void dTextureNodeInfo::SetPathName (const char* const path)
	//const char* const ptr = dGetNameFromPath (path);
	//strncpy (m_path, ptr, sizeof (m_path));
	m_path = dGetNameFromPath (path);
	m_id = dCRC64 (m_path.GetStr());
dCRCTYPE dMaterialNodeInfo::CalculateSignature() const
	dCRCTYPE signature = 0;
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_ambientColor, sizeof (m_ambientColor), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_diffuseColor, sizeof (m_diffuseColor), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_specularColor, sizeof (m_specularColor), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_emissiveColor, sizeof (m_emissiveColor), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_shininess, sizeof (m_shininess), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_opacity, sizeof (m_opacity), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_ambientTexId, sizeof (m_ambientTexId), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_diffuseTexId, sizeof (m_diffuseTexId), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_specularTexId, sizeof (m_specularTexId), signature);
	signature = dCRC64 (&m_emissiveTexId, sizeof (m_emissiveTexId), signature);
	return signature;
	void AddItem (const dItem& item)
		dState::dListNode* const node = Append(item);

		static dCRCTYPE errorCRC = dCRC64 (DERROR_SYMBOL);

		dItemKey key (item);
		dTree<dList<dState::dListNode*>, dItemKey>::dTreeNode* mapNode = m_itemMap.Find (key);
		if (!mapNode) {
			mapNode = m_itemMap.Insert (key);

		if (item.m_indexMarker == 0) {
			dAssert (item.m_ruleNode);
			const dRuleInfo& ruleInfo = item.m_ruleNode->GetInfo();
			if (ruleInfo.GetCount()) {
				const dSymbol& symbol = ruleInfo.GetFirst()->GetInfo();
				if (symbol.m_nameCRC == errorCRC) {
					m_hasErroItem = true;


		dList<dState::dListNode*>& bucket = mapNode->GetInfo();
		// check if bucket is not too big
		dAssert (bucket.GetCount() < 16);
	void InsertText (const char* const texName, GLuint id) 
		TextureEntry entry;
		entry.m_textureID = id;
		entry.m_textureName = texName;
		dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (entry.m_textureName.GetStr());
		Insert(entry, crc);
Esempio n. 5
	void InsertText (const char* const texName, GLuint id) 
		TextureEntry entry;
		entry.m_textureID = id;
		strcpy (entry.m_textureName, texName);
		strlwr (entry.m_textureName);
		dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (entry.m_textureName);
		Insert(entry, crc);
dParserCompiler::dParserCompiler(const dString& inputRules, const char* const outputFileName, const char* const scannerClassName)
	// scan the grammar into a list of rules.
	int lastTerminalToken;
	dProductionRule ruleList;
	dOperatorsPrecedence operatorPrecedence;
	dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE> symbolList;
	dString userCodeBlock;
	dString userVariableClass ("");
	dString endUserCode ("\n");

	// scan grammar to a set of LR(1) rules
	ScanGrammarFile(inputRules, ruleList, symbolList, operatorPrecedence, userCodeBlock, userVariableClass, endUserCode, lastTerminalToken);

	// convert the rules into a NFA.
	dString debugFileName (outputFileName);
	debugFileName += ".txt";
	FILE* const debugFile = fopen (debugFileName.GetStr(), "w");

	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE> stateList;
	CanonicalItemSets (stateList, ruleList, symbolList, operatorPrecedence, debugFile);
	fclose (debugFile);

	// create a LR(1) parsing table from the NFA graphs
	const dString& startSymbol = ruleList.GetFirst()->GetInfo().m_name;
	BuildParsingTable (stateList, dCRC64 (startSymbol.GetStr()), operatorPrecedence);

	//Write Parser class and header file
	dString className (GetClassName(outputFileName));
	GenerateHeaderFile (className, scannerClassName, outputFileName, symbolList, userVariableClass);
	GenerateParserCode (className, scannerClassName, outputFileName, symbolList, stateList, userCodeBlock, endUserCode, lastTerminalToken);

