int main( int argc, char** argv ) { IplImage *imageOut = 0; IplImage *frame1,*frame2; int B = 0; capture1 = cvCaptureFromAVI( argv[1] ); capture2 = cvCaptureFromAVI( argv[2] ); FPS1 = cvRound( cvGetCaptureProperty(capture1, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) ); FPS2 = cvRound( cvGetCaptureProperty(capture2, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) ); FPS = max(FPS1, FPS2); // Use the fastest video speed. frame1 = cvQueryFrame( capture1 ); frame2 = cvQueryFrame( capture2 ); movieWidth1 = frame1->width; movieHeight1 = frame1->height; movieWidth2 = frame2->width; movieHeight2 = frame2->height; printf("Got a video source 1 with a resolution of %dx%d at %d fps.\n", movieWidth1, movieHeight1, FPS1); printf("Got a video source 2 with a resolution of %dx%d at %d fps.\n", movieWidth2, movieHeight2, FPS2); width = B + max(movieWidth1, movieWidth2) + B; height = B + movieHeight1 + B + movieHeight2 + B; CvSize size = cvSize(width, height); imageOut = cvCreateImage( size, 8, 3 ); // RGB image imageOut->origin = frame1->origin; printf("Combining the videos into a resolution of %dx%d at %d fps.\n", width, height, FPS); int fourCC_code = CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G'); // M-JPEG codec (apparently isn't very reliable) int isColor = 1; printf("Storing stabilized video into '%s'\n", argv[3]); videoWriter = cvCreateVideoWriter(argv[3], fourCC_code, FPS, size, isColor); cvNamedWindow( "CombineVids", 1 ); //cvNamedWindow( "CombineVids", 0 ); cvResizeWindow("CombineVids",1000,600); while (1) { frame1 = cvQueryFrame( capture1 ); frame2 = cvQueryFrame( capture2 ); if( !frame1 && !frame2 ) break; else if(!frame1) frame1=frame2; else if(!frame2) frame2=frame1; cvSetImageROI( imageOut, cvRect(B, B, movieWidth1, movieHeight1) ); cvCopy( frame1, imageOut, NULL ); cvSetImageROI( imageOut, cvRect(B, B + movieHeight1 + B, movieWidth2, movieHeight2) ); cvCopy( frame2, imageOut, NULL ); cvResetImageROI( imageOut ); cvWriteFrame(videoWriter, imageOut); cvShowImage( "CombineVids", imageOut ); int c = cvWaitKey(30); if( (char)c == 27 ) break; } return 0; }
// Function for Computing Word Segmentation // Inputs :- // (IplImage*) binImg : Pointer to the 1-Channel Binary Image // (int*) numWord : It will contain the number of words in text line // (IplImage**) wordImg : An array of IplImages where each image corresponds to a particular word of text // Outputs :- // (unsigned char) errCode : The Error Code of Execution // Invoked As : errCode = computeWordSegmentation( &binImg , &numWord, &wordImg ); unsigned char computeWordSegmentation( IplImage* binImg , int* numWord, IplImage** wordImg) { // Check Inputs if((binImg->imageSize<=0) || (binImg->nChannels!=1)) { // Error Code 1: Invalid Input return(1); } // Word Segmentation int th1 =20; int baseIndx = -1; int widthStep = binImg->widthStep; int count=0,flag=0, start=0,end=0; for(int x=0 ; x< (binImg->width) ; ++x) { // update base index baseIndx = baseIndx + 1 ; int currIndx = baseIndx - widthStep; flag=0; for(int y =0 ; y < (binImg->height) ; ++y ) { currIndx = currIndx +widthStep; if( binImg->imageData[currIndx]<0)//>-1 { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==0 or (x == binImg->width -1)) { if(flag==1) end = binImg->width -1; else end = x-1; if( end - start > th1) { count++; // Allocate Memory for the Word Image wordImg[count] = cvCreateImage( cvSize( end-start + 2 , binImg->height) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 1 ); int bindex = -binImg->widthStep; int nwidthStep = end - start + 1 + 4 - (end-start + 1)%4; int bindex1 = -nwidthStep; for(int l=0;l< binImg->height;l++) { bindex = bindex + binImg->widthStep; bindex1 = bindex1 + nwidthStep; int cindex = bindex + start - 1; int cindex1 = bindex1 - 1; for(int m=0;m<nwidthStep;m++) { cindex = cindex + 1; cindex1 = cindex1 + 1; wordImg[count]->imageData[cindex1] = binImg->imageData[cindex]; } } start = x + 1; } else { start = x + 1; } } } *numWord = count; // Error Code 0 : All well return( 0 ); }
// Function for Computing Line Segmentation // Inputs :- // (IplImage*) binImg : Pointer to the 1-Channel Binary Image // (int*) numLine : It will contain the number of Lines in text box // (IplImage**) lineImg : An array of IplImages where each image corresponds to a particular line of text // Outputs :- // (unsigned char) errCode : The Error Code of Execution // Invoked As : errCode = computeLineSegmentation( &binImg , &numLine, &lineImg ); unsigned char computeLineSegmentation( IplImage* binImg , int* numLine, IplImage** lineImg) { // Check Inputs if((binImg->imageSize<=0) || (binImg->nChannels!=1)) { // Error Code 1: Invalid Input return(1); } // Line Segmentation int th1 = 0;// may depend on font int baseIndx = -(binImg->widthStep); int count=0,flag=0, start=0,end=0; for(int y=0 ; y< (binImg->height) ; ++y) { // update base index baseIndx = baseIndx + (binImg->widthStep) ; int currIndx = baseIndx - 1; flag=0; for(int x =0 ; x < (binImg->width) ; ++x ) { currIndx = currIndx +1; printf("%d\n",binImg->imageData[currIndx]); if( binImg->imageData[currIndx]<0)//>-1 { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==0 or (y==binImg->height -1) ) { if(flag==1) end = binImg->height -1; else end = y-1; if( end - start > th1) { count++; // Allocate Memory for the Line Image lineImg[count] = cvCreateImage( cvSize( binImg->width , end-start + 1 ) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 1 ); int bindex = (start-1)*(binImg->widthStep); int bindex1 = -binImg->widthStep; for(int l=start;l<=end;l++) { bindex = bindex + binImg->widthStep; bindex1 = bindex1 + binImg->widthStep; int cindex = bindex - 1; int cindex1 = bindex1 - 1; for(int m=0;m< binImg->width;m++) { cindex++; cindex1++; lineImg[count]->imageData[cindex1] = binImg->imageData[cindex]; } } start = y+1; } else { start = y+1; } } } *numLine = count; // Error Code 0 : All well return( 0 ); }
CvScalar calcQualityIndex :: compare(IplImage *source1, IplImage *source2, Colorspace space) { IplImage *src1,* src2; src1 = colorspaceConversion(source1, space); src2 = colorspaceConversion(source2, space); int x = src1->width, y = src1->height; int nChan = src1->nChannels, d = IPL_DEPTH_32F; CvSize size = cvSize(x, y); //creating FLOAT type images of src1 and src2 IplImage *img1 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *img2 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); //Image squares IplImage *img1_sq = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *img2_sq = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *img1_img2 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); cvConvert(src1, img1); cvConvert(src2, img2); //Squaring the images thus created cvPow(img1, img1_sq, 2); cvPow(img2, img2_sq, 2); cvMul(img1, img2, img1_img2, 1); IplImage *mu1 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *mu2 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *mu1_sq = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *mu2_sq = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *mu1_mu2 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *sigma1_sq = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *sigma2_sq = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *sigma12 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); //PRELIMINARY COMPUTING //average smoothing is performed cvSmooth(img1, mu1, CV_BLUR, B, B); cvSmooth(img2, mu2, CV_BLUR, B, B); //gettting mu, mu_sq, mu1_mu2 cvPow(mu1, mu1_sq, 2); cvPow(mu2, mu2_sq, 2); cvMul(mu1, mu2, mu1_mu2, 1); //calculating sigma1, sigma2, sigma12 cvSmooth(img1_sq, sigma1_sq, CV_BLUR, B, B); cvSub(sigma1_sq, mu1_sq, sigma1_sq); cvSmooth(img2_sq, sigma2_sq, CV_BLUR, B, B); cvSub(sigma2_sq, mu2_sq, sigma2_sq); cvSmooth(img1_img2, sigma12, CV_BLUR, B, B); cvSub(sigma12, mu1_mu2, sigma12); //Releasing unused images cvReleaseImage(&img1); cvReleaseImage(&img2); cvReleaseImage(&img1_sq); cvReleaseImage(&img2_sq); cvReleaseImage(&img1_img2); // creating buffers for numerator and denominator IplImage *numerator1 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *numerator = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *denominator1 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *denominator2 = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); IplImage *denominator = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); // FORMULA to calculate Image Quality Index // (4*sigma12) cvScale(sigma12, numerator1, 4); // (4*sigma12).*(mu1*mu2) cvMul(numerator1, mu1_mu2, numerator, 1); // (mu1_sq + mu2_sq) cvAdd(mu1_sq, mu2_sq, denominator1); // (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq) cvAdd(sigma1_sq, sigma2_sq, denominator2); //Release images cvReleaseImage(&mu1); cvReleaseImage(&mu2); cvReleaseImage(&mu1_sq); cvReleaseImage(&mu2_sq); cvReleaseImage(&mu1_mu2); cvReleaseImage(&sigma1_sq); cvReleaseImage(&sigma2_sq); cvReleaseImage(&sigma12); cvReleaseImage(&numerator1); // ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq).*(sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq)) cvMul(denominator1, denominator2, denominator, 1); //image_quality map image_quality_map = cvCreateImage(size, d, nChan); float *num, *den, *res; num = (float*)(numerator->imageData); den = (float*)(denominator->imageData); res = (float*)(image_quality_map->imageData); // dividing by hand // ((4*sigma12).*(mu1_mu2))./((mu1_sq + mu2_sq).*(sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq)) for (int i=0; i<(x*y*nChan); i++) { if (den[i] == 0) { num[i] = (float)(1.0); den[i] = (float)(1.0); } res[i] = 1.0*(num[i]/den[i]); } // cvDiv doesnt work //cvDiv(numerator, denominator, image_quality_map, 1); // image_quality_map created in image_quality_map // average is taken image_quality_value = cvAvg(image_quality_map); //Release images cvReleaseImage(&numerator); cvReleaseImage(&denominator); cvReleaseImage(&denominator1); cvReleaseImage(&denominator2); cvReleaseImage(&src1); cvReleaseImage(&src2); return image_quality_value; }
CvMat* projPoints1, CvMat* projPoints2, CvMat* points4D); CVAPI(void) cvCorrectMatches(CvMat* F, CvMat* points1, CvMat* points2, CvMat* new_points1, CvMat* new_points2); /* Computes the optimal new camera matrix according to the free scaling parameter alpha: alpha=0 - only valid pixels will be retained in the undistorted image alpha=1 - all the source image pixels will be retained in the undistorted image */ CVAPI(void) cvGetOptimalNewCameraMatrix( const CvMat* camera_matrix, const CvMat* dist_coeffs, CvSize image_size, double alpha, CvMat* new_camera_matrix, CvSize new_imag_size CV_DEFAULT(cvSize(0,0)), CvRect* valid_pixel_ROI CV_DEFAULT(0), int center_principal_point CV_DEFAULT(0)); /* Converts rotation vector to rotation matrix or vice versa */ CVAPI(int) cvRodrigues2( const CvMat* src, CvMat* dst, CvMat* jacobian CV_DEFAULT(0) ); /* Finds perspective transformation between the object plane and image (view) plane */ CVAPI(int) cvFindHomography( const CvMat* src_points, const CvMat* dst_points, CvMat* homography, int method CV_DEFAULT(0), double ransacReprojThreshold CV_DEFAULT(3), CvMat* mask CV_DEFAULT(0));
void main() { // connect camera camera1 = new CPGRCamera(); camera2 = new CPGRCamera(); camera1->open(); camera2->open(); camera1->start(); camera2->start(); input1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); temp1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); gray1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); input2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); temp2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); gray2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvNamedWindow("image1"); cvNamedWindow("image2"); // initialize tracker IplImage* referenceImage = cvLoadImage("reference.png", 0); tracker1 = new windage::ModifiedSURFTracker(); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker1)->Initialize(778.195, 779.430, 324.659, 235.685, -0.333103, 0.173760, 0.000653, 0.001114, 45); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker1)->RegistReferenceImage(referenceImage, 267.0, 200.0, 4.0, 8); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker1)->InitializeOpticalFlow(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 10, cvSize(15, 15), 3); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker1)->SetOpticalFlowRunning(true); tracker1->GetCameraParameter()->InitUndistortionMap(WIDTH, HEIGHT); tracker2 = new windage::ModifiedSURFTracker(); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker2)->Initialize(778.195, 779.430, 324.659, 235.685, -0.333103, 0.173760, 0.000653, 0.001114, 45); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker2)->RegistReferenceImage(referenceImage, 267.0, 200.0, 4.0, 8); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker2)->InitializeOpticalFlow(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 10, cvSize(15, 15), 3); ((windage::ModifiedSURFTracker*)tracker2)->SetOpticalFlowRunning(true); tracker2->GetCameraParameter()->InitUndistortionMap(WIDTH, HEIGHT); // initialize ar tools arTool = new windage::ARForOpenGL(); ((windage::ARForOpenGL*)arTool)->Initialize(WIDTH, HEIGHT, true); ((windage::ARForOpenGL*)arTool)->AttatchCameraParameter(tracker1->GetCameraParameter()); // initialize spatial sensors cubeGroup = new CubeSensorGroup(); ((CubeSensorGroup*)cubeGroup)->Initialize(1, Vector3(75, 75, 75)); extendedCubeGroup = new CubeSensorGroup(); ((CubeSensorGroup*)extendedCubeGroup)->Initialize(2, Vector3(0, 0, 0), 3, 10.0, 15.0); sensorDetector = new DETECTOR_TYPE(); ((DETECTOR_TYPE*)sensorDetector)->Initialize(ACTIVATION_TRESHOLD); ((DETECTOR_TYPE*)sensorDetector)->AttatchCameraParameter(0, tracker1->GetCameraParameter()); ((DETECTOR_TYPE*)sensorDetector)->AttatchCameraParameter(1, tracker2->GetCameraParameter()); extendedSensorDetector = new DETECTOR_TYPE(); ((DETECTOR_TYPE*)extendedSensorDetector)->Initialize(ACTIVATION_TRESHOLD); ((DETECTOR_TYPE*)extendedSensorDetector)->AttatchCameraParameter(0, tracker1->GetCameraParameter()); ((DETECTOR_TYPE*)extendedSensorDetector)->AttatchCameraParameter(1, tracker2->GetCameraParameter()); // attatch sensors sensorDetector->AttatchSpatialSensors(cubeGroup->GetSensors()); extendedSensorDetector->AttatchSpatialSensors(extendedCubeGroup->GetSensors()); // initialize rendering engine OpenGLRenderer::init(WIDTH, HEIGHT); OpenGLRenderer::setLight(); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutIdleFunc(idle); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutMainLoop(); camera1->stop(); camera1->close(); camera2->stop(); camera2->close(); }
