Esempio n. 1
x11_fplot(const XDpy * dpy, XAnim * anim, XFall * fall,
	color_t * pal, uint pal_len,
	int x, int y, uint w, uint h,
	double *xdat, double *ydat, uint l,
	double samp_rate,
	const char *xtitle, const char *ytitle,
	const char *fx_title, const char *fy_title,
	int is_log,
	box2d * taxx, box2d * faxx, uint axxhint)
  int x1, y1, w1, h1;
  int x2, y2, w2, h2;
  int x3, y3, w3, h3;

  w1 = w;
  w2 = w;
  w3 = w;

  h1 = h / 3;
  h2 = h / 3;
  h3 = h - h1 - h2;

  x1 = x;
  x2 = x;
  x3 = x;

  y1 = y;
  y2 = y + h1;
  y3 = y + 2 * h1;

  if (taxx) {
    double xmin, xmax;
    double ymin, ymax;

    /* get extremes and spans */
    darray_extremes(xdat, l, &xmin, &xmax);
    darray_extremes(ydat, l, &ymin, &ymax);

    if (axxhint == 0) {
      box2d_set(taxx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
    } else {
      /* extend it */
      taxx->l.x = MIN2(taxx->l.x, xmin);
      taxx->l.y = MIN2(taxx->l.y, ymin);
      taxx->u.x = MAX2(taxx->u.x, xmax);
      taxx->u.y = MAX2(taxx->u.y, ymax);

    x11_plot(dpy, anim, x1, y1, w1, h1, xdat, ydat, l,
	   taxx->l.x, taxx->u.x,
	   taxx->l.y, taxx->u.y,
	   xtitle, ytitle);
  } else {
    x11_plot_autoaxis(dpy, anim, x1, y1, w1, h1, xdat, ydat, l,
		    xtitle, ytitle);

  double *xi = darray_calloc(l);	/* zeros */
  double *tre = darray_malloc(l);	/* real part of time domain data */
  double *tim = darray_malloc(l);	/* imag part of time domain data */
  double *abs = darray_malloc(l);

  uint lo2 = l / 2;
  double *fscale = darray_malloc(lo2);
  darray_ramp(fscale, lo2, 0, samp_rate / 2 / lo2);

  double *ydat_f = darray_malloc(l);

  uint i;

  /* windowing filter */
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    ydat_f[i] = ydat[i] * double_blackman(i, l);

  if (IS_BINPOW(l)) {		/* only if length is a power of two */
    /* can we perform an FFT */
    darray_FFT(tre, tim, ydat_f, xi, l);
    darray_eud2D(abs, tre, tim, l);
    if (is_log) {
      uint i;
      for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
	abs[i] = log10(abs[i]);

    if (faxx) {
      double xmin, xmax;
      double ymin, ymax;

      /* get extremes and spans */
      darray_extremes(fscale, lo2, &xmin, &xmax);
      darray_extremes(abs, l, &ymin, &ymax);

      if (axxhint == 0) {
	box2d_set(faxx, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
      } else {
	/* extend it */
	faxx->l.x = MIN2(faxx->l.x, xmin);
	faxx->l.y = MIN2(faxx->l.y, ymin);
	faxx->u.x = MAX2(faxx->u.x, xmax);
	faxx->u.y = MAX2(faxx->u.y, ymax);

      x11_plot(dpy, anim,
	     x2, y2, w2, h2, fscale, abs, lo2,
	     faxx->l.x, faxx->u.x,
	     faxx->l.y, faxx->u.y,
	     fx_title, fy_title);
    } else {
      x11_plot_autoaxis(dpy, anim,
		      x2, y2, w2, h2, fscale, abs, lo2,
		      fx_title, fy_title);

    double ymin, ymax;
    darray_extremes(abs, l, &ymin, &ymax);
    double yspan = ymax - ymin;
    color_t * cols = (color_t*)malloc(lo2 * sizeof(color_t));
    /* Waterfall */
    for (i = 0; i < lo2; i++) {
      uint val =
		   (uint)((abs[i] - ymin) / yspan * (pal_len - 1)),
		   pal_len - 1);
      cols[i] = pal[val];
    x11_appFall(dpy, anim, fall, cols, lo2);
    x11_dWFall(dpy, anim, fall, x3, y3);

  } else {
    leprintf("%s: n=%u is not a power of two. Returning.\n", __FUNCTION__, l);

