Esempio n. 1
bool MainWindow2::saveObject( QString strSavedFilename )
    QString filePath = strSavedFilename;

    bool savingTheOLDWAY = filePath.endsWith( PFF_OLD_EXTENSION );

    QFileInfo fileInfo( filePath );
    if ( fileInfo.isDir() ) return false;

    QString tmpFilePath;
    if ( !savingTheOLDWAY )
    {// create temporary directory for compressing files
        tmpFilePath = QDir::tempPath() + "/" + fileInfo.completeBaseName() + PFF_TMP_COMPRESS_EXT;
        QFileInfo tmpDataInfo( tmpFilePath );
        if ( !tmpDataInfo.exists() )
            QDir dir( QDir::tempPath() ); // --the directory where filePath is or will be saved
            dir.mkpath( tmpFilePath ); // --creates a directory with the same name +".data"
        tmpFilePath = fileInfo.absolutePath();

    QString dataLayersDir;
    if ( savingTheOLDWAY )
        dataLayersDir = filePath + "." + PFF_LAYERS_DIR;
        dataLayersDir = tmpFilePath + "/" + PFF_LAYERS_DIR;
    QFileInfo dataInfo( dataLayersDir );
    if ( !dataInfo.exists() )
        QDir dir( tmpFilePath ); // the directory where filePath is or will be saved
        dir.mkpath( dataLayersDir ); // creates a directory with the same name +".data"

    //savedName = filePath;
    this->setWindowTitle( filePath );

    QProgressDialog progress( tr("Saving document..."), tr("Abort"), 0, 100, this );
    progress.setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );;
    int progressValue = 0;

    // save data
    int nLayers = m_object->getLayerCount();
    qDebug( "Layer Count=%d", nLayers );

    for ( int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ )
        Layer* layer = m_object->getLayer( i );
        qDebug() << "Saving Layer " << i << "(" << layer->name << ")";

        progressValue = (i * 100) / nLayers;
        progress.setValue( progressValue );
        if ( layer->type() == Layer::BITMAP ) ((LayerBitmap*)layer)->saveImages( dataLayersDir, i );
        if ( layer->type() == Layer::VECTOR ) ((LayerVector*)layer)->saveImages( dataLayersDir, i );
        if ( layer->type() == Layer::SOUND ) ((LayerSound*)layer)->saveImages( dataLayersDir, i );

    // save palette
    m_object->savePalette( dataLayersDir );

    // -------- save main XML file -----------
    QString mainXMLfile;
    if ( !savingTheOLDWAY )
        mainXMLfile = tmpFilePath + "/" + PFF_XML_FILE_NAME;
        mainXMLfile = filePath;
    QFile* file = new QFile( mainXMLfile );
    if ( !file->open( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text ) )
        //QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", "Cannot write file");
        return false;
    QTextStream out( file );
    QDomDocument doc( "PencilDocument" );
    QDomElement root = doc.createElement( "document" );
    doc.appendChild( root );

    // save editor information
    QDomElement editorElement = createDomElement( doc );
    root.appendChild( editorElement );
    qDebug( "Save Editor Node." );

    // save object
    QDomElement objectElement = m_object->createDomElement( doc );
    root.appendChild( objectElement );
    qDebug( "Save Object Node." );

    int IndentSize = 2; out, IndentSize );
    // -----------------------------------

    if ( !savingTheOLDWAY )
        qDebug() << "Now compressing data to PFF - PCLX ...";

        JlCompress::compressDir( filePath, tmpFilePath );
        removePFFTmpDirectory( tmpFilePath ); // --removing temporary files

        qDebug() << "Compressed. File saved.";

    progress.setValue( 100 );

    m_object->modified = false;

    m_object->setFilePath( strSavedFilename );

    m_recentFileMenu->addRecentFile( strSavedFilename );

    return true;
Esempio n. 2
Status FileManager::save( Object* object, QString strFileName )
    QStringList debugDetails = QStringList() << "FileManager::save" << QString( "strFileName = " ).append( strFileName );
    if ( object == nullptr ) { return Status( Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, debugDetails << "object parameter is null" ); }

    QFileInfo fileInfo( strFileName );
    if ( fileInfo.isDir() ) { return Status( Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, debugDetails << "strFileName points to a directory", tr( "Invalid Save Path" ), tr( "The file path you have specified (\"%1\") points to a directory, so the file cannot be saved." ).arg( fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) ); }
    if ( fileInfo.exists() && !fileInfo.isWritable() ) { return Status( Status::INVALID_ARGUMENT, debugDetails << "strFileName points to a file that is not writable", tr( "Invalid Save Path" ), tr( "The file path you have specified (\"%1\") cannot be written to, so the file cannot be saved. Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again." ).arg( fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) ); }

