static int /* O - Status */ random_tests(void) { int status, /* Status of tests */ pass, /* Current pass */ count, /* Number of records read */ record, /* Current record */ num_records; /* Number of records */ ssize_t pos, /* Position in file */ expected; /* Expected position in file */ cups_file_t *fp; /* File */ char buffer[512]; /* Data buffer */ /* * Run 4 passes, each time appending to a data file and then reopening the * file for reading to validate random records in the file. */ for (status = 0, pass = 0; pass < 4; pass ++) { /* * cupsFileOpen(append) */ printf("\ncupsFileOpen(append %d): ", pass); if ((fp = cupsFileOpen("testfile.dat", "a")) == NULL) { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; break; } else puts("PASS"); /* * cupsFileTell() */ expected = 256 * sizeof(buffer) * pass; fputs("cupsFileTell(): ", stdout); if ((pos = cupsFileTell(fp)) != expected) { printf("FAIL (" CUPS_LLFMT " instead of " CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", CUPS_LLCAST pos, CUPS_LLCAST expected); status ++; break; } else puts("PASS"); /* * cupsFileWrite() */ fputs("cupsFileWrite(256 512-byte records): ", stdout); for (record = 0; record < 256; record ++) { memset(buffer, record, sizeof(buffer)); if (cupsFileWrite(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) < sizeof(buffer)) break; } if (record < 256) { printf("FAIL (%d: %s)\n", record, strerror(errno)); status ++; break; } else puts("PASS"); /* * cupsFileTell() */ expected += 256 * sizeof(buffer); fputs("cupsFileTell(): ", stdout); if ((pos = cupsFileTell(fp)) != expected) { printf("FAIL (" CUPS_LLFMT " instead of " CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", CUPS_LLCAST pos, CUPS_LLCAST expected); status ++; break; } else puts("PASS"); cupsFileClose(fp); /* * cupsFileOpen(read) */ printf("\ncupsFileOpen(read %d): ", pass); if ((fp = cupsFileOpen("testfile.dat", "r")) == NULL) { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; break; } else puts("PASS"); /* * cupsFileSeek, cupsFileRead */ fputs("cupsFileSeek(), cupsFileRead(): ", stdout); for (num_records = (pass + 1) * 256, count = (pass + 1) * 256, record = CUPS_RAND() % num_records; count > 0; count --, record = (record + (CUPS_RAND() & 31) - 16 + num_records) % num_records) { /* * The last record is always the first... */ if (count == 1) record = 0; /* * Try reading the data for the specified record, and validate the * contents... */ expected = sizeof(buffer) * record; if ((pos = cupsFileSeek(fp, expected)) != expected) { printf("FAIL (" CUPS_LLFMT " instead of " CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", CUPS_LLCAST pos, CUPS_LLCAST expected); status ++; break; } else { if (cupsFileRead(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) != sizeof(buffer)) { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; break; } else if ((buffer[0] & 255) != (record & 255) || memcmp(buffer, buffer + 1, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) { printf("FAIL (Bad Data - %d instead of %d)\n", buffer[0] & 255, record & 255); status ++; break; } } } if (count == 0) puts("PASS"); cupsFileClose(fp); } /* * Remove the test file... */ unlink("testfile.dat"); /* * Return the test status... */ return (status); }
static int /* O - Status */ read_write_tests(int compression) /* I - Use compression? */ { int i; /* Looping var */ cups_file_t *fp; /* File */ int status; /* Exit status */ char line[1024], /* Line from file */ *value; /* Directive value from line */ int linenum; /* Line number */ unsigned char readbuf[8192], /* Read buffer */ writebuf[8192]; /* Write buffer */ int byte; /* Byte from file */ off_t length; /* Length of file */ static const char *partial_line = "partial line"; /* Partial line */ /* * No errors so far... */ status = 0; /* * Initialize the write buffer with random data... */ CUPS_SRAND((unsigned)time(NULL)); for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(writebuf); i ++) writebuf[i] = CUPS_RAND(); /* * cupsFileOpen(write) */ printf("cupsFileOpen(write%s): ", compression ? " compressed" : ""); fp = cupsFileOpen(compression ? "testfile.dat.gz" : "testfile.dat", compression ? "w9" : "w"); if (fp) { puts("PASS"); /* * cupsFileCompression() */ fputs("cupsFileCompression(): ", stdout); if (cupsFileCompression(fp) == compression) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (Got %d, expected %d)\n", cupsFileCompression(fp), compression); status ++; } /* * cupsFilePuts() */ fputs("cupsFilePuts(): ", stdout); if (cupsFilePuts(fp, "# Hello, World\n") > 0) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFilePrintf() */ fputs("cupsFilePrintf(): ", stdout); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i ++) if (cupsFilePrintf(fp, "TestLine %03d\n", i) < 0) break; if (i >= 1000) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFilePutChar() */ fputs("cupsFilePutChar(): ", stdout); for (i = 0; i < 256; i ++) if (cupsFilePutChar(fp, i) < 0) break; if (i >= 256) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFileWrite() */ fputs("cupsFileWrite(): ", stdout); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i ++) if (cupsFileWrite(fp, (char *)writebuf, sizeof(writebuf)) < 0) break; if (i >= 10000) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFilePuts() with partial line... */ fputs("cupsFilePuts(\"partial line\"): ", stdout); if (cupsFilePuts(fp, partial_line) > 0) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFileTell() */ fputs("cupsFileTell(): ", stdout); if ((length = cupsFileTell(fp)) == 81933283) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (" CUPS_LLFMT " instead of 81933283)\n", CUPS_LLCAST length); status ++; } /* * cupsFileClose() */ fputs("cupsFileClose(): ", stdout); if (!cupsFileClose(fp)) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } } else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFileOpen(read) */ fputs("\ncupsFileOpen(read): ", stdout); fp = cupsFileOpen(compression ? "testfile.dat.gz" : "testfile.dat", "r"); if (fp) { puts("PASS"); /* * cupsFileGets() */ fputs("cupsFileGets(): ", stdout); if (cupsFileGets(fp, line, sizeof(line))) { if (line[0] == '#') puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (Got line \"%s\", expected comment line)\n", line); status ++; } } else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFileCompression() */ fputs("cupsFileCompression(): ", stdout); if (cupsFileCompression(fp) == compression) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (Got %d, expected %d)\n", cupsFileCompression(fp), compression); status ++; } /* * cupsFileGetConf() */ linenum = 1; fputs("cupsFileGetConf(): ", stdout); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i ++) if (!cupsFileGetConf(fp, line, sizeof(line), &value, &linenum)) break; else if (_cups_strcasecmp(line, "TestLine") || !value || atoi(value) != i || linenum != (i + 2)) break; if (i >= 1000) puts("PASS"); else if (line[0]) { printf("FAIL (Line %d, directive \"%s\", value \"%s\")\n", linenum, line, value ? value : "(null)"); status ++; } else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFileGetChar() */ fputs("cupsFileGetChar(): ", stdout); for (i = 0; i < 256; i ++) if ((byte = cupsFileGetChar(fp)) != i) break; if (i >= 256) puts("PASS"); else if (byte >= 0) { printf("FAIL (Got %d, expected %d)\n", byte, i); status ++; } else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFileRead() */ fputs("cupsFileRead(): ", stdout); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i ++) if ((byte = cupsFileRead(fp, (char *)readbuf, sizeof(readbuf))) < 0) break; else if (memcmp(readbuf, writebuf, sizeof(readbuf))) break; if (i >= 10000) puts("PASS"); else if (byte > 0) { printf("FAIL (Pass %d, ", i); for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(readbuf); i ++) if (readbuf[i] != writebuf[i]) break; printf("match failed at offset %d - got %02X, expected %02X)\n", i, readbuf[i], writebuf[i]); } else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * cupsFileGetChar() with partial line... */ fputs("cupsFileGetChar(partial line): ", stdout); for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(partial_line); i ++) if ((byte = cupsFileGetChar(fp)) < 0) break; else if (byte != partial_line[i]) break; if (!partial_line[i]) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (got '%c', expected '%c')\n", byte, partial_line[i]); status ++; } /* * cupsFileTell() */ fputs("cupsFileTell(): ", stdout); if ((length = cupsFileTell(fp)) == 81933283) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (" CUPS_LLFMT " instead of 81933283)\n", CUPS_LLCAST length); status ++; } /* * cupsFileClose() */ fputs("cupsFileClose(): ", stdout); if (!cupsFileClose(fp)) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } } else { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); status ++; } /* * Remove the test file... */ unlink(compression ? "testfile.dat.gz" : "testfile.dat"); /* * Return the test status... */ return (status); }
static void print_file(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to destination */ cups_dest_t *dest, /* I - Destination */ cups_dinfo_t *dinfo, /* I - Destination information */ const char *filename, /* I - File to print */ int num_options, /* I - Number of options */ cups_option_t *options) /* I - Options */ { cups_file_t *fp; /* File to print */ int job_id; /* Job ID */ ipp_status_t status; /* Submission status */ const char *title; /* Title of job */ char buffer[32768]; /* File buffer */ ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes read/to write */ if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { printf("Unable to open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return; } if ((title = strrchr(filename, '/')) != NULL) title ++; else title = filename; if ((status = cupsCreateDestJob(http, dest, dinfo, &job_id, title, num_options, options)) > IPP_STATUS_OK_IGNORED_OR_SUBSTITUTED) { printf("Unable