Esempio n. 1
void dMassRotate (dMass *m, const dMatrix3 R)
  // if the body is rotated by `R' relative to its point of reference,
  // the new inertia about the point of reference is:
  //   R * I * R'
  // where I is the old inertia.

  dMatrix3 t1;
  dReal t2[3];

  dAASSERT (m);

  // rotate inertia matrix
  dMultiply2_333 (t1,m->I,R);
  dMultiply0_333 (m->I,R,t1);

  // ensure perfect symmetry
  m->_I(1,0) = m->_I(0,1);
  m->_I(2,0) = m->_I(0,2);
  m->_I(2,1) = m->_I(1,2);

  // rotate center of mass
  dMultiply0_331 (t2,R,m->c);
  m->c[0] = t2[0];
  m->c[1] = t2[1];
  m->c[2] = t2[2];

# ifndef dNODEBUG
  dMassCheck (m);
# endif
Esempio n. 2
void dMassTranslate (dMass *m, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
  // if the body is translated by `a' relative to its point of reference,
  // the new inertia about the point of reference is:
  //   I + mass*(crossmat(c)^2 - crossmat(c+a)^2)
  // where c is the existing center of mass and I is the old inertia.

  int i,j;
  dMatrix3 ahat,chat,t1,t2;
  dReal a[3];

  dAASSERT (m);

  // adjust inertia matrix
  dSetZero (chat,12);
  dSetCrossMatrixPlus (chat,m->c,4);
  a[0] = x + m->c[0];
  a[1] = y + m->c[1];
  a[2] = z + m->c[2];
  dSetZero (ahat,12);
  dSetCrossMatrixPlus (ahat,a,4);
  dMultiply0_333 (t1,ahat,ahat);
  dMultiply0_333 (t2,chat,chat);
  for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=0; j<3; j++)
    m->_I(i,j) += m->mass * (t2[i*4+j]-t1[i*4+j]);

  // ensure perfect symmetry
  m->_I(1,0) = m->_I(0,1);
  m->_I(2,0) = m->_I(0,2);
  m->_I(2,1) = m->_I(1,2);

  // adjust center of mass
  m->c[0] += x;
  m->c[1] += y;
  m->c[2] += z;

# ifndef dNODEBUG
  dMassCheck (m);
# endif
void drawGeom (dGeomID g, const dReal *pos, const dReal *R, int show_aabb)
  if (!g) return;
  if (!pos) pos = dGeomGetPosition (g);
  if (!R) R = dGeomGetRotation (g);

  int type = dGeomGetClass (g);
  if (type == dBoxClass) {
    dVector3 sides;
    dGeomBoxGetLengths (g,sides);
    dsDrawBox (pos,R,sides);
  else if (type == dSphereClass) {
    dsDrawSphere (pos,R,dGeomSphereGetRadius (g));
  else if (type == dCapsuleClass) {
    dReal radius,length;
    dGeomCapsuleGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
    dsDrawCapsule (pos,R,length,radius);
  else if (type == dCylinderClass) {
    dReal radius,length;
    dGeomCylinderGetParams (g,&radius,&length);
    dsDrawCylinder (pos,R,length,radius);

  else if (type == dGeomTransformClass) {
    dGeomID g2 = dGeomTransformGetGeom (g);
    const dReal *pos2 = dGeomGetPosition (g2);
    const dReal *R2 = dGeomGetRotation (g2);
    dVector3 actual_pos;
    dMatrix3 actual_R;
    dMultiply0_331 (actual_pos,R,pos2);
    actual_pos[0] += pos[0];
    actual_pos[1] += pos[1];
    actual_pos[2] += pos[2];
    dMultiply0_333 (actual_R,R,R2);
    drawGeom (g2,actual_pos,actual_R,0);

