Esempio n. 1
static device_status_t
suunto_eon_device_dump (device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer)
	suunto_eon_device_t *device = (suunto_eon_device_t*) abstract;

	if (! device_is_suunto_eon (abstract))

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer and
	// pre-allocate the required amount of memory.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer) || !dc_buffer_reserve (buffer, SUUNTO_EON_MEMORY_SIZE)) {
		WARNING ("Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Enable progress notifications.
	device_progress_t progress = DEVICE_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	progress.maximum = SUUNTO_EON_MEMORY_SIZE + 1;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DEVICE_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Send the command.
	unsigned char command[1] = {'P'};
	int rc = serial_write (device->port, command, sizeof (command));
	if (rc != sizeof (command)) {
		WARNING ("Failed to send the command.");
		return EXITCODE (rc);

	// Receive the answer.
	unsigned char answer[SUUNTO_EON_MEMORY_SIZE + 1] = {0};
	rc = serial_read (device->port, answer, sizeof (answer));
	if (rc != sizeof (answer)) {
		WARNING ("Failed to receive the answer.");
		return EXITCODE (rc);

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current += sizeof (answer);
	device_event_emit (abstract, DEVICE_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Verify the checksum of the package.
	unsigned char crc = answer[sizeof (answer) - 1];
	unsigned char ccrc = checksum_add_uint8 (answer, sizeof (answer) - 1, 0x00);
	if (crc != ccrc) {
		WARNING ("Unexpected answer CRC.");

	dc_buffer_append (buffer, answer, SUUNTO_EON_MEMORY_SIZE);

static int
dive_cb (const unsigned char *data, unsigned int size, const unsigned char *fingerprint, unsigned int fsize, void *userdata)
	dive_data_t *divedata = (dive_data_t *) userdata;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;
	dc_parser_t *parser = NULL;


	message ("Dive: number=%u, size=%u, fingerprint=", divedata->number, size);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fsize; ++i)
		message ("%02X", fingerprint[i]);
	message ("\n");

	// Keep a copy of the most recent fingerprint. Because dives are
	// guaranteed to be downloaded in reverse order, the most recent
	// dive is always the first dive.
	if (divedata->number == 1) {
		dc_buffer_t *fp = dc_buffer_new (fsize);
		dc_buffer_append (fp, fingerprint, fsize);
		*divedata->fingerprint = fp;

	// Create the parser.
	message ("Creating the parser.\n");
	rc = dc_parser_new (&parser, divedata->device);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR ("Error creating the parser.");
		goto cleanup;

	// Register the data.
	message ("Registering the data.\n");
	rc = dc_parser_set_data (parser, data, size);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR ("Error registering the data.");
		goto cleanup;

	// Parse the dive data.
	message ("Parsing the dive data.\n");
	rc = dctool_output_write (divedata->output, parser, data, size, fingerprint, fsize);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR ("Error parsing the dive data.");
		goto cleanup;

	dc_parser_destroy (parser);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 3
static int
shearwater_common_decompress_lre (unsigned char *data, unsigned int size, dc_buffer_t *buffer, unsigned int *isfinal)
	// The RLE decompression algorithm does interpret the binary data as a
	// stream of 9 bit values. Therefore, the total number of bits needs to be
	// a multiple of 9 bits.
	unsigned int nbits = size * 8;
	if (nbits % 9 != 0)
		return -1;

	unsigned int offset = 0;
	while (offset + 9 <= nbits) {
		// Extract the 9 bit value.
		unsigned int byte = offset / 8;
		unsigned int bit  = offset % 8;
		unsigned int shift = 16 - (bit + 9);
		unsigned int value = (array_uint16_be (data + byte) >> shift) & 0x1FF;

