Esempio n. 1
void more_functions() {
  // You can use most of the <cmath> functions on the variables
  // note that f is constexpr even though std::pow isn't.
  constexpr auto f = pow(x, y);

  // Deriving f is constexpr too, and we get y*pow(x, y-1).
  constexpr auto dfdx = derive(f, x);

  // You can print functions out simply with operator<<, to check the result
  std::cout << "derive(" << f << ", " << x << ") = " << dfdx << "\n\n";

  // The evaluation of <cmath> functions are done run-time.
  double value = dfdx(x=2, y=3);
  ASSERT_EQUALS(value, 3*pow(2, 3-1));

  // You can build up arbitrarily complex expressions.
  constexpr auto g = atan2(pow(abs(y+x), pow(sqrt(abs(sinh(x)+2)), 2.3)), sin(x)/x);

  // The derivation is still constexpr, but it returns a rather nasty function.
  constexpr auto dgdy = derive(g, y);

  // Try guessing the output :D
  std::cout << "derive(" << g << ", " << y << ") = " << dgdy << "\n\n";

  // The list of the supported functions:
  // +, -, *, /, abs, fabs, exp, log, log10, pow, sqrt,
  // sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asin, acos, atan, atan2
Esempio n. 2
File: point.c Progetto: 4rkiel/c
int main(){

// test de : echange
    int a=0, b = 1;
    printf("%d & %d \n", a, b);
    echange(&a, &b);
    printf("%d & %d \n \n", a, b);

// test de : derive
    polypoint P2, D2, C2;
    double tab[]={2, 6, 7, 3, 0, 1, 5, 0, 8, 9, 9, 1};
    int i;
    P2 = (poly *) malloc (sizeof(poly));
    for (i=0;i <= P2->deg;i++){
        P2->coef[i] = tab[i];

    D2 = derive(P2);

    C2 = derive(D2);
    while(C2->deg >= 1){
        C2 = derive(C2);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
     * Constructor
     * @param n polynom degree
     * @param coeff polynom coefficient from highest degree
    Polynom(int n, double *coeff) {
        BNB_ASSERT(n >= 3);
        mN = n;
        mF = (double*)malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(double));
        mDF = (double*)malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(double));
        mDDF = (double*)malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(double));
        mDDDF = (double*)malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(double));
        for(int i = 0; i <= n; i ++) {
            mF[i] = coeff[i];
        derive(n, mF, mDF);
        derive(n - 1, mDF, mDDF);
        derive(n - 2, mDDF, mDDDF);
        printf("\nDF: ");
        for(int i = 0; i <= (n - 1); i ++)
            printf("%lf ", mDF[i]);
        printf("\nDDF: ");
        for(int i = 0; i <= (n - 2); i ++)
            printf("%lf ", mDDF[i]);
        printf("\nDDDF: ");
        for(int i = 0; i <= (n - 3); i ++)
            printf("%lf ", mDDDF[i]);

Esempio n. 4
float idODE_RK4::Evaluate( const float *state, float *newState, float t0, float t1 ) {
	double delta, halfDelta, sixthDelta;
	int i;

	delta = t1 - t0;
	halfDelta = delta * 0.5;
	// first step
	derive( t0, userData, state, d1 );
	for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
		tmpState[i] = state[i] + halfDelta * d1[i];
	// second step
	derive( t0 + halfDelta, userData, tmpState, d2 );
	for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
		tmpState[i] = state[i] + halfDelta * d2[i];
	// third step
	derive( t0 + halfDelta, userData, tmpState, d3 );
	for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
		tmpState[i] = state[i] + delta * d3[i];
	// fourth step
	derive( t0 + delta, userData, tmpState, d4 );

	sixthDelta = delta * (1.0/6.0);
	for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
		newState[i] = state[i] + sixthDelta * (d1[i] + 2.0 * (d2[i] + d3[i]) + d4[i]);
	return delta;
Esempio n. 5
/** AES-CM key derivation test vectors */
static void test_derivation (void)
    static const uint8_t key[16] =
    static const uint8_t salt[14] =

    static const uint8_t good_cipher[16] =
    static const uint8_t good_salt[14] =
    static const uint8_t good_auth[94] =

    static const uint8_t r[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    gcry_cipher_hd_t prf;
    uint8_t out[94];

