void Vector<C>::matlab_output (const char *file, const char *Vectorname) const
	char Filename[200];
	Filename[0] = '\x0';
	strcat(Filename, file);
	strcat(Filename, ".m");
	std::ofstream m_file(Filename);
	m_file << Vectorname << "=load('" << file << ".dat');" << std::endl;
	Filename[0] = '\x0';
	strcat(Filename, file);
	strcat(Filename, ".dat");

	std::ofstream dat_file(Filename);
	dat_file.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::fixed);
 	for (typename Vector<C>::size_type i(0); i < size(); ++i)
 	      dat_file << this->operator () (i) << " ";
 	    dat_file << std::endl;
Esempio n. 2
bool ClientVersion::hasValidPaths() const
	if(!client_path.DirExists()) {
		return false;

	FileName dat_path = client_path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR) + "Tibia.dat";
	FileName spr_path = client_path.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR) + "Tibia.spr";
	if(!dat_path.FileExists() || !spr_path.FileExists()) {
		return false;

	if(!g_settings.getInteger(Config::CHECK_SIGNATURES)) {
		return true;

	// Peek the version of the files
	FileReadHandle dat_file(static_cast<const char*>(dat_path.GetFullPath().mb_str()));
	if(!dat_file.isOk()) {
		wxLogError("Could not open Tibia.dat.");
		return false;

	uint32_t datSignature;

	FileReadHandle spr_file(static_cast<const char*>(spr_path.GetFullPath().mb_str()));
	if(!spr_file.isOk()) {
		wxLogError("Could not open Tibia.spr.");
		return false;

	uint32_t sprSignature;

	for(const auto& clientData : data_versions) {
		if(clientData.sprSignature == sprSignature && clientData.datSignature == datSignature) {
			return true;

	wxString message = "Signatures are incorrect.\n";
	message << "Dat signature: %X\n";
	message << "Spr signature: %X";
	wxLogError(wxString::Format(message, datSignature, sprSignature));
	return false;
void palm_installer::load_user_data()
    wxUint32    string_length;
    wxUint8     count;
    bool        found_user;
    wxUint8     empty_spaces;
    wxUint8     unused;
    wxUint8     single_character;
    wxString    name_with_colons_replaced;

    wxLogDebug( "Attempting to load filestream" );

    wxString dat_fullname = get_palm_desktop_path() + "/Palm Users";
    wxLogDebug( "Looking for Palm Users dat file=" + dat_fullname );

    // Make sure the file exists
    if ( ! wxFileExists( dat_fullname ) )
        // Note: a checkbox message dialog, casuses a crash when opening config dialog
        // if it was active. Therefore, no checkbox message dialog
        // Abort now. Can't read configuration from Registry.

    // Create the object
    wxFile dat_file( dat_fullname );

    // Make sure that file was opened properly. I am not going to make a checkbox removable
    // dialog since there is almost zero chance that it won't open.
    if ( ! dat_file.IsOpened() )
        wxLogError( "Error: unable to load file named " + dat_fullname );
        // Need to return here or else will get in trouble later.

    // Build an input stream from the file. Note we could have skipped right to
    // this function with the wxFileInputStream( wxString filename ) function, but
    // then it is harder to see what went wrong.
    wxFileInputStream userData( dat_file );
    wxLogDebug( "Loaded filestream" );

    // Seek to 7, which will be number of users.
    //! \todo Should this be reading 4,5,6,7 instead? if more than 128 users?
    userData.SeekI( 7 );
    wxLogDebug( "SeekI to offset of 7" );

    // Make a buffered input stream from file stream
    wxBufferedInputStream buf_input( userData );
    wxLogDebug( "Loaded Bufferedinput stream from filestream" );

    // Make a data input stream from the buffered input stream
    wxDataInputStream data_input( buf_input );
    wxLogDebug( "Loaded DataInputStream from buffered filestream" );

    // Set the Endian Order of the data stream. We want to read "0x00 0x00 0x00 0E" as
    // 14, not 234881024.
    data_input.BigEndianOrdered( TRUE );
    wxLogDebug( "NOTE! Setting to Big Endian ordered data file for Palm Users file." );

    // //! \todo See the 4,5,6,7 note above.
    // Read the number of users from the dat file.
    m_number_of_users = data_input.Read8();
    wxLogDebug( wxT("Read m_number_of_users=%d"), (int)m_number_of_users );

    if ( 0 < m_number_of_users )
        // Fast forward through 4 unneeded bytes by reading a UInt32
        // This is since I don't care if NUser (user) or a CUser (profile).
        unused = data_input.Read32();

        // Execute a loop enough times to query information about each user.
        for ( count = 0; count < m_number_of_users; count++ )
            // Add a new member to our array of users.
            // The "new" we create here, gets "delete"ed in the base class's destructor
            // as part of the WX_CLEAR_ARRAY macro
            palm_user_type* palm_user    = new palm_user_type();
            m_users_array.Add( palm_user );
            wxLogDebug( "Added a new array element" );

            // Reset value of string_length to 0, from last iteration of loop, as
            // a precaution.
            string_length = 0;

            // Read the user's Name
            // ReadString() might work because we have the correct Uint32 to tell how
            // long the string is. So could instead just do
            // m_users_array[ count ]->name = data_input.ReadString();
            // However, I don't know how well it behaves with unicode.
            string_length = data_input.Read32();
            wxLogDebug( "Read string_length=%u", string_length );

            for ( int j = 0; j < string_length; j++ )
                single_character = data_input.Read8();
                m_users_array[ count ]->name += (wxChar)single_character;
            wxLogDebug( wxT( "Read user_name=%s" ), m_users_array[ count ]->name.c_str() );

            // Make a dummy magic number of 0
            m_users_array[ count ]->magic = 0;
            wxLogDebug( wxT("On OSX, just using a dummy magic number of %lu"), m_users_array[ count ]->magic );

            // Read the user's subdirectory (I am assuming that all 4 bytes are for the
            // string length)

            name_with_colons_replaced = m_users_array[ count ]->name;
            name_with_colons_replaced.Replace( ":", "-" );
            m_users_array[ count ]->subdirectory = name_with_colons_replaced;

            wxLogDebug( wxT( "user subdirectory calculated from username as=%s" ),
                        m_users_array[ count ]->subdirectory.c_str() );

            // Zip through rest of crap until find the next user entry
            if ( count < m_number_of_users - 1 )
                wxLogDebug( "Entering search for next user..." );
                found_user = FALSE;
                // A signal for the next user/profile entry is either the sequence:
                // 0x4E 0x55 0x73 0x72 (78 85 115 114 which spells NUsr), or
                // 0x43 0x55 0x73 0x72 (67 85 115 114 which spells CUsr)
                while ( ! found_user )
                    // Read the next character
                    single_character = data_input.Read8();
                    // If the single character is 78 or 67....
                    if ( ( single_character == 78 ) || ( single_character == 67 ) )
                        // Read the next character
                        single_character = data_input.Read8();
                        // ...and it is followed by a 85...
                        if ( single_character == 85 )
                            // Read the next character
                            single_character = data_input.Read8();
                            // ...and it is followed by a 85...
                            if ( single_character == 115 )
                                // Read the next character
                                single_character = data_input.Read8();
                                // ...and it is followed by a 85...
                                if ( single_character == 114 )
                                    wxLogDebug( "Found next user. Restarting loop to query info" );
                                    // ...Got a user. break.
                                    found_user = TRUE;