bool CvCaptureCAM_DC1394_v2_CPP::grabFrame() { dc1394capture_policy_t policy = DC1394_CAPTURE_POLICY_WAIT; bool code = false, isColor; dc1394video_frame_t *dcFrame = 0, *fs = 0; int i, nch; if (!dcCam || (!started && !startCapture())) return false; dc1394_capture_dequeue(dcCam, policy, &dcFrame); if (!dcFrame) return false; if (/*dcFrame->frames_behind > 1 ||*/ dc1394_capture_is_frame_corrupt(dcCam, dcFrame) == DC1394_TRUE) { goto _exit_; } isColor = dcFrame->color_coding != DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8 && dcFrame->color_coding != DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16 && dcFrame->color_coding != DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16S; if (nimages == 2) { fs = (dc1394video_frame_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*fs)); //dc1394_deinterlace_stereo_frames(dcFrame, fs, DC1394_STEREO_METHOD_INTERLACED); dc1394_deinterlace_stereo_frames_fixed(dcFrame, fs, DC1394_STEREO_METHOD_INTERLACED); dc1394_capture_enqueue(dcCam, dcFrame); // release the captured frame as soon as possible dcFrame = 0; if (!fs->image) goto _exit_; isColor = colorStereo; } nch = isColor ? 3 : 1; for (i = 0; i < nimages; i++) { IplImage fhdr; dc1394video_frame_t f = fs ? *fs : *dcFrame, *fc = &f; f.size[1] /= nimages; f.image += f.size[0] * f.size[1] * i; // TODO: make it more universal if (isColor) { if (!frameC) frameC = (dc1394video_frame_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*frameC)); frameC->color_coding = nch == 3 ? DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8 : DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8; if (nimages == 1) { dc1394_convert_frames(&f, frameC); dc1394_capture_enqueue(dcCam, dcFrame); dcFrame = 0; } else { f.color_filter = bayerFilter; dc1394_debayer_frames(&f, frameC, bayer); } fc = frameC; } if (!img[i]) img[i] = cvCreateImage(cvSize(fc->size[0], fc->size[1]), 8, nch); cvInitImageHeader(&fhdr, cvSize(fc->size[0], fc->size[1]), 8, nch); cvSetData(&fhdr, fc->image, fc->size[0]*nch); // Swap R&B channels: if (nch==3) cvConvertImage(&fhdr,&fhdr,CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB); if( rectify && cameraId == VIDERE && nimages == 2 ) { if( !maps[0][0] || maps[0][0]->width != img[i]->width || maps[0][0]->height != img[i]->height ) { CvSize size = cvGetSize(img[i]); cvReleaseImage(&maps[0][0]); cvReleaseImage(&maps[0][1]); cvReleaseImage(&maps[1][0]); cvReleaseImage(&maps[1][1]); maps[0][0] = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 2); maps[0][1] = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1); maps[1][0] = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 2); maps[1][1] = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1); char buf[4*4096]; if( getVidereCalibrationInfo( buf, (int)sizeof(buf) ) && initVidereRectifyMaps( buf, maps[0], maps[1] )) ; else rectify = false; } cvRemap(&fhdr, img[i], maps[i][0], maps[i][1]); } else cvCopy(&fhdr, img[i]); } code = true; _exit_: if (dcFrame) dc1394_capture_enqueue(dcCam, dcFrame); if (fs) { if (fs->image) free(fs->image); free(fs); } return code; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { FILE *fp; IplImage* frame_in = 0; //聲明IplImage指針 //開新視窗 cvNamedWindow( "ori", 1 ); cvNamedWindow( "DIBR", 1 ); //////////資料輸入 frame_in = cvLoadImage("D:\\3-2(d).bmp"); ///////找尋影像的大小 int height = frame_in->height; int width = frame_in->width; int step = frame_in->widthStep/sizeof(uchar);//step = frame_in->widthStep; printf("h = %d w = %d s = %d\n",height,width,step); /////宣告暫存器 int i,j,k,l; int avg_reg = 0,diff_bom,diff_right,diff_top,diff_li; int reg_A,reg_B,reg_C,reg_D; /////宣告影像空間CV IplImage* frame_DIBR = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); IplImage* frame_gray = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); IplImage* frame_avg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); IplImage* frame_reg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); IplImage* frame_out = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width,height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); for( i=0 ; i < height ; i++ ){ for( j=0 ; j < width ; j++ ){ //Y[i][j] = frame_gray->imageData[i*width+j]; B[i][j] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+0]; G[i][j] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+1]; R[i][j] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+2]; Y[i][j] = R[i][j]*(0.299) + G[i][j]*(0.587) + B[i][j]*(0.114); /*if (i>=0) Y[i][j]=10; if (i>=12) Y[i][j]=100; if (i>=50) Y[i][j]=200; */ depth_floor[i][j] = (int)floor((double)((back_TH*i/height))); FF[i][j] = 0; }//end j }//end i /////////////////演算法 for( i=0 ; i < height ; i++ ){ for( j=0 ; j < width ; j++ ){ if ((i%4)==0 && (j%4)==0){ avg_R[i][j] = R[i][j]+R[i][j+1]+R[i][j+2]+R[i][j+3]+ R[i+1][j]+R[i+1][j+1]+R[i+1][j+2]+R[i+1][j+3]+ R[i+2][j]+R[i+2][j+1]+R[i+2][j+2]+R[i+2][j+3]+ R[i+3][j]+R[i+3][j+1]+R[i+3][j+2]+R[i+3][j+3]; avg_G[i][j] = G[i][j]+G[i][j+1]+G[i][j+2]+G[i][j+3]+ G[i+1][j]+G[i+1][j+1]+G[i+1][j+2]+G[i+1][j+3]+ G[i+2][j]+G[i+2][j+1]+G[i+2][j+2]+G[i+2][j+3]+ G[i+3][j]+G[i+3][j+1]+G[i+3][j+2]+G[i+3][j+3]; avg_B[i][j] = B[i][j]+B[i][j+1]+B[i][j+2]+B[i][j+3]+ B[i+1][j]+B[i+1][j+1]+B[i+1][j+2]+B[i+1][j+3]+ B[i+2][j]+B[i+2][j+1]+B[i+2][j+2]+B[i+2][j+3]+ B[i+3][j]+B[i+3][j+1]+B[i+3][j+2]+B[i+3][j+3]; for( k=0 ; k < 4 ; k++ ) for( l=0 ; l < 4 ; l++ ){ avg_R[i+k][j+l] = avg_R[i][j]; avg_G[i+k][j+l] = avg_G[i][j]; avg_B[i+k][j+l] = avg_B[i][j]; } } }//end j }//end i for( i=0 ; i < height ; i=i+4 ){ for( j=0 ; j < width ; j=j+4 ){ if ((i%4)==0 && (j%4)==0){ //diff_top = abs(avg[i][j]-avg[i-4][j]); //diff_li = abs(avg[i][j]-avg[i][j-4]); diff_bom = abs(avg_R[i][j]-avg_R[i+4][j])+abs(avg_G[i][j]-avg_G[i+4][j])+abs(avg_B[i][j]-avg_B[i+4][j]); diff_right = abs(avg_R[i][j]-avg_R[i][j+4])+abs(avg_G[i][j]-avg_G[i][j+4])+abs(avg_B[i][j]-avg_B[i][j+4]); // printf("[%d][%d] avg = %d avg_right = %d avg_bom = %d bom = %d right = %d\n",i+k,j+l,avg[i][j],avg[i][j+4],avg[i+4][j],diff_bom,diff_right); // printf("FF = %d FF_R = %d FF_B = %d\n",FF[i][j],FF[i][j+4],FF[i+4][j]); } /*printf("top = %d li = %d\n",diff_top,diff_li); _getch();*/ for( k=0 ; k <= 3 ; k++ ) for( l=0 ; l <= 3 ; l++ ){ // printf("[%d][%d] bom = %d right = %d\n",i+k,j+l,diff_bom,diff_right); /*if (i == 0 ){///第一行皆為0 depth_out[i+k][j+l] = 0; FF[i+k][j+l] = 1; printf("1\n"); }else*/ if (diff_bom<=TH_diff && diff_right<=TH_diff && FF[i+4][j] == 0 && FF[i][j+4] == 0 ){ //下右皆為0,直接給值 if (FF[i][j] == 0){ depth_out[i+k][j+l] = depth_floor[i][j] ; if ((k%4)==3 && (l%4)==3){ FF[i][j] = 255; //printf(" 0 "); //_getch(); } } depth_out[i+k+4][j+l] = depth_out[i][j] ; depth_out[i+k][j+l+4] = depth_out[i][j] ; if ((k%4)==3 && (l%4)==3){ FF[i+4][j] = 255; FF[i][j+4] = 255; // printf(" 2 "); //_getch(); } // }else if (diff_right<=TH_diff && FF[i][j] == 0 && FF[i][j+4] == 255 ){ //原點為0,右邊點為1,右→原點 depth_out[i+k][j+l] = depth_out[i][j+4]; //printf("3"); //printf("FF = %d FF_R = %d\n",FF[i][j],FF[i][j+4]); // _getch(); }else if (diff_bom<=TH_diff && FF[i][j] == 0 && FF[i+4][j] == 255 ){ //原點為0,下邊點為1,下→原點 depth_out[i+k][j+l] = depth_out[i+4][j]; //printf("4\n"); }else if (diff_right<=TH_diff && FF[i][j+4] == 0 ){ //給右邊點 if (FF[i][j+4] == 0) depth_out[i+k][j+l] = depth_floor[i][j]; depth_out[i+k][j+l+4] = depth_out[i][j]; if ((k%4)==3 && (l%4)==3){ FF[i][j+4] = 255; //printf("5\n"); } }else if (diff_bom<=TH_diff && FF[i+4][j] == 0 ){ //給下邊點 if (FF[i][j] == 0) depth_out[i+k][j+l] = depth_floor[i][j]; depth_out[i+k+4][j+l] = depth_out[i][j]; if ((k%4)==3 && (l%4)==3){ FF[i+4][j] = 255; //printf("6\n"); } }else if (depth_out[i+k][j+l] <= 0 && FF[i][j] == 0){ depth_out[i+k][j+l]=depth_floor[i][j]; } } // printf("[%d][%d] bom = %d right = %d",i+k,j+l,diff_bom,diff_right); //_getch(); }//end j }//end i for( i=0 ; i < height ; i++ ){ for( j=0 ; j < width ; j++ ){ ////lowpass reg_A = 0;reg_B = 0; for( k=-1 ; k <= 1 ; k++ ) for( l=-1 ; l <= 1 ; l++ ){ reg_A += depth_out[i+k][j+l]; reg_B++; } reg_C = reg_A/reg_B; if (reg_C<=0) reg_C = 0; else if (reg_C>=255) reg_C=255; depth_out[i][j] = (unsigned char)reg_C; } } /////DIBR for( i=0 ; i < height ; i++ ){ for( j=0 ; j < width ; j++ ){ int motion = (int)((10*depth_out[i][j]/(85+depth_out[i][j]))); frame_out->imageData[i*step+(j)*3+2] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+2]; frame_out->imageData[i*step+(j)*3+1] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+1]; frame_out->imageData[i*step+(j)*3+0] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+0]; if ((j-motion)>0){ frame_out->imageData[i*step+(j-motion)*3+2] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+2]; } if ((j+motion)<width){ frame_out->imageData[i*step+(j+motion)*3+0] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+0]; frame_out->imageData[i*step+(j+motion)*3+1] = frame_in->imageData[i*step+j*3+1]; } }//end j }//end i ///////////////輸出 for( i=0 ; i < height ; i++ ) for( j=0 ; j < width ; j++ ){ //if (line[i] == 255){ frame_avg->imageData[i*step+j*3+0] = depth_out[i][j];//B frame_avg->imageData[i*step+j*3+1] = depth_out[i][j];//G frame_avg->imageData[i*step+j*3+2] = depth_out[i][j];//R frame_reg->imageData[i*step+j*3+0] = depth_outB[i][j];//B frame_reg->imageData[i*step+j*3+1] = depth_outB[i][j];//G frame_reg->imageData[i*step+j*3+2] = depth_outB[i][j];//R } //fp=fopen("D:/tt.raw","wb"); //寫圖 //fwrite(avg,height,width,fp); //fclose(fp); cvShowImage( "ori", frame_avg ); cvShowImage( "DIBR", frame_out ); //存影像 cvSaveImage("D:\\3-4.jpg",frame_out); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyWindow( "ori" );//銷毀視窗 cvDestroyWindow( "DIBR" );//銷毀視窗 return 0; }
IplImage* PlateFinder::FindPlate (IplImage *src) { IplImage* plate; IplImage* contourImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // anh tim contour IplImage* grayImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // anh xam cvCvtColor(src, grayImg, CV_RGB2GRAY); IplImage* cloneImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); cloneImg = cvCloneImage(src); // tien xu ly anh cvCopy(grayImg, contourImg); cvNormalize(contourImg, contourImg, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); ImageRestoration(contourImg); IplImage* rectImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); cvMerge(contourImg, contourImg, contourImg, NULL, rectImg); // tron anh // tim contour cua buc anh CvMemStorage *storagePlate = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSeq *contours = cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_POINT, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint), storagePlate); cvFindContours(contourImg, storagePlate, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cvPoint(0, 0)); //cvShowImage("contourImg", contourImg); int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, w, h, s, r; int count; double ratio; // ty le chieu rong tren chieu cao CvRect rectPlate; // luu lai cac anh co kha nang la bien so IplImage** plateArr = new IplImage *[5]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { plateArr[i] = NULL; } while (contours) { count = contours->total; CvPoint *PointArray = new CvPoint[count]; cvCvtSeqToArray (contours, PointArray, CV_WHOLE_SEQ); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i == 0) { xmin = xmax = PointArray[i].x; ymin = ymax = PointArray[i].y; } if (PointArray[i].x > xmax) { xmax = PointArray[i].x; } if (PointArray[i].x < xmin) { xmin = PointArray[i].x; } if (PointArray[i].y > ymax) { ymax = PointArray[i].y; } if (PointArray[i].y < ymin) { ymin = PointArray[i].y; } } w = xmax - xmin; h = ymax - ymin; s = w * h; cvRectangle (rectImg, cvPoint(xmin, ymin), cvPoint(xmax, ymax), RED); // loai bo nhung hinh chu nhat co ti le khong dung if (s != 0) { r = (contourImg->height * contourImg->width) / s; } else { r = 1000; } if (w == 0 && h == 0) { ratio = 0; } else { ratio = (double)w/h; } if (r > 30 && r < 270) { // ve ra hcn mau xanh la cvRectangle (rectImg, cvPoint(xmin, ymin), cvPoint(xmax, ymax), GREEN); if (ratio > 2.6 && ratio < 7) { cvRectangle (rectImg, cvPoint(xmin, ymin), cvPoint(xmax, ymax), BLUE); if (w > 80 && w < 250 && h > 25 && h < 150) { rectPlate = cvRect (xmin, ymin, w, h); cvRectangle (cloneImg, cvPoint(rectPlate.x, rectPlate.y), cvPoint(rectPlate.x + rectPlate.width, rectPlate.y + rectPlate.height), RED, 3); // cat bien so plate = cvCreateImage(cvSize(rectPlate.width, rectPlate.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); cvSetImageROI(src, rectPlate); cvCopy(src, plate, NULL); cvResetImageROI(src); // luu vao mang cac bien so plateArr int cnt = CountCharacter(plate); if (cnt >= 5) { plateArr[j] = cvCloneImage(plate); j++; } } } } delete []PointArray; contours = contours->h_next; } // sap xep if (plateArr[0]) { int w = plateArr[0]->width; int flag; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (plateArr[i] && plateArr[i]->width < w) { flag = i; } } plateArr[0] = plateArr[flag]; } cvShowImage("cloneImg", cloneImg); //cvShowImage("rectImg", rectImg); //cvShowImage("plate", plateArr[0]); cvReleaseImage(&contourImg); cvReleaseImage(&rectImg); cvReleaseImage(&plate); return plateArr[0]; }
