void DurRecoveryUnit::rollbackInnermostChanges() { // TODO SERVER-15043 reduce logging at default verbosity after a burn-in period invariant(_changes.size() <= size_t(std::numeric_limits<int>::max())); const int rollbackTo = _startOfUncommittedChangesForLevel.back(); log() << " ***** ROLLING BACK " << (_changes.size() - rollbackTo) << " changes"; for (int i = _changes.size() - 1; i >= rollbackTo; i--) { const type_info& type = typeid(*_changes[i]); if (type != typeid(MemoryWrite)) { log() << "CUSTOM ROLLBACK " << demangleName(type); } _changes[i]->rollback(); } _changes.erase(_changes.begin() + rollbackTo, _changes.end()); if (inOutermostUnitOfWork()) { // We just rolled back so we are now "clean" and don't need to roll back anymore. invariant(_changes.empty()); _mustRollback = false; } else { // Inner UOW rolled back, so outer must not commit. We can loosen this in the future, // but that would require all StorageEngines to support rollback of nested transactions. _mustRollback = true; } }
void WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_abort() { try { bool notifyDone = !_prepareTimestamp.isNull(); if (_session && _isActive()) { _txnClose(false); } _setState(State::kAborting); if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(WTAlwaysNotifyPrepareConflictWaiters)) { notifyDone = true; } if (notifyDone) { _sessionCache->notifyPreparedUnitOfWorkHasCommittedOrAborted(); } for (Changes::const_reverse_iterator it = _changes.rbegin(), end = _changes.rend(); it != end; ++it) { Change* change = it->get(); LOG(2) << "CUSTOM ROLLBACK " << redact(demangleName(typeid(*change))); change->rollback(); } _changes.clear(); } catch (...) { std::terminate(); } _setState(State::kInactive); }
void run() { long normal = TimingBase<M>::dotime( BSON( "x" << 5 ), BSON( "x" << 5 ) ); long all = TimingBase<M>::dotime( BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 ) ) ), BSON( "x" << 5 ) ); cout << "AllTiming " << demangleName(typeid(M)) << " normal: " << normal << " all: " << all << endl; }
Status exceptionToStatus() { try { throw; } catch (const DBException& ex) { return ex.toStatus(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, str::stream() << "Caught std::exception of type " << demangleName(typeid(ex)) << ": " << ex.what()); } catch (const boost::exception& ex) { return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, str::stream() << "Caught boost::exception of type " << demangleName(typeid(ex)) << ": " << boost::diagnostic_information(ex)); } catch (...) { severe() << "Caught unknown exception in exceptionToStatus()"; std::terminate(); } }
bool demangleName(const char *mangled, std::string& unmangled) { static const size_t max_size = 1024; char result[max_size]; if(demangleName(mangled, result, max_size)) { unmangled = result; return true; } return false; }
void EphemeralForTestRecoveryUnit::abortUnitOfWork() { try { for (Changes::reverse_iterator it = _changes.rbegin(), end = _changes.rend(); it != end; ++it) { ChangePtr change = *it; LOG(2) << "CUSTOM ROLLBACK " << demangleName(typeid(*change)); change->rollback(); } _changes.clear(); } catch (...) { std::terminate(); } }
void threadRun( MessagingPort * inPort) { TicketHolderReleaser connTicketReleaser( &connTicketHolder ); assert( inPort ); setThreadName( "conn" ); auto_ptr<MessagingPort> p( inPort ); string otherSide; Message m; try { otherSide = p->farEnd.toString(); while ( 1 ) { m.reset(); p->clearCounters(); if ( ! p->recv(m) ) { if( !cmdLine.quiet ) log() << "end connection " << otherSide << endl; p->shutdown(); break; } handler->process( m , p.get() ); networkCounter.hit( p->getBytesIn() , p->getBytesOut() ); } } catch ( const SocketException& ) { log() << "unclean socket shutdown from: " << otherSide << endl; } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { problem() << "uncaught exception (" << e.what() << ")(" << demangleName( typeid(e) ) <<") in PortMessageServer::threadRun, closing connection" << endl; } catch ( ... ) { problem() << "uncaught exception in PortMessageServer::threadRun, closing connection" << endl; } handler->disconnected( p.get() ); }
