void CustomVehicleControllerComponentTrackSkidSteering::Update (dFloat timestep)
	// get the vehicle body state and the angular velocity along its up vector
	const CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateChassis& state = m_controller->m_chassisState;
	dFloat omega = state.m_omega % state.m_matrix[1]; 

	dFloat omegaSign = dSign(omega);
	dFloat torque = m_steeringTorque * m_param - omega * omega * omegaSign * m_differencialTurnRate;

//	dTrace (("%f %f\n", torque, omega));
	for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire*>::dListNode* node = m_steeringTires.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
		CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire& tire = *node->GetInfo();
		const dMatrix& tireMatrix = tire.GetMatrix();
		const dMatrix& tireLocalMatrix = tire.GetLocalMatrix();
		dFloat torqueSign = -dSign (tireLocalMatrix[0] % tireLocalMatrix[3]);
		tire.SetTorque (tire.GetTorque () + tireMatrix[0].Scale (torque * torqueSign));
void CustomUniversalActuator::SubmitConstraints (dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
	CustomUniversal::SubmitConstraints (timestep, threadIndex);

	if (m_flag0 | m_flag1){
		dMatrix matrix0;
		dMatrix matrix1;

		CalculateGlobalMatrix (matrix0, matrix1);
		if (m_flag0) {
			dFloat jointAngle = GetJointAngle_0();
			dFloat relAngle = jointAngle - m_angle0;
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow (m_joint, -relAngle, &matrix0.m_front[0]);
			dFloat step = m_angularRate0 * timestep;
			if (dAbs (relAngle) > 2.0f * dAbs (step)) {
				dFloat desiredSpeed = dSign(relAngle) * m_angularRate0;
				dFloat currentSpeed = GetJointOmega_0 ();
				dFloat accel = (desiredSpeed - currentSpeed) / timestep;
				NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration (m_joint, accel);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction (m_joint, -m_maxForce0);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction (m_joint,  m_maxForce0);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness (m_joint, 1.0f);