    puts ("AES-CM key derivation test...");
    printf (" master key:  ");
    printhex (key, sizeof (key));
    printf (" master salt: ");
    printhex (salt, sizeof (salt));

    if (gcry_cipher_open (&prf, GCRY_CIPHER_AES, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CTR, 0)
     || gcry_cipher_setkey (prf, key, sizeof (key)))
        fatal ("Internal PRF error");

    if (derive (prf, salt, r, sizeof (r), SRTP_CRYPT, out, 16))
        fatal ("Internal cipher derivation error");
    printf (" cipher key:  ");
    printhex (out, 16);
    if (memcmp (out, good_cipher, 16))
        fatal ("Test failed");

    if (derive (prf, salt, r, sizeof (r), SRTP_SALT, out, 14))
        fatal ("Internal salt derivation error");
    printf (" cipher salt: ");
    printhex (out, 14);
    if (memcmp (out, good_salt, 14))
        fatal ("Test failed");

    if (derive (prf, salt, r, sizeof (r), SRTP_AUTH, out, 94))
        fatal ("Internal auth key derivation error");
    printf (" auth key:    ");
    printhex (out, 94);
    if (memcmp (out, good_auth, 94))
        fatal ("Test failed");

    gcry_cipher_close (prf);
Esempio n. 6
void higher_level_derivatives() {
  constexpr auto f = x*x*x;

  // You can calculate the nth derivate using n nested derive() calls.
  STATIC_ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(derive(derive(f, x), x), x), 6);

  // This might be tedious, and hard to read, so
  // there's a "syntactic sugar" for this operation.
  STATIC_ASSERT_EQUALS((derive<3>(f, x)), 6);
  STATIC_ASSERT_EQUALS(derive<50>(f, x), 0);
Esempio n. 7
void derivation() {
  constexpr auto f = x+2;

  // You can derive an f function according to the x variable using derive(f, x).
  // In this simple case the derivative of x+2 is simply one.
  STATIC_ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(f, x), 1);

  // You can derive the function according to other variables too.
  STATIC_ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(f, y), 0);
Esempio n. 8
void more_about_derivation() {
  constexpr auto f = x*x;

  // The derivative of a function might be a function too.
  constexpr auto dfdx = derive(f, x);

  // The derivative of x*x is 2*x of course.
  STATIC_ASSERT_EQUALS(dfdx(x=42), 84);

  // Since dfdx is a function it can be derived again, and that will result 2.
  STATIC_ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(dfdx, x), 2);
Esempio n. 9
QByteArray QCNG::deriveConcatKDF(const QByteArray &publicKey, const QString &digest, int keySize,
	const QByteArray &algorithmID, const QByteArray &partyUInfo, const QByteArray &partyVInfo) const
	d->err = PinUnknown;
	QByteArray derived;
	if(NCryptOpenStorageProvider(&prov, LPCWSTR(d->selected.provider.utf16()), 0))
		return derived;
	if(NCryptOpenKey(prov, &key, LPWSTR(d->selected.key.utf16()), d->selected.spec, 0))
		return derived;
	int err = derive(prov, key, publicKey, digest, keySize, algorithmID, partyUInfo, partyVInfo, derived);
		d->err = PinOK;
		return derived;
		d->err = PinCanceled;
		return derived;
Esempio n. 10
void startProgram() {

	// Set up the variables
	int degree = 0, *coefficients = NULL;

	// Ask the user to input the maximum degree of the polynomial
	printf("Please enter the maximum degree of the polynomial: ");
	scanf("%d", &degree); 

	// Allocate the required memory for the coefficients
	coefficients = (int*) calloc (degree+1, sizeof(int));

	// Let the user know if there was a memory allocation error (&terminate the program)...
	if(coefficients == NULL)                     
		printf("Wooops! There was a memory allocation error. The monkeys are working on it...");
	// ...otherwise get on with the program
	else {
		// If the degree is negative
		if(degree<0) {

		// Ask the user to input the coefficients (can be white-space or newline delimited)
		printf("Please enter the coefficients: ");

		// Allow user input so that the number of coefficients is equal to the maximum degree
		for(int i=0; i<=degree; i++) {
			scanf("%d", &coefficients[i]);

		// Start processing the output
		printf("The polynomial is ");

		// First we print the polynomial
		printPolynomial(1, coefficients, degree, 0);

