int main (int argc, char **argv) { char filename[] = "save_cv.xml"; // file name int i,j,k; CvFileStorage *cvfs; CvFileNode *node, *fn; CvSeq *s; int total; // (1)memory space for loading data int a; float b; CvMat** mat = (CvMat**)cvAlloc(3*sizeof(CvMat*)); // (2)open file storage cvfs = cvOpenFileStorage(filename, NULL, CV_STORAGE_READ); // (3)read data from file storage node = cvGetFileNodeByName(cvfs, NULL, ""); // Get Top Node a = cvReadIntByName(cvfs, node, "a", 0); b = cvReadRealByName(cvfs, node, "b", 0); fn = cvGetFileNodeByName(cvfs,node,"mat_array"); s = fn->data.seq; total = s->total; for(i=0;i<total;i++){ mat[i] = (CvMat*)cvRead(cvfs,(CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s,i), NULL); } // (4)close file storage cvReleaseFileStorage(&cvfs); // (5)print loaded data printf("a:%d\n", a); printf("b:%f\n", b); for(i=0; i<3; i++){ printf("mat%d:\n",i); for(j=0;j<mat[i]->rows;j++){ for(k=0;k<mat[i]->cols;k++){ printf("%f,",cvmGet(mat[i],j,k)); } printf("\n"); } } // release mat for(i=0; i<3; i++){ cvReleaseMat(mat+i); } cvFree(mat); return 0; }
void CvANN_MLP::read( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node ) { CvMat* _layer_sizes = 0; CV_FUNCNAME( "CvANN_MLP::read" ); __BEGIN__; CvFileNode* w; CvSeqReader reader; int i, l_count; _layer_sizes = (CvMat*)cvReadByName( fs, node, "layer_sizes" ); CV_CALL( create( _layer_sizes, SIGMOID_SYM, 0, 0 )); l_count = layer_sizes->cols; CV_CALL( read_params( fs, node )); w = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "input_scale" ); if( !w || CV_NODE_TYPE(w->tag) != CV_NODE_SEQ || w->data.seq->total != layer_sizes->data.i[0]*2 ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsParseError, "input_scale tag is not found or is invalid" ); CV_CALL( cvReadRawData( fs, w, weights[0], "d" )); w = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "output_scale" ); if( !w || CV_NODE_TYPE(w->tag) != CV_NODE_SEQ || w->data.seq->total != layer_sizes->data.i[l_count-1]*2 ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsParseError, "output_scale tag is not found or is invalid" ); CV_CALL( cvReadRawData( fs, w, weights[l_count], "d" )); w = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "inv_output_scale" ); if( !w || CV_NODE_TYPE(w->tag) != CV_NODE_SEQ || w->data.seq->total != layer_sizes->data.i[l_count-1]*2 ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsParseError, "inv_output_scale tag is not found or is invalid" ); CV_CALL( cvReadRawData( fs, w, weights[l_count+1], "d" )); w = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "weights" ); if( !w || CV_NODE_TYPE(w->tag) != CV_NODE_SEQ || w->data.seq->total != l_count - 1 ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsParseError, "weights tag is not found or is invalid" ); cvStartReadSeq( w->data.seq, &reader ); for( i = 1; i < l_count; i++ ) { w = (CvFileNode*)reader.ptr; CV_CALL( cvReadRawData( fs, w, weights[i], "d" )); CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( reader.seq->elem_size, reader ); } __END__; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main(Number of arguments, Argument values) // Description : This is the entry point of the program. // Return value : SUCCESS:0 ERROR:-1 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { // AR.Drone class ARDrone ardrone; // Initialize if (! { printf("Failed to initialize.\n"); return -1; } // Image of AR.Drone's camera IplImage *image = ardrone.getImage(); // Read intrincis camera parameters CvFileStorage *fs = cvOpenFileStorage("camera.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ); CvMat *intrinsic = (CvMat*)cvRead(fs, cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, NULL, "intrinsic")); CvMat *distortion = (CvMat*)cvRead(fs, cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, NULL, "distortion")); // Initialize undistortion maps CvMat *mapx = cvCreateMat(image->height, image->width, CV_32FC1); CvMat *mapy = cvCreateMat(image->height, image->width, CV_32FC1); cvInitUndistortMap(intrinsic, distortion, mapx, mapy); // Main loop while (1) { // Key input int key = cvWaitKey(1); if (key == 0x1b) break; // Update if (!ardrone.update()) break; // Get an image image = ardrone.getImage(); // Remap the image cvRemap(image, image, mapx, mapy); // Display the image cvShowImage("camera", image); } // Release the matrices cvReleaseMat(&mapx); cvReleaseMat(&mapy); cvReleaseFileStorage(&fs); // See you ardrone.close(); return 0; }
bool ObjectDefinition::Load(const char* filename) { do{ CvFileStorage* storage = cvOpenFileStorage(filename, 0, CV_STORAGE_READ); m_keypoints = (CvSeq*)cvRead(storage, cvGetFileNodeByName(storage, 0, "keypoints")); m_descriptor = (CvSeq*)cvRead(storage, cvGetFileNodeByName(storage, 0, "descriptor")); cvReadRawData(storage, cvGetFileNodeByName(storage, 0, "corners"), m_corners, "ii"); cvReleaseFileStorage(&storage); m_filename = filename; return true; }while(false); return false; }
void GazeTracker::load() { CvFileStorage *in = cvOpenFileStorage("calibration.xml", NULL, CV_STORAGE_READ); CvFileNode *root = cvGetRootFileNode(in); load(in, cvGetFileNodeByName(in, root, "GazeTracker")); cvReleaseFileStorage(&in); updateGaussianProcesses(); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { CvMat *cmatrix = cvCreateMat(5,5,CV_32FC1); float element_3_2 = 7.7; *((float*)CV_MAT_ELEM_PTR( *cmatrix, 3,2) ) = element_3_2; cvmSet(cmatrix,4,4,0.5000); cvSetReal2D(cmatrix,3,3,0.5000); CvFileStorage* fs1 = cvOpenFileStorage("cfg.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_WRITE); cvWriteInt( fs1, "frame_count", 10 ); cvStartWriteStruct( fs1, "frame_size", CV_NODE_SEQ ); cvWriteInt( fs1 , 0, 320 ); cvWriteInt( fs1 , 0, 200 ); cvEndWriteStruct( fs1 ); cvWrite( fs1, "color_cvt_matrix", cmatrix ); cvReleaseFileStorage( &fs1 ); CvFileStorage* fs2 = cvOpenFileStorage("cfg.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ); int frame_count = cvReadIntByName( fs2 , 0, "frame_count"); CvSeq* s = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs2,0,"frame_size" )->data.seq; int frame_width = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s,0) ); int frame_height = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s,1) ); CvMat* color_cvt_matrix = (CvMat*) cvReadByName( fs2, 0 , "color_cvt_matrix"); printf("color_cvt_matrix: width=%d, height=%d\n",color_cvt_matrix->width, color_cvt_matrix->height ); printf("frame_count=%d, frame_width=%d, frame_height=%d\n",frame_count,frame_width,frame_height); cvReleaseFileStorage( &fs2 ); return 0; }