void TerarkDbRecoveryUnit::_abort() { try { if (_active) { _txnClose(false); } for (Changes::const_reverse_iterator it = _changes.rbegin(), end = _changes.rend(); it != end; ++it) { Change* change = *it; LOG(2) << "CUSTOM ROLLBACK " << demangleName(typeid(*change)); change->rollback(); } _changes.clear(); invariant(!_active); } catch (...) { std::terminate(); } }
void DurRecoveryUnit::rollbackInnermostChanges() { // Using signed ints to avoid issues in loops below around index 0. invariant(_changes.size() <= size_t(std::numeric_limits<int>::max())); invariant(_writes.size() <= size_t(std::numeric_limits<int>::max())); const int changesRollbackTo = _startOfUncommittedChangesForLevel.back().changeIndex; const int writesRollbackTo = _startOfUncommittedChangesForLevel.back().writeIndex; LOG(2) << " ***** ROLLING BACK " << (_writes.size() - writesRollbackTo) << " disk writes" << " and " << (_changes.size() - changesRollbackTo) << " custom changes"; // First rollback disk writes, then Changes. This matches behavior in other storage engines // that either rollback a transaction or don't write a writebatch. for (int i = _writes.size() - 1; i >= writesRollbackTo; i--) { // TODO need to add these pages to our "dirty count" somehow. _preimageBuffer.copy(_writes[i].addr, _writes[i].len, _writes[i].offset); } for (int i = _changes.size() - 1; i >= changesRollbackTo; i--) { LOG(2) << "CUSTOM ROLLBACK " << demangleName(typeid(*_changes[i])); _changes[i]->rollback(); } _writes.erase(_writes.begin() + writesRollbackTo, _writes.end()); _changes.erase(_changes.begin() + changesRollbackTo, _changes.end()); if (inOutermostUnitOfWork()) { // We just rolled back so we are now "clean" and don't need to roll back anymore. invariant(_changes.empty()); invariant(_writes.empty()); _preimageBuffer.clear(); _mustRollback = false; } else { // Inner UOW rolled back, so outer must not commit. We can loosen this in the future, // but that would require all StorageEngines to support rollback of nested transactions. _mustRollback = true; } }
/** * Returns true if the operation can continue. */ bool handleError(OperationContext* txn, const DBException& ex, const ParsedWriteOp& wholeOp, WriteResult* out) { LastError::get(txn->getClient()).setLastError(ex.getCode(), ex.getInfo().msg); auto& curOp = *CurOp::get(txn); curOp.debug().exceptionInfo = ex.getInfo(); if (ErrorCodes::isInterruption(ErrorCodes::Error(ex.getCode()))) { throw; // These have always failed the whole batch. } if (ErrorCodes::isStaleShardingError(ErrorCodes::Error(ex.getCode()))) { auto staleConfigException = dynamic_cast<const SendStaleConfigException*>(&ex); if (!staleConfigException) { // We need to get extra info off of the SCE, but some common patterns can result in the // exception being converted to a Status then rethrown as a UserException, losing the // info we need. It would be a bug if this happens so we want to detect it in testing, // but it isn't severe enough that we should bring down the server if it happens in // production. dassert(staleConfigException); msgassertedNoTrace(35475, str::stream() << "Got a StaleConfig error but exception was the wrong type: " << demangleName(typeid(ex))); } ShardingState::get(txn) ->onStaleShardVersion(txn, wholeOp.ns, staleConfigException->getVersionReceived()); out->staleConfigException = stdx::make_unique<SendStaleConfigException>(*staleConfigException); return false; } out->results.emplace_back(ex.toStatus()); return wholeOp.continueOnError; }