int OnNewvision(IplImage* currImageBefore, IplImage* maskImage) { //int pAPosition[6][2]={0};//pointArrayPosition //pAPosition[0][0]=0; pAPosition[0][1]=6; //pAPosition[1][0]=6; pAPosition[1][1]=0; //pAPosition[2][0]=12;pAPosition[2][1]=6; //pAPosition[3][0]=0; pAPosition[3][1]=9; //pAPosition[4][0]=6; pAPosition[4][1]=12; //pAPosition[5][0]=12;pAPosition[5][1]=9; //ListPoint pointSet1; //pointSet1.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); //for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex <3; dIndex++) //{//cvPoint(wIndex, hIndex) // pointSet1.Item->push_back(cvPoint(pAPosition[dIndex][0], pAPosition[dIndex][1])); //} // //cvCircleObj outCircle1; //if(pointSet1.Item->size() == 0) // return; //FitCircleObj(pointSet1, &outCircle1); //ListPoint pointSet2; //pointSet2.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); //for (int dIndex = 3; dIndex <6; dIndex++) //{//cvPoint(wIndex, hIndex) // pointSet2.Item->push_back(cvPoint(pAPosition[dIndex][0], pAPosition[dIndex][1])); //} //cvCircleObj outCircle2; //if(pointSet2.Item->size() == 0) // return; //FitCircleObj(pointSet2, &outCircle2); //IplImage* currImage1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(2000, 3000), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); //memset(currImage1->imageData, 0, currImage1->height*currImage1->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char)); //int bwPosition = 0; //for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < currImage1->width; hIndex++) //{ // int y1 = 0, y2 = 0; // y1 = sqrt( outCircle1.Radius * outCircle1.Radius - hIndex * hIndex); // y2 = sqrt( outCircle2.Radius * outCircle2.Radius - hIndex * hIndex); // for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < currImage1->height; wIndex++) // { // bwPosition = hIndex*currImage1->widthStep + wIndex; // if( wIndex < y1) // currImage1->imageData[bwPosition] = 0; // else if (wIndex > y1 && wIndex < y2) // currImage1->imageData[bwPosition] = 255; // else // currImage1->imageData[bwPosition] = 0; // } //} //cvShowImage("currImage1",currImage1); //cvWaitKey(0); //cvReleaseImage(&currImage1); //return; int hIndex = 0, wIndex = 0, ImagePosition = 0, TempPosition = 0, colorValue = 0; bool leakLight = false; int LeakLightNum = 5; //IplImage* currImageBefore = cvLoadImage("00.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); if (currImageBefore == NULL) return 1; if (maskImage == NULL) { return 2; } IplImage* currImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); memset(currImage->imageData, 0, currImage->height*currImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char)); //使用Mask cvCopy(currImageBefore, currImage, maskImage); //cvShowImage("currImage",currImage); //cvWaitKey(0); IplImage* EdgeImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); memset(EdgeImage->imageData, 0, EdgeImage->height*EdgeImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char)); cvCanny(currImage, EdgeImage, 50, 180, 3); //cvShowImage("EdgeImage", EdgeImage); //cvWaitKey(0); int edgeTempPosition = 0; for (int hIndex = 1; hIndex < EdgeImage->height - 1; hIndex++) { for (int wIndex = 1; wIndex < EdgeImage->width - 1; wIndex++) { edgeTempPosition = hIndex*EdgeImage->widthStep + wIndex; if (EdgeImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition] == 255) if (maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition + 1] == 0 || maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition - 1] == 0 || maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition + maskImage->widthStep] == 0 || maskImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition - maskImage->widthStep] == 0) EdgeImage->imageData[edgeTempPosition] = 0; } } //cvShowImage("EdgeImage2", EdgeImage); ////cvSaveImage("E:\\wuxi\\EdgeImage.jpg",EdgeImage); //cvWaitKey(0); ListPoint pointSet; ListPoint bestPoint; ListPoint tempPoint; pointSet.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); bestPoint.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); tempPoint.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); ListPoint pointSet13, pointSet23, pointSet33; ListPoint bestPoint13, bestPoint23, bestPoint33; pointSet13.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); pointSet23.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); pointSet33.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); bestPoint13.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); bestPoint23.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); bestPoint33.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); IplImage* markImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(currImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); memset(markImage->imageData, 0, markImage->height*markImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char)); //ArrayPoint* PointArray = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); ListRect rectList; ListInt intAreaList; rectList.Item = (ArrayRect*)MallocArrayRect(); intAreaList.Item = (ArrayInt *)MallocArrayInt(); ExtractAllEdgePointNumForItem(EdgeImage, markImage, cvRect(0, 0, currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height), 255, &pointSet); //未搜寻到边缘点,可能是已经边缘效果不好或者是无料 if (pointSet.Item->size() == 0 || pointSet.Item->size() < 10) { cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore); //cvReleaseImage(&maskImage); cvReleaseImage(&markImage); cvReleaseImage(&currImage); cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage); return 3; } CvPoint PartTempPoint; for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex < pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex++) { PartTempPoint = (*pointSet.Item)[dIndex]; AddArrayPoint(pointSet13.Item, PartTempPoint); } cvCircleObj TempCircle; memset(markImage->imageData, 0, markImage->height*markImage->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char)); //之前使用方法为全部进行ransac滤除,之后为缩短时间修改为1/3、1/3、1/3进行滤除 //RansacCirclePoint(pointSet, &bestPoint, &tempPoint); //if(bestPoint.Item->size() == 0) //{ // cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore); // cvReleaseImage(&maskImage); // cvReleaseImage(&markImage); // cvReleaseImage(&currImage); // cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage); // return; //} //SortPointsListByXValue(&bestPoint); RansacCirclePoint(pointSet13, &bestPoint13, &tempPoint); if (bestPoint13.Item->size() == 0) { cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore); //cvReleaseImage(&maskImage); cvReleaseImage(&markImage); cvReleaseImage(&currImage); cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage); return 4; } cvCircleObj outCircle; cvCircleObj outCircle13, outCircle23, outCircle33; //ListPoint bestPoint13, bestPoint23, bestPoint33; //bestPoint13.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); //bestPoint23.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); //bestPoint33.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); //for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex< bestPoint.Item->size()/3; dIndex++) //{ // AddArrayPoint(bestPoint13.Item, (*bestPoint.Item)[dIndex]); //} FitCircleObj(bestPoint13, &outCircle13); if (outCircle13.CirclePoint.x < 0 || outCircle13.CirclePoint.y >0) { for (int dIndex = pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex < 2 * pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex++) { PartTempPoint = (*pointSet.Item)[dIndex]; AddArrayPoint(pointSet23.Item, PartTempPoint); } RansacCirclePoint(pointSet23, &bestPoint23, &tempPoint); if (bestPoint23.Item->size() == 0) { cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore); //cvReleaseImage(&maskImage); cvReleaseImage(&markImage); cvReleaseImage(&currImage); cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage); return 5; } FitCircleObj(bestPoint23, &outCircle23); if (outCircle23.CirclePoint.x < 0 || outCircle23.CirclePoint.y >0) { for (int dIndex = 2 * pointSet.Item->size() / 3; dIndex < pointSet.Item->size(); dIndex++) { PartTempPoint = (*pointSet.Item)[dIndex]; AddArrayPoint(pointSet33.Item, PartTempPoint); } RansacCirclePoint(pointSet33, &bestPoint33, &tempPoint); if (bestPoint33.Item->size() == 0) { cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore); //cvReleaseImage(&maskImage); cvReleaseImage(&markImage); cvReleaseImage(&currImage); cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage); return 6; } FitCircleObj(bestPoint33, &outCircle33); if (outCircle33.CirclePoint.x < 0 || outCircle33.CirclePoint.y >0) { outCircle.CirclePoint.x = 0; outCircle.CirclePoint.y = 1; outCircle.Radius = 1; } else outCircle = outCircle33;; } else outCircle = outCircle23; } else outCircle = outCircle13; //FitCircleObj(bestPoint, &outCircle); if (outCircle.CirclePoint.y == 1 && outCircle.Radius == 1) { cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore); //cvReleaseImage(&maskImage); cvReleaseImage(&markImage); cvReleaseImage(&currImage); cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage); return 7; } ListPoint pointOutCircleSet; pointOutCircleSet.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); int radiusAdd = 0; int radiusMove = 35; for (int dIndex = 0; dIndex < VL_MAX(bestPoint.Item->size(), 0); dIndex++) { CvPoint TempPoint; TempPoint.x = ((*bestPoint.Item)[dIndex]).x; TempPoint.y = ((*bestPoint.Item)[dIndex]).y + radiusMove; AddArrayPoint(pointOutCircleSet.Item, TempPoint); } ListPoint pointMoreCircleSet; pointMoreCircleSet.Item = (ArrayPoint*)MallocArrayPoint(); for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < currImageBefore->width; wIndex++) { CvPoint TempPoint; CvPoint TempOutPoint; float x = 0, y = 0; x = wIndex - outCircle.CirclePoint.x; //y = dIndex - outCircle.CirclePoint.y; y = sqrt((outCircle.Radius + radiusMove) * (outCircle.Radius + radiusMove) - x * x); TempPoint.x = wIndex; if (outCircle.CirclePoint.y < 0) y = VL_MAX(0, outCircle.CirclePoint.y + y); else y = VL_MAX(0, outCircle.CirclePoint.y - y); TempPoint.y = y; if (TempPoint.x >= 0 && TempPoint.y >= 0) AddArrayPoint(pointMoreCircleSet.Item, TempPoint); } SortPointsListByXValue(&pointMoreCircleSet); int maskCircleTemp = 0; for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < markImage->width; wIndex++) { for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < markImage->height; hIndex++) { maskCircleTemp = hIndex*markImage->widthStep + wIndex; if (hIndex <= ((*pointMoreCircleSet.Item)[wIndex]).y) { markImage->imageData[maskCircleTemp] = 255; } } } int a[4] = { 0 }; //currImageBefore = cvLoadImage("E:\\wuxi\\leak\\1532.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); getMaxDistance(currImageBefore, &pointMoreCircleSet, a); int subPotion = 0; for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < markImage->height; hIndex++) { for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < markImage->width; wIndex++) { subPotion = hIndex*markImage->widthStep + wIndex; //currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] -= maskCircle->imageData[subPotion]; //if (maskCircle->imageData[subPotion] == 255) // currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] = 0; if (currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] - markImage->imageData[subPotion] <= 0) currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] = 0; if (currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] - markImage->imageData[subPotion] >= 255) currImageBefore->imageData[subPotion] = 255; } } cvThreshold(currImageBefore, markImage, 110, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); //cvShowImage("currbf", currImageBefore); //cvWaitKey(0); CvPoint LineCenter; CvPoint LineCenter2; LineCenter2.x = (int)outCircle.CirclePoint.x; LineCenter2.y = (int)outCircle.CirclePoint.y; //LineCenter.x = (a[1]+a[0]/2); LineCenter.x = a[1] + a[0] / 2; LineCenter.y = a[3]; CvSize imgSize = cvSize(currImageBefore->width, currImageBefore->height); CvRect Zone; Zone.x = 0; Zone.y = 0; Zone.width = 0; Zone.height = 0; int checkLightValue = 55; bool Zone0 = false, Zone1 = false, Zone2 = false, Zone3 = false, Zone4 = false; //没有豁口区域 if (a[0] == 0) { if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, currImage->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 0)) { if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, currImageBefore->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 0)) Zone0 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue); //IplImage* ZoneImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Zone.width, Zone.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); //memset(ZoneImg->imageData, 0, ZoneImg->height*ZoneImg->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char)); //IplImage* ZoneImg2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Zone.width, Zone.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); //memset(ZoneImg2->imageData, 0, ZoneImg2->height*ZoneImg2->widthStep*sizeof(unsigned char)); //cvSetImageROI(currImageBefore,Zone); //cvCopy(currImageBefore,ZoneImg); //cvResetImageROI(currImageBefore); //cvThreshold(ZoneImg, ZoneImg2, 110, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); //int leakNum = 0; //int bwPosition = 0; //for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < ZoneImg2->height; hIndex++) //{ // for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < ZoneImg2->width; wIndex++) // { // bwPosition = hIndex*ZoneImg2->widthStep + wIndex; // if( ZoneImg2->imageData[bwPosition] == 255) // leakNum++; // } //} //if (leakNum > LeakLightNum) //{ // leakLight = true; // //cvShowImage("ZoneImage2", ZoneImg2); // //cvWaitKey(0); //} //cvReleaseImage(&ZoneImg); } //getMinYPositon(ListPoint* line, int firstPosition, int lastPosition, CvRect* zone, int* a, int direction) } else//有豁口区域 { //getMinYPositon if (a[1] > currImageBefore->width / 2) { if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, a[2], currImageBefore->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 4)) Zone4 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue); if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, a[1], &Zone, a, imgSize, 3)) Zone3 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue); } if (a[1] <= currImageBefore->width / 2) { if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, 0, a[1], &Zone, a, imgSize, 1)) Zone1 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue); if (getMinYPositon(&pointMoreCircleSet, a[2], currImageBefore->width, &Zone, a, imgSize, 2)) Zone2 = CheckZoneLeak(currImageBefore, Zone, LeakLightNum, checkLightValue); } } cvReleaseImage(&currImageBefore); //cvReleaseImage(&maskImage); cvReleaseImage(&markImage); cvReleaseImage(&currImage); cvReleaseImage(&EdgeImage); bool lastResult = false; if (Zone0 || Zone1 || Zone2 || Zone3 || Zone4) { lastResult = true; return -1; } lastResult = false; return 0; }