to create job: %s\n", cupsLastErrorString()); cupsFileClose(fp); return; } printf("Created job ID: %d\n", job_id); if (cupsStartDestDocument(http, dest, dinfo, job_id, title, CUPS_FORMAT_AUTO, 0, NULL, 1) != HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE) { printf("Unable to send document: %s\n", cupsLastErrorString()); cupsFileClose(fp); return; } while ((bytes = cupsFileRead(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { if (cupsWriteRequestData(http, buffer, (size_t)bytes) != HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE) { printf("Unable to write document data: %s\n", cupsLastErrorString()); break; } } cupsFileClose(fp); if ((status = cupsFinishDestDocument(http, dest, dinfo)) > IPP_STATUS_OK_IGNORED_OR_SUBSTITUTED) { printf("Unable to send document: %s\n", cupsLastErrorString()); return; } puts("Job queued."); }
int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { int status = 0, /* Exit status */ i, /* Looping var */ num_dests; /* Number of destinations */ cups_dest_t *dests, /* Destinations */ *dest, /* Current destination */ *named_dest; /* Current named destination */ const char *ppdfile; /* PPD file */ ppd_file_t *ppd; /* PPD file data */ int num_jobs; /* Number of jobs for queue */ cups_job_t *jobs; /* Jobs for queue */ if (argc > 1) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "enum")) { cups_ptype_t mask = CUPS_PRINTER_LOCAL, /* Printer type mask */ type = CUPS_PRINTER_LOCAL; /* Printer type */ int msec = 0; /* Timeout in milliseconds */ for (i = 2; i < argc; i ++) if (isdigit(argv[i][0] & 255) || argv[i][0] == '.') msec = (int)(atof(argv[i]) * 1000); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "bw")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_BW; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_BW; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "color")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "mono")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "duplex")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "simplex")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "staple")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_STAPLE; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_STAPLE; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "copies")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_COPIES; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COPIES; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "collate")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLLATE; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLLATE; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "punch")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_PUNCH; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_PUNCH; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "cover")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_COVER; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COVER; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "bind")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_BIND; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_BIND; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "sort")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_SORT; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_SORT; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "mfp")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_MFP; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_MFP; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "printer")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_MFP; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "large")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_LARGE; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_LARGE; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "medium")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_MEDIUM; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_MEDIUM; } else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(argv[i], "small")) { mask |= CUPS_PRINTER_SMALL; type |= CUPS_PRINTER_SMALL; } else fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument \"%s\" ignored...\n", argv[i]); cupsEnumDests(CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_NONE, msec, NULL, type, mask, enum_cb, NULL); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "password")) { const char *pass = cupsGetPassword("Password:"******"Password entered: %s\n", pass); else puts("No password entered."); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "ppd") && argc == 3) { /* * ./testcups ppd printer */ http_status_t http_status; /* Status */ char buffer[1024]; /* PPD filename */ time_t modtime = 0; /* Last modified */ if ((http_status = cupsGetPPD3(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, argv[2], &modtime, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) != HTTP_STATUS_OK) printf("Unable to get PPD: %d (%s)\n", (int)http_status, cupsLastErrorString()); else puts(buffer); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "print") && argc == 5) { /* * ./testcups print printer file interval */ int interval, /* Interval between writes */ job_id; /* Job ID */ cups_file_t *fp; /* Print file */ char buffer[16384]; /* Read/write buffer */ ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes read/written */ if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(argv[3], "r")) == NULL) { printf("Unable to open \"%s\": %s\n", argv[2], strerror(errno)); return (1); } if ((job_id = cupsCreateJob(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, argv[2], "testcups", 0, NULL)) <= 0) { printf("Unable to create print job on %s: %s\n", argv[1], cupsLastErrorString()); return (1); } interval = atoi(argv[4]); if (cupsStartDocument(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, argv[1], job_id, argv[2], CUPS_FORMAT_AUTO, 1) != HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE) { puts("Unable to start document!"); return (1); } while ((bytes = cupsFileRead(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { printf("Writing %d bytes...\n", (int)bytes); if (cupsWriteRequestData(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, buffer, bytes) != HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE) { puts("Unable to write bytes!"); return (1); } if (interval > 0) sleep(interval); } cupsFileClose(fp); if (cupsFinishDocument(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, argv[1]) > IPP_STATUS_OK_IGNORED_OR_SUBSTITUTED) { puts("Unable to finish document!"); return (1); } } else { puts("Usage:"); puts(""); puts("Run basic unit tests:"); puts(""); puts(" ./testcups"); puts(""); puts("Enumerate printers (for N seconds, -1 for indefinitely):"); puts(""); puts(" ./testcups enum [seconds]"); puts(""); puts("Ask for a password:"******""); puts(" ./testcups password"); puts(""); puts("Get the PPD file:"); puts(""); puts(" ./testcups ppd printer"); puts(""); puts("Print a file (interval controls delay between buffers in seconds):"); puts(""); puts(" ./testcups print printer file interval"); return (1); } return (0); } /* * cupsGetDests() */ fputs("cupsGetDests: ", stdout); fflush(stdout); num_dests = cupsGetDests(&dests); if (num_dests == 0) { puts("FAIL"); return (1); } else { printf("PASS (%d dests)\n", num_dests); for (i = num_dests, dest = dests; i > 0; i --, dest ++) { printf(" %s", dest->name); if (dest->instance) printf(" /%s", dest->instance); if (dest->is_default) puts(" ***DEFAULT***"); else putchar('\n'); } } /* * cupsGetDest(NULL) */ fputs("cupsGetDest(NULL): ", stdout); fflush(stdout); if ((dest = cupsGetDest(NULL, NULL, num_dests, dests)) == NULL) { for (i = num_dests, dest = dests; i > 0; i --, dest ++) if (dest->is_default) break; if (i) { status = 1; puts("FAIL"); } else puts("PASS (no default)"); dest = NULL; } else printf("PASS (%s)\n", dest->name); /* * cupsGetNamedDest(NULL, NULL, NULL) */ fputs("cupsGetNamedDest(NULL, NULL, NULL): ", stdout); fflush(stdout); if ((named_dest = cupsGetNamedDest(NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL || !dests_equal(dest, named_dest)) { if (!dest) puts("PASS (no default)"); else if (named_dest) { puts("FAIL (different values)"); show_diffs(dest, named_dest); status = 1; } else { puts("FAIL (no default)"); status = 1; } } else printf("PASS (%s)\n", named_dest->name); if (named_dest) cupsFreeDests(1, named_dest); /* * cupsGetDest(printer) */ printf("cupsGetDest(\"%s\"): ", dests[num_dests / 2].name); fflush(stdout); if ((dest = cupsGetDest(dests[num_dests / 2].name, NULL, num_dests, dests)) == NULL) { puts("FAIL"); return (1); } else puts("PASS"); /* * cupsGetNamedDest(NULL, printer, instance) */ printf("cupsGetNamedDest(NULL, \"%s\", \"%s\"): ", dest->name, dest->instance ? dest->instance : "(null)"); fflush(stdout); if ((named_dest = cupsGetNamedDest(NULL, dest->name, dest->instance)) == NULL || !dests_equal(dest, named_dest)) { if (named_dest) { puts("FAIL (different values)"); show_diffs(dest, named_dest); } else puts("FAIL (no destination)"); status = 1; } else puts("PASS"); if (named_dest) cupsFreeDests(1, named_dest); /* * cupsPrintFile() */ fputs("cupsPrintFile: ", stdout); fflush(stdout); if (cupsPrintFile(dest->name, "../data/testprint", "Test Page", dest->num_options, dest->options) <= 0) { printf("FAIL (%s)\n", cupsLastErrorString()); return (1); } else puts("PASS"); /* * cupsGetPPD(printer) */ fputs("cupsGetPPD(): ", stdout); fflush(stdout); if ((ppdfile = cupsGetPPD(dest->name)) == NULL) { puts("FAIL"); } else { puts("PASS"); /* * ppdOpenFile() */ fputs("ppdOpenFile(): ", stdout); fflush(stdout); if ((ppd = ppdOpenFile(ppdfile)) == NULL) { puts("FAIL"); return (1); } else puts("PASS"); ppdClose(ppd); unlink(ppdfile); } /* * cupsGetJobs() */ fputs("cupsGetJobs: ", stdout); fflush(stdout); num_jobs = cupsGetJobs(&jobs, NULL, 0, -1); if (num_jobs == 0) { puts("FAIL"); return (1); } else puts("PASS"); cupsFreeJobs(num_jobs, jobs); cupsFreeDests(num_dests, dests); return (status); }