Esempio n. 2
int main()
        struct body_s *bod, *out;
        struct buf_s *buf;
        int n = 0,i=0;
        ssize_t len = 0;
        uint16_t cmdid = 0;
        int32_t num=-16;
        struct darray_s *da;
        struct head_s *head;
        bod = (struct body_s*)calloc(PACKET_SIZE, sizeof(struct body_s));
        out = (struct body_s*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct body_s));

        printf("boy size:%d\n", sizeof(struct body_s));
        printf("num:%lld, zigzag:%lld\n", (int64_t)num, zigzag((int64_t)num));

        head = (struct head_s*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct head_s)); 
        if (head == NULL) return 0;
        head->cmdid = 0xF001;
        head->seq = 0x10001;
        head->uid = 0x1000;
        head->aid = 0x0001;

        buf = buf_calloc(1024);
        len = enpacket(head, (u_char*)NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, buf);
        printf("packet buf:%p, len:%d\n", buf->buf_pos, (int)buf->buf_len); 
        hexdump((u_char *)buf->buf_pos, buf->buf_len);        
        memset(head, 0, sizeof(struct head_s));
        len = dehead(buf, head);
        if (len==-1) {
                printf("errno:%d, errstr:%s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
        printf("cmdid:%x\n", head->cmdid); 
        switch (head->cmdid){
        case 0xF001:
                //out->a17 = (u_char*)calloc(1,10);
                da = darray_calloc(1, sizeof(*bod));
                if (depacket_da(buf, NULL, 0, da) == -1)
                        perror("ERR DEBODY\n");

                printf("da used %d\n",da->da_used);
                body_handler(head, (struct body_s*)da->da_values);



Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        FILE *fd, *fdw;
        char *orgbuf,*buf, *p, *ptr, *tt;
        int size, n, j;
        struct darray_s *darr, *darr_line; 
        struct darray_s **item;
	char filename[50], outfile[50];

        if (argc < 2) {
                printf("format error: csv2json {filename}\n");
        strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
        strcpy(outfile, argv[1]);
        strcat(outfile, ".json");

        printf("filename:%s, outfile:%s\n", filename, outfile);

        fd = fopen(filename, "r+");
        if (fd == NULL) {
                perror("open input file err");        
        //fdw = fopen(strcat(argv[1],".json"), "w");
        fdw = fopen(outfile, "w");
        if (fdw == NULL) {
                perror("open write file err");        
/*   load data into dynamic array  */
        orgbuf = buf = (char*)calloc(1, LINE);
        darr = (u_char *)darray_calloc(linecount_fd(fd), sizeof(buf));

        while (fgets(buf, LINE, fd)) {
        //        printf("buf:%s\n", buf);
                darr_line = darray_calloc(strcount(buf, ',')+1, LINE);
                //printf("%p\n", darr_line);

                tt = darray_pushback(darr);
                //printf("1 values: %p\n", tt);
                memcpy(tt, &darr_line, sizeof(darr_line));
                while (p = strchr(buf, ',')) {
                        size = p-buf;
                        ptr = darray_pushback(darr_line); 
                        //printf("2 buf:%s, size:%d, ptr:%p\n", buf, size, ptr);
                        strncpy(ptr, buf, size);
                        buf = p+1;

                ptr = darray_pushback(darr_line); 
                size = strlen(buf);
                //printf("2 buf:%s, size:%d, ptr:%p\n", buf, size, ptr);
                strncpy(ptr, buf, size);

                buf = orgbuf;
                memset(buf, 0, LINE);

/*      write json file */
        item = darr->da_values;
        if (darray_count(darr) > 3) fprintf(fdw, "[");
        for (n=3; n<darray_count(darr); n++) {                
                fprintf(fdw, "{");
                for (j=0; j<darray_count(*item); j++) {

                        //printf("tt:%s\n", item[1]->da_values+j*item[1]->da_size);
                        if (strcmp(item[1]->da_values+j*item[1]->da_size, "0") == 0)
                                fprintf(fdw, "\"%s\":\"%s\"", item[0]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size, item[n]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size);
                        else if (strcmp(item[1]->da_values+j*item[1]->da_size, "2") == 0) {
                                fprintf(fdw, "\"%s\":\"%s\"", item[0]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size, item[n]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size);
                                char tt[1024];
                                memset(tt, 0, 1024);
                                printf("len:%d\n",  strlen(*(item[n]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size)));
                                memcpy(tt, item[n]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size+1, strlen(item[n]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size)-2);
                                fprintf(fdw, "\"%s\":%s", item[0]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size, item[n]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size);
                        } else if (strcmp(item[1]->da_values+j*item[1]->da_size, "1") == 0)
                                fprintf(fdw, "\"%s\":%d", item[0]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size, atoi(item[n]->da_values+j*item[n]->da_size));
                                printf("data tyep err.");

                        if (j<darray_count(*item)-1)
                                fprintf(fdw, ", ");
                if (n < darray_count(darr)-1)
                        fprintf(fdw, "}, \n");
                        fprintf(fdw, "}");
        if (darray_count(darr) > 3) fprintf(fdw, "]\n");


        return 0;