Esempio n. 1
static void read_and_decode_spectrum(TwinVQContext *tctx, float *out,
                                     enum TwinVQFrameType ftype)
    const TwinVQModeTab *mtab = tctx->mtab;
    TwinVQFrameData *bits     = &tctx->bits;
    int channels              = tctx->avctx->channels;
    int sub        = mtab->fmode[ftype].sub;
    int block_size = mtab->size / sub;

    int i, j;

    dequant(tctx, bits->main_coeffs, out, ftype,
            mtab->fmode[ftype].cb0, mtab->fmode[ftype].cb1,

    dec_gain(tctx, ftype, gain);

    if (ftype == TWINVQ_FT_LONG) {
        int cb_len_p = (tctx->n_div[3] + mtab->ppc_shape_len * channels - 1) /
        dequant(tctx, bits->ppc_coeffs, ppc_shape,
                TWINVQ_FT_PPC, mtab->ppc_shape_cb,
                mtab->ppc_shape_cb + cb_len_p * TWINVQ_PPC_SHAPE_CB_SIZE,

    for (i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
        float *chunk = out + mtab->size * i;
        float lsp[TWINVQ_LSP_COEFS_MAX];

        for (j = 0; j < sub; j++) {
            tctx->dec_bark_env(tctx, bits->bark1[i][j],
                               bits->bark_use_hist[i][j], i,
                               tctx->tmp_buf, gain[sub * i + j], ftype);

            tctx->fdsp.vector_fmul(chunk + block_size * j,
                                   chunk + block_size * j,
                                   tctx->tmp_buf, block_size);

        if (ftype == TWINVQ_FT_LONG)
            tctx->decode_ppc(tctx, bits->p_coef[i], bits->g_coef[i],
                             ppc_shape + i * mtab->ppc_shape_len, chunk);

        decode_lsp(tctx, bits->lpc_idx1[i], bits->lpc_idx2[i],
                   bits->lpc_hist_idx[i], lsp, tctx->lsp_hist[i]);

        dec_lpc_spectrum_inv(tctx, lsp, ftype, tctx->tmp_buf);

        for (j = 0; j < mtab->fmode[ftype].sub; j++) {
            tctx->fdsp.vector_fmul(chunk, chunk, tctx->tmp_buf, block_size);
            chunk += block_size;
Esempio n. 2
 * \brief RDO function to calculate cost for intra
 * \returns cost to code pred block

 ** Only for luma
uint32_t rdo_cost_intra(encoder_state * const encoder_state, pixel *pred, pixel *orig_block, int width, int8_t mode, int tr_depth)
    const encoder_control * const encoder = encoder_state->encoder_control;
    coefficient pre_quant_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t temp_block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    coefficient temp_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int8_t luma_scan_mode = SCAN_DIAG;

    int i = 0,x,y;
    for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
      for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        block[i++] = orig_block[x + y*width]- pred[x + y*width];
    // Scan mode is diagonal, except for 4x4 and 8x8, where:
    // - angular 6-14 = vertical
    // - angular 22-30 = horizontal
    if (width <= 8) {
      if (mode >= 6 && mode <= 14) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_VER;
      } else if (mode >= 22 && mode <= 30) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_HOR;
    transform2d(encoder, block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);
    if(encoder->rdoq_enable) {
      rdoq(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA, tr_depth);
    } else {
      quant(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA);
    dequant(encoder_state, temp_coeff, pre_quant_coeff, width, width, 0, CU_INTRA);
    itransform2d(encoder, temp_block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);

    unsigned ssd = 0;
    // SSD between original and reconstructed
    for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
      //int diff = temp_block[i]-block[i];
      int diff = orig_block[i] - CLIP(0, 255, pred[i] + temp_block[i]);

      ssd += diff*diff;

    double coeff_bits = 0;
    // Simple RDO
    if(encoder->rdo == 1) {
      // SSD between reconstruction and original + sum of coeffs
      int coeff_abs = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
        coeff_abs += abs((int)temp_coeff[i]);
      coeff_bits += 1 + 1.5 * coeff_abs;
      // Full RDO
    } else if(encoder->rdo >= 2) {
      coeff_bits = get_coeff_cost(encoder_state, temp_coeff, width, 0, luma_scan_mode);

    return (uint32_t)(0.5 + ssd + coeff_bits * encoder_state->global->cur_lambda_cost);
Esempio n. 3
 * \brief RDO function to calculate cost for intra
 * \returns cost to code pred block