		// The 9th bit indicates whether the remaining 8 bits represent
		// a run of zero bytes or not. If the bit is set, the value is
		// not a run and doesn’t need expansion. If the bit is not set,
		// the value contains the number of zero bytes in the run. A
		// zero-length run indicates the end of the compressed stream.
		if (value & 0x100) {
			// Append the data byte directly.
			unsigned char c = value & 0xFF;
			if (!dc_buffer_append (buffer, &c, 1))
				return -1;
		} else if (value == 0) {
			// Reached the end of the compressed stream.
			if (isfinal)
				*isfinal = 1;
		} else {
			// Expand the run with zero bytes.
			if (!dc_buffer_resize (buffer, dc_buffer_get_size (buffer) + value))
				return -1;

		offset += 9;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
shearwater_common_identifier (shearwater_common_device_t *device, dc_buffer_t *buffer, unsigned int id)
	dc_device_t *abstract = (dc_device_t *) device;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;

	// Erase the buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Transfer the request.
	unsigned int n = 0;
	unsigned char request[] = {0x22,
		(id >> 8) & 0xFF,
		(id     ) & 0xFF};
	unsigned char response[SZ_PACKET];
	rc = shearwater_common_transfer (device, request, sizeof (request), response, sizeof (response), &n);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		return rc;

	// Verify the response.
	if (n < 3 || response[0] != 0x62 || response[1] != request[1] || response[2] != request[2]) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected response packet.");

	// Append the packet to the output buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_append (buffer, response + 3, n - 3)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	return rc;
Esempio n. 5
static dc_buffer_t *
fpconvert (const char *fingerprint) {
    unsigned int i = 0;

    /* get the length of the fingerprint data */
    size_t nbytes = (fingerprint ? strlen(fingerprint) / 2 : 0);
    if (nbytes == 0) {
        return NULL;

    /* allocate a memory buffer */
    dc_buffer_t *buffer = dc_buffer_new(nbytes);

    /* convert the hexadecimal string */
    for (i = 0; i < nbytes; ++i) {
        unsigned char msn = hex2dec(fingerprint[i*2+0]);
        unsigned char lsn = hex2dec(fingerprint[i*2+1]);
        unsigned char byte = (msn << 4) + lsn;

        dc_buffer_append(buffer, &byte, 1);

    return buffer;
Esempio n. 6
static dc_status_t
reefnet_sensus_device_dump (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer)
	reefnet_sensus_device_t *device = (reefnet_sensus_device_t*) abstract;

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer and
	// pre-allocate the required amount of memory.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer) || !dc_buffer_reserve (buffer, SZ_MEMORY)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Enable progress notifications.
	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	progress.maximum = 4 + SZ_MEMORY + 2 + 3;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Wake-up the device.
	dc_status_t rc = reefnet_sensus_handshake (device);
		return rc;

	// Send the command to the device.
	unsigned char command = 0x40;
	int n = serial_write (device->port, &command, 1);
	if (n != 1) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to send the command.");
		return EXITCODE (n);

	// The device leaves the waiting state.
	device->waiting = 0;

	// Receive the answer from the device.
	unsigned int nbytes = 0;
	unsigned char answer[4 + SZ_MEMORY + 2 + 3] = {0};
	while (nbytes < sizeof (answer)) {
		unsigned int len = sizeof (answer) - nbytes;
		if (len > 128)
			len = 128;

		n = serial_read (device->port, answer + nbytes, len);
		if (n != len) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to receive the answer.");
			return EXITCODE (n);

		// Update and emit a progress event.
		progress.current += len;
		device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

		nbytes += len;

	// Verify the headers of the package.
	if (memcmp (answer, "DATA", 4) != 0 ||
		memcmp (answer + sizeof (answer) - 3, "END", 3) != 0) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected answer start or end byte(s).");

	// Verify the checksum of the package.
	unsigned short crc = array_uint16_le (answer + 4 + SZ_MEMORY);
	unsigned short ccrc = checksum_add_uint16 (answer + 4, SZ_MEMORY, 0x00);
	if (crc != ccrc) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected answer checksum.");

	dc_buffer_append (buffer, answer + 4, SZ_MEMORY);

Esempio n. 7
static dc_status_t
atomics_cobalt_read_dive (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer, int init, dc_event_progress_t *progress)
	atomics_cobalt_device_t *device = (atomics_cobalt_device_t *) abstract;

	if (device_is_cancelled (abstract))