		// Then we let the user know we will print the derivative
		printf("\nIts derivative is ");

		// Now we derive
		derive(1, coefficients, degree, 0);

		// Free the memory

		// Clear the address that was pointed to
		coefficients = NULL;

		// Clear the input buffer in case the user entered too many coefficients
		int ch;
		while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF && ch != '\n') ;
		/* Code seen and borrowed from */ 

		// Finally we rerun the program 
Esempio n. 11
 string countAndSay(int n) {
     string strs[2] = {"1"};
     int input = 0;
     while (--n > 0) {
         int output = 1 - input;
         derive(strs[output], strs[input]);
         input = output;
     return strs[input];
Esempio n. 12
void simplifications() {
  // Printing a function to an ostream tells you exactly
  // which operations will be done when you evaluate it.

  // If you apply a derivation rule to a function the result often holds parts
  // like adding zero or multiplying with one. These parts get optimized out
  // compile-time, so they are not actually evaluated. For ex. the derivative
  // of a pow against two different variables yields two different functions,
  // but they were calculated using the same derivation rule.
  PRINT_NAME_AND_VALUE(derive(pow(x, y), x)); // pow(x, y-1)*y
  PRINT_NAME_AND_VALUE(derive(pow(x, y), y)); // pow(x, y)*log(x)
  // These are the results of simplifying the following statement:
  // pow(f, g) * derive(g, v) * log(f) + pow(f, g-1) * g * derive(f, v)

  // However be prepared that the even the simplified forms usually
  // differ from how a human would derive that function.
  // For example derive(x*x*x, x) is x*x+x*(x+x), not 3*x^2
  PRINT_NAME_AND_VALUE(derive(x*x*x, x));
Esempio n. 13
float idODE_Midpoint::Evaluate( const float *state, float *newState, float t0, float t1 ) {
	double delta, halfDelta;
    int i;

	delta = t1 - t0;
	halfDelta = delta * 0.5;
    // first step
	derive( t0, userData, state, derivatives );
	for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
		tmpState[i] = state[i] + halfDelta * derivatives[i];
    // second step
	derive( t0 + halfDelta, userData, tmpState, derivatives );

	for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
		newState[i] = state[i] + delta * derivatives[i];
	return delta;
Esempio n. 14
bessel newton_raphson(double epsilon, bessel j)
  while (fabs(j.val) > epsilon)
    // get new bessel function for x_(i+1)
    double y = j.val / derive(j).val;
    j = j_l(j.l, j.x - y);
  return j;
Esempio n. 15
float idODE_Euler::Evaluate( const float *state, float *newState, float t0, float t1 ) {
	float delta;
	int i;

	derive( t0, userData, state, derivatives );
	delta = t1 - t0;
	for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
		newState[i] = state[i] + delta * derivatives[i];
	return delta;
Esempio n. 16
int main(){
	double(*p) (double);
	double alpha ;
	p = &f44;
FILE *fp1,*fp2;
fp1 = fopen("mdd.txt", "w");
	if ( fp1 == NULL )	{	
		printf("Cann't open  file\n");
		return 1;
printf("%le \t%le\n",log10(alpha),(derive(p, alpha)));
fprintf(fp1,"%le \t%le\n",log10(alpha),(derive(p, alpha)));
//	printf("%le\n", derive(p, 1e6));
fclose (fp1);
return 0;
Esempio n. 17
void integers() {
  // By default, integral constants in function expressions are promoted into
  // doubles. So the following functions are equivalent.
  constexpr auto f = atan2(y-x/2, x*y);
  constexpr auto g = atan2(y-x/2.0, x*y);
  ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(f, x)(x=1, y=2), -0.64);
  ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(g, x)(x=1, y=2), -0.64);

  // You can turn this off with the following macro (before including auto_derive):

