Esempio n. 1
image_make_icon_handle( Handle img, Point size, Point * hotSpot)
   PIcon i = ( PIcon) img;
   HICON    r;
   int    bpp = i-> type & imBPP;
   Bool  noSZ   = i-> w != size. x || i-> h != size. y;
   Bool  noBPP  = bpp != 1 && bpp != 4 && bpp != 8 && bpp != 24;
   HDC dc;
   Bool notAnIcon = !kind_of( img, CIcon);

   ii. fIcon = hotSpot ? false : true;
   ii. xHotspot = hotSpot ? hotSpot-> x : 0;
   ii. yHotspot = hotSpot ? hotSpot-> y : 0;

   if ( noSZ || noBPP) {
      i = ( PIcon)( i-> self-> dup( img));

      if ( noSZ)
         i-> self-> set_size(( Handle) i, size);
      if ( noBPP)
         i-> self-> set_type(( Handle) i,
             ( bpp < 4) ? 1 :
             (( bpp < 8) ? 4 :
             (( bpp < 24) ? 8 : 24))

   if (!( dc = dc_alloc())) {
      if (( Handle) i != img) Object_destroy(( Handle) i);
      return NULL;
   image_get_binfo(( Handle)i, &bi);
   if ( bi. bmiHeader. biClrUsed > 0)
      bi. bmiHeader. biClrUsed = bi. bmiHeader. biClrImportant = i-> palSize;

   if ( !( ii. hbmColor = CreateDIBitmap( dc, &bi. bmiHeader, CBM_INIT,
       i-> data, ( BITMAPINFO*) &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS))) apiErr;
   bi. bmiHeader. biBitCount = bi. bmiHeader. biPlanes = 1;
   bi. bmiColors[ 0]. rgbRed = bi. bmiColors[ 0]. rgbGreen = bi. bmiColors[ 0]. rgbBlue = 0;
   bi. bmiColors[ 1]. rgbRed = bi. bmiColors[ 1]. rgbGreen = bi. bmiColors[ 1]. rgbBlue = 255;

   if ( !( ii. hbmMask  = CreateDIBitmap( dc, &bi. bmiHeader, CBM_INIT,
      notAnIcon ? NULL : i-> mask, ( BITMAPINFO*) &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS))) apiErr;

   if ( !( r = CreateIconIndirect( &ii))) apiErr;

   DeleteObject( ii. hbmColor);
   DeleteObject( ii. hbmMask);
   if (( Handle) i != img) Object_destroy(( Handle) i);
   return r;
Esempio n. 2
apc_dbm_create( Handle self, Bool monochrome)
   Bool palc = 0;

   objCheck false;
   apt_set( aptBitmap);
   apt_set( aptDeviceBitmap);
   apt_set( aptCompatiblePS);

   if ( !( sys ps = CreateCompatibleDC( 0))) apiErrRet;
   sys lastSize. x = var w;
   sys lastSize. y = var h;

   if ( monochrome)
      sys bm = CreateBitmap( var w, var h, 1, 1, nil);
   else {
      HDC dc;
      if (!( dc = dc_alloc())) {
         DeleteDC( sys ps);
         return false;
      if (( sys pal = palette_create( self))) {
         sys stockPalette = SelectPalette( sys ps, sys pal, 1);
         RealizePalette( sys ps);
         palc = 1;
      sys bm = CreateCompatibleBitmap( dc, var w, var h);
      if ( guts. displayBMInfo. bmiHeader. biBitCount == 8)
         apt_clear( aptCompatiblePS);

   if ( !sys bm) {
      if ( !monochrome) dc_free();
      if ( palc) {
         SelectPalette( sys ps, sys stockPalette, 1);
         DeleteObject( sys stockPalette);
         sys stockPalette = nil;
      DeleteDC( sys ps);
      return false;
   if ( !monochrome) dc_free();

   sys stockBM = SelectObject( sys ps, sys bm);

   hwnd_enter_paint( self);
   if ( monochrome) sys bpp = 1;