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Send the command to the dive computer.
	uint8_t bRequest = 0;
	if (device->simulation)
		bRequest = init ? 0x02 : 0x03;
		bRequest = init ? 0x09 : 0x0A;
	int rc = libusb_control_transfer (device->handle,
		bRequest, 0, 0, NULL, 0, TIMEOUT);
	if (rc != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to send the command.");
		return EXITCODE(rc);

	HEXDUMP (abstract->context, DC_LOGLEVEL_INFO, "Write", &bRequest, 1);

	unsigned int nbytes = 0;
	while (1) {
		// Receive the answer from the dive computer.
		int length = 0;
		unsigned char packet[8 * 1024] = {0};
		rc = libusb_bulk_transfer (device->handle, 0x82,
			packet, sizeof (packet), &length, TIMEOUT);
		if (rc != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to receive the answer.");
			return EXITCODE(rc);

		HEXDUMP (abstract->context, DC_LOGLEVEL_INFO, "Read", packet, length);

		// Update and emit a progress event.
		if (progress) {
			progress->current += length;
			device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, progress);

		// Append the packet to the output buffer.
		dc_buffer_append (buffer, packet, length);
		nbytes += length;

		// If we received fewer bytes than requested, the transfer is finished.
		if (length < sizeof (packet))

	// Check for a buffer error.
	if (dc_buffer_get_size (buffer) != nbytes) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Check for the minimum length.
	if (nbytes < 2) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Data packet is too short.");

	// When only two 0xFF bytes are received, there are no more dives.
	unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
	if (nbytes == 2 && data[0] == 0xFF && data[1] == 0xFF) {
		dc_buffer_clear (buffer);

	// Verify the checksum of the packet.
	unsigned short crc = array_uint16_le (data + nbytes - 2);
	unsigned short ccrc = checksum_add_uint16 (data, nbytes - 2, 0x0);
	if (crc != ccrc) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected answer checksum.");

	// Remove the checksum bytes.
	dc_buffer_slice (buffer, 0, nbytes - 2);

static dc_status_t
shearwater_petrel_device_foreach (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_dive_callback_t callback, void *userdata)
	shearwater_petrel_device_t *device = (shearwater_petrel_device_t *) abstract;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;

	// Allocate memory buffers for the manifests.
	dc_buffer_t *buffer = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	dc_buffer_t *manifests = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	if (buffer == NULL || manifests == NULL) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);

	// Enable progress notifications.
	unsigned int current = 0, maximum = 0;
	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Read the serial number.
	rc = shearwater_common_identifier (&device->base, buffer, ID_SERIAL);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to read the serial number.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);
		return rc;

	// Convert to a number.
	unsigned char serial[4] = {0};
	if (array_convert_hex2bin (dc_buffer_get_data (buffer), dc_buffer_get_size (buffer),
		serial, sizeof (serial)) != 0 ) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to convert the serial number.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);


	// Read the firmware version.
	rc = shearwater_common_identifier (&device->base, buffer, ID_FIRMWARE);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to read the firmware version.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);
		return rc;

	// Convert to a number.
	unsigned int firmware = str2num (dc_buffer_get_data (buffer), dc_buffer_get_size (buffer), 1);

	// Read the hardware type.
	rc = shearwater_common_identifier (&device->base, buffer, ID_HARDWARE);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to read the hardware type.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);
		return rc;

	// Convert and map to the model number.
	unsigned int hardware = array_uint_be (dc_buffer_get_data (buffer), dc_buffer_get_size (buffer));
	unsigned int model = 0;
	switch (hardware) {
	case 0x0808: // Petrel 2
	case 0x0909: // Petrel 1
	case 0x0B0B: // Petrel 1 (newer hardware)
		model = PETREL;
	case 0x0A0A: // Nerd 1
	case 0x0E0D: // Nerd 2
		model = NERD;
	case 0x0707:
		model = PERDIX;
	case 0x0C0D:
		model = PERDIXAI;
		WARNING (abstract->context, "Unknown hardware type %04x.", hardware);

