Esempio n. 1
run_adding_Vibrato(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		   unsigned long SampleCount) {
	Vibrato * ptr = (Vibrato *)Instance;

	LADSPA_Data freq = LIMIT(*(ptr->freq),0.0f,PM_FREQ);
	LADSPA_Data depth = 
		LIMIT(LIMIT(*(ptr->depth),0.0f,20.0f) * ptr->sample_rate / 200.0f / M_PI / freq,
		      0, ptr->buflen / 2);
	LADSPA_Data drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->drylevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data wetlevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->wetlevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data * input = ptr->input;
	LADSPA_Data * output = ptr->output;

	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;

	LADSPA_Data in = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data phase = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data fpos = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data n = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data rem = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data s_a, s_b;

	if (freq == 0.0f)
		depth = 0.0f;

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {

		in = *(input++);

		phase = COS_TABLE_SIZE * freq * sample_index / ptr->sample_rate + ptr->phase;
		while (phase >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
		        phase -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

		push_buffer(in, ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, &(ptr->pos));

		fpos = depth * (1.0f - cos_table[(unsigned long) phase]);
		n = floorf(fpos);
		rem = fpos - n;

		s_a = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n);
		s_b = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n + 1);

		*(output++) += ptr->run_adding_gain * wetlevel * ((1 - rem) * s_a + rem * s_b) +
			drylevel * read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen,
					       ptr->pos, ptr->buflen / 2);


	ptr->phase += COS_TABLE_SIZE * freq * sample_index / ptr->sample_rate;
	while (ptr->phase >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
		ptr->phase -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

	*(ptr->latency) = ptr->buflen / 2;
Esempio n. 2
void Compressor::process(int frames, float* ip, float *op)
      const float ga       = _attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(_attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float gr       = as[f_round(_release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float rs       = (_ratio - 1.0f) / _ratio;
      const float mug      = db2lin(_makeupGain);
      const float knee_min = db2lin(_threshold - _knee);
      const float knee_max = db2lin(_threshold + _knee);
      const float ef_a     = ga * 0.25f;
      const float ef_ai    = 1.0f - ef_a;

      for (int pos = 0; pos < frames; pos++) {
            const float la = fabs(ip[pos * 2]);
            const float ra = fabs(ip[pos * 2 + 1]);
            const float lev_in = f_max(la, ra);

            sum += lev_in * lev_in;
            if (amp > env_rms)
                  env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
                  env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
            if (lev_in > env_peak)
                  env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
                  env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
            if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
                  amp = rms.process(sum * 0.25f);
                  sum = 0.0f;
                  if (qIsNaN(env_rms))     // This can happen sometimes, but I don't know why
                        env_rms = 0.0f;
                  env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);
                  if (env <= knee_min)
                        gain_t = 1.0f;
                  else if (env < knee_max) {
                        const float x = -(_threshold - _knee - lin2db(env)) / _knee;
                        gain_t = db2lin(-_knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
                        gain_t = db2lin((_threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
            gain          = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
            op[pos * 2]   = ip[pos * 2] * gain * mug;
            op[pos * 2+1] = ip[pos * 2 + 1] * gain * mug;

//      printf("gain %f\n", gain);

//      amplitude = lin2db(env);
//      gain_red  = lin2db(gain);
Esempio n. 3
run_adding_Tremolo(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		   unsigned long SampleCount) {
	LADSPA_Data * input;
	LADSPA_Data * output;
	LADSPA_Data freq;
	LADSPA_Data depth;
	LADSPA_Data gain;
	Tremolo * ptr;
	unsigned long sample_index;
	LADSPA_Data phase = 0.0f;
	ptr = (Tremolo *)Instance;
	input = ptr->InputBuffer_1;
	output = ptr->OutputBuffer_1;
	freq = LIMIT(*(ptr->Control_Freq),0.0f,20.0f);
	depth = LIMIT(*(ptr->Control_Depth),0.0f,100.0f);
	gain = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->Control_Gain),-70.0f,20.0f));

  	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < SampleCount; sample_index++) {
		phase = 1024.0f * freq * sample_index / ptr->SampleRate + ptr->Phase;

		while (phase >= 1024.0f)
			phase -= 1024.0f;

		*(output++) += *(input++) * ptr->run_adding_gain * gain *
			(1 - 0.5*depth/100 + 0.5 * depth/100 * cos_table[(unsigned long) phase]);
	ptr->Phase = phase;
	while (ptr->Phase >= 1024.0f)
		ptr->Phase -= 1024.0f;
Esempio n. 4
run_Tremolo(LV2_Handle Instance,
	    uint32_t SampleCount) {

	float * input;
	float * output;
	float freq;
	float depth;
	float gain;
	Tremolo * ptr;
	double sample_index;
	float phase = 0.0f;

	ptr = (Tremolo *)Instance;

	input = ptr->InputBuffer_1;
	output = ptr->OutputBuffer_1;
	freq = LIMIT(*(ptr->Control_Freq),0.0f,20.0f);
	depth = LIMIT(*(ptr->Control_Depth),0.0f,100.0f);
	gain = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->Control_Gain),-70.0f,20.0f));

  	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < SampleCount; sample_index++) {
		phase = 1024.0f * freq * sample_index / ptr->SampleRate + ptr->Phase;

		while (phase >= 1024.0f)
			phase -= 1024.0f;

		*(output++) = *(input++) * gain *
			(1 - 0.5*depth/100 + 0.5 * depth/100 * cos_table[(unsigned long) phase]);
	ptr->Phase = phase;
	while (ptr->Phase >= 1024.0f)
		ptr->Phase -= 1024.0f;
Esempio n. 5
run_adding_AutoPan(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		   unsigned long SampleCount) {
	AutoPan * ptr = (AutoPan *)Instance;

	LADSPA_Data * input_L = ptr->input_L;
	LADSPA_Data * input_R = ptr->input_R;
	LADSPA_Data * output_L = ptr->output_L;
	LADSPA_Data * output_R = ptr->output_R;
	LADSPA_Data freq = LIMIT(*(ptr->freq),0.0f,20.0f);
	LADSPA_Data depth = LIMIT(*(ptr->depth),0.0f,100.0f);
	LADSPA_Data gain = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->gain),-70.0f,20.0f));
	unsigned long sample_index;
	LADSPA_Data phase_L = 0;
	LADSPA_Data phase_R = 0;
	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < SampleCount; sample_index++) {
		phase_L = 1024.0f * freq * sample_index / ptr->SampleRate + ptr->Phase;
		while (phase_L >= 1024.0f)
		        phase_L -= 1024.0f;  
 		phase_R = phase_L + 512.0f;
		while (phase_R >= 1024.0f)
		        phase_R -= 1024.0f;  

		*(output_L++) += *(input_L++) * gain * ptr->run_adding_gain *
			(1 - 0.5*depth/100 + 0.5 * depth/100 * cos_table[(unsigned long) phase_L]);
		*(output_R++) += *(input_R++) * gain * ptr->run_adding_gain *
			(1 - 0.5*depth/100 + 0.5 * depth/100 * cos_table[(unsigned long) phase_R]);
	ptr->Phase = phase_L;
	while (ptr->Phase >= 1024.0f)
		ptr->Phase -= 1024.0f;
Esempio n. 6
run_Pinknoise(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
	      unsigned long SampleCount) {
	Pinknoise * ptr = (Pinknoise *)Instance;