bool CmdLine::store( int argc , char ** argv , boost::program_options::options_description& visible, boost::program_options::options_description& hidden, boost::program_options::positional_options_description& positional, boost::program_options::variables_map ¶ms ) { { // setup binary name cmdLine.binaryName = argv[0]; size_t i = cmdLine.binaryName.rfind( '/' ); if ( i != string::npos ) cmdLine.binaryName = cmdLine.binaryName.substr( i + 1 ); // setup cwd char buffer[1024]; #ifdef _WIN32 verify( _getcwd( buffer , 1000 ) ); #else verify( getcwd( buffer , 1000 ) ); #endif cmdLine.cwd = buffer; } /* don't allow guessing - creates ambiguities when some options are * prefixes of others. allow long disguises and don't allow guessing * to get away with our vvvvvvv trick. */ int style = (((po::command_line_style::unix_style ^ po::command_line_style::allow_guessing) | po::command_line_style::allow_long_disguise) ^ po::command_line_style::allow_sticky); try { po::options_description all; all.add( visible ); all.add( hidden ); po::store( po::command_line_parser(argc, argv) .options( all ) .positional( positional ) .style( style ) .run(), params ); if ( params.count("config") ) { ifstream f( params["config"].as<string>().c_str() ); if ( ! f.is_open() ) { cout << "ERROR: could not read from config file" << endl << endl; cout << visible << endl; return false; } stringstream ss; CmdLine::parseConfigFile( f, ss ); po::store( po::parse_config_file( ss , all ) , params ); f.close(); } po::notify(params); } catch (po::error &e) { cout << "error command line: " << e.what() << endl; cout << "use --help for help" << endl; //cout << visible << endl; return false; } if (params.count("verbose")) { logLevel = 1; } for (string s = "vv"; s.length() <= 12; s.append("v")) { if (params.count(s)) { logLevel = s.length(); } } if (params.count("quiet")) { cmdLine.quiet = true; } if (params.count("traceExceptions")) { DBException::traceExceptions = true; } if ( params.count( "maxConns" ) ) { int newSize = params["maxConns"].as<int>(); if ( newSize < 5 ) { out() << "maxConns has to be at least 5" << endl; ::_exit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } else if ( newSize >= 10000000 ) { out() << "maxConns can't be greater than 10000000" << endl; ::_exit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } connTicketHolder.resize( newSize ); } if (params.count("objcheck")) { cmdLine.objcheck = true; } if (params.count("bind_ip")) { // passing in wildcard is the same as default behavior; remove and warn if ( cmdLine.bind_ip == "" ) { cout << "warning: bind_ip of is unnecessary; listens on all ips by default" << endl; cmdLine.bind_ip = ""; } } string logpath; #ifndef _WIN32 if (params.count("unixSocketPrefix")) { cmdLine.socket = params["unixSocketPrefix"].as<string>(); if (!fs::is_directory(cmdLine.socket)) { cout << cmdLine.socket << " must be a directory" << endl; ::_exit(-1); } } if (params.count("nounixsocket")) { cmdLine.noUnixSocket = true; } if (params.count("fork") && !params.count("shutdown")) { cmdLine.doFork = true; if ( ! params.count( "logpath" ) && ! params.count( "syslog" ) ) { cout << "--fork has to be used with --logpath or --syslog" << endl; ::_exit(EXIT_BADOPTIONS); } if ( params.count( "logpath" ) ) { // test logpath logpath = params["logpath"].as<string>(); verify( logpath.size() ); if ( logpath[0] != '/' ) { logpath = cmdLine.cwd + "/" + logpath; } bool exists = boost::filesystem::exists( logpath ); FILE * test = fopen( logpath.c_str() , "a" ); if ( ! test ) { cout << "can't open [" << logpath << "] for log file: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl; ::_exit(-1); } fclose( test ); // if we created a file, unlink it (to avoid confusing log rotation code) if ( ! exists ) { unlink( logpath.c_str() ); } } cout.flush(); cerr.flush(); cmdLine.parentProc = getpid(); // facilitate clean