  // But note, that after this, derive(f, x) will contain some integer divisions,
  // so it won't be equal to derive(g, x). The result of this is usually
  // disastrous, but sometimes it might be wanted. If the promotion is
  // turned on, you can use auto_derive::Constant<int> to explicitly create an
  // integer constant.
  constexpr auto f2 = atan2(y-x/auto_derive::Constant<int>(2), x*y);
  constexpr auto g2 = atan2(y-x/auto_derive::Constant<double>(2), x*y);
  ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(f2, x)(x=1, y=2), -0.48);
  ASSERT_EQUALS(derive(g2, x)(x=1, y=2), -0.64);
Esempio n. 18
 operator () (ast::intrinsic const _intrinsic,
              ast::rvalues && _arguments) const
     assert((_arguments.size() != 1) || (_arguments.back().which() != index< ast::rvalue, ast::rvalue_list >));
     ast::rvalues results_ = derive(_intrinsic, std::move(_arguments));
     if (results_.empty()) {
         // TODO: process error here
         results_.emplace_back(I{_intrinsic, R{std::move(_arguments)}});
     return results_;
Esempio n. 19
int derive(int start, int* coefficients, int degree, int wasZero) {

	int *current, previousZero;

	// If the degree is 0 or 1 the ouput will always be the same
	switch(degree) {
	case 0:
		return 0;
	case 1: 
		printf("%d\n\n", coefficients[start-1]);
		return 0;

	current = &coefficients[start-1];
	// Modifiy the coefficient for its derivative
	*current *= degree - start + 1;

	// Let's start pretty printing. Firstly we make sure it isn't 0
	if(*current != 0) {

		// Run the makePretty function
		makePretty(degree-1, wasZero, start, *current);

		// We then decide whether to output an x 
		if(start < degree - 1) {
			printf("x^%d", (degree - start));

		// If we're on the final degree of the polynomial we omit the power (^1)
		if(start == degree - 1) {
		// This coefficient isn't 0, so we pass that in the function
		previousZero = 0;
	} else {
		// This coefficient is 0, so we pass that in the function
		previousZero = 1;

	// If there are still coefficients to print we re-run the function
	if(start<degree) {
		derive(start + 1, coefficients, degree, previousZero);
		// Otherwise we add some new-lines and restart the program
	} else {

	return 0;
Esempio n. 20
File: ecdhes.c Progetto: simo5/jose
static bool
alg_wrap_unw(const jose_hook_alg_t *alg, jose_cfg_t *cfg, const json_t *jwe,
             const json_t *rcp, const json_t *jwk, json_t *cek)
    const json_t *epk = NULL;
    json_auto_t *exc = NULL;
    json_auto_t *der = NULL;
    json_auto_t *hdr = NULL;
    const char *wrap = NULL;

    hdr = jose_jwe_hdr(jwe, rcp);
    epk = json_object_get(hdr, "epk");
    if (!hdr || !epk)
        return false;

    /* If the JWK has a private key, perform the normal exchange. */
    if (json_object_get(jwk, "d")) {
        const jose_hook_alg_t *ecdh = NULL;

        ecdh = jose_hook_alg_find(JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_EXCH, "ECDH");
        if (!ecdh)
            return false;

        exc = ecdh->exch.exc(ecdh, cfg, jwk, epk);

    /* Otherwise, allow external exchanges. */
    } else if (json_equal(json_object_get(jwk, "crv"),
                          json_object_get(epk, "crv"))) {
        exc = json_deep_copy(jwk);
    if (!exc)
        return false;

    der = derive(alg, cfg, hdr, cek, exc);
    if (!der)
        return false;

    wrap = strchr(alg->name, '+');
    if (wrap) {
        const jose_hook_alg_t *kw = NULL;

        kw = jose_hook_alg_find(JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_WRAP, &wrap[1]);
        if (!kw)
            return false;

        return kw->wrap.unw(kw, cfg, jwe, rcp, der, cek);

    return json_object_update(cek, der) == 0;
Castro::maxVal (const std::string& name,
                Real               time)
  Real        maxval  = 0.0;
  const Real* dx      = geom.CellSize();
  MultiFab*   mf      = derive(name,time,0);
  BL_ASSERT(mf != 0);

  maxval = (*mf).max(0,0);

  delete mf;

  return maxval;
Esempio n. 22
void Profiler::deriveEx(float *data, int rowSize, int colSize)
	int i;
	int j;
	float *buffer;

	buffer = new float[colSize];
	for (i = 0; i < rowSize; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < colSize; j++)
			buffer[j] = data[j * rowSize + i];
		derive(buffer, colSize);
		for (j = 0; j < colSize; j++)
			data[j * rowSize + i] = buffer[j];
	delete []buffer;
Esempio n. 23
void startProgram() {

