static bool pruneForwardUseless(NGHolder &h, const nfag_t &g, NFAVertex s, vector<default_color_type> &vertexColor) { // Begin with all vertices set to white, as DFV only marks visited // vertices. fill(vertexColor.begin(), vertexColor.end(), boost::white_color); auto index_map = get(&NFAGraphVertexProps::index, g); depth_first_visit(g, s, make_dfs_visitor(boost::null_visitor()), make_iterator_property_map(vertexColor.begin(), index_map)); vector<NFAVertex> dead; // All non-special vertices that are still white can be removed. for (auto v : vertices_range(g)) { u32 idx = g[v].index; if (!is_special(v, g) && vertexColor[idx] == boost::white_color) { DEBUG_PRINTF("vertex %u is unreachable from %u\n", g[v].index, g[s].index); dead.push_back(v); } } if (dead.empty()) { return false; } DEBUG_PRINTF("removing %zu vertices\n", dead.size()); remove_vertices(dead, h, false); return true; }
inline bool is_reachable (typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor x, typename graph_traits<IncidenceGraph>::vertex_descriptor y, const IncidenceGraph& g, VertexColorMap color) // should start out white for every vertex { typedef typename property_traits<VertexColorMap>::value_type ColorValue; dfs_visitor<> vis; depth_first_visit(g, x, vis, color); return get(color, y) != color_traits<ColorValue>::white(); }
typename property_traits<ComponentsMap>::value_type kosaraju_strong_components(Graph& G, ComponentsMap c, FinishTime finish_time, ColorMap color) { function_requires< MutableGraphConcept<Graph> >(); // ... typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; typedef typename property_traits<ColorMap>::value_type ColorValue; typedef color_traits<ColorValue> Color; typename property_traits<FinishTime>::value_type time = 0; depth_first_search (G, make_dfs_visitor(stamp_times(finish_time, time, on_finish_vertex())), color); Graph G_T(num_vertices(G)); transpose_graph(G, G_T); typedef typename property_traits<ComponentsMap>::value_type count_type; count_type c_count(0); detail::components_recorder<ComponentsMap> vis(c, c_count); // initialize G_T typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end; for (tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(G_T); ui != ui_end; ++ui) put(color, *ui, Color::white()); typedef typename property_traits<FinishTime>::value_type D; typedef indirect_cmp< FinishTime, std::less<D> > Compare; Compare fl(finish_time); std::priority_queue<Vertex, std::vector<Vertex>, Compare > Q(fl); typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator i, j, iend, jend; tie(i, iend) = vertices(G_T); tie(j, jend) = vertices(G); for ( ; i != iend; ++i, ++j) { put(finish_time, *i, get(finish_time, *j)); Q.push(*i); } while ( !Q.empty() ) { Vertex u =; Q.pop(); if (get(color, u) == Color::white()) { depth_first_visit(G_T, u, vis, color); ++c_count; } } return c_count; }
std::set<InsnSemanticsExpr::LeafNodePtr> InsnSemanticsExpr::TreeNode::get_variables() const { struct T1: public Visitor { std::set<LeafNodePtr> vars; void operator()(const TreeNodePtr &node) { LeafNodePtr l_node = node->isLeafNode(); if (l_node && !l_node->is_known()) vars.insert(l_node); } } t1; depth_first_visit(&t1); return t1.vars; }