	// Emit a device info event.
	dc_event_devinfo_t devinfo;
	devinfo.model = model;
	devinfo.firmware = firmware;
	devinfo.serial = array_uint32_be (serial);
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_DEVINFO, &devinfo);

	while (1) {
		// Update the progress state.
		// Assume the worst case scenario of a full manifest, and adjust the
		// value with the actual number of dives after the manifest has been
		// processed.
		maximum += 1 + RECORD_COUNT;

		// Download a manifest.
		progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
		progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, MANIFEST_ADDR, MANIFEST_SIZE, 0, &progress);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the manifest.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
		unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);

		// Process the records in the manifest.
		unsigned int count = 0;
		unsigned int offset = 0;
		while (offset < size) {
			// Check for a valid dive header.
			unsigned int header = array_uint16_be (data + offset);
			if (header != 0xA5C4)

			// Check the fingerprint data.
			if (memcmp (data + offset + 4, device->fingerprint, sizeof (device->fingerprint)) == 0)

			offset += RECORD_SIZE;

		// Update the progress state.
		current += 1;
		maximum -= RECORD_COUNT - count;

		// Append the manifest records to the main buffer.
		if (!dc_buffer_append (manifests, data, count * RECORD_SIZE)) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);

		// Stop downloading manifest if there are no more records.
		if (count != RECORD_COUNT)

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
	progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
	unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (manifests);
	unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (manifests);

	unsigned int offset = 0;
	while (offset < size) {
		// Get the address of the dive.
		unsigned int address = array_uint32_be (data + offset + 20);

		// Download the dive.
		progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
		progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, DIVE_ADDR + address, DIVE_SIZE, 1, &progress);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the dive.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		// Update the progress state.
		current += 1;

		unsigned char *buf = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int len = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);
		if (callback && !callback (buf, len, buf + 12, sizeof (device->fingerprint), userdata))

		offset += RECORD_SIZE;

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current = NSTEPS * current;
	progress.maximum = NSTEPS * maximum;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	dc_buffer_free (manifests);
	dc_buffer_free (buffer);

	return rc;
static dc_status_t
diverite_nitekq_device_dump (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer)
	diverite_nitekq_device_t *device = (diverite_nitekq_device_t*) abstract;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;
	unsigned char packet[256] = {0};

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer) || !dc_buffer_reserve (buffer, SZ_PACKET + SZ_MEMORY)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Enable progress notifications.
	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	progress.maximum = SZ_PACKET + SZ_MEMORY;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Emit a vendor event.
	dc_event_vendor_t vendor; = device->version;
	vendor.size = sizeof (device->version);
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_VENDOR, &vendor);

	// Emit a device info event.
	dc_event_devinfo_t devinfo;
	devinfo.model = 0;
	devinfo.firmware = 0;
	devinfo.serial = array_uint32_be (device->version + 0x0A);
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_DEVINFO, &devinfo);

	// Send the upload request. It's not clear whether this request is
	// actually needed, but let's send it anyway.
	rc = diverite_nitekq_send (device, UPLOAD);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		return rc;

	// Receive the response packet. It's currently not used (or needed)
	// for anything, but we prepend it to the main data anyway, in case
	// we ever need it in the future.
	rc = diverite_nitekq_receive (device, packet, sizeof (packet));
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		return rc;

	dc_buffer_append (buffer, packet, sizeof (packet));

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current += SZ_PACKET;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Send the request to initiate downloading memory blocks.
	rc = diverite_nitekq_send (device, RESET);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		return rc;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
		// Request the next memory block.
		rc = diverite_nitekq_send (device, BLOCK);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			return rc;

		// Receive the memory block.
		rc = diverite_nitekq_receive (device, packet, sizeof (packet));
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			return rc;

		dc_buffer_append (buffer, packet, sizeof (packet));

		// Update and emit a progress event.
		progress.current += SZ_PACKET;
		device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