int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { cups_file_t *fp; /* File */ char buffer[8192]; /* Data buffer */ int bytes; /* Number of bytes read/written */ int copies; /* Number of copies */ /* * Check command-line... */ if (argc != 7) { _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]"), argv[0]); return (1); } /* * Get the copy count; if we have no final content type, this is a * raw queue or raw print file, so we need to make copies... */ if (!getenv("FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE")) copies = atoi(argv[4]); else copies = 1; /* * Open the file... */ if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(argv[6], "r")) == NULL) { _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open print file")); return (1); } /* * Copy the file to stdout... */ while (copies > 0) { if (!getenv("FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE")) fputs("PAGE: 1 1\n", stderr); cupsFileRewind(fp); while ((bytes = cupsFileRead(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) if (write(1, buffer, bytes) < bytes) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("Unable to write uncompressed print data: %s"), strerror(errno)); cupsFileClose(fp); return (1); } copies --; } /* * Close the file and return... */ cupsFileClose(fp); return (0); }
static int /* O - 1 if match, 0 if no match */ mime_check_rules( const char *filename, /* I - Filename */ _mime_filebuf_t *fb, /* I - File to check */ mime_magic_t *rules) /* I - Rules to check */ { int n; /* Looping var */ int region; /* Region to look at */ int logic, /* Logic to apply */ result, /* Result of test */ intv; /* Integer value */ short shortv; /* Short value */ unsigned char *bufptr; /* Pointer into buffer */ DEBUG_printf(("4mime_check_rules(filename=\"%s\", fb=%p, rules=%p)", filename, fb, rules)); if (rules == NULL) return (0); if (rules->parent == NULL) logic = MIME_MAGIC_OR; else logic = rules->parent->op; result = 0; while (rules != NULL) { /* * Compute the result of this rule... */ switch (rules->op) { case MIME_MAGIC_MATCH : result = mime_patmatch(filename, rules->value.matchv); break; case MIME_MAGIC_ASCII : /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset || (rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; } /* * Test for ASCII printable characters plus standard control chars. */ if ((rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) n = fb->offset + fb->length - rules->offset; else n = rules->length; bufptr = fb->buffer + rules->offset - fb->offset; while (n > 0) if ((*bufptr >= 32 && *bufptr <= 126) || (*bufptr >= 8 && *bufptr <= 13) || *bufptr == 26 || *bufptr == 27) { n --; bufptr ++; } else break; result = (n == 0); break; case MIME_MAGIC_PRINTABLE : /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset || (rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; } /* * Test for 8-bit printable characters plus standard control chars. */ if ((rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) n = fb->offset + fb->length - rules->offset; else n = rules->length; bufptr = fb->buffer + rules->offset - fb->offset; while (n > 0) if (*bufptr >= 128 || (*bufptr >= 32 && *bufptr <= 126) || (*bufptr >= 8 && *bufptr <= 13) || *bufptr == 26 || *bufptr == 27) { n --; bufptr ++; } else break; result = (n == 0); break; case MIME_MAGIC_STRING : DEBUG_printf(("5mime_check_rules: string(%d, \"%s\")", rules->offset, rules->value.stringv)); /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset || (rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; DEBUG_printf(("5mime_check_rules: loaded %d byte fb->buffer at %d, starts " "with \"%c%c%c%c\".", fb->length, fb->offset, fb->buffer[0], fb->buffer[1], fb->buffer[2], fb->buffer[3])); } /* * Compare the buffer against the string. If the file is too * short then don't compare - it can't match... */ if ((rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) result = 0; else result = (memcmp(fb->buffer + rules->offset - fb->offset, rules->value.stringv, rules->length) == 0); DEBUG_printf(("5mime_check_rules: result=%d", result)); break; case MIME_MAGIC_ISTRING : /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset || (rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; } /* * Compare the buffer against the string. If the file is too * short then don't compare - it can't match... */ if ((rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) result = 0; else result = (_cups_strncasecmp((char *)fb->buffer + rules->offset - fb->offset, rules->value.stringv, rules->length) == 0); break; case MIME_MAGIC_CHAR : /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; } /* * Compare the character values; if the file is too short, it * can't match... */ if (fb->length < 1) result = 0; else result = (fb->buffer[rules->offset - fb->offset] == rules->value.charv); break; case