inline void dag_shortest_paths (const VertexListGraph& g, typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor s, DistanceMap distance, WeightMap weight, ColorMap color, PredecessorMap pred, DijkstraVisitor vis, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero) { typedef typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; std::vector<Vertex> rev_topo_order; rev_topo_order.reserve(num_vertices(g)); // Call 'depth_first_visit', not 'topological_sort', because we don't // want to traverse the entire graph, only vertices reachable from 's', // and 'topological_sort' will traverse everything. The logic below // is the same as for 'topological_sort', only we call 'depth_first_visit' // and 'topological_sort' calls 'depth_first_search'. topo_sort_visitor<std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<Vertex> > > topo_visitor(std::back_inserter(rev_topo_order)); depth_first_visit(g, s, topo_visitor, color); typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end; for (boost::tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(g); ui != ui_end; ++ui) { put(distance, *ui, inf); put(pred, *ui, *ui); } put(distance, s, zero); vis.discover_vertex(s, g); typename std::vector<Vertex>::reverse_iterator i; for (i = rev_topo_order.rbegin(); i != rev_topo_order.rend(); ++i) { Vertex u = *i; vis.examine_vertex(u, g); typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::out_edge_iterator e, e_end; for (boost::tie(e, e_end) = out_edges(u, g); e != e_end; ++e) { vis.discover_vertex(target(*e, g), g); bool decreased = relax(*e, g, weight, pred, distance, combine, compare); if (decreased) vis.edge_relaxed(*e, g); else vis.edge_not_relaxed(*e, g); } vis.finish_vertex(u, g); } }
/** Remove any vertices that can't be reached by traversing the graph in * reverse from acceptEod. */ void pruneUnreachable(NGHolder &g) { deque<NFAVertex> dead; if (!hasGreaterInDegree(1, g.acceptEod, g) && !hasGreaterInDegree(0, g.accept, g) && edge(g.accept, g.acceptEod, g).second) { // Trivial case: there are no in-edges to our accepts (other than // accept->acceptEod), so all non-specials are unreachable. for (auto v : vertices_range(g)) { if (!is_special(v, g)) { dead.push_back(v); } } } else { // Walk a reverse graph from acceptEod with Boost's depth_first_visit // call. typedef reverse_graph<NFAGraph, NFAGraph&> RevNFAGraph; RevNFAGraph revg(g.g); map<NFAVertex, default_color_type> colours; depth_first_visit(revg, g.acceptEod, make_dfs_visitor(boost::null_visitor()), make_assoc_property_map(colours)); DEBUG_PRINTF("color map has %zu entries after DFV\n", colours.size()); // All non-special vertices that aren't in the colour map (because they // weren't reached) can be removed. for (auto v : vertices_range(revg)) { if (is_special(v, revg)) { continue; } if (!contains(colours, v)) { dead.push_back(v); } } } if (dead.empty()) { DEBUG_PRINTF("no unreachable vertices\n"); return; } remove_vertices(dead, g, false); DEBUG_PRINTF("removed %zu unreachable vertices\n", dead.size()); }
inline typename property_traits<Components>::value_type connected_components(Graph& G, DFSVisitor v, Components c, DiscoverTime d, FinishTime f, Color color, directed_tag) { typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; typename property_traits<Color>::value_type cc = get(color, Vertex()); int time = 0; depth_first_search(G, record_times(d, f, time, v), color); Graph G_T(num_vertices(G)); transpose_graph(G, G_T); typedef typename property_traits<Components>::value_type count_type; count_type c_count(0); components_recorder<Components, dfs_visitor<> > vis(c, c_count, dfs_visitor<>()); // initialize G_T typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end; for (tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(G_T); ui != ui_end; ++ui) put(color, *ui, white(cc)); typedef typename property_traits<FinishTime>::value_type D; typedef indirect_cmp< FinishTime, std::less<D> > Compare; Compare fl(f); priority_queue<Vertex, std::vector<Vertex>, Compare > Q(fl); typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator i, j, iend, jend; tie(i, iend) = vertices(G_T); tie(j, jend) = vertices(G); for ( ; i != iend; ++i, ++j) { put(f, *i, get(f, *j)); Q.push(*i); } while ( !Q.empty() ) { Vertex u =; Q.pop(); if (get(color, u) == white(cc)) { depth_first_visit(G_T, u, vis, color); ++c_count; } } return c_count; }