// Function to detect and draw any faces that is present in an image bool face_detect( IplImage* srcImg, std::vector<CvRect> *vectFaces, CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade, bool detect_only) { // Create memory for calculations static CvMemStorage* storage = 0; // Create two points to represent the face locations CvPoint pt1, pt2; int i; if( !cascade ) { MY_LOG("%s: faceCascade is NULL", __FILE__); return false; } // Allocate the memory storage storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); // Clear the memory storage which was used before cvClearMemStorage( storage ); int max_width = 0; // Find whether the cascade is loaded, to find the biggest face. If yes, then: if( cascade ) { // There can be more than one face in an image. So create a growable sequence of faces. // Detect the objects and store them in the sequence DURATION_START; CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects( srcImg, cascade, storage, 1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING , cvSize(20, 20) ); DURATION_STOP("cvHaarDetectObjects()"); // Loop the number of faces found. for( i = 0, max_width=0; i < faces->total; i++ ) { // Create a new rectangle for the face CvRect* r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem( faces, i ); if(vectFaces != NULL) { vectFaces -> push_back(*r); } MY_LOG("%s: found face <%d,%d> with %dx%d\n", __func__, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height); if(!detect_only) { // Draw the rectangle in the input image cvRectangle( srcImg, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, 8, 0 ); } if(max_width < r->width) { pt1.x = r->x; pt2.x = (r->x + r->width); pt1.y = r->y; pt2.y = (r->y + r->height); max_width = r->width; } } if(max_width <= 4) { return false; } //printf("%s: (%d,%d), (%d,%d) -> (%d * %d)\n", __func__, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, (pt2.x - pt1.x) , (pt2.y - pt1.y)); //cvSetImageROI(srcImg, cvRect(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x - pt1.x, pt2.y - pt1.y)); //// __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "run to here ", "func:%s, line:%d", __func__,__LINE__); //// printf("%s: srcImg ROI: (%d * %d)\n",__func__, cvGetImageROI(srcImg).width, cvGetImageROI(srcImg).height ); //IplImage *tmpImg2 = cvCreateImage( cvSize(cvGetImageROI(srcImg).width, cvGetImageROI(srcImg).height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); //IplImage *tmpImg = srcImg; ////color depth //if(srcImg->nChannels != 1) { // cvCvtColor(srcImg, tmpImg2, CV_BGR2GRAY); // tmpImg = tmpImg2; //} ////resize //*dstImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(FACE_SIZE, FACE_SIZE), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); //cvResize(tmpImg, *dstImg, CV_INTER_CUBIC); ////__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "run to here ", "func:%s, line:%d", __func__,__LINE__); //cvResetImageROI(srcImg); //cvReleaseImage(&tmpImg2); ////__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "run to here ", "func:%s, line:%d", __func__,__LINE__); return true; } return false; }
////////////////////////////////// // main() // int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { // try_conv(); if( !initAll() ) exitProgram(-1); // Capture and display video frames until a face // is detected int frame_count = 0; while( (char)27!=cvWaitKey(1) ) { //Retrieve next image and // Look for a face in the next video frame //read into pfd_pVideoFrameCopy if (!captureVideoFrame()){ if (frame_count==0) throw exception("Failed before reading anything"); break; //end of video.. } ++frame_count; CvSeq* pSeq = 0; detectFaces(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy,&pSeq); //Do some filtration of pSeq into pSeqOut, based on history etc, //update data structures (history ,face threads etc.)s list<Face> & faces_in_this_frame = FdProcessFaces(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy,pSeq); //== draw rectrangle for each detected face == if (!faces_in_this_frame.empty()){ //faces detected (??) int i = 0; for(list<Face>::iterator face_itr = faces_in_this_frame.begin(); face_itr != faces_in_this_frame.end(); ++face_itr) { CvPoint pt1 = cvPoint(face_itr->x,face_itr->y); CvPoint pt2 = cvPoint(face_itr->x + face_itr->width,face_itr->y + face_itr->height); if (face_itr->frame_id == frame_count) //detected for this frame cvRectangle( pfd_pVideoFrameCopy, pt1, pt2, colorArr[i++%3],3,8,0); else //from a previous frame cvRectangle( pfd_pVideoFrameCopy, pt1, pt2, colorArr[i++%3],1,4,0); } }else{ //no faces detected Sleep(100); } cvShowImage( DISPLAY_WINDOW, pfd_pVideoFrameCopy ); cvReleaseImage(&pfd_pVideoFrameCopy); } //end input while cout << "==========================================================" << endl; cout << "========== Input finished ================================" << endl; cout << "==========================================================" << endl << endl; cout << "Press a key to continue with history playback" <<endl; char cc = fgetc(stdin); cout << "==========================================================" << endl; cout << "==== Playback history + rectangles + =====" << endl; cout << "==== create output video(s) =====" << endl; cout << "==========================================================" << endl << endl; list<FDHistoryEntry> & pHistory = FdGetHistorySeq(); //== VIDEO WRITER START ===================== int isColor = 1; int fps = 12;//30;//25; // or 30 int frameW = 640; // 744 for firewire cameras int frameH = 480; // 480 for firewire cameras CvVideoWriter * playbackVidWriter=cvCreateVideoWriter((OUTPUT_PLAYBACK_VIDEOS_DIR + "\\playback.avi").c_str(), PFD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_FORMAT, fps,cvSize(frameW,frameH),isColor); CvVideoWriter * croppedVidWriter = 0; if (!playbackVidWriter) { cerr << "can't create vid writer" << endl; exitProgram(-1); } bool wasWrittenToVideo = false; //== VIDEO WRITER END ===================== int index = 0; // play recorded sequence---------------------------- // i.e. just what's in the history int playback_counter = 0; cout << "start finding consensus rect " << endl; //find min max bool found =false; int min_x = INT_MAX,//pFaceRect->x, max_x = 0,//pFaceRect->x+pFaceRect->width, min_y = INT_MAX,//pFaceRect->y, max_y = 0;//pFaceRect->y+pFaceRect->height; for (list<FDHistoryEntry>::iterator itr = pHistory.begin() ; itr != pHistory.end(); ++itr) { CvSeq* pFacesSeq = itr->pFacesSeq; assert(pFacesSeq); //TODO Might want to convert to Face here CvRect * pFaceRect = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(pFacesSeq, 0); //works only on first rec series if (pFaceRect){ found = true; if (pFaceRect->x < min_x) min_x = pFaceRect->x; if (pFaceRect->x+pFaceRect->width > max_x) max_x = pFaceRect->x + pFaceRect->width; if (pFaceRect->y < min_y) min_y = pFaceRect->y; if (pFaceRect->y+pFaceRect->height > max_y) max_y = pFaceRect->y+pFaceRect->height; } } //assert(found); //some rect in history.. CvRect consensus_rect; consensus_rect.x = min_x; consensus_rect.y = min_y; consensus_rect.width = max_x - min_x; consensus_rect.height = max_y - min_y; Sleep(3000); //just to make sure that pruneHistory isn't modifying.. cout << "start playback loop " << endl; int k = 0; for (list<FDHistoryEntry>::iterator itr = pHistory.begin() ; itr != pHistory.end(); ++itr) { cout << ++k << endl; //cvResetImageROI(history_itr->pFrame); //now reset by FDFaceThread pfd_pVideoFrameCopy = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(itr->pFrame ), 8, 3 ); //TODO query image for its properties cvCopy( itr->pFrame , pfd_pVideoFrameCopy, 0 ); CvSeq* pFacesSeq = itr->pFacesSeq; #ifndef NO_RECTS_ON_PLAYBACK for(int i = 0 ;i < pFacesSeq->total ;i++){ Face * pFaceRect = (Face*)cvGetSeqElem(pFacesSeq, i); assert(pFaceRect != NULL); CvPoint pt1 = cvPoint(pFaceRect->x,pFaceRect->y); CvPoint pt2 = cvPoint(pFaceRect->x + pFaceRect->width,pFaceRect->y + pFaceRect->height); if (itr->frame_id == pFaceRect->frame_id) cvRectangle( pfd_pVideoFrameCopy, pt1, pt2, colorArr[i%3],3,8,0); else cvRectangle( pfd_pVideoFrameCopy, pt1, pt2, colorArr[i%3],1,4,0); } #endif if (pFacesSeq->total > 0) { assert(found); //write 1st sequence if exists to cropped vid if (!croppedVidWriter) croppedVidWriter=cvCreateVideoWriter((OUTPUT_PLAYBACK_VIDEOS_DIR + "\\cropped_playback.avi").c_str(), PFD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_FORMAT, fps,cvSize(max_x-min_x,max_y-min_y),isColor); assert(croppedVidWriter); cvResetImageROI(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy); cvSetImageROI(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy,consensus_rect); //write cropped image to video file IplImage *croppedImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy), pfd_pVideoFrameCopy->depth, pfd_pVideoFrameCopy->nChannels); assert(croppedImg); cvCopy(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy, croppedImg, NULL); assert(croppedVidWriter); cvWriteFrame(croppedVidWriter,croppedImg); cvReleaseImage(&croppedImg); } cvShowImage( DISPLAY_WINDOW, pfd_pVideoFrameCopy ); cvResetImageROI(pfd_pVideoFrameCopy); //CROP_PLAYBACK_FACE cvWriteFrame(playbackVidWriter,pfd_pVideoFrameCopy); if( (char)27==cvWaitKey(1) ) break;//exitProgram(0); Sleep(50); ++playback_counter; } cvReleaseVideoWriter(&playbackVidWriter); cvReleaseVideoWriter(&croppedVidWriter); exitProgram(0); //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------- }
void *ControlThread(void *unused) { int i=0; char fileName[30]; NvMediaTime pt1 ={0}, pt2 = {0}; NvU64 ptime1, ptime2; struct timespec; IplImage* imgOrigin; IplImage* imgCanny; // cvCreateImage imgOrigin = cvCreateImage(cvSize(RESIZE_WIDTH, RESIZE_HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); imgCanny = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imgOrigin), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); int angle, speed; IplImage* imgOrigin; IplImage* imgResult; unsigned char status; unsigned int gain; CarControlInit(); PositionControlOnOff_Write(UNCONTROL); SpeedControlOnOff_Write(1); //speed controller gain set //P-gain gain = SpeedPIDProportional_Read(); // default value = 10, range : 1~50 printf("SpeedPIDProportional_Read() = %d \n", gain); gain = 20; SpeedPIDProportional_Write(gain); //I-gain gain = SpeedPIDIntegral_Read(); // default value = 10, range : 1~50 printf("SpeedPIDIntegral_Read() = %d \n", gain); gain = 20; SpeedPIDIntegral_Write(gain); //D-gain gain = SpeedPIDDifferential_Read(); // default value = 10, range : 1~50 printf("SpeedPIDDefferential_Read() = %d \n", gain); gain = 20; SpeedPIDDifferential_Write(gain); angle = 1460; SteeringServoControl_Write(angle); // cvCreateImage imgOrigin = cvCreateImage(cvSize(RESIZE_WIDTH, RESIZE_HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); imgResult = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imgOrigin), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); int flag = 1; while(1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); GetTime(&pt1); ptime1 = (NvU64)pt1.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + (NvU64)pt1.tv_nsec; Frame2Ipl(imgOrigin); // save image to IplImage structure & resize image from 720x480 to 320x240 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); cvCanny(imgOrigin, imgCanny, 100, 100, 3); sprintf(fileName, "captureImage/imgCanny%d.png", i); cvSaveImage(fileName , imgCanny, 0); Frame2Ipl(imgOrigin, imgResult); // save image to IplImage structure & resize image from 720x480 to 320x240 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //cvCanny(imgOrigin, imgCanny, 100, 100, 3); sprintf(fileName, "captureImage/imgyuv%d.png", i); cvSaveImage(fileName , imgOrigin, 0); //sprintf(fileName, "captureImage/imgOrigin%d.png", i); //cvSaveImage(fileName, imgOrigin, 0); // TODO : control steering angle based on captured image --------------- //speed set speed = DesireSpeed_Read(); printf("DesireSpeed_Read() = %d \n", speed); //speed = -10; //DesireSpeed_Write(speed); if(flag == 1){ if(greenlight>1000) { printf("right go\n"); Winker_Write(LEFT_ON); usleep(1000000); //Winker_Write(ALL_OFF); angle = 1400; SteeringServoControl_Write(angle); speed = 10; DesireSpeed_Write(speed); speed = DesireSpeed_Read(); printf("DesireSpeed_Read() = %d \n", speed); sleep(1); flag = 0; } else { printf("left go\n"); Winker_Write(RIGHT_ON); usleep(10000); Winker_Write(ALL_OFF); speed = 20; DesireSpeed_Write(speed); usleep(1300000); angle = 1950; SteeringServoControl_Write(angle); usleep(5000000); angle = 1460; SteeringServoControl_Write(angle); usleep(1000000); speed = 0; DesireSpeed_Write(speed); flag = 0; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- GetTime(&pt2); ptime2 = (NvU64)pt2.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + (NvU64)pt2.tv_nsec; printf("--------------------------------operation time=%llu.%09llu[s]\n", (ptime2-ptime1)/1000000000LL, (ptime2-ptime1)%1000000000LL); i++; } }
void process_image() { // std::cout << "Checking publish count: " << image_in->publish_count << std::endl; // image_in->lock_atom(); if (image_in->publish_count > 0) { cvSetData(cvimage_in, codec_in->get_raster(), 3*704); cvConvertImage(cvimage_in, cvimage_bgr, CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB); // image_in->unlock_atom(); CvSize board_sz = cvSize(12, 12); CvPoint2D32f* corners = new CvPoint2D32f[12*12]; int corner_count = 0; //This function has a memory leak in the current version of opencv! int found = cvFindChessboardCorners(cvimage_bgr, board_sz, corners, &corner_count, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH | CV_CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS); IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage(cvSize(cvimage_bgr->width, cvimage_bgr->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvCvtColor(cvimage_bgr, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvFindCornerSubPix(gray, corners, corner_count, cvSize(5, 5), cvSize(-1, -1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 10, 0.01f )); cvReleaseImage(&gray); if (take_pic && corner_count == 144) { std::stringstream ss; img_cnt++; ss << dir_name << "/Image" << img_cnt << ".jpg"; // std::ofstream imgfile(ss.str().c_str()); // imgfile.write((char*)image_in->jpeg_buffer, image_in->compressed_size); // imgfile.close(); cvSaveImage(ss.str().c_str(), cvimage_bgr); ss.str(""); ss << dir_name << "/Position" << img_cnt << ".txt"; std::ofstream posfile(ss.str().c_str()); observe->lock_atom(); posfile << "P: " << observe->pan_val << std::endl << "T: " << observe->tilt_val << std::endl << "Z: " << observe->lens_zoom_val << std::endl << "F: " << observe->lens_focus_val; observe->unlock_atom(); posfile.close(); take_pic = false; } float maxdiff = 0; for(int c=0; c<12*12; c++) { float diff = sqrt( pow(corners[c].x - last_corners[c].x, 2.0) + pow(corners[c].y - last_corners[c].y, 2.0)); last_corners[c].x = corners[c].x; last_corners[c].y = corners[c].y; if (diff > maxdiff) { maxdiff = diff; } } printf("Max diff: %g\n", maxdiff); cvDrawChessboardCorners(cvimage_bgr, board_sz, corners, corner_count, found); if (undistort) { cvUndistort2(cvimage_bgr, cvimage_undistort, intrinsic_matrix, distortion_coeffs); } else { cvCopy(cvimage_bgr, cvimage_undistort); } CvFont font; cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 2); std::stringstream ss; observe->lock_atom(); ss << "P: " << observe->pan_val; ss << " T: " << observe->tilt_val; ss << " Z: " << observe->lens_zoom_val; ss << " F: " << observe->lens_focus_val; observe->unlock_atom(); cvPutText(cvimage_undistort, ss.str().c_str(), cvPoint(15,30), &font, CV_RGB(255,0,0)); ss.str(""); ss << "Found " << corner_count << " corners"; if (centering) { ss << " -- Autocentering"; } cvPutText(cvimage_undistort, ss.str().c_str(), cvPoint(15,60), &font, CV_RGB(255,0,0)); image_out->width = 704; image_out->height = 480; image_out->compression = "raw"; image_out->colorspace = "rgb24"; // codec_out->realloc_raster_if_needed(); cvSetData(cvimage_out, codec_out->get_raster(), 3*image_out->width); cvConvertImage(cvimage_undistort, cvimage_out, CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB); codec_out->set_flow_data(); image_out->publish(); CvPoint2D32f COM = cvPoint2D32f(0,0); if (centering && corner_count > 20) { //average corners: for (int i = 0; i < corner_count; i++) { COM.x += corners[i].x / corner_count; COM.y += corners[i].y / corner_count; } if ( (fabs(COM.x - 354.0) > 10) || (fabs(COM.y - 240.0) > 10) ) { float rel_pan,rel_tilt; rel_pan = (COM.x - 354.0) * .001; rel_tilt = -(COM.y - 240.0) * .001; control->pan_val = rel_pan; control->pan_rel = true; control->pan_valid = true; control->tilt_val = rel_tilt; control->tilt_rel = true; control->tilt_valid = true; control->publish(); } } delete[] corners; } else { // image_in->unlock_atom(); } }