exit when child starts successfully setupLaunchSignals(); pid_t c = fork(); if ( c ) { int pstat; waitpid(c, &pstat, 0); if ( WIFEXITED(pstat) ) { if ( ! WEXITSTATUS(pstat) ) { cout << "child process started successfully, parent exiting" << endl; } _exit( WEXITSTATUS(pstat) ); } _exit(50); } if ( chdir("/") < 0 ) { cout << "Cant chdir() while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl; ::_exit(-1); } setsid(); cmdLine.leaderProc = getpid(); pid_t c2 = fork(); if ( c2 ) { int pstat; cout << "forked process: " << c2 << endl; waitpid(c2, &pstat, 0); if ( WIFEXITED(pstat) ) { _exit( WEXITSTATUS(pstat) ); } _exit(51); } // stdout handled in initLogging //fclose(stdout); //freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout); fclose(stderr); fclose(stdin); FILE* f = freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr); if ( f == NULL ) { cout << "Cant reassign stderr while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl; ::_exit(-1); } f = freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin); if ( f == NULL ) { cout << "Cant reassign stdin while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl; ::_exit(-1); } } setupSignals( true ); if (params.count("syslog")) { StringBuilder sb; sb << cmdLine.binaryName << "." << cmdLine.port; Logstream::useSyslog( sb.str().c_str() ); } #endif if (params.count("logpath") && !params.count("shutdown")) { if ( params.count("syslog") ) { cout << "Cant use both a logpath and syslog " << endl; ::_exit(EXIT_BADOPTIONS); } if ( logpath.size() == 0 ) logpath = params["logpath"].as<string>(); uassert( 10033 , "logpath has to be non-zero" , logpath.size() ); initLogging( logpath , params.count( "logappend" ) ); } if ( params.count("pidfilepath")) { writePidFile( params["pidfilepath"].as<string>() ); } if (params.count("keyFile")) { const string f = params["keyFile"].as<string>(); if (!setUpSecurityKey(f)) { // error message printed in setUpPrivateKey ::_exit(EXIT_BADOPTIONS); } cmdLine.keyFile = true; noauth = false; } else { cmdLine.keyFile = false; } #ifdef MONGO_SSL if (params.count("sslOnNormalPorts") ) { cmdLine.sslOnNormalPorts = true; if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword.size() == 0 ) { log() << "need sslPEMKeyPassword" << endl; ::_exit(EXIT_BADOPTIONS); } if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() == 0 ) { log() << "need sslPEMKeyFile" << endl; ::_exit(EXIT_BADOPTIONS); } cmdLine.sslServerManager = new SSLManager( false ); if ( ! cmdLine.sslServerManager->setupPEM( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile , cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword ) ) { ::_exit(EXIT_BADOPTIONS); } } else if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() || cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword.size() ) { log() << "need to enable sslOnNormalPorts" << endl; ::_exit(EXIT_BADOPTIONS); } #endif { BSONObjBuilder b; for (po::variables_map::const_iterator it(params.begin()), end(params.end()); it != end; it++){ if (!it->second.defaulted()){ const string& key = it->first; const po::variable_value& value = it->second; const type_info& type = value.value().type(); if (type == typeid(string)){ if (value.as<string>().empty()) b.appendBool(key, true); // boost po uses empty string for flags like --quiet else { if ( key == "servicePassword" || key == "sslPEMKeyPassword" ) { b.append( key, "<password>" ); } else { b.append( key, value.as<string>() ); } } } else if (type == typeid(int)) b.append(key, value.as<int>()); else if (type == typeid(double)) b.append(key, value.as<double>()); else if (type == typeid(bool)) b.appendBool(key, value.as<bool>()); else if (type == typeid(long)) b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<long>()); else if (type == typeid(unsigned)) b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<unsigned>()); else