void read_pseudocolor(char* file, Pseudocolor *psdata) { CvFileStorage* storage = cvOpenFileStorage( file, 0, CV_STORAGE_READ ); if(storage==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file %s\n",file); return; } CvFileNode* p_node = cvGetFileNodeByName( storage, NULL, "p" ); CvFileNode* t_node = cvGetFileNodeByName( storage, NULL, "t" ); CvFileNode* table_node = cvGetFileNodeByName( storage, NULL, "table" ); cvReadRawData(storage, p_node, psdata->p,"f"); cvReadRawData(storage, t_node, psdata->t,"f"); cvReadRawData(storage, table_node, psdata->table,"u"); cvReleaseFileStorage( &storage ); }
/*! \fn CvBinGabAdaFeatureSelect::loadweaks(const char* filename) */ void CvBinGabAdaFeatureSelect::loadweaks(const char* filename) { //clear(); { delete new_pool; weaks.clear(); } CvMemStorage* fstorage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 ); CvFileStorage *fs; fs = cvOpenFileStorage( filename, fstorage, CV_STORAGE_READ ); CvFileNode *root = cvGetRootFileNode( fs, 0); char *weakname = new char[20]; int i = 0; CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSeq* seq = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvGaborTree), storage ); while(1) { sprintf( weakname, "weak_%d", i); CvFileNode *weaknode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, root, weakname); if (!weaknode) break; CvGaborTree tree; weaknode2tree(weaknode, fs, &tree); cvSeqPush( seq, &tree ); i++; } /* from squence to vector weaks*/ new_pool = new CvGaborFeaturePool; for (int i = 0; i <seq->total; i++) { CvGaborTree *atree = (CvGaborTree*)cvGetSeqElem(seq, i); CvWeakLearner *weak = new CvWeakLearner; weak->setType( weaklearner_type ); weak->setthreshold(atree->threshold); weak->setparity(atree->parity); weaks.push_back(*weak); CvGaborFeature *feature = new CvGaborFeature(atree->x, atree->y, atree->Mu, atree->Nu); new_pool->add(feature); alphas.push_back(atree->alpha); delete weak; delete feature; } cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); cvReleaseFileStorage(&fs); cvReleaseMemStorage( &fstorage ); delete [] weakname; /* set member variables */ current = new_pool->getSize(); falsepositive = 0.0; nexpfeatures = new_pool->getSize(); nselecfeatures = new_pool->getSize(); printf(" %d weak classifiers have been loaded!\n", nselecfeatures); }
virtual void LoadState(CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node) { CvFileNode* BlobListNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,node,"BlobList"); m_FrameCount = cvReadIntByName(fs,node, "FrameCount", m_FrameCount); m_NextBlobID = cvReadIntByName(fs,node, "NextBlobID", m_NextBlobID); if(BlobListNode) { m_BlobList.Load(fs,BlobListNode); } };
void CvGBTrees::read_params( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* fnode ) { CV_FUNCNAME( "CvGBTrees::read_params" ); __BEGIN__; CvFileNode* temp; if( !fnode || !CV_NODE_IS_MAP(fnode->tag) ) return; data = new CvDTreeTrainData(); CV_CALL( data->read_params(fs, fnode)); data->shared = true; params.max_depth = data->params.max_depth; params.min_sample_count = data->params.min_sample_count; params.max_categories = data->params.max_categories; params.priors = data->params.priors; params.regression_accuracy = data->params.regression_accuracy; params.use_surrogates = data->params.use_surrogates; temp = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "loss_function" ); if( !temp ) EXIT; if( temp && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(temp->tag) ) { const char* loss_function_type_str = cvReadString( temp, "" ); params.loss_function_type = strcmp( loss_function_type_str, "SquaredLoss" ) == 0 ? SQUARED_LOSS : strcmp( loss_function_type_str, "AbsoluteLoss" ) == 0 ? ABSOLUTE_LOSS : strcmp( loss_function_type_str, "HuberLoss" ) == 0 ? HUBER_LOSS : strcmp( loss_function_type_str, "DevianceLoss" ) == 0 ? DEVIANCE_LOSS : -1; } else params.loss_function_type = cvReadInt( temp, -1 ); if( params.loss_function_type < SQUARED_LOSS || params.loss_function_type > DEVIANCE_LOSS || params.loss_function_type == 2) CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Unknown loss function" ); params.weak_count = cvReadIntByName( fs, fnode, "ensemble_length" ); params.shrinkage = (float)cvReadRealByName( fs, fnode, "shrinkage", 0.1 ); params.subsample_portion = (float)cvReadRealByName( fs, fnode, "subsample_portion", 1.0 ); if (data->is_classifier) { class_labels = (CvMat*)cvReadByName( fs, fnode, "class_labels" ); if( class_labels && !CV_IS_MAT(class_labels)) CV_ERROR( CV_StsParseError, "class_labels must stored as a matrix"); } data->is_classifier = 0; __END__; }
void CvGBTrees::read( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node ) { CV_FUNCNAME( "CvGBTrees::read" ); __BEGIN__; CvSeqReader reader; CvFileNode* trees_fnode; CvMemStorage* storage; int i, ntrees; cv::String s; clear(); read_params( fs, node ); if( !data ) EXIT; base_value = (float)cvReadRealByName( fs, node, "base_value", 0.0 ); class_count = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "class_count", 1 ); weak = new pCvSeq[class_count]; for (int j=0; j<class_count; ++j) { s = cv::format("trees_%d", j); trees_fnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, s.c_str() ); if( !trees_fnode || !CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(trees_fnode->tag) ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsParseError, "<trees_x> tag is missing" ); cvStartReadSeq( trees_fnode->data.seq, &reader ); ntrees = trees_fnode->data.seq->total; if( ntrees != params.weak_count ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "The number of trees stored does not match <ntrees> tag value" ); CV_CALL( storage = cvCreateMemStorage() ); weak[j] = cvCreateSeq( 0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvDTree*), storage ); for( i = 0; i < ntrees; i++ ) { CvDTree* tree = new CvDTree(); CV_CALL(tree->read( fs, (CvFileNode*)reader.ptr, data )); CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( reader.seq->elem_size, reader ); cvSeqPush( weak[j], &tree ); } } __END__; }