	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::Iterator iter(stateList);
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {
		dState* const state = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		delete state;
dPluginRecord* dPluginInterface::GetPlugin(const char* const signature) const
	dTree<dPluginRecord*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* const node = m_pluginDictionary.Find(dCRC64 (signature));
	_ASSERTE (node);

	dPluginRecord* plugin = NULL;
	if (node) {
		plugin = node->GetInfo();
	return plugin;
Esempio n. 8
void dNodeInfo::ReplaceSingletonClass (const char* const className, const dNodeInfo* const singleton)
	dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (className);
	dTree<const dNodeInfo*, dCRCTYPE>& dictionary = dNodeInfo::GetSingletonDictionary();
	dTree<const dNodeInfo*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* const node = dictionary.Find(crc);
	if (node) {
		node->GetInfo() = singleton;
	} else {
		dRegisterSingleton (className, singleton);
	void CalculateKey ()
		dCRCTYPE key = 0;
		for (dState::dListNode* itemNode = GetFirst(); itemNode; itemNode = itemNode->GetNext()) {
			dItem& item = itemNode->GetInfo();
			int index = 0;
			key = dCRC64 (item.m_lookAheadSymbolName.GetStr(), key);
			for (dRuleInfo::dListNode* node = item.m_ruleNode->GetInfo().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
				if (index == item.m_indexMarker) {
					key = dCRC64 (".", key);
				const dSymbol& info = node->GetInfo();
				key = dCRC64 (info.m_name.GetStr(), key);
				index ++;
			if (item.m_indexMarker == item.m_ruleNode->GetInfo().GetCount()) {
				key = dCRC64 (".", key);
		m_key = key;
Esempio n. 10
dNodeInfo* dNodeInfo::CreateFromClassName (const char* const className, dScene* const world)
	dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (className);
	dTree<const dNodeInfo*, dCRCTYPE>& dictionary = dNodeInfo::GetSingletonDictionary();
	dTree<const dNodeInfo*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* const node = dictionary.Find(crc);
	if (node) {
		const dNodeInfo* const singleton = node->GetInfo();
		return singleton->MetaFunction(world);
	} else {
		m_uniqueIDCounter ++;
	return NULL;
dPluginInterface::dPluginDll::dListNode* dPluginInterface::LoadPlugins(const char* const path)
	char plugInPath[2048];
	char rootPathInPath [2048];
	strcat (plugInPath, path);
	sprintf (rootPathInPath, "%s/*.dll", plugInPath);

	dPluginDll::dListNode* const firstNode = m_allPlugins.GetLast();

	// scan for all plugins in this folder
	_finddata_t data;
	intptr_t handle = _findfirst (rootPathInPath, &data);
	if (handle != -1) {
		do {
			sprintf (rootPathInPath, "%s/%s", plugInPath, data.name);

			HMODULE module = LoadLibrary(rootPathInPath);
			if (module) {
				// get the interface function pointer to the Plug in classes
				GetPluginArray GetPluginsTable = (GetPluginArray) GetProcAddress (module, "GetPluginArray"); 
				if (GetPluginsTable) {
				} else {
		} while (_findnext (handle, &data) == 0);
		_findclose (handle);

	for (dPluginDll::dListNode* dllNode = firstNode ? firstNode->GetNext() : m_allPlugins.GetFirst(); dllNode; dllNode = dllNode->GetNext()) {
		HMODULE module = dllNode->GetInfo();