static vector<NFAVertex> findUnreachable(const NGHolder &g) { const boost::reverse_graph<NFAGraph, const NFAGraph &> revg(g.g); ue2::unordered_map<NFAVertex, boost::default_color_type> colours; colours.reserve(num_vertices(g)); depth_first_visit(revg, g.acceptEod, make_dfs_visitor(boost::null_visitor()), make_assoc_property_map(colours)); // Unreachable vertices are not in the colour map. vector<NFAVertex> unreach; for (auto v : vertices_range(revg)) { if (!contains(colours, v)) { unreach.push_back(v); } } return unreach; }
flat_set<NFAVertex> execute_graph(const NGHolder &running_g, const NGHolder &input_dag, const flat_set<NFAVertex> &input_start_states, const flat_set<NFAVertex> &initial_states) { DEBUG_PRINTF("g has %zu vertices, input_dag has %zu vertices\n", num_vertices(running_g), num_vertices(input_dag)); assert(hasCorrectlyNumberedVertices(running_g)); assert(in_degree(input_dag.acceptEod, input_dag) == 1); map<NFAVertex, boost::default_color_type> colours; /* could just a topo order, but really it is time to pull a slightly bigger * gun: DFS */ RevNFAGraph revg(input_dag.g); map<NFAVertex, dynamic_bitset<> > dfs_states; auto info = makeInfoTable(running_g); auto input_fs = makeStateBitset(running_g, initial_states); for (auto v : input_start_states) { dfs_states[v] = input_fs; } depth_first_visit(revg, input_dag.accept, eg_visitor(running_g, info, input_dag, dfs_states), make_assoc_property_map(colours)); auto states = getVertices(dfs_states[input_dag.accept], info); #ifdef DEBUG DEBUG_PRINTF(" output rstates:"); for (const auto &v : states) { printf(" %u", running_g[v].index); } printf("\n"); #endif return states; }
bool test_isomorphism() { { std::vector<invar1_value> invar1_array; BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, G1, Graph1) invar1_array.push_back(invariant1(v)); sort(invar1_array); std::vector<invar2_value> invar2_array; BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, G2, Graph2) invar2_array.push_back(invariant2(v)); sort(invar2_array); if (! equal(invar1_array, invar2_array)) return false; } std::vector<vertex1_t> V_mult; BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, G1, Graph1) V_mult.push_back(v); { std::vector<size_type> multiplicity(max_invariant, 0); BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, G1, Graph1) ++multiplicity[invariant1(v)]; sort(V_mult, compare_multiplicity(invariant1, &multiplicity[0])); } std::vector<default_color_type> color_vec(num_vertices(G1)); safe_iterator_property_map<std::vector<default_color_type>::iterator, IndexMap1 #ifdef BOOST_NO_STD_ITERATOR_TRAITS , default_color_type, default_color_type& #endif /* BOOST_NO_STD_ITERATOR_TRAITS */ > color_map(color_vec.begin(), color_vec.size(), index_map1); record_dfs_order dfs_visitor(dfs_vertices, ordered_edges); typedef color_traits<default_color_type> Color; for (vertex_iter u = V_mult.begin(); u != V_mult.end(); ++u) { if (color_map[*u] == Color::white()) { dfs_visitor.start_vertex(*u, G1); depth_first_visit(G1, *u, dfs_visitor, color_map); } } // Create the dfs_num array and dfs_num_map dfs_num_vec.resize(num_vertices(G1)); dfs_num = make_safe_iterator_property_map(dfs_num_vec.begin(), dfs_num_vec.size(), index_map1 #ifdef BOOST_NO_STD_ITERATOR_TRAITS , dfs_num_vec.front() #endif /* BOOST_NO_STD_ITERATOR_TRAITS */ ); size_type n = 0; for (vertex_iter v = dfs_vertices.begin(); v != dfs_vertices.end(); ++v) dfs_num[*v] = n++; sort(ordered_edges, edge_cmp(G1, dfs_num)); int dfs_num_k = -1; return this->match(ordered_edges.begin(), dfs_num_k); }