  if (show_aabb) {
    // draw the bounding box for this geom
    dReal aabb[6];
    dGeomGetAABB (g,aabb);
    dVector3 bbpos;
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) bbpos[i] = 0.5*(aabb[i*2] + aabb[i*2+1]);
    dVector3 bbsides;
    for (int j=0; j<3; j++) bbsides[j] = aabb[j*2+1] - aabb[j*2];
    dMatrix3 RI;
    dRSetIdentity (RI);
    dsSetColorAlpha (1,0,0,0.5);
    dsDrawBox (bbpos,RI,bbsides);
Function to draw a geometry object.
void GOdeObject::drawGeom( dGeomID g, const dReal *position, const dReal *orientation ) const
	if( !g )		//If the geometry object is missing, end the function.

	if( !position )	//Position was not passed?
		position = dGeomGetPosition( g );		//Then, get the geometry position.

	if( !orientation )	//Orientation was not given?
		orientation = dGeomGetRotation( g );	//And get existing geometry orientation.

	int type = dGeomGetClass( g );				//Get the type of geometry.
	if( type == dBoxClass )						//Is it a box?
		dReal sides[3];
		dGeomBoxGetLengths( g, sides );				//Get length of sides.
		renderBox( sides, position, orientation );	//Render the actual box in environment.

	if( type == dSphereClass )					//Is it a sphere?
		dReal radius;
		radius = dGeomSphereGetRadius( g );				//Get the radius.
		renderSphere( radius, position, orientation );	//Render sphere in environment.

	if( type == dCapsuleClass )
		dReal radius;
		dReal length;
		dGeomCapsuleGetParams( g, &radius, &length );	//Get both radius and length.
		renderCapsule( radius, length, position, orientation );	//Render capsule in environment.

	if( type == dGeomTransformClass )					//Is it an embeded geom in a composite body.
		dGeomID g2 = dGeomTransformGetGeom( g );		//Get the actual geometry inside the wrapper.
		const dReal *position2 = dGeomGetPosition( g2 );	//Get position and orientation of wrapped geometry.
		const dReal *orientation2 = dGeomGetRotation( g2 );
		dVector3 actualPosition;						//Real world coordinated position and orientation
		dMatrix3 actualOrientation;						//of the wrapped geometry.
		dMultiply0_331( actualPosition, orientation, position2 );	//Get world coordinates of geometry position.
		actualPosition[0] += position[0];
		actualPosition[1] += position[1];
		actualPosition[2] += position[2];

		dMultiply0_333( actualOrientation, orientation, orientation2 );	//Get world coordinates of geom orientation.

		drawGeom( g2, actualPosition, actualOrientation );	//Draw embeded geometry.
Esempio n. 5
void dxGeom::computePosr()
    // should only be recalced if we need to - ie offset from a body

    dMultiply0_331 (final_posr->pos,body->posr.R,offset_posr->pos);
    final_posr->pos[0] += body->posr.pos[0];
    final_posr->pos[1] += body->posr.pos[1];
    final_posr->pos[2] += body->posr.pos[2];
    dMultiply0_333 (final_posr->R,body->posr.R,offset_posr->R);
Esempio n. 6
void getWorldOffsetPosr(const dxPosR& body_posr, const dxPosR& world_posr, dxPosR& offset_posr)
    dMatrix3 inv_body;
    matrixInvert(body_posr.R, inv_body);

    dMultiply0_333(offset_posr.R, inv_body, world_posr.R);
    dVector3 world_offset;
    world_offset[0] = world_posr.pos[0] - body_posr.pos[0];
    world_offset[1] = world_posr.pos[1] - body_posr.pos[1];
    world_offset[2] = world_posr.pos[2] - body_posr.pos[2];
    dMultiply0_331(offset_posr.pos, inv_body, world_offset);
Esempio n. 7
void getBodyPosr(const dxPosR& offset_posr, const dxPosR& final_posr, dxPosR& body_posr)
    dMatrix3 inv_offset;
    matrixInvert(offset_posr.R, inv_offset);