		GetPluginArray GetPluginsTable = (GetPluginArray) GetProcAddress (module, "GetPluginArray"); 
		dPluginRecord** const table = GetPluginsTable();

		for (int i = 0; table[i]; i ++) {
			dPluginRecord* const plugin = table[i];
			const char* const pluginName = plugin->GetSignature();
			dCRCTYPE key = dCRC64 (pluginName);
			_ASSERTE (!m_pluginDictionary.Find(key));
			m_pluginDictionary.Insert(plugin, key);

	return firstNode ? firstNode->GetNext() : m_allPlugins.GetFirst();
int dChatertSetMap::AddSet (const char* const set, int count)
	ChatertSet newSet (set, count, m_id);
	dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (newSet.m_characters, 0);

	dTree<dList <ChatertSet>::dListNode*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* node = m_crcID.Find(crc);
	if (!node) {
		dList <ChatertSet>::dListNode* const setNode = m_sets.Append(newSet);
		m_table.Insert(setNode, newSet.m_id);
		m_id ++;
		node = m_crcID.Insert(setNode, crc);

	dList <ChatertSet>::dListNode* const setNode = node->GetInfo();
	return setNode->GetInfo().m_id;
Esempio n. 13
	GLuint GetTexture(const char* const texName)
		GLuint texID = 0;
		_ASSERTE (texName);

		TextureEntry entry;
		strcpy (entry.m_textureName, texName);
		strlwr (entry.m_textureName);
		dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (entry.m_textureName);

		dTreeNode* node = Find(crc);
		if (node) {
			texID = node->GetInfo().m_textureID;
		return texID;
	GLuint GetTexture(const char* const texName)
		GLuint texID = 0;
		dAssert (texName);

		TextureEntry entry;
		entry.m_textureName = texName;
		dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (entry.m_textureName.GetStr());

		dTreeNode* node = Find(crc);
		if (node) {
			texID = node->GetInfo().m_textureID;
		return texID;
Esempio n. 15
	void SaveLastOperationSymbol (const dState* const state) const
		for (dState::dListNode* node = state->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			dItem& item = node->GetInfo();
			const dRuleInfo& ruleInfo = item.m_ruleNode->GetInfo();
			for (dRuleInfo::dListNode* infoSymbolNode = ruleInfo.GetFirst(); infoSymbolNode; infoSymbolNode = infoSymbolNode->GetNext()) {
				const dSymbol& infoSymbol = infoSymbolNode->GetInfo();
				if (infoSymbol.m_operatorPrecendeceOverright.Size()) {
					dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64(infoSymbol.m_operatorPrecendeceOverright.GetStr());
					if (FindAssociation(crc)) {
						item.m_lastOperatorSymbolCRC = crc;
						item.m_lastOperatorSymbolName = infoSymbol.m_operatorPrecendeceOverright;

				} else {
					if (FindAssociation(infoSymbol.m_nameCRC)) {
						item.m_lastOperatorSymbolCRC = infoSymbol.m_nameCRC;
						item.m_lastOperatorSymbolName = infoSymbol.m_name;
Esempio n. 16
// generates the canonical Items set for a LR(1) grammar
void dParserCompiler::CanonicalItemSets (
	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>& stateMap, 
	const dProductionRule& ruleList, 
	const dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE>& symbolList, 
	const dOperatorsPrecedence& operatorPrecedence,
	FILE* const debugFile)
	dList<dItem> itemSet;
	dList<dState*> stateList;

	// start by building an item set with only the first rule
	dItem& item = itemSet.Append()->GetInfo();
	item.m_indexMarker = 0;
	item.m_lookAheadSymbolCRC = dCRC64 (DACCEPT_SYMBOL);
	item.m_lookAheadSymbolName = DACCEPT_SYMBOL;
	item.m_ruleNode = ruleList.GetFirst();

	// build a rule info map
	dTree<dList<void*>, dCRCTYPE> ruleMap;
	for (dProductionRule::dListNode* ruleNode = ruleList.GetFirst(); ruleNode; ruleNode = ruleNode->GetNext()) {
		dRuleInfo& info = ruleNode->GetInfo();

		dTree<dList<void*>, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* node = ruleMap.Find(info.m_nameCRC);
		if (!node) {
			node = ruleMap.Insert(info.m_nameCRC);
		dList<void*>& entry = node->GetInfo();

