int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, num; long acc = 0; struct timespec t1; struct timespec t2; cst_voice * v = NULL; mimic_init(); mimic_set_lang_list(); if (argc < 3) { print_usage(argv[0]); return -1; } else if (argc < 3) num = 1; else num = atoi(argv[2]); for(i = 0; i < num; i++) { current_utc_time(&t1); v = mimic_voice_load(argv[1]); current_utc_time(&t2); acc += (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + (t2.tv_nsec - t1.tv_nsec); } if (v != NULL) { printf("voice name: %s, %ld\n", v->name, acc); } return 0; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) is not available on Mac OSX. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DAQtimer::DAQstart() { //clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&tsStart); current_utc_time(&tsStart); tsctime1=tsStart; readcount =0; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { struct timespec ts; current_utc_time(&ts); //printf("s: %lu\n", ts.tv_sec); //printf("ns: %lu\n", ts.tv_nsec); // Create an event tap to retrieve keypresses. CGEventMask eventMask = (CGEventMaskBit(kCGEventKeyDown) | CGEventMaskBit(kCGEventFlagsChanged)); CFMachPortRef eventTap = CGEventTapCreate( kCGSessionEventTap, kCGHeadInsertEventTap, 0, eventMask, CGEventCallback, NULL ); // Exit the program if unable to create the event tap. if(!eventTap) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create event tap.\n"); exit(1); } // Create a run loop source and add enable the event tap. CFRunLoopSourceRef runLoopSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, eventTap, 0); CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), runLoopSource, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CGEventTapEnable(eventTap, true); // Clear the logfile if clear argument used or log to specific file if given. if(argc == 2) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "clear") == 0) { fopen(logfileLocation, "w"); printf("%s cleared.\n", logfileLocation); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } else { logfileLocation = argv[1]; } } // Get the current time and open the logfile. time_t result = time(NULL); logfile = fopen(logfileLocation, "a"); if (!logfile) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to open log file. Ensure that you have the proper permissions.\n"); exit(1); } // Output to logfile. fprintf(logfile, "\n\nKeylogging has begun.\n%s\n", asctime(localtime(&result))); fflush(logfile); // Display the location of the logfile and start the loop. printf("Logging to: %s\n", logfileLocation); fflush(stdout); CFRunLoopRun(); return 0; }
void DAQtimer::readend() { //clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&tsctime2); current_utc_time(&tsctime2); if(readcount<1000) { lltime_diff[readcount] = GetRealTimeInterval(&tsctime1,&tsctime2); tsctime1=tsctime2; } readcount++; }
uint64_t current_time() { /* returns time in milliseconds */ struct timespec tp; int res = current_utc_time(&tp); if (res == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure with clock_gettime"); return 0; } return BILLION * tp.tv_sec + tp.tv_nsec; }
void Run() { Graphics::Display disp(WIDTH, HEIGHT, TITLE); Application application; application.Start(); timespec ts; current_utc_time(&ts); long previousTime = ts.tv_nsec; float delta = 0; while (!disp.IsClosed()) { current_utc_time(&ts); long currentTime = ts.tv_nsec; float prev_delta = delta; delta = (float)((currentTime - previousTime)/1000000000.0); if(delta < 0) delta = prev_delta; Time::setDetlaTime(delta); previousTime = currentTime; /* Logic */ application.PreUpdate(); application.Update(); application.PostUpdate(); /* End Logic */ /* Rendering */ disp.PreUpdate(); application.PreRender(); application.Render(); application.PostRender(); disp.Update(); disp.PostUpdate(); /* End Rendering */ Input::CleanUp(); // This should be one of the last things to be called because it is a form of cleanup. } }