    // Set up the variables. As per the specification, we assume that the maximum number of coefficients is 10
    int degree = 0, coefficients[MAXDEGREE+1];

    // Ask the user to input the maximum degree of the polynomial
    printf("Please enter the maximum degree of the polynomial: ");
    scanf("%d", &degree);

    // If the degree is negative or greater than 10 then we terminate
    if(degree<0 || degree>MAXDEGREE) {

    // Ask the user to input the coefficients (can be white-space or newline delimited)
    printf("Please enter the coefficients: ");

    // Allow user input so that the number of coefficients is equal to the maximum degree
    for(int i=0; i<=degree; i++) {
        scanf("%d", &coefficients[i]);

    // Start processing the output
    printf("The polynomial is ");

    // First we print the polynomial
    printPolynomial(1, coefficients, degree, 0);

    // Then we let the user know we will print the derivative
    printf("\nIts derivative is ");

    // Now we derive
    derive(1, coefficients, degree, 0);

    // Clear the input buffer in case the user entered too many coefficients
    int ch;
    while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF && ch != '\n') ;
    /* Code seen and borrowed from */

    // Finally we rerun the program
Esempio n. 24
void complex_variables() {
  using Complex = std::complex<double>;

  // You can use the auto_derive library to derive complex functions too.
  constexpr auto f = asin(cosh(x));
  ASSERT_EQUALS(f(x=0.3), (Complex{1.5708, 0.3}));

  Complex dfdx_val = derive(f, x)(x=0.5), i{0, 1};

  // dfdx_val is sqrt(-1), which is matematically +i AND -i.
  // The result will be one of these two. Note that
  // std::sqrt({-1, +0}) is +i, but std::sqrt({-1, -0}) is -i,
  // so the actual result depends on the computational accuracy.
  assert(equals(dfdx_val, i) || equals(dfdx_val, -i));

  // Basically this library works on any user-defined type, as long as it has
  // the required function overloads for the used operators.
Esempio n. 25
 friend constexpr auto derive(Atan2 const& self, Variable v) {
   // At the points where the derivative exists, atan2(y, x) is,
   // except for a constant, equal to atan(y/x).
   return derive(atan(self.lhs() / self.rhs()), v);
Esempio n. 26
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  char* secret;
  char* secret_check;
  char* domain;
  char* output;
  int c;
  scrypt_state_t state;

  state.n = kDeriveScryptN;
  state.r = kDeriveScryptR;
  state.p = kDeriveScryptP;
  domain = NULL;

  do {
    c = getopt_long(argc, argv, long_flags, long_options, NULL);
    switch (c) {
      case 'v':
      case 'd':
        domain = optarg;
      case 'n':
      case 'r':
      case 'p':
          int val;

          val = atoi(optarg);
          if (c == 'n')
            state.n = val;
          else if (c == 'r')
            state.r = val;
            state.p = val;

        if (domain != NULL)

        print_help(argc, argv);
  } while (c != -1);

  secret = strdup(getpass("Secret: "));
  secret_check = strdup(getpass("Secret (just checking): "));
  if (strcmp(secret, secret_check) != 0) {
    memset(secret, 0, strlen(secret));
    memset(secret_check, 0, strlen(secret_check));
    fprintf(stderr, "Secrets do not match\n");
    return 1;
  memset(secret_check, 0, strlen(secret_check));

  output = derive(&state, secret, domain);
  memset(secret, 0, strlen(secret));
  assert(output != NULL);

  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", output);


  return 0;
Esempio n. 27
float idODE_RK4Adaptive::Evaluate( const float *state, float *newState, float t0, float t1 ) {
	double delta, halfDelta, fourthDelta, sixthDelta;
	double error, max;
	int i, n;

	delta = t1 - t0;

	for ( n = 0; n < 4; n++ ) {

		halfDelta = delta * 0.5;
		fourthDelta = delta * 0.25;

		// first step of first half delta
		derive( t0, userData, state, d1 );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + fourthDelta * d1[i];
		// second step of first half delta
		derive( t0 + fourthDelta, userData, tmpState, d2 );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + fourthDelta * d2[i];
		// third step of first half delta
		derive( t0 + fourthDelta, userData, tmpState, d3 );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + halfDelta * d3[i];
		// fourth step of first half delta
		derive( t0 + halfDelta, userData, tmpState, d4 );

		sixthDelta = halfDelta * (1.0/6.0);
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + sixthDelta * (d1[i] + 2.0 * (d2[i] + d3[i]) + d4[i]);

