static void test0(int n, const char * expected) { DBINT ind, expected_ind; char text_buf[16]; dbfcmd(dbproc, "select c from #null where n = %d", n); dbsqlexec(dbproc); if (dbresults(dbproc) != SUCCEED) { fprintf(stderr, "Was expecting a row.\n"); failed = 1; dbcancel(dbproc); return; } dbbind(dbproc, 1, NTBSTRINGBIND, 0, (BYTE *)text_buf); if (use_nullbind) dbnullbind(dbproc, 1, &ind); memset(text_buf, 'a', sizeof(text_buf)); ind = -5; if (dbnextrow(dbproc) != REG_ROW) { fprintf(stderr, "Was expecting a row.\n"); failed = 1; dbcancel(dbproc); return; } text_buf[sizeof(text_buf) - 1] = 0; printf("ind %d text_buf -%s-\n", (int) ind, text_buf); expected_ind = 0; if (strcmp(expected, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") == 0) expected_ind = -1; /* do not check indicator if not bound */ if (!use_nullbind) ind = expected_ind; if (ind != expected_ind || strcmp(expected, text_buf) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "expected_ind %d expected -%s-\n", (int) expected_ind, expected); failed = 1; dbcancel(dbproc); return; } if (dbnextrow(dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS) { fprintf(stderr, "Only one row expected\n"); dbcancel(dbproc); failed = 1; } while (dbresults(dbproc) == SUCCEED) { /* nop */ } }
bool QTDSResult::reset (const QString& query) { cleanup(); if (!driver() || !driver()-> isOpen() || driver()->isOpenError()) return false; setActive(false); setAt(QSql::BeforeFirstRow); if (dbcmd(d->dbproc, const_cast<char*>(query.toLocal8Bit().constData())) == FAIL) { setLastError(d->lastError); return false; } if (dbsqlexec(d->dbproc) == FAIL) { setLastError(d->lastError); dbfreebuf(d->dbproc); return false; } if (dbresults(d->dbproc) != SUCCEED) { setLastError(d->lastError); dbfreebuf(d->dbproc); return false; } setSelect((DBCMDROW(d->dbproc) == SUCCEED)); // decide whether or not we are dealing with a SELECT query int numCols = dbnumcols(d->dbproc); if (numCols > 0) { d->buffer.resize(numCols * 2); init(numCols); } for (int i = 0; i < numCols; ++i) { int dbType = dbcoltype(d->dbproc, i+1); QVariant::Type vType = qDecodeTDSType(dbType); QSqlField f(QString::fromAscii(dbcolname(d->dbproc, i+1)), vType); f.setSqlType(dbType); f.setLength(dbcollen(d->dbproc, i+1)); d->rec.append(f); RETCODE ret = -1; void* p = 0; switch (vType) { case QVariant::Int: p = malloc(4); ret = dbbind(d->dbproc, i+1, INTBIND, (DBINT) 4, (unsigned char *)p); break; case QVariant::Double: // use string binding to prevent loss of precision p = malloc(50); ret = dbbind(d->dbproc, i+1, STRINGBIND, 50, (unsigned char *)p); break; case QVariant::String: p = malloc(dbcollen(d->dbproc, i+1) + 1); ret = dbbind(d->dbproc, i+1, STRINGBIND, DBINT(dbcollen(d->dbproc, i+1) + 1), (unsigned char *)p); break; case QVariant::DateTime: p = malloc(8); ret = dbbind(d->dbproc, i+1, DATETIMEBIND, (DBINT) 8, (unsigned char *)p); break; case QVariant::ByteArray: p = malloc(dbcollen(d->dbproc, i+1) + 1); ret = dbbind(d->dbproc, i+1, BINARYBIND, DBINT(dbcollen(d->dbproc, i+1) + 1), (unsigned char *)p); break; default: //don't bind the field since we do not support it qWarning("QTDSResult::reset: Unsupported type for field \"%s\"", dbcolname(d->dbproc, i+1)); break; } if (ret == SUCCEED) { d->buffer[i * 2] = p; ret = dbnullbind(d->dbproc, i+1, (DBINT*)(&d->buffer[i * 2 + 1])); } else { d->buffer[i * 2] = 0; d->buffer[i * 2 + 1] = 0; free(p); } if ((ret != SUCCEED) && (ret != -1)) { setLastError(d->lastError); return false; } } setActive(true); return true; }
static int transfer_data(BCPPARAMDATA params, DBPROCESS * dbsrc, DBPROCESS * dbdest) { char ls_command[256]; int col; DBINT src_numcols = 0; DBINT src_datlen; typedef struct migcoldata { DBINT coltype; DBINT collen; DBINT nullind; DBCHAR *data; } MIGCOLDATA; MIGCOLDATA **srcdata; DBINT rows_read = 0; DBINT rows_sent = 0; DBINT rows_done = 0; DBINT ret; struct timeval start_time; struct timeval end_time; double elapsed_time; struct timeval batch_start; struct timeval batch_end; double elapsed_batch = 0.0; if (params.vflag) { printf("\nStarting copy...\n"); } if (params.tflag) { sprintf(ls_command, "truncate table %s", params.ddbobject); if (dbcmd(dbdest, ls_command) == FAIL) { printf("dbcmd failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (dbsqlexec(dbdest) == FAIL) { printf("dbsqlexec failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (dbresults(dbdest) == FAIL) { printf("Error in dbresults\n"); return FALSE; } } sprintf(ls_command, "select * from %s", params.sdbobject); if (dbcmd(dbsrc, ls_command) == FAIL) { printf("dbcmd failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (dbsqlexec(dbsrc) == FAIL) { printf("dbsqlexec failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (NO_MORE_RESULTS != dbresults(dbsrc)); { if (0 == (src_numcols = dbnumcols(dbsrc))) { printf("Error in dbnumcols\n"); return FALSE; } } if (bcp_init(dbdest, params.ddbobject, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, DB_IN) == FAIL) { printf("Error in bcp_init\n"); return FALSE; } srcdata = (MIGCOLDATA **) malloc(sizeof(MIGCOLDATA *) * src_numcols); for (col = 0; col < src_numcols; col++) { srcdata[col] = (MIGCOLDATA *) malloc(sizeof(MIGCOLDATA)); memset(srcdata[col], '\0', sizeof(MIGCOLDATA)); srcdata[col]->coltype = dbcoltype(dbsrc, col + 1); srcdata[col]->collen = dbcollen(dbsrc, col + 1); switch (srcdata[col]->coltype) { case SYBBIT: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBBIT)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, BITBIND, sizeof(DBBIT), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBBIT, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBINT1: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBTINYINT)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, TINYBIND, sizeof(DBTINYINT), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBINT1, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBINT2: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBSMALLINT)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, SMALLBIND, sizeof(DBSMALLINT), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBINT2, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBINT4: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBINT)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, INTBIND, sizeof(DBINT), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBINT4, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBFLT8: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBFLT8)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, FLT8BIND, sizeof(DBFLT8), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBFLT8, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBREAL: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBREAL)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, REALBIND, sizeof(DBREAL), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBREAL, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBMONEY: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBMONEY)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, MONEYBIND, sizeof(DBMONEY), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBMONEY, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBMONEY4: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBMONEY4)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, SMALLMONEYBIND, sizeof(DBMONEY4), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBMONEY4, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBDATETIME: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBDATETIME)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, DATETIMEBIND, sizeof(DBDATETIME), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBDATETIME, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBDATETIME4: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBDATETIME4)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, SMALLDATETIMEBIND, sizeof(DBDATETIME), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBDATETIME4, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBNUMERIC: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBNUMERIC)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, NUMERICBIND, sizeof(DBNUMERIC), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, sizeof(DBNUMERIC), NULL, 0, SYBNUMERIC, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBDECIMAL: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(sizeof(DBDECIMAL)); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, DECIMALBIND, sizeof(DBDECIMAL), (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, sizeof(DBDECIMAL), NULL, 0, SYBDECIMAL, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; case SYBTEXT: case SYBCHAR: srcdata[col]->data = malloc(srcdata[col]->collen + 1); if (srcdata[col]->data == (char *) NULL) { printf("allocation error\n"); return FALSE; } dbbind(dbsrc, col + 1, NTBSTRINGBIND, srcdata[col]->collen + 1, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data); dbnullbind(dbsrc, col + 1, &(srcdata[col]->nullind)); if (bcp_bind(dbdest, (BYTE *) srcdata[col]->data, 0, -1, NULL, 0, SYBCHAR, col + 1) == FAIL) { printf("bcp_bind error\n"); return FALSE; } break; } } gettimeofday(&start_time, 0); while (dbnextrow(dbsrc) != NO_MORE_ROWS) { rows_read++; for (col = 0; col < src_numcols; col++) { switch (srcdata[col]->coltype) { case SYBBIT: case SYBINT1: case SYBINT2: case SYBINT4: case SYBFLT8: case SYBREAL: case SYBDATETIME: case SYBDATETIME4: case SYBMONEY: case SYBMONEY4: if (srcdata[col]->nullind == -1) { /* NULL data retrieved from source */ bcp_collen(dbdest, 0, col + 1); } else { bcp_collen(dbdest, -1, col + 1); } break; case SYBNUMERIC: if (srcdata[col]->nullind == -1) { /* NULL data retrieved from source */ bcp_collen(dbdest, 0, col + 1); } else { bcp_collen(dbdest, sizeof(DBNUMERIC), col + 1); } break; case SYBDECIMAL: if (srcdata[col]->nullind == -1) { /* NULL data retrieved from source */ bcp_collen(dbdest, 0, col + 1); } else { bcp_collen(dbdest, sizeof(DBDECIMAL), col + 1); } break; case SYBTEXT: case SYBCHAR: if (srcdata[col]->nullind == -1) { /* NULL data retrieved from source */ bcp_collen(dbdest, 0, col + 1); } else { /* * if there is zero length data, then the * input data MUST have been all blanks, * trimmed down to nothing by the bind * type of NTBSTRINGBIND. * so find out the source data length and * re-set the data accordingly... */ if (strlen(srcdata[col]->data) == 0) { src_datlen = dbdatlen(dbsrc, col + 1); memset(srcdata[col]->data, ' ', src_datlen); srcdata[col]->data[src_datlen] = '\0'; } bcp_collen(dbdest, strlen(srcdata[col]->data), col + 1); } break; } } if (bcp_sendrow(dbdest) == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "bcp_sendrow failed. \n"); return FALSE; } else { rows_sent++; if (rows_sent == params.batchsize) { gettimeofday(&batch_start, 0); ret = bcp_batch(dbdest); gettimeofday(&batch_end, 0); elapsed_batch = elapsed_batch + ((double) (batch_end.tv_sec - batch_start.tv_sec) + ((double) (batch_end.tv_usec - batch_start.tv_usec) / 1000000.00) ); if (ret == -1) { printf("bcp_batch error\n"); return FALSE; } else { rows_done += ret; printf("%d rows successfully copied (total %d)\n", ret, rows_done); rows_sent = 0; } } } } if (rows_read) { gettimeofday(&batch_start, 0); ret = bcp_done(dbdest); gettimeofday(&batch_end, 0); elapsed_batch = elapsed_batch + ((double) (batch_end.tv_sec - batch_start.tv_sec) + ((double) (batch_end.tv_usec - batch_start.tv_usec) / 1000000.00) ); if (ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "bcp_done failed. \n"); return FALSE; } else { rows_done += ret; } } gettimeofday(&end_time, 0); elapsed_time = (double) (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) + ((double) (end_time.tv_usec - start_time.tv_usec) / 1000000.00); if (params.vflag) { printf("\n"); printf("rows read : %d\n", rows_read); printf("rows written : %d\n", rows_done); printf("elapsed time (secs) : %f\n", elapsed_time); printf("rows per second : %f\n", rows_done / elapsed_time); } return TRUE; }
static int onDataResponse(eio_req *req) { v8::HandleScope scope; data_callback_t *callbackData = (data_callback_t *) req->data; if(req->result == FAIL){ Local<Value> argv[1]; argv[0] = v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("An error occurred executing that statement")); callbackData->callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 1, argv); } uint32_t rownum = 0; bool err = false; COL *columns, *pcol; int ncols = 0; v8::Local<v8::Array> results = v8::Array::New(); while(dbresults(callbackData->dbconn) != NO_MORE_RESULTS){ ncols = dbnumcols(callbackData->dbconn); columns = (COL *) calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct COL)); for (pcol = columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { int i = pcol - columns + 1; pcol->name = v8::String::New(dbcolname(callbackData->dbconn, i)); pcol->type = dbcoltype(callbackData->dbconn, i); pcol->size = dbcollen(callbackData->dbconn, i); if (SYBCHAR != pcol->type) { pcol->size = dbwillconvert(pcol->type, SYBCHAR); } //todo: work out if I'm leaking if((pcol->buffer = (void *) malloc(pcol->size + 1)) == NULL) { err = true; break; } } if(err){ for (pcol = columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { free(pcol->buffer); free(columns); } Local<Value> argv[1]; argv[0] = v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("Could