static inline uint64_t cur_usec(Mode m) { if (m == T_CLK_GETTIMEOFDAY) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); return ((uint64_t)tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec; } else { assert(m == T_CLK_REALTIME); struct timespec ts; current_utc_time(&ts); return ((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (((uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec) / 1000); } }
// The following callback method is invoked on every keypress. CGEventRef CGEventCallback(CGEventTapProxy proxy, CGEventType type, CGEventRef event, void *refcon) { if (type != kCGEventKeyDown && type != kCGEventFlagsChanged && type != kCGEventKeyUp) { return event; } // Retrieve the incoming keycode. CGKeyCode keyCode = (CGKeyCode) CGEventGetIntegerValueField(event, kCGKeyboardEventKeycode); struct timespec ts; current_utc_time(&ts); // Print the human readable key to the logfile. // fprintf(logfile, "%s", convertKeyCode(keyCode)); // fprintf(logfile, "%u,%s\n", (unsigned)time(NULL),convertKeyCode(keyCode)); // NEXT LINE CODED BY LEON TO PRINT SPECIFIC KEYS ONLY ONCE // fprintf(logfile, "%lu,%lu,%s,%hu,%d,%i\n",ts.tv_sec,ts.tv_nsec,convertedKey,keyCode,critKey,lastKeyCode); const char *convertedKey = convertKeyCode(keyCode); //calling this function here already, so the printIt is updated. if(printIt){ fprintf(logfile, "%lu,%lu,%s\n",ts.tv_sec,ts.tv_nsec,convertedKey); fflush(logfile); } return event; }
// A select statement chooses which of a set of possible send or receive // operations will proceed. The return value indicates which channel's // operation has proceeded. If more than one operation can proceed, one is // selected randomly. If none can proceed, -1 is returned. Select is intended // to be used in conjunction with a switch statement. In the case of a receive // operation, the received value will be pointed to by the provided pointer. In // the case of a send, the value at the same index as the channel will be sent. int chan_select(chan_t* recv_chans[], int recv_count, void** recv_out, chan_t* send_chans[], int send_count, void* send_msgs[]) { // TODO: Add support for blocking selects. select_op_t candidates[recv_count + send_count]; int count = 0; int i; // Determine receive candidates. for (i = 0; i < recv_count; i++) { chan_t* chan = recv_chans[i]; if (chan_can_recv(chan)) { select_op_t op; op.recv = 1; op.chan = chan; op.index = i; candidates[count++] = op; } } // Determine send candidates. for (i = 0; i < send_count; i++) { chan_t* chan = send_chans[i]; if (chan_can_send(chan)) { select_op_t op; op.recv = 0; op.chan = chan; op.msg_in = send_msgs[i]; op.index = i + recv_count; candidates[count++] = op; } } if (count == 0) { return -1; } // Seed rand using current time in nanoseconds. struct timespec ts; current_utc_time(&ts); srand(ts.tv_nsec); // Select candidate and perform operation. select_op_t select = candidates[rand() % count]; if (select.recv && chan_recv(select.chan, recv_out) != 0) { return -1; } else if (!select.recv && chan_send(select.chan, select.msg_in) != 0) { return -1; } return select.index; }
void run() { int ch = 0, ich, i, current_columns, current_rows, success = 1; // some variables for the timer (inclusive the interval) struct timespec last_time = {}; struct timespec current_time = {}; long long default_interval = 40000000; long long interval = default_interval; long long res; char playername[HIGHSCORE_NAME_LENGTH] = {}; int range_counter = 0; // create the game struct GAME game = {}; // set the eat range to 1 game.snake.eat_range = 1; // helper variable to keep track of how long we've paused time_t pause_start; // get the dimensions of the terminal and store them in the GAME struct getmaxyx(stdscr, game.rows, game.columns); // clear the whole screen clear(); // draw the walls draw_border(&game); // show the newly created walls refresh(); // place the snake in the middle of the game field grow_snake(&game.snake, game.rows / 2, game.columns / 2); game.snake.dir = DIR_LEFT; // create some fruits on the screen // NOM, NOM, NOM for(i = 0; i < 50; i++) { grow_fruit(&game); } // get the time when the game started time(&game.started); // get the current time current_utc_time(&last_time); // start the event loop