int main() { bptree_node* root = NULL; int i, search_test,insert_test; search_test = 1 << 10; insert_test = 1 << 10; for (i = 1;i <= insert_test;++i) { root = d_insert(root,i,i); //d_search(root,i-1); } for (i = 1;i <= insert_test / 3; ++i) { delete_bptree_node(root,i); } for (i = 1;i <= search_test;++i) { d_search(root,i); } puts(""); return 0; }
main() { d_list_item* head; d_list_item* search_r; char sendr[10], rcvr[10], msg[30]; strcpy(sendr,""); packet pcket; head = d_create_list(); printf("\nEnter sender: "); fgets(sendr,10,stdin); printf("\nEnter receiver: "); gets(pcket.receiver); printf("\nEnter message: "); gets(pcket.message); strcpy(pcket.sender,sendr); d_add_item(head,pcket); strcpy(sendr,""); printf("\nEnter sender: "); fgets(sendr,10,stdin); printf("\nEnter receiver: "); gets(pcket.receiver); printf("\nEnter message: "); gets(pcket.message); strcpy(pcket.sender,sendr); d_add_item(head,pcket); strcpy(sendr,""); d_print_all(head); printf("\n++++++++++++Search+++++++"); printf("\nEnter sender: "); fgets(sendr,10,stdin); search_r = d_search(head, 's', sendr); if (!(search_r == 0)) { printf("\nReceiver: %s",search_r->pckt.receiver); } else printf("\nSorry, no results\n"); }
FUNCTION CODE hard_help ( struct SFILE *fctx, /* In: file context block for opened file */ TEXT curlib[], /* In: library name of opened file */ TEXT procname[], /* In: proc name for LHS of help display */ TEXT outname[], /* In: name of output file */ struct HELPBLK *helpblk /* out: help output control block */ ) { IMPORT struct VARIABLE *char_gbl; /* system characteristics */ struct DIRBLK dirblk; /* directive control block */ struct TXTSTOR title; /* context for dynamically stored title text */ struct SFILE f; struct POSCTX saved_pos; struct POSCTX level2_pos; BOOL has_level2; TEXT str[STRINGSIZ+1]; CODE code; TEXT field[STRINGSIZ+1]; /* text field after a directive */ TEXT name[STRINGSIZ+1]; TEXT key[KEYSIZ+1]; TEXT msg[STRINGSIZ+1]; /* If no output name was given, */ if (NULLSTR(outname)) /* use pdf or command name */ { f_name(procname, outname); s_append(".MEM", outname); /* procname.MEM for output */ } /* note -- SAVELUN is safe because |save| qual is not allowed for this command */ code = f_ophf(&f, SAVELUN, outname, F_WRITE); /* open output file */ if (code != SUCCESS) { sprintf(msg, "Error opening output, host code = %d", f.host_code); store_help_error(helpblk, msg, "TAE-OPNWRT"); return(FAIL); } d_init(&dirblk, fctx, curlib, (TEXT **)(*char_gbl).v_cvp, (*char_gbl).v_count); /* init directive block */ if ((*helpblk).compiled) /* if PDF is compiled */ { if ((code = prep_c_help(&dirblk, &title, msg, key)) != SUCCESS) /* prepare*/ goto put_error; str[0] = EOS; } else /* PDF is not compiled */ { code = d_dirctv(&dirblk, str, field); if (s_equal(str, ".TITLE")) { /* read the title into dynamic store */ if ((code = gettitle(&dirblk, &title, msg, key))!= SUCCESS) goto put_error; code = d_dirctv(&dirblk, str, field); } else /* no title */ { title.numline = 0; } } code = put_title(&f, &title, msg, key); /* start filling output file */ if (code != SUCCESS) goto put_error; if ( != NULL) fretxt(&title); /* free the dyamically-stored title */ /* str should contain .HELP directive now. If not, find it */ if (! s_equal( str, ".HELP")) { code = d_search(&dirblk, ".HELP", field); if (code != SUCCESS) { store_help_error(helpblk, "No help available on '%s'.", "TAE-NOHELP"); return (FAIL); } } code = put_text_block(&f, &dirblk, msg, key); /* output general help */ if (code != SUCCESS) goto put_error; code = d_search(&dirblk, ".LEVEL1", field); if (code != SUCCESS) /* if there is no level1 help then */ goto return_success; /* assume we are done and exit */ f_movpos(CURRENT_POS, &saved_pos); /* save position in input */ code = d_search(&dirblk, ".LEVEL2", field); /* find detailed help */ has_level2 = (code == SUCCESS); if (has_level2) /* if detailed help exists, */ f_movpos(CURRENT_POS, &level2_pos); /* save the position in file */ f_setpos(dirblk.sfileptr, &saved_pos); /* reset position to curr pos */ code = d_dirctv(&dirblk, str, name); /* gives str=".TITLE" */ while (1) { code = d_dirctv(&dirblk, str, name); if (code != SUCCESS) /* if no more directives, we */ break; /* are done */ if (s_equal(str, ".END") || s_equal(str, ".LEVEL2")) /* done */ break; code = put_header(&f, &dirblk, str, name, msg, key); if (code != SUCCESS) goto put_error; if (has_level2) code = put_level2_text(&f, &dirblk, &level2_pos, str, name, msg, key); if (code != SUCCESS) goto put_error; } return_success: f_close(&f, F_KEEP); s_lower(outname); sprintf(msg, "Wrote file \"%s\".", outname); put_stdout(msg); return (SUCCESS); put_error: store_help_error(helpblk, msg, key); return (FAIL); }