	LADSPA_Data * input = ptr->input;
	LADSPA_Data * output = ptr->output;
	LADSPA_Data hurst = LIMIT(*(ptr->hurst), 0.0f, 1.0f);
	LADSPA_Data signal = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->signal), -90.0f, 20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data noise = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->noise), -90.0f, 20.0f));
	unsigned long sample_index;
  	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < SampleCount; sample_index++) {

		if (!ptr->pos)
			fractal(ptr->ring, NOISE_LEN, hurst);

		*(output++) = signal * *(input++) +
			noise * push_buffer(0.0f, ptr->ring, ptr->buflen, &(ptr->pos));
Esempio n. 7
run_Echo(LV2_Handle Instance,
	 uint32_t SampleCount) {

	Echo * ptr;
	unsigned long sample_index;

	float delaytime_L;
	float delaytime_R;
	float feedback_L;
	float feedback_R;
	float strength_L;
	float strength_R;
	float drylevel;
	float mode;
	float haas;
	float rev_outch;

	float * input_L;
	float * output_L;
	float * input_R;
	float * output_R;

	unsigned long sample_rate;
	unsigned long buflen_L;
	unsigned long buflen_R;

	float out_L = 0;
	float out_R = 0;
	float in_L = 0;
	float in_R = 0;

	ptr = (Echo *)Instance;

	delaytime_L = LIMIT(*(ptr->delaytime_L),0.0f,2000.0f);
	delaytime_R = LIMIT(*(ptr->delaytime_R),0.0f,2000.0f);
	feedback_L = LIMIT(*(ptr->feedback_L) / 100.0, 0.0f, 100.0f);
	feedback_R = LIMIT(*(ptr->feedback_R) / 100.0, 0.0f, 100.0f);

	ptr->smoothstrength_L = (*(ptr->strength_L)+ptr->smoothstrength_L)*0.5; //smoothing
	strength_L = db2lin(LIMIT(ptr->smoothstrength_L,-70.0f,10.0f)); //convert to db and influence the actual audiobuffer

	ptr->smoothstrength_R = (*(ptr->strength_R)+ptr->smoothstrength_R)*0.5; //smoothing
	strength_R = db2lin(LIMIT(ptr->smoothstrength_R,-70.0f,10.0f)); //convert to db and influence the actual audiobuffer

	ptr->smoothdry = (*(ptr->drylevel)+ptr->smoothdry)*0.5; //smoothing
	drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(ptr->smoothdry,-70.0f,10.0f));//convert to db and influence the actual audiobuffer

	mode = LIMIT(*(ptr->mode),-2.0f,2.0f);
	haas = LIMIT(*(ptr->haas),-2.0f,2.0f);
	rev_outch = LIMIT(*(ptr->rev_outch),-2.0f,2.0f);

      	input_L = ptr->input_L;
	output_L = ptr->output_L;
      	input_R = ptr->input_R;
	output_R = ptr->output_R;

	sample_rate = ptr->sample_rate;
	buflen_L = delaytime_L * sample_rate / 1000;
	buflen_R = delaytime_R * sample_rate / 1000;

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < SampleCount; sample_index++) {

		in_L = *(input_L++);
		in_R = *(input_R++);

		out_L = in_L * drylevel + ptr->mpx_out_L * strength_L;
		out_R = in_R * drylevel + ptr->mpx_out_R * strength_R;

		if (haas > 0.0f)
			in_R = 0.0f;

		if (mode <= 0.0f) {
			ptr->mpx_out_L =
				M(push_buffer(in_L + ptr->mpx_out_L * feedback_L,
					      ptr->ringbuffer_L, buflen_L, ptr->buffer_pos_L));
			ptr->mpx_out_R =
				M(push_buffer(in_R + ptr->mpx_out_R * feedback_R,
					      ptr->ringbuffer_R, buflen_R, ptr->buffer_pos_R));
		} else {
			ptr->mpx_out_R =
				M(push_buffer(in_L + ptr->mpx_out_L * feedback_L,
					      ptr->ringbuffer_L, buflen_L, ptr->buffer_pos_L));
			ptr->mpx_out_L =
				M(push_buffer(in_R + ptr->mpx_out_R * feedback_R,
					      ptr->ringbuffer_R, buflen_R, ptr->buffer_pos_R));

		if (rev_outch <= 0.0f) {
			*(output_L++) = out_L;
			*(output_R++) = out_R;
		} else {
			*(output_L++) = out_R;
			*(output_R++) = out_L;
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned int i;
    int opt;
    int help = 0;
    int console = 0;
    char port_name[32];
    pthread_t dt;
#ifdef HAVE_LASH
    lash_args_t *lash_args = lash_extract_args(&argc, &argv);
     lash_event_t *event;

    auto_begin_threshold = db2lin(DEFAULT_AUTO_BEGIN_THRESHOLD);
    auto_end_threshold = db2lin(DEFAULT_AUTO_END_THRESHOLD);

    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hic:t:n:p:f:sab:e:T:")) != -1) {
	switch (opt) {
	case 'h':
	    help = 1;
	case 'i':
	    console = 1;
	case 'c':
	    num_ports = atoi(optarg);
	    DEBUG(1, "ports: %d\n", num_ports);
	case 't':
	    buf_length = atoi(optarg);
	    DEBUG(1, "buffer: %ds\n", buf_length);
	case 'n':
	    client_name = optarg;
	    DEBUG(1, "client name: %s\n", client_name);
	case 'p':
	    prefix = optarg;
	    DEBUG(1, "prefix: %s\n", prefix);
	case 'f':
	    format_name = optarg;
	case 's':
	    safe_filename = 1;
	case 'a':
	    auto_record = 1;
	case 'b':
	    auto_begin_threshold = db2lin(atof(optarg));
	case 'e':
	    auto_end_threshold = db2lin(atof(optarg));
	case 'T':
	    auto_end_time = atoi(optarg);
	    num_ports = 0;

    if (optind != argc) {
	num_ports = argc - optind;

    if (num_ports < 1 || num_ports > MAX_PORTS || help) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage %s: [-h] [-i] [-c channels] [-n jack-name]\n\t"
			"[-t buffer-length] [-p file prefix] [-f format]\n\t"
			"[-a] [-b begin-threshold] [-e end-threshold] [-T end-time]\n\t"
			"[port-name ...]\n\n", argv[0]);
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-h\tshow this help\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-i\tinteractive mode (console instead of X11) also enabled\n\t\tif DISPLAY is unset\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-c\tspecify number of recording channels\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-n\tspecify the JACK name timemachine will use\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-t\tspecify the pre-recording buffer length\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-p\tspecify the saved file prefix, may include path\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-s\tuse safer characters in filename (windows compatibility)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-f\tspecify the saved file format\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-a\tenable automatic sound-triggered recording\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-b\tspecify threshold above which automatic recording will begin\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-e\tspecify threshold below which automatic recording will end\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\t-T\tspecify silence length before automatic recording ends\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\tchannels must be in the range 1-8, default %d\n",
	fprintf(stderr, "\tjack-name, default \"%s\"\n", DEFAULT_CLIENT_NAME);
	fprintf(stderr, "\tfile-prefix, default \"%s\"\n", DEFAULT_PREFIX);
	fprintf(stderr, "\tbuffer-length, default %d secs\n", DEFAULT_BUF_LENGTH);
	fprintf(stderr, "\tformat, default '%s', options: wav, w64\n", DEFAULT_FORMAT);
	fprintf(stderr, "\tbegin-threshold, default %.1f dB\n", DEFAULT_AUTO_BEGIN_THRESHOLD);
	fprintf(stderr, "\tend-threshold, default %.1f dB\n", DEFAULT_AUTO_END_THRESHOLD);
	fprintf(stderr, "\tend-time, default %d secs\n", DEFAULT_AUTO_END_TIME);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "specifying port names to connect to on the command line overrides -c\n\n");

    if (!strcasecmp(format_name, "wav")) {
#ifdef HAVE_W64
    if (!strcasecmp(format_name, "w64")) {
	format_sf = SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT;

    if (format_sf == 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Unknown format '%s'\n", format_name);