 ** Only for luma
uint32_t rdo_cost_intra(encoder_state * const encoder_state, pixel *pred, pixel *orig_block, int width, int8_t mode)
    const encoder_control * const encoder = encoder_state->encoder_control;
    coefficient pre_quant_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    int16_t temp_block[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    coefficient temp_coeff[LCU_WIDTH*LCU_WIDTH>>2];
    uint32_t ac_sum;
    uint32_t cost = 0;
    uint32_t coeffcost = 0;
    int8_t luma_scan_mode = SCAN_DIAG;

    int i = 0,x,y;
    for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
      for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        block[i++] = orig_block[x + y*width]- pred[x + y*width];
    // Scan mode is diagonal, except for 4x4 and 8x8, where:
    // - angular 6-14 = vertical
    // - angular 22-30 = horizontal
    if (width <= 8) {
      if (mode >= 6 && mode <= 14) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_VER;
      } else if (mode >= 22 && mode <= 30) {
        luma_scan_mode = SCAN_HOR;
    transform2d(encoder, block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);
    if(encoder->rdoq_enable) {
      rdoq(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, &ac_sum, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA,0);
    } else {
      quant(encoder_state, pre_quant_coeff, temp_coeff, width, width, &ac_sum, 0, luma_scan_mode, CU_INTRA);
    dequant(encoder_state, temp_coeff, pre_quant_coeff, width, width, 0, CU_INTRA);
    itransform2d(encoder, temp_block,pre_quant_coeff,width,0);

    // SSD between original and reconstructed
    for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
      int diff = temp_block[i]-block[i];
      cost += diff*diff;

    // Simple RDO
    if(encoder->rdo == 1) {
      // SSD between reconstruction and original + sum of coeffs
      for (i = 0; i < width*width; i++) {
        coeffcost += abs((int)temp_coeff[i]);
      cost += (1 + coeffcost + (coeffcost>>1))*((int)encoder_state->global->cur_lambda_cost+0.5);
      // Full RDO
    } else if(encoder->rdo == 2) {
Esempio n. 4
static void lsf_decode_fp_16k(float* lsf_history, float* isp_new,
                              const int* parm, int ma_pred)
    int i;
    float isp_q[LP_FILTER_ORDER_16k];

    dequant(isp_q, parm, lsf_codebooks_16k);

    for (i = 0; i < LP_FILTER_ORDER_16k; i++) {
        isp_new[i] = (1 - qu[ma_pred]) * isp_q[i]
                    +     qu[ma_pred]  * lsf_history[i]
                    + mean_lsf_16k[i];

    memcpy(lsf_history, isp_q, LP_FILTER_ORDER_16k * sizeof(float));
Esempio n. 5
File: sipr.c Progetto: Arcen/libav
static void lsf_decode_fp(float *lsfnew, float *lsf_history,
                          const SiprParameters *parm)
    int i;
    float lsf_tmp[LP_FILTER_ORDER];

    dequant(lsf_tmp, parm->vq_indexes, lsf_codebooks);

    for (i = 0; i < LP_FILTER_ORDER; i++)
        lsfnew[i] = lsf_history[i] * 0.33 + lsf_tmp[i] + mean_lsf[i];

    ff_sort_nearly_sorted_floats(lsfnew, LP_FILTER_ORDER - 1);