//将所有模块连接使用的函数 //根据这个来修改自己的 int RunBlobTrackingAuto2323(CvCapture* pCap, CvBlobTrackerAuto* pTracker, char* fgavi_name , char* btavi_name ) { int OneFrameProcess = 0; int key; int FrameNum = 0; CvVideoWriter* pFGAvi = NULL; CvVideoWriter* pBTAvi = NULL; /* Main loop: */ /*OneFrameProcess =0 时,为waitkey(0) 不等待了,返回-1,waitkey(1)表示等1ms,如果按键了返回按键,超时返回-1*/ for (FrameNum = 0; pCap && (key = cvWaitKey(OneFrameProcess ? 0 : 1)) != 27;//按下esc键整个程序结束。 FrameNum++) { /* Main loop: */// 整个程序的主循环。这个循环终止,意味着这个程序结束。 IplImage* pImg = NULL; IplImage* pMask = NULL; if (key != -1) { OneFrameProcess = 1; if (key == 'r')OneFrameProcess = 0; } pImg = cvQueryFrame(pCap);//读取视频 if (pImg == NULL) break; /* Process: */ pTracker->Process(pImg, pMask);//处理图像。这个函数应该执行完了所有的处理过程。 if (fgavi_name)//参数设置了fg前景要保存的文件名 if (pTracker->GetFGMask())//前景的图像的mask存在的话,保存前景。画出团块 { /* Debug FG: */ IplImage* pFG = pTracker->GetFGMask();//得到前景的mask CvSize S = cvSize(pFG->width, pFG->height); static IplImage* pI = NULL; if (pI == NULL)pI = cvCreateImage(S, pFG->depth, 3); cvCvtColor(pFG, pI, CV_GRAY2BGR); if (fgavi_name)//保存前景到视频 { /* Save fg to avi file: */ if (pFGAvi == NULL) { pFGAvi = cvCreateVideoWriter( fgavi_name, CV_FOURCC('x', 'v', 'i', 'd'), 25, S); } cvWriteFrame(pFGAvi, pI);//写入一张图 } //画出团块的椭圆 if (pTracker->GetBlobNum() > 0) //pTracker找到了blob { /* Draw detected blobs: */ int i; for (i = pTracker->GetBlobNum(); i > 0; i--) { CvBlob* pB = pTracker->GetBlob(i - 1);//得到第i-1个blob CvPoint p = cvPointFrom32f(CV_BLOB_CENTER(pB));//团块中心 //这个宏竟然是个强制转换得来的。见下行。 //#define CV_BLOB_CENTER(pB) cvPoint2D32f(((CvBlob*)(pB))->x,((CvBlob*)(pB))->y) CvSize s = cvSize(MAX(1, cvRound(CV_BLOB_RX(pB))), MAX(1, cvRound(CV_BLOB_RY(pB)))); //通过宏 获得团块的w 和h 的size int c = cvRound(255 * pTracker->GetState(CV_BLOB_ID(pB))); cvEllipse(pI,//在图中,对团块画圆 p, s, 0, 0, 360, CV_RGB(c, 255 - c, 0), cvRound(1 + (3 * c) / 255)); } /* Next blob: */; } cvNamedWindow("FG", 0); cvShowImage("FG", pI); } /* Debug FG. *///如果要保存结果,对前景保存,画出团块 //在原图上:找到的blob附近写下id /* Draw debug info: */ if (pImg)//原始的每帧图像。 { /* Draw all information about test sequence: */ char str[1024]; int line_type = CV_AA; // Change it to 8 to see non-antialiased graphics. CvFont font; int i; IplImage* pI = cvCloneImage(pImg); cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.7, 0.7, 0, 1, line_type); for (i = pTracker->GetBlobNum(); i > 0; i--) { CvSize TextSize; CvBlob* pB = pTracker->GetBlob(i - 1); CvPoint p = cvPoint(cvRound(pB->x * 256), cvRound(pB->y * 256)); CvSize s = cvSize(MAX(1, cvRound(CV_BLOB_RX(pB) * 256)), MAX(1, cvRound(CV_BLOB_RY(pB) * 256))); int c = cvRound(255 * pTracker->GetState(CV_BLOB_ID(pB))); //画团块到原始图像上 cvEllipse(pI, p, s, 0, 0, 360, CV_RGB(c, 255 - c, 0), cvRound(1 + (3 * 0) / 255), CV_AA, 8); //下面代码的大概意思就是在找到的blob附近写下id p.x >>= 8; p.y >>= 8; s.width >>= 8; s.height >>= 8; sprintf(str, "%03d", CV_BLOB_ID(pB)); cvGetTextSize(str, &font, &TextSize, NULL); p.y -= s.height; cvPutText(pI, str, p, &font, CV_RGB(0, 255, 255)); { const char* pS = pTracker->GetStateDesc(CV_BLOB_ID(pB)); if (pS) { char* pStr = MY_STRDUP(pS); char* pStrFree = pStr; while (pStr && strlen(pStr) > 0) { char* str_next = strchr(pStr, '\n'); if (str_next) { str_next[0] = 0; str_next++; } p.y += TextSize.height + 1; cvPutText(pI, pStr, p, &font, CV_RGB(0, 255, 255)); pStr = str_next; } free(pStrFree); } } } /* Next blob. */; cvNamedWindow("Tracking", 0); cvShowImage("Tracking", pI); if (btavi_name && pI)//如果这一帧存在且,你想把图像存起来,就是传过来的参数不为空例如 btavi_name=“1.avi" 就能存起来了。 { /* Save to avi file: */ CvSize S = cvSize(pI->width, pI->height); if (pBTAvi == NULL) { pBTAvi = cvCreateVideoWriter( btavi_name, CV_FOURCC('x', 'v', 'i', 'd'), 25, S); } cvWriteFrame(pBTAvi, pI); } cvReleaseImage(&pI); } /* Draw all information about test sequence. */ } /* Main loop. */ if (pFGAvi)cvReleaseVideoWriter(&pFGAvi); if (pBTAvi)cvReleaseVideoWriter(&pBTAvi); return 0; } /* RunBlobTrackingAuto */
void PlateFinder::ImageRestoration(IplImage *src) { int w = src->width; int h = src->height; IplImage *mImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w/2, h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // Anh su dung cho bien doi hinh thai hoc IplImage *src_pyrdown = cvCreateImage (cvSize(w/2, h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *tmp = cvCreateImage (cvSize(w/2, h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *thresholed = cvCreateImage (cvSize(w/2, h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // Anh nhi phan voi nguong IplImage *mini_thresh = cvCreateImage (cvSize(w/2, h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *dst = cvCreateImage (cvSize(w/2, h/2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // Anh lam ro vung bien so cvPyrDown (src, src_pyrdown); cvMorphologyEx(src_pyrdown, mImg, tmp, S2, CV_MOP_BLACKHAT); cvNormalize(mImg, mImg, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); // Nhi phan hoa anh mImg cvThreshold(mImg, thresholed, (int)10*cvAvg(mImg).val[0], 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); cvZero(dst); cvCopy(thresholed, mini_thresh); // Su dung hinh chu nhat co size = 8x16 truot tren toan bo anh int cnt; int nonZero1, nonZero2, nonZero3, nonZero4; CvRect rect; for (int i = 0; i < mini_thresh->width-32; i+=4) { for (int j = 0; j < mini_thresh->height-16; j+=4) { rect = cvRect(i, j, 16, 8); cvSetImageROI (mini_thresh, rect); //ROI = Region of Interest nonZero1 = cvCountNonZero(mini_thresh); cvResetImageROI(mini_thresh); rect = cvRect(i+16, j, 16, 8); cvSetImageROI (mini_thresh, rect); //ROI = Region of Interest nonZero2 = cvCountNonZero(mini_thresh); cvResetImageROI(mini_thresh); rect = cvRect(i, j+8, 16, 8); cvSetImageROI (mini_thresh, rect); //ROI = Region of Interest nonZero3 = cvCountNonZero(mini_thresh); cvResetImageROI(mini_thresh); rect = cvRect(i+16, j+8, 16, 8); cvSetImageROI (mini_thresh, rect); //ROI = Region of Interest nonZero4 = cvCountNonZero(mini_thresh); cvResetImageROI(mini_thresh); cnt = 0; if (nonZero1 > 15) { cnt++; } if (nonZero2 > 15) { cnt++; } if (nonZero3 > 15) { cnt++; } if (nonZero4 > 15) { cnt++; } if (cnt > 2) { rect = cvRect (i, j, 32, 16); cvSetImageROI(dst, rect); cvSetImageROI(mini_thresh, rect); cvCopy(mini_thresh, dst); cvResetImageROI(dst); cvResetImageROI(mini_thresh); } } } IplImage* dst_clone = cvCloneImage(dst); cvDilate(dst, dst, NULL, 2); cvErode(dst, dst, NULL, 2); cvDilate(dst, dst, S1, 9); cvErode(dst, dst, S1, 10); cvDilate(dst, dst); /*cvShowImage("Source" , src); cvShowImage("mImg", mImg); cvShowImage("mini_thresh", mini_thresh); cvShowImage("dst_clone", dst_clone); cvShowImage("dst", dst);*/ cvPyrUp(dst, src); cvReleaseImage(&mini_thresh); cvReleaseImage(&mImg); cvReleaseImage(&tmp); cvReleaseImage(&dst); cvReleaseImage(&src_pyrdown); cvReleaseImage(&thresholed); cvReleaseImage(&dst_clone); }
int trackLK(IplImage *imgI, IplImage *imgJ, float ptsI[], int nPtsI, float ptsJ[], int nPtsJ, int level, float *fbOut, float *nccOut, char *statusOut, FastTracking *fastTr, FAST_TRACKING_STR *fastTrStr) #endif { //TODO: watch NaN cases //double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); //double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); // tracking int I, J, winsize_ncc; CvSize pyr_sz; int i; //if unused std 5 if(level == -1) { level = 5; } I = 0; J = 1; winsize_ncc = 10; //NOTE: initImgs() must be used correctly or memleak will follow. pyr_sz = cvSize(imgI->width + 8, imgI->height / 3); PYR[I] = cvCreateImage(pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); PYR[J] = cvCreateImage(pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); // Points if(nPtsJ != nPtsI) { printf("Inconsistent input!\n"); return 0; } #ifndef USE_HTLD points[0] = (CvPoint2D32f *) malloc(nPtsI * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // template points[1] = (CvPoint2D32f *) malloc(nPtsI * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // target points[2] = (CvPoint2D32f *) malloc(nPtsI * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // forward-backward #else points[0] = new cv::Point2f[nPtsI]; // template points[1] = new cv::Point2f[nPtsI]; // target points[2] = new cv::Point2f[nPtsI]; // forward-backward #endif char *statusBacktrack = (char *) malloc(nPtsI); for(i = 0; i < nPtsI; i++) { points[0][i].x = ptsI[2 * i]; points[0][i].y = ptsI[2 * i + 1]; points[1][i].x = ptsJ[2 * i]; points[1][i].y = ptsJ[2 * i + 1]; points[2][i].x = ptsI[2 * i]; points[2][i].y = ptsI[2 * i + 1]; } #ifndef USE_HTLD //lucas kanade track cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgI, imgJ, PYR[I], PYR[J], points[0], points[1], nPtsI, cvSize(win_size_lk, win_size_lk), level, statusOut, 0, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES); //backtrack cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgJ, imgI, PYR[J], PYR[I], points[1], points[2], nPtsI, cvSize(win_size_lk, win_size_lk), level, statusBacktrack, 0, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES | CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY | CV_LKFLOW_PYR_B_READY); #else fastTr->runFBOpticalFlows(fastTrStr, nPtsI, (uchar*)statusOut, (uchar*)statusBacktrack, points[0], points[1], points[2]); #endif for(i = 0; i < nPtsI; i++) { if(statusOut[i] && statusBacktrack[i]) { statusOut[i] = 1; } else { statusOut[i] = 0; } } normCrossCorrelation(imgI, imgJ, points[0], points[1], nPtsI, statusOut, nccOut, winsize_ncc, CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED); euclideanDistance(points[0], points[2], fbOut, nPtsI); for(i = 0; i < nPtsI; i++) { if(statusOut[i] == 1) { ptsJ[2 * i] = points[1][i].x; ptsJ[2 * i + 1] = points[1][i].y; } else //flow for the corresponding feature hasn't been found { //Todo: shell realy write N_A_N in it? ptsJ[2 * i] = N_A_N; ptsJ[2 * i + 1] = N_A_N; fbOut[i] = N_A_N; nccOut[i] = N_A_N; } } #ifndef USE_HTLD for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { free(points[i]); points[i] = 0; } #else for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { delete[] points[i]; points[i] = NULL; } #endif free(statusBacktrack); return 1; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ){ CvCapture* capture = NULL; IplImage* src = NULL; IplImage* src2 = NULL; IplImage* gray = NULL; IplImage* output = NULL; CvMat* cornerPoints; CvMat* objectPoints; CvMat pointsNumMat; CvPoint2D32f* points; int pointsNum[1]; ChessBoard chess; int pointsPerScene; int detectedPointsNum; int allPointsFound; int i, j; char key; int camID; char* windowName = "extrinsic calibration"; capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); if(!capture) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n"); return(-1); } chess.dx = CHESS_ROW_DX; chess.dy = CHESS_COL_DY; chess.patternSize.width = CHESS_ROW_NUM; chess.patternSize.height = CHESS_COL_NUM; pointsPerScene = chess.patternSize.width * chess.patternSize.height; cornerPoints = cvCreateMat(pointsPerScene, 2, CV_32F); objectPoints = cvCreateMat(pointsPerScene, 3, CV_32F); pointsNum[0] = pointsPerScene; pointsNumMat = cvMat(1, 1, CV_32S, pointsNum); points = (CvPoint2D32f*)malloc( sizeof(CvPoint2D32f) * pointsPerScene ) ; src = cvQueryFrame(capture); if(src == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not grab and retrieve frame...\n"); return(-1); } src2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(src->width, src->height), src->depth, 3); output = cvCreateImage(cvSize(src->width, src->height), src->depth, 3); cvCopy( src, src2, NULL ); gray = cvCreateImage(cvSize(src2->width, src2->height), src2->depth, 1); cvNamedWindow( windowName, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); while( 1 ){ src = cvQueryFrame(capture); if( !src ) { break; } cvCopy( src, src2, NULL ); cvCopy( src2, output, NULL ); cvCvtColor(src2, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); if( cvFindChessboardCorners( gray, chess.patternSize, points, &detectedPointsNum, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH ) ){ cvFindCornerSubPix(gray, points, detectedPointsNum, cvSize(5, 5), cvSize(-1, -1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 100, 0.1)); allPointsFound = 1; } else { allPointsFound = 0; } cvDrawChessboardCorners( src2, chess.patternSize, points, detectedPointsNum, allPointsFound ); cvShowImage(windowName, src2); key = cvWaitKey( 20 ); if(key == RETURN && allPointsFound ){ store2DCoordinates( cornerPoints, points, chess, 0 ); store3DCoordinates( objectPoints, chess, 0 ); calibrateCamera("intrinsic_param_ref.txt", "extrinsic_param.txt", cornerPoints, objectPoints ); cvSaveImage( "board.jpg", output, 0 ); break; } else if(key == ESCAPE) { break; } } cvDestroyWindow( windowName ); cvReleaseCapture(&capture); free(points); cvReleaseMat(&cornerPoints); cvReleaseMat(&objectPoints); cvReleaseImage(&gray); cvReleaseImage(&src2); return(0); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { int res; int i; for (i=0; i<2048; i++) { float v = i/2048.0; v = powf(v, 3)* 6; t_gamma[i] = v*6*256; } printf("Kinect camera test\n"); if (freenect_init(&f_ctx, NULL) < 0) { printf("freenect_init() failed\n"); return 1; } if (freenect_open_device(f_ctx, &f_dev, 0) < 0) { printf("Could not open device\n"); return 1; } cvNamedWindow( "RGB", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvMoveWindow( "RGB", 0, 0); rgbBack = cvCreateImage(cvSize(FREENECT_FRAME_W, FREENECT_FRAME_H), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); rgbFront = cvCreateImage(cvSize(FREENECT_FRAME_W, FREENECT_FRAME_H), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); cvNamedWindow( "Depth", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvMoveWindow("Depth", FREENECT_FRAME_W, 0); depthBack = cvCreateImage(cvSize(FREENECT_FRAME_W, FREENECT_FRAME_H), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); depthFront = cvCreateImage(cvSize(FREENECT_FRAME_W, FREENECT_FRAME_H), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); freenect_set_depth_callback(f_dev, depth_cb); freenect_set_rgb_callback(f_dev, rgb_cb); freenect_set_rgb_format(f_dev, FREENECT_FORMAT_RGB); freenect_set_depth_format(f_dev, FREENECT_FORMAT_11_BIT); res = pthread_create(&kinect_thread, NULL, kinect_threadFunc, NULL); if (res) { printf("pthread_create failed\n"); return 1; } freenect_start_depth(f_dev); freenect_start_rgb(f_dev); while(1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&backbuf_mutex); { while (got_frames < 2) { pthread_cond_wait(&framesReady_cond, &backbuf_mutex); } cvConvertImage(rgbBack, rgbFront, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvConvertImage(depthBack, depthFront, CV_BGR2GRAY); got_frames = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&backbuf_mutex); cvShowImage("RGB", rgbFront); cvShowImage("Depth", depthFront); char c = cvWaitKey(10); if( c == 27 ) break; } cvDestroyWindow( "RGB" ); cvDestroyWindow( "Depth" ); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Default capture size - 640x480 CvSize size = cvSize(640,480); // Open capture device. 