	// find the closure for the first this item set with only the first rule
	dState* const state = Closure (itemSet, symbolList, ruleMap);
	operatorPrecedence.SaveLastOperationSymbol (state);

	stateMap.Insert(state, state->GetKey());


	// now for each state found 
	int stateNumber = 1;
	for (dList<dState*>::dListNode* node = stateList.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		dState* const state = node->GetInfo();

		dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE>::Iterator iter (symbolList);
		for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) {

			dCRCTYPE symbol = iter.GetKey();
			dState* const newState = Goto (state, symbol, symbolList, ruleMap);

			if (newState->GetCount()) {
				const dTokenInfo& tokenInfo = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
				dTransition& transition = state->m_transitions.Append()->GetInfo();
				transition.m_symbol = symbol;
				transition.m_name = tokenInfo.m_name; 
				transition.m_type = tokenInfo.m_type;
				dAssert (transition.m_symbol == dCRC64(transition.m_name.GetStr()));
				transition.m_targetState = newState;

				dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* const targetStateNode = stateMap.Find(newState->GetKey());
				if (!targetStateNode) {
					newState->m_number = stateNumber;

					stateNumber ++;
					stateMap.Insert(newState, newState->GetKey());

					operatorPrecedence.SaveLastOperationSymbol (newState);

				} else {
					transition.m_targetState = targetStateNode->GetInfo();
					delete newState;
			} else {
				delete newState;

		dTrace (("state#:%d   items: %d   transitions: %d\n", state->m_number, state->GetCount(), state->m_transitions.GetCount()));
Esempio n. 17
dParserCompiler::dToken dParserCompiler::ScanGrammarRule(
	dParserLexical& lexical, 
	dProductionRule& rules, 
	dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE>& symbolList, 
	int& ruleNumber,
	int& tokenEnumeration,
	const dOperatorsPrecedence& operatorPrecedence)
	dRuleInfo* currentRule = &rules.GetLast()->GetInfo();
	dToken token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());
	do {
		dList<dTokenStringPair> ruleTokens;
		for (token = dToken(lexical.NextToken()); !((token == SIMICOLOM) || (token == OR)); token = dToken(lexical.NextToken())) {
			dAssert (token != -1);

			dTokenStringPair& pair = ruleTokens.Append()->GetInfo();
			pair.m_token = token;
			pair.m_info = lexical.GetTokenString();
		dList<dTokenStringPair>::dListNode* lastNode = ruleTokens.GetLast();
		if (lastNode) {
			if (lastNode->GetInfo().m_token != SEMANTIC_ACTION) {
				lastNode = NULL;
			} else {
				currentRule->m_semanticActionCode = lastNode->GetInfo().m_info;
		for (dList<dTokenStringPair>::dListNode* node = ruleTokens.GetFirst(); node != lastNode; node = node->GetNext()) {
			dTokenStringPair& pair = node->GetInfo();

			if (pair.m_token == LITERAL) {
				dSymbol& symbol = currentRule->Append()->GetInfo();
				symbol.m_token = pair.m_token;
				symbol.m_name = pair.m_info;
				symbol.m_nameCRC = dCRC64 (symbol.m_name.GetStr());

				dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* symbolNode = symbolList.Find(symbol.m_nameCRC);
				if (!symbolNode) {
					symbolNode = symbolList.Insert(dTokenInfo (tokenEnumeration, NONTERMINAL, symbol.m_name), symbol.m_nameCRC);
					tokenEnumeration ++;
				symbol.m_type = symbolNode->GetInfo().m_type;

			} else if (pair.m_token < 256) {
				dAssert (pair.m_info.Size() == 1);
				dSymbol& symbol = currentRule->Append()->GetInfo();
				symbol.m_name = pair.m_info;
				symbol.m_nameCRC = dCRC64 (symbol.m_name.GetStr());

				symbol.m_type = TERMINAL;
				symbol.m_token = LITERAL;
				symbolList.Insert(dTokenInfo (pair.m_token, TERMINAL, symbol.m_name), symbol.m_nameCRC);

