Esempio n. 1
/* calculates the torque and twist between two DNA segments, given their tangent vectors. Returns
 * the vector with the torque, and also assigns the Tw value with the current value of the twist */
void body_twist_and_torque_nicked_kinkable (t_real *torque, const t_real *R1, const t_real *R2, t_real *Tw, void *p) {
  t_real *gb = (t_real *) p;

  /* calculate the binormal to t2 and t1 */
  T1_x_T2 (torque, R1, R2);

  /* this is the torque: no component along the twist */
  dScaleVector3 (torque, *gb);

  /* assign zero twist */
  *Tw = 0.;
Esempio n. 2
/* calculates the torque and twist between two DNA segments, given their tangent vectors. Returns
 * the vector with the torque, and also assigns the Tw value with the current value of the twist */
void body_twist_and_torque_nicked_harmonic4 (t_real *torque, const t_real *R1, const t_real *R2, t_real *Tw, void *p) {
  t_real theta;
  t_real *par = (t_real *) p;

  /* calculate the binormal to t2 and t1 */
  T1_x_T2 (torque, R1, R2);
  vector_unit (torque);

  /* angle between the tangent vectors */
  theta = theta_angle (R1, R2);

  /* this is the torque: no component along the twist */
  dScaleVector3 (torque, par [0] * theta + par [1] * theta*theta*theta);

  /* assign zero twist */
  *Tw = 0.;
Esempio n. 3
void dxStepBody (dxBody *b, dReal h)
    // cap the angular velocity
    if (b->flags & dxBodyMaxAngularSpeed) {
        const dReal max_ang_speed = b->max_angular_speed;
        const dReal aspeed = dCalcVectorDot3( b->avel, b->avel );
        if (aspeed > max_ang_speed*max_ang_speed) {
            const dReal coef = max_ang_speed/dSqrt(aspeed);
            dScaleVector3(b->avel, coef);
    // end of angular velocity cap

    // handle linear velocity
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++) b->posr.pos[j] += h * b->lvel[j];

    if (b->flags & dxBodyFlagFiniteRotation) {
        dVector3 irv;	// infitesimal rotation vector
        dQuaternion q;	// quaternion for finite rotation

        if (b->flags & dxBodyFlagFiniteRotationAxis) {
            // split the angular velocity vector into a component along the finite
            // rotation axis, and a component orthogonal to it.
            dVector3 frv;		// finite rotation vector
            dReal k = dCalcVectorDot3 (b->finite_rot_axis,b->avel);
            frv[0] = b->finite_rot_axis[0] * k;
            frv[1] = b->finite_rot_axis[1] * k;
            frv[2] = b->finite_rot_axis[2] * k;
            irv[0] = b->avel[0] - frv[0];
            irv[1] = b->avel[1] - frv[1];
            irv[2] = b->avel[2] - frv[2];

            // make a rotation quaternion q that corresponds to frv * h.
            // compare this with the full-finite-rotation case below.
            h *= REAL(0.5);
            dReal theta = k * h;
            q[0] = dCos(theta);
            dReal s = sinc(theta) * h;
            q[1] = frv[0] * s;
            q[2] = frv[1] * s;
            q[3] = frv[2] * s;
        else {
            // make a rotation quaternion q that corresponds to w * h
            dReal wlen = dSqrt (b->avel[0]*b->avel[0] + b->avel[1]*b->avel[1] +
            h *= REAL(0.5);
            dReal theta = wlen * h;
            q[0] = dCos(theta);
            dReal s = sinc(theta) * h;
            q[1] = b->avel[0] * s;
            q[2] = b->avel[1] * s;
            q[3] = b->avel[2] * s;

        // do the finite rotation
        dQuaternion q2;
        dQMultiply0 (q2,q,b->q);
        for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++) b->q[j] = q2[j];

        // do the infitesimal rotation if required
        if (b->flags & dxBodyFlagFiniteRotationAxis) {
            dReal dq[4];
            dWtoDQ (irv,b->q,dq);
            for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++) b->q[j] += h * dq[j];
    else {
        // the normal way - do an infitesimal rotation
        dReal dq[4];
        dWtoDQ (b->avel,b->q,dq);
        for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++) b->q[j] += h * dq[j];

    // normalize the quaternion and convert it to a rotation matrix
    dNormalize4 (b->q);
    dQtoR (b->q,b->posr.R);

