Esempio n. 1
/* Used to read packets in random-access fashion */
static gboolean dct3trace_seek_read (wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off,
	union wtap_pseudo_header *pseudo_header, guint8 *pd, int len,
	int *err, gchar **err_info)
	int buf_len;
	unsigned char buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN];

	if (file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
		return FALSE;

	if( !dct3trace_get_packet(wth->random_fh, pseudo_header, buf, &buf_len, err, err_info) )
		return FALSE;

	if( len != buf_len && len != -1 )
		*err_info = g_strdup_printf("dct3trace: requested length %d doesn't match record length %d",
		    len, buf_len);
		return FALSE;

	if( buf_len > MAX_PACKET_LEN)
		*err_info = g_strdup_printf("dct3trace: record length %d too long", buf_len);
		return FALSE;

	memcpy( pd, buf, buf_len );
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
/* Find the next packet and parse it; called from wtap_read(). */
static gboolean dct3trace_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info,
    gint64 *data_offset)
	guint64 offset = file_tell(wth->fh);
	int buf_len;
	unsigned char buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN];

	if( !dct3trace_get_packet(wth->fh, &wth->pseudo_header, buf, &buf_len, err, err_info) )
		return FALSE;

	/* We've got a full packet! */
	wth->phdr.presence_flags = 0; /* no time stamp, no separate "on the wire" length */
	wth->phdr.ts.secs = 0;
	wth->phdr.ts.nsecs = 0;
	wth->phdr.caplen = buf_len;
	wth->phdr.len = buf_len;

	/* Make sure we have enough room for the packet */
	buffer_assure_space(wth->frame_buffer, buf_len);
	memcpy( buffer_start_ptr(wth->frame_buffer), buf, buf_len );

	*data_offset = offset;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
/* Find the next packet and parse it; called from wtap_read(). */
static gboolean dct3trace_read(wtap *wth, int *err, gchar **err_info,
    gint64 *data_offset)
	*data_offset = file_tell(wth->fh);

	return dct3trace_get_packet(wth->fh, &wth->phdr, wth->frame_buffer,
	    err, err_info);
Esempio n. 4
/* Used to read packets in random-access fashion */
static gboolean dct3trace_seek_read(wtap *wth, gint64 seek_off,
	struct wtap_pkthdr *phdr, Buffer *buf, int *err, gchar **err_info)
	if (file_seek(wth->random_fh, seek_off, SEEK_SET, err) == -1)
		return FALSE;

	return dct3trace_get_packet(wth->random_fh, phdr, buf, err, err_info);