    QString strTempWorkingFolder;
    QString strMainXMLFile;
    QString strDataFolder;

    bool isOldFile = strFileName.endsWith( PFF_OLD_EXTENSION );
    if ( isOldFile )
        qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save in Old Pencil File Format (*.pcl) !";

        strMainXMLFile = strFileName;
        strDataFolder = strMainXMLFile + "." + PFF_OLD_DATA_DIR;
        qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save in New zipped Pencil File Format (*.pclx) !";

        strTempWorkingFolder = object->workingDir();
        Q_ASSERT( QDir( strTempWorkingFolder ).exists() );
        debugDetails << QString( "strTempWorkingFolder = " ).append( strTempWorkingFolder );

        qCDebug( mLog ) << "Temp Folder=" << strTempWorkingFolder;
        strMainXMLFile = QDir( strTempWorkingFolder ).filePath( PFF_XML_FILE_NAME );
        strDataFolder = QDir( strTempWorkingFolder ).filePath( PFF_OLD_DATA_DIR );

    QFileInfo dataInfo( strDataFolder );
    if ( !dataInfo.exists() )
        QDir dir( strDataFolder ); // the directory where filePath is or will be saved
        // creates a directory with the same name +".data"
        if( !dir.mkpath( strDataFolder ) )
            debugDetails << QString( "dir.absolutePath() = %1" ).arg( dir.absolutePath() );
            if( isOldFile ) {
                return Status( Status::ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN, debugDetails, tr( "Cannot Create Data Directory" ), tr( "Cannot create the data directory at \"%1\". Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again. Alternatively try saving as pclx format." ).arg( strDataFolder ) );
            else {
                return Status( Status::FAIL, debugDetails, tr("Internal Error"), tr( "Cannot create the data directory at temporary location \"%1\". Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again. Alternatively try saving as pcl format." ).arg( strDataFolder ) );
    if( !dataInfo.isDir() )
        debugDetails << QString( "dataInfo.absoluteFilePath() = ").append(dataInfo.absoluteFilePath());
        if( isOldFile ) {
            return Status( Status::ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN, debugDetails, tr( "Cannot Create Data Directory" ), tr( "Cannot use the path \"%1\" as a data directory since that currently points to a file. Please move or delete that file and try again. Alternatively try saving with the pclx format." ).arg( dataInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) );
        else {
            return Status( Status::FAIL, debugDetails, tr( "Internal Error" ), tr( "Cannot use the data directory at temporary location \"%1\" since it is a file. Please move or delete that file and try again. Alternatively try saving with the pcl format." ).arg( dataInfo.absoluteFilePath() ) );

    // save data
    int layerCount = object->getLayerCount();
    debugDetails << QString("layerCount = %1").arg(layerCount);
    qCDebug( mLog ) << QString( "Total layers = %1" ).arg( layerCount );

    bool isOkay = true;
    for ( int i = 0; i < layerCount; ++i )
        Layer* layer = object->getLayer( i );
        qCDebug( mLog ) << QString( "Saving Layer %1" ).arg( i ).arg( layer->mName );

        //progressValue = (i * 100) / nLayers;
        //progress.setValue( progressValue );
        debugDetails << QString("layer[%1] = Layer[id=%2, name=%3, type=%4]").arg( i ).arg( layer->id() ).arg( layer->name() ).arg( layer->type() );
        switch ( layer->type() )
        case Layer::BITMAP:
        case Layer::VECTOR:
        case Layer::SOUND:
            Status st = layer->save( strDataFolder );
            if( !st.ok() )
                isOkay = false;
                QStringList layerDetails = st.detailsList();
                for ( QString detail : layerDetails )
                    detail.prepend( "&nbsp;&nbsp;" );
                debugDetails << QString( "- Layer[%1] failed to save" ).arg( i ) << layerDetails;
        case Layer::CAMERA:
        case Layer::UNDEFINED:
        case Layer::MOVIE:
            Q_ASSERT( false );
        if( !isOkay )
            return Status( Status::FAIL, debugDetails, tr( "Internal Error" ), tr( "An internal error occurred while trying to save the file. Some or all of your file may not have saved." ) );

    // save palette
    object->savePalette( strDataFolder );

    // -------- save main XML file -----------
    QScopedPointer<QFile> file( new QFile( strMainXMLFile ) );
    if ( !file->open( QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text ) )
        return Status::ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN;

    QDomDocument xmlDoc( "PencilDocument" );
    QDomElement root = xmlDoc.createElement( "document" );
    xmlDoc.appendChild( root );

    // save editor information
    //QDomElement editorElement = createDomElement( xmlDoc );
    //root.appendChild( editorElement );
    qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save Editor Node.";

    // save object
    QDomElement objectElement = object->saveXML( xmlDoc );
    root.appendChild( objectElement );
    qCDebug( mLog ) << "Save Object Node.";

    const int IndentSize = 2;

    QTextStream out( ); out, IndentSize );

    if ( !isOldFile )
        qCDebug( mLog ) << "Now compressing data to PFF - PCLX ...";

        bool ok = JlCompress::compressDir( strFileName, strTempWorkingFolder );
        if ( !ok )
            return Status::FAIL;

        qCDebug( mLog ) << "Compressed. File saved.";

    object->setFilePath( strFileName );
    object->setModified( false );

    return Status::OK;
Esempio n. 3
bool MainWindow2::saveObject(QString strSavedFilename)
    QString filePath = strSavedFilename;

    QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);
    if (fileInfo.isDir()) return false;

    QFileInfo dataInfo(filePath+".data");
    if (!dataInfo.exists())
        QDir dir(fileInfo.absolutePath()); // the directory where filePath is or will be saved
        dir.mkpath(filePath+".data"); // creates a directory with the same name +".data"

    //savedName = filePath;
    this->setWindowTitle( filePath );

    QProgressDialog progress("Saving document...", "Abort", 0, 100, this);
    int progressValue = 0;

    // save data
    int nLayers = m_object->getLayerCount();
    qDebug("Layer Count=%d", nLayers);

    for (int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++)
        Layer* layer = m_object->getLayer(i);
        qDebug() << "Saving Layer " << i << "(" <<layer->name << ")";

        progressValue = (i * 100) / nLayers;
        if (layer->type == Layer::BITMAP) ((LayerBitmap*)layer)->saveImages(filePath+".data", i);
        if (layer->type == Layer::VECTOR) ((LayerVector*)layer)->saveImages(filePath+".data", i);
        if (layer->type == Layer::SOUND) ((LayerSound*)layer)->saveImages(filePath+".data", i);

    // save palette

    // -------- save main XML file -----------
    QFile* file = new QFile(filePath);
    if (!file->open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text))
        //QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", "Cannot write file");
        return false;
    QTextStream out(file);
    QDomDocument doc("PencilDocument");
    QDomElement root = doc.createElement("document");

    // save editor information
    QDomElement editorElement = createDomElement(doc);
    qDebug("Save Editor Node.");

    // save object
    QDomElement objectElement = m_object->createDomElement(doc);
    qDebug("Save Object Node.");

    int IndentSize = 2;, IndentSize);
    // -----------------------------------


    m_object->modified = false;

    m_object->strCurrentFilePath = strSavedFilename;

    return true;
Esempio n. 4
int AutoDetectStreamBuf::readFromDevice(char* buffer, std::streamsize length)
	poco_assert_dbg(length >= 8);
	if (_pIstr == 0 || length == 0) return -1;

	if (_reposition)
		_pIstr->seekg(_start, std::ios_base::beg);
		_reposition = false;
		if (!_pIstr->good()) return -1;

	if (!_prefix.empty())
		std::streamsize n = (_prefix.size() > length) ? length : static_cast<std::streamsize>(_prefix.size());
		std::memcpy(buffer,, n);
		_prefix.erase(0, n);
		return n;

	if (_eofDetected)
		if (!_postfix.empty())
			std::streamsize n = (_postfix.size() > length) ? length : static_cast<std::streamsize>(_postfix.size());
			std::memcpy(buffer,, n);
			_postfix.erase(0, n);
			return n;
		else return -1;

	if (!_pIstr->good()) return -1;

	std::streamsize offset = 0;
	static std::istream::int_type eof = std::istream::traits_type::eof();
	while (_pIstr->good() && !_pIstr->eof() && (offset + 4) < length)
		std::istream::int_type c = _pIstr->get();
		if (c != eof)
			if (_matchCnt < 3)
				if (c == ZipDataInfo::HEADER[_matchCnt])
					for (int i = 0; i < _matchCnt; i++)
						buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[i];
					if (c == ZipDataInfo::HEADER[0])
						_matchCnt = 1;
						_matchCnt = 0;
						buffer[offset++] = static_cast<char>(c);
			else if (_matchCnt == 3)
				if (ZipDataInfo::HEADER[3] == c)
					ZipDataInfo dataInfo(*_pIstr, true);
					if (!_pIstr->good()) throw Poco::IOException("Failed to read data descriptor");

					if (dataInfo.getCompressedSize() == _length + offset)
						_pIstr->seekg(-static_cast<int>(dataInfo.getFullHeaderSize()), std::ios::cur);
						if (!_pIstr->good()) throw Poco::IOException("Failed to seek on input stream");

						_eofDetected = true;
						_length += offset;
						if (offset == 0 && !_postfix.empty())
							offset = (_postfix.size() > length) ? length : static_cast<std::streamsize>(_postfix.size());
							std::memcpy(buffer,, offset);
							_postfix.erase(0, offset);
						return offset;
						_pIstr->seekg(-static_cast<int>(dataInfo.getFullHeaderSize() - 4), std::ios::cur);
						if (!_pIstr->good()) throw Poco::IOException("Failed to seek on input stream");

						buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[0];
						buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[1];
						buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[2];
						buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[3];
						_matchCnt = 0;
					buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[0];
					buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[1];
					buffer[offset++] = ZipDataInfo::HEADER[2];
					buffer[offset++] = c;
					_matchCnt = 0; 

	_length += offset;
	return offset;
