Esempio n. 1
glyph_metrics_t QFontEngineQPA::boundingBox(const QGlyphLayout &glyphs)
    glyph_metrics_t overall;
    // initialize with line height, we get the same behaviour on all platforms
    overall.y = -ascent();
    overall.height = ascent() + descent() + 1;

    QFixed ymax = 0;
    QFixed xmax = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.numGlyphs; i++) {
        const Glyph *g = findGlyph(glyphs.glyphs[i]);
        if (!g)

        QFixed x = overall.xoff + glyphs.offsets[i].x + g->x;
        QFixed y = overall.yoff + glyphs.offsets[i].y + g->y;
        overall.x = qMin(overall.x, x);
        overall.y = qMin(overall.y, y);
        xmax = qMax(xmax, x + g->width);
        ymax = qMax(ymax, y + g->height);
        overall.xoff += g->advance;
    overall.height = qMax(overall.height, ymax - overall.y);
    overall.width = xmax - overall.x;

    return overall;
Esempio n. 2
QFixed QFontEngineS60::ascent() const
    // Workaround for QTBUG-8013
    // Stroke based fonts may return an incorrect FontMaxAscent of 0.
    const QFixed ascent = m_originalFont->FontMaxAscent();
    return (ascent > 0) ? ascent : QFixed::fromReal(m_originalFontSizeInPixels) - descent();
glyph_metrics_t QFontEngineQPF::boundingBox(const QGlyphLayout *glyphs, int numGlyphs)
    const_cast<QFontEngineQPF *>(this)->ensureGlyphsLoaded(glyphs, numGlyphs);

    glyph_metrics_t overall;
    // initialize with line height, we get the same behaviour on all platforms
    overall.y = -ascent();
    overall.height = ascent() + descent() + 1;

    QFixed ymax = 0;
    QFixed xmax = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs; i++) {
        const Glyph *g = findGlyph(glyphs[i].glyph);
        if (!g)

        QFixed x = overall.xoff + glyphs[i].offset.x + g->x;
        QFixed y = overall.yoff + glyphs[i].offset.y + g->y;
        overall.x = qMin(overall.x, x);
        overall.y = qMin(overall.y, y);
        xmax = qMax(xmax, x + g->width);
        ymax = qMax(ymax, y + g->height);
        overall.xoff += g->advance;
    overall.height = qMax(overall.height, ymax - overall.y);
    overall.width = xmax - overall.x;

    return overall;
Esempio n. 4
glyph_metrics_t QFontEngineMac::boundingBox(const QGlyphLayout *glyphs, int numGlyphs)
    QFixed w;
    const QGlyphLayout *end = glyphs + numGlyphs;
    while(end > glyphs)
        w += (--end)->advance.x;
    return glyph_metrics_t(0, -(ascent()), w, ascent()+descent(), w, 0);
Esempio n. 5
KHE_SOLN ils(KHE_SOLN soln, KHE_INSTANCE instance, Config &config) {
    soln = descent(soln, soln, instance, config.ilsBlMax, config);
    KHE_SOLN bestSoln = KheSolnCopy(soln);

    KHE_COST cost;
    int perturbationSize = config.ilsPertIni;
    int iters = 0;
    int neighborhood = 0;
    int pertubationChanges = 0;

    while (config.getRemainingTime() > 0 && pertubationChanges < config.ilsIters) {
        for (int j = 0; j < perturbationSize; ++j) {
            neighborhood = rand() % 100 < 50 ? 6 : 7;
            generateNeighbor(soln, instance, neighborhood);

        cost = KheSolnCost(soln);
        printf("PERTURBED Level %d Hard cost: %d   Soft cost: %d\n", perturbationSize, KheHardCost(cost), KheSoftCost(cost));
        soln = descent(soln, bestSoln, instance, config.ilsBlMax, config);

        // Houve melhora na solucao?
        if (isBetterSolution(soln, bestSoln)) {
            bestSoln = KheSolnCopy(soln);
            perturbationSize = config.ilsPertIni;
            iters = 0;
        } else {
            soln = KheSolnCopy(bestSoln);

        if (iters >= config.ilsMax) {
            iters = 0;
            perturbationSize = (config.ilsPertIni + 1) % (config.ilsPertMax + 1);

    return bestSoln;
glyph_metrics_t QFontEngineS60::boundingBox(const QGlyphLayout &glyphs)
   if (glyphs.numGlyphs == 0)
        return glyph_metrics_t();