		// first step of second half delta
		derive( t0 + halfDelta, userData, tmpState, d1half );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + fourthDelta * d1half[i];
		// second step of second half delta
		derive( t0 + halfDelta + fourthDelta, userData, tmpState, d2 );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + fourthDelta * d2[i];
		// third step of second half delta
		derive( t0 + halfDelta + fourthDelta, userData, tmpState, d3 );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + halfDelta * d3[i];
		// fourth step of second half delta
		derive( t0 + delta, userData, tmpState, d4 );

		sixthDelta = halfDelta * (1.0/6.0);
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			newState[i] = state[i] + sixthDelta * (d1[i] + 2.0 * (d2[i] + d3[i]) + d4[i]);

		// first step of full delta
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + halfDelta * d1[i];
		// second step of full delta
		derive( t0 + halfDelta, userData, tmpState, d2 );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + halfDelta * d2[i];
		// third step of full delta
		derive( t0 + halfDelta, userData, tmpState, d3 );
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + delta * d3[i];
		// fourth step of full delta
		derive( t0 + delta, userData, tmpState, d4 );

		sixthDelta = delta * (1.0/6.0);
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			tmpState[i] = state[i] + sixthDelta * (d1[i] + 2.0 * (d2[i] + d3[i]) + d4[i]);

		// get max estimated error
        max = 0.0;
		for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++ ) {
			error = idMath::Fabs( (newState[i] - tmpState[i]) / (delta * d1[i] + 1e-10) );
			if ( error > max ) {
				max = error;
		error = max / maxError;

        if ( error <= 1.0f ) {
			return delta * 4.0;
		if ( delta <= 1e-7 ) {
			return delta;
		delta *= 0.25;
	return delta;
Esempio n. 28
 friend constexpr auto derive(Acos const& self, Variable v) {
   return -derive(self.expr(), v) / sqrt(1 - square(self.expr()));
Esempio n. 29
File: ecdhes.c Progetto: simo5/jose
static bool
alg_wrap_wrp(const jose_hook_alg_t *alg, jose_cfg_t *cfg, json_t *jwe,
             json_t *rcp, const json_t *jwk, json_t *cek)
    const jose_hook_alg_t *ecdh = NULL;
    json_auto_t *exc = NULL;
    json_auto_t *hdr = NULL;
    json_auto_t *epk = NULL;
    json_auto_t *der = NULL;
    const char *wrap = NULL;
    json_t *h = NULL;

    if (json_object_get(cek, "k")) {
        if (strcmp(alg->name, "ECDH-ES") == 0)
            return false;
    } else if (!jose_jwk_gen(cfg, cek)) {
        return false;

    hdr = jose_jwe_hdr(jwe, rcp);
    if (!hdr)
        return false;

    h = json_object_get(rcp, "header");
    if (!h && json_object_set_new(rcp, "header", h = json_object()) == -1)
        return false;

    epk = json_pack("{s:s,s:O}", "kty", "EC", "crv",
                    json_object_get(jwk, "crv"));
    if (!epk)
        return false;

    if (!jose_jwk_gen(cfg, epk))
        return false;

    ecdh = jose_hook_alg_find(JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_EXCH, "ECDH");
    if (!ecdh)
        return false;

    exc = ecdh->exch.exc(ecdh, cfg, epk, jwk);
    if (!exc)
        return false;

    if (!jose_jwk_pub(cfg, epk))
        return false;

    if (json_object_set(h, "epk", epk) == -1)
        return false;

    der = derive(alg, cfg, hdr, cek, exc);
    if (!der)
        return false;

    wrap = strchr(alg->name, '+');
    if (wrap) {
        const jose_hook_alg_t *kw = NULL;

        kw = jose_hook_alg_find(JOSE_HOOK_ALG_KIND_WRAP, &wrap[1]);
        if (!kw)
            return false;

        return kw->wrap.wrp(kw, cfg, jwe, rcp, der, cek);

    if (json_object_update(cek, der) < 0)
        return false;

    return add_entity(jwe, rcp, "recipients", "header", "encrypted_key", NULL);