    // notify all attached geoms that this body has moved
    dxWorldProcessContext *world_process_context = b->world->UnsafeGetWorldProcessingContext(); 
    for (dxGeom *geom = b->geom; geom; geom = dGeomGetBodyNext (geom)) {
        dGeomMoved (geom);

    // notify the user
    if (b->moved_callback != NULL) {

    // damping
    if (b->flags & dxBodyLinearDamping) {
        const dReal lin_threshold = b->dampingp.linear_threshold;
        const dReal lin_speed = dCalcVectorDot3( b->lvel, b->lvel );
        if ( lin_speed > lin_threshold) {
            const dReal k = 1 - b->dampingp.linear_scale;
            dScaleVector3(b->lvel, k);
    if (b->flags & dxBodyAngularDamping) {
        const dReal ang_threshold = b->dampingp.angular_threshold;
        const dReal ang_speed = dCalcVectorDot3( b->avel, b->avel );
        if ( ang_speed > ang_threshold) {
            const dReal k = 1 - b->dampingp.angular_scale;
            dScaleVector3(b->avel, k);
Esempio n. 4
void CCharEntity::OnStepBefore()
	if (IsCollisionEnabled() && !IsRagdollActive())
		CEnvInfo EnvInfo;
		vector3 Pos = GetTransform().pos_component();
		Pos.y += Height;

		float DistanceToGround;
		if (EnvQueryMgr->GetEnvInfoAt(Pos, EnvInfo, Height + 0.1f, GetUniqueID()))
			DistanceToGround = Pos.y - Height - EnvInfo.WorldHeight;
			GroundMtl = EnvInfo.Material;
			DistanceToGround = FLT_MAX;
			GroundMtl = InvalidMaterial;

		CRigidBody* pMasterBody = Composite->GetMasterBody();
		bool BodyIsEnabled = IsEnabled();
		vector3 AngularVel = pMasterBody->GetAngularVelocity();
		vector3 LinearVel = pMasterBody->GetLinearVelocity();
		vector3 DesiredLVelChange = DesiredLinearVel - LinearVel;

 		if (DistanceToGround <= 0.f)
			// No torques now, angular velocity changes by impulse immediately to desired value
			bool Actuated = DesiredAngularVel != AngularVel.y;
			if (Actuated)
				if (!BodyIsEnabled) SetEnabled(true);
				pMasterBody->SetAngularVelocity(vector3(0.f, DesiredAngularVel, 0.f));

			if (!DesiredLVelChange.isequal(vector3::Zero, 0.0001f))
				if (!Actuated)
					Actuated = true;

				// Vertical movement for non-flying actors is impulse (jump).
				// Since speed if already clamped to actor caps, we save vertical desired velocity as is.
				// Spring force pushes us from below the ground.
				//!!!calc correct impulse for the spring!
				float VerticalDesVelChange = DesiredLVelChange.y - (50.0f * DistanceToGround);

				float Mass = pMasterBody->GetMass();

				//!!!remove calcs for Y, it is zero (optimization)!
				dVector3 ODEForce;
				dWorldImpulseToForce(Level->GetODEWorldID(), dReal(Level->GetStepSize()),
					DesiredLVelChange.x * Mass, 0.f, DesiredLVelChange.z * Mass, ODEForce);
				float SqForceMagnitude = (float)dCalcVectorLengthSquare3(ODEForce);
				if (SqForceMagnitude > 0.f)
					float MaxForceMagnitude = Mass * MaxHorizAccel;
					float SqMaxForceMagnitude = MaxForceMagnitude * MaxForceMagnitude;
					if (SqForceMagnitude > SqMaxForceMagnitude)
						dScaleVector3(ODEForce, MaxForceMagnitude / n_sqrt(SqForceMagnitude));
					dBodyAddForce(pMasterBody->GetODEBodyID(), ODEForce[0], ODEForce[1], ODEForce[2]);
				if (VerticalDesVelChange != 0.f)
					dWorldImpulseToForce(Level->GetODEWorldID(), dReal(Level->GetStepSize()),
						0.f, VerticalDesVelChange * Mass, 0.f, ODEForce);
					dBodyAddForce(pMasterBody->GetODEBodyID(), ODEForce[0], ODEForce[1], ODEForce[2]);

			if (BodyIsEnabled && !Actuated && DistanceToGround > -0.002f)
				const float FreezeThreshold = 0.00001f; //???use TINY?