while((ich = getch()) && success) { // key typed? if(ich == ERR) { } else if(ich == '0') { // reset the speed interval = default_interval; } else if(ich == '8') { // speed up interval *= 1.1; } else if(ich == '9') { // slow down interval *= 0.9; } else { // use this key as a direction ch = ich; } // check if we have an overrun current_utc_time(¤t_time); // calculate the dirrence between the last snake move and the current time res = timeval_diff(&last_time, ¤t_time); // is the interval over? if(res > interval) { // has an effect on the eat_range ? if(game.snake.eat_range > 1) { // every 200th field, decrease the range range_counter = (range_counter + 1) % 150; // it turns to 0 after the 200th field if(range_counter == 0) { game.snake.eat_range--; // so, decrease it! } } // new direction? if((ch == KEY_UP || ch == 'w') && game.snake.dir != DIR_DOWN) { game.snake.dir = DIR_UP; } else if((ch == KEY_LEFT || ch == 'a') && game.snake.dir != DIR_RIGHT) { game.snake.dir = DIR_LEFT; } else if((ch == KEY_RIGHT || ch == 'd') && game.snake.dir != DIR_LEFT) { game.snake.dir = DIR_RIGHT; } else if((ch == KEY_DOWN || ch == 's') && game.snake.dir != DIR_UP) { game.snake.dir = DIR_DOWN; } // move the snake success = move_snake(&game); // refresh the screen refresh(); // display the status bar (top-right) status_display(&game); // update the time when we last moved the snake last_time = current_time; } getmaxyx(stdscr, current_rows, current_columns); // 'p' pressed || size of the terminal changed if(ich == 'p' || (current_rows != game.rows || current_columns != game.columns)) { // use the terminal new size game.rows = current_rows; game.columns = current_columns; // get the time time(&pause_start); // show the pause dialog switch(pause_dialog()) { case 2: // leave the game if '2' is pressed success = 0; default: // redraw the screen on resume game.paused += time(NULL) - pause_start; redraw_game(&game); break; } } } // get the time when the game has ended time(&game.ended); // display the highscore dialog & let the player enter his name display_highscore(&game, playername, HIGHSCORE_NAME_LENGTH); // has a name been entered? if not don't create a highscore entry if(playername[0]) { add_highscore(playername, game.highscore, game.ended - game.started - game.paused); } // free all the resources reserved in the game struct kill_game(&game); }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { struct timespec start, end; char buffer[32] = {0}; const int vals = 10000000; unsigned long *val = new unsigned long[vals]; long int duration; long test_len; test_len = to_dec_c( 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF, buffer, 32 ); buffer[test_len] = 0x00; printf( "Test 1 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF = %s\n", buffer ); test_len = to_dec( 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF, buffer, 32 ); buffer[test_len] = 0x00; printf( "Test 2 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF = %s\n", buffer ); test_len = to_dec( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, buffer, 32 ); buffer[test_len] = 0x00; printf( "Test 3 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEF = %s\n", buffer ); test_len = to_dec_c( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, buffer, 32 ); buffer[test_len] = 0x00; printf( "Test 4 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEF = %s\n", buffer ); test_len = to_dec( (unsigned long)0xFFFFFFFF, buffer, 32 ); buffer[test_len] = 0x00; printf( "Test 5 0xFFFFFFFF = %s\n", buffer ); test_len = to_dec_c( (unsigned long)0xFFFFFFFF, buffer, 32 ); buffer[test_len] = 0x00; printf( "Test 6 0xFFFFFFFF = %s\n", buffer ); printf( "Array setup..." ); fflush(NULL); for( int x = 0; x < vals; x++ ) { val[x] = x; } printf( "done\n" ); current_utc_time( &start ); for( int x = 0; x < vals ; x++ ) { long len = to_dec( val[x], buffer, 32 ); } current_utc_time( &end ); duration = diff_timespec( start, end ); printf( "to_dec, source is array\n" ); printf( "Completed in %8.8f sec (%ld nsec avg)\n\n", (double)duration/nsec_per_sec, duration/vals ); current_utc_time( &start ); for( int x = 0; x < vals ; x++ ) { long len = to_dec( x, buffer, 32 ); } current_utc_time( &end ); duration = diff_timespec( start, end ); printf( "to_dec, source is calculated\n" ); printf( "Completed in %8.8f sec (%ld nsec avg)\n\n", (double)duration/(double)nsec_per_sec, duration/vals ); current_utc_time( &start ); for( int x = 0; x < vals ; x++ ) { long len = to_dec_c( val[x], buffer, 32 ); } current_utc_time( &end ); duration = diff_timespec( start, end ); printf( "to_dec_c, source is array\n" ); printf( "Completed in %8.8f sec (%ld nsec avg)\n\n", (double)duration/(double)nsec_per_sec, duration/vals ); current_utc_time( &start ); for( int x = 0; x < vals ; x++ ) { long len = to_dec_c( x, buffer, 32 ); } current_utc_time( &end ); duration = diff_timespec( start, end ); printf( "to_dec_c, source is calculated\n" ); printf( "Completed in %8.8f sec (%ld nsec avg)\n\n", (double)duration/(double)nsec_per_sec, duration/vals ); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double *a, *b, *c, *aa ; unsigned int n ; unsigned i, j, k, iInner, jInner, kInner, blockSize ; struct timespec ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, ts7 ; printf("hello code beginning\n") ; n = MATSIZE ; // default settings blockSize = BLOCKSIZE ; if (argc != 3) { printf("input matrix size and blocksize\n") ; exit(0); } n = atoi(argv[1]) ; blockSize = atoi(argv[2]) ; printf("matrix size %d blocksize %d\n", n,blockSize) ; if (n%blockSize) { printf("for this simple example matrix size must be a multiple of the block size.\n Please re-start \n") ; exit(0); } // allocate matrices a = (double *)calloc((n+blockSize)*(n+blockSize), sizeof(double)) ; b = (double *)calloc((n+blockSize)*(n+blockSize), sizeof(double)) ; c = (double *)calloc((n+blockSize)*(n+blockSize), sizeof(double)) ; aa = (double *)calloc((n+blockSize)*(n+blockSize), sizeof(double)) ; if (aa == NULL) // cheap check only the last allocation checked. { printf("insufficient memory \n") ; exit(0) ; } // fill matrices setmat(n, n, a) ; setmat(n, n, aa) ; srand(1) ; // set random seed (change to go off time stamp to make it better fillmat(n,n,b) ; fillmat(n,n,c) ; current_utc_time(&ts1) ; // multiply matrices abasicmm (n,n,a,b,c) ; current_utc_time(&ts2) ; setmat(n, n, a) ; current_utc_time(&ts3) ; abettermm (n,n,a,b,c) ; current_utc_time(&ts4) ; ablockmm (n, n, aa, b, c, blockSize) ; current_utc_time(&ts5) ; cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, n, n, n, 1.0, b, n, c, n, 0.0, a, n); current_utc_time(&ts6) ; printf("matrix multplies complete \n") ; fflush(stdout) ; /**/ checkmatmult(n,n,a,aa) ; { double t1, t2, t3, t4, tmp ; t1 = ts2.tv_sec-ts1.tv_sec; tmp = ts2.tv_nsec-ts1.tv_nsec; tmp /= 1.0e+09 ; t1 += tmp ; printf("ijk ordering basic time %lf\n",t1) ; t2 = ts4.tv_sec-ts3.tv_sec; tmp = ts4.tv_nsec-ts3.tv_nsec; tmp /= 1.0e+09 ; t2 += tmp ; printf("ikj ordering bette time %lf\n",t2) ; t3 = ts5.tv_sec-ts4.tv_sec; tmp = ts5.tv_nsec-ts4.tv_nsec; tmp /= 1.0e+09 ; t3 += tmp ; printf("ikj blocked time %lf\n",t3) ; t4 = ts6.tv_sec-ts5.tv_sec; tmp = ts6.tv_nsec-ts5.tv_nsec; tmp /= 1.0e+09 ; t4 += tmp ; printf("cblas_dgemm %lf\n",t4) ; } }
int app( int argc, char** argv ) { gengetopt_args_info options; int err = cmdline_parser( argc, argv, &options ); if ( err != EXIT_SUCCESS ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } int state = 0; bool running = true; bool opengl = options.opengl_flag; slop::SelectRectangle* selection = NULL; Window window = None; Window windowmemory = None; std::string xdisplay; if ( options.xdisplay_given ) { xdisplay = options.xdisplay_arg; } else { // If we weren't specifically given a xdisplay, we try // to parse it from environment variables char* display = getenv( "DISPLAY" ); if ( display ) { xdisplay = display; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Failed to parse environment variable: DISPLAY. Using \":0\" instead.