MIME_MAGIC_SHORT : /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset || (rules->offset + 2) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; } /* * Compare the short values; if the file is too short, it * can't match... */ if (fb->length < 2) result = 0; else { bufptr = fb->buffer + rules->offset - fb->offset; shortv = (bufptr[0] << 8) | bufptr[1]; result = (shortv == rules->value.shortv); } break; case MIME_MAGIC_INT : /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset || (rules->offset + 4) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; } /* * Compare the int values; if the file is too short, it * can't match... */ if (fb->length < 4) result = 0; else { bufptr = fb->buffer + rules->offset - fb->offset; intv = (((((bufptr[0] << 8) | bufptr[1]) << 8) | bufptr[2]) << 8) | bufptr[3]; result = (intv == rules->value.intv); } break; case MIME_MAGIC_LOCALE : #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__EMX__) || defined(__APPLE__) result = (strcmp(rules->value.localev, setlocale(LC_ALL, "")) == 0); #else result = (strcmp(rules->value.localev, setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "")) == 0); #endif /* __APPLE__ */ break; case MIME_MAGIC_CONTAINS : /* * Load the buffer if necessary... */ if (fb->offset < 0 || rules->offset < fb->offset || (rules->offset + rules->region) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) { /* * Reload file buffer... */ cupsFileSeek(fb->fp, rules->offset); fb->length = cupsFileRead(fb->fp, (char *)fb->buffer, sizeof(fb->buffer)); fb->offset = rules->offset; } /* * Compare the buffer against the string. If the file is too * short then don't compare - it can't match... */ if ((rules->offset + rules->length) > (fb->offset + fb->length)) result = 0; else { if (fb->length > rules->region) region = rules->region - rules->length; else region = fb->length - rules->length; for (n = 0; n < region; n ++) if ((result = (memcmp(fb->buffer + rules->offset - fb->offset + n, rules->value.stringv, rules->length) == 0)) != 0) break; } break; default : if (rules->child != NULL) result = mime_check_rules(filename, fb, rules->child); else result = 0; break; } /* * If the logic is inverted, invert the result... */ if (rules->invert) result = !result; /* * OK, now if the current logic is OR and this result is true, the this * rule set is true. If the current logic is AND and this result is false, * the the rule set is false... */ DEBUG_printf(("5mime_check_rules: result of test %p (MIME_MAGIC_%s) is %d", rules, debug_ops[rules->op], result)); if ((result && logic == MIME_MAGIC_OR) || (!result && logic == MIME_MAGIC_AND)) return (result); /* * Otherwise the jury is still out on this one, so move to the next rule. */ rules = rules->next; } return (result); }
static void backend_init_supplies( int snmp_fd, /* I - SNMP socket */ http_addr_t *addr) /* I - Printer address */ { int i, /* Looping var */ type; /* Current marker type */ cups_file_t *cachefile; /* Cache file */ const char *cachedir; /* CUPS_CACHEDIR value */ char addrstr[1024], /* Address string */ cachefilename[1024], /* Cache filename */ description[CUPS_SNMP_MAX_STRING], /* Device description string */ value[CUPS_MAX_SUPPLIES * (CUPS_SNMP_MAX_STRING * 4 + 3)], /* Value string */ *ptr, /* Pointer into value string */ *name_ptr; /* Pointer into name string */ cups_snmp_t packet; /* SNMP response packet */ ppd_file_t *ppd; /* PPD file for this queue */ ppd_attr_t *ppdattr; /* cupsSNMPSupplies attribute */ static const char * const types[] = /* Supply types */ { "other", "unknown", "toner", "waste-toner", "ink", "ink-cartridge", "ink-ribbon", "waste-ink", "opc", "developer", "fuser-oil", "solid-wax", "ribbon-wax", "waste-wax", "fuser", "corona-wire", "fuser-oil-wick", "cleaner-unit", "fuser-cleaning-pad", "transfer-unit", "toner-cartridge", "fuser-oiler", "water", "waste-water", "glue-water-additive", "waste-paper", "binding-supply", "banding-supply", "stitching-wire", "shrink-wrap", "paper-wrap", "staples", "inserts", "covers" }; /* * Reset state information... */ current_addr = *addr; current_state = -1; num_supplies = -1; charset = -1; memset(supplies, 0, sizeof(supplies)); /* * See if we should be getting supply levels via SNMP... */ if ((ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"))) == NULL || ((ppdattr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsSNMPSupplies", NULL)) != NULL && ppdattr->value && _cups_strcasecmp(ppdattr->value, "true"))) { ppdClose(ppd); return; } if ((ppdattr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsSNMPQuirks", NULL)) != NULL) { if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ppdattr->value, "capacity")) quirks |= CUPS_SNMP_CAPACITY; } ppdClose(ppd); /* * Get the device description... */ if (!_cupsSNMPWrite(snmp_fd, addr, CUPS_SNMP_VERSION_1, _cupsSNMPDefaultCommunity(), CUPS_ASN1_GET_REQUEST, 1, hrDeviceDescr)) return; if (!