if (type == typeid(unsigned long long)) b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<unsigned long long>()); else if (type == typeid(vector<string>)) b.append(key, value.as<vector<string> >()); else b.append(key, "UNKNOWN TYPE: " + demangleName(type)); } } parsedOpts = b.obj(); } { BSONArrayBuilder b; for (int i=0; i < argc; i++) { b << argv[i]; if ( mongoutils::str::equals(argv[i], "--sslPEMKeyPassword") || mongoutils::str::equals(argv[i], "-sslPEMKeyPassword") || mongoutils::str::equals(argv[i], "--servicePassword") || mongoutils::str::equals(argv[i], "-servicePassword")) { b << "<password>"; i++; // hide password from ps output char* arg = argv[i]; while (*arg) { *arg++ = 'x'; } } } argvArray = b.arr(); } return true; }
bool CmdLine::store( const std::vector<std::string>& argv, boost::program_options::options_description& visible, boost::program_options::options_description& hidden, boost::program_options::positional_options_description& positional, boost::program_options::variables_map ¶ms ) { if (argv.empty()) return false; { // setup binary name cmdLine.binaryName = argv[0]; size_t i = cmdLine.binaryName.rfind( '/' ); if ( i != string::npos ) cmdLine.binaryName = cmdLine.binaryName.substr( i + 1 ); // setup cwd char buffer[1024]; #ifdef _WIN32 verify( _getcwd( buffer , 1000 ) ); #else verify( getcwd( buffer , 1000 ) ); #endif cmdLine.cwd = buffer; } /* don't allow guessing - creates ambiguities when some options are * prefixes of others. allow long disguises and don't allow guessing * to get away with our vvvvvvv trick. */ int style = (((po::command_line_style::unix_style ^ po::command_line_style::allow_guessing) | po::command_line_style::allow_long_disguise) ^ po::command_line_style::allow_sticky); try { po::options_description all; all.add( visible ); all.add( hidden ); po::store( po::command_line_parser(std::vector<std::string>(argv.begin() + 1, argv.end())) .options( all ) .positional( positional ) .style( style ) .run(), params ); if ( params.count("config") ) { ifstream f( params["config"].as<string>().c_str() ); if ( ! f.is_open() ) { cout << "ERROR: could not read from config file" << endl << endl; cout << visible << endl; return false; } stringstream ss; CmdLine::parseConfigFile( f, ss ); po::store( po::parse_config_file( ss , all ) , params ); f.close(); } po::notify(params); } catch (po::error &e) { cout << "error command line: " << e.what() << endl; cout << "use --help for help" << endl; //cout << visible << endl; return false; } { BSONArrayBuilder b; std::vector<std::string> censoredArgv = argv; censor(&censoredArgv); for (size_t i=0; i < censoredArgv.size(); i++) { b << censoredArgv[i]; } argvArray = b.arr(); } { BSONObjBuilder b; for (po::variables_map::const_iterator it(params.begin()), end(params.end()); it != end; it++){ if (!it->second.defaulted()){ const string& key = it->first; const po::variable_value& value = it->second; const type_info& type = value.value().type(); if (type == typeid(string)){ if (value.as<string>().empty()) b.appendBool(key, true); // boost po uses empty string for flags like --quiet else { if ( _isPasswordArgument(key.c_str()) ) { b.append( key, "<password>" ); } else { b.append( key, value.as<string>() ); } } } else if (type == typeid(int)) b.append(key, value.as<int>()); else if (type == typeid(double)) b.append(key, value.as<double>()); else if (type == typeid(bool)) b.appendBool(key, value.as<bool>()); else if (type == typeid(long)) b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<long>()); else if (type == typeid(unsigned)) b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<unsigned>()); else if (type == typeid(unsigned long long)) b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<unsigned long long>()); else if (type == typeid(vector<string>)) b.append(key, value.as<vector<string> >()); else b.append(key, "UNKNOWN TYPE: " + demangleName(type)); } } parsedOpts = b.obj(); } if (params.count("verbose")) { logLevel = 1; } for (string s = "vv"; s.length() <= 12; s.append("v")) { if (params.count(s)) { logLevel = s.length(); } } if (params.count("quiet")) { cmdLine.quiet = true; } if (params.count("traceExceptions")) { DBException::traceExceptions = true; } if (params.count("maxConns")) { cmdLine.maxConns = params["maxConns"].as<int>(); if ( cmdLine.maxConns < 5 ) { out() << "maxConns has to be at least 5" << endl; return false; } else if ( cmdLine.maxConns > MAX_MAX_CONN ) { out() << "maxConns can't be greater than " << MAX_MAX_CONN << endl; return false; } } if (params.count("objcheck")) { cmdLine.objcheck = true; } if (params.count("noobjcheck")) { if (params.count("objcheck")) { out() << "can't have both --objcheck and --noobjcheck" << endl; return false; } cmdLine.objcheck = false; } if (params.count("bind_ip")) { // passing in wildcard is the same as default behavior; remove and warn if ( cmdLine.bind_ip == "" ) { cout << "warning: bind_ip of is unnecessary; listens on all ips by default" << endl; cmdLine.bind_ip = ""; } } #ifndef _WIN32 if (params.count("unixSocketPrefix")) { cmdLine.socket = params["unixSocketPrefix"].as<string>(); } if (params.count("nounixsocket")) { cmdLine.noUnixSocket = true; } if (params.count("fork") && !params.count("shutdown")) { cmdLine.doFork = true; } #endif // _WIN32 if (params.count("logpath")) { cmdLine.logpath = params["logpath"].as<string>(); if (cmdLine.logpath.empty()) { cout << "logpath cannot be empty if supplied" << endl; return false; } } cmdLine.logWithSyslog = params.count("syslog"); cmdLine.logAppend = params.count("logappend"); if (!cmdLine.logpath.empty() && cmdLine.logWithSyslog) { cout << "Cant use both a logpath and syslog " << endl; return false; } if (cmdLine.doFork && cmdLine.logpath.empty() && !cmdLine.logWithSyslog) { cout << "--fork has to be used with --logpath or --syslog" << endl; return false; } if (params.count("keyFile")) { cmdLine.keyFile = params["keyFile"].as<string>(); } if ( params.count("pidfilepath")) { cmdLine.pidFile = params["pidfilepath"].as<string>(); } if (params.count("setParameter")) { std::vector<std::string> parameters = params["setParameter"].as<std::vector<std::string> >(); for (size_t i = 0, length = parameters.size(); i < length; ++i) { std::string name; std::string value; if (!mongoutils::str::splitOn(parameters[i], '=', name, value)) { cout << "Illegal option assignment: \"" << parameters[i] << "\"" << endl; return false; } ServerParameter* parameter = mapFindWithDefault( ServerParameterSet::getGlobal()->getMap(), name, static_cast<ServerParameter*>(NULL)); if (NULL == parameter) { cout << "Illegal --option parameter: \"" << name << "\"" << endl; return false; } Status status = parameter->setFromString(value); if (!status.isOK()) { cout << "Bad value for parameter \"" << name << "\": " << status.reason() << endl; return false; } } } #ifdef MONGO_SSL if (params.count("sslWeakCertificateValidation")) { cmdLine.sslWeakCertificateValidation = true; } if (params.count("sslOnNormalPorts")) { cmdLine.sslOnNormalPorts = true; if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() == 0 ) { log() << "need sslPEMKeyFile" << endl; return false; } if (cmdLine.sslWeakCertificateValidation && cmdLine.sslCAFile.empty()) { log() << "need sslCAFile with sslWeakCertificateValidation" << endl; return false; } } else if (cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() || cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword.size() || cmdLine.sslCAFile.size() || cmdLine.sslCRLFile.size() || cmdLine.sslWeakCertificateValidation) { log() << "need to enable sslOnNormalPorts" << endl; return false; } #endif return true; }