int CV_MLBaseTest::read_params( CvFileStorage* _fs ) { if( !_fs ) test_case_count = -1; else { CvFileNode* fn = cvGetRootFileNode( _fs, 0 ); fn = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem( fn->data.seq, 0 ); fn = cvGetFileNodeByName( _fs, fn, "run_params" ); CvSeq* dataSetNamesSeq = cvGetFileNodeByName( _fs, fn, modelName.c_str() )->data.seq; test_case_count = dataSetNamesSeq ? dataSetNamesSeq->total : -1; if( test_case_count > 0 ) { dataSetNames.resize( test_case_count ); vector<string>::iterator it = dataSetNames.begin(); for( int i = 0; i < test_case_count; i++, it++ ) *it = ((CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem( dataSetNamesSeq, i ))->data.str.ptr; } } return CvTS::OK;; }
bool CvImage::read( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* seqname, int idx ) { void* obj = 0; IplImage* img = 0; CvFileNode* seqnode = seqname ? cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, seqname ) : cvGetRootFileNode(fs,0); if( seqnode && CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(seqnode->tag) ) obj = cvRead( fs, (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem( seqnode->data.seq, idx )); img = icvRetrieveImage(obj); attach( img ); return img != 0; }
bool CvMatrix::read( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* seqname, int idx ) { void* obj = 0; CvMat* m = 0; CvFileNode* seqnode = seqname ? cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, seqname ) : cvGetRootFileNode(fs,0); if( seqnode && CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(seqnode->tag) ) obj = cvRead( fs, (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem( seqnode->data.seq, idx )); m = icvRetrieveMatrix(obj); set( m, false ); return m != 0; }
void read_my_struct( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* ms_node, my_struct* ms) { ms->i = cvReadIntByName( fs, NULL, // search a top-level node "integer", // node name 456 // default value ); CvSeq *s; s = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "point")->data.seq; ms->point.x = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode *)cvGetSeqElem(s, 0) ); ms->point.y = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode *)cvGetSeqElem(s, 1) ); s = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "rectangle")->data.seq; ms->rect.x = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode *)cvGetSeqElem(s, 0) ); ms->rect.y = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode *)cvGetSeqElem(s, 1) ); ms->rect.width = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode *)cvGetSeqElem(s, 2) ); ms->rect.height = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode *)cvGetSeqElem(s, 3) ); }
/*! \fn CvGaborFeature::val(const char *filename) const */ double CvGaborFeature::val(const char *filename) const { double ve; CvFileStorage *fs; fs = cvOpenFileStorage( filename, NULL, CV_STORAGE_READ ); if (!fs) { printf("Error: Can not open %s \n", filename); exit(-1); } char *name; name = new char[20]; extractname(name, filename); CvFileNode *node; node = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, name ); CvFileNode *nodew; nodew = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "width" ); int width = cvReadInt(nodew); CvFileNode *nodeh; nodeh = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "height" ); int height = cvReadInt(nodeh); CvFileNode *nodedata; nodedata = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "data" ); CvSeq* seq = nodedata->data.seq; CvSeqReader reader; cvStartReadSeq( seq, &reader, 0 ); int num = (iy-1)*width + ix - 1; CvFileNode* pt = (CvFileNode*)reader.ptr + num; ve = pt->data.f; delete [] name; cvReleaseFileStorage(&fs); return ve; }
bool CvMatrix::read( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* mapname, const char* matname ) { void* obj = 0; CvMat* m = 0; if( mapname ) { CvFileNode* mapnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, mapname ); if( !mapnode ) obj = cvReadByName( fs, mapnode, matname ); } else obj = cvReadByName( fs, 0, matname ); m = icvRetrieveMatrix(obj); set( m, false ); return m != 0; }
bool CvImage::read( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* mapname, const char* imgname ) { void* obj = 0; IplImage* img = 0; if( mapname ) { CvFileNode* mapnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, mapname ); if( !mapnode ) obj = cvReadByName( fs, mapnode, imgname ); } else obj = cvReadByName( fs, 0, imgname ); img = icvRetrieveImage(obj); attach( img ); return img != 0; }
virtual void LoadState(CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node) { int b,bN = cvReadIntByName(fs,node,"BlobNum",0); CvFileNode* pBlobListNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,node,"BlobList"); if(!CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pBlobListNode->tag)) return; bN = pBlobListNode->data.seq->total; for(b=0; b<bN; ++b) { DefBlobTrackerCR* pF = NULL; CvBlob Blob; CvFileNode* pSeqNode = NULL; CvFileNode* pBlobNode = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pBlobListNode->data.seq,b); assert(pBlobNode); Blob.ID = cvReadIntByName(fs,pBlobNode,"ID",0); pSeqNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, pBlobNode, "Blob"); if(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pSeqNode->tag)) cvReadRawData( fs, pSeqNode, &Blob, "ffffi" ); AddBlob(&Blob,NULL,NULL); pF = (DefBlobTrackerCR*)m_BlobList.GetBlobByID(Blob.ID); pSeqNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, pBlobNode, "BlobPredict"); if(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pSeqNode->tag)) cvReadRawData( fs, pSeqNode, &pF->BlobPredict, "ffffi" ); pSeqNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, pBlobNode, "BlobPrev"); if(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pSeqNode->tag)) cvReadRawData( fs, pSeqNode, &pF->BlobPrev, "ffffi" ); pSeqNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, pBlobNode, "BlobHyp"); if(pSeqNode) pF->pBlobHyp->Load(fs,pSeqNode); pF->Collision = cvReadIntByName(fs, pBlobNode,"Collision",pF->Collision); pSeqNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, pBlobNode, "Predictor"); if(pSeqNode) pF->pPredictor->LoadState(fs,pSeqNode); pSeqNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, pBlobNode, "Resolver"); if(pSeqNode) pF->pResolver->LoadState(fs,pSeqNode); } /* Read next blob. */ } /* CCwithCR LoadState */
void cvReadStructByName(CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node, const char* name, void* addr, const char* desc) { CvFileNode* pSeqNode = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, node, name); if(pSeqNode==NULL) { printf("WARNING!!! Can't read structure %s\n",name); } else { if(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pSeqNode->tag)) { cvReadRawData( fs, pSeqNode, addr, desc ); } else { printf("WARNING!!! Structure %s is not sequence and can not be read\n",name); } } }
void KITECH_HSVColorRecognitionComp::GetDataFromDB(const char* database) { char str[256]; CvFileStorage *fs = cvOpenFileStorage(database, 0, CV_STORAGE_READ); int colorCount = cvReadIntByName(fs, 0, "color_count"); ColorRange colorRange; for( int i = 0 ; i < colorCount ; i++ ) { sprintf(str, "color%d", i); CvSeq *s = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, str)->data.seq; = cvReadString( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s, 0) ); colorRange.min1 = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s, 1) ); colorRange.max1 = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s, 2) ); colorRange.min2 = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s, 3) ); colorRange.max2 = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s, 4) ); colorRange.min3 = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s, 5) ); colorRange.max3 = cvReadInt( (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(s, 6) ); _colorRange.push_back(colorRange); // PrintMessage("INFO:KITECH_HSVColorRecognitionComp::Add color data : %s\n",; } }
/*! \fn CvBinGabAdaFeatureSelect::weaknode2tree(CvFileNode *node, CvFileStorage *fs, CvGaborTree *tree) */ void CvBinGabAdaFeatureSelect::weaknode2tree(CvFileNode *node, CvFileStorage *fs, CvGaborTree *tree) { CvFileNode *xnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "x"); CvFileNode *ynode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "y"); CvFileNode *Munode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "Mu"); CvFileNode *Nunode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "Nu"); CvFileNode *anode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "alpha"); CvFileNode *tnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "threshold"); CvFileNode *pnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, "parity"); int x = cvReadInt( xnode, 0); int y = cvReadInt( ynode, 0); int Mu = cvReadInt( Munode, 0); int Nu = cvReadInt( Nunode, 0); double alpha = cvReadReal( anode, 0); double threshold = cvReadReal( tnode, 0); double parity = cvReadReal( pnode, 0); tree->x = x; tree->y = y; tree->Mu = Mu; tree->Nu = Nu; tree->alpha = alpha; tree->threshold = threshold; tree->parity = parity; }
void CalTarget::load(CvFileStorage *in, CvFileNode *node) { point.load(in, cvGetFileNodeByName(in, node, "point")); image.reset((cv::Mat*) cvReadByName(in, node, "image")); origImage.reset((cv::Mat*) cvReadByName(in, node, "origImage")); }
int CV_DTreeTest :: train( int test_case_idx ) { int MAX_DEPTH, MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT, MAX_CATEGORIES, CV_FOLDS; float REG_ACCURACY = 0; bool USE_SURROGATE, IS_PRUNED; const char* data_name = ((CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem( data_sets_names, test_case_idx ))->data.str.ptr; // read validation params CvFileStorage* fs = ts->get_file_storage(); CvFileNode* fnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, "validation" ), *fnode1 = 0; fnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, name ); fnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, data_name ); fnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "model_params" ); fnode1 = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "max_depth" ); if ( !fnode1 ) { ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "MAX_DEPTH can not be read from config file" ); return CvTS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA; } MAX_DEPTH = fnode1->data.i; fnode1 = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "min_sample_count" ); if ( !fnode1 ) { ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "MAX_DEPTH can not be read from config file" ); return CvTS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA; } MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT = fnode1->data.i; fnode1 = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "use_surrogate" ); if ( !fnode1 ) { ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "USE_SURROGATE can not be read from config file" ); return CvTS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA; } USE_SURROGATE = ( fnode1->data.i!= 0); fnode1 = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "max_categories" ); if ( !fnode1 ) { ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "MAX_CATEGORIES can not be read from config file" ); return CvTS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA; } MAX_CATEGORIES = fnode1->data.i; fnode1 = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "cv_folds" ); if ( !fnode1 ) { ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "CV_FOLDS can not be read from config file" ); return CvTS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA; } CV_FOLDS = fnode1->data.i; fnode1 = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, fnode, "is_pruned" ); if ( !fnode1 ) { ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "IS_PRUNED can not be read from config file" ); return CvTS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA; } IS_PRUNED = (fnode1->data.i != 0); if ( !tree->train( &data, CvDTreeParams(MAX_DEPTH, MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT, REG_ACCURACY, USE_SURROGATE, MAX_CATEGORIES, CV_FOLDS, false, IS_PRUNED, 0 )) ) { ts->printf( CvTS::LOG, "in test case %d model training was failed", test_case_idx ); return CvTS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT; } return CvTS::OK; }