			} else if (pair.m_token == PREC) {
				node = node->GetNext();
				for (dRuleInfo::dListNode* ruleNode = currentRule->GetLast(); ruleNode; ruleNode = ruleNode->GetPrev()) {
					dSymbol& symbol = ruleNode->GetInfo();
					if (operatorPrecedence.FindAssociation (symbol.m_nameCRC)) {
						dTokenStringPair& pair = node->GetInfo();		
						symbol.m_operatorPrecendeceOverright = pair.m_info;
//			} else if (pair.m_token != SEMANTIC_ACTION) {
//				// no user action allowed in the middle of a sentence
//				_ASSERTE (pair.m_token == SEMANTIC_ACTION);
//			} else {
//				_ASSERTE (0);

		if (token == OR) {
			// this is a rule with multiples sentences alternates, add new rule with the same name Non terminal
			dRuleInfo& rule = rules.Append()->GetInfo();
			rule.m_ruleNumber = ruleNumber;
			ruleNumber ++;
			rule.m_ruleId = currentRule->m_ruleId;
			rule.m_token = currentRule->m_token;
			rule.m_type = NONTERMINAL;
			//rule.m_name += currentRule->m_name;
			rule.m_name = currentRule->m_name;
			rule.m_nameCRC = currentRule->m_nameCRC;
			currentRule = &rule;

	} while (token != SIMICOLOM);

	return token;
Esempio n. 18
void dParserCompiler::ScanGrammarFile(
	const dString& inputRules, 
	dProductionRule& ruleList, 
	dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE>& symbolList, 
	dOperatorsPrecedence& operatorPrecedence,
	dString& userCodeBlock,
	dString& userVariableClass,
	dString& endUserCode,
	int& lastTokenEnum)
	dString startSymbol ("");
	int tokenEnumeration = 256;
	int operatorPrecedencePriority = 0;

	dParserLexical lexical (inputRules.GetStr());
	LoadTemplateFile("dParserUserVariableTemplate_cpp.txt", userVariableClass);

	// scan the definition segment
	for (dToken token = dToken(lexical.NextToken()); token != GRAMMAR_SEGMENT; ) {
		switch (int (token)) 
			case START:
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());
				startSymbol = lexical.GetTokenString();
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());

			case TOKEN:
				for (token = dToken(lexical.NextToken()); token == LITERAL; token = dToken(lexical.NextToken())) {
					const char* const name = lexical.GetTokenString();
					symbolList.Insert(dTokenInfo (tokenEnumeration, TERMINAL, name), dCRC64 (name));
					tokenEnumeration ++;

			case LEFT:
			case RIGHT:
				dOperatorsAssociation& association = operatorPrecedence.Append()->GetInfo();
				association.m_prioprity = operatorPrecedencePriority;
				operatorPrecedencePriority ++;
				switch (int (token))
					case LEFT:
						association.m_associativity = dOperatorsAssociation::m_left;
					case RIGHT:
						association.m_associativity = dOperatorsAssociation::m_right;

				for (token = dToken(lexical.NextToken()); (token == LITERAL) || ((token < 256) && !isalnum (token)); token = dToken(lexical.NextToken())) {
					association.Append(dCRC64 (lexical.GetTokenString()));

			case UNION:
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());
				dAssert (token == SEMANTIC_ACTION);
				userVariableClass = lexical.GetTokenString() + 1;
				userVariableClass.Replace(userVariableClass.Size() - 1, 1, "");
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());

			case CODE_BLOCK:
				userCodeBlock += lexical.GetTokenString();
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());

			case EXPECT:
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());
				dAssert (token == INTEGER);
				m_shiftReduceExpectedWarnings = atoi (lexical.GetTokenString());
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());

				dAssert (0);
				token = dToken(lexical.NextToken());

	int ruleNumber = 1;
	lastTokenEnum = tokenEnumeration;