				bool AVelIsAlmostZero = n_fabs(AngularVel.y) < FreezeThreshold;
				bool LVelIsAlmostZero = n_fabs(LinearVel.x) * (float)Level->GetStepSize() < FreezeThreshold &&
										n_fabs(LinearVel.z) * (float)Level->GetStepSize() < FreezeThreshold;

				if (AVelIsAlmostZero)

				if (LVelIsAlmostZero)

				if (AVelIsAlmostZero && LVelIsAlmostZero) SetEnabled(false);
		//???!!!else (when falling) apply damping?!
	// NOTE: do NOT call the parent class, we don't need any damping
Esempio n. 5
dxJointSlider::getInfo2 ( dxJoint::Info2 *info )
    // Added by OSRF
    // If joint values of erp and cfm are negative, then ignore them.
    // info->erp, info->cfm already have the global values from quickstep
    if (this->erp >= 0)
      info->erp = erp;
    if (this->cfm >= 0)
      info->cfm[0] = cfm;
      info->cfm[1] = cfm;
      info->cfm[2] = cfm;
      info->cfm[3] = cfm;
      info->cfm[4] = cfm;

    int i, s = info->rowskip;
    int s3 = 3 * s, s4 = 4 * s;

    // pull out pos and R for both bodies. also get the `connection'
    // vector pos2-pos1.

    dReal *pos1, *pos2, *R1, *R2;
    dVector3 c;
    c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0;
    pos1 = node[0].body->posr.pos;
    R1 = node[0].body->posr.R;
    if ( node[1].body )
        pos2 = node[1].body->posr.pos;
        R2 = node[1].body->posr.R;
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
            c[i] = pos2[i] - pos1[i];
        pos2 = 0;
        R2 = 0;

    // 3 rows to make body rotations equal
    setFixedOrientation ( this, info, qrel, 0 );

    // remaining two rows. we want: vel2 = vel1 + w1 x c ... but this would
    // result in three equations, so we project along the planespace vectors
    // so that sliding along the slider axis is disregarded. for symmetry we
    // also substitute (w1+w2)/2 for w1, as w1 is supposed to equal w2.

    dVector3 ax1; // joint axis in global coordinates (unit length)
    dVector3 p, q; // plane space of ax1
    dMultiply0_331 ( ax1, R1, axis1 );
    dPlaneSpace ( ax1, p, q );
    if ( node[1].body )
        dVector3 tmp;
        dCalcVectorCross3( tmp, c, p );
        dScaleVector3( tmp, REAL( 0.5 ));
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J1a[s3+i] = tmp[i];
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J2a[s3+i] = tmp[i];
        dCalcVectorCross3( tmp, c, q );
        dScaleVector3( tmp, REAL( 0.5 ));
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J1a[s4+i] = tmp[i];
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J2a[s4+i] = tmp[i];
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J2l[s3+i] = -p[i];
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J2l[s4+i] = -q[i];
    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J1l[s3+i] = p[i];
    for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) info->J1l[s4+i] = q[i];

    // compute last two elements of right hand side. we want to align the offset
    // point (in body 2's frame) with the center of body 1.
    dReal k = info->fps * info->erp;
    if ( node[1].body )
        dVector3 ofs;  // offset point in global coordinates
        dMultiply0_331 ( ofs, R2, offset );
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) c[i] += ofs[i];
        info->c[3] = k * dCalcVectorDot3 ( p, c );
        info->c[4] = k * dCalcVectorDot3 ( q, c );
        dVector3 ofs;  // offset point in global coordinates
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) ofs[i] = offset[i] - pos1[i];
        info->c[3] = k * dCalcVectorDot3 ( p, ofs );
        info->c[4] = k * dCalcVectorDot3 ( q, ofs );

        if ( flags & dJOINT_REVERSE )
            for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) ax1[i] = -ax1[i];

    // if the slider is powered, or has joint limits, add in the extra row
    limot.addLimot ( this, info, 5, ax1, 0 );
void SimpleTrackedVehicleEnvironment::nearCallbackGrouserTerrain(dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2) {
    dBodyID b1 = dGeomGetBody(o1);
    dBodyID b2 = dGeomGetBody(o2);
    if(b1 && b2 && dAreConnectedExcluding(b1, b2, dJointTypeContact)) return;

    // body of the whole vehicle
    dBodyID vehicleBody = ((SimpleTrackedVehicle*)this->v)->vehicleBody;

    unsigned long geom1Categories = dGeomGetCategoryBits(o1);

