int main(int argc,char **argv) { char pfile[MAXLN],safile[MAXLN], ssafile[MAXLN], outletfile[MAXLN]; int err, useoutlets,contcheck,usemax; if(argc < 2) goto errexit; usemax=1; // Set defaults useoutlets=0; contcheck=1; if(argc == 2) { // printf("You are running %s with the simple use option.\n", argv[0]); nameadd(pfile,argv[1],"p"); nameadd(safile,argv[1],"sa"); nameadd(ssafile,argv[1],"ssa"); } if(argc > 2) { // printf("You are running %s with the specific file names option.\n", argv[0]); int i=1; while(argc > i) { if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(pfile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-sa")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(safile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-ssa")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(ssafile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-o")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(outletfile,argv[i]); i++; useoutlets=1; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-min")==0) { i++; usemax=0; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-nc")==0) { i++; contcheck=0; } else goto errexit; } } if((err=d8flowpathextremeup(pfile, safile, ssafile, usemax, outletfile, useoutlets, contcheck)) != 0) printf("Flow Path Extreme Up Error %d\n",err); return 0; errexit: printf("Simple Use:\n %s <basefilename>\n",argv[0]); printf("Use with specific file names:\n %s -p <pfile>\n",argv[0]); printf("-sa <safile> -ssa <ssafile> [-min] [-nc] [-o <outletsfile>]\n"); printf("<basefilename> is the name of the base digital elevation model without suffixes for simple input. Suffixes 'p', 'sa' and 'ssa' will be appended. \n"); printf("<pfile> is the name of D8 flow directions file.\n"); printf("<safile> is the name of input file with values from which extreme upslope is to be found.\n"); printf("<ssa> is the name of the output file with extreme upslope values.\n"); printf("-min indicates to search for a minimum (default is max)\n"); printf("-nc indicates to override edge contamination checking (checking is on by default)\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char pfile[MAXLN],safile[MAXLN], ssafile[MAXLN],datasrc[MAXLN],lyrname[MAXLN]; int err, useoutlets,contcheck,usemax,lyrno=0,uselyrname=0; if(argc < 2) goto errexit; usemax=1; // Set defaults useoutlets=0; contcheck=1; if(argc == 2) { // printf("You are running %s with the simple use option.\n", argv[0]); nameadd(pfile,argv[1],"p"); nameadd(safile,argv[1],"sa"); nameadd(ssafile,argv[1],"ssa"); } if(argc > 2) { // printf("You are running %s with the specific file names option.\n", argv[0]); int i=1; while(argc > i) { if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(pfile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-sa")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(safile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-ssa")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(ssafile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-o")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(datasrc,argv[i]); i++; useoutlets=1; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-ddm")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { if(strcmp(argv[i],"row")==0) { tdpartition::decompType = DECOMP_ROW; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"column")==0) { tdpartition::decompType = DECOMP_COLUMN; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"block")==0) { tdpartition::decompType = DECOMP_BLOCK; } else { goto errexit; } i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-lyrno")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&lyrno); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-lyrname")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(lyrname,argv[i]); uselyrname = 1; i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-min")==0) { i++; usemax=0; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-nc")==0) { i++; contcheck=0; } else goto errexit; } } if((err=d8flowpathextremeup(pfile, safile, ssafile, usemax, datasrc,lyrname,uselyrname,lyrno, useoutlets, contcheck)) != 0) printf("Flow Path Extreme Up Error %d\n",err); return 0; errexit: printf("Simple Use:\n %s <basefilename>\n",argv[0]); printf("Use with specific file names:\n %s -p <pfile>\n",argv[0]); printf("-sa <safile> -ssa <ssafile> [-min] [-nc] [-o <outletsfile>] [-ddm <ddm>]\n"); printf("<basefilename> is the name of the base digital elevation model without suffixes for simple input. Suffixes 'p', 'sa' and 'ssa' will be appended. \n"); printf("<pfile> is the name of D8 flow directions file.\n"); printf("<safile> is the name of input file with values from which extreme upslope is to be found.\n"); printf("<ssa> is the name of the output file with extreme upslope values.\n"); printf("<ddm> is the data decomposition method. Either \"row\", \"column\" or \"block\".\n"); printf("-min indicates to search for a minimum (default is max)\n"); printf("-nc indicates to override edge contamination checking (checking is on by default)\n"); return 0; }