	// scan the production rules segment
	dToken token1 = dToken(lexical.NextToken());
	for (; (token1 != GRAMMAR_SEGMENT) && (token1 != -1); token1 = dToken(lexical.NextToken())) {
		//dTrace (("%s\n", lexical.GetTokenString()));
		switch (int (token1)) 
			case LITERAL:
				// add the first Rule;
				dRuleInfo& rule = ruleList.Append()->GetInfo();
				rule.m_token = token1;
				rule.m_type = NONTERMINAL;
				rule.m_name = lexical.GetTokenString();
				rule.m_nameCRC = dCRC64 (lexical.GetTokenString());

				dTree<dTokenInfo, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* nonTerminalIdNode = symbolList.Find(rule.m_nameCRC);
				if (!nonTerminalIdNode) {
					nonTerminalIdNode = symbolList.Insert(dTokenInfo (tokenEnumeration, NONTERMINAL, rule.m_name), rule.m_nameCRC);
					tokenEnumeration ++;
				rule.m_ruleId = nonTerminalIdNode->GetInfo().m_tokenId;
				rule.m_ruleNumber = ruleNumber;
				ruleNumber ++;

				token1 = ScanGrammarRule(lexical, ruleList, symbolList, ruleNumber, tokenEnumeration, operatorPrecedence); 
				dAssert (0);

	dProductionRule::dListNode* firtRuleNode = ruleList.GetFirst();	
	if (startSymbol != "") {
		firtRuleNode = ruleList.Find (dCRC64 (startSymbol.GetStr()));	

	//Expand the Grammar Rule by adding an empty start Rule;
	const dRuleInfo& firstRule = firtRuleNode->GetInfo();

	dRuleInfo& rule = ruleList.Addtop()->GetInfo();
	rule.m_ruleNumber = 0;
	rule.m_ruleId = tokenEnumeration;
	rule.m_token = firstRule.m_token;
	rule.m_type = NONTERMINAL;
	rule.m_name = firstRule.m_name + dString("__");
	rule.m_nameCRC = dCRC64 (rule.m_name.GetStr());
	symbolList.Insert(dTokenInfo (tokenEnumeration, rule.m_type, rule.m_name), rule.m_nameCRC);
	tokenEnumeration ++;
	dSymbol& symbol = rule.Append()->GetInfo();
	symbol.m_token = firstRule.m_token;
	symbol.m_type = firstRule.m_type;
	symbol.m_name = firstRule.m_name;
	symbol.m_nameCRC = firstRule.m_nameCRC;

	// scan literal use code
	if (token1 == GRAMMAR_SEGMENT) {
		endUserCode = lexical.GetNextBuffer();
		//endUserCode += "\n";
Esempio n. 19
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely

// NewtonCustomJoint.cpp: implementation of the NewtonCustomJoint class.
#include "dCustomJointLibraryStdAfx.h"
#include "dCustomJoint.h"

dCRCTYPE dCustomJoint::m_key = dCRC64 ("dCustomJoint");
dCustomJoint::dSerializeMetaData m_metaData_CustomJoint("dCustomJoint");

// Construction/Destruction
dCustomJoint::dCustomJoint ()
Esempio n. 20
dCRCTYPE CustomJoint::GetSerializeKey() const
	return dCRC64(CustomJoint::GetTypeName());
Esempio n. 21
dCRCTYPE dLineNodeInfo::CalculateSignature() const
	dCRCTYPE signature = 0;
	dAssert (0);
#if 0
	int vertexCount = NewtonMeshGetVertexCount (m_mesh); 
	int vertexStride = NewtonMeshGetVertexStrideInByte(m_mesh);
	signature = dCRC64 (NewtonMeshGetVertexArray (m_mesh), vertexStride * vertexCount, signature);

	// for now just compare the vertex array, do no forget to add more text using the face winding and material indexed  