    /* Register with jack */
    if ((client = jack_client_open(client_name, 0, NULL)) == 0) {
	DEBUG(0, "jack server not running?\n");
    DEBUG(1, "registering as %s\n", client_name);


#ifdef HAVE_LASH
    lash_client = lash_init (lash_args, "TimeMachine",
                     0, /* would be LASH_Config_Data_Set etc. */
                     LASH_PROTOCOL (2,0));
    if (!lash_client) {
	DEBUG(1, "could not initialise LASH\n");
    event = lash_event_new_with_type(LASH_Client_Name);
    lash_event_set_string(event, client_name);
    lash_send_event(lash_client, event);

    jack_set_process_callback(client, process, 0);

    if (jack_activate(client)) {
	DEBUG(0, "cannot activate JACK client");
#ifdef HAVE_LASH
    lash_jack_client_name(lash_client, client_name);

    /* Create the jack ports */
    for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++) {
	jack_port_t *port;

	snprintf(port_name, 31, "in_%d", i + 1);
	ports[i] = jack_port_register(client, port_name,
				      JackPortIsInput, 0);
	if (optind != argc) {
	    port = jack_port_by_name(client, argv[optind+i]);
	    if (port == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Can't find port '%s'\n", port_name);
	    if (jack_connect(client, argv[optind+i], jack_port_name(ports[i]))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect port '%s' to '%s'\n",
			argv[optind+i], jack_port_name(ports[i]));

    /* Start the disk thread */
    pthread_create(&dt, NULL, (void *)&writer_thread, NULL);

    if (console || !getenv("DISPLAY") || getenv("DISPLAY")[0] == '\0') {
      lo_server_thread st = lo_server_thread_new(OSC_PORT, NULL);
      if (st) {
	  lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/start", "", osc_handler_nox, (void *)1);
	  lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/stop", "", osc_handler_nox, (void *)0);
	  printf("Listening for OSC requests on osc.udp://localhost:%s\n",

      int done = 0;
      while (!done) {
	char *line = readline("TimeMachine> ");
	if (!line) {
	if (line && *line) {
	  if (strncmp(line, "q", 1) == 0) done = 1;
	  else if (strncmp(line, "start", 3) == 0) recording_start();
	  else if (strncmp(line, "stop", 3) == 0) recording_stop();
	  else if (strncmp(line, "help", 3) == 0) {
	    printf("Commands: start stop\n");
	  } else {
	    printf("Unknown command\n");
    } else
      gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

      add_pixmap_directory(PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/" PACKAGE "/pixmaps");

      img_on = create_pixbuf("on.png");
      img_off = create_pixbuf("off.png");
      img_busy = create_pixbuf("busy.png");
      icon_on = create_pixbuf("on-icon.png");
      icon_off = create_pixbuf("off-icon.png");

      main_window = create_window(client_name);
      gtk_window_set_icon(GTK_WINDOW(main_window), icon_off);

      g_timeout_add(100, meter_tick, NULL);

    lo_server_thread st = lo_server_thread_new(OSC_PORT, NULL);
    if (st) {
	lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/start", "", osc_handler, (void *)1);
	lo_server_thread_add_method(st, "/stop", "", osc_handler, (void *)0);
	printf("Listening for OSC requests on osc.udp://localhost:%s\n",

#ifdef HAVE_LASH
      gtk_idle_add(idle_cb, lash_client);



    /* We can't ever get here, but it keeps gcc quiet */
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
static void runSc3(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count)
  Sc3 *plugin_data = (Sc3 *)instance;

  const float attack = *(plugin_data->attack);
  const float release = *(plugin_data->release);
  const float threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);
  const float ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);
  const float knee = *(plugin_data->knee);
  const float makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);
  const float chain_bal = *(plugin_data->chain_bal);
  const float * const sidechain = plugin_data->sidechain;
  const float * const left_in = plugin_data->left_in;
  const float * const right_in = plugin_data->right_in;
  float * const left_out = plugin_data->left_out;
  float * const right_out = plugin_data->right_out;
  rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
  float * as = plugin_data->as;
  float sum = plugin_data->sum;
  float amp = plugin_data->amp;
  float gain = plugin_data->gain;
  float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
  float env = plugin_data->env;
  unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
      unsigned long pos;

      const float ga = as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
      const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
      const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
      const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
      const float chain_bali = 1.0f - chain_bal;
      const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
      const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

      for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	const float lev_in = chain_bali * (left_in[pos] + right_in[pos]) * 0.5f
			     + chain_bal * sidechain[pos];
        sum += lev_in * lev_in;

        if (amp > env) {
          env = env * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
        } else {
          env = env * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
        if (count++ % 4 == 3) {
          amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
          sum = 0.0f;
	  if (isnan(env)) {
	    // This can happen sometimes, but I dont know why
	    env = 0.0f;
	  } else if (env <= knee_min) {
            gain_t = 1.0f;
	  } else if (env < knee_max) {
	    const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	    gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
          } else {
            gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
        gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
        buffer_write(left_out[pos], left_in[pos] * gain * mug);
        buffer_write(right_out[pos], right_in[pos] * gain * mug);
      plugin_data->sum = sum;
      plugin_data->amp = amp;
      plugin_data->gain = gain;
      plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
      plugin_data->env = env;
      plugin_data->count = count;
Esempio n. 10
static void runAddingSc3(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc3 *plugin_data = (Sc3 *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Chain balance (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data chain_bal = *(plugin_data->chain_bal);

	/* Sidechain (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const sidechain = plugin_data->sidechain;

	/* Left input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const left_in = plugin_data->left_in;

	/* Right input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const right_in = plugin_data->right_in;

	/* Left output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const left_out = plugin_data->left_out;

	/* Right output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const right_out = plugin_data->right_out;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

#line 49 "sc3_1427.xml"
	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float chain_bali = 1.0f - chain_bal;
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  const float lev_in = chain_bali * (left_in[pos] + right_in[pos]) * 0.5f
	                       + chain_bal * sidechain[pos];
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env) {
	    env = env * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env = env * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (count++ % 4 == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;
	    if (isnan(env)) {
	      // This can happen sometimes, but I dont know why
	      env = 0.0f;
	    } else if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(left_out[pos], left_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	  buffer_write(right_out[pos], right_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->count = count;
Esempio n. 11
run_adding_gain_Reverb(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		       unsigned long SampleCount) {
	Reverb * ptr = (Reverb *)Instance;

	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned int i;

	LADSPA_Data decay = LIMIT(*(ptr->decay),0.0f,10000.0f);
	LADSPA_Data drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->drylevel),-70.0f,10.0f));
	LADSPA_Data wetlevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->wetlevel),-70.0f,10.0f));
	LADSPA_Data combs_en = LIMIT(*(ptr->combs_en),-2.0f,2.0f);
	LADSPA_Data allps_en = LIMIT(*(ptr->allps_en),-2.0f,2.0f);
	LADSPA_Data bandpass_en = LIMIT(*(ptr->bandpass_en),-2.0f,2.0f);
	LADSPA_Data stereo_enh = LIMIT(*(ptr->stereo_enh),-2.0f,2.0f);
      	LADSPA_Data mode = LIMIT(*(ptr->mode),0,NUM_MODES-1);