/* * Load a Protocol From yaml File * */ Protocol* LoadProtocolFromFile(const char* filename){ Protocol* myP=CreateProtocolObject(); LoadProtocolWithFilename(filename,myP); CvFileStorage* fs=cvOpenFileStorage(myP->Filename,0,CV_STORAGE_READ); printf("Opened File: %s for reading\n", myP->Filename); /** Point to Protocol Object **/ CvFileNode* protonode=cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,NULL,"Protocol"); /** Load in Description **/ CvFileNode* node=cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,protonode,"Description"); myP->Description=copyString(cvReadString(node,NULL)); printf("Loading in Protocol, Description:\n %s\n",myP->Description); /** Load in Grid Size **/ node=cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,protonode,"GridSize"); int height=cvReadIntByName(fs,node,"height",-1); int width=cvReadIntByName(fs,node,"width",-1); printf(" width =%d\n",width ); printf(" height=%d\n",height); if (height>0 && width>0){ myP->GridSize=cvSize(width,height); } /** Create the Steps Object and Load it into the Protocol **/ myP->Steps=CreateStepsObject(myP->memory); /** Point to the Steps node in the YAML file **/ node=cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,protonode,"Steps"); /** Create a local object that contains the information of the steps **/ CvSeq* stepSeq=node->data.seq; int numsteps=stepSeq->total; printf("numsteps=%d\n",numsteps); CvSeqReader StepReader; cvStartReadSeq( stepSeq, &StepReader, 0 ); /** Let's loop through all of the steps **/ for (int i= 0; i< numsteps; ++i) { /**Create Illumination Montage Object **/ CvSeq* montage=CreateIlluminationMontage(myP->memory); /** Find the node of the current image montage (step) **/ CvFileNode* montageNode = (CvFileNode*)StepReader.ptr; CvSeq* montageSeq=montageNode->data.seq; int numPolygonsInMontage=montageSeq->total; // printf("Step %d: %d polygon(s) found\n",i,numPolygonsInMontage); CvSeqReader MontageReader; cvStartReadSeq( montageSeq, &MontageReader, 0 ); /** Loop through all of the polygons **/ for (int k = 0; k < numPolygonsInMontage; ++k) { /** Load the CvSeq Polygon Objects and push them onto the montage **/ CvFileNode* polygonNode = (CvFileNode*)MontageReader.ptr; CvSeq* polygonPts =(CvSeq*) cvRead(fs,polygonNode); // <---- Andy come back here. printf("\tStep %d, Polygon %d: %d points found.\n",i,k,polygonPts->total); /** * Now we have the points for our polygon so we need to load * those points into a polygon object */ WormPolygon* polygon= CreateWormPolygonFromSeq(myP->memory,myP->GridSize,polygonPts); //printf("\t\t %d points copied\n",polygon->Points->total); /** Add the polygon to the montage **/ cvSeqPush(montage,&polygon); //printf("\t\t Current montage now has %d polygons\n",montage->total); /** Move to the next polygon **/ CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( montageSeq->elem_size, MontageReader ); } cvClearSeq(montageSeq); numPolygonsInMontage=0; //printf("Loading a montage with %d polygons on the protocol\n.",montage->total); /** Load the montage onto the step object**/ cvSeqPush(myP->Steps,&montage); /** Progress to the next step **/ CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( stepSeq->elem_size, StepReader ); } return myP; }
const CvFileNode* BaseTest::find_param( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* param_name ) { CvFileNode* node = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, get_name().c_str()); return node ? cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node, param_name ) : 0; }
void GazeTracker::load(CvFileStorage *in, CvFileNode *node) { _calTargets = Utils::loadVector<CalTarget>(in, cvGetFileNodeByName(in, node, "calTargets")); }
static CvTestSeqElem* icvTestSeqReadElemAll(CvTestSeq_* pTS, CvFileStorage* fs, const char* name) { CvTestSeqElem* pElem = NULL; CvFileNode* node; if(name == NULL) return NULL; node = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, NULL, name ); if(node == NULL) { printf("WARNING!!! - Video %s does not exist!\n", name); return NULL; } printf("Read node %s\n",name); if(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(node->tag)) { /* Read all element in sequence: */ int i; CvSeq* seq = node->data.seq; CvTestSeqElem* pElemLast = NULL; for(i=0; i<seq->total; ++i) { CvFileNode* next_node = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem( seq, i ); CvTestSeqElem* pElemNew = icvTestSeqReadElemOne(pTS, fs, next_node ); CvFileNode* pDurNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, next_node,"Dur"); if(pElemNew == NULL ) { printf("WARNING in parsing %s record!!! Cannot read array element\n", name); continue; } if(pElem && pElemLast) { pElemLast->next = pElemNew; if(pDurNode) { pElemNew->FrameBegin = pElemLast->FrameBegin + pElemLast->FrameNum; } } else { pElem = pElemNew; } /* Find last element: */ for(pElemLast=pElemNew;pElemLast && pElemLast->next;pElemLast= pElemLast->next); } /* Next element. */ } /* Read all element in sequence. */ else { /* Read one element: */ pElem = icvTestSeqReadElemOne(pTS, fs, node ); } return pElem; } /* icvTestSeqReadElemAll */