   hash_store( imageMan, &self, sizeof( self), (void*)self);
   return true;
Esempio n. 3
void * dc_realloc(void * ptr, size_t size)
		ptr = dc_alloc(size);
		return ptr;
	if(size == 0){
		return NULL;
	void * word_before_ptr = (void *)((uint64 *)ptr - 1);
	void * new_ptr;
	uint64 cap = *(uint64 *)word_before_ptr;
	if(size <= POW2(cap)){
		printf("dc_mm : %s","reallocate but return the original pointer.");
		return ptr;
	new_ptr = dc_alloc(size);
	memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, POW2(cap));
	printf("dc_mm : %s","reallocation finished");
	return new_ptr;
Esempio n. 4
dbm_recreate( Handle self)
   HBITMAP bm, stock;
   HDC dc, dca;
   HPALETTE p = nil;
   if ((( PDeviceBitmap) self)-> monochrome) return;

   if ( !( dc = CreateCompatibleDC( 0))) {
   if (!( dca = dc_alloc())) {
      DeleteDC( dc);

   if ( sys pal) {
      p = SelectPalette( dc, sys pal, 1);
      RealizePalette( dc);

   if ( !( bm = CreateCompatibleBitmap( dca, var w, var h))) {
      DeleteDC( dc);
   stock = SelectObject( dc, bm);

   BitBlt( dc, 0, 0, var w, var h, sys ps, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

   if ( sys pal) {
      SelectPalette( sys ps, sys stockPalette, 1);
      sys stockPalette = p;
   } else
      sys stockPalette = GetCurrentObject( dc, OBJ_PAL);

   if ( sys stockBM)
      SelectObject( sys ps, sys stockBM);
   DeleteObject( sys bm);
   DeleteDC( sys ps);

   sys ps = dc;
   sys bm = bm;
   sys stockBM = stock;
Esempio n. 5
/* select a node frome the extra idle list */
void * select_extra(uint64 cap)
	void * ptr , * chunk_ptr;
	if(0 == elm_table[cap]->idle_num)
		return dc_alloc(POW2(cap));
	ptr = pop(elm_table[cap]->chunks_list);
	chunk_ptr = (void *)((uint64 *)ptr + 1);
	printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","select a specific capacity ", POW2(cap), 
	       " Bytes form extra chunks list.");
	return chunk_ptr;
Esempio n. 6
/* select a node from the pre-allocated idle list */
void * select_pre_alloced(uint64 cap)
	int pos = cap - SMALL;  /* position of the pointer in the array. */
	void * ptr , * chunk_ptr;
	if(0 == chunks_manager_table[pos]->idle_num)
		return dc_alloc(POW2(cap));
	ptr = pop(chunks_manager_table[pos]->idle_chunks);
	chunk_ptr = (void *)((uint64 *)ptr + 1);
	printf("dc_mm : %s%8ld%s\n","select a specific capacity ", POW2(cap),
	       " Bytes form pre-allocated chunks list.");
	return chunk_ptr; 
Esempio n. 7
image_query_bits( Handle self, Bool forceNewImage)
   PImage i = ( PImage) self;
   int  newBits;
   HDC  ops = nil;
   BITMAP bitmap;

   if ( forceNewImage) {
      ops = sys ps;
      if ( !ops) {
         if ( !( sys ps = dc_alloc())) return;

   if ( !GetObject( sys bm, sizeof( BITMAP), ( LPSTR) &bitmap)) {
      // if GetObject fails to get even BITMAP, there will be no good in farther run for sure.

   if (( bitmap. bmPlanes == 1) && (
          ( bitmap. bmBitsPixel == 1) ||
          ( bitmap. bmBitsPixel == 4) ||
          ( bitmap. bmBitsPixel == 8) ||
          ( bitmap. bmBitsPixel == 24)
      newBits = bitmap. bmBitsPixel;
   else {
      newBits = ( bitmap. bmBitsPixel <= 4) ? 4 :
                (( bitmap. bmBitsPixel <= 8) ? 8 : 24);

   if ( forceNewImage) {
      i-> self-> create_empty( self, bitmap. bmWidth, bitmap. bmHeight, newBits);
   } else {
      if (( newBits != ( i-> type & imBPP)) || (( i-> type & ~imBPP) != 0))
         i-> self-> create_empty( self, i-> w, i-> h, newBits);