_cupsSNMPRead(snmp_fd, &packet, CUPS_SUPPLY_TIMEOUT) || packet.object_type != CUPS_ASN1_OCTET_STRING) { strlcpy(description, "Unknown", sizeof(description)); num_supplies = 0; } else strlcpy(description, (char *)packet.object_value.string.bytes, sizeof(description)); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: hrDeviceDesc=\"%s\"\n", description); /* * See if we have already queried this device... */ httpAddrString(addr, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr)); if ((cachedir = getenv("CUPS_CACHEDIR")) == NULL) cachedir = CUPS_CACHEDIR; snprintf(cachefilename, sizeof(cachefilename), "%s/%s.snmp", cachedir, addrstr); if ((cachefile = cupsFileOpen(cachefilename, "r")) != NULL) { /* * Yes, read the cache file: * * 3 num_supplies charset * device description * supply structures... */ if (cupsFileGets(cachefile, value, sizeof(value))) { if (sscanf(value, "3 %d%d", &num_supplies, &charset) == 2 && num_supplies <= CUPS_MAX_SUPPLIES && cupsFileGets(cachefile, value, sizeof(value))) { if (!strcmp(description, value)) cupsFileRead(cachefile, (char *)supplies, (size_t)num_supplies * sizeof(backend_supplies_t)); else { num_supplies = -1; charset = -1; } } else { num_supplies = -1; charset = -1; } } cupsFileClose(cachefile); } /* * If the cache information isn't correct, scan for supplies... */ if (charset < 0) { /* * Get the configured character set... */ int oid[CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID]; /* OID for character set */ if (!_cupsSNMPWrite(snmp_fd, ¤t_addr, CUPS_SNMP_VERSION_1, _cupsSNMPDefaultCommunity(), CUPS_ASN1_GET_REQUEST, 1, prtGeneralCurrentLocalization)) return; if (!_cupsSNMPRead(snmp_fd, &packet, CUPS_SUPPLY_TIMEOUT) || packet.object_type != CUPS_ASN1_INTEGER) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: prtGeneralCurrentLocalization type is %x, expected %x!\n", packet.object_type, CUPS_ASN1_INTEGER); return; } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: prtGeneralCurrentLocalization=%d\n", packet.object_value.integer); _cupsSNMPCopyOID(oid, prtLocalizationCharacterSet, CUPS_SNMP_MAX_OID); oid[prtLocalizationCharacterSetOffset - 2] = packet.object_value.integer; if (!_cupsSNMPWrite(snmp_fd, ¤t_addr, CUPS_SNMP_VERSION_1, _cupsSNMPDefaultCommunity(), CUPS_ASN1_GET_REQUEST, 1, oid)) return; if (!_cupsSNMPRead(snmp_fd, &packet, CUPS_SUPPLY_TIMEOUT) || packet.object_type != CUPS_ASN1_INTEGER) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: prtLocalizationCharacterSet type is %x, expected %x!\n", packet.object_type, CUPS_ASN1_INTEGER); return; } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: prtLocalizationCharacterSet=%d\n", packet.object_value.integer); charset = packet.object_value.integer; } if (num_supplies < 0) { /* * Walk the printer configuration information... */ _cupsSNMPWalk(snmp_fd, ¤t_addr, CUPS_SNMP_VERSION_1, _cupsSNMPDefaultCommunity(), prtMarkerSuppliesEntry, CUPS_SUPPLY_TIMEOUT, backend_walk_cb, NULL); } /* * Save the cached information... */ if (num_supplies < 0) num_supplies = 0; if ((cachefile = cupsFileOpen(cachefilename, "w")) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(cachefile, "3 %d %d\n", num_supplies, charset); cupsFilePrintf(cachefile, "%s\n", description); if (num_supplies > 0) cupsFileWrite(cachefile, (char *)supplies, (size_t)num_supplies * sizeof(backend_supplies_t)); cupsFileClose(cachefile); } if (num_supplies <= 0) return; /* * Get the colors... */ for (i = 0; i < num_supplies; i ++) strlcpy(supplies[i].color, "none", sizeof(supplies[i].color)); _cupsSNMPWalk(snmp_fd, ¤t_addr, CUPS_SNMP_VERSION_1, _cupsSNMPDefaultCommunity(), prtMarkerColorantValue, CUPS_SUPPLY_TIMEOUT, backend_walk_cb, NULL); /* * Output the marker-colors attribute... */ for (i = 0, ptr = value; i < num_supplies; i ++, ptr += strlen(ptr)) { if (i) *ptr++ = ','; strlcpy(ptr, supplies[i].color, sizeof(value) - (size_t)(ptr - value)); } fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: marker-colors=%s\n", value); /* * Output the marker-names attribute (the double quoting is necessary to deal * with embedded quotes and commas in the marker names...) */ for (i = 0, ptr = value; i < num_supplies; i ++) { if (i) *ptr++ = ','; *ptr++ = '\''; *ptr++ = '\"'; for (name_ptr = supplies[i].name; *name_ptr;) { if (*name_ptr == '\\' || *name_ptr == '\"' || *name_ptr == '\'') { *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = '\\'; } *ptr++ = *name_ptr++; } *ptr++ = '\"'; *ptr++ = '\''; } *ptr = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: marker-names=%s\n", value); /* * Output the marker-types attribute... */ for (i = 0, ptr = value; i < num_supplies; i ++, ptr += strlen(ptr)) { if (i) *ptr++ = ','; type = supplies[i].type; if (type < CUPS_TC_other || type > CUPS_TC_covers) strlcpy(ptr, "unknown", sizeof(value) - (size_t)(ptr - value)); else strlcpy(ptr, types[type - CUPS_TC_other], sizeof(value) - (size_t)(ptr - value)); } fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: marker-types=%s\n", value); }