\n" ); xdisplay = ":0"; } } int padding = options.padding_arg; int borderSize = options.bordersize_arg; int tolerance = options.tolerance_arg; float r, g, b, a; err = parseColor( options.color_arg, &r, &g, &b, &a ); if ( err != EXIT_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing color %s\n", options.color_arg ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } float gracetime; err = sscanf( options.gracetime_arg, "%f", &gracetime ); if ( err != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing %s as a float for gracetime!\n", options.gracetime_arg ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } bool highlight = options.highlight_flag; bool keyboard = !options.nokeyboard_flag; bool decorations = !options.nodecorations_flag; bool themeon = (bool)options.theme_given; std::string theme = options.theme_arg; #ifdef OPENGL_ENABLED bool shadergiven = (bool)options.shader_given; #endif std::string shader = options.shader_arg; struct timespec start, time; int xoffset = 0; int yoffset = 0; int cx = 0; int cy = 0; int xmem = 0; int ymem = 0; int wmem = 0; int hmem = 0; int minimumsize = options.min_arg; int maximumsize = options.max_arg; bool pressedMemory[4]; double pressedTime[4]; for ( int i=0;i<4;i++ ) { pressedMemory[ i ] = false; pressedTime[ i ] = 0; } std::string format = options.format_arg; bool magenabled = options.magnify_flag; #ifdef OPENGL_ENABLED float magstrength = options.magstrength_arg; if ( options.magpixels_arg < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: --magpixels < 0, it's an unsigned integer you twat. Stop trying to underflow me!\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } unsigned int magpixels = (unsigned int)options.magpixels_arg; #endif cmdline_parser_free( &options ); #ifndef OPENGL_ENABLED if ( opengl || themeon || magenabled ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Slop wasn't compiled with OpenGL support, so themes, magnifications, and shaders are disabled! Try compiling it with the CMAKE_OPENGL_SUPPORT set to true." ); } #else // OPENGL_ENABLED if ( ( themeon || magenabled || shadergiven ) && !opengl ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Slop needs --opengl enabled to use themes, shaders, or magnifications." ); } #endif // First we set up the x interface and grab the mouse, // if we fail for either we exit immediately. err = xengine->init( xdisplay.c_str() ); if ( err != EXIT_SUCCESS ) { printSelection( format, true, 0, 0, 0, 0, None ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( !slop::isSelectRectangleSupported() ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Your X server doesn't support the XShape extension. There's nothing slop can do about this!\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " Try updating X and making sure you have XExtensions installed. (/usr/lib/, /usr/include/X11/extensions/shape.h)\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } err = xengine->grabCursor( slop::Cross, gracetime ); if ( err != EXIT_SUCCESS ) { printSelection( format, true, 0, 0, 0, 0, None ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ( keyboard ) { err = xengine->grabKeyboard(); if ( err ) { fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Failed to grab the keyboard. This is non-fatal, keyboard presses might fall through to other applications.\n" ); } } current_utc_time( &start ); double deltatime = 0; double curtime = double( start.tv_sec*1000000000L + start.tv_nsec )/1000000000.f; while ( running ) { current_utc_time( &time ); // "ticking" the xengine makes it process all queued events. xengine->tick(); // If the user presses any key on the keyboard, exit the application. // Make sure at least gracetime has passed before allowing canceling double newtime = double( time.tv_sec*1000000000L + time.tv_nsec )/1000000000.f; deltatime = newtime-curtime; curtime = newtime; double starttime = double( start.tv_sec*1000000000L + start.tv_nsec )/1000000000.f; if ( curtime - starttime > gracetime ) { if ( keyRepeat( XK_Up, curtime, 0.5, &pressedTime[ 0 ], &pressedMemory[ 0 ] ) ) { yoffset -= 1; } if ( keyRepeat( XK_Down, curtime, 0.5, &pressedTime[ 1 ], &pressedMemory[ 1 ] ) ) { yoffset += 1; } if ( keyRepeat( XK_Left, curtime, 0.5, &pressedTime[ 2 ], &pressedMemory[ 2 ] ) ) { xoffset -= 1; } if ( keyRepeat( XK_Right, curtime, 0.5, &pressedTime[ 3 ], &pressedMemory[ 3 ] ) ) { xoffset += 1; } // If we pressed enter we move the state onward. if ( xengine->keyPressed( XK_Return ) ) { // If we're highlight windows, just select the active window. if ( state == 0 ) { state = 1; // If we're making a custom selection, select the custom selection. } else if ( state == 2 ) { state = 3; } } // If we press any key other than the arrow keys or enter key, we shut down! if ( !