		if (m_flag1) {
			dFloat jointAngle = GetJointAngle_1();
			dFloat relAngle = jointAngle - m_angle1;
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow (m_joint, -relAngle, &matrix1.m_up[0]);
			dFloat step = m_angularRate1 * timestep;
			if (dAbs (relAngle) > 2.0f * dAbs (step)) {
				dFloat desiredSpeed = dSign(relAngle) * m_angularRate1;
				dFloat currentSpeed = GetJointOmega_1 ();
				dFloat accel = (desiredSpeed - currentSpeed) / timestep;
				NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration (m_joint, accel);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction (m_joint, -m_maxForce1);
            NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction (m_joint,  m_maxForce1);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness (m_joint, 1.0f);
void dCustomHingeActuator::SubmitConstraintsFreeDof (dFloat timestep, const dMatrix& matrix0, const dMatrix& matrix1)
	if (m_actuatorFlag) {
		dFloat jointangle = GetActuatorAngle();
		dFloat relAngle = jointangle - m_angle;
		dFloat currentSpeed = GetJointOmega();
		dFloat step = dFloat(2.0f) * m_angularRate * timestep;
		dFloat desiredSpeed = (dAbs(relAngle) > dAbs(step)) ? -dSign(relAngle) * m_angularRate : -dFloat(0.1f) * relAngle / timestep;
		dFloat accel = (desiredSpeed - currentSpeed) / timestep;
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, relAngle, &matrix0.m_front[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(m_joint, accel);
        NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction (m_joint, -m_maxForce);
        NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction (m_joint,  m_maxForce);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness (m_joint, 1.0f);
	} else {
		dCustomHinge::SubmitConstraintsFreeDof (timestep, matrix0, matrix1);
void CustomVehicleControllerComponentSteering::Update (dFloat timestep)
	dFloat angle = m_maxAngle * m_param;
	if ((m_akermanWheelBaseWidth == 0.0f) || (dAbs (angle) < (2.0f * 3.141592f / 180.0f))) {
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire*>::dListNode* node = m_steeringTires.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire& tire = *node->GetInfo();
			tire.m_steeringAngle = angle;
	} else {
		dAssert (dAbs (angle) >= (2.0f * 3.141592f / 180.0f));
		dFloat posit = m_akermanAxelSeparation / dTan (dAbs (angle));
		dFloat sign = dSign (angle);
		dFloat leftAngle = sign * dAtan2 (m_akermanAxelSeparation, posit + m_akermanWheelBaseWidth);
		dFloat righAngle = sign * dAtan2 (m_akermanAxelSeparation, posit - m_akermanWheelBaseWidth);
		for (dList<CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire*>::dListNode* node = m_steeringTires.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {		
			CustomVehicleControllerBodyStateTire& tire = *node->GetInfo();
			tire.m_steeringAngle = (sign * tire.m_locationSign > 0.0f) ? leftAngle: righAngle;
Esempio n. 5
//dVector dMatrix::GetEulerAngles (dEulerAngleOrder order) const
void dMatrix::GetEulerAngles (dVector & euler0, dVector & euler1, dEulerAngleOrder order) const
   int a0 = (order >> 8) & 3;
   int a1 = (order >> 4) & 3;
   int a2 = (order >> 0) & 3;
   const dMatrix & matrix = *this;
   // Assuming the angles are in radians.
   if (matrix[a0][a2] > 0.99995f)
      dFloat picth0 = 0.0f;
      dFloat yaw0 = -3.141592f * 0.5f;
      dFloat roll0 = - dAtan2 (matrix[a2][a1], matrix[a1][a1]);
      euler0[a0] = picth0;
      euler0[a1] = yaw0;
      euler0[a2] = roll0;
      euler1[a0] = picth0;
      euler1[a1] = yaw0;
      euler1[a2] = roll0;
      if (matrix[a0][a2] < -0.99995f)
         dFloat picth0 = 0.0f;
         dFloat yaw0 = 3.141592f * 0.5f;
         dFloat roll0 = dAtan2 (matrix[a2][a1], matrix[a1][a1]);
         euler0[a0] = picth0;
         euler0[a1] = yaw0;
         euler0[a2] = roll0;
         euler1[a0] = picth0;
         euler1[a1] = yaw0;
         euler1[a2] = roll0;
         //euler[a0] = -dAtan2(-matrix[a1][a2], matrix[a2][a2]);
         //euler[a1] = -dAsin ( matrix[a0][a2]);
         //euler[a2] = -dAtan2(-matrix[a0][a1], matrix[a0][a0]);
         dFloat yaw0 = -dAsin ( matrix[a0][a2]);
         dFloat yaw1 = 3.141592f - yaw0;
         dFloat sign0 = dSign (dCos (yaw0));
         dFloat sign1 = dSign (dCos (yaw1));
         dFloat picth0 = dAtan2 (matrix[a1][a2] * sign0, matrix[a2][a2] * sign0);
         dFloat picth1 = dAtan2 (matrix[a1][a2] * sign1, matrix[a2][a2] * sign1);
         dFloat roll0 = dAtan2 (matrix[a0][a1] * sign0, matrix[a0][a0] * sign0);
         dFloat roll1 = dAtan2 (matrix[a0][a1] * sign1, matrix[a0][a0] * sign1);
         if (yaw1 > 3.141592f)
            yaw1 -= 2.0f * 3.141592f;
         euler0[a0] = picth0;
         euler0[a1] = yaw0;
         euler0[a2] = roll0;
         euler1[a0] = picth1;
         euler1[a1] = yaw1;
         euler1[a2] = roll1;
   euler0[3] = dFloat (0.0f);
   euler1[3] = dFloat (0.0f);
#ifdef _DEBUG
   if (order == m_pitchYawRoll)
      dMatrix m0 (dPitchMatrix (euler0[0]) * dYawMatrix (euler0[1]) * dRollMatrix (euler0[2]));
      dMatrix m1 (dPitchMatrix (euler1[0]) * dYawMatrix (euler1[1]) * dRollMatrix (euler1[2]));
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ++)
            dFloat error = dAbs (m0[i][j] - matrix[i][j]);
            dAssert (error < 5.0e-2f);
            error = dAbs (m1[i][j] - matrix[i][j]);
            dAssert (error < 5.0e-2f);
void CustomControlledBallAndSocket::SubmitConstraints (dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
	dMatrix matrix0;
	dMatrix matrix1;

	// calculate the position of the pivot point and the Jacobian direction vectors, in global space. 
	CalculateGlobalMatrix (matrix0, matrix1);

	// Restrict the movement on the pivot point along all tree orthonormal direction
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &matrix0.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_front[0]);
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &matrix0.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_up[0]);
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow (m_joint, &matrix0.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_right[0]);

#if 0
	dVector euler0;
	dVector euler1;
	dMatrix localMatrix (matrix0 * matrix1.Inverse());
	localMatrix.GetEulerAngles(euler0, euler1);

