly,Npmlz,sigmax,sigmay,sigmaz,omega, LowerPML);

  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epspmlQ);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  Vec epscoefone, epscoeftwo;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epscoefone);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epscoeftwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  // compute epspmlQ,epscoef;
  EpsCombine(D, weight, epspml, epspmlQ, epscoefone, Qabs, omegaone);
  EpsCombine(D, weight, epspml, epspmlQ, epscoeftwo, Qabs, omegatwo);
  /*--------- Setup the interp matrix ----------------------- */
  /* for a samll eps block, interp it into yee-lattice. The interp matrix A and PML epspml only need to generated once;*/

  //Mat A; 
  //new routine for myinterp;
  myinterp(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &A, Nx,Ny,Nz, LowerPML*floor((Nx-Mx)/2),LowerPML*floor((Ny-My)/2),LowerPML*floor((Nz-Mz)/2), Mx,My,Mz,Mzslab, anisotropic); // LoweerPML*Npmlx,..,.., specify where the interp starts;  

  //Vec epsSReal, epsgrad, vgrad; // create compatiable vectors with A.
  ierr = MatGetVecs(A,&epsSReal, &epsgrad); CHKERRQ(ierr);  
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) epsgrad, "epsgrad");CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(epsSReal, &vgrad); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) epsSReal, "epsSReal");CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) vgrad, "vgrad");CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /*---------Setup the epsmedium vector----------------*/
  //Vec epsmedium;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epsmedium); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /*--------- Setup the finitie difference matrix-------------*/
  //Mat M;
  MoperatorGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &M, Nx,Ny,Nz,hx,hy,hz, bx, by, bz,muinv,BCPeriod);

  /*--------Setup the KSP variables ---------------*/
  KSP kspone;
  PC pcone; 
  ierr = KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&kspone);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  //ierr = KSPSetType(ksp, KSPPREONLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetType(kspone, KSPGMRES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPGetPC(kspone,&pcone);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PCSetType(pcone,PCLU);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PCFactorSetMatSolverPackage(pcone,MATSOLVERPASTIX);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PCSetFromOptions(pcone);
  int maxkspit = 20;
  ierr = KSPSetTolerances(kspone,1e-14,PETSC_DEFAULT,PETSC_DEFAULT,maxkspit);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetFromOptions(kspone);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  KSP ksptwo;
  PC pctwo;
   ierr = KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&ksptwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  //ierr = KSPSetType(ksp, KSPPREONLY);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetType(ksptwo, KSPGMRES);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPGetPC(ksptwo,&pctwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PCSetType(pctwo,PCLU);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PCFactorSetMatSolverPackage(pctwo,MATSOLVERPASTIX);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PCSetFromOptions(pctwo);
  ierr = KSPSetTolerances(ksptwo,1e-14,PETSC_DEFAULT,PETSC_DEFAULT,maxkspit);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPSetFromOptions(ksptwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /*--------- Create the space for solution vector -------------*/
  //Vec x;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) x, "Solution");CHKERRQ(ierr); 
  /*----------- Create the space for final eps -------------*/

  //Vec epsC, epsCi, epsP;
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epsC);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) epsC, "EpsC");CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epsCi);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&epsP);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = VecSet(epsP,0.0); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(epsP); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(epsP); CHKERRQ(ierr); 

  /*------------ Create space used in the solver ------------*/
  //Vec vgradlocal,tmp, tmpa,tmpb;
  ierr = VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, DegFree, &vgradlocal); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&tmp); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&tmpa); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&tmpb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  // Vec pickposvec; this vector is zero except that first entry is one;
  if (withepsinldos)
    { ierr = VecDuplicate(J,&pickposvec); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecSet(pickposvec,0.0); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecSetValue(pickposvec,posj+Jdirection*Nxyz,1.0,INSERT_VALUES);
  /*------------ Create scatter used in the solver -----------*/
  //VecScatter scatter;
  //IS from, to;
  ierr =ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF,DegFree,0,1,&from); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr =ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF,DegFree,0,1,&to); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /*-------------Read the input file -------------------------*/

  double *epsoptAll;
  epsoptAll = (double *) malloc(DegFreeAll*sizeof(double));

  FILE *ptf;
  ptf = fopen(initialdata,"r");
  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"reading from input files \n");

  int i;
  // set the dielectric at the center is fixed, and alwyas high
  //epsopt[0]=myub; is defined below near lb and ub;
  for (i=0;i<DegFree;i++)
    { //PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"current eps reading is %lf \n",epsopt[i]);
  epsoptAll[DegFreeAll-1]=0; //initialize auxiliary variable;

  /*----declare these data types, althought they may not be used for job 2 -----------------*/
  double mylb,myub, *lb=NULL, *ub=NULL;
  int maxeval, maxtime, mynloptalg;
  double maxf;
  nlopt_opt  opt;
  nlopt_result result;
  /*----Now based on Command Line, Do the corresponding job----*/

  //int Job; set Job to be gloabl variables;
  PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Job",&Job,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Job,"Job","The Job indicator you set");
  int numofvar=(Job==1)*DegFreeAll + (Job==3);