/** * Main entry point for the program. * * @param argc The number of command line options passed to the program. * @param argv An array of strings where each string represents a command line * argument. * @return An integer where 0 represents successful termination, any other * value represents an error code. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Make sure status messages are not buffered setbuf(stderr, NULL); if (argc < 6 || argc > 7) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Start debug output - passthroughfilter\n"); // Arguments debug output: fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: "); for (int i=0;i<argc;i++) { // Don't print the option arg - these are parsed and output later if (i != 5) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", argv[i]); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); // Env. variable debug output printEnv("CHARSET"); printEnv("CLASS"); printEnv("CONTENT_TYPE"); printEnv("CUPS_CACHEDIR"); printEnv("CUPS_DATADIR"); printEnv("CUPS_FILETYPE"); printEnv("CUPS_SERVERROOT"); printEnv("DEVICE_URI"); printEnv("FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE"); printEnv("LANG"); printEnv("PATH"); printEnv("PPD"); printEnv("PRINTER"); printEnv("RIP_CACHE"); printEnv("SOFTWARE"); printEnv("TZ"); printEnv("USER"); cups_option_t *options = NULL; int num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options); for (int i=0;i<num_options;i++) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s: %s\n", options[i].name, options[i].value); } // FIXME: Register a signal handler to support cancelling of jobs cups_file_t *fp; if (argc == 6) { fp = cupsFileStdin(); } else { // Try to open the print file... if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(argv[6], "r")) == NULL) { perror("ERROR: unable to open print file - "); return 1; } } char buffer[8192]; int bytes; while ((bytes = cupsFileRead(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes, stdout); } fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: End debug output - passthroughfilter\n"); return 0; }
int /* O - Job ID or 0 on error */ cupsPrintFiles2( http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */ const char *name, /* I - Destination name */ int num_files, /* I - Number of files */ const char **files, /* I - File(s) to print */ const char *title, /* I - Title of job */ int num_options, /* I - Number of options */ cups_option_t *options) /* I - Options */ { int i; /* Looping var */ int job_id; /* New job ID */ const char *docname; /* Basename of current filename */ const char *format; /* Document format */ cups_file_t *fp; /* Current file */ char buffer[8192]; /* Copy buffer */ ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes in buffer */ http_status_t status; /* Status of write */ _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Global data */ ipp_status_t cancel_status; /* Status code to preserve */ char *cancel_message; /* Error message to preserve */ DEBUG_printf(("cupsPrintFiles2(http=%p, name=\"%s\", num_files=%d, " "files=%p, title=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)", http, name, num_files, files, title, num_options, options)); /* * Range check input... */ if (!name || num_files < 1 || !files) { _cupsSetError(IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR, strerror(EINVAL), 0); return (0); } /* * Create the print job... */ if ((job_id = cupsCreateJob(http, name, title, num_options, options)) == 0) return (0); /* * Send each of the files... */ if (cupsGetOption("raw", num_options, options)) format = CUPS_FORMAT_RAW; else if ((format = cupsGetOption("document-format", num_options, options)) == NULL) format = CUPS_FORMAT_AUTO; for (i = 0; i < num_files; i ++) { /* * Start the next file... */ if ((docname = strrchr(files[i], '/')) != NULL) docname ++; else docname = files[i]; if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(files[i], "rb")) == NULL) { /* * Unable to open print file, cancel the job and return... */ _cupsSetError(IPP_DOCUMENT_ACCESS_ERROR, NULL, 0); goto cancel_job; } status = cupsStartDocument(http, name, job_id, docname, format, i == (num_files - 1)); while (status == HTTP_CONTINUE && (bytes = cupsFileRead(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) status = cupsWriteRequestData(http, buffer, bytes); cupsFileClose(fp); if (status != HTTP_CONTINUE || cupsFinishDocument(http, name) != IPP_OK) { /* * Unable to queue, cancel the job and return... */ goto cancel_job; } } return (job_id); /* * If we get here, something happened while sending the print job so we need * to cancel the job without setting the last error (since we need to preserve * the current error... */ cancel_job: cancel_status = cg->last_error; cancel_message = cg->last_status_message ? _cupsStrRetain(cg->last_status_message) : NULL; cupsCancelJob2(http, name, job_id, 0); cg->last_error = cancel_status; cg->last_status_message = cancel_message; return (0); }