	LADSPA_Data * input_L = ptr->input_L;
	LADSPA_Data * output_L = ptr->output_L;
	LADSPA_Data * input_R = ptr->input_R;
	LADSPA_Data * output_R = ptr->output_R;

	rev_t out_L = 0;
	rev_t out_R = 0;
	rev_t in_L = 0;
	rev_t in_R = 0;
	rev_t combs_out_L = 0;
	rev_t combs_out_R = 0;

	/* see if the user changed any control since last run */
	if ((ptr->old_decay != decay) ||
	    (ptr->old_stereo_enh != stereo_enh) ||
	    (ptr->old_mode != mode)) {

		/* re-compute reverberator coefficients */

		/* save new values */
		ptr->old_decay = decay;
		ptr->old_stereo_enh = stereo_enh;
		ptr->old_mode = mode;

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < SampleCount; sample_index++) {
		in_L = *(input_L++);
		in_R = *(input_R++);
		in_L = (sample)((float)F2S * *(input_L++));
		in_R = (sample)((float)F2S * *(input_R++));

		combs_out_L = in_L;
		combs_out_R = in_R;

		/* process comb filters */
		if (combs_en > 0.0f) {
			for (i = 0; i < ptr->num_combs / 2; i++) {
				combs_out_L += 
					comb_run(in_L, ((COMB_FILTER *)(ptr->combs + 2*i)));
				combs_out_R += 
					comb_run(in_R, ((COMB_FILTER *)(ptr->combs + 2*i+1)));

		/* process allpass filters */
		if (allps_en > 0.0f) {
			for (i = 0; i < ptr->num_allps / 2; i++) {
				combs_out_L += allp_run(combs_out_L,
						       ((ALLP_FILTER *)(ptr->allps + 2*i)));
				combs_out_R += allp_run(combs_out_R,
						       ((ALLP_FILTER *)(ptr->allps + 2*i+1)));

		/* process bandpass filters */
		if (bandpass_en > 0.0f) {
			combs_out_L = 
				biquad_run(((biquad *)(ptr->low_pass)), combs_out_L);
			combs_out_L = 
				biquad_run(((biquad *)(ptr->high_pass)), combs_out_L);
			combs_out_R = 
				biquad_run(((biquad *)(ptr->low_pass + 1)), combs_out_R);
			combs_out_R = 
				biquad_run(((biquad *)(ptr->high_pass + 1)), combs_out_R);

		out_L = in_L * drylevel + combs_out_L * wetlevel;
		out_R = in_R * drylevel + combs_out_R * wetlevel;
		*(output_L++) += out_L * ptr->run_adding_gain;
		*(output_R++) += out_R * ptr->run_adding_gain;
		out_L = (sample)((float)in_L * drylevel + (float)combs_out_L * wetlevel);
		out_R = (sample)((float)in_R * drylevel + (float)combs_out_R * wetlevel);
		*(output_L++) += (float)out_L * ptr->run_adding_gain / (float)F2S;
		*(output_R++) += (float)out_R * ptr->run_adding_gain / (float)F2S;
Esempio n. 12
run_adding_Reflector(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		     unsigned long SampleCount) {
	Reflector * ptr = (Reflector *)Instance;
	LADSPA_Data * input = ptr->input;
	LADSPA_Data * output = ptr->output;
	LADSPA_Data drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->drylevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data wetlevel = 0.333333f * db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->wetlevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data fragment = LIMIT(*(ptr->fragment),(float)MIN_FRAGMENT_LEN,(float)MAX_FRAGMENT_LEN);

	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;

	LADSPA_Data in = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data in1 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data in2 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data out_0 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data out_1 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data out_2 = 0.0f;

	unsigned long fragment_pos1 = 0;
	unsigned long fragment_pos2 = 0;

	unsigned long arg_0 = 0;
	LADSPA_Data am_0 = 0.0f;
	unsigned long arg_1 = 0;
	LADSPA_Data am_1 = 0.0f;
	unsigned long arg_2 = 0;
	LADSPA_Data am_2 = 0.0f;

	ptr->buflen0 = 2 * fragment * ptr->sample_rate / 1000.0f;
	ptr->buflen1 = ptr->buflen0;
	ptr->buflen2 = ptr->buflen0;
	ptr->delay_buflen1 = ptr->buflen0 / 3;
	ptr->delay_buflen2 = 2 * ptr->buflen0 / 3;

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {

		in = *(input++);
		in1 = push_buffer(in, ptr->delay1, ptr->delay_buflen1, &(ptr->delay_pos1));
		in2 = push_buffer(in, ptr->delay2, ptr->delay_buflen2, &(ptr->delay_pos2));

		push_buffer(in2, ptr->ring0, ptr->buflen0, &(ptr->pos0));
		push_buffer(in1, ptr->ring1, ptr->buflen1, &(ptr->pos1));
		push_buffer(in, ptr->ring2, ptr->buflen2, &(ptr->pos2));

		fragment_pos1 = (ptr->fragment_pos + ptr->buflen0 / 3) % ptr->buflen0;
		fragment_pos2 = (ptr->fragment_pos + 2 * ptr->buflen1 / 3) % ptr->buflen1;

		out_0 = read_buffer(ptr->ring0, ptr->buflen0, ptr->pos0,
				    ptr->buflen0 - ptr->fragment_pos - 1);
		out_1 = read_buffer(ptr->ring1, ptr->buflen1, ptr->pos1,
				    ptr->buflen1 - fragment_pos1 - 1);
		out_2 = read_buffer(ptr->ring2, ptr->buflen2, ptr->pos2,
				    ptr->buflen2 - fragment_pos2 - 1);

		ptr->fragment_pos += 2;
		if (ptr->fragment_pos >= ptr->buflen0)
			ptr->fragment_pos = 0;

		arg_0 = (float)ptr->fragment_pos / (float)ptr->buflen0 * COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		am_0 = 1.0f - cos_table[arg_0];
		arg_1 = (float)fragment_pos1 / (float)ptr->buflen1 * COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		am_1 = 1.0f - cos_table[arg_1];
		arg_2 = (float)fragment_pos2 / (float)ptr->buflen2 * COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		am_2 = 1.0f - cos_table[arg_2];

		*(output++) += ptr->run_adding_gain *
			(drylevel * in + wetlevel * (am_0 * out_0 + am_1 * out_1 + am_2 * out_2));
Esempio n. 13
rva_from_multiple_volumes(int nlevels, float * volumes) {

	int i, files_to_avg;
	char * badlevels;
	double sum, level, mean_level, variance, std_dev;
	double level_difference, threshold;

	if ((badlevels = (char *)calloc(nlevels, sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "rva_from_multiple_volumes() : calloc error\n");
		return 0.0f;

	sum = 0.0;
	for (i = 0; i < nlevels; i++) {
		sum += db2lin(volumes[i]);
	mean_level = sum / nlevels;

	if (!options.rva_use_linear_thresh) { /* use stddev_thresh */

		sum = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < nlevels; i++) {
			double tmp = 20.0 * log10(db2lin(volumes[i]) / mean_level);
			sum += tmp * tmp;
		variance = sum / nlevels;

		/* get standard deviation */
		if (variance < EPSILON) {
			std_dev = 0.0;
		} else {
			std_dev = sqrt(variance);

		threshold = options.rva_avg_stddev_thresh * std_dev;
	} else {
		threshold = options.rva_avg_linear_thresh;

	if (threshold > EPSILON && nlevels > 1) {

		for (i = 0; i < nlevels; i++) {
			level_difference = fabs(20.0 * log10(mean_level / db2lin(volumes[i])));
			if (level_difference > threshold) {
				badlevels[i] = 1;