    dMultiply0_333(body_posr.R, final_posr.R, inv_offset);
    dVector3 world_offset;
    dMultiply0_331(world_offset, body_posr.R, offset_posr.pos);
    body_posr.pos[0] = final_posr.pos[0] - world_offset[0];
    body_posr.pos[1] = final_posr.pos[1] - world_offset[1];
    body_posr.pos[2] = final_posr.pos[2] - world_offset[2];
Esempio n. 8
void testSmallMatrixMultiply()
  dMatrix3 A,B,C,A2;
  dVector3 a,a2,x;

  dMakeRandomMatrix (A,3,3,1.0);
  dMakeRandomMatrix (B,3,3,1.0);
  dMakeRandomMatrix (C,3,3,1.0);
  dMakeRandomMatrix (x,3,1,1.0);

  // dMultiply0_331()
  dMultiply0_331 (a,B,x);
  dMultiply0 (a2,B,x,3,3,1);
  printf ("\t%s (1)\n",(dMaxDifference (a,a2,3,1) > tol) ? "FAILED" :

  // dMultiply1_331()
  dMultiply1_331 (a,B,x);
  dMultiply1 (a2,B,x,3,3,1);
  printf ("\t%s (2)\n",(dMaxDifference (a,a2,3,1) > tol) ? "FAILED" :

  // dMultiply0_133
  dMultiply0_133 (a,x,B);
  dMultiply0 (a2,x,B,1,3,3);
  printf ("\t%s (3)\n",(dMaxDifference (a,a2,1,3) > tol) ? "FAILED" :

  // dMultiply0_333()
  dMultiply0_333 (A,B,C);
  dMultiply0 (A2,B,C,3,3,3);
  printf ("\t%s (4)\n",(dMaxDifference (A,A2,3,3) > tol) ? "FAILED" :

  // dMultiply1_333()
  dMultiply1_333 (A,B,C);
  dMultiply1 (A2,B,C,3,3,3);
  printf ("\t%s (5)\n",(dMaxDifference (A,A2,3,3) > tol) ? "FAILED" :

  // dMultiply2_333()
  dMultiply2_333 (A,B,C);
  dMultiply2 (A2,B,C,3,3,3);
  printf ("\t%s (6)\n",(dMaxDifference (A,A2,3,3) > tol) ? "FAILED" :
Esempio n. 9
int dMassCheck (const dMass *m)
  int i;

  if (m->mass <= 0) {
//    dDEBUGMSG ("mass must be > 0");
    return 0;
  if (!dIsPositiveDefinite (m->I,3,NULL)) {
    dDEBUGMSG ("inertia must be positive definite");
    return 0;

  // verify that the center of mass position is consistent with the mass
  // and inertia matrix. this is done by checking that the inertia around
  // the center of mass is also positive definite. from the comment in
  // dMassTranslate(), if the body is translated so that its center of mass
  // is at the point of reference, then the new inertia is:
  //   I + mass*crossmat(c)^2
  // note that requiring this to be positive definite is exactly equivalent
  // to requiring that the spatial inertia matrix
  //   [ mass*eye(3,3)   M*crossmat(c)^T ]
  //   [ M*crossmat(c)   I               ]
  // is positive definite, given that I is PD and mass>0. see the theorem
  // about partitioned PD matrices for proof.

  dMatrix3 I2,chat;
  dSetZero (chat,12);
  dSetCrossMatrixPlus (chat,m->c,4);
  dMultiply0_333 (I2,chat,chat);
  for (i=0; i<3; i++) I2[i] = m->I[i] + m->mass*I2[i];
  for (i=4; i<7; i++) I2[i] = m->I[i] + m->mass*I2[i];
  for (i=8; i<11; i++) I2[i] = m->I[i] + m->mass*I2[i];
  if (!dIsPositiveDefinite (I2,3,NULL)) {
    dDEBUGMSG ("center of mass inconsistent with mass parameters");
    return 0;
  return 1;
Esempio n. 10
void start()
    world = dWorldCreate();
    dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,-9.8);

    contact_group = dJointGroupCreate(0);

    space = dSimpleSpaceCreate (0);