not allocate memory for columns")); callbackData->callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 1, argv); return 0; } for (pcol = columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { int i = pcol - columns + 1; int binding = NTBSTRINGBIND; // switch(pcol->type){ // case TINYBIND: // case SMALLBIND: // case INTBIND: // case FLT8BIND: // case REALBIND: // case SMALLDATETIMEBIND: // case MONEYBIND: // case SMALLMONEYBIND: // case BINARYBIND: // case BITBIND: // case NUMERICBIND: // case DECIMALBIND: // case BIGINTBIND: // // all numbers in JS are doubles // binding = REALBIND; // break; // } if(dbbind(callbackData->dbconn, i, binding, pcol->size + 1, (BYTE*)pcol->buffer) == FAIL){ err = true; }else if(dbnullbind(callbackData->dbconn, i, &pcol->status) == FAIL){ err = true; } } if(err){ for (pcol = columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { free(pcol->buffer); free(columns); } Local<Value> argv[1]; argv[0] = v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("Could not allocate memory for columns")); callbackData->callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 1, argv); return 0; } int row_code; while ((row_code = dbnextrow(callbackData->dbconn)) != NO_MORE_ROWS){ if(row_code == REG_ROW) { v8::Local<v8::Object> tuple = v8::Object::New(); for (pcol = columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { if(pcol->status == -1){ tuple->Set(pcol->name, v8::Null()); continue; } switch(pcol->type){ case SQLINTN: case SQLINT1: case SQLINT2: case SQLINT4: case SQLINT8: case SQLFLT8: case SQLDATETIME: case SQLDATETIM4: case SQLBIT: case SQLFLT4: case SQLNUMERIC: case SQLDECIMAL: case SQLFLTN: case SQLDATETIMN: case 36: case SQLCHAR: case SQLVARCHAR: case SQLTEXT: tuple->Set(pcol->name, v8::String::New((char*) pcol->buffer)); break; // case SQLINTN: // case SQLINT1: // case SQLINT2: // case SQLINT4: // case SQLINT8: // case SQLFLT8: // case SQLDATETIME: // case SQLDATETIM4: // case SQLBIT: // case SQLFLT4: // case SQLNUMERIC: // case SQLDECIMAL: // case SQLFLTN: // case SQLDATETIMN: // DBREAL val; // memcpy(&val, pcol->buffer, pcol->size); // tuple->Set(pcol->name, v8::Number::New((double)val)); break; case SQLIMAGE: case SQLMONEY4: case SQLMONEY: case SQLBINARY: case SQLVARBINARY: case SQLMONEYN: case SQLVOID: default: printf("unsupported col type %d\n", pcol->type); break; } } results->Set(rownum++, tuple); } } for (pcol = columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { free(pcol->buffer); } free(columns); } v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[2] = { Local<Value>::New(Null()), results }; callbackData->callback->Call(Context::GetCurrent()->Global(), 2, argv); callbackData->callback.Dispose(); delete callbackData; return 0; }
/** * Pivot the rows, creating a new resultset * * Call dbpivot() immediately after dbresults(). It calls dbnextrow() as long as * it returns REG_ROW, transforming the results into a cross-tab report. * dbpivot() modifies the metadata such that DB-Library can be used tranparently: * retrieve the rows as usual with dbnumcols(), dbnextrow(), etc. * * @dbproc, our old friend * @nkeys the number of left-edge columns to group by * @keys an array of left-edge columns to group by * @ncols the number of top-edge columns to group by * @cols an array of top-edge columns to group by * @func the aggregation function to use * @val the number of the column to which @func is applied * * @returns the return code from the final call to dbnextrow(). * Success is normally indicated by NO_MORE_ROWS. */ RETCODE dbpivot(DBPROCESS *dbproc, int nkeys, int *keys, int ncols, int *cols, DBPIVOT_FUNC func, int val) { enum { logalot = 1 }; struct pivot_t P, *pp; struct agg_t input, *pout = NULL; struct key_t *pacross; struct metadata_t *metadata, *pmeta; size_t i, nmeta = 0; tdsdump_log(TDS_DBG_FUNC, "dbpivot(%p, %d,%p, %d,%p, %p, %d)\n", dbproc, nkeys, keys, ncols, cols, func, val); if (logalot) { char buffer[1024] = {'\0'}, *s = buffer; const static char *names[2] = { "\tkeys (down)", "\n\tcols (across)" }; int *p = keys, *pend = p + nkeys; for (i=0; i < 2; i++) { const char *sep = ""; s += sprintf(s, "%s: ", names[i]); for ( ; p < pend; p++) { s += sprintf(s, "%s%d", sep, *p); sep = ", "; } p = cols; pend = p + ncols; assert(s < buffer + sizeof(buffer)); } tdsdump_log(TDS_DBG_FUNC, "%s\n", buffer); } memset(&input, 0, sizeof(input)); P.dbproc = dbproc; if ((pp = tds_find(&P, pivots, npivots, sizeof(*pivots), pivot_key_equal)) == NULL ) { pp = realloc(pivots, (1 + npivots) * sizeof(*pivots)); if (!pp) return FAIL; pivots = pp; pp += npivots++; } else { agg_free(pp->output); key_free(pp->across); } memset(pp, 0, sizeof(*pp)); if ((input.row_key.keys = calloc(nkeys, sizeof(*input.row_key.keys))) == NULL) return FAIL; input.row_key.nkeys = nkeys; for (i=0; i < nkeys; i++) { int type = dbcoltype(dbproc, keys[i]); int len = dbcollen(dbproc, keys[i]); assert(type && len); col_init(input.row_key.keys+i, type, len); if (FAIL == dbbind(dbproc, keys[i], bind_type(type), input.row_key.keys[i].len, col_buffer(input.row_key.keys+i))) return FAIL; if (FAIL == dbnullbind(dbproc, keys[i], &input.row_key.keys[i].null_indicator)) return FAIL; } if ((input.col_key.keys = calloc(ncols, sizeof(*input.col_key.keys))) == NULL) return FAIL; input.col_key.nkeys = ncols; for (i=0; i < ncols; i++) { int type = dbcoltype(dbproc, cols[i]); int len = dbcollen(dbproc, cols[i]); assert(type && len); col_init(input.col_key.keys+i, type, len); if (FAIL == dbbind(dbproc, cols[i], bind_type(type), input.col_key.keys[i].len, col_buffer(input.col_key.keys+i))) return FAIL; if (FAIL == dbnullbind(dbproc, cols[i], &input.col_key.keys[i].null_indicator)) return FAIL; } /* value */ { int type = dbcoltype(dbproc, val); int len = dbcollen(dbproc, val); assert(type && len); col_init(&input.value, type, len); if (FAIL == dbbind(dbproc, val, bind_type(type), input.value.len, col_buffer(&input.value))) return FAIL; if (FAIL == dbnullbind(dbproc, val, &input.value.null_indicator)) return FAIL; } while ((pp->status = dbnextrow(dbproc)) == REG_ROW) { /* add to unique list of crosstab columns */ if ((pacross = tds_find(&input.col_key, pp->across, pp->nacross, sizeof(*pp->across), key_equal)) == NULL ) { pacross = realloc(pp->across, (1 + pp->nacross) * sizeof(*pp->across)); if (!pacross) return FAIL; pp->across = pacross; pacross += pp->nacross++; key_cpy(pacross, &input.col_key); } assert(pp->across); if ((pout = tds_find(&input, pp->output, pp->nout, sizeof(*pp->output), agg_equal)) == NULL ) { pout = realloc(pp->output, (1 + pp->nout) * sizeof(*pp->output)); if (!pout) return FAIL; pp->output = pout; pout += pp->nout++; if ((pout->row_key.keys = calloc(input.row_key.nkeys, sizeof(*pout->row_key.keys))) == NULL) return FAIL; key_cpy(&pout->row_key, &input.row_key); if ((pout->col_key.keys = calloc(input.col_key.nkeys, sizeof(*pout->col_key.keys))) == NULL) return FAIL; key_cpy(&pout->col_key, &input.col_key); col_init(&pout->value, input.value.type, input.value.len); } func(&pout->value, &input.value); } /* Mark this proc as pivoted, so that dbnextrow() sees it when the application calls it */ pp->dbproc = dbproc; pp->dbresults_state = dbproc->dbresults_state; dbproc->dbresults_state = pp->output < pout? _DB_RES_RESULTSET_ROWS : _DB_RES_RESULTSET_EMPTY; /* * Initialize new metadata */ nmeta = input.row_key.nkeys + pp->nacross; metadata = calloc(nmeta, sizeof(*metadata)); assert(pp->across || pp->nacross == 0); /* key columns are passed through as-is, verbatim */ for (i=0; i < input.row_key.nkeys; i++) { assert(i < nkeys); metadata[i].name = strdup(dbcolname(dbproc, keys[i])); metadata[i].pacross = NULL; col_cpy(&metadata[i].col, input.row_key.keys+i); } /* pivoted columms are found in the "across" data */ for (i=0, pmeta = metadata + input.row_key.nkeys; i < pp->nacross; i++) { struct col_t col; col_init(&col, SYBFLT8, sizeof(double)); assert(pmeta + i < metadata + nmeta); pmeta[i].name = make_col_name(pp->across+i); assert(pp->across); pmeta[i].pacross = pp->across + i; col_cpy(&pmeta[i].col, pp->nout? &pp->output[0].value : &col); } if (!reinit_results(dbproc->tds_socket, nmeta, metadata)) { return FAIL; } return SUCCEED; #if 0 for (pp->pout=pp->output; pp->pout < pp->output + pp->nout; pp->pout++) { char name[256] = {0}; assert(pp->pout->col_key.keys[0].len < sizeof(name)); memset(name, '\0', sizeof(name)); memcpy(name, pp->pout->col_key.keys[0].s, pp->pout->col_key.keys[0].len), printf("%5d %-30s %5d\n", pp->pout->row_key.keys[0].i, name, pp->pout->value.i ); } exit(1); #endif }
static void print_results(DBPROCESS *dbproc) { static const char empty_string[] = ""; static const char dashes[] = "----------------------------------------------------------------" /* each line is 64 */ "----------------------------------------------------------------" "----------------------------------------------------------------" "----------------------------------------------------------------"; struct METADATA *metadata = NULL, return_status; struct DATA { char *buffer; int status; } *data = NULL; struct METACOMP { int numalts; struct METADATA *meta; struct DATA *data; } **metacompute = NULL; RETCODE erc; int row_code; int i, c, ret; int iresultset; int ncomputeids = 0, ncols = 0; /* * If using default column separator, we want columns to line up vertically, * so we use blank padding (STRINGBIND). * For any other separator, we use no padding. */ const int bindtype = (0 == strcmp(options.colsep, default_colsep))? STRINGBIND : NTBSTRINGBIND; /* * Set up each result set with dbresults() * This is more commonly implemented as a while() loop, but we're counting the result sets. */ fprintf(options.verbose, "%s:%d: calling dbresults: OK\n", options.appname, __LINE__); for (iresultset=1; (erc = dbresults(dbproc)) != NO_MORE_RESULTS; iresultset++) { if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbresults(), result set %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, iresultset); return; } if (options.pivot.func) { const struct key_t *rk = &options.pivot.row_key, *ck = &options.pivot.col_key; erc = dbpivot(dbproc, rk->nkeys, rk->keys, ck->nkeys, ck->keys, options.pivot.func, options.pivot.val_col); } fprintf(options.verbose, "Result set %d\n", iresultset); /* Free prior allocations, if any. */ for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { free(metadata[c].format_string); free(data[c].buffer); } free(metadata); metadata = NULL; free(data); data = NULL; ncols = 0; for (i=0; i < ncomputeids; i++) { for (c=0; c < metacompute[i]->numalts; c++) { free(metacompute[i]->meta[c].name); free(metacompute[i]->meta[c].format_string); } free(metacompute[i]->meta); free(metacompute[i]->data); free(metacompute[i]); } free(metacompute); metacompute = NULL; ncomputeids = 0; /* * Allocate memory for metadata and bound columns */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Allocating buffers\n"); ncols = dbnumcols(dbproc); metadata = (struct METADATA*) calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct METADATA)); assert(metadata); data = (struct DATA*) calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct DATA)); assert(data); /* metadata is more complicated only because there may be several compute ids for each result set */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Allocating compute buffers\n"); ncomputeids = dbnumcompute(dbproc); if (ncomputeids > 0) { metacompute = (struct METACOMP**) calloc(ncomputeids, sizeof(struct METACOMP*)); assert(metacompute); } for (i=0; i < ncomputeids; i++) { metacompute[i] = (struct METACOMP*) calloc(ncomputeids, sizeof(struct METACOMP)); assert(metacompute[i]); metacompute[i]->numalts = dbnumalts(dbproc, 1+i); fprintf(options.verbose, "%d columns found in computeid %d\n", metacompute[i]->numalts, 1+i); if (metacompute[i]->numalts > 0) { fprintf(options.verbose, "allocating column %d\n", 1+i); metacompute[i]->meta = (struct METADATA*) calloc(metacompute[i]->numalts, sizeof(struct METADATA)); assert(metacompute[i]->meta); metacompute[i]->data = (struct DATA*) calloc(metacompute[i]->numalts, sizeof(struct DATA)); assert(metacompute[i]->data); } } /* * For each column, get its name, type, and size. * Allocate a buffer to hold the data, and bind the buffer to the column. * "bind" here means to give db-lib the address of the buffer we want filled as each row is fetched. * TODO: Implement dbcoltypeinfo() for numeric/decimal datatypes. */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Metadata\n"); fprintf(options.verbose, "%-6s %-30s %-30s %-15s %-6s %-6s \n", "col", "name", "source", "type", "size", "varies"); fprintf(options.verbose, "%.6s %.30s %.30s %.15s %.6s %.6s \n", dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes); for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { /* Get and print the metadata. Optional: get only what you need. */ char *name = dbcolname(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].name = strdup(name ? (const char *) name : empty_string); name = dbcolsource(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].source = (name)? name : empty_string; metadata[c].type = dbcoltype(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].size = dbcollen(dbproc, c+1); assert(metadata[c].size != -1); /* -1 means indicates an out-of-range request*/ fprintf(options.verbose, "%6d %30s %30s %15s %6d %6d \n", c+1, metadata[c].name, metadata[c].source, dbprtype(metadata[c].type), metadata[c].size, dbvarylen(dbproc, c+1)); /* * Build the column header format string, based on the column width. * This is just one solution to the question, "How wide should my columns be when I print them out?" */ metadata[c].width = get_printable_size(metadata[c].type, metadata[c].size); if (metadata[c].width < strlen(metadata[c].name)) metadata[c].width = strlen(metadata[c].name); ret = set_format_string(&metadata[c], (c+1 < ncols)? options.colsep : "\n"); if (ret <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: asprintf(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } /* * Bind the column to our variable. * We bind everything to strings, because we want db-lib to convert everything to strings for us. * If you're performing calculations on the data in your application, you'd bind the numeric data * to C integers and floats, etc. instead. * * It is not necessary to bind to every column returned by the query. * Data in unbound columns are simply never copied to the user's buffers and are thus * inaccesible to the application. */ if (metadata[c].width < INT_MAX) { data[c].buffer = calloc(1, 1 + metadata[c].width); /* allow for null terminator */ assert(data[c].buffer); erc = dbbind(dbproc, c+1, bindtype, 0, (BYTE *) data[c].buffer); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } erc = dbnullbind(dbproc, c+1, &data[c].status); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbnullbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } } else { /* We don't bind text buffers, but use dbreadtext instead. */ data[c].buffer = NULL; } } /* * Get metadata and bind the columns for any compute rows. */ for (i=0; i < ncomputeids; i++) { fprintf(options.verbose, "For computeid %d:\n", 1+i); for (c=0; c < metacompute[i]->numalts; c++) { /* read metadata */ struct METADATA *meta = &metacompute[i]->meta[c]; int nby, iby; BYTE *bylist; char *colname, *bynames; int altcolid = dbaltcolid(dbproc, i+1, c+1); metacompute[i]->meta[c].type = dbalttype(dbproc, i+1, c+1); metacompute[i]->meta[c].size = dbaltlen(dbproc, i+1, c+1); /* * Jump through hoops to determine a useful name for the computed column * If the query says "compute count(c) by a,b", we get a "by list" indicating a & b. */ bylist = dbbylist(dbproc, c+1, &nby); bynames = strdup("by ("); for (iby=0; iby < nby; iby++) { char *s = NULL; int ret = asprintf(&s, "%s%s%s", bynames, dbcolname(dbproc, bylist[iby]), (iby+1 < nby)? ", " : ")"); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(options.verbose, "Insufficient room to create name for column %d:\n", 1+c); break; } free(bynames); bynames = s; } if( altcolid == -1 ) { colname = "*"; } else { assert(0 < altcolid && altcolid <= dbnumcols(dbproc)); colname = metadata[--altcolid].name; } asprintf(&metacompute[i]->meta[c].name, "%s(%s)", dbprtype(dbaltop(dbproc, i+1, c+1)), colname); assert(metacompute[i]->meta[c].name); metacompute[i]->meta[c].width = get_printable_size(metacompute[i]->meta[c].type, metacompute[i]->meta[c].size); if (metacompute[i]->meta[c].width < strlen(metacompute[i]->meta[c].name)) metacompute[i]->meta[c].width = strlen(metacompute[i]->meta[c].name); ret = set_format_string(meta, (c+1 < metacompute[i]->numalts)? options.colsep : "\n"); if (ret <= 0) { free(bynames); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: asprintf(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } fprintf(options.verbose, "\tcolumn %d is %s, type %s, size %d %s\n", c+1, metacompute[i]->meta[c].name, dbprtype(metacompute[i]->meta[c].type), metacompute[i]->meta[c].size, (nby > 0)? bynames : ""); free(bynames); /* allocate buffer */ assert(metacompute[i]->data); metacompute[i]->data[c].buffer = calloc(1, metacompute[i]->meta[c].width); assert(metacompute[i]->data[c].buffer); /* bind */ erc = dbaltbind(dbproc, i+1, c+1, bindtype, -1, (BYTE*) metacompute[i]->data[c].buffer); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbaltbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } } } fprintf(options.verbose, "\n"); fprintf(options.verbose, "Data\n"); if (!options.fquiet) { /* Print the column headers to stderr to keep them separate from the data. */ for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { fprintf(options.headers, metadata[c].format_string, metadata[c].name); } /* Underline the column headers. */ for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { fprintf(options.headers, metadata[c].format_string, dashes); } } /* * Print the data to stdout. */ while ((row_code = dbnextrow(dbproc)) != NO_MORE_ROWS) { switch (row_code) { case REG_ROW: for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { if (metadata[c].width == INT_MAX) { /* TEXT/IMAGE */ BYTE *p = dbdata(dbproc, c+1); size_t len = dbdatlen(dbproc, c+1); if (len == 0) { fputs("NULL", stdout); } else { BYTE *pend = p + len; switch(dbcoltype(dbproc, c+1)) { case SYBTEXT: if (fwrite(p, len, 1, stdout) != 1) { perror("could not write to output file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; default: /* image, binary */ fprintf(stdout, "0x"); for (; p < pend; p++) { printf("%02hx", (unsigned short int)*p); } break; } } fprintf(stdout, metadata[c].format_string, ""); /* col/row separator */ continue; } switch (data[c].status) { /* handle nulls */ case -1: /* is null */ /* TODO: FreeTDS 0.62 does not support dbsetnull() */ fprintf(stdout, metadata[c].format_string, "NULL"); break; case 0: /* case >1 is datlen when buffer is too small */ default: fprintf(stdout, metadata[c].format_string, data[c].buffer); break; } } break; case BUF_FULL: assert(row_code != BUF_FULL); break; case FAIL: fprintf(stderr, "bsqldb: fatal error: dbnextrow returned FAIL\n"); assert(row_code != FAIL); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; default: /* computeid */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Data for computeid %d\n", row_code); for (c=0; c < metacompute[row_code-1]->numalts; c++) { char fmt[256] = "%-"; struct METADATA *meta = &metacompute[row_code-1]->meta[c]; /* left justify the names */ strcat(fmt, &meta->format_string[1]); fprintf(options.headers, fmt, meta->name); } /* Underline the column headers. */ for (c=0; c < metacompute[row_code-1]->numalts; c++) { fprintf(options.headers, metacompute[row_code-1]->meta[c].format_string, dashes); } for (c=0; c < metacompute[row_code-1]->numalts; c++) { struct METADATA *meta = &metacompute[row_code-1]->meta[c]; struct DATA *data = &metacompute[row_code-1]->data[c]; switch (data->status) { /* handle nulls */ case -1: /* is null */ /* TODO: FreeTDS 0.62 does not support dbsetnull() */ fprintf(stdout, meta->format_string, "NULL"); break; case 0: /* case >1 is datlen when buffer is too small */ default: fprintf(stdout, meta->format_string, data->buffer); break; } } } } /* Check return status */ if (!options.fquiet) { fprintf(options.verbose, "Retrieving return status... "); if (dbhasretstat(dbproc) == TRUE) { fprintf(stderr, "Procedure returned %d\n", dbretstatus(dbproc)); } else { fprintf(options.verbose, "none\n"); } } /* * Get row count, if available. */ if (!options.fquiet) { if (DBCOUNT(dbproc) > -1) fprintf(stderr, "%d rows affected\n", DBCOUNT(dbproc)); else fprintf(stderr, "@@rowcount not available\n"); } /* * Check return parameter values */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Retrieving output parameters... "); if (dbnumrets(dbproc) > 0) { for (i = 1; i <= dbnumrets(dbproc); i++) { char parameter_string[1024]; = dbretname(dbproc, i); fprintf(stderr, "ret name %d is %s\n", i,; return_status.type = dbrettype(dbproc, i); fprintf(options.verbose, "\n\tret type %d is %d", i, return_status.type); return_status.size = dbretlen(dbproc, i); fprintf(options.verbose, "\n\tret len %d is %d\n", i, return_status.size); dbconvert(dbproc, return_status.type, dbretdata(dbproc, i), return_status.size, SYBVARCHAR, (BYTE *) parameter_string, -1); fprintf(stderr, "ret data %d is %s\n", i, parameter_string); } } else { fprintf(options.verbose, "none\n"); } } /* wend dbresults */ fprintf(options.verbose, "%s:%d: dbresults() returned NO_MORE_RESULTS (%d):\n", options.appname, __LINE__, erc); }
void print_results(DBPROCESS *dbproc) { static const char empty_string[] = ""; static const char dashes[] = "----------------------------------------------------------------" /* each line is 64 */ "----------------------------------------------------------------" "----------------------------------------------------------------" "----------------------------------------------------------------"; struct METADATA *metadata = NULL, return_status; struct DATA { char *buffer; int status; } *data = NULL; struct METACOMP { int numalts; struct METADATA *meta; struct DATA *data; } **metacompute = NULL; RETCODE erc; int row_code; int i, c, ret; int iresultset; int ncomputeids = 0, ncols = 0; /* * Set up each result set with dbresults() * This is more commonly implemented as a while() loop, but we're counting the result sets. */ fprintf(options.verbose, "%s:%d: calling dbresults OK:\n", options.appname, __LINE__); for (iresultset=1; (erc = dbresults(dbproc)) != NO_MORE_RESULTS; iresultset++) { if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbresults(), result set %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, iresultset); return; } fprintf(options.verbose, "Result set %d\n", iresultset); /* Free prior allocations, if any. */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Freeing prior allocations\n", iresultset); for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { free(metadata[c].format_string); free(data[c].buffer); } free(metadata); metadata = NULL; free(data); data = NULL; ncols = 0; for (i=0; i < ncomputeids; i++) { for (c=0; c < metacompute[i]->numalts; c++) { free(metacompute[i]->meta[c].name); free(metacompute[i]->meta[c].format_string); } free(metacompute[i]->meta); free(metacompute[i]->data); free(metacompute[i]); } free(metacompute); metacompute = NULL; ncomputeids = 0; /* * Allocate memory for metadata and bound columns */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Allocating buffers\n", iresultset); ncols = dbnumcols(dbproc); metadata = (struct METADATA*) calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct METADATA)); assert(metadata); data = (struct DATA*) calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct DATA)); assert(data); /* metadata is more complicated only because there may be several compute ids for each result set */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Allocating compute buffers\n", iresultset); ncomputeids = dbnumcompute(dbproc); if (ncomputeids > 0) { metacompute = (struct METACOMP**) calloc(ncomputeids, sizeof(struct METACOMP*)); assert(metacompute); } for (i=0; i < ncomputeids; i++) { metacompute[i] = (struct METACOMP*) calloc(ncomputeids, sizeof(struct METACOMP)); assert(metacompute[i]); metacompute[i]->numalts = dbnumalts(dbproc, 1+i); fprintf(options.verbose, "%d columns found in computeid %d\n", metacompute[i]->numalts, 1+i); if (metacompute[i]->numalts > 0) { fprintf(options.verbose, "allocating column %d\n", 1+i); metacompute[i]->meta = (struct METADATA*) calloc(metacompute[i]->numalts, sizeof(struct METADATA)); assert(metacompute[i]->meta); metacompute[i]->data = (struct DATA*) calloc(metacompute[i]->numalts, sizeof(struct DATA)); assert(metacompute[i]->data); } } /* * For each column, get its name, type, and size. * Allocate a buffer to hold the data, and bind the buffer to the column. * "bind" here means to give db-lib the address of the buffer we want filled as each row is fetched. * TODO: Implement dbcoltypeinfo() for numeric/decimal datatypes. */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Metadata\n", iresultset); fprintf(options.verbose, "%-6s %-30s %-30s %-15s %-6s %-6s \n", "col", "name", "source", "type", "size", "varys"); fprintf(options.verbose, "%.6s %.30s %.30s %.15s %.6s %.6s \n", dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes, dashes); for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { int width; /* Get and print the metadata. Optional: get only what you need. */ char *name = dbcolname(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].name = (name)? name : empty_string; name = dbcolsource(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].source = (name)? name : empty_string; metadata[c].type = dbcoltype(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].size = dbcollen(dbproc, c+1); assert(metadata[c].size != -1); /* -1 means indicates an out-of-range request*/ fprintf(options.verbose, "%6d %30s %30s %15s %6d %6d \n", c+1, metadata[c].name, metadata[c].source, dbprtype(metadata[c].type), metadata[c].size, dbvarylen(dbproc, c+1)); /* * Build the column header format string, based on the column width. * This is just one solution to the question, "How wide should my columns be when I print them out?" */ width = get_printable_size(metadata[c].type, metadata[c].size); if (width < strlen(metadata[c].name)) width = strlen(metadata[c].name); ret = set_format_string(&metadata[c], (c+1 < ncols)? " " : "\n"); if (ret <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: asprintf(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } /* * Bind the column to our variable. * We bind everything to strings, because we want db-lib to convert everything to strings for us. * If you're performing calculations on the data in your application, you'd bind the numeric data * to C integers and floats, etc. instead. * * It is not necessary to bind to every column returned by the query. * Data in unbound columns are simply never copied to the user's buffers and are thus * inaccesible to the application. */ data[c].buffer = calloc(1, metadata[c].size); assert(data[c].buffer); erc = dbbind(dbproc, c+1, STRINGBIND, -1, (BYTE *) data[c].buffer); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } erc = dbnullbind(dbproc, c+1, &data[c].status); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbnullbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } } /* * Get metadata and bind the columns for any compute rows. */ for (i=0; i < ncomputeids; i++) { fprintf(options.verbose, "For computeid %d:\n", 1+i); for (c=0; c < metacompute[i]->numalts; c++) { /* read metadata */ struct METADATA *meta = &metacompute[i]->meta[c]; int nbylist, ibylist; BYTE *bylist; char *colname, bynames[256] = "by ("; int altcolid = dbaltcolid(dbproc, i+1, c+1); metacompute[i]->meta[c].type = dbalttype(dbproc, i+1, c+1); metacompute[i]->meta[c].size = dbaltlen(dbproc, i+1, c+1); /* * Jump through hoops to determine a useful name for the computed column * If the query says "compute count(c) by a,b", we get a "by list" indicating a & b. */ bylist = dbbylist(dbproc, c+1, &nbylist); for (ibylist=0; ibylist < nbylist; ibylist++) { int ret; char *s = strchr(bynames, '\0'); int remaining = bynames + sizeof(bynames) - s; assert(remaining > 0); ret = snprintf(s, remaining, "%s%s", dbcolname(dbproc, bylist[ibylist]), (ibylist+1 < nbylist)? ", " : ")"); if (ret <= 0) { fprintf(options.verbose, "Insufficient room to create name for column %d:\n", 1+c); break; } } if( altcolid == -1 ) { colname = "*"; } else { colname = metadata[altcolid].name; } asprintf(&metacompute[i]->meta[c].name, "%s(%s)", dbprtype(dbaltop(dbproc, i+1, c+1)), colname); assert(metacompute[i]->meta[c].name); ret = set_format_string(meta, (c+1 < metacompute[i]->numalts)? " " : "\n"); if (ret <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: asprintf(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } fprintf(options.verbose, "\tcolumn %d is %s, type %s, size %d %s\n", c+1, metacompute[i]->meta[c].name, dbprtype(metacompute[i]->meta[c].type), metacompute[i]->meta[c].size, (nbylist > 0)? bynames : ""); /* allocate buffer */ assert(metacompute[i]->data); metacompute[i]->data[c].buffer = calloc(1, metacompute[i]->meta[c].size); assert(metacompute[i]->data[c].buffer); /* bind */ erc = dbaltbind(dbproc, i+1, c+1, STRINGBIND, -1, metacompute[i]->data[c].buffer); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbaltbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return; } } } fprintf(options.verbose, "\n"); fprintf(options.verbose, "Data\n", iresultset); /* Print the column headers to stderr to keep them separate from the data. */ for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { char fmt[256] = "%-"; /* left justify the names */ strcat(fmt, &metadata[c].format_string[1]); fprintf(stderr, fmt, metadata[c].name); } /* Underline the column headers. */ for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { fprintf(stderr, metadata[c].format_string, dashes); } /* * Print the data to stdout. */ while ((row_code = dbnextrow(dbproc)) != NO_MORE_ROWS) { switch (row_code) { case REG_ROW: for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { switch (data[c].status) { /* handle nulls */ case -1: /* is null */ /* TODO: FreeTDS 0.62 does not support dbsetnull() */ fprintf(stdout, metadata[c].format_string, "NULL"); break; case 0: /* case >1 is datlen when buffer is too small */ default: fprintf(stdout, metadata[c].format_string, data[c].buffer); break; } } break; case BUF_FULL: assert(row_code != BUF_FULL); break; default: /* computeid */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Data for computeid %d\n", row_code); for (c=0; c < metacompute[row_code-1]->numalts; c++) { char fmt[256] = "%-"; struct METADATA *meta = &metacompute[row_code-1]->meta[c]; /* left justify the names */ strcat(fmt, &meta->format_string[1]); fprintf(stderr, fmt, meta->name); } /* Underline the column headers. */ for (c=0; c < metacompute[row_code-1]->numalts; c++) { fprintf(stderr, metacompute[row_code-1]->meta[c].format_string, dashes); } for (c=0; c < metacompute[row_code-1]->numalts; c++) { struct METADATA *meta = &metacompute[row_code-1]->meta[c]; struct DATA *data = &metacompute[row_code-1]->data[c]; switch (data->status) { /* handle nulls */ case -1: /* is null */ /* TODO: FreeTDS 0.62 does not support dbsetnull() */ fprintf(stdout, meta->format_string, "NULL"); break; case 0: /* case >1 is datlen when buffer is too small */ default: fprintf(stdout, meta->format_string, data->buffer); break; } } } } /* Check return status */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Retrieving return status... "); if (dbhasretstat(dbproc) == TRUE) { fprintf(stderr, "Procedure returned %d\n", dbretstatus(dbproc)); } else { fprintf(options.verbose, "none\n"); } /* * Get row count, if available. */ if (DBCOUNT(dbproc) > -1) fprintf(stderr, "%d rows affected\n", DBCOUNT(dbproc)); /* * Check return parameter values */ fprintf(options.verbose, "Retrieving output parameters... "); if (dbnumrets(dbproc) > 0) { for (i = 1; i <= dbnumrets(dbproc); i++) { char parameter_string[1024]; = dbretname(dbproc, i); fprintf(stderr, "ret name %d is %s\n", i,; return_status.type = dbrettype(dbproc, i); fprintf(options.verbose, "\n\tret type %d is %d", i, return_status.type); return_status.size = dbretlen(dbproc, i); fprintf(options.verbose, "\n\tret len %d is %d\n", i, return_status.size); dbconvert(dbproc, return_status.type, dbretdata(dbproc, i), return_status.size, SYBVARCHAR, (BYTE *) parameter_string, -1); fprintf(stderr, "ret data %d is %s\n", i, parameter_string); } } else { fprintf(options.verbose, "none\n"); } } /* wend dbresults */ fprintf(options.verbose, "%s:%d: dbresults() returned NO_MORE_RESULTS (%d):\n", options.appname, __LINE__, erc); }