0 is /dev/video0, 1 is /dev/video1, etc. CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( 0 ); if( !capture ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n" ); getchar(); return -1; } // Create a window in which the captured images will be presented cvNamedWindow( "Camera", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvNamedWindow( "HSV", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvNamedWindow( "EdgeDetection", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // Detect a red ball int hl = 60, hu = 75, sl = 255, su = 256, vl = 170, vu = 256; IplImage * hsv_frame = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); IplImage* thresholded = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); while( 1 ) { // Get one frame IplImage* frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); if( !frame ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n" ); getchar(); break; } CvScalar hsv_min = cvScalar(hl, sl, vl, 0); CvScalar hsv_max = cvScalar(hu, su, vu, 0); // Covert color space to HSV as it is much easier to filter colors in the HSV color-space. cvCvtColor(frame, hsv_frame, CV_RGB2HSV); // Filter out colors which are out of range. cvInRangeS(hsv_frame, hsv_min, hsv_max, thresholded); // Memory for hough circles CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); // hough detector works better with some smoothing of the image cvDilate(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 3); cvSmooth( thresholded, thresholded, CV_GAUSSIAN, 9, 9 ); cvErode(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 3); CvSeq* circles = cvHoughCircles(thresholded, storage, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, thresholded->height/4, 400, 10, 20, 400); int maxRadius = 0; int x = 0, y = 0; bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < circles->total; i++) { float* p = (float*)cvGetSeqElem( circles, i ); if (p[2] > maxRadius){ maxRadius = p[2]; x = p[0]; y = p[1]; found = true; } } if (found){ //printf("Ball! x=%f y=%f r=%f\n\r",p[0],p[1],p[2] ); cvCircle( frame, cvPoint(cvRound(x),cvRound(y)), 3, CV_RGB(0,255,0), -1, 8, 0 ); cvCircle( frame, cvPoint(cvRound(x),cvRound(y)), cvRound(maxRadius), CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, 8, 0 ); } cvShowImage( "Camera", frame ); // Original stream with detected ball overlay cvShowImage( "HSV", hsv_frame); // Original stream in the HSV color space cvShowImage( "After Color Filtering", thresholded ); // The stream after color filtering cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); // Do not release the frame! //If ESC key pressed, Key=0x10001B under OpenCV 0.9.7(linux version), //remove higher bits using AND operator int key = cvWaitKey(10); switch(key){ case 'q' : hu += 5; break; case 'Q' : hu -= 5; break; case 'a' : hl -= 5; break; case 'A' : hl += 5; break; case 'w' : su += 5; break; case 'W' : su -= 5; break; case 's' : sl -= 5; break; case 'S' : sl += 5; break; case 'e' : vu += 5; break; case 'E' : vu -= 5; break; case 'd' : vl -= 5; break; case 'D' : vl += 5; break; } if (key != -1){ printf("H: %i, S: %i, V: %i\nH: %i, S: %i, V: %i\n\n", hu, su, vu, hl, sl, vl); } } // Release the capture device housekeeping cvReleaseCapture( &capture ); cvDestroyWindow( "mywindow" ); return 0; }
void Calibrator::batchCalibrate() { log(Debug) << "(Calibrator) batchCalibrate entered" << endlog(); int image_width = 0; int image_height = 0; log(Debug) << "calibration with " << _imageFiles.size() << " images" << endlog(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _imageFiles.size(); ++i) { log(Debug) << "load image " << _imageFiles[i].c_str() <<endlog(); cv::WImageBuffer1_b image( cvLoadImage(_imageFiles[i].c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) ); image_width = image.Width(); image_height = image.Height(); log(Debug) << "working on image name: " << _imageFiles[i].c_str() << endlog(); int ncorners = 0; bool success = _detector->findCorners(image.Ipl(), &_corners[0], &ncorners); if (success) { log(Debug) << "found corners " << endlog(); _cal->addView(&_corners[0], _detector->objectPoints(), _corners.size()); } else { } cv::WImageBuffer3_b display(image.Width(), image.Height()); cvCvtColor(image.Ipl(), display.Ipl(), CV_GRAY2BGR); cvDrawChessboardCorners(display.Ipl(), cvSize(boardWidth, boardHeight),&_corners[0], ncorners, success); cvShowImage("Calibration", display.Ipl()); cvWaitKey(0); } /// Calibrate the model _cal->calibrate(image_width, image_height); /// Save the intrinsic camera parameters to file string fileName(imageDirectory); fileName.append("Intrinsics.ini"); _cal->model().save(fileName.c_str()); fileName = imageDirectory; fileName.append("K_cv.xml"); cvSave(fileName.c_str(),&_cal->model().K_cv() ); log(Debug) << "intrisics saved to " << fileName << endlog(); /// Copy the extrinsic camera parameters out of the object //cvCopy( _cal.extrinsics_ , _extrinsics); _cal->getExtrinsics(*_rot,*_trans); /// Save the extrinsic data as a test TODO: put it on a bufferport //cvSave("extrinsic.xml", &_extrinsics); log(Debug) << "before cvSave " << endlog(); fileName = imageDirectory; fileName.append("rot.xml"); cvSave(fileName.c_str(),_rot);; fileName = imageDirectory; fileName.append("trans.xml"); cvSave(fileName.c_str(), _trans); log(Debug) << "after cvSave " << endlog(); log(Debug) << "(Calibrator) batchCalibrate finished" << endlog(); }
void face_detect_crop(IplImage * input,IplImage * output) { IplImage * img; img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(input),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); cvCvtColor(input,img,CV_RGB2GRAY);//convert input to Greyscale and store in image int face_origin_x,face_origin_y,width,hieght;//variables to crop face cascade = (CvHaarClassifierCascade*)cvLoad( cascade_name, 0, 0, 0 ); //load the face detedction cascade storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); int scale = 1; CvPoint pt1,pt2; int face_number; CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects( img, cascade, storage,1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING,cvSize(40, 40) ); for( face_number = 0; face_number < (faces ? faces->total : 0); face_number++ ) { CvRect* r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem( faces, face_number ); //Specifies the points for rectangle. /* pt1_____________ | | | | | | |_____________pt2 */ pt1.x = r->x*scale; pt2.x = (r->x+r->width)*scale; pt1.y = r->y*scale; pt2.y = (r->y+r->height)*scale; cvRectangle( input, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255,255,255), 1, 8, 0 ); CvRect rs=*r; //cvNamedWindow("i-O", 1); //cvShowImage("i-O",input); //cvWaitKey(0); cvSetImageROI(img,rs); } IplImage * frame; CvSize s1= {48,48}; frame=cvCreateImage(s1,IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); cvResize(img,frame); cvCvtColor(frame,output,CV_GRAY2RGB); CvPoint pt; cascade = (CvHaarClassifierCascade*)cvLoad( cascade_name_eye, 0, 0, 0 ); //load the face detedction cascade CvSeq* faces1 = cvHaarDetectObjects( input, cascade, storage,1.1, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING,cvSize(40, 40) ); for( face_number = 0; face_number < (faces1 ? faces1->total : 0); face_number++ ) { CvRect* r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem( faces1, face_number ); pt.x = (r->x*scale); pt2.x = ((r->x+r->width)*scale); pt.y = (r->y*scale); pt2.y = ((r->y+r->height)*scale); cvRectangle( input, pt, pt2, CV_RGB(0,255,255), 1, 8, 0 ); } }
/*! \fn CvGabor::get_image(int Type) Get the speific type of image of Gabor Parameters: Type The Type of gabor kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE Returns: Pointer to image structure, or NULL on failure Return an Image (gandalf image class) with a specific Type "REAL" "IMAG" "MAG" "PHASE" */ IplImage* CvGabor::get_image(int Type) { if(IsKernelCreate() == false) { perror("Error: the Gabor kernel has not been created in get_image()!\n"); return NULL; } else { IplImage* pImage; IplImage *newimage; newimage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Width,Width), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); //printf("Width is %d.\n",(int)Width); //printf("Sigma is %f.\n", Sigma); //printf("F is %f.\n", F); //printf("Phi is %f.\n", Phi); //pImage = gan_image_alloc_gl_d(Width, Width); pImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(Width,Width), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); CvMat* kernel = cvCreateMat(Width, Width, CV_32FC1); CvMat* re = cvCreateMat(Width, Width, CV_32FC1); CvMat* im = cvCreateMat(Width, Width, CV_32FC1); double ve, ve1,ve2; CvScalar S; CvSize size = cvGetSize( kernel ); int rows = size.height; int cols = size.width; switch(Type) { case 1: //Real cvCopy( (CvMat*)Real, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL ); //pImage = cvGetImage( (CvMat*)kernel, pImageGL ); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { ve = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)kernel, i, j); cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)pImage, j, i, ve ); } } break; case 2: //Imag cvCopy( (CvMat*)Imag, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL ); //pImage = cvGetImage( (CvMat*)kernel, pImageGL ); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { ve = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)kernel, i, j); cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)pImage, j, i, ve ); } } break; case 3: //Magnitude //add by yao cvCopy( (CvMat*)Real, (CvMat*)re, NULL ); cvCopy( (CvMat*)Imag, (CvMat*)im, NULL ); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { ve1 = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)re, i, j); ve2 = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)im, i, j); ve = cvSqrt(ve1*ve1+ve2*ve2); cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)pImage, j, i, ve ); } } break; case 4: //Phase ///@todo break; } cvNormalize((IplImage*)pImage, (IplImage*)pImage, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX, NULL ); cvConvertScaleAbs( (IplImage*)pImage, (IplImage*)newimage, 1, 0 ); cvReleaseMat(&kernel); cvReleaseImage(&pImage); return newimage; } }
t_jit_err cv_jit_features_matrix_calc(t_cv_jit_features *x, void *inputs, void *outputs) { t_jit_err err=JIT_ERR_NONE; long in_savelock=0,out_savelock=0; t_jit_matrix_info in_minfo,out_minfo; char *out_bp, *in_bp; void *in_matrix,*out_matrix; int i; int roi_w,roi_h,roi_offset; float *out_data; CvMat source; int featureCount = 2048; //Get pointers to matrices in_matrix = jit_object_method(inputs,_jit_sym_getindex,0); out_matrix = jit_object_method(outputs,_jit_sym_getindex,0); if (x&&in_matrix&&out_matrix) { //Lock the matrices in_savelock = (long) jit_object_method(in_matrix,_jit_sym_lock,1); out_savelock = (long) jit_object_method(out_matrix,_jit_sym_lock,1); //Make sure input is of proper format jit_object_method(in_matrix,_jit_sym_getinfo,&in_minfo); jit_object_method(out_matrix,_jit_sym_getinfo,&out_minfo); if(in_minfo.dimcount != 2) { err = JIT_ERR_MISMATCH_DIM; goto out; } if(in_minfo.planecount != 1) { err = JIT_ERR_MISMATCH_PLANE; goto out; } if(in_minfo.type != _jit_sym_char) { err = JIT_ERR_MISMATCH_TYPE; goto out; } //Don't process if one dimension is < 2 if((in_minfo.dim[0] < 2)||(in_minfo.dim[1] < 2)) goto out; if(x->useroi) { CLIP_ASSIGN(x->roi[0],0,in_minfo.dim[0]); CLIP_ASSIGN(x->roi[1],0,in_minfo.dim[1]); CLIP_ASSIGN(x->roi[2],0,in_minfo.dim[0]); CLIP_ASSIGN(x->roi[3],0,in_minfo.dim[1]); x->roi[0] = MIN(x->roi[0], x->roi[2]); x->roi[1] = MIN(x->roi[1], x->roi[3]); x->roi[2] = MAX(x->roi[0], x->roi[2]); x->roi[3] = MAX(x->roi[1], x->roi[3]); roi_w = x->roi[2] - x->roi[0]; roi_h = x->roi[3] - x->roi[1]; if(roi_w == 0) roi_w = in_minfo.dim[0] - x->roi[0]; if(roi_h == 0) roi_h = in_minfo.dim[1] - x->roi[1]; roi_offset = x->roi[1] * in_minfo.dimstride[1] + x->roi[0]; jit_object_method(in_matrix,_jit_sym_getdata,&in_bp); //Convert Jitter matrix to OpenCV matrix cvInitMatHeader( &source, roi_h, roi_w, CV_8UC1, in_bp + roi_offset, in_minfo.dimstride[1] ); } else { //Convert Jitter matrix to OpenCV matrix cvJitter2CvMat(in_matrix, &source); } //Adjust the size of eigImage and tempImage if need be if((source.cols != x->eigImage->cols)||(source.rows != x->eigImage->rows)) { cvReleaseMat(&(x->eigImage)); x->eigImage = cvCreateMat( source.rows, source.cols, CV_32FC1 ); cvReleaseMat(&(x->tempImage)); x->tempImage = cvCreateMat( source.rows, source.cols, CV_32FC1 ); } //Adjust parameters x->threshold = MAX(0.001,x->threshold); x->distance = MAX(1,x->distance); //Calculate cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( &source, x->eigImage, x->tempImage,x->features, &featureCount,x->threshold, x->distance,NULL, x->aperture,0, 0.04 ); if(x->precision == 1){ int minsize = (x->aperture*2)+5; //Error check for cvFindCornerSubPix if((featureCount>0)&&(source.cols > minsize)&&(source.rows > minsize)) cvFindCornerSubPix( &source, x->features, featureCount, cvSize(x->aperture,x->aperture),cvSize(-1,-1),cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 0.1f)); } //Prepare output out_minfo.dim[0] = featureCount; jit_object_method(out_matrix,_jit_sym_setinfo,&out_minfo); jit_object_method(out_matrix,_jit_sym_getinfo,&out_minfo); jit_object_method(out_matrix,_jit_sym_getdata,&out_bp); if (!out_bp) { err=JIT_ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT; goto out;} out_data = (float *)out_bp; if(x->useroi) { for(i=0; i < featureCount; i++) { out_data[0] = x->features[i].x + x->roi[0]; out_data[1] = x->features[i].y + x->roi[1]; out_data += 2; } } else { for(i=0; i < featureCount; i++) { out_data[0] = x->features[i].x; out_data[1] = x->features[i].y; out_data += 2; } } } out: jit_object_method(out_matrix,gensym("lock"),out_savelock); jit_object_method(in_matrix,gensym("lock"),in_savelock); return err; }