    // first, the ground plane
    // it has to coincide with the plane we have in drawstuff
    ground = dCreatePlane(space, 0, 0, 1, 0);

    // now a ball
    dMass m;
    dMassSetSphere(&m, 0.1, ball_radius);

    ball1_geom = dCreateSphere(space, ball_radius);
    ball1_body = dBodyCreate(world);
    dGeomSetBody(ball1_geom, ball1_body);
    dBodySetMass(ball1_body, &m);

    ball2_geom = dCreateSphere(space, ball_radius);
    ball2_body = dBodyCreate(world);
    dGeomSetBody(ball2_geom, ball2_body);
    dBodySetMass(ball2_body, &m);

    // tracks made out of boxes
    dGeomID trk;
    dMatrix3 r1, r2, r3;
    dVector3 ro = {0, -(0.5*track_gauge + 0.5*track_width), track_elevation};
    dMatrix3 s1, s2, s3;
    dVector3 so = {0, 0.5*track_gauge + 0.5*track_width, track_elevation};

    dRFromAxisAndAngle(r1, 1, 0, 0,  track_angle);
    dRFromAxisAndAngle(r2, 0, 1, 0, -track_incl);
    dMultiply0_333(r3, r2, r1);

    dRFromAxisAndAngle(s1, 1, 0, 0, -track_angle);
    dRFromAxisAndAngle(s2, 0, 1, 0, -track_incl);
    dMultiply0_333(s3, s2, s1);

    trk = dCreateBox(space, track_len, track_width, track_height);
    dGeomSetPosition(trk, ro[0], ro[1] + balls_sep, ro[2]);
    dGeomSetRotation(trk, r3);

    trk = dCreateBox(space, track_len, track_width, track_height);
    dGeomSetPosition(trk, so[0], so[1] + balls_sep, so[2]);
    dGeomSetRotation(trk, s3);


    // tracks made out of trimesh
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_verts; ++i) {
        dVector3 p;
        dMultiply0_331(p, s3, box_verts[i]);
        dAddVectors3(p, p, so);
        dCopyVector3(track_verts[i], p);
    // trimesh tracks 2, transform all vertices by s3
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_verts; ++i) {
        dVector3 p;
        dMultiply0_331(p, r3, box_verts[i]);
        dAddVectors3(p, p, ro);
        dCopyVector3(track_verts[n_box_verts + i], p);

    // copy face indices
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_faces; ++i)
        for (unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) // each face index
            track_faces[3*i+j] = box_faces[3*i+j];
    for (unsigned i=0; i<n_box_faces; ++i)
        for (unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) // each face index
            track_faces[3*(i + n_box_faces)+j] = box_faces[3*i+j] + n_box_verts;

    mesh_data = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
                                track_verts[0], n_track_verts,
                                track_faces, 3*n_track_faces);
    mesh_geom = dCreateTriMesh(space, mesh_data, 0, 0, 0);


    // initial camera position
    static float xyz[3] = {-5.9414,-0.4804,2.9800};
    static float hpr[3] = {32.5000,-10.0000,0.0000};
    dsSetViewpoint (xyz,hpr);

Esempio n. 11
btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_Cooper(btScalar step) const
#if 0
	dReal h = callContext->m_stepperCallContext->m_stepSize; // Step size
	dVector3 L; // Compute angular momentum
	dMultiply0_331(L, I, b->avel);

	btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia();
	btMatrix3x3 inertiaTensorWorld = getWorldTransform().getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) * getWorldTransform().getBasis().transpose();
	btVector3 L = inertiaTensorWorld*getAngularVelocity();

	btMatrix3x3 Itild(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

#if 0
	for (int ii = 0; ii<12; ++ii) {
		Itild[ii] = Itild[ii] * h + I[ii];

	btSetCrossMatrixMinus(Itild, L*step);
	Itild += inertiaTensorWorld;