   bi = image_get_binfo( self, &xbi);

   if ( !GetDIBits( sys ps, sys bm, 0, i-> h, i-> data, bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) apiErr;

   if (( i-> type & imBPP) < 24) {
      int j, nColors = 1 << ( i-> type & imBPP);
      for ( j = 0; j < nColors; j++) {
         i-> palette[ j]. r = xbi. bmiColors[ j]. rgbRed;
         i-> palette[ j]. g = xbi. bmiColors[ j]. rgbGreen;
         i-> palette[ j]. b = xbi. bmiColors[ j]. rgbBlue;

   if ( forceNewImage) {
      if ( !ops) {
      sys ps = ops;
Esempio n. 8
window_subsystem_init( char * error_buf)
   HDC dc;
   HBITMAP hbm;

   guts. version  = GetVersion();
   GetVersionEx( &os);
   guts. alloc_utf8_to_wchar_visual = 
   	(( os.dwMajorVersion > 5) || (os.dwMajorVersion == 5 && os.dwMinorVersion > 1)) ?
		alloc_utf8_to_wchar_visual :
   guts. mainThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
   guts. errorMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS);
   guts. desktopWindow = GetDesktopWindow();

   memset( &wc, 0, sizeof( wc));         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS;
   wc.lpfnWndProc   = ( WNDPROC) generic_app_handler;
   wc.cbClsExtra    = 0;
   wc.cbWndExtra    = 0;
   wc.hInstance     = guts. instance;
   wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon( guts. instance, IDI_APPLICATION);
   wc.hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW);
   wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)NULL;
   wc.lpszClassName = L"GenericApp";
   RegisterClassW( &wc);

   memset( &wc, 0, sizeof( wc));         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS;
   wc.lpfnWndProc   = ( WNDPROC) generic_frame_handler;
   wc.cbClsExtra    = 0;
   wc.cbWndExtra    = 0;
   wc.hInstance     = guts. instance;
   wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon( guts. instance, IDI_APPLICATION);
   wc.hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW);
   wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)NULL;
   wc.lpszClassName = L"GenericFrame";
   RegisterClassW( &wc);

   memset( &wc, 0, sizeof( wc));         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS;
   wc.lpfnWndProc   = ( WNDPROC) generic_view_handler;
   wc.cbClsExtra    = 0;
   wc.cbWndExtra    = 0;
   wc.hInstance     = guts. instance;
   wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon( guts. instance, IDI_APPLICATION);
   wc.hCursor       = NULL; // LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW);
   wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)NULL;
   wc.lpszClassName = L"Generic";
   RegisterClassW( &wc);

   stylusMan  = hash_create();
   fontMan    = hash_create();
   patMan     = hash_create();
   menuMan    = hash_create();
   imageMan   = hash_create();
   regnodeMan = hash_create();
      LOGBRUSH b = { BS_HOLLOW, 0, 0};
      Font f;
      hPenHollow        = CreatePen( PS_NULL, 0, 0);
      hBrushHollow      = CreateBrushIndirect( &b);
      hPatHollow. dotsCount = 0;
      hPatHollow. dotsPtr   = nil;
      FONTSTRUCSIZE    = (char *)(&(f. name)) - (char *)(&f);

   if (!( dc = dc_alloc())) return false; 
   guts. displayResolution. x = GetDeviceCaps( dc, LOGPIXELSX);
   guts. displayResolution. y = GetDeviceCaps( dc, LOGPIXELSY);
      LOGFONT lf;
      HFONT   sfont;

      // getting most common font name
      memset( &lf, 0, sizeof( lf));
      lf. lfCharSet        = OEM_CHARSET;
      lf. lfOutPrecision   = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      lf. lfClipPrecision  = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
      lf. lfQuality        = PROOF_QUALITY;
      lf. lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH;
      sfont = SelectObject( dc, CreateFontIndirect( &lf));
      GetTextFace( dc, 256, guts. defaultSystemFont);