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // IMAGE_NUM, PAT_ROW, PAT_COL,PAT_SIZE, ALL_POINTS, CHESS_SIZE /* if (argc < 6) { std::cout<< "ERROR : augment is incorrect" << std::endl; return -1; } */ //int PAT_ROW = atoi(argv[3]); //int PAT_COL = atoi(argv[4]); //int CHESS_SIZE = atoi(argv[5]); //int PAT_SIZE = PAT_ROW*PAT_COL; char* NAME_IMG_IN = argv[1]; //char* NAME_XML_OUT = argv[2]; int i,j; int corner_count, found; IplImage *src_img; CvSize pattern_size = cvSize(PAT_COL, PAT_ROW); CvMat image_points; CvMat object_points; CvMat *intrinsic, *distortion; CvMat *rotation = cvCreateMat(1, 3, CV_32FC1); CvMat *rotationConv = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_32FC1); CvMat *translation = cvCreateMat(1, 3, CV_32FC1); CvPoint3D32f objects[PAT_SIZE]; CvFileStorage *fs; CvFileNode *param; CvPoint2D32f *corners = (CvPoint2D32f *) cvAlloc (sizeof (CvPoint2D32f) * PAT_SIZE); // (1)�����оݤȤʤ������ɤ߹��� if ( ( src_img = cvLoadImage(NAME_IMG_IN, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) ) == 0) //if (argc < 2 || (src_img = cvLoadImage (argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)) == 0) { std::cout<< "ERROR : input image is not exist or augment is incorrect" << std::endl; return -1; } // 3�������ֺ�ɸ������ for (i = 0; i < PAT_ROW; i++) { for (j = 0; j < PAT_COL; j++) { objects[i * PAT_COL + j].x = i * CHESS_SIZE; objects[i * PAT_COL + j].y = j * CHESS_SIZE; objects[i * PAT_COL + j].z = 0.0; } } cvInitMatHeader(&object_points, PAT_SIZE, 3, CV_32FC1, objects); // �������ܡ��ɡʥ����֥졼�����ѥ�����ˤΥ����ʡ����� int found_num = 0; // cvNamedWindow("Calibration", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); found = cvFindChessboardCorners(src_img, pattern_size, &corners[0], &corner_count); fprintf(stderr, "corner:%02d...\n", corner_count); if (found) { fprintf(stderr, "ok\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "fail\n"); } // (4)�����ʡ����֤֥ԥ��������٤˽��������� IplImage *src_gray = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (src_img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvCvtColor (src_img, src_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvFindCornerSubPix (src_gray, &corners[0], corner_count, cvSize (3, 3), cvSize (-1, -1), cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03)); cvDrawChessboardCorners (src_img, pattern_size, &corners[0], corner_count, found); // cvShowImage ("Calibration", src_img); // cvWaitKey (0); // cvDestroyWindow("Calibration"); cvShowImage ("Calibration", src_img); cvInitMatHeader(&image_points, PAT_SIZE, 1, CV_32FC2, corners); // (2)�ѥ����ե�������ɤ߹��� fs = cvOpenFileStorage ("xml/rgb.xml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ); param = cvGetFileNodeByName (fs, NULL, "intrinsic"); intrinsic = (CvMat *) cvRead (fs, param); param = cvGetFileNodeByName (fs, NULL, "distortion"); distortion = (CvMat *) cvRead (fs, param); cvReleaseFileStorage (&fs); // (3) �����ѥ����ο��� CvMat sub_image_points, sub_object_points; int base = 0; cvGetRows(&image_points, &sub_image_points, base * PAT_SIZE, (base + 1) * PAT_SIZE); cvGetRows(&object_points, &sub_object_points, base * PAT_SIZE, (base + 1)* PAT_SIZE); cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2(&sub_object_points, &sub_image_points, intrinsic, distortion, rotation, translation); int ret = cvRodrigues2(rotation, rotationConv); // int cols = sub_object_points.rows; // printf("cols = %d\n", cols); // printf("%f\n",[0]); // mm -> m for (i = 0; i < translation->cols; i++) { translation->data.fl[i] = translation->data.fl[i] / 1000;} // (4)XML�ե�����ؤνФ� //fs = cvOpenFileStorage(argv[2], 0, CV_STORAGE_WRITE); fs = cvOpenFileStorage(NAME_XML_OUT, 0, CV_STORAGE_WRITE); cvWrite(fs, "rotation", rotationConv); cvWrite(fs, "translation", translation); cvReleaseFileStorage(&fs); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // write out py if(1) { cv::Mat ttt(translation); cv::Mat rrr(rotationConv); char data2Write[1024]; char textFileName[256]; sprintf( textFileName , "cbCoord/"); std::ofstream outPy(textFileName); outPy << "import sys" <<std::endl; outPy << "sys.path.append('../')" <<std::endl; outPy << "from numpy import *" <<std::endl; outPy << "from numpy.linalg import svd" <<std::endl; outPy << "from numpy.linalg import inv" <<std::endl; outPy << "from chessboard_points import *"<<std::endl; outPy << "sys.path.append('../geo')" <<std::endl; outPy << "from geo import *" <<std::endl; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // out translation and rotation as xyzabc list outPy << "xyzabc = []" <<std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)",<float>(0) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)",<float>(1) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)",<float>(2) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)",<float>(0) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)",<float>(1) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "xyzabc.append(%f)",<float>(2) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; // out translation and rotation as xyzabc list /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // out translation outPy << "ttt = []" <<std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "ttt.append(%f)",<float>(0) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "ttt.append(%f)",<float>(1) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "ttt.append(%f)",<float>(2) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; // out translation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // out rotation outPy << "rrr = []" <<std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "rrr.append([%f,%f,%f])",<float>(0),<float>(1),<float>(2) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "rrr.append([%f,%f,%f])",<float>(3),<float>(4),<float>(5) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; sprintf( data2Write, "rrr.append([%f,%f,%f])",<float>(6),<float>(7),<float>(8) ); outPy << data2Write << std::endl; std::cout << data2Write << std::endl; // out rotation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// outPy<< "_T = FRAME( vec=ttt, mat=rrr )" << std::endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // write out py ///////////////////////////////////////////////// std::cout<< "press any key..."<< std::endl; cvWaitKey (0); cvDestroyWindow("Calibration"); cvReleaseImage(&src_img); cvReleaseMat(&intrinsic); cvReleaseMat(&distortion); return 0; }