#if 0
// Compute a new effective 'inertia tensor'
// for the implicit step: the cross-product 
// matrix of the angular momentum plus the
// old tensor scaled by the timestep.  
// Itild may not be symmetric pos-definite, 
// but we can still use it to compute implicit
// gyroscopic torques.
dMatrix3 Itild = { 0 };
dSetCrossMatrixMinus(Itild, L, 4);
for (int ii = 0; ii<12; ++ii) {
	Itild[ii] = Itild[ii] * h + I[ii];

	L *= step;
	//Itild may not be symmetric pos-definite
	btMatrix3x3 itInv = Itild.inverse();
	Itild =  inertiaTensorWorld * itInv;
	btMatrix3x3 ident(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
	Itild -= ident;


#if 0
// Scale momentum by inverse time to get 
// a sort of "torque"
dScaleVector3(L, dRecip(h));
// Invert the pseudo-tensor
dMatrix3 itInv;
// This is a closed-form inversion.
// It's probably not numerically stable
// when dealing with small masses with
// a large asymmetry.
// An LU decomposition might be better.
if (dInvertMatrix3(itInv, Itild) != 0) {
	// "Divide" the original tensor
	// by the pseudo-tensor (on the right)
	dMultiply0_333(Itild, I, itInv);
	// Subtract an identity matrix
	Itild[0] -= 1; Itild[5] -= 1; Itild[10] -= 1;

	// This new inertia matrix rotates the 
	// momentum to get a new set of torques
	// that will work correctly when applied
	// to the old inertia matrix as explicit
	// torques with a semi-implicit update
	// step.
	dVector3 tau0;
	dMultiply0_331(tau0, Itild, L);

	// Add the gyro torques to the torque 
	// accumulator
	for (int ii = 0; ii<3; ++ii) {
		b->tacc[ii] += tau0[ii];
	btVector3 tau0 = Itild * L;
//	printf("tau0 = %f,%f,%f\n",tau0.x(),tau0.y(),tau0.z());
	return tau0;

btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_Ewert(btScalar step) const
	// use full newton-euler equations.  common practice to drop the wxIw term. want it for better tumbling behavior.
	// calculate using implicit euler step so it's stable.

	const btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia();
	const btVector3 w0 = getAngularVelocity();

	btMatrix3x3 I;

	I = m_worldTransform.getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) *

	// use newtons method to find implicit solution for new angular velocity (w')
	// f(w') = -(T*step + Iw) + Iw' + w' + w'xIw'*step = 0 
	// df/dw' = I + 1xIw'*step + w'xI*step

	btVector3 w1 = w0;

	// one step of newton's method
		const btVector3 fw = evalEulerEqn(w1, w0, btVector3(0, 0, 0), step, I);
		const btMatrix3x3 dfw = evalEulerEqnDeriv(w1, w0, step, I);

		const btMatrix3x3 dfw_inv = dfw.inverse();
		btVector3 dw;

		dw = dfw_inv*fw;

		w1 -= dw;

	btVector3 gf = (w1 - w0);
	return gf;

void btRigidBody::integrateVelocities(btScalar step) 
	if (isStaticOrKinematicObject())

	m_linearVelocity += m_totalForce * (m_inverseMass * step);
	m_angularVelocity += m_invInertiaTensorWorld * m_totalTorque * step;

	/// clamp angular velocity. collision calculations will fail on higher angular velocities	
	btScalar angvel = m_angularVelocity.length();
	if (angvel*step > MAX_ANGVEL)
		m_angularVelocity *= (MAX_ANGVEL/step) /angvel;


btQuaternion btRigidBody::getOrientation() const
		btQuaternion orn;
		return orn;