	AngularIntegration pitchStep0 (AngularIntegration (euler0.m_x) - m_pitch);
	AngularIntegration pitchStep1 (AngularIntegration (euler1.m_x) - m_pitch);
	if (dAbs (pitchStep0.GetAngle()) > dAbs (pitchStep1.GetAngle())) {
		euler0 = euler1;
	dVector euler (m_pitch.Update (euler0.m_x), m_yaw.Update (euler0.m_y), m_roll.Update (euler0.m_z), 0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
		dFloat error = m_targetAngles[i] - euler[i];
		if (dAbs (error) > (0.125f * 3.14159213f / 180.0f) ) {
			dFloat angularStep = dSign(error) * m_angulaSpeed * timestep;
			if (angularStep > 0.0f) {
				if (angularStep > error) {
					angularStep = error * 0.5f;
			} else {
				if (angularStep < error) {
					angularStep = error * 0.5f;
			euler[i] = euler[i] + angularStep;
	dMatrix p0y0r0 (dPitchMatrix(euler[0]) * dYawMatrix(euler[1]) * dRollMatrix(euler[2]));
	dMatrix baseMatrix (p0y0r0 * matrix1);
	dMatrix rotation (matrix0.Inverse() * baseMatrix);

	dQuaternion quat (rotation);
	if (quat.m_q0 > dFloat (0.99995f)) {
		dVector euler0;
		dVector euler1;
		rotation.GetEulerAngles(euler0, euler1);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, euler0[0], &rotation[0][0]);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, euler0[1], &rotation[1][0]);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, euler0[2], &rotation[2][0]);
	} else {
		dMatrix basis (dGrammSchmidt (dVector (quat.m_q1, quat.m_q2, quat.m_q3, 0.0f)));
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow (m_joint, 2.0f * dAcos (quat.m_q0), &basis[0][0]);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow (m_joint, 0.0f, &basis[1][0]); 
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow (m_joint, 0.0f, &basis[2][0]); 

	matrix1 = m_targetRotation * matrix1;

	dQuaternion localRotation(matrix1 * matrix0.Inverse());
	if (localRotation.DotProduct(m_targetRotation) < 0.0f) {

	dFloat angle = 2.0f * dAcos(localRotation.m_q0);
	dFloat angleStep = m_angulaSpeed * timestep;
	if (angleStep < angle) {
		dVector axis(dVector(localRotation.m_q1, localRotation.m_q2, localRotation.m_q3, 0.0f));
		axis = axis.Scale(1.0f / dSqrt(axis % axis));
//		localRotation = dQuaternion(axis, angleStep);

	dVector axis (matrix1.m_front * matrix1.m_front);
	dVector axis1 (matrix1.m_front * matrix1.m_front);
//dFloat sinAngle;
//dFloat cosAngle;
//CalculatePitchAngle (matrix0, matrix1, sinAngle, cosAngle);
//float xxxx = dAtan2(sinAngle, cosAngle);
//float xxxx1 = dAtan2(sinAngle, cosAngle);

	dQuaternion quat(localRotation);
	if (quat.m_q0 > dFloat(0.99995f)) {
//		dAssert (0);
		dVector euler0;
		dVector euler1;
		rotation.GetEulerAngles(euler0, euler1);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, euler0[0], &rotation[0][0]);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, euler0[1], &rotation[1][0]);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, euler0[2], &rotation[2][0]);
	} else {
		dMatrix basis(dGrammSchmidt(dVector(quat.m_q1, quat.m_q2, quat.m_q3, 0.0f)));
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, -2.0f * dAcos(quat.m_q0), &basis[0][0]);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &basis[1][0]);
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(m_joint, 0.0f, &basis[2][0]);

Esempio n. 7
void MSNewton::Servo::submit_constraints(const NewtonJoint* joint, dgFloat32 timestep, int thread_index) {
	JointData* joint_data = (JointData*)NewtonJointGetUserData(joint);
	ServoData* cj_data = (ServoData*)joint_data->cj_data;

	// Calculate position of pivot points and Jacobian direction vectors in global space.
	dMatrix matrix0, matrix1, matrix2;
	MSNewton::Joint::c_calculate_global_matrix(joint_data, matrix0, matrix1, matrix2);

	// Calculate angle, omega, and acceleration.
	dFloat last_angle = cj_data->ai->get_angle();
	dFloat last_omega = cj_data->cur_omega;
	dFloat sin_angle;
	dFloat cos_angle;
	Joint::c_calculate_angle(matrix1.m_front, matrix0.m_front, matrix0.m_right, sin_angle, cos_angle);
	cj_data->ai->update(cos_angle, sin_angle);
	cj_data->cur_omega = (cj_data->ai->get_angle() - last_angle) / timestep;
	cj_data->cur_accel = (cj_data->cur_omega - last_omega) / timestep;
	dFloat cur_angle = cj_data->ai->get_angle();