    /* Note that a minimum distance is not enforced between the last value and
       the previous one, contrary to what is done in ff_acelp_reorder_lsf() */
    ff_set_min_dist_lsf(lsfnew, LSFQ_DIFF_MIN, LP_FILTER_ORDER - 1);
    lsfnew[9] = FFMIN(lsfnew[LP_FILTER_ORDER - 1], 1.3 * M_PI);

    memcpy(lsf_history, lsf_tmp, LP_FILTER_ORDER * sizeof(*lsf_history));

    for (i = 0; i < LP_FILTER_ORDER - 1; i++)
        lsfnew[i] = cos(lsfnew[i]);
    lsfnew[LP_FILTER_ORDER - 1] *= 6.153848 / M_PI;
Esempio n. 6
    tbb::task* execute() {

        auto &msg = *message;
        VncServer::EncodeResult result(message);
        if (depth) {
            const char *zbuf = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(depth);
            if (msg.compression & rfbTileDepthQuantize) {
                const int ds = msg.format == rfbDepth16Bit ? 2 : 3;
                msg.size = depthquant_size(DepthFloat, ds, w, h);
                char *qbuf = new char[msg.size];
                depthquant(qbuf, zbuf, DepthFloat, ds, x, y, w, h, stride);
                std::vector<char> dequant(sizeof(float)*w*h);
                depthdequant(, qbuf, DepthFloat, ds, 0, 0, w, h);
                //depthquant(qbuf,, DepthFloat, ds, x, y, w, h, stride); // test depthcompare
                depthcompare(zbuf,, DepthFloat, ds, w, h);
                result.payload = qbuf;
            } else {
                char *tilebuf = new char[msg.size];
                for (int yy=0; yy<h; ++yy) {
                    memcpy(tilebuf+yy*bpp*w, zbuf+((yy+y)*stride+x)*bpp, w*bpp);
                result.payload = tilebuf;
        } else if (rgba) {
            if (msg.compression & rfbTileJpeg) {
                int ret = -1;
                TJSAMP subsamp = TJSAMP_420;
                TjContext::reference tj = tjContexts.local();
                size_t maxsize = tjBufSize(msg.width, msg.height, subsamp);
                char *jpegbuf = new char[maxsize];
                unsigned long sz = 0;
                //unsigned char *src = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(rgba);
                rgba += (msg.totalwidth*msg.y+msg.x)*bpp;
#ifdef TIMING
                   double start = vistle::Clock::time();
                   ret = tjCompress(tj.handle, rgba, msg.width, msg.totalwidth*bpp, msg.height, bpp, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(jpegbuf), &sz, subsamp, 90, TJ_BGR);
#ifdef TIMING
                   double dur = vistle::Clock::time() - start;
                   std::cerr << "JPEG compression: " << dur << "s, " << msg.width*(msg.height/dur)/1e6 << " MPix/s" << std::endl;
                if (ret >= 0) {
                    msg.size = sz;
                    result.payload = jpegbuf;
                if (ret < 0)
                    msg.compression &= ~rfbTileJpeg;
            if (!(msg.compression & rfbTileJpeg)) {
                char *tilebuf = new char[msg.size];
                for (int yy=0; yy<h; ++yy) {
                    memcpy(tilebuf+yy*bpp*w, rgba+((yy+y)*stride+x)*bpp, w*bpp);
                result.payload = tilebuf;
        if((msg.compression & rfbTileSnappy) && !(msg.compression & rfbTileJpeg)) {
            size_t maxsize = snappy::MaxCompressedLength(msg.size);
            char *sbuf = new char[maxsize];
            size_t compressed = 0;
#ifdef TIMING
               double start = vistle::Clock::time();
               snappy::RawCompress(result.payload, msg.size, sbuf, &compressed);
#ifdef TIMING
               vistle::StopWatch timer(rgba ? "snappy RGBA" : "snappy depth");
               double dur = vistle::Clock::time() - start;
               std::cerr << "SNAPPY " << (rgba ? "RGB" : "depth") << ": " << dur << "s, " << msg.width*(msg.height/dur)/1e6 << " MPix/s" << std::endl;
            msg.size = compressed;

            //std::cerr << "compressed " << msg.size << " to " << compressed << " (buf: " << cd->buf.size() << ")" << std::endl;
            delete[] result.payload;
            result.payload = sbuf;
        } else {
            msg.compression &= ~rfbTileSnappy;
        return nullptr; // or a pointer to a new task to be executed immediately