    // speeds of the belts
    const dReal leftBeltSpeed = ((SimpleTrackedVehicle*)this->v)->leftTrack->getVelocity();
    const dReal rightBeltSpeed = ((SimpleTrackedVehicle*)this->v)->rightTrack->getVelocity();

    dReal beltSpeed = 0; // speed of the belt which is in collision and examined right now
    if (geom1Categories & Category::LEFT) {
        beltSpeed = leftBeltSpeed;
    } else {
        beltSpeed = rightBeltSpeed;

    // the desired linear and angular speeds (set by desired track velocities)
    const dReal linearSpeed = (leftBeltSpeed + rightBeltSpeed) / 2;
    const dReal angularSpeed = (leftBeltSpeed - rightBeltSpeed) * steeringEfficiency / tracksDistance;

    // radius of the turn the robot is doing
    const dReal desiredRotationRadiusSigned = (fabs(angularSpeed) < 0.1) ?
                                                dInfinity : // is driving straight
                                                ((fabs(linearSpeed) < 0.1) ?
                                                    0 : // is rotating about a single point
                                                    linearSpeed / angularSpeed // general movement

    dVector3 yAxisGlobal; // vector pointing from vehicle body center in the direction of +y axis
    dVector3 centerOfRotation; // at infinity if driving straight, so we need to distinguish the case
    { // compute the center of rotation
        dBodyVectorToWorld(vehicleBody, 0, 1, 0, yAxisGlobal);

        dCopyVector3(centerOfRotation, yAxisGlobal);
        // make the unit vector as long as we need (and change orientation if needed; the radius is a signed number)
        dScaleVector3(centerOfRotation, desiredRotationRadiusSigned);

        const dReal *vehicleBodyPos = dBodyGetPosition(vehicleBody);
        dAddVectors3(centerOfRotation, centerOfRotation, vehicleBodyPos);

    int maxContacts = 20;
    dContact contact[maxContacts];
    int numContacts = dCollide(o1, o2, maxContacts, &contact[0].geom, sizeof(dContact));

    for(size_t i = 0; i < numContacts; i++) {
        dVector3 contactInVehiclePos; // position of the contact point relative to vehicle body
        dBodyGetPosRelPoint(vehicleBody, contact[i].geom.pos[0], contact[i].geom.pos[1], contact[i].geom.pos[2], contactInVehiclePos);

        dVector3 beltDirection; // vector tangent to the belt pointing in the belt's movement direction
        dCalcVectorCross3(beltDirection, contact[i].geom.normal, yAxisGlobal);
        if (beltSpeed > 0) {

        if (desiredRotationRadiusSigned != dInfinity) { // non-straight drive

            dVector3 COR2Contact; // vector pointing from the center of rotation to the contact point
            dSubtractVectors3(COR2Contact, contact[i].geom.pos, centerOfRotation);
            // the friction force should be perpendicular to COR2Contact
            dCalcVectorCross3(contact[i].fdir1, contact[i].geom.normal, COR2Contact);

            const dReal linearSpeedSignum = (fabs(linearSpeed) > 0.1) ? sgn(linearSpeed) : 1;

            // contactInVehiclePos[0] > 0 means the contact is in the front part of the track
            if (sgn(angularSpeed) * sgn(dCalcVectorDot3(yAxisGlobal, contact[i].fdir1)) !=
                    sgn(contactInVehiclePos[0]) * linearSpeedSignum) {

        } else { // straight drive

            dCalcVectorCross3(contact[i].fdir1, contact[i].geom.normal, yAxisGlobal);

            if (dCalcVectorDot3(contact[i].fdir1, beltDirection) < 0) {


        // use friction direction and motion1 to simulate the track movement
        contact[i].surface.mode = dContactFDir1 | dContactMotion1 | dContactMu2;
        contact[i] = 0.5;
        contact[i].surface.mu2 = 10;
        // the dot product <beltDirection,fdir1> is the cosine of the angle they form (because both are unit vectors)
        contact[i].surface.motion1 = -dCalcVectorDot3(beltDirection, contact[i].fdir1) * fabs(beltSpeed) * 0.07;