	/* throw out the levels marked as bad */
	files_to_avg = 0;
	sum = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nlevels; i++) {
		if (!badlevels[i]) {
			sum += db2lin(volumes[i]);

	if (files_to_avg == 0) {
			"rva_from_multiple_volumes: all files ignored, using mean value.\n");
		return rva_from_volume(20 * log10(mean_level));

	level = sum / files_to_avg;
	return rva_from_volume(20 * log10(level));
Esempio n. 14
static void runAddingSc4m(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc4m *plugin_data = (Sc4m *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* RMS/peak (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rms_peak = *(plugin_data->rms_peak);

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float env_peak = plugin_data->env_peak;
	float env_rms = plugin_data->env_rms;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	         const float lev_in = input[pos];
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env_rms) {
	    env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (lev_in > env_peak) {
	    env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
	  if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;

	    env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);

	    if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(output[pos], input[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->env_rms = env_rms;
	plugin_data->env_peak = env_peak;
	plugin_data->count = count;

	*(plugin_data->amplitude) = lin2db(env);
	*(plugin_data->gain_red) = lin2db(gain);
Esempio n. 15
run_adding_ChorusFlanger(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
                         unsigned long SampleCount) {
	ChorusFlanger * ptr = (ChorusFlanger *)Instance;

	LADSPA_Data freq = LIMIT(*(ptr->freq), 0.0f, MAX_FREQ);
	LADSPA_Data phase = LIMIT(*(ptr->phase), 0.0f, 180.0f) / 180.0f;
	LADSPA_Data depth = 100.0f * ptr->sample_rate / 44100.0f
		* LIMIT(*(ptr->depth),0.0f,100.0f) / 100.0f;
	LADSPA_Data delay = LIMIT(*(ptr->delay),0.0f,100.0f);
	LADSPA_Data contour = LIMIT(*(ptr->contour), 20.0f, 20000.0f);
	LADSPA_Data drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->drylevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data wetlevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->wetlevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data * input_L = ptr->input_L;
	LADSPA_Data * input_R = ptr->input_R;
	LADSPA_Data * output_L = ptr->output_L;
	LADSPA_Data * output_R = ptr->output_R;

	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;

	LADSPA_Data in_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data in_R = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data d_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data d_R = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data f_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data f_R = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data out_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data out_R = 0.0f;

	float phase_L = 0.0f;
	float phase_R = 0.0f;
	float fpos_L = 0.0f;
	float fpos_R = 0.0f;
	float n_L = 0.0f;
	float n_R = 0.0f;
	float rem_L = 0.0f;
	float rem_R = 0.0f;
	float s_a_L, s_a_R, s_b_L, s_b_R;

	float d_pos = 0.0f;

	if (delay < 1.0f)
		delay = 1.0f;
	delay = 100.0f - delay;

	hp_set_params(&ptr->highpass_L, contour, HP_BW, ptr->sample_rate);
	hp_set_params(&ptr->highpass_R, contour, HP_BW, ptr->sample_rate);

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {

		in_L = *(input_L++);
		in_R = *(input_R++);

		push_buffer(in_L, ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L, &(ptr->pos_L));
		push_buffer(in_R, ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R, &(ptr->pos_R));
		ptr->cm_phase += freq / ptr->sample_rate * COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		while (ptr->cm_phase >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
			ptr->cm_phase -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		ptr->dm_phase = phase * COS_TABLE_SIZE / 2.0f;
		phase_L = ptr->cm_phase;
		phase_R = ptr->cm_phase + ptr->dm_phase;
		while (phase_R >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
			phase_R -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		d_pos = delay * ptr->sample_rate / 1000.0f;
		fpos_L = d_pos + depth * (0.5f + 0.5f * cos_table[(unsigned long)phase_L]);
		fpos_R = d_pos + depth * (0.5f + 0.5f * cos_table[(unsigned long)phase_R]);
		n_L = floorf(fpos_L);
		n_R = floorf(fpos_R);
		rem_L = fpos_L - n_L;
		rem_R = fpos_R - n_R;
		s_a_L = read_buffer(ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L,
				    ptr->pos_L, (unsigned long) n_L);
		s_b_L = read_buffer(ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L,
				    ptr->pos_L, (unsigned long) n_L + 1);
		s_a_R = read_buffer(ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R,
				    ptr->pos_R, (unsigned long) n_R);
		s_b_R = read_buffer(ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R,
				    ptr->pos_R, (unsigned long) n_R + 1);
		d_L = ((1 - rem_L) * s_a_L + rem_L * s_b_L);
		d_R = ((1 - rem_R) * s_a_R + rem_R * s_b_R);

		f_L = biquad_run(&ptr->highpass_L, d_L);
		f_R = biquad_run(&ptr->highpass_R, d_R);

		out_L = drylevel * in_L + wetlevel * f_L;
		out_R = drylevel * in_R + wetlevel * f_R;

		*(output_L++) += ptr->run_adding_gain * out_L;
		*(output_R++) += ptr->run_adding_gain * out_R;
Esempio n. 16
static void runSc4(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc4 *plugin_data = (Sc4 *)instance;

	/* RMS/peak (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rms_peak = *(plugin_data->rms_peak);

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Left input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const left_in = plugin_data->left_in;

	/* Right input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const right_in = plugin_data->right_in;

	/* Left output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const left_out = plugin_data->left_out;

	/* Right output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const right_out = plugin_data->right_out;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float env_peak = plugin_data->env_peak;
	float env_rms = plugin_data->env_rms;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

#line 51 "sc4_1434.xml"
	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  const float la = fabs(left_in[pos]);
	  const float ra = fabs(right_in[pos]);
	  const float lev_in = f_max(la, ra);
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env_rms) {
	    env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (lev_in > env_peak) {
	    env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
	  if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;
	    if (isnan(env_rms)) {
	      // This can happen sometimes, but I don't know why
	      env_rms = 0.0f;

	    env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);

	    if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(left_out[pos], left_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	  buffer_write(right_out[pos], right_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->env_rms = env_rms;
	plugin_data->env_peak = env_peak;
	plugin_data->count = count;

	*(plugin_data->amplitude) = lin2db(env);
	*(plugin_data->gain_red) = lin2db(gain);
Esempio n. 17
run_ChorusFlanger(LV2_Handle Instance,
		  uint32_t SampleCount) {

	ChorusFlanger * ptr = (ChorusFlanger *)Instance;

	float freq = LIMIT(*(ptr->freq), 0.0f, MAX_FREQ);

	float calcphase = (*(ptr->phase)+ptr->smoothphase)*0.5;
	float phase = LIMIT(calcphase, 0.0f, 180.0f) / 180.0f;

	float calcdepth = (*(ptr->depth)+ptr->smoothdepth)*0.5;
	float depth = 100.0f * ptr->sample_rate / 44100.0f
		* LIMIT(calcdepth,0.0f,100.0f) / 100.0f;

	float calcdelay = (*(ptr->delay)+ptr->smoothdelay)*0.5;
	float delay = LIMIT(calcdelay,0.0f,100.0f);
	float contour = LIMIT(*(ptr->contour), 20.0f, 20000.0f);

	float calcdry = (*(ptr->drylevel)+ptr->smoothdry)*0.5;
	float drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(calcdry,-90.0f,20.0f));

	float calcwet = (*(ptr->wetlevel)+ptr->smoothwet)*0.5;
	float wetlevel = db2lin(LIMIT(calcwet,-90.0f,20.0f));
	float * input_L = ptr->input_L;
	float * input_R = ptr->input_R;
	float * output_L = ptr->output_L;
	float * output_R = ptr->output_R;