	// save the polygon array
	int faceCount = NewtonMeshGetTotalFaceCount (mesh); 
	int indexCount = NewtonMeshGetTotalIndexCount (mesh); 

	int* const faceArray = new int [faceCount];
	void** const indexArray = new void* [indexCount];
	int* const materialIndexArray = new int [faceCount];
	int* const remapedIndexArray = new int [indexCount];

	NewtonMeshGetFaces (mesh, faceArray, materialIndexArray, indexArray); 

	// save the faces vertex Count
	dIntArrayToString (faceArray, faceCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const polygons = new TiXmlElement ("polygons");
	polygons->SetAttribute("count", faceCount);
	polygons->SetAttribute("faceIndexCount", buffer);

	dIntArrayToString (materialIndexArray, faceCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const faceMaterial = new TiXmlElement ("faceMaterial");
	faceMaterial->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetVertexIndex (mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = vertexIndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const positionIndex = new TiXmlElement ("position");
	positionIndex->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetPointIndex(mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = normalIndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const normalIndex = new TiXmlElement ("normal");
	normalIndex->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetPointIndex(mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = uv0IndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const uv0Index = new TiXmlElement ("uv0");
	uv0Index->SetAttribute("index", buffer);

	for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i ++) {
		int index = NewtonMeshGetPointIndex(mesh, indexArray[i]);
		remapedIndexArray[i] = uv1IndexList[index];
	dIntArrayToString (remapedIndexArray, indexCount, buffer, bufferSizeInBytes);
	TiXmlElement* const uv1Index = new TiXmlElement ("uv1");
	uv1Index->SetAttribute("index", buffer);
	return signature;
Esempio n. 22
void dParserCompiler::BuildParsingTable (
	const dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>& stateList, 
	dCRCTYPE startSymbol, 
	const dOperatorsPrecedence& operatorPrecedence) const
	dTree<dState*, dCRCTYPE>::Iterator stateIter (stateList);

	unsigned emptySymbol = 0;

	const dCRCTYPE acceptingSymbol = dCRC64 (DACCEPT_SYMBOL);
	// create Shift Reduce action table
	for (stateIter.Begin(); stateIter; stateIter ++) {
		dState* const state = stateIter.GetNode()->GetInfo();

		// add all shift actions first
		for (dList<dTransition>::dListNode* node = state->m_transitions.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			dTransition& transition = node->GetInfo();
			if (transition.m_type == TERMINAL) {

				// find item generating this shift action and mark it as used.
				const dState* const targetState = transition.m_targetState;
				dAssert (!state->m_actions.Find (transition.m_symbol));
				dTree<dAction, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* const actionNode = state->m_actions.Insert (transition.m_symbol); 
				dAction& action = actionNode->GetInfo();
				action.m_type = dSHIFT;
				action.m_myItem = NULL;
				action.m_nextState = targetState->m_number;
				action.m_reduceRuleNode = NULL;

		// add all reduce actions
		dList<dAction*> potencialConflictinActions;
		for (dState::dListNode* itemNode = state->GetFirst(); itemNode; itemNode = itemNode->GetNext()) {
			dItem& item = itemNode->GetInfo();
			const dRuleInfo& ruleInfo = item.m_ruleNode->GetInfo();
			if ((ruleInfo.m_ruleNumber == 0) && (item.m_indexMarker == 1)) {
				dTree<dAction, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* const actionNode = state->m_actions.Insert (acceptingSymbol); 
				dAssert (actionNode);
				dAction& action = actionNode->GetInfo();
				action.m_type = dACCEPT;
				action.m_myItem = &item;
				action.m_reduceRuleNode = NULL;
			} else if ((item.m_indexMarker == ruleInfo.GetCount()) && (ruleInfo.m_nameCRC != startSymbol)) {
				dTree<dAction, dCRCTYPE>::dTreeNode* actionNode = state->m_actions.Find (item.m_lookAheadSymbolCRC); 
				if (!actionNode) {
					actionNode = state->m_actions.Insert (item.m_lookAheadSymbolCRC); 
					dAction& action = actionNode->GetInfo();
					action.m_type = dREDUCE;
					action.m_myItem = &item;
					action.m_nextState = 0;
					action.m_reduceRuleNode = item.m_ruleNode;
				} else {
					dAction& action = actionNode->GetInfo();
					action.m_myItem = &item;
					action.m_reduceRuleNode = item.m_ruleNode;
					potencialConflictinActions.Append (&actionNode->GetInfo());

