Esempio n. 1
 * [List] + [List]
 * Returns a new list, containing elements of itself and the other
 * list.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] + [Reeks] | Geeft de reeks die bestaat uit de samenvoeging van gegeven reeksen.
ctr_object* ctr_array_add(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* otherArray = argumentList->object;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	int i;
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		ctr_argument* pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_argument* elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_object* elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
		ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
		ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	if (otherArray->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTARRAY) {
		for(i = otherArray->value.avalue->tail; i<otherArray->value.avalue->head; i++) {
			ctr_argument* pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
			ctr_argument* elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
			ctr_object* elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
			elnumArg->object = elnum;
			pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(otherArray, elnumArg);
			ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
			ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
			ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	return newArray;
Esempio n. 2
 * [List] by: [List].
 * Combines the first list with the second one, thus creating
 * a map. The keys of the newly generated map will be provided by the
 * first list while the values are extracted from the second one.
 * In the example we derive a temperature map from a pair of lists
 * (cities and temperatures).
 * Usage:
 * ☞ city        := List ← 'London' ; 'Paris' ; 'Berlin'.
 * ☞ temperature := List ← '15' ; '16' ; '15'.
 * ☞ weather := temperature by: city.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] per: [Reeks]
 * Maakt een Lijst door elementen uit de eerste reeks te koppelen
 * aan de elementen op dezelfde plek uit de tweede reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_combine(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_size i;
	ctr_object* map = ctr_map_new( CtrStdMap, argumentList );
	if (argumentList->object->info.type != CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTARRAY) {
		return map;
	ctr_argument* key   = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	ctr_argument* value = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	ctr_argument* index = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
			index->object = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
			key->object = ctr_array_get( myself, index );
			value->object = ctr_array_get( argumentList->object, index );
			key->next = value;
			ctr_send_message( map, CTR_DICT_PUT_AT, strlen(CTR_DICT_PUT_AT), key);
			ctr_map_put( map, key );
	return map;
Esempio n. 3
 * [List] copy
 * Copies the list. The list object will answer this message by
 * returning a shallow copy of itself. This means that the values in the
 * newly returned list can be replaced or deleted without affecting
 * the original one. However, modifying the values in the list will
 * still cause their counterparts in the original list to be modified
 * as well.
 * In the example we replace the first item (1) in b with 999.
 * The first element in a will still be 1 though because we have created
 * copy b by sending the message 'copy' to a and assiging the result
 * to b.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ a := List ← 1 ; 2 ; 3.
 * ☞ b := a copy.
 * b put: 999 at: 1.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] kopieer | Maakt een kopie van de reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_copy(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_size i = 0;
	ctr_object* copy = ctr_array_new( CtrStdArray, argumentList );
	ctr_argument* arg = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_argument));
	ctr_argument* index   = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		index->object = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		arg->object = ctr_array_get( myself, index );
		ctr_array_push( copy, arg );
	ctr_heap_free( arg );
	ctr_heap_free( index );
	return copy;
Esempio n. 4
 * [Array] from: [Begin] to: [End]
 * Copies part of an array indicated by from and to and
 * returns a new array consisting of a copy of this region.
ctr_object* ctr_array_from_to(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_argument* pushArg;
	ctr_argument* elnumArg;
	ctr_object* elnum;
	ctr_object* startElement = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->object);
	ctr_object* count = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	int start = (int) startElement->value.nvalue;
	int len = (int) count->value.nvalue;
	int i = 0;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	for(i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
		elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
	return newArray;
Esempio n. 5
 * [List] from: [Begin] length: [End]
 * Copies part of an array indicated by from and to and
 * returns a new array consisting of a copy of this region.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] van: [Getal] lengte: [Getal] | Geeft subreeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_from_length(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_argument* pushArg;
	ctr_argument* elnumArg;
	ctr_object* elnum;
	ctr_object* startElement = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->object);
	ctr_object* count = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	int start = (int) startElement->value.nvalue;
	int len = (int) count->value.nvalue;
	int i = 0;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	for(i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
		pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
		ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
		ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	return newArray;