	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;

	float in_L = 0.0f;
	float in_R = 0.0f;
	float d_L = 0.0f;
	float d_R = 0.0f;
	float f_L = 0.0f;
	float f_R = 0.0f;
	float out_L = 0.0f;
	float out_R = 0.0f;

	float phase_L = 0.0f;
	float phase_R = 0.0f;
	float fpos_L = 0.0f;
	float fpos_R = 0.0f;
	float n_L = 0.0f;
	float n_R = 0.0f;
	float rem_L = 0.0f;
	float rem_R = 0.0f;
	float s_a_L, s_a_R, s_b_L, s_b_R;

	float d_pos = 0.0f;

	if (delay < 1.0f)
		delay = 1.0f;
	delay = 100.0f - delay;

	hp_set_params(&ptr->highpass_L, contour, HP_BW, ptr->sample_rate);
	hp_set_params(&ptr->highpass_R, contour, HP_BW, ptr->sample_rate);

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {

		in_L = *(input_L++);
		in_R = *(input_R++);

		push_buffer(in_L, ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L, &(ptr->pos_L));
		push_buffer(in_R, ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R, &(ptr->pos_R));

		ptr->cm_phase += freq / ptr->sample_rate * COS_TABLE_SIZE;

		while (ptr->cm_phase >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
			ptr->cm_phase -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

		ptr->dm_phase = phase * COS_TABLE_SIZE / 2.0f;

		phase_L = ptr->cm_phase;
		phase_R = ptr->cm_phase + ptr->dm_phase;
		while (phase_R >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
			phase_R -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

		d_pos = delay * ptr->sample_rate / 1000.0f;
		fpos_L = d_pos + depth * (0.5f + 0.5f * cos_table[(unsigned long)phase_L]);
		fpos_R = d_pos + depth * (0.5f + 0.5f * cos_table[(unsigned long)phase_R]);

		n_L = floorf(fpos_L);
		n_R = floorf(fpos_R);
		rem_L = fpos_L - n_L;
		rem_R = fpos_R - n_R;

		s_a_L = read_buffer(ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L,
				    ptr->pos_L, (unsigned long) n_L);
		s_b_L = read_buffer(ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L,
				    ptr->pos_L, (unsigned long) n_L + 1);

		s_a_R = read_buffer(ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R,
				    ptr->pos_R, (unsigned long) n_R);
		s_b_R = read_buffer(ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R,
				    ptr->pos_R, (unsigned long) n_R + 1);

		d_L = ((1 - rem_L) * s_a_L + rem_L * s_b_L);
		d_R = ((1 - rem_R) * s_a_R + rem_R * s_b_R);

		f_L = biquad_run(&ptr->highpass_L, d_L);
		f_R = biquad_run(&ptr->highpass_R, d_R);

		out_L = drylevel * in_L + wetlevel * f_L;
		out_R = drylevel * in_R + wetlevel * f_R;

		*(output_L++) = out_L;
		*(output_R++) = out_R;
Esempio n. 18
run_Reflector(LV2_Handle Instance,
          uint32_t SampleCount) {

    Reflector * ptr = (Reflector *)Instance;
    float * input = ptr->input;
    float * output = ptr->output;
    float drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->drylevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
    float wetlevel = 0.333333f * db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->wetlevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
    float fragment = LIMIT(*(ptr->fragment),(float)MIN_FRAGMENT_LEN,(float)MAX_FRAGMENT_LEN);

    unsigned long sample_index;
    unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;

    float in = 0.0f;
    float in1 = 0.0f;
    float in2 = 0.0f;
    float out_0 = 0.0f;
    float out_1 = 0.0f;
    float out_2 = 0.0f;

    unsigned long fragment_pos1 = 0;
    unsigned long fragment_pos2 = 0;

    unsigned long arg_0 = 0;
    float am_0 = 0.0f;
    unsigned long arg_1 = 0;
    float am_1 = 0.0f;
    unsigned long arg_2 = 0;
    float am_2 = 0.0f;

    ptr->buflen0 = 2 * fragment * ptr->sample_rate / 1000.0f;
    ptr->buflen1 = ptr->buflen0;
    ptr->buflen2 = ptr->buflen0;
    ptr->delay_buflen1 = ptr->buflen0 / 3;
    ptr->delay_buflen2 = 2 * ptr->buflen0 / 3;

    for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {

        in = *(input++);
        in1 = push_buffer(in, ptr->delay1, ptr->delay_buflen1, &(ptr->delay_pos1));
        in2 = push_buffer(in, ptr->delay2, ptr->delay_buflen2, &(ptr->delay_pos2));

        push_buffer(in2, ptr->ring0, ptr->buflen0, &(ptr->pos0));
        push_buffer(in1, ptr->ring1, ptr->buflen1, &(ptr->pos1));
        push_buffer(in, ptr->ring2, ptr->buflen2, &(ptr->pos2));

        fragment_pos1 = (ptr->fragment_pos + ptr->buflen0 / 3) % ptr->buflen0;
        fragment_pos2 = (ptr->fragment_pos + 2 * ptr->buflen1 / 3) % ptr->buflen1;

        // printf("RING 0: %f, BUFLEN: %lu, POS0:%lu, CONTA:%lu \n", *(ptr->ring0), ptr->buflen0, ptr->pos0, ptr->buflen0 - ptr->fragment_pos - 1);

        out_0 = read_buffer(ptr->ring0, ptr->buflen0, ptr->pos0,
                    ptr->buflen0 - ptr->fragment_pos - 1);

        // printf("N PASSO\n");

        out_1 = read_buffer(ptr->ring1, ptr->buflen1, ptr->pos1,
                    ptr->buflen1 - fragment_pos1 - 1);

        out_2 = read_buffer(ptr->ring2, ptr->buflen2, ptr->pos2,
                    ptr->buflen2 - fragment_pos2 - 1);

        ptr->fragment_pos += 2;
        if (ptr->fragment_pos >= ptr->buflen0)
            ptr->fragment_pos = 0;

        arg_0 = (float)ptr->fragment_pos / (float)ptr->buflen0 * COS_TABLE_SIZE;
        am_0 = 1.0f - cos_table[arg_0];
        arg_1 = (float)fragment_pos1 / (float)ptr->buflen1 * COS_TABLE_SIZE;
        am_1 = 1.0f - cos_table[arg_1];
        arg_2 = (float)fragment_pos2 / (float)ptr->buflen2 * COS_TABLE_SIZE;
        am_2 = 1.0f - cos_table[arg_2];

        *(output++) = drylevel * in + wetlevel *
            (am_0 * out_0 + am_1 * out_1 + am_2 * out_2);

Esempio n. 19
run_adding_Limiter(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		   unsigned long SampleCount) {
	Limiter * ptr = (Limiter *)Instance;