		// now resolve all conflicting actions
		if (potencialConflictinActions.GetCount()) {

			// resolve conflicting actions
			dList<dAction*>::dListNode* nextActionNode = NULL;
			for (dList<dAction*>::dListNode* actionNode = potencialConflictinActions.GetFirst(); actionNode; actionNode = nextActionNode) {
				dAction* const action = actionNode->GetInfo();

				if (action->m_type == dREDUCE) {
					// this is a reduce reduce conflict
					dAssert (0);
					dTrace (("This is a reduce Reduce conflict, resolve in favor of of first production rule\n")); 
				nextActionNode = actionNode->GetNext();

				const dItem& item = *action->m_myItem;
				if (item.m_lastOperatorSymbolCRC != emptySymbol) {
					const dOperatorsAssociation* const operatorAssosiation = operatorPrecedence.FindAssociation (item.m_lastOperatorSymbolCRC);
					dAssert (operatorAssosiation);
					if (operatorAssosiation->m_associativity == dOperatorsAssociation::m_left) {

						const dOperatorsAssociation* const lookAheadOperatorAssosiation = operatorPrecedence.FindAssociation (item.m_lookAheadSymbolCRC);
						if (!(lookAheadOperatorAssosiation && (lookAheadOperatorAssosiation->m_prioprity > operatorAssosiation->m_prioprity))) {
							action->m_type = dREDUCE;

			// for any conflicting actions left, display warning
			for (dList<dAction*>::dListNode* actionNode = potencialConflictinActions.GetFirst(); actionNode; actionNode = actionNode->GetNext()) {
				dAction* const action = actionNode->GetInfo();

				dRuleInfo& rule = action->m_reduceRuleNode->GetInfo();
				dString sentence;
				sentence += rule.m_name;
				sentence += " : ";
				for (dRuleInfo::dListNode* node = rule.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
					sentence += node->GetInfo().m_name;
					sentence += " ";

				if (action->m_type == dSHIFT) {
					if (!rule.m_shiftReduceErrorMark) {
						rule.m_shiftReduceErrorMark = true;
						if (m_shiftReduceExpectedWarnings <= 0) {
							DisplayError ("\nstate %d: shift reduce warning resolved in favor of shift. on rule\n", state->m_number);
							DisplayError ("  %s\n", sentence.GetStr());
						m_shiftReduceExpectedWarnings --;
				} else {
					dAssert (0);
					DisplayError ("\nstate %d: reduce reduce error resolved in favor of first sentence. on rule\n", state->m_number);
					DisplayError ("  %s\n", sentence.GetStr());

	// create Goto Table
	for (stateIter.Begin(); stateIter; stateIter ++) {
		dState* const state = stateIter.GetNode()->GetInfo();
		for (dList<dTransition>::dListNode* node = state->m_transitions.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			dTransition& transition = node->GetInfo();
			if (transition.m_type == NONTERMINAL) {
				state->m_goto.Insert (transition.m_targetState, transition.m_symbol); 
Esempio n. 23
CustomJoint::SerializeMetaData::SerializeMetaData(const char* const name)
	CustomJoint::GetDictionary().Insert(this, dCRC64(name));
Esempio n. 24
dNodeInfo::dRegisterSingleton::dRegisterSingleton (const char* const className, const dNodeInfo* const singleton)
	dCRCTYPE crc = dCRC64 (className);
	dTree<const dNodeInfo*, dCRCTYPE>& dictionary = dNodeInfo::GetSingletonDictionary();
	dictionary.Insert (singleton, crc);