Esempio n. 1
void radial_sample(int width, int height, char* data, IplImage *unwrapped, int slice)
	IplImage *cvcast = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(width, height),
			IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	cvcast->imageData = data;

	// cvSaveImage("slice.png",cvcast);
	CvPoint center = cvPoint(cx,cy);

	unsigned char* linebuf;
	for(int sample = 0; sample < RADIAL_SAMPLES; sample++) {
		float theta = ((float)sample)*((2.0*PI)/(float)RADIAL_SAMPLES);
		CvPoint outer = calc_ray_outer(theta, center);

		// printf("%g:\t%d,%d\n", theta*(180.0/PI), outer.x, outer.y);
		cvClipLine(cvSize(width, height), &outer, &center);
		int linesize = abs(center.x-outer.x)+abs(center.y-outer.y)+1;
		linebuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(linesize);
		IplImage *castline = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(linesize,1), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
		castline->imageData = (char*)linebuf;

		IplImage *sobel = cvCreateImage(cvSize(linesize,1), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

		cvSobel(castline, sobel, 1, 0, 3);

		int layer = 0;
		for(int i = 0; (i < linesize) && (layer < MAX_LAYERS); i++) {
			// printf(" %d,", (int)cvGetReal1D(sobel,i));
			if((int)cvGetReal1D(sobel,i) > SOBEL_THRESH) {
				int max = 0, max_i = 0;
				for(; i < linesize; i++) {
					int curval = (int)cvGetReal1D(sobel,i);
					if(curval == 0) break;
					if(curval > max) {
						max = curval;
						max_i = i;
				// printf("%d\t",max);
		// printf("\n");
		char filename[] = "line000.png";

Esempio n. 2
static CvStatus
icvPreWarpImage8uC3R( int numLines,     /* number of scanlines   */
                      uchar * src,      /* source image          */
                      int src_step,     /* line step         */
                      uchar * dst,      /* dest buffers          */
                      int *dst_nums,    /* lens of buffer        */
                      CvSize src_size,  /* image size in pixels */
                      int *scanlines )  /* scanlines array       */
    int k;
    CvPoint start;
    CvPoint end;
    int curr;
    int curr_dst;
    CvMat mat;

    curr = 0;
    curr_dst = 0;

    cvInitMatHeader( &mat, src_size.height, src_size.width, CV_8UC3, src, src_step );

    for( k = 0; k < numLines; k++ )
        start.x = scanlines[curr++];
        start.y = scanlines[curr++];

        end.x = scanlines[curr++];
        end.y = scanlines[curr++];

#ifdef _DEBUG
        CvLineIterator iterator;
        assert( cvInitLineIterator( &mat, start, end, &iterator, 8 ) == dst_nums[k] );
        cvSampleLine( &mat, start, end, dst + curr_dst, 8 );
        curr_dst += dst_nums[k] * 3;


    return CV_NO_ERR;
Esempio n. 3
void find_box(const IplImage *blocks, CvPoint offset, int zoom, int dir16,
			  CvPoint *best_left, CvPoint *best_right, int *best_quality,
			  IplImage *debug)
	float a = (float) dir16 / 8.0 * CV_PI;
	int size = blocks->height / 2;
	float spacing =
		fabs(cos(a)) > fabs(sin(a)) ? fabs(cos(a)) : fabs(sin(a));
	int lines = (int) round((float) size / spacing);
	float line_x = (float) size * cos(a) / 2.0;
	float line_y = (float) size * sin(a) / 2.0;
	// printf("dir16=%d spacing=%.3f size=%d line_x=%.3f line_y=%.3f\n",
	//        dir16, spacing, size, line_x, line_y);
	// Scanline data
	int length = 2 * size + 1;
	uchar buffer[3 * length];
	// Results from scanlines
	int lefts[lines];
	int rights[lines];
	int qualities[lines];
	// Process each scanline
	for (int y = 0; y < lines; y++) {
		lefts[y] == 0;
		rights[y] == 0;
		qualities[y] == 0;
		float up = spacing * (float) (y - lines / 2);
		CvPoint pt1 =
			cvPoint((int) round((float) size - sin(a) * up - line_x),
					(int) round((float) size + cos(a) * up - line_y));
		CvPoint pt2 =
			cvPoint((int) round((float) size - sin(a) * up + line_x),
					(int) round((float) size + cos(a) * up + line_y));
		// if (y < 3 || y >= lines - 3)
		//   printf("  y=%d pt1=%d,%d pt2=%d,%d\n", y, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y);
		/* Draw all scan lines in blue
		   if (debug) cvLine(debug,
		   cvPoint(pt1.x * zoom, pt1.y * zoom),
		   cvPoint(pt2.x * zoom, pt2.y * zoom),
		   CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0);
		if (pt1.x < 0 || pt1.x >= blocks->width)
		if (pt1.y < 0 || pt1.y >= blocks->height)
		if (pt2.x < 0 || pt2.x >= blocks->width)
		if (pt2.y < 0 || pt2.y >= blocks->height)
		int count = cvSampleLine(blocks, pt1, pt2, buffer, 8);
		find_line_range(dir16, count, buffer,
						&lefts[y], &rights[y], &qualities[y]);
		if (!qualities[y])
		if (rights[y] - lefts[y] + 1 < MIN_WIDTH)
		float c = (float) (count - 1);
		CvPoint l =
			interpolate(pt1, pt2, (float) lefts[y] / c, offset, zoom);
		CvPoint r =
			interpolate(pt1, pt2, (float) rights[y] / c, offset, zoom);
		if (debug)
			cvLine(debug, l, r, cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 255), 1, 8, 0);
	*best_quality = 0;
	int best_middle = 0;
	int best_l = 0;
	int best_r = 0;
	int best_count = 0;
	int first = 0;
	int last = -1;
	while (last < lines) {
		first = last + 1;
		while (first < lines && !qualities[first])
		last = first;
		int quality = 0;
		while (last < lines && qualities[last]) {
			if (rights[last + 1] < lefts[last])
			if (lefts[last + 1] > rights[last])
			quality += qualities[last];
		int count = last - first;
		int middle = (first + last) / 2;
		if (count < MIN_LINES)
		if (quality > *best_quality) {
			*best_quality = quality;
			best_count = count;
			best_middle = middle;
			qsort(&lefts[first], count, sizeof(int), compare_int);
			best_l = lefts[middle] - 3;
			qsort(&rights[first], count, sizeof(int), compare_int);
			best_r = rights[middle] + 3;
	float up = spacing * (float) (best_middle - lines / 2);
	CvPoint pt1 = cvPoint((int) round((float) size - sin(a) * up - line_x),
						  (int) round((float) size + cos(a) * up -
	CvPoint pt2 = cvPoint((int) round((float) size - sin(a) * up + line_x),
						  (int) round((float) size + cos(a) * up +
	int count = cvSampleLine(blocks, pt1, pt2, buffer, 8);
	float c = (float) (count - 1);
	*best_left = interpolate(pt1, pt2, (float) best_l / c, offset, zoom);
	*best_right = interpolate(pt1, pt2, (float) best_r / c, offset, zoom);
	if (debug)
		cvLine(debug, *best_left, *best_right, cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 255), 3,
			   8, 0);
Esempio n. 4
int cveSampleLine(const void* _img, CvPoint* pt1, CvPoint* pt2, void* _buffer, int connectivity)
   return cvSampleLine(_img, *pt1, *pt2, _buffer, connectivity);