//视频设备和显示设备初始化和预览函数(加设备状态检测)-------------------------------- int video_fb_init_preview() { //串口相关变量------------------------------- char buff[512]; int nread=0; int FrameDone=0;//一帧数据结束标志 int FrameCount=0;//记录帧长度 int j=0; int key=0;//开关标志 int stat=0;//视频设备状态标志 //------------------------------------------- int numBufs; //-------------------------------------------- //SDL yuv SDL_Surface *pscreen; SDL_Overlay *overlay; SDL_Rect drect; SDL_Event sdlevent; SDL_mutex *affmutex; unsigned char *p = NULL; unsigned char frmrate; unsigned int currtime; unsigned int lasttime; char* status = NULL; //SDL RGB unsigned int rmask; unsigned int gmask; unsigned int bmask; unsigned int amask; int bpp; int pitch; int pixels_num; unsigned char *pixels; unsigned char *p_RGB = NULL; SDL_Surface *pscreen_RGB; SDL_Surface *display_RGB; printf("USB Camera Test\n"); video_fd = open("/dev/video0", O_RDWR, 0);//打开摄像头设备,使用阻塞方式打开 if (video_fd<0) { printf("open error\n"); return 1; } /*************先向驱动尝试获取设备视频格式start*************/ struct v4l2_fmtdesc fmt0; int ret0; memset(&fmt0,0,sizeof(fmt0)); fmt0.index = 0; fmt0.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; while((ret0 = ioctl(video_fd,VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT,&fmt0) == 0)) { fmt0.index++; printf("%d> pixelformat =%c%c%c%c,description =%s\n",fmt0.index,fmt0.pixelformat&0xff,(fmt0.pixelformat>>8)&0xff,(fmt0.pixelformat>>16)&0xff,(fmt0.pixelformat>>24)&0xff,fmt0.description); } /**************************END***************************/ //---------------------设置获取视频的格式----------------// struct v4l2_format fmt; memset( &fmt, 0, sizeof(fmt)); fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; //视频数据流类型,永远都V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;//视频源的格式为JPEG或YUN4:2:2或RGB fmt.fmt.pix.width = 640;//设置视频宽度 fmt.fmt.pix.height = 480;//设置视频高度 //fmt.fmt.pix.field=V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED; //fmt.fmt.pix.colorspace=8; //printf("color: %d \n",fmt.fmt.pix.colorspace); if (ioctl(video_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt) < 0)//使配置生效 { printf("set format failed\n"); return 2; } //-------------------------------------------------------// //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) //{ // printf("SDL Init failed.\n"); // exit(1); //} //SDL 设置:YUV输出 /* pscreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height,0,SDL_VIDEO_Flags); overlay = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height,SDL_YUY2_OVERLAY,pscreen); p = (unsigned char *)overlay->pixels[0]; drect.x = 0; drect.y = 0; drect.w = pscreen->w; drect.h = pscreen->h; */ //SDL 设置:RGB输出 //pscreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height, 24, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF); rmask = 0x000000ff; gmask = 0x0000ff00; bmask = 0x00ff0000; amask = 0x00000000; bpp = 24; pitch = fmt.fmt.pix.width*3; pixels_num = fmt.fmt.pix.width*fmt.fmt.pix.height*3; pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(pixels_num); memset(pixels, 0, pixels_num); p_RGB = (unsigned char *)pixels; //pscreen_RGB = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(pixels, fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height, bpp, pitch, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); //lasttime = SDL_GetTicks(); //affmutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); //SDL 设置end //openCV 设置 CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); IplImage* img = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(fmt.fmt.pix.width,fmt.fmt.pix.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);//image头,未开辟数据空间 IplImage* imggray = cvCreateImage(cvSize(fmt.fmt.pix.width,fmt.fmt.pix.height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);//image,开辟数据空间 cvNamedWindow("image", 1); unsigned char *pRGB = NULL; pRGB = (unsigned char *)calloc(1,fmt.fmt.pix.width*fmt.fmt.pix.height*3*sizeof(unsigned char)); //openCV 设置 end //------------------------申请帧缓冲---------------------// struct v4l2_requestbuffers req; memset(&req, 0, sizeof (req)); req.count = 3; //缓存数量,即可保存的图片数量 req.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; //数据流类型,永远都是V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; //存储类型:V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP或V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR if (ioctl(video_fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &req) == -1)//使配置生效 { perror("request buffer error \n"); return 2; } //-------------------------------------------------------// //--------将VIDIOC_REQBUFS获取内存转为物理空间-------------// buffers = calloc(req.count, sizeof(VideoBuffer)); //printf("sizeof(VideoBuffer) is %d\n", sizeof(VideoBuffer)); struct v4l2_buffer buf; for (numBufs = 0; numBufs < req.count; numBufs++) { memset( &buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; //存储类型:V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP(内存映射)或V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR(用户指针) buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; buf.index = numBufs; if (ioctl(video_fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buf) < 0)//使配置生效 { printf("VIDIOC_QUERYBUF error\n"); return 2; } //printf("buf len is %d\n", sizeof(buf)); buffers[numBufs].length = buf.length; buffers[numBufs].offset = (size_t) buf.m.offset; //使用mmap函数将申请的缓存地址转换应用程序的绝对地址------ buffers[numBufs].start = mmap(NULL, buf.length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, video_fd, buf.m.offset); if (buffers[numBufs].start == MAP_FAILED) { perror("buffers error\n"); return 2; } if (ioctl(video_fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf) < 0)//放入缓存队列 { printf("VIDIOC_QBUF error\n"); return 2; } } //-------------------------------------------------------// //----------------------开始视频显示----------------------// enum v4l2_buf_type type; type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; if (ioctl(video_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type) < 0) { printf("VIDIOC_STREAMON error\n"); return 2; } //-------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------读取视频源格式---------------------// fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; if (ioctl(video_fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &fmt) < 0) { printf("get format failed\n"); return 2 ; } else { printf("Picture:Width = %d Height = %d\n", fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height); } //-------------------------------------------------------// int i=0; //一些关于fb设备或者没有用到的变量--------------------------- /*FILE * fd_y_file = 0; int a=0; int k = 0; int i=0; //设置显卡设备framebuffer------------------------------------ struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; FILE *infile;//Jpeg文件的句柄 unsigned char *buffer; char *fb_device; unsigned int x; unsigned int y; //打开显卡设备------------------------------------------------ if ((fb = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR)) < 0) { perror(__func__); return 2; } //获取framebuffer的状态----------------------------------------- fb_set(fb);//设置显存参数 fb_stat(fb);//获取显卡驱动中的长、宽和显示位宽 printf("frame buffer: %dx%d, %dbpp, 0x%xbyte= %d,graylevels= %d \n", fbdev.fb_width, fbdev.fb_height, fbdev.fb_bpp, fbdev.fb_size, fbdev.fb_size,fbdev.fb_gray); //映射framebuffer的地址到用户空间---------------------------------- fbdev.fb_mem = mmap (NULL, fbdev.fb_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,fb,0); fbdev.fb = fb; */ //预览采集到的图像(如果有需要可以添加capture功能)------------------- while (sdl_quit) { fd_set fds;//文件描述符集,准备使用Select机制 struct timeval tv; int ret1; FD_ZERO(&fds);//清空文件描述符集 FD_SET(video_fd,&fds);//将视频设备文件的描述符放入集合中 //消息等待超时,可以完全阻塞------------------------------- tv.tv_sec =2; tv.tv_usec=0; //等待视频设备准备好-------------------------------------- ret1=select(video_fd+1,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tv); if(-1==ret1) { if(EINTR==errno) continue; printf("select error. \n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(0==ret1) { printf("select timeout. \n"); continue; } while(sdl_quit) { //检测退出消息 while(SDL_PollEvent(&sdlevent)) { if(sdlevent.type == SDL_QUIT) { sdl_quit = 0; break; } } currtime = SDL_GetTicks(); if(currtime - lasttime >0) frmrate = 1000/(currtime-lasttime); lasttime = currtime; //开始获取FIFO中已经准备好的一帧数据----------------------- memset(&buf ,0,sizeof(buf)); buf.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; buf.memory=V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; //准备好的出列-------------------------------------------- ret1=ioctl (video_fd,VIDIOC_DQBUF,&buf); if(ret1!=0) { printf("Lost the video \n"); } //获取当前帧的用户空间首地址,用于格式转换------------------ unsigned char *ptcur=buffers[buf.index].start; //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //算法区 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //灰度变换 /* unsigned char *pgray = NULL; pgray = (unsigned char *)calloc(1,fmt.fmt.pix.width*fmt.fmt.pix.height*2*sizeof(unsigned char));//避免被识别为段错误 yuv2gray(ptcur,pgray,fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height); */ //YUV向RGB(24bit)转换 YUYVToRGB888(ptcur, pRGB, fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height); //opencv 检测人脸 cvSetData(img, pRGB, fmt.fmt.pix.width*3);//将pRGB数据装入img中 cvCvtColor(img, imggray, CV_RGB2GRAY);//将img灰度转换到imggray,供opencv检测使用 CvHaarClassifierCascade *cascade=(CvHaarClassifierCascade*)cvLoad("/usr/share/opencv-", storage,0,0); cvClearMemStorage(storage); cvEqualizeHist(imggray, imggray); CvSeq* objects = cvHaarDetectObjects(imggray, cascade, storage, 1.1, 2, 0, cvSize(30,30),cvSize(30,30)); //opencv 标记人脸 CvScalar colors[] = {{{255,0,0}},{{0,0,0}}}; int faces=0; for(faces=0; faces < (objects ? objects->total:0); faces++) { CvRect* r = (CvRect *)cvGetSeqElem(objects,faces); cvRectangle(img, cvPoint(r->x, r->y), cvPoint(r->x+r->width, r->y+r->height),colors[0],2,8,0 );//原始图像上加框 } //调整opencv img图像数据 /*CvScalar s; int imgi=0,imgj=0,sdlcount=0; for(imgi=0;imgi<img->height;imgi++) { for(imgj=0; imgj<img->width; imgj++) { s=cvGet2D(img,imgi,imgj); pRGB[sdlcount++]=0xff;//s.val[0];//B pRGB[sdlcount++]=0xff;//s.val[1];//G pRGB[sdlcount++]=0xff;//s.val[2];//R //cvSet2D(img,imgi,imgj,s); } } */ //opencv 显示图像 cvShowImage("image", img); char c = cvWaitKey(1); printf("%d\n",c); if(c==27) sdl_quit=0; //yuv载入到SDL /* SDL_LockYUVOverlay(overlay); memcpy(p, pgray,pscreen->w*(pscreen->h)*2); SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(overlay); SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(overlay, &drect); */ //RGB载入到SDL //memcpy(pixels, pRGB, pscreen_RGB->w*(pscreen_RGB->h)*3); //SDL_BlitSurface(pscreen_RGB, NULL, display_RGB, NULL); //SDL_Flip(display_RGB); //统计帧率 //status = (char *)calloc(1,20*sizeof(char)); //sprintf(status, "Fps:%d",frmrate); //SDL_WM_SetCaption(status, NULL); //SDL_Delay(10); //用完了的入列-------------------------------------------- ret1=ioctl (video_fd,VIDIOC_QBUF,&buf); if(ret1!=0) { printf("Lost the video \n"); } } } //fb_munmap(fbdev.fb_mem, fbdev.fb_size); //释放framebuffer映射 //close(fb);//关闭Framebuffer设备 for(i=0;i<req.count;i++) { if(-1==munmap(buffers[i].start,buffers[i].length)) printf("munmap error:%d \n",i); } cvDestroyWindow("image"); close(video_fd); SDL_DestroyMutex(affmutex); //SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(overlay); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvReleaseImage(&imggray); free(status); free(buffers); //free(pRGB); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
int track( IplImage* frame, int flag,int Cx,int Cy,int R ) { { int i, bin_w, c; LOGE("#######################Check1############################"); if( !image ) { /* allocate all the buffers */ image = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); image->origin = frame->origin; hsv = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); hue = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); mask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); backproject = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); hist = cvCreateHist( 1, &hdims, CV_HIST_ARRAY, &hranges, 1 ); histimg = cvCreateImage( cvSize(320,200), 8, 3 ); cvZero( histimg ); LOGE("######################Check2###########################"); } cvCopy( frame, image, 0 ); cvCvtColor( image, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV ); { int _vmin = vmin, _vmax = vmax; cvInRangeS( hsv, cvScalar(0,smin,MIN(_vmin,_vmax),0), cvScalar(180,256,MAX(_vmin,_vmax),0), mask ); cvSplit( hsv, hue, 0, 0, 0 ); LOGE("###########################Check3######################"); if(flag==0) { LOGE("###############Initialized#############################"); selection.x=Cx-R; selection.y=Cy-R; selection.height=2*R; selection.width=2*R; float max_val = 0.f; cvSetImageROI( hue, selection ); cvSetImageROI( mask, selection ); cvCalcHist( &hue, hist, 0, mask ); cvGetMinMaxHistValue( hist, 0, &max_val, 0, 0 ); cvConvertScale( hist->bins, hist->bins, max_val ? 255. / max_val : 0., 0 ); cvResetImageROI( hue ); cvResetImageROI( mask ); track_window = selection; track_object = 1; cvZero( histimg ); bin_w = histimg->width / hdims; for( i = 0; i < hdims; i++ ) { int val = cvRound( cvGetReal1D(hist->bins,i)*histimg->height/255 ); CvScalar color = hsv2rgb(i*180.f/hdims); cvRectangle( histimg, cvPoint(i*bin_w,histimg->height), cvPoint((i+1)*bin_w,histimg->height - val), color, -1, 8, 0 ); } LOGE("##############Check4#########################"); } LOGE("##############Check5#########################"); cvCalcBackProject( &hue, backproject, hist ); cvAnd( backproject, mask, backproject, 0 ); cvCamShift( backproject, track_window, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1 ), &track_comp, &track_box ); track_window = track_comp.rect; char buffer[50]; sprintf(buffer,"vals= %d %d and %d",track_window.x,track_window.y,track_window.width); LOGE(buffer); if( backproject_mode ) cvCvtColor( backproject, image, CV_GRAY2BGR ); if( image->origin ) track_box.angle = -track_box.angle; cvEllipseBox( image, track_box, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, CV_AA, 0 ); } if( select_object && selection.width > 0 && selection.height > 0 ) { cvSetImageROI( image, selection ); cvXorS( image, cvScalarAll(255), image, 0 ); cvResetImageROI( image ); } LOGE("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Done Tracking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); } return 0; }