Esempio n. 10
shearwater_common_download (shearwater_common_device_t *device, dc_buffer_t *buffer, unsigned int address, unsigned int size, unsigned int compression)
	dc_device_t *abstract = (dc_device_t *) device;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;
	unsigned int n = 0;

	unsigned char req_init[] = {
		(compression ? 0x10 : 0x00),
		(address >> 24) & 0xFF,
		(address >> 16) & 0xFF,
		(address >>  8) & 0xFF,
		(address      ) & 0xFF,
		(size >> 16) & 0xFF,
		(size >>  8) & 0xFF,
		(size      ) & 0xFF};
	unsigned char req_block[] = {0x36, 0x00};
	unsigned char req_quit[] = {0x37};
	unsigned char response[SZ_PACKET];

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Enable progress notifications.
	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	progress.maximum = 3 + size + 1;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Transfer the init request.
	rc = shearwater_common_transfer (device, req_init, sizeof (req_init), response, 3, &n);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		return rc;

	// Verify the init response.
	if (n != 3 || response[0] != 0x75 || response[1] != 0x10 || response[2] > SZ_PACKET) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected response packet.");

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current += 3;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	unsigned int done = 0;
	unsigned char block = 1;
	unsigned int nbytes = 0;
	while (nbytes < size && !done) {
		// Transfer the block request.
		req_block[1] = block;
		rc = shearwater_common_transfer (device, req_block, sizeof (req_block), response, sizeof (response), &n);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			return rc;

		// Verify the block header.
		if (n < 2 || response[0] != 0x76 || response[1] != block) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected response packet.");

		// Verify the block length.
		unsigned int length = n - 2;
		if (nbytes + length > size) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected packet size.");

		// Update and emit a progress event.
		progress.current += length;
		device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

		if (compression) {
			if (shearwater_common_decompress_lre (response + 2, length, buffer, &done) != 0) {
				ERROR (abstract->context, "Decompression error (LRE phase).");
		} else {
			if (!dc_buffer_append (buffer, response + 2, length)) {
				ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

		nbytes += length;

	if (compression) {
		if (shearwater_common_decompress_xor (dc_buffer_get_data (buffer), dc_buffer_get_size (buffer)) != 0) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Decompression error (XOR phase).");

	// Transfer the quit request.
	rc = shearwater_common_transfer (device, req_quit, sizeof (req_quit), response, 2, &n);
	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
		return rc;

	// Verify the quit response.
	if (n != 2 || response[0] != 0x77 || response[1] != 0x00) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected response packet.");

	// Update and emit a progress event.
	progress.current += 1;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

Esempio n. 11
static dc_status_t
shearwater_petrel_device_foreach (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_dive_callback_t callback, void *userdata)
	shearwater_petrel_device_t *device = (shearwater_petrel_device_t *) abstract;
	dc_status_t rc = DC_STATUS_SUCCESS;

	// Allocate memory buffers for the manifests.
	dc_buffer_t *buffer = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	dc_buffer_t *manifests = dc_buffer_new (MANIFEST_SIZE);
	if (buffer == NULL || manifests == NULL) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
		dc_buffer_free (buffer);
		dc_buffer_free (manifests);

	while (1) {
		// Download a manifest.
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, MANIFEST_ADDR, MANIFEST_SIZE, 0);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the manifest.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
		unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);

		// Process the records in the manifest.
		unsigned int count = 0;
		unsigned int offset = 0;
		while (offset < size) {
			// Check for a valid dive header.
			unsigned int header = array_uint16_be (data + offset);
			if (header != 0xA5C4)

			// Check the fingerprint data.
			if (memcmp (data + offset + 4, device->fingerprint, sizeof (device->fingerprint)) == 0)

			offset += RECORD_SIZE;

		// Append the manifest records to the main buffer.
		if (!dc_buffer_append (manifests, data, count * RECORD_SIZE)) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);

		// Stop downloading manifest if there are no more records.
		if (count != RECORD_COUNT)

	// Cache the buffer pointer and size.
	unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (manifests);
	unsigned int size = dc_buffer_get_size (manifests);

	unsigned int offset = 0;
	while (offset < size) {
		// Get the address of the dive.
		unsigned int address = array_uint32_be (data + offset + 20);