	LADSPA_Data * input = ptr->input;
	LADSPA_Data * output = ptr->output;
	LADSPA_Data limit_vol = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->limit_vol),-30.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data out_vol = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->out_vol),-30.0f,20.0f));
	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;
	unsigned long index_offs = 0;
	unsigned long i;
	LADSPA_Data max_value = 0;
	LADSPA_Data section_gain = 0;
	unsigned long run_length;
	unsigned long total_length = 0;

	while (total_length < sample_count) {

		run_length = ptr->buflen;
		if (total_length + run_length > sample_count)
			run_length = sample_count - total_length;
		while (ptr->ready_num < run_length) {
			if (read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen,
					ptr->pos, ptr->ready_num) >= 0.0f) {
				index_offs = 0;
				while ((read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos,
						    ptr->ready_num + index_offs) >= 0.0f) &&
				       (ptr->ready_num + index_offs < run_length)) {
			} else {
				index_offs = 0;
				while ((read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos,
						    ptr->ready_num + index_offs) <= 0.0f) &&
				       (ptr->ready_num + index_offs < run_length)) {
			/* search for max value in scanned halfcycle */
			max_value = 0;
			for (i = ptr->ready_num; i < ptr->ready_num + index_offs; i++) {
				if (fabs(read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen,
						     ptr->pos, i)) > max_value)
					max_value = fabs(read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer,
								     ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, i));
			section_gain = limit_vol / max_value;
			if (max_value > limit_vol)
				for (i = ptr->ready_num; i < ptr->ready_num + index_offs; i++) {
					write_buffer(read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen,
								 ptr->pos, i) * section_gain,
						     ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, i);
			ptr->ready_num += index_offs;			
		/* push run_length values out of ringbuffer, feed with input */
		for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < run_length; sample_index++) {
			*(output++) += ptr->run_adding_gain * out_vol * 
				push_buffer(*(input++), ptr->ringbuffer,
					    ptr->buflen, &(ptr->pos));
		ptr->ready_num -= run_length;
		total_length += run_length;
	*(ptr->latency) = ptr->buflen;
Esempio n. 20
run_adding_Pitch(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
                 unsigned long SampleCount) {
	Pitch * ptr = (Pitch *)Instance;
	LADSPA_Data * input = ptr->input;
	LADSPA_Data * output = ptr->output;
	LADSPA_Data drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->drylevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data wetlevel = 0.333333f * db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->wetlevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data buflen = ptr->buflen / 2.0f;
	LADSPA_Data semitone = LIMIT(*(ptr->semitone),-12.0f,12.0f);
	LADSPA_Data rate; 
	LADSPA_Data r;
	LADSPA_Data depth;

	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;
	LADSPA_Data in = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data sign = 1.0f;
	LADSPA_Data phase_0 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data phase_am_0 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data phase_1 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data phase_am_1 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data phase_2 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data phase_am_2 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data fpos_0 = 0.0f, fpos_1 = 0.0f, fpos_2 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data n_0 = 0.0f, n_1 = 0.0f, n_2 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data rem_0 = 0.0f, rem_1 = 0.0f, rem_2 = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data sa_0, sb_0, sa_1, sb_1, sa_2, sb_2;

	if (semitone == 0.0f)
		rate = LIMIT(*(ptr->rate),-50.0f,100.0f);
		rate = 100.0f * (powf(ROOT_12_2,semitone) - 1.0f);
	r = -1.0f * ABS(rate);
	depth = buflen * LIMIT(ABS(r) / 100.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	if (rate > 0.0f)
		sign = -1.0f;

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {

		in = *(input++);

		phase_0 = COS_TABLE_SIZE * PM_FREQ * sample_index / ptr->sample_rate + ptr->phase;
		while (phase_0 >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
		        phase_0 -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		phase_am_0 = phase_0 + COS_TABLE_SIZE/2;
		while (phase_am_0 >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
			phase_am_0 -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

		phase_1 = phase_0 + COS_TABLE_SIZE/3.0f;
		while (phase_1 >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
		        phase_1 -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		phase_am_1 = phase_1 + COS_TABLE_SIZE/2;
		while (phase_am_1 >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
			phase_am_1 -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

		phase_2 = phase_0 + 2.0f*COS_TABLE_SIZE/3.0f;
		while (phase_2 >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
		        phase_2 -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;
		phase_am_2 = phase_2 + COS_TABLE_SIZE/2;
		while (phase_am_2 >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
			phase_am_2 -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

		push_buffer(in, ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, &(ptr->pos));

		fpos_0 = depth * (1.0f - sign * (2.0f * phase_0 / COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1.0f));
		n_0 = floorf(fpos_0);
		rem_0 = fpos_0 - n_0;

		fpos_1 = depth * (1.0f - sign * (2.0f * phase_1 / COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1.0f));
		n_1 = floorf(fpos_1);
		rem_1 = fpos_1 - n_1;

		fpos_2 = depth * (1.0f - sign * (2.0f * phase_2 / COS_TABLE_SIZE - 1.0f));
		n_2 = floorf(fpos_2);
		rem_2 = fpos_2 - n_2;

		sa_0 = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n_0);
		sb_0 = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n_0 + 1);

		sa_1 = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n_1);
		sb_1 = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n_1 + 1);

		sa_2 = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n_2);
		sb_2 = read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) n_2 + 1);

		*(output++) += ptr->run_adding_gain *
			wetlevel *
			((1.0f + cos_table[(unsigned long) phase_am_0]) *
			 ((1 - rem_0) * sa_0 + rem_0 * sb_0) +
			 (1.0f + cos_table[(unsigned long) phase_am_1]) *
			 ((1 - rem_1) * sa_1 + rem_1 * sb_1) +
			 (1.0f + cos_table[(unsigned long) phase_am_2]) *
			 ((1 - rem_2) * sa_2 + rem_2 * sb_2)) +
			drylevel *
			read_buffer(ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, ptr->pos, (unsigned long) depth);


	ptr->phase += COS_TABLE_SIZE * PM_FREQ * sample_index / ptr->sample_rate;
	while (ptr->phase >= COS_TABLE_SIZE)
		ptr->phase -= COS_TABLE_SIZE;

	*(ptr->latency) = buflen - (unsigned long) depth;
Esempio n. 21
run_adding_DeEsser(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		   unsigned long SampleCount) {
	DeEsser * ptr = (DeEsser *)Instance;

	LADSPA_Data * input = ptr->input;
	LADSPA_Data * output = ptr->output;
	LADSPA_Data threshold = LIMIT(*(ptr->threshold),-50.0f,10.0f);
	LADSPA_Data freq = LIMIT(*(ptr->freq),2000.0f,16000.0f);
	LADSPA_Data sidechain = LIMIT(*(ptr->sidechain),0.0f,1.0f);
	LADSPA_Data monitor = LIMIT(*(ptr->monitor),0.0f,1.0f);
	unsigned long sample_index;

	LADSPA_Data in = 0;
	LADSPA_Data out = 0;
	LADSPA_Data sidech = 0;
	LADSPA_Data ampl_db = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data attn = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data max_attn = 0.0f;

	if (ptr->old_freq != freq) {
		lp_set_params(&ptr->sidech_lo_filter, freq, SIDECH_BW, ptr->sample_rate);
		hp_set_params(&ptr->sidech_hi_filter, freq, SIDECH_BW, ptr->sample_rate);
		ptr->old_freq = freq;

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < SampleCount; sample_index++) {

		in = *(input++);

		/* process sidechain filters */
		sidech = biquad_run(&ptr->sidech_hi_filter, in);
		if (sidechain > 0.1f)
			sidech = biquad_run(&ptr->sidech_lo_filter, sidech);

		ampl_db = 20.0f * log10f(sidech);
		if (ampl_db <= threshold)
			attn = 0.0f;
			attn = -0.5f * (ampl_db - threshold);

		ptr->sum += attn;
		ptr->sum -= push_buffer(attn, ptr->ringbuffer, ptr->buflen, &ptr->pos);

		if (-1.0f * ptr->sum > max_attn)
			max_attn = -0.01f * ptr->sum;

		in *= db2lin(ptr->sum / 100.0f);

		/* output selector */
		if (monitor > 0.1f)
			out = sidech;
			out = in;

		*(output++) += ptr->run_adding_gain * out;
		*(ptr->attenuat) = LIMIT(max_attn,0,10);
Esempio n. 22
run_adding_Doubler(LADSPA_Handle Instance,
		   unsigned long SampleCount) {
	Doubler * ptr = (Doubler *)Instance;