// Function for Computing Character Segmentation // Inputs :- // (IplImage*) binImg : Pointer to the 1-Channel Binary Image // (int*) numChar : It will contain the number of characters in word // (IplImage**) charImg : An array of IplImages where each image corresponds to a particular character // Outputs :- // (unsigned char) errCode : The Error Code of Execution // Invoked As : errCode = computeCharcterSegmentation( &binImg , &numChar, &charImg ); unsigned char computeCharacterSegmentation( IplImage* binImg , int* numChar, IplImage** charImg) { // Check Inputs if((binImg->imageSize<=0) || (binImg->nChannels!=1)) { // Error Code 1: Invalid Input return(1); } // Character Segmentation //Finding Headline int widthStep = binImg->widthStep; int baseIndx = -(binImg->widthStep); int *count= new int[binImg->height]; int max=0; for(int y=0 ; y< (binImg->height) ; ++y) { // update base index baseIndx = baseIndx + (binImg->widthStep) ; int currIndx = baseIndx - 1; count[y]=0; for(int x =0 ; x < (binImg->width) ; ++x ) { currIndx = currIndx +1; if( binImg->imageData[currIndx]>-1) { count[y]++;//white -1 } } if(count[y] > count[max]) max=y; // max stores the row number } printf("headline : %d\n",max); // Removing Headline baseIndx = -binImg->widthStep; for(int y=0 ; y< (binImg->height) ; ++y) { // update base index baseIndx = baseIndx + (binImg->widthStep) ; int currIndx = baseIndx - 1; if(count[y]>= ((count[max]*9)/10 )) { for(int x =0 ; x < (binImg->width) ; ++x ) { currIndx = currIndx +1; binImg->imageData[currIndx]=-1;//whitening } } } // show word without headline cvShowImage("out4",binImg); cvWaitKey(20); getchar(); // Segmenting individual characters int charcount=0; int th1 =2; baseIndx = -1; int flag1=0,flag2=0, start1=0,start2=0,end1=0,end2=0; for(int x=0 ; x< (binImg->width) ; ++x) { // update base index baseIndx = baseIndx + 1 ; int currIndx = baseIndx - widthStep; flag1=0; flag2=0; for(int y1 = 0; y1 < max ; y1++) { currIndx = currIndx + widthStep; if( binImg->imageData[currIndx] > -1) { flag1 =1; break; } } for(int y =max ; y < (binImg->height) ; ++y ) { currIndx = currIndx +widthStep; if( binImg->imageData[currIndx]> -1) { flag2=1; break; } } if(flag2==0 or (end2 ==0 and x == binImg->width - 1) ) { if(flag2 ==1) end2 = binImg->width -1; else end2 = x -1; if( end2 - start2 > th1) { charcount++; // Allocate Memory for the Charcater Image charImg[charcount] = cvCreateImage( cvSize( end2-start2 + 2 , binImg->height - max ) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 1 ); int bindex = -binImg->widthStep; int nwidthStep = end2 - start2 + 1 + 4 - (end2-start2 + 1)%4; int bindex1 = -nwidthStep; for(int l=max;l< binImg->height;l++) { bindex = bindex + binImg->widthStep; bindex1 = bindex1 + nwidthStep; int cindex = bindex + start2 - 1; int cindex1 = bindex1 - 1; for(int m=0;m<nwidthStep;m++) { cindex = cindex + 1; cindex1 = cindex1 + 1; charImg[charcount]->imageData[cindex1] = binImg->imageData[cindex]; } } start2 = x + 1; } else { start2 = x + 1; } } if(flag1==0 or (end1 == 0 and x == binImg->width -1)) { if(flag1==1) end1 = binImg->width -1; else end1 = x -1; if( end1 - start1 > th1) { charcount++; // Allocate Memory for the Charcater Image charImg[charcount] = cvCreateImage( cvSize( end1-start1 + 2 , max) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 1 ); int bindex = -binImg->widthStep; int nwidthStep = end1 - start1 + 1 + 4 - (end1-start1 + 1)%4; int bindex1 = -nwidthStep; for(int l=0;l< max;l++) { bindex = bindex + binImg->widthStep; bindex1 = bindex1 + nwidthStep; int cindex = bindex + start1 - 1; int cindex1 = bindex1 - 1; for(int m=0;m<nwidthStep;m++) { cindex = cindex + 1; cindex1 = cindex1 + 1; charImg[charcount]->imageData[cindex1] = binImg->imageData[cindex]; } } start1 = x + 1; } else { start1 = x + 1; } } } *numChar = charcount; // Error Code 0 : All well return( 0 ); }
/************************************************************************* Process Process the frames in a video one by one. 1) FG detection 2) Blob Detection 3) Blob Tracking and Association 4) Blob Post Processing 5) Blob Analysis 6) Store the results Exceptions None *************************************************************************/ void Camera::Process(const int startFrameIndex, const int endFrameIndex) { ASSERT_TRUE ( m_initializied ); ASSERT_TRUE ( m_pTracker != NULL ); InitializeDisplayWindows( ); LOG_CONSOLE( "Start processing " + m_videoFileName ); int key, oneFrameProcess=0, frameNum; for ( frameNum = 1; m_videoCap.grab() && ( key = cvWaitKey( oneFrameProcess ? 0 : 1 ) ) != 27 && ( frameNum <= endFrameIndex || endFrameIndex < 0 ); frameNum++ ) { if ( frameNum >= startFrameIndex ) { std::cout << "frameNum: " << frameNum << '\r'; // get the video frame m_videoCap.retrieve( m_originalFrameMat ); // downscale the image if required if ( m_downScaleImage ) { cv::resize( m_originalFrameMat, m_frame, m_frame.size() ); } else { m_frame = m_originalFrameMat; } m_frameIpl = m_frame; if ( key != -1 ) { oneFrameProcess = ( key == 'r' ) ? 0 : 1; } // Process the current frame m_pTracker->Process( &m_frameIpl, m_pFGMaskIpl); m_fgMask = m_pTracker->GetFGMask(); // Process the current video frame using the blob tracker IplImage fgMaskIpl = m_fgMask; // Save Blob Information in a file for( int i = m_pTracker->GetBlobNum(); i> 0; i-- ) { CvBlob* pBlob = m_pTracker->GetBlob(i-1); ASSERT_TRUE( pBlob != NULL ); // Save blob record SaveBlobRecord( pBlob, frameNum ); } if ( m_displayIntermediateResult || m_saveIntermediateResult ) { char tempString[128]; std::string textMessage; //display intermediate result if necessary CvFont font; CvSize TextSize; cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.7, 0.7, 0, 1, CV_AA ); sprintf(tempString,"frame # %d", frameNum); textMessage = tempString; cv::putText( m_originalFrameMat, textMessage, cv::Point(10,20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar((0,255,255))); cv::putText( m_fgMask,textMessage, cv::Point(10,20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar((0,255,255))); cv::putText( m_frame, textMessage, cv::Point(10,20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar((0,255,255))); //drawing blobs if any with green ellipse with m_cvBlob id displayed next to it. int c = 0; // 0: g; 255: red for ( int i = m_pTracker->GetBlobNum(); i > 0; i-- ) { CvBlob* pBlob = m_pTracker->GetBlob(i-1); ASSERT_TRUE( pBlob != NULL ); cv::Point blobCorner( cvRound( pBlob->x * 256 ), cvRound( pBlob->y * 256 ) ); CvSize blobSize = cvSize( MAX( 1, cvRound( CV_BLOB_RX(pBlob) * 256 ) ), MAX( 1, cvRound( CV_BLOB_RY(pBlob) * 256 ) ) ); cv::Scalar boundingBoxColor( c, 255-c, 0 ); if ( m_pTracker->GetState( CV_BLOB_ID( pBlob ) ) != 0 ) { boundingBoxColor = cv::Scalar( 255-c, c, 0 ); } cv::ellipse( m_frame, cv::RotatedRect( cv::Point2f( pBlob->x, pBlob->y ), cv::Size2f( pBlob->w, pBlob->h ), 0 ), cv::Scalar( c, 255-c, 0 ) ); blobCorner.x >>= 8; blobCorner.y >>= 8; blobSize.width >>= 8; blobSize.height >>= 8; blobCorner.y -= blobSize.height; sprintf( tempString, "BlobId=%03d", CV_BLOB_ID(pBlob) ); cvGetTextSize( tempString, &font, &TextSize, NULL ); cv::putText( m_frame, std::string( tempString ), blobCorner, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar( 255, 255, 0, 0 ) ); } } if ( m_displayIntermediateResult ) { cv::imshow(m_videoFileName+"_FGMask", m_fgMask); cv::imshow(m_videoFileName+"_Tracking", m_frame); } if ( m_saveIntermediateResult ) { cv::Mat tmpFrame; cv::cvtColor( m_fgMask, tmpFrame, CV_GRAY2BGR ); *m_pFGAvi << tmpFrame; *m_pBTAvi << m_frame; } }
// Function for Computing Feature Histogram of Projection based on pixel value // Inputs :- // (IplImage*) binImg : Pointer to the 1-Channel Binary Image // (float**) vertProj : Contains normalized number of black pixels in boundary image coulmn wise // (float**) horizProj : Contains normalized number of black pixels in boundary image row wise // Outputs :- // (unsigned char) errCode : The Error Code of Execution // Invoked As : errCode = computeHistProjPixel( &binImg , &vertProj, &horizProj ); unsigned char computeHistProjPixel( IplImage* binImg , float** vertProj, float** horizProj) { // Check Inputs if((binImg->imageSize<=0) || (binImg->nChannels!=1) ) { // Error Code 1: Invalid Input return(1); } //Computing Edge of Character Image using Canny Edge Detector //open the parameter file FILE* fp; fp = fopen( "CannyParameter.txt" , "r" ); // Reading the Canny Parameter File char paramNameString[100] , eqString[3] , headerString[100]; fscanf( fp , "%s" , headerString ); int cannyTh1 = 0; fscanf( fp , "%s%s%d" , paramNameString , eqString , &cannyTh1 ); int cannyTh2 = 0; fscanf( fp , "%s%s%d" , paramNameString , eqString , &cannyTh2 ); int cannyWinSize = 0; fscanf( fp , "%s%s%d" , paramNameString , eqString , &cannyWinSize ); IplImage* edgeImg = NULL; edgeImg = cvCreateImage( cvSize( binImg->width , binImg->height) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 1 ); cvCanny( binImg , edgeImg , cannyTh1 , cannyTh2 , cannyWinSize ); fclose(fp); // Horizontal Profile int baseIndx = -(binImg->widthStep); float *hcount = new float[binImg->height]; float max=0; for(int y=0 ; y< (binImg->height) ; ++y) { // update base index baseIndx = baseIndx + (binImg->widthStep) ; int currIndx = baseIndx - 1; hcount[y]=0; for(int x =0 ; x < (binImg->width) ; ++x ) { currIndx = currIndx +1; if( binImg->imageData[currIndx]<1) { hcount[y] = hcount[y] + 1;; } } if(max < hcount[y]) max = hcount[y]; } for(int i=0; i< binImg->height ; i++) { hcount[i] = hcount[i] / max; } // Vertical Projection max=0; float *vcount = new float[binImg->width]; baseIndx = -1; for(int x=0 ; x< (binImg->width) ; ++x) { // update base index baseIndx = baseIndx + 1 ; int currIndx = baseIndx - binImg->widthStep; vcount[x]=0; for(int y =0 ; y < (binImg->height) ; ++y ) { currIndx = currIndx + binImg->widthStep; if( binImg->imageData[currIndx]<1) { vcount[x] = vcount[x] + 1; } } if(max < vcount[x] ) max = vcount[x]; } for(int i=0; i< binImg->width ; i++) { vcount[i] = vcount[i] / max; } *vertProj = vcount; *horizProj = hcount; // Error Code 0 : All well return( 0 ); }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { IplImage* camera = 0; try { // コンテキストの初期化 xn::Context context; XnStatus rc = context.InitFromXmlFile(CONFIG_XML_PATH); if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(xnGetStatusString(rc)); } // イメージジェネレータの作成 xn::ImageGenerator image; rc = context.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_IMAGE, image); if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(xnGetStatusString(rc)); } // デプスジェネレータの作成 xn::DepthGenerator depth; rc = context.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH, depth); if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(xnGetStatusString(rc)); } // デプスの座標をイメージに合わせる depth.GetAlternativeViewPointCap().SetViewPoint(image); // ユーザーの作成 xn::UserGenerator user; rc = context.FindExistingNode( XN_NODE_TYPE_USER, user ); if ( rc != XN_STATUS_OK ) { rc = user.Create(context); if ( rc != XN_STATUS_OK ) { throw std::runtime_error( xnGetStatusString( rc ) ); } } // ユーザー検出機能をサポートしているか確認 if (!user.IsCapabilitySupported(XN_CAPABILITY_SKELETON)) { throw std::runtime_error("ユーザー検出をサポートしてません"); } XnCallbackHandle userCallbacks, calibrationCallbacks, poseCallbacks; XnChar pose[20] = ""; // キャリブレーションにポーズが必要 xn::SkeletonCapability skelton = user.GetSkeletonCap(); if (skelton.NeedPoseForCalibration()) { // ポーズ検出のサポートチェック if (!user.IsCapabilitySupported(XN_CAPABILITY_POSE_DETECTION)) { throw std::runtime_error("ポーズ検出をサポートしてません"); } // キャリブレーションポーズの取得 skelton.GetCalibrationPose(pose); // ポーズ検出のコールバックを登録 xn::PoseDetectionCapability pose = user.GetPoseDetectionCap(); pose.RegisterToPoseCallbacks(&::PoseDetected, &::PoseLost, &user, poseCallbacks); } // ユーザー認識のコールバックを登録 user.RegisterUserCallbacks(&::UserDetected, &::UserLost, pose, userCallbacks); // キャリブレーションのコールバックを登録 skelton.RegisterCalibrationCallbacks(&::CalibrationStart, &::CalibrationEnd, &user, calibrationCallbacks); // ユーザートラッキングで、すべてをトラッキングする skelton.SetSkeletonProfile(XN_SKEL_PROFILE_ALL); // ジェスチャー検出の開始 context.StartGeneratingAll(); // カメラサイズのイメージを作成(8bitのRGB) XnMapOutputMode outputMode; image.GetMapOutputMode(outputMode); camera = ::cvCreateImage(cvSize(outputMode.nXRes, outputMode.nYRes), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); if (!camera) { throw std::runtime_error("error : cvCreateImage"); } // 表示状態 bool isShowImage = true; bool isShowUser = true; bool isShowSkelton = true; // メインループ while (1) { // すべてのノードの更新を待つ context.WaitAndUpdateAll(); // 画像データの取得 xn::ImageMetaData imageMD; image.GetMetaData(imageMD); // ユーザーデータの取得 xn::SceneMetaData sceneMD; user.GetUserPixels(0, sceneMD); // カメラ画像の表示 char* dest = camera->imageData; const xn::RGB24Map& rgb = imageMD.RGB24Map(); for (int y = 0; y < imageMD.YRes(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < imageMD.XRes(); ++x) { // ユーザー表示 XnLabel label = sceneMD(x, y); if (!isShowUser) { label = 0; } // カメラ画像の表示 XnRGB24Pixel pixel = rgb(x, y); if (!isShowImage) { pixel = xnRGB24Pixel( 255, 255, 255 ); } // 出力先に描画 dest[0] = pixel.nRed * Colors[label][0]; dest[1] = pixel.nGreen * Colors[label][1]; dest[2] = pixel.nBlue * Colors[label][2]; dest += 3; } } // スケルトンの描画 if (isShowSkelton) { XnUserID aUsers[15]; XnUInt16 nUsers = 15; user.GetUsers(aUsers, nUsers); for (int i = 0; i < nUsers; ++i) { if (skelton.IsTracking(aUsers[i])) { SkeltonDrawer skeltonDrawer(camera, skelton, depth, aUsers[i]); skeltonDrawer.draw(); } } } ::cvCvtColor(camera, camera, CV_BGR2RGB); ::cvShowImage("KinectImage", camera); // キーイベント char key = cvWaitKey(10); // 終了する if (key == 'q') { break; } // 表示する/しないの切り替え else if (key == 'i') { isShowImage = !isShowImage; } else if (key == 'u') { isShowUser = !isShowUser; } else if (key == 's') { isShowSkelton = !isShowSkelton; } } } catch (std::exception& ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; } ::cvReleaseImage(&camera); return 0; }