        // friction force visualization
        dMatrix3 forceRotation;
        dVector3 vec;
        dBodyVectorToWorld(vehicleBody, 1, 0, 0, vec);
        dRFrom2Axes(forceRotation, contact[i].fdir1[0], contact[i].fdir1[1], contact[i].fdir1[2], vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
        posr data;
        dCopyVector3(data.pos, contact[i].geom.pos);
        dCopyMatrix4x3(data.R, forceRotation);

        dJointID c = dJointCreateContact(this->world, this->contactGroup, &contact[i]);
        dJointAttach(c, b1, b2);
        if(!isValidCollision(o1, o2, contact[i]))
            this->badCollision = true;
Esempio n. 7
btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_Cooper(btScalar step) const
#if 0
	dReal h = callContext->m_stepperCallContext->m_stepSize; // Step size
	dVector3 L; // Compute angular momentum
	dMultiply0_331(L, I, b->avel);

	btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia();
	btMatrix3x3 inertiaTensorWorld = getWorldTransform().getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) * getWorldTransform().getBasis().transpose();
	btVector3 L = inertiaTensorWorld*getAngularVelocity();

	btMatrix3x3 Itild(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

#if 0
	for (int ii = 0; ii<12; ++ii) {
		Itild[ii] = Itild[ii] * h + I[ii];

	btSetCrossMatrixMinus(Itild, L*step);
	Itild += inertiaTensorWorld;

#if 0
// Compute a new effective 'inertia tensor'
// for the implicit step: the cross-product 
// matrix of the angular momentum plus the
// old tensor scaled by the timestep.  
// Itild may not be symmetric pos-definite, 
// but we can still use it to compute implicit
// gyroscopic torques.
dMatrix3 Itild = { 0 };
dSetCrossMatrixMinus(Itild, L, 4);
for (int ii = 0; ii<12; ++ii) {
	Itild[ii] = Itild[ii] * h + I[ii];

	L *= step;
	//Itild may not be symmetric pos-definite
	btMatrix3x3 itInv = Itild.inverse();
	Itild =  inertiaTensorWorld * itInv;
	btMatrix3x3 ident(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
	Itild -= ident;


#if 0
// Scale momentum by inverse time to get 
// a sort of "torque"
dScaleVector3(L, dRecip(h));
// Invert the pseudo-tensor
dMatrix3 itInv;
// This is a closed-form inversion.
// It's probably not numerically stable
// when dealing with small masses with
// a large asymmetry.
// An LU decomposition might be better.
if (dInvertMatrix3(itInv, Itild) != 0) {
	// "Divide" the original tensor
	// by the pseudo-tensor (on the right)
	dMultiply0_333(Itild, I, itInv);
	// Subtract an identity matrix
	Itild[0] -= 1; Itild[5] -= 1; Itild[10] -= 1;

	// This new inertia matrix rotates the 
	// momentum to get a new set of torques
	// that will work correctly when applied
	// to the old inertia matrix as explicit
	// torques with a semi-implicit update
	// step.
	dVector3 tau0;
	dMultiply0_331(tau0, Itild, L);

	// Add the gyro torques to the torque 
	// accumulator
	for (int ii = 0; ii<3; ++ii) {
		b->tacc[ii] += tau0[ii];
	btVector3 tau0 = Itild * L;
//	printf("tau0 = %f,%f,%f\n",tau0.x(),tau0.y(),tau0.z());
	return tau0;

btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_Ewert(btScalar step) const
	// use full newton-euler equations.  common practice to drop the wxIw term. want it for better tumbling behavior.
	// calculate using implicit euler step so it's stable.

	const btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia();
	const btVector3 w0 = getAngularVelocity();

	btMatrix3x3 I;

	I = m_worldTransform.getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) *

	// use newtons method to find implicit solution for new angular velocity (w')
	// f(w') = -(T*step + Iw) + Iw' + w' + w'xIw'*step = 0 
	// df/dw' = I + 1xIw'*step + w'xI*step

	btVector3 w1 = w0;

	// one step of newton's method
		const btVector3 fw = evalEulerEqn(w1, w0, btVector3(0, 0, 0), step, I);
		const btMatrix3x3 dfw = evalEulerEqnDeriv(w1, w0, step, I);

		const btMatrix3x3 dfw_inv = dfw.inverse();
		btVector3 dw;

		dw = dfw_inv*fw;

		w1 -= dw;

	btVector3 gf = (w1 - w0);
	return gf;

void btRigidBody::integrateVelocities(btScalar step) 
	if (isStaticOrKinematicObject())

	m_linearVelocity += m_totalForce * (m_inverseMass * step);
	m_angularVelocity += m_invInertiaTensorWorld * m_totalTorque * step;

	/// clamp angular velocity. collision calculations will fail on higher angular velocities	
	btScalar angvel = m_angularVelocity.length();
	if (angvel*step > MAX_ANGVEL)
		m_angularVelocity *= (MAX_ANGVEL/step) /angvel;


btQuaternion btRigidBody::getOrientation() const
		btQuaternion orn;
		return orn;