  /*--------   convert the epsopt array to epsSReal (if job!=optmization) --------*/
  if (Job==2 || Job ==3)
      // copy epsilon from file to epsSReal; (different from FindOpt.c, because epsilon is not degree-of-freedoms in computeQ.
      // i) create a array to read file (done above in epsopt); ii) convert the array to epsSReal;
      int ns, ne;
      ierr = VecGetOwnershipRange(epsSReal,&ns,&ne);
	{ ierr=VecSetValue(epsSReal,i,epsoptAll[i],INSERT_VALUES); 
	  CHKERRQ(ierr); }      
	{ epsatinterest = epsoptAll[cx*Ny*Nz + cy*Nz + cz]  + epsair;
	  PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, " the relative permitivity at the point of current is %.16e \n ",epsatinterest);}
      ierr = VecAssemblyBegin(epsSReal); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr = VecAssemblyEnd(epsSReal);  CHKERRQ(ierr);

  if (Job==1 || Job==3)  // optimization bounds setup;
      PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-maxeval",&maxeval,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,maxeval,"maxeval","max number of evaluation");
      PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-maxtime",&maxtime,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,maxtime,"maxtime","max time of evaluation");
      PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-mynloptalg",&mynloptalg,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,mynloptalg,"mynloptalg","The algorithm used ");

      PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-mylb",&mylb,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,mylb,"mylb","optimization lb");
      PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-myub",&myub,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputDouble(flg,myub,"myub","optimization ub");

      lb = (double *) malloc(numofvar*sizeof(double));
      ub = (double *) malloc(numofvar*sizeof(double));

      // the dielectric constant at center is fixed!
	  lb[i] = mylb;
	  ub[i] = myub;
	}  //initial guess, lower bounds, upper bounds;

      // set lower and upper bounds for auxiliary variable;

      //fix the dielectric at the center to be high for topology optimization;
      if (Job==1 && fixpteps==1)

      opt = nlopt_create(mynloptalg, numofvar);
      myfundatatypeshg data[2] = {{omegaone, bone, weightedJ, epscoefone,kspone},{omegatwo, btwo, weightedJtwo, epscoeftwo,ksptwo}};

      nlopt_add_inequality_constraint(opt,ldosconstraint, &data[0], 1e-8);
      nlopt_add_inequality_constraint(opt,ldosconstraint, &data[1], 1e-8);


      /*add functionality to choose local optimizer; */
      int mynloptlocalalg;
      nlopt_opt local_opt;
      PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-mynloptlocalalg",&mynloptlocalalg,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,mynloptlocalalg,"mynloptlocalalg","The local optimization algorithm used ");
      if (mynloptlocalalg)
	  nlopt_set_ftol_rel(local_opt, 1e-14);

  switch (Job)
    case 1:
	if (minapproach)
	  nlopt_set_min_objective(opt,maxminobjfun,NULL);// NULL: no data to be passed because of global variables;

	result = nlopt_optimize(opt,epsoptAll,&maxf);
    case 2 :  //AnalyzeStructure
	int Linear, Eig, maxeigit;
	PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Linear",&Linear,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Linear,"Linear","Linear solver indicator");
	PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-Eig",&Eig,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,Eig,"Eig","Eig solver indicator");
	PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-maxeigit",&maxeigit,&flg);  MyCheckAndOutputInt(flg,maxeigit,"maxeigit","maximum number of Eig solver iterations is");

	//EigenSolver(Linear, Eig, maxeigit);

	OutputVec(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, weight,filenameComm, "weight.m");
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"--------Interesting! You're doing nothing!--------\n ");

  if(Job==1 || Job==3)
      /* print the optimization parameters */
#if 0
      double xrel, frel, fabs;
      // double *xabs;
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"nlopt frel is %g \n",frel);
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"nlopt fabs is %g \n",fabs);
      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"nlopt xrel is %g \n",xrel);
      //nlopt_result nlopt_get_xtol_abs(const nlopt_opt opt, double *tol);

      if (result < 0) {
	PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"nlopt failed! \n", result);
      else {
	PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"found extremum  %0.16e\n", minapproach?1.0/maxf:maxf); 

      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"nlopt returned value is %d \n", result);

	{ //OutputVec(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, epsopt,filenameComm, "epsopt.m");
	  //OutputVec(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, epsgrad,filenameComm, "epsgrad.m");
	  //OutputVec(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, vgrad,filenameComm, "vgrad.m");
	  //OutputVec(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, x,filenameComm, "x.m");
	  int rankA;
	  MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rankA);

	      ptf = fopen(strcat(filenameComm,"epsopt.txt"),"w");
	      for (i=0;i<DegFree;i++)
		fprintf(ptf,"%0.16e \n",epsoptAll[i]);
	      PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"the t parameter is %.8e \n",epsoptAll[DegFreeAll-1]);


  ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"--------Done!--------\n ");CHKERRQ(ierr);


  /* ----------------------Destroy Vecs and Mats----------------------------*/ 

  ierr = VecDestroy(&J); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&b); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&weight); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&weightedJ); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&vR); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epspml); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epspmlQ); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epsSReal); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epsgrad); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&vgrad); CHKERRQ(ierr);  
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epsmedium); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epsC); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epsCi); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epsP); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&x); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&vgradlocal);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&tmp); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&tmpa); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&tmpb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatDestroy(&A); CHKERRQ(ierr);  
  ierr = MatDestroy(&D); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = MatDestroy(&M); CHKERRQ(ierr);  

  ierr = VecDestroy(&epscoefone); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&epscoeftwo); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPDestroy(&kspone);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = KSPDestroy(&ksptwo);CHKERRQ(ierr);


  if (withepsinldos)
    {ierr=VecDestroy(&pickposvec); CHKERRQ(ierr);}

  if (lrzsqr)
      ierr=VecDestroy(&epsFReal); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr=VecDestroy(&xsqr); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr=VecDestroy(&y); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr=VecDestroy(&nb); CHKERRQ(ierr);
      ierr=MatDestroy(&C); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = VecDestroy(&bone); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&btwo); CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&Jtwo); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /*------------ finalize the program -------------*/

    int rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    //if (rank == 0) fgetc(stdin);
  ierr = PetscFinalize(); CHKERRQ(ierr);

  return 0;