int /* return count of SQL text rows */ print_results(DBPROCESS *dbproc) { static const char empty_string[] = ""; struct METADATA *metadata = NULL; struct DATA { char *buffer; int status; } *data = NULL; RETCODE erc; int row_code; int c, ret; int iresultset; int nrows=0, ncols=0, ncomputeids; /* * Set up each result set with dbresults() */ for (iresultset=1; (erc = dbresults(dbproc)) != NO_MORE_RESULTS; iresultset++) { if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbresults(), result set %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, iresultset); return -1; } if (SUCCEED != dbrows(dbproc)) { return 0; } /* Free prior allocations, if any. */ for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { free(metadata[c].format_string); free(data[c].buffer); } free(metadata); metadata = NULL; free(data); data = NULL; ncols = 0; /* * Allocate memory for metadata and bound columns */ ncols = dbnumcols(dbproc); metadata = (struct METADATA*) calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct METADATA)); assert(metadata); data = (struct DATA*) calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct DATA)); assert(data); /* The hard-coded queries don't generate compute rows. */ ncomputeids = dbnumcompute(dbproc); assert(0 == ncomputeids); /* * For each column, get its name, type, and size. * Allocate a buffer to hold the data, and bind the buffer to the column. * "bind" here means to give db-lib the address of the buffer we want filled as each row is fetched. */ for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { int width; /* Get and print the metadata. Optional: get only what you need. */ char *name = dbcolname(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].name = (name)? name : (char*) empty_string; name = dbcolsource(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].source = (name)? name : (char*) empty_string; metadata[c].type = dbcoltype(dbproc, c+1); metadata[c].size = dbcollen(dbproc, c+1); assert(metadata[c].size != -1); /* -1 means indicates an out-of-range request*/ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "%6d %30s %30s %15s %6d %6d \n", c+1, metadata[c].name, metadata[c].source, dbprtype(metadata[c].type), metadata[c].size, dbvarylen(dbproc, c+1)); #endif /* * Build the column header format string, based on the column width. * This is just one solution to the question, "How wide should my columns be when I print them out?" */ width = get_printable_size(metadata[c].type, metadata[c].size); if (width < strlen(metadata[c].name)) width = strlen(metadata[c].name); ret = set_format_string(&metadata[c], (c+1 < ncols)? " " : "\n"); if (ret <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: asprintf(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return -1; } /* * Bind the column to our variable. * We bind everything to strings, because we want db-lib to convert everything to strings for us. * If you're performing calculations on the data in your application, you'd bind the numeric data * to C integers and floats, etc. instead. * * It is not necessary to bind to every column returned by the query. * Data in unbound columns are simply never copied to the user's buffers and are thus * inaccesible to the application. */ data[c].buffer = calloc(1, metadata[c].size); assert(data[c].buffer); erc = dbbind(dbproc, c+1, STRINGBIND, -1, (BYTE *) data[c].buffer); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return -1; } erc = dbnullbind(dbproc, c+1, &data[c].status); if (erc == FAIL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: dbnullbind(), column %d failed\n", options.appname, __LINE__, c+1); return -1; } } /* * Print the data to stdout. */ for (;(row_code = dbnextrow(dbproc)) != NO_MORE_ROWS; nrows++) { switch (row_code) { case REG_ROW: for (c=0; c < ncols; c++) { switch (data[c].status) { /* handle nulls */ case -1: /* is null */ fprintf(stderr, "defncopy: error: unexpected NULL row in SQL text\n"); break; case 0: /* OK */ default: /* >1 is datlen when buffer is too small */ fprintf(stdout, "%s", data[c].buffer); break; } } break; case BUF_FULL: default: fprintf(stderr, "defncopy: error: expected REG_ROW (%d), got %d instead\n", REG_ROW, row_code); assert(row_code == REG_ROW); break; } /* row_code */ } /* wend dbnextrow */ fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } /* wend dbresults */ return nrows; }
void MSSqlDatatable::update() { // clear. this->clear(); # ifdef _FREETDS DBPROCESS* proc = (DBPROCESS*)_proc; // update. uint const ncols = dbnumcols(proc); struct COL { char *name; char *buffer; int type, size, status; } *columns, *pcol; if ((columns = (COL*)calloc(ncols, sizeof(struct COL))) == NULL) { return; } RETCODE sta = 0; rows_type& rows = this->_rows; cols_type& cols = this->_cols; cols.resize(ncols); //Read metadata and bind. for (pcol = columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { int c = (int)(pcol - columns + 1); pcol->name = dbcolname(proc, c); pcol->type = dbcoltype(proc, c); pcol->size = dbcollen(proc, c); // add cols. cols[c - 1] = new variant_t(pcol->name, core::copy); if (SYBCHAR != pcol->type) { pcol->size = dbwillconvert(pcol->type, SYBCHAR); } if ((pcol->buffer = (char*)calloc(1, pcol->size + 1)) == NULL){ break; } sta = dbbind(proc, c, NTBSTRINGBIND, pcol->size + 1, (byte*)pcol->buffer); if (sta == FAIL) { break; } sta = dbnullbind(proc, c, &pcol->status); if (sta == FAIL) { break; } } // Get rows. while ((sta = dbnextrow(proc)) != NO_MORE_ROWS){ switch (sta) { case REG_ROW: { DBMSqlDatatable::row_type *row = new DBMSqlDatatable::row_type; row->resize(ncols); for (pcol=columns; pcol - columns < ncols; ++pcol) { int c = (int)(pcol - columns + 1); char const* buffer = pcol->status == -1 ? "" : pcol->buffer; (*row)[c - 1] = new variant_t(buffer, core::copy); } rows.push_back(row); } break; } } /* free metadata and data buffers */ for (pcol=columns; pcol - columns < ncols; pcol++) { free(pcol->buffer); } free(columns); # endif # ifdef _MSSQL _RecordsetPtr& rcdset = *((_RecordsetPtr*)_proc); usize const ncols = (usize const)rcdset->Fields->GetCount(); rows_type& rows = this->_rows; cols_type& cols = this->_cols; cols.resize(ncols); // read cols. for (uint idx = 0; idx < ncols; ++idx) { # ifdef NNT_DEBUG try { # endif _bstr_t name = rcdset->Fields->GetItem((long)idx)->GetName(); cols[idx] = new variant_t((char const*)name, core::copy); # ifdef NNT_DEBUG } catch (_com_error& err) { _bstr_t msg = err.ErrorMessage(); trace_msg((char const*)msg); } # endif } // read rows. while (!rcdset->adoEOF) { row_type* row = new row_type; row->resize(ncols); for (uindex idx = 0; idx < ncols; ++idx) { # ifdef NNT_DEBUG try { # endif _bstr_t val = rcdset->GetCollect((long)idx); (*row)[idx] = new variant_t((char const*)val, core::copy); # ifdef NNT_DEBUG } catch (_com_error& err) { _bstr_t msg = err.ErrorMessage(); trace_msg((char const*)msg); } # endif } rows.push_back(row); rcdset->MoveNext(); } # endif }