      // getting common fixed font name
      lf. lfHeight = 320;
      lf. lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH;
      DeleteObject( SelectObject( dc, CreateFontIndirect( &lf)));
      GetTextFace( dc, 256, guts. defaultFixedFont);

      // getting common variable font name
      lf. lfPitchAndFamily = VARIABLE_PITCH;
      DeleteObject( SelectObject( dc, CreateFontIndirect( &lf)));
      GetTextFace( dc, 256, guts. defaultVariableFont);
      DeleteObject( SelectObject( dc, sfont));

      // getting system font presets
      memset( &guts. windowFont, 0, sizeof( Font));
      strcpy( guts. windowFont. name, DEFAULT_WIDGET_FONT);
      guts. windowFont. size  = DEFAULT_WIDGET_FONT_SIZE;
      guts. windowFont. width = guts. windowFont. height = C_NUMERIC_UNDEF;
      guts. windowFont. size = 12;
      apc_font_pick( nilHandle, &guts. windowFont, &guts. windowFont);

      guts. ncmData. cbSize = sizeof( NONCLIENTMETRICS);
         ( PVOID) &guts. ncmData, 0);
      font_logfont2font( &guts. ncmData. lfMenuFont, &guts. menuFont, &guts. displayResolution);
      font_logfont2font( &guts. ncmData. lfMessageFont, &guts. msgFont, &guts. displayResolution);
      font_logfont2font( &guts. ncmData. lfCaptionFont, &guts. capFont, &guts. displayResolution);

   memset( &guts. displayBMInfo, 0, sizeof( guts. displayBMInfo));
   guts. displayBMInfo. bmiHeader. biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFO);
   if ( !( hbm = GetCurrentObject( dc, OBJ_BITMAP))) {
      return false;

   if ( !GetDIBits( dc, hbm, 0, 0, NULL, &guts. displayBMInfo, DIB_PAL_COLORS)) {
      guts. displayBMInfo. bmiHeader. biBitCount = GetDeviceCaps( dc, BITSPIXEL);
      guts. displayBMInfo. bmiHeader. biPlanes   = GetDeviceCaps( dc, PLANES);

   guts. insertMode = true;
   guts. iconSizeSmall. x = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSMICON);
   guts. iconSizeSmall. y = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON);
   guts. iconSizeLarge. x = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXICON);
   guts. iconSizeLarge. y = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYICON);
   guts. pointerSize. x   = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXCURSOR);
   guts. pointerSize. y   = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCURSOR);
   list_create( &guts. transp, 8, 8);
   list_create( &guts. files, 8, 8);
   list_create( &guts. sockets, 8, 8);

   // selecting locale layout, more or less latin-like

      char buf[ KL_NAMELENGTH * 2] = "";
      HKL current      = GetKeyboardLayout( 0);
      int i, j, size   = GetKeyboardLayoutList( 0, nil);
      HKL * kl         = ( HKL *) malloc( sizeof( HKL) * size);

      guts. keyLayout = nil;
      if ( !GetKeyboardLayoutName( buf)) apiErr;
      for ( j = 0; j < ( sizeof( keyLayouts) / sizeof( char*)); j++) {
         if ( strncmp( buf + 4, keyLayouts[ j], 4) == 0) {
            guts. keyLayout = current;
            goto found_1;

      if ( kl) {
         GetKeyboardLayoutList( size, kl);
         for ( i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            ActivateKeyboardLayout( kl[ i], 0);
            if ( !GetKeyboardLayoutName( buf)) apiErr;
            for ( j = 0; j < ( sizeof( keyLayouts) / sizeof( char*)); j++) {
               if ( strncmp( buf + 4, keyLayouts[ j], 4) == 0) {
                  guts. keyLayout = kl[ i];
                  goto found_2;
         ActivateKeyboardLayout( current, 0);
      free( kl);
   guts. currentKeyState = guts. keyState;
   memset( guts. emptyKeyState, 0, sizeof( guts. emptyKeyState));
   guts. smDblClk. x = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXDOUBLECLK);
   guts. smDblClk. y = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYDOUBLECLK);

   return true;