void CascadeClassifierNavigationPlayer::onEnter() { if (m_classifier) { return; } QFile f(":/assets/lbpcascade_animeface.xml"); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning("Fail to load cascade classifier"); return; } QByteArray content = f.readAll(); cv::FileStorage cvFile(content.toStdString(), cv::FileStorage::READ | cv::FileStorage::MEMORY); if (!cvFile.isOpened()) { qWarning("Fail to load cascade classifier as cv::FileStorage"); return; } cv::CascadeClassifier *classifier = new cv::CascadeClassifier(); if (!classifier->read(cvFile.getFirstTopLevelNode())) { qWarning("Fail to decode cascade classifer"); delete classifier; return; } m_classifier = classifier; }
void doMiddle() { struct hash *cvHash = raReadAll((char *)cvFile(), CV_TERM); struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(cvHash); struct hashEl *hEl; struct slList *termList = NULL; struct hash *ra; int totalPrinted = 0; boolean excludeDeprecated = (cgiOptionalString("deprecated") == NULL); // Prepare an array of selected terms (if any) int requestCount = 0; char **requested = NULL; char *requestVal = termOpt; char *queryBy = CV_TERM; if (tagOpt) { requestVal = tagOpt; queryBy = CV_TAG; } else if (targetOpt) { requestVal = targetOpt; queryBy = CV_TERM; // request target is special: lookup term, convert to target, display target } else if (labelOpt) { requestVal = labelOpt; queryBy = CV_LABEL; } if (requestVal) { (void)stripChar(requestVal,'\"'); requestCount = chopCommas(requestVal,NULL); requested = needMem(requestCount * sizeof(char *)); chopByChar(requestVal,',',requested,requestCount); } char *org = NULL; // if the org is specified in the type (eg. cell line) // then use that for the org, otherwise use the command line option, // otherwise use human. char *type = findType(cvHash,requested,requestCount,&queryBy, &org, FALSE); if (org == NULL) org = organismOptLower; if (org == NULL) org = ORG_HUMAN; // Special logic for requesting antibody by target if (targetOpt && requestCount > 0 && sameWord(queryBy,CV_TERM) && sameWord(type,CV_TERM_ANTIBODY)) { // Several antibodies may have same target. // requested target={antibody} and found antibody // Must now convert each of the requested terms to its target before displaying all targets char **targets = convertAntibodiesToTargets(cvHash,requested,requestCount); if (targets != NULL) { freeMem(requested); requested = targets; queryBy = CV_TARGET; } } //warn("Query by: %s = '%s' type:%s",queryBy,requestVal?requestVal:"all",type); // Get just the terms that match type and requested, then sort them if (differentWord(type,CV_TOT) || typeOpt != NULL ) // If type resolves to typeOfTerm and { // typeOfTerm was not requested, while ((hEl = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL) // then just show definition { ra = (struct hash *)hEl->val; char *thisType = (char *)cvTermNormalized(hashMustFindVal(ra,CV_TYPE)); if (differentWord(thisType,type) && (requested == NULL || differentWord(thisType,CV_TERM_CONTROL))) continue; // Skip all rows that do not match queryBy param if specified if (requested) { char *val = hashFindVal(ra, queryBy); if (val == NULL) { // Special case for input that has no target if (sameString(queryBy, CV_TARGET)) val = hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TERM); else continue; } if (-1 == stringArrayIx(val,requested,requestCount)) continue; } else if (excludeDeprecated) { if (hashFindVal(ra, "deprecated") != NULL) continue; } slAddTail(&termList, ra); } } slSort(&termList, termCmp); boolean described = doTypeDefinition(type,FALSE,(slCount(termList) == 0)); boolean sortable = (slCount(termList) > 5); if (sortable) { webIncludeResourceFile("HGStyle.css"); jsIncludeFile("jquery.js",NULL); jsIncludeFile("utils.js",NULL); printf("<TABLE class='sortable' border=1 CELLSPACING=0 style='border: 2px outset #006600; " "background-color:%s;'>\n",COLOR_BG_DEFAULT); } else printf("<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=%s CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2>\n",COLOR_BG_DEFAULT); if (slCount(termList) > 0) { doTypeHeader(type, org,sortable); // Print out the terms while ((ra = slPopHead(&termList)) != NULL) { if (doTypeRow( ra, org )) totalPrinted++; } } puts("</TBODY></TABLE><BR>"); if (sortable) jsInline("{$(document).ready(function() " "{sortTable.initialize($('table.sortable')[0],true,true);});}\n"); if (totalPrinted == 0) { if (!described) warn("Error: Unrecognised type (%s)\n", type); } else if (totalPrinted > 1) printf("Total = %d\n", totalPrinted); }