    QFixed w = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.numGlyphs; ++i)
        w += glyphs.effectiveAdvance(i);

    return glyph_metrics_t(0, -ascent(), w, ascent()+descent()+1, w, 0);
Esempio n. 7
strategy_profile_t *run_descent(polymatrix_t *game, double delta)
    int *scount = malloc(game->players * sizeof(int));
    count_strategies(game, scount);
    //polymatrix_normalize(game, scount);
    strategy_profile_t *x = strategy_alloc(game->players, scount);
    strategy_profile_t *xp  = descent(game, x, scount, delta);
    //double e1 = compute_eps(game, x, NULL);
    return xp;
Esempio n. 8
void WGraph::print(FILE* file, const Interface& I) const

  Prints the graph on a file in ascii format.

  const OrientedGraph& Y = *d_graph;

  int d = digits(size()-1,10);

  /* count number of edges */

  Ulong count = 0;

  for (Vertex x = 0; x < size(); ++x) {
    const EdgeList& e = Y.edge(x);
    count += e.size();

  // find alignement

  String str(0);
  LFlags f = leqmask[I.rank()-1];
  Ulong descent_maxwidth = str.length();

  fprintf(file,"%lu vertices, %lu edges\n\n",size(),count);

  for (Vertex x = 0; x < size(); ++x) {
    fprintf(file,"%*lu : ",d,x);
    pad(str,descent_maxwidth );
    fprintf(file," ");
    const EdgeList e = Y.edge(x);
    const CoeffList c = coeffList(x);
    for (Ulong j = 0; j < e.size(); ++j) {
      if (j+1 < e.size()) /* there is more to come */
Esempio n. 9
    linear regression for learning
    @dx:    x_data
    @dy:    y_data
    @w:     first weight
    @alpha: learning rate
    @cnt:   count for loop
    @m:     count for data
    loop:   O(cnt x m)
    return: learning weight
f32 linear_learning(f32 *xd, f32 *yd, f32 w, f32 alpha, u32 cnt, u32 m)
    f32 x, y, c, d;
    u32 i, j;

    for (i=0; i < cnt; i++)
        d = 0.0;
        c = 0.0;
        for (j=0; j < m; j++) {
            x = *(xd + j);
            y = *(yd + j);
            c += cost(w, x, y);
            d += descent(x, y, w, alpha);
        c = c / m;                ///average cost(w)
        w = w - alpha * (d / m);  ///average descent(w)
        printf("%4d: cost=%f, w=%f\n", i, c, w);

    return w;
Esempio n. 10
float Font::floatWidthForSimpleText(const TextRun& run, GlyphBuffer* glyphBuffer, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const
    WidthIterator it(this, run, fallbackFonts, glyphOverflow);
    it.advance(run.length(), glyphBuffer);

    if (glyphOverflow) {
        glyphOverflow->top = max<int>(glyphOverflow->top, ceilf(-it.minGlyphBoundingBoxY()) - ascent());
        glyphOverflow->bottom = max<int>(glyphOverflow->bottom, ceilf(it.maxGlyphBoundingBoxY()) - descent());
        glyphOverflow->left = ceilf(it.firstGlyphOverflow());
        glyphOverflow->right = ceilf(it.lastGlyphOverflow());

    return it.m_runWidthSoFar;
Esempio n. 11
float Font::floatWidthForComplexText(const TextRun& run, HashSet<const SimpleFontData*>* fallbackFonts, GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow) const
    ComplexTextController controller(this, run, true, fallbackFonts);
    if (glyphOverflow) {
        glyphOverflow->top = max<int>(glyphOverflow->top, ceilf(-controller.minGlyphBoundingBoxY()) - ascent());
        glyphOverflow->bottom = max<int>(glyphOverflow->bottom, ceilf(controller.maxGlyphBoundingBoxY()) - descent());
        glyphOverflow->left = max<int>(0, ceilf(-controller.minGlyphBoundingBoxX()));
        glyphOverflow->right = max<int>(0, ceilf(controller.maxGlyphBoundingBoxX() - controller.totalWidth()));
    return controller.totalWidth();