static CvTestSeqElem* icvTestSeqReadElemOne(CvTestSeq_* pTS, CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node) { int noise_type = CV_NOISE_NONE;; CvTestSeqElem* pElem = NULL; const char* pVideoName = cvReadStringByName( fs, node,"Video", NULL); const char* pVideoObjName = cvReadStringByName( fs, node,"VideoObj", NULL); if(pVideoName) { /* Check to noise flag: */ if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_gaussian") == 0 || cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_normal") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_GAUSSIAN; if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_uniform") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_UNIFORM; if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_speckle") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_SPECKLE; if( cv_stricmp(pVideoName,"noise_salt_and_pepper") == 0) noise_type = CV_NOISE_SALT_AND_PEPPER; } if((pVideoName || pVideoObjName ) && noise_type == CV_NOISE_NONE) { /* Read other elements: */ if(pVideoName) pElem = icvTestSeqReadElemAll(pTS, fs, pVideoName); if(pVideoObjName) { CvTestSeqElem* pE; pElem = icvTestSeqReadElemAll(pTS, fs, pVideoObjName); for(pE=pElem;pE;pE=pE->next) { pE->ObjID = pTS->ObjNum; pE->pObjName = pVideoObjName; } pTS->ObjNum++; } } /* Read other elements. */ else { /* Create new element: */ CvFileNode* pPosNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Pos"); CvFileNode* pSizeNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Size"); int AutoSize = (pSizeNode && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pSizeNode->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pSizeNode,""))==0); int AutoPos = (pPosNode && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pPosNode->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pPosNode,""))==0); const char* pFileName = cvReadStringByName( fs, node,"File", NULL); pElem = (CvTestSeqElem*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvTestSeqElem)); memset(pElem,0,sizeof(CvTestSeqElem)); pElem->ObjID = -1; pElem->noise_type = noise_type; cvRandInit( &pElem->rnd_state, 1, 0, 0,CV_RAND_NORMAL); if(pFileName && pElem->noise_type == CV_NOISE_NONE) { /* If AVI or BMP: */ size_t l = strlen(pFileName); pElem->pFileName = pFileName; pElem->type = SRC_TYPE_IMAGE; if(cv_stricmp(".avi",pFileName+l-4) == 0)pElem->type = SRC_TYPE_AVI; if(pElem->type == SRC_TYPE_IMAGE) { //pElem->pImg = cvLoadImage(pFileName); if(pElem->pImg) { pElem->FrameNum = 1; if(pElem->pImgMask)cvReleaseImage(&(pElem->pImgMask)); pElem->pImgMask = cvCreateImage( cvSize(pElem->pImg->width,pElem->pImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); icvTestSeqCreateMask(pElem->pImg,pElem->pImgMask,FG_BG_THRESHOLD); } } if(pElem->type == SRC_TYPE_AVI && pFileName) { //pElem->pAVI = cvCaptureFromFile(pFileName); if(pElem->pAVI) { IplImage* pImg = 0;//cvQueryFrame(pElem->pAVI); pElem->pImg = cvCloneImage(pImg); pElem->pImg->origin = 0; //cvSetCaptureProperty(pElem->pAVI,CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES,0); pElem->FrameBegin = 0; pElem->AVILen = pElem->FrameNum = 0;//(int)cvGetCaptureProperty(pElem->pAVI, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); //cvReleaseCapture(&pElem->pAVI); pElem->pAVI = NULL; } else { printf("WARNING!!! Cannot open avi file %s\n",pFileName); } } } /* If AVI or BMP. */ if(pPosNode) { /* Read positions: */ if(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pPosNode->tag)) { int num = pPosNode->data.seq->total; pElem->pPos = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(float)*num); cvReadRawData( fs, pPosNode, pElem->pPos, "f" ); pElem->PosNum = num/2; if(pElem->FrameNum == 0) pElem->FrameNum = pElem->PosNum; } } if(pSizeNode) { /* Read sizes: */ if(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pSizeNode->tag)) { int num = pSizeNode->data.seq->total; pElem->pSize = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(float)*num); cvReadRawData( fs, pSizeNode, pElem->pSize, "f" ); pElem->SizeNum = num/2; } } if(AutoPos || AutoSize) { /* Auto size and pos: */ int i; int num = (pElem->type == SRC_TYPE_AVI)?pElem->AVILen:1; if(AutoSize) { pElem->pSize = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)*num); pElem->SizeNum = num; } if(AutoPos) { pElem->pPos = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)*num); pElem->PosNum = num; } for(i=0; i<num; ++i) { IplImage* pFG = NULL; CvPoint2D32f* pPos = AutoPos?(pElem->pPos + i):NULL; CvPoint2D32f* pSize = AutoSize?(pElem->pSize + i):NULL; icvTestSeqQureyFrameElem(pElem,i); pFG = pElem->pImgMask; if(pPos) { pPos->x = 0.5f; pPos->y = 0.5f; } if(pSize) { pSize->x = 0; pSize->y = 0; } if(pFG) { double M00; CvMoments m; cvMoments( pElem->pImgMask, &m, 0 ); M00 = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 0 ); if(M00 > 0 && pSize ) { double X = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 1, 0 )/M00; double Y = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 1 )/M00; double XX = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 2, 0 )/M00) - X*X; double YY = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 2 )/M00) - Y*Y; pSize->x = (float)(4*sqrt(XX))/(pElem->pImgMask->width-1); pSize->y = (float)(4*sqrt(YY))/(pElem->pImgMask->height-1); } if(M00 > 0 && pPos) { pPos->x = (float)(cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 1, 0 )/(M00*(pElem->pImgMask->width-1))); pPos->y = (float)(cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 1 )/(M00*(pElem->pImgMask->height-1))); } if(pPos) { /* Another