( xengine->keyPressed( XK_Up ) || xengine->keyPressed( XK_Down ) || xengine->keyPressed( XK_Left ) || xengine->keyPressed( XK_Right ) ) && !( xengine->keyPressed( XK_Return ) ) && ( ( xengine->anyKeyPressed() && keyboard ) || xengine->mouseDown( 3 ) ) ) { printSelection( format, true, 0, 0, 0, 0, None ); fprintf( stderr, "User pressed key. Canceled selection.\n" ); state = -1; running = false; } } // Our adorable little state manager will handle what state we're in. switch ( state ) { default: { break; } case 0: { // If xengine has found a window we're hovering over (or if it changed) // create a rectangle around it so the user knows he/she can click on it. // --but only if the user wants us to if ( window != xengine->m_hoverWindow && tolerance > 0 ) { slop::WindowRectangle t; t.setGeometry( xengine->m_hoverWindow, decorations ); t.applyPadding( padding ); t.applyMinMaxSize( minimumsize, maximumsize ); // Make sure we only apply offsets to windows that we've forcibly removed decorations on. if ( !selection ) { #ifdef OPENGL_ENABLED if ( opengl ) { selection = new slop::GLSelectRectangle( t.m_x, t.m_y, t.m_x + t.m_width, t.m_y + t.m_height, borderSize, highlight, r, g, b, a ); // Haha why is this so hard to cast? ((slop::GLSelectRectangle*)(selection))->setMagnifySettings( magenabled, magstrength, magpixels ); ((slop::GLSelectRectangle*)(selection))->setTheme( themeon, theme ); ((slop::GLSelectRectangle*)(selection))->setShader( shader ); } else { #endif // OPENGL_ENABLED selection = new slop::XSelectRectangle( t.m_x, t.m_y, t.m_x + t.m_width, t.m_y + t.m_height, borderSize, highlight, r, g, b, a ); #ifdef OPENGL_ENABLED } #endif // OPENGL_ENABLED } else { selection->setGeo( t.m_x, t.m_y, t.m_x + t.m_width, t.m_y + t.m_height ); } //window = xengine->m_hoverWindow; // Since WindowRectangle can select different windows depending on click location... window = t.getWindow(); } if ( selection ) { selection->update( deltatime ); } // If the user clicked we move on to the next state. if ( xengine->mouseDown( 1 ) ) { state++; } break; } case 1: { // Set the mouse position of where we clicked, used so that click tolerance doesn't affect the rectangle's position. cx = xengine->m_mousex; cy = xengine->m_mousey; // Make sure we don't have un-seen applied offsets. xoffset = 0; yoffset = 0; // Also remember where the original selection was if ( selection ) { xmem = selection->m_x; ymem = selection->m_y; wmem = selection->m_width; hmem = selection->m_height; } else { xmem = cx; ymem = cy; } state++; break; } case 2: { // It's possible that our selection doesn't exist still, lets make sure it actually gets created here. if ( !selection ) { int sx, sy, ex, ey; constrain( cx, cy, xengine->m_mousex, xengine->m_mousey, padding, minimumsize, maximumsize, &sx, &sy, &ex, &ey ); #ifdef OPENGL_ENABLED if ( opengl ) { selection = new slop::GLSelectRectangle( sx, sy, ex, ey, borderSize, highlight, r, g, b, a ); // Haha why is this so hard to cast? ((slop::GLSelectRectangle*)(selection))->setMagnifySettings( magenabled, magstrength, magpixels ); ((slop::GLSelectRectangle*)(selection))->setTheme( themeon, theme ); ((slop::GLSelectRectangle*)(selection))->setShader( shader ); } else { #endif // OPENGL_ENABLED selection = new slop::XSelectRectangle( sx, sy, ex, ey, borderSize, highlight, r, g, b, a ); #ifdef OPENGL_ENABLED } #endif // OPENGL_ENABLED } windowmemory = window; // If the user has let go of the mouse button, we'll just // continue to the next state. if ( !xengine->mouseDown( 1 ) ) { state++; break; } // Check to make sure the user actually wants to drag for a selection before moving things around. int w = xengine->m_mousex - cx; int h = xengine->m_mousey - cy; if ( ( std::abs( w ) < tolerance && std::abs( h ) < tolerance ) ) { // We make sure the selection rectangle stays on the window we had selected selection->setGeo( xmem, ymem, xmem + wmem, ymem + hmem ); selection->update( deltatime ); xengine->setCursor( slop::Left ); // Make sure window = windowmemory; continue; } // If we're not selecting a window. windowmemory = window; window = None; // We also detect which way the user is pulling and set the mouse icon accordingly. bool x = cx > xengine->m_mousex; bool y = cy > xengine->m_mousey; if ( ( selection->m_width <= 1 && selection->m_height <= 1 ) || ( minimumsize == maximumsize && minimumsize != 0 && maximumsize != 0 ) ) { xengine->setCursor( slop::Cross ); } else if ( !x && !y ) { xengine->setCursor( slop::LowerRightCorner ); } else if ( x && !y ) { xengine->setCursor( slop::LowerLeftCorner ); } else if ( !x && y ) { xengine->setCursor( slop::UpperRightCorner ); } else if ( x && y ) { xengine->setCursor( slop::UpperLeftCorner ); } // Apply padding and minimum size adjustments. int sx, sy, ex, ey; constrain( cx, cy, xengine->m_mousex, xengine->m_mousey, padding, minimumsize, maximumsize, &sx, &sy, &ex, &ey ); // Set the selection rectangle's dimensions to mouse movement. selection->setGeo( sx + xoffset, sy + yoffset, ex, ey ); selection->update( deltatime ); break; } case 3: { int x, y, w, h; // Exit the utility after this state runs once. running = false; // We pull the dimensions and positions from the selection rectangle. // The selection rectangle automatically converts the positions and // dimensions to absolute coordinates when we set them earilier. x = selection->m_x; y = selection->m_y; w = selection->m_width; h = selection->m_height; // Delete the rectangle, which will remove it from the screen. delete selection; // Make sure if no window was specifically specified, that we output the root window. Window temp = window; if ( temp == None ) { temp = xengine->m_root; } // Print the selection :) printSelection( format, false, x, y, w, h, temp ); break; } } // This sleep is required because drawing the rectangles is a very expensive task that acts really weird with Xorg when called as fast as possible. // 0.01 seconds usleep( 10000 ); } xengine->releaseCursor(); xengine->releaseKeyboard(); // Try to process any last-second requests. //xengine->tick(); // Clean up global classes. delete xengine; // Sleep for 0.05 seconds to ensure everything was cleaned up. (Without this, slop's window often shows up in screenshots.) usleep( 50000 ); // If we canceled the selection, return error. if ( state == -1 ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void DAQtimer::DAQend() { //clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&tsEnd); current_utc_time(&tsEnd); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { setbuf(stdout, NULL); signal(SIGINT, INThandler); unsigned char ply = 6; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'p': ply = atoi(optarg); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-p ply]\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } struct position pos; init_position(&pos); assert(consistency(&pos)); struct timespec realt_old, realt_new; tt = new_trans_tables(); #ifdef _USE_HISTORY hist = init_history(); #endif #ifdef _DEBUG testing(); #endif #ifndef _XBOARD print_position(&pos); #endif while (1) { if (is_check(&pos)) { fprintf(stderr, "check.\n"); } user_input(&pos); #ifndef _XBOARD print_position(&pos); #endif assert(consistency(&pos)); if (is_check(&pos)) { fprintf(stderr, "check.\n"); } current_utc_time(&realt_old); computer_move(&pos, ply); assert(consistency(&pos)); current_utc_time(&realt_new); #ifndef _XBOARD fprintf(stderr, "One second: %12llu ns\n", (long long unsigned)BILLION); fprintf(stderr, "Real time: %12llu ns\n", (long long unsigned)minus_time(&realt_new, &realt_old)); print_position(&pos); #endif } return (0); }