Esempio n. 1
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnArchiveFiles( wxCommandEvent& event )
    // List of file extensions to save.
    static const wxChar* extentionList[] = {
        wxT( "*.pro" ),
        wxT( "*.sch" ), wxT( "*.lib" ), wxT( "*.dcm" ), // Schematic related files
        wxT( "*.cmp" ),
        wxT( "*.brd" ), wxT( "*.kicad_pcb" ),   // Brd files
        wxT( "*.mod" ), wxT( "*.kicad_mod" ),   // fp files
        wxT( "*.gb?" ), wxT( "*.gbrjob" ),      // Gerber files
        wxT( "*.gko" ), wxT( "*.gm1" ),
        wxT( "*.gm2" ), wxT( "*.g?" ),
        wxT( "*.gp1" ), wxT( "*.gp2" ),
        wxT( "*.gpb" ), wxT( "*.gpt" ),
        wxT( "*.gt?" ),
        wxT( "*.pos" ), wxT( "*.drl" ),         // Fab files
        wxT( "*.d356" ), wxT( "*.rpt" ),
        wxT( "*.stp" ), wxT( "*.step" ),        // 3d files
        wxT( "*.wrl" ),
        wxT( "*.net" ), wxT( "*.py" ),
        wxT( "*.pdf" ), wxT( "*.txt" ), wxT( "*.kicad_wks" ),
        wxT( "fp-lib-table" ), wxT( "sym-lib-table" )

    wxString    msg;
    wxFileName  fileName = GetProjectFileName();
    wxString    oldCwd = wxGetCwd();

    fileName.SetExt( wxT( "zip" ) );

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Archive Project Files" ),
                      fileName.GetPath(), fileName.GetFullName(),
                      ZipFileWildcard(), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    wxFileName zip = dlg.GetPath();

    wxString currdirname = fileName.GetPathWithSep();
    wxDir dir( currdirname );

    if( !dir.IsOpened() )   // wxWidgets display a error message on issue.

    wxSetWorkingDirectory( currdirname );

    // Prepare the zip file
    wxString zipfilename = zip.GetFullPath();

    wxFFileOutputStream ostream( zipfilename );

    if( !ostream.IsOk() )   // issue to create the file. Perhaps not writable dir
        wxMessageBox( wxString::Format( _( "Unable to create zip archive file \"%s\"" ),
                                        zipfilename ) );

    wxZipOutputStream zipstream( ostream );

    // Build list of filenames to put in zip archive
    wxString currFilename;

	wxArrayString files;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < arrayDim( extentionList ); ii++ )
        wxDir::GetAllFiles( currdirname, &files, extentionList[ii] );


    int zipBytesCnt = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < files.GetCount(); ii++ )
        wxFileSystem fsfile;

        wxFileName curr_fn( files[ii] );
        curr_fn.MakeRelativeTo( currdirname );
        currFilename = curr_fn.GetFullPath();

        msg.Printf( _( "Archive file \"%s\"" ), GetChars( currFilename ) );
        PrintMsg( msg );

        // Read input file and add it to the zip file:
        wxFSFile* infile = fsfile.OpenFile( currFilename );

        if( infile )
            zipstream.PutNextEntry( currFilename, infile->GetModificationTime() );
            infile->GetStream()->Read( zipstream );
            int zippedsize = zipstream.GetSize() - zipBytesCnt;
            zipBytesCnt = zipstream.GetSize();
            PrintMsg( wxT("  ") );
            msg.Printf( _( "(%lu bytes, compressed %d bytes)\n" ),
                        (unsigned long)infile->GetStream()->GetSize(), zippedsize );
            PrintMsg( msg );
            delete infile;
            PrintMsg( _( " >>Error\n" ) );

    zipBytesCnt = ostream.GetSize();

    if( zipstream.Close() )
        msg.Printf( _( "\nZip archive \"%s\" created (%d bytes)" ),
                    GetChars( zipfilename ), zipBytesCnt );
        PrintMsg( msg );
        PrintMsg( wxT( "\n** end **\n" ) );
        msg.Printf( wxT( "Unable to create archive \"%s\", abort\n" ),
                    GetChars( zipfilename ) );
        PrintMsg( msg );

    wxSetWorkingDirectory( oldCwd );
Esempio n. 2
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnArchiveFiles( wxCommandEvent& event )
    // List of file extensions to save.
    static const wxChar* extentionList[] = {
        wxT( "*.sch" ), wxT( "*.lib" ), wxT( "*.mod" ), wxT( "*.cmp" ),
        wxT( "*.brd" ), wxT( "*.kicad_pcb" ), wxT( "*.gbr" ), wxT( "*.pos" ),
        wxT( "*.net" ), wxT( "*.pro" ), wxT( "*.drl" ), wxT( "*.py" ),
        wxT( "*.pdf" ), wxT( "*.txt" ), wxT( "*.dcm" ), wxT( "*.kicad_wks" ),

    wxString    msg;
    wxFileName  fileName = GetProjectFileName();
    wxString    oldCwd = wxGetCwd();

    fileName.SetExt( wxT( "zip" ) );

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Archive Project Files" ),
                      fileName.GetPath(), fileName.GetFullName(),
                      ZipFileWildcard, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    wxFileName zip = dlg.GetPath();

    wxString currdirname = fileName.GetPathWithSep();
    wxDir dir( currdirname );

    if( !dir.IsOpened() )

    wxSetWorkingDirectory( currdirname );

    // Prepare the zip file
    wxString zipfilename = zip.GetFullPath();

    wxFFileOutputStream ostream(zipfilename);
    wxZipOutputStream zipstream( ostream );

    // Build list of filenames to put in zip archive
    wxString currFilename;

	wxArrayString files;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( extentionList ); ii++ )
        wxDir::GetAllFiles( currdirname, &files, extentionList[ii] );


    int zipBytesCnt = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < files.GetCount(); ii++ )
        wxFileSystem fsfile;

        wxFileName curr_fn( files[ii] );
        curr_fn.MakeRelativeTo( currdirname );
        currFilename = curr_fn.GetFullPath();

        msg.Printf(_( "Archive file <%s>" ), GetChars( currFilename ) );
        PrintMsg( msg );

        // Read input file and add it to the zip file:
        wxFSFile* infile = fsfile.OpenFile(currFilename);

        if( infile )
            zipstream.PutNextEntry( currFilename, infile->GetModificationTime() );
            infile->GetStream()->Read( zipstream );
            int zippedsize = zipstream.GetSize() - zipBytesCnt;
            zipBytesCnt = zipstream.GetSize();
            PrintMsg( wxT("  ") );
            msg.Printf( _( "(%d bytes, compressed %d bytes)\n"),
                        infile->GetStream()->GetSize(), zippedsize );
            PrintMsg( msg );
            delete infile;
            PrintMsg( _(" >>Error\n") );

    zipBytesCnt = ostream.GetSize();

    if( zipstream.Close() )
        msg.Printf( _("\nZip archive <%s> created (%d bytes)" ),
                    GetChars( zipfilename ), zipBytesCnt );
        PrintMsg( msg );
        PrintMsg( wxT( "\n** end **\n" ) );
        msg.Printf( wxT( "Unable to create archive <%s>, abort\n" ),
                  GetChars( zipfilename ) );
        PrintMsg( msg );

    wxSetWorkingDirectory( oldCwd );