		// Download the dive.
		rc = shearwater_common_download (&device->base, buffer, DIVE_ADDR + address, DIVE_SIZE, 1);
		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to download the dive.");
			dc_buffer_free (buffer);
			dc_buffer_free (manifests);
			return rc;

		unsigned char *buf = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
		unsigned int len = dc_buffer_get_size (buffer);
		if (callback && !callback (buf, len, buf + 12, sizeof (device->fingerprint), userdata))

		offset += RECORD_SIZE;

	dc_buffer_free (manifests);
	dc_buffer_free (buffer);

	return rc;
Esempio n. 12
hw_ostc_device_screenshot (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer, hw_ostc_format_t format)
	hw_ostc_device_t *device = (hw_ostc_device_t *) abstract;

	if (!ISINSTANCE (abstract))

	// Erase the current contents of the buffer.
	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer)) {
		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Bytes per pixel (RGB formats only).
	unsigned int bpp = 0;

	if (format == HW_OSTC_FORMAT_RAW) {
		// The RAW format has a variable size, depending on the actual image
		// content. Usually the total size is around 4K, which is used as an
		// initial guess and expanded when necessary.
		if (!dc_buffer_reserve (buffer, 4096)) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
	} else {
		// The RGB formats have a fixed size, depending only on the dimensions
		// and the number of bytes per pixel. The required amount of memory is
		// allocated immediately.
		bpp = (format == HW_OSTC_FORMAT_RGB16) ? 2 : 3;
		if (!dc_buffer_resize (buffer, WIDTH * HEIGHT * bpp)) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");

	// Enable progress notifications.
	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
	progress.maximum = WIDTH * HEIGHT;
	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

	// Send the command.
	dc_status_t rc = hw_ostc_send (device, 'l', 1);
		return rc;

	// Cache the pointer to the image data (RGB formats only).
	unsigned char *image = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);

	// The OSTC sends the image data in a column by column layout, which is
	// converted on the fly to a more convenient row by row layout as used
	// in the majority of image formats. This conversions requires knowledge
	// of the pixel coordinates.
	unsigned int x = 0, y = 0;

	unsigned int npixels = 0;
	while (npixels < WIDTH * HEIGHT) {
		unsigned char raw[3] = {0};
		int n = serial_read (device->port, raw, 1);
		if (n != 1) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to receive the packet.");
			return EXITCODE (n);

		unsigned int nbytes = n;
		unsigned int count = raw[0];
		if ((count & 0x80) == 0x00) {
			// Black pixel.
			raw[1] = raw[2] = BLACK;
			count &= 0x7F;
		} else if ((count & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
			// White pixel.
			raw[1] = raw[2] = WHITE;
			count &= 0x3F;
		} else {
			// Color pixel.
			n = serial_read (device->port, raw + 1, 2);
			if (n != 2) {
				ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to receive the packet.");
				return EXITCODE (n);

			nbytes += n;
			count &= 0x3F;

		// Check for buffer overflows.
		if (npixels + count > WIDTH * HEIGHT) {
			ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected number of pixels received.");

		if (format == HW_OSTC_FORMAT_RAW) {
			// Append the raw data to the output buffer.
			dc_buffer_append (buffer, raw, nbytes);
		} else {
			// Store the decompressed data in the output buffer.
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
				// Calculate the offset to the current pixel (row layout)
				unsigned int offset = (y * WIDTH + x) * bpp;

				if (format == HW_OSTC_FORMAT_RGB16) {
					image[offset + 0] = raw[1];
					image[offset + 1] = raw[2];
				} else {
					unsigned int value = (raw[1] << 8) + raw[2];
					unsigned char r = (value & 0xF800) >> 11;
					unsigned char g = (value & 0x07E0) >> 5;
					unsigned char b = (value & 0x001F);
					image[offset + 0] = 255 * r / 31;
					image[offset + 1] = 255 * g / 63;
					image[offset + 2] = 255 * b / 31;

				// Move to the next pixel coordinate (column layout).
				if (y == HEIGHT) {
					y = 0;

		// Update and emit a progress event.
		progress.current += count;
		device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);

		npixels += count;