	// Restrict movement on the pivot point along all tree orthonormal directions.
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &matrix0.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_posit[0], &matrix0.m_front[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &matrix0.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_posit[0], &matrix0.m_up[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &matrix0.m_posit[0], &matrix1.m_posit[0], &matrix0.m_right[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::LINEAR_STIFF, Joint::LINEAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	// Add two rows to restrict rotation around the the axis perpendicular to the rotation axis.
	/*NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, Joint::c_calculate_angle(matrix0.m_right, matrix1.m_right, matrix0.m_front), &matrix0.m_front[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::ANGULAR_STIFF, Joint::ANGULAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, Joint::c_calculate_angle(matrix0.m_right, matrix1.m_right, matrix0.m_up), &matrix0.m_up[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::ANGULAR_STIFF, Joint::ANGULAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);*/

	// Add two more rows to achieve a more robust angular constraint.
	// Get a point along the pin axis at some reasonable large distance from the pivot.
	dVector q0(matrix0.m_posit + matrix0.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));
	dVector q1(matrix1.m_posit + matrix1.m_right.Scale(MIN_JOINT_PIN_LENGTH));

	// Add two constraints row perpendicular to the pin vector.
	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &q0[0], &q1[0], &matrix1.m_front[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::ANGULAR_STIFF, Joint::ANGULAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	NewtonUserJointAddLinearRow(joint, &q0[0], &q1[0], &matrix1.m_up[0]);
	if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::ANGULAR_STIFF, Joint::ANGULAR_DAMP);
	else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
		NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
	NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);

	// Add limits and friction
	if (cj_data->limits_enabled == true && cur_angle < cj_data->min - Joint::ANGULAR_LIMIT_EPSILON) {
		dFloat rel_angle = cj_data->min - cur_angle;
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, rel_angle, &matrix0.m_right[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(joint, 0.0f);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::ANGULAR_STIFF, Joint::ANGULAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
	else if (cj_data->limits_enabled == true && cur_angle > cj_data->max + Joint::ANGULAR_LIMIT_EPSILON) {
		dFloat rel_angle = cj_data->max - cur_angle;
		NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, rel_angle, &matrix0.m_right[0]);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(joint, 0.0f);
		if (joint_data->ctype == CT_FLEXIBLE)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowSpringDamperAcceleration(joint, Joint::ANGULAR_STIFF, Joint::ANGULAR_DAMP);
		else if (joint_data->ctype == CT_ROBUST)
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, NewtonUserCalculateRowZeroAccelaration(joint));
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);
	else {
		if (cj_data->controller_enabled) {
			// Get relative angular velocity
			dVector omega0(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			dVector omega1(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			NewtonBodyGetOmega(joint_data->child, &omega0[0]);
			if (joint_data->parent != nullptr)
				NewtonBodyGetOmega(joint_data->parent, &omega1[0]);
			dFloat rel_omega = (omega0 - omega1) % matrix1.m_right;
			// Calculate relative angle
			dFloat desired_angle = cj_data->limits_enabled ? Util::clamp(cj_data->controller, cj_data->min, cj_data->max) : cj_data->controller;
			dFloat rel_angle = desired_angle - cur_angle;
			dFloat arel_angle = dAbs(rel_angle);
			// Calculate desired accel
			dFloat mar = cj_data->rate * cj_data->reduction_ratio;
			dFloat ratio = (cj_data->rate > EPSILON && cj_data->reduction_ratio > EPSILON && arel_angle < mar) ? arel_angle / mar : 1.0f;
			dFloat step = cj_data->rate * ratio * dSign(rel_angle) * timestep;
			if (dAbs(step) > arel_angle) step = rel_angle;
			dFloat desired_omega = step / timestep;
			dFloat desired_accel = (desired_omega - rel_omega) / timestep;
			// Add angular row
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, step, &matrix0.m_right[0]);
			// Apply acceleration
			NewtonUserJointSetRowAcceleration(joint, desired_accel);
		else {
			// Add angular row
			NewtonUserJointAddAngularRow(joint, 0.0f, &matrix1.m_right[0]);
		if (cj_data->power == 0.0f) {
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(joint, -Joint::CUSTOM_LARGE_VALUE);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(joint, Joint::CUSTOM_LARGE_VALUE);
		else {
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMinimumFriction(joint, -cj_data->power);
			NewtonUserJointSetRowMaximumFriction(joint, cj_data->power);
		NewtonUserJointSetRowStiffness(joint, joint_data->stiffness);