way to calculate y pos * using object median: */ int y0=0, y1=pFG->height-1; for(y0=0; y0<pFG->height; ++y0) { CvMat m; CvScalar s = cvSum(cvGetRow(pFG, &m, y0)); if(s.val[0] > 255*7) break; } for(y1=pFG->height-1; y1>0; --y1) { CvMat m; CvScalar s = cvSum(cvGetRow(pFG, &m, y1)); if(s.val[0] > 255*7) break; } pPos->y = (y0+y1)*0.5f/(pFG->height-1); } } /* pFG */ } /* Next frame. */ //if(pElem->pAVI) cvReleaseCapture(&pElem->pAVI); pElem->pAVI = NULL; } /* End auto position creation. */ } /* Create new element. */ if(pElem) { /* Read transforms and: */ int FirstFrame, LastFrame; CvTestSeqElem* p=pElem; CvFileNode* pTransNode = NULL; CvFileNode* pS = NULL; int ShiftByPos = 0; int KeyFrames[1024]; CvSeq* pTransSeq = NULL; int KeyFrameNum = 0; pTransNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Trans"); while( pTransNode && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pTransNode->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pTransNode,""))!=0) { /* Trans is reference: */ pTransNode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, NULL,cvReadString(pTransNode,"")); } pS = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, node,"Shift"); ShiftByPos = 0; pTransSeq = pTransNode?(CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(pTransNode->tag)?pTransNode->data.seq:NULL):NULL; KeyFrameNum = pTransSeq?pTransSeq->total:1; if( (pS && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pS->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pS,""))==0) ||(pTransNode && CV_NODE_IS_STRING(pTransNode->tag) && cv_stricmp("auto",cvReadString(pTransNode,""))==0)) { ShiftByPos = 1; } FirstFrame = pElem->FrameBegin; LastFrame = pElem->FrameBegin+pElem->FrameNum-1; /* Calculate length of video and reallocate * transformation array: */ for(p=pElem; p; p=p->next) { int v; v = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "BG", -1 ); if(v!=-1)p->BG = v; v = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "Mask", -1 ); if(v!=-1)p->Mask = v; p->FrameBegin += cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "FrameBegin", 0 ); p->FrameNum = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "FrameNum", p->FrameNum ); p->FrameNum = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "Dur", p->FrameNum ); { int LastFrame = cvReadIntByName( fs, node, "LastFrame", p->FrameBegin+p->FrameNum-1 ); p->FrameNum = MIN(p->FrameNum,LastFrame - p->FrameBegin+1); } icvTestSeqAllocTrans(p); { /* New range estimation: */ int LF = p->FrameBegin+p->FrameNum-1; if(p==pElem || FirstFrame > p->FrameBegin)FirstFrame = p->FrameBegin; if(p==pElem || LastFrame < LF)LastFrame = LF; } /* New range estimation. */ } /* End allocate new transfrom array. */ if(ShiftByPos) { for(p=pElem;p;p=p->next) { /* Modify transformation to make autoshift: */ int i; int num = p->FrameNum; assert(num <= p->TransNum); p->TransNum = MAX(1,num); for(i=0; i<num; ++i) { CvTSTrans* pT = p->pTrans+i; //float t = (num>1)?((float)i/(num-1)):0.0f; float newx = p->pPos[i%p->PosNum].x; float newy = p->pPos[i%p->PosNum].y; pT->Shift.x = -newx*pT->Scale.x; pT->Shift.y = -newy*pT->Scale.y; if(p->pImg) { newx *= p->pImg->width-1; newy *= p->pImg->height-1; } pT->T[2] = -(pT->T[0]*newx+pT->T[1]*newy); pT->T[5] = -(pT->T[3]*newx+pT->T[4]*newy); } } /* Modify transformation old. */ } /* Next record. */ /* Initialize frame number array: */ KeyFrames[0] = FirstFrame; if(pTransSeq&&KeyFrameNum>1) { int i0,i1,i; for(i=0; i<KeyFrameNum; ++i) { CvFileNode* pTN = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,i); KeyFrames[i] = cvReadIntByName(fs,pTN,"frame",-1); } if(KeyFrames[0]<0)KeyFrames[0]=FirstFrame; if(KeyFrames[KeyFrameNum-1]<0)KeyFrames[KeyFrameNum-1]=LastFrame; for(i0=0, i1=1; i1<KeyFrameNum;) { int i; for(i1=i0+1; i1<KeyFrameNum && KeyFrames[i1]<0; i1++); assert(i1<KeyFrameNum); assert(i1>i0); for(i=i0+1; i<i1; ++i) { KeyFrames[i] = cvRound(KeyFrames[i0] + (float)(i-i0)*(float)(KeyFrames[i1] - KeyFrames[i0])/(float)(i1-i0)); } i0 = i1; i1++; } /* Next key run. */ } /* Initialize frame number array. */ if(pTransNode || pTransSeq) { /* More complex transform. */ int param; CvFileNode* pTN = pTransSeq?(CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,0):pTransNode; for(p=pElem; p; p=p->next) { //int trans_num = p->TransNum; for(param=0; param_name[param]; ++param) { const char* name = param_name[param]; float defv = param_defval[param]; if(KeyFrameNum==1) { /* Only one transform record: */ int i; double val; CvFileNode* node = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, pTN,name); if(node == NULL) continue; val = cvReadReal(node,defv); for(i=0; i<p->TransNum; ++i) { icvUpdateTrans( p->pTrans+i, param, val, p->pImg?(float)(p->pImg->width-1):1.0f, p->pImg?(float)(p->pImg->height-1):1.0f); } } /* Next record. */ else { /* Several transforms: */ int i0,i1; double v0; double v1; CvFileNode* pTN = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,0); v0 = cvReadRealByName(fs, pTN,name,defv); for(i1=1,i0=0; i1<KeyFrameNum; ++i1) { int f0,f1; int i; CvFileNode* pTN = (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(pTransSeq,i1); CvFileNode* pVN = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,pTN,name); if(pVN)v1 = cvReadReal(pVN,defv); else if(pVN == NULL && i1 == KeyFrameNum-1) v1 = defv; else continue; f0 = KeyFrames[i0]; f1 = KeyFrames[i1]; if(i1==(KeyFrameNum-1)) f1++; for(i=f0; i<f1; ++i) { double val; double t = (float)(i-f0); int li = i - p->FrameBegin; if(li<0) continue; if(li>= p->TransNum) break; if(KeyFrames[i1]>KeyFrames[i0]) t /=(float)(KeyFrames[i1]-KeyFrames[i0]); val = t*(v1-v0)+v0; icvUpdateTrans( p->pTrans+li, param, val, p->pImg?(float)(p->pImg->width-1):1.0f, p->pImg?(float)(p->pImg->height-1):1.0f); } /* Next transform. */ i0 = i1; v0 = v1; } /* Next value run. */ } /* Several transforms. */ } /* Next parameter. */ } /* Next record. */ } /* More complex transform. */ } /* Read transfroms. */ return pElem; } /* icvTestSeqReadElemOne */