Php::Value FastImage::crop(Php::Parameters ¶meters) { Php::Value self(this); int x = parameters[0]; int y = parameters[1]; int w = parameters[2]; int h = parameters[3]; if (x < 0) throwMustBePositiveOrNilException("1", "FastImage::crop", parameters[0].stringValue()); if (y < 0) throwMustBePositiveOrNilException("2", "FastImage::crop", parameters[1].stringValue()); if (w <= 0) throwMustBePositiveException("3", "FastImage::crop", parameters[2].stringValue()); if (h <= 0) throwMustBePositiveException("4", "FastImage::crop", parameters[3].stringValue()); if ((x + w) > cvImage.size().width) { throwOutOfBoundException("FastImage::crop"); } if ((y +h) > cvImage.size().height) { throwOutOfBoundException("FastImage::crop"); } cv::Rect roi(x, y, w, h); cv::Mat croppedImage = cvImage(roi); cvImage = croppedImage; croppedImage.release(); return self; }
void process( FrameData &frameData ) { vector< vector< FrameData::Cluster> > &clusters = frameData.clusters; vector< vector< FrameData::Match > > matches = frameData.matches; Image *img = frameData.images[0].get(); cv::Mat cvImage( img->height, img->width, CV_8UC1 ); for (int y = 0; y < img->height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < img->width; x++) {<uchar>(y, x) = (float) img->data[img->width*y+x]; } } vector<int> modelSize; foreach( model, *models ) modelSize.push_back(model->IPs["SIFT"].size()); for ( int model = 0; model < (int)clusters.size(); model ++ ) { int featNum = modelSize[model]; for ( int cluster = 0; cluster < (int)clusters[model].size(); cluster ++ ) { // Unify the observation features list<int>::iterator it; int count = 0; vector<Node> nodes; map<Pt<3>, int> usedObsPts; vector<int> obsPts; for ( it = clusters[model][cluster].begin(); it != clusters[model][cluster].end(); it ++ ) { int idx = *it; Pt<3> obsPt = matches[model][idx].cloud3D; Pt<3> mdlPt = matches[model][idx].coord3D; Pt<2> imgPt = matches[model][idx].coord2D; int mdlIdx = matches[model][idx].featIdx; if ( usedObsPts[obsPt] == 0 ) { usedObsPts[obsPt] = count; Node node; node.obsPos = obsPt; node.mdlPos.push_back(mdlPt); node.imgPos.push_back(imgPt); node.obsIdx = idx; node.obsIdxs.push_back( idx ); node.mdlIdxs.push_back( mdlIdx ); nodes.push_back( node ); count ++; } else { int tmp = usedObsPts[obsPt]; nodes[tmp].mdlPos.push_back(mdlPt); nodes[tmp].imgPos.push_back(imgPt); nodes[tmp].mdlIdxs.push_back( mdlIdx ); nodes[tmp].obsIdxs.push_back( idx ); } } map<int, int> usedMdlPts; // Weighted vertex cover /* for ( int node = 0; node < nodes.size(); node ++ ) { int matchNum = nodes[node].obsIdxs.size(); if ( matchNum != 1 ) { // multiple matches for 1 observed feature double minDist = INT_MAX; int minIdx; for ( int i = 0; i < nodes[node].obsIdxs.size(); i ++ ) { int matchIdx = nodes[node].obsIdxs[i]; double matchDist = matches[model][matchIdx].dist; if ( dist < minDist ) { minDist = dist; minIdx = i; } } for ( int i = 0; i < nodes[node].obsIdxs.size(); i ++ ) { if ( i != minIdx ) { nodes[node].obsIdxs.erase( nodes[node].obsIdxs.begin() + i ); nodes[node].mdlIdxs.erase( nodes[node].mdlIdxs.begin() + i ); } } } int mdlSize = nodes[node].mdlIdxs.size(); if ( mdlSize == 1 ) { int mdlIdx = nodes[node].mdlIdxs[0]; if ( usedMdlPts[mdlIdx] == 0 ) { usedMdlPts[mdlIdx] = node; } else { // compare the matched distances int preNode = usedMdlPts[mdlIdx]; int preMatch = nodes[preNode].obsIdx; int curMatch = nodes[node].obsIdx; } } } */ // Unweighted vertex cover for ( int it = 0; it < nodes.size(); it ++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < nodes[it].mdlIdxs.size(); i ++ ) { int mdlIdx = nodes[it].mdlIdxs[i]; if ( usedMdlPts[mdlIdx] == 0 ) { usedMdlPts[mdlIdx] = it; } else { nodes.erase( nodes.begin() + it ); } } } // resetting cluster data clusters[model][cluster].clear(); for ( int it = 0; it < nodes.size(); it ++ ) clusters[model][cluster].push_back( nodes[it].obsIdx ); // for ( map<Pt<3>, int>::iterator it = usedObsPts.begin(); it != usedObsPts.end(); ++ it ) // cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; } } }