	LADSPA_Data pitch = LIMIT(*(ptr->pitch),0.0f,1.0f) + 0.75f;
	LADSPA_Data depth = LIMIT(((1.0f - LIMIT(*(ptr->pitch),0.0f,1.0f)) * 1.75f + 0.25f) *
				  ptr->sample_rate / 6000.0f / M_PI,
				  0, ptr->buflen_L / 2);
	LADSPA_Data time = LIMIT(*(ptr->time), 0.0f, 1.0f) + 0.5f;
	LADSPA_Data drylevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->drylevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data wetlevel = db2lin(LIMIT(*(ptr->wetlevel),-90.0f,20.0f));
	LADSPA_Data dryposl = 1.0f - LIMIT(*(ptr->dryposl), 0.0f, 1.0f);
	LADSPA_Data dryposr = LIMIT(*(ptr->dryposr), 0.0f, 1.0f);
	LADSPA_Data wetposl = 1.0f - LIMIT(*(ptr->wetposl), 0.0f, 1.0f);
	LADSPA_Data wetposr = LIMIT(*(ptr->wetposr), 0.0f, 1.0f);
	LADSPA_Data * input_L = ptr->input_L;
	LADSPA_Data * input_R = ptr->input_R;
	LADSPA_Data * output_L = ptr->output_L;
	LADSPA_Data * output_R = ptr->output_R;

	unsigned long sample_index;
	unsigned long sample_count = SampleCount;

	LADSPA_Data in_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data in_R = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data out_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data out_R = 0.0f;

	LADSPA_Data fpos = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data n = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data rem = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data s_a_L, s_a_R, s_b_L, s_b_R;
	LADSPA_Data prev_p_pitch = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data prev_p_delay = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data delay;

	LADSPA_Data drystream_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data drystream_R = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data wetstream_L = 0.0f;
	LADSPA_Data wetstream_R = 0.0f;

	if (ptr->old_pitch != pitch) {
		ptr->pitchmod = ptr->p_pitch;
		prev_p_pitch = ptr->p_pitch;
		fractal(ptr->ring_pnoise, NOISE_LEN, pitch);
		ptr->pos_pnoise = 0;
		ptr->p_pitch = push_buffer(0.0f, ptr->ring_pnoise,
					   ptr->buflen_pnoise, &(ptr->pos_pnoise));
		ptr->d_pitch = (ptr->p_pitch - prev_p_pitch) / (float)(ptr->p_stretch);
		ptr->n_pitch = 0;

		ptr->old_pitch = pitch;

	if (ptr->old_time != time) {
		ptr->delay = ptr->p_delay;
		prev_p_delay = ptr->p_delay;
		fractal(ptr->ring_dnoise, NOISE_LEN, time);
		ptr->pos_dnoise = 0;
		ptr->p_delay = push_buffer(0.0f, ptr->ring_dnoise,
					   ptr->buflen_dnoise, &(ptr->pos_dnoise));
		ptr->d_delay = (ptr->p_delay - prev_p_delay) / (float)(ptr->d_stretch);
		ptr->n_delay = 0;

		ptr->old_time = time;

	for (sample_index = 0; sample_index < sample_count; sample_index++) {

		in_L = *(input_L++);
		in_R = *(input_R++);

		push_buffer(in_L, ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L, &(ptr->pos_L));
		push_buffer(in_R, ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R, &(ptr->pos_R));

		if (ptr->n_pitch < ptr->p_stretch) {
			ptr->pitchmod += ptr->d_pitch;
		} else {
			ptr->pitchmod = ptr->p_pitch;
			prev_p_pitch = ptr->p_pitch;
			if (!ptr->pos_pnoise) {
				fractal(ptr->ring_pnoise, NOISE_LEN, pitch);
			ptr->p_pitch = push_buffer(0.0f, ptr->ring_pnoise,
						   ptr->buflen_pnoise, &(ptr->pos_pnoise));
			ptr->d_pitch = (ptr->p_pitch - prev_p_pitch) / (float)(ptr->p_stretch);
			ptr->n_pitch = 0;

		if (ptr->n_delay < ptr->d_stretch) {
			ptr->delay += ptr->d_delay;
		} else {
			ptr->delay = ptr->p_delay;
			prev_p_delay = ptr->p_delay;
			if (!ptr->pos_dnoise) {
				fractal(ptr->ring_dnoise, NOISE_LEN, time);
			ptr->p_delay = push_buffer(0.0f, ptr->ring_dnoise,
						   ptr->buflen_dnoise, &(ptr->pos_dnoise));
			ptr->d_delay = (ptr->p_delay - prev_p_delay) / (float)(ptr->d_stretch);
			ptr->n_delay = 0;

		delay = (12.5f * ptr->delay + 37.5f) * ptr->sample_rate / 1000.0f;
		fpos = ptr->buflen_L - depth * (1.0f - ptr->pitchmod) - delay - 1.0f;
		n = floorf(fpos);
		rem = fpos - n;

		s_a_L = read_buffer(ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L,
				    ptr->pos_L, (unsigned long) n);
		s_b_L = read_buffer(ptr->ring_L, ptr->buflen_L,
				    ptr->pos_L, (unsigned long) n + 1);

		s_a_R = read_buffer(ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R,
				    ptr->pos_R, (unsigned long) n);
		s_b_R = read_buffer(ptr->ring_R, ptr->buflen_R,
				    ptr->pos_R, (unsigned long) n + 1);

		drystream_L = drylevel * in_L;
		drystream_R = drylevel * in_R;
		wetstream_L = wetlevel * ((1 - rem) * s_a_L + rem * s_b_L);
		wetstream_R = wetlevel * ((1 - rem) * s_a_R + rem * s_b_R);

		out_L = dryposl * drystream_L + (1.0f - dryposr) * drystream_R +
			wetposl * wetstream_L + (1.0f - wetposr) * wetstream_R;
		out_R = (1.0f - dryposl) * drystream_L + dryposr * drystream_R +
			(1.0f - wetposl) * wetstream_L + wetposr * wetstream_R;

		*(output_L++) += ptr->run_adding_gain * out_L;
		*(output_R++) += ptr->run_adding_gain * out_R;
Esempio n. 23
static void runSc2(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count)
  Sc2 *plugin_data = (Sc2 *)instance;

  const float attack = *(plugin_data->attack);
  const float release = *(plugin_data->release);
  const float threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);
  const float ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);
  const float knee = *(plugin_data->knee);
  const float makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);
  const float * const sidechain = plugin_data->sidechain;
  const float * const input = plugin_data->input;
  float * const output = plugin_data->output;
  rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
  float * as = plugin_data->as;
  float sum = plugin_data->sum;
  float amp = plugin_data->amp;
  float gain = plugin_data->gain;
  float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
  float env = plugin_data->env;
  unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
      unsigned long pos;

      const float ga = as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
      const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
      const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
      const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
      const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
      const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

      for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
        sum += sidechain[pos] * sidechain[pos];

        if (amp > env) {
          env = env * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
        } else {
          env = env * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
        if (count++ % 4 == 3) {
          amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
          sum = 0.0f;
          if (env <= knee_min) {
            gain_t = 1.0f;
	  } else if (env < knee_max) {
	    const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	    gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
          } else {
            gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
        gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
        buffer_write(output[pos], input[pos] * gain * mug);
      plugin_data->sum = sum;
      plugin_data->amp = amp;
      plugin_data->gain = gain;
      plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
      plugin_data->env = env;
      plugin_data->count = count;