Esempio n. 1
STATUS usrFdConfig
    int     drive,	/* drive number of floppy disk (0 - 3) */
    int     type,	/* type of floppy disk */
    char *  fileName	/* mount point */
    BLK_DEV *pBootDev;
    CBIO_DEV_ID cbio ;
    char bootDir [BOOT_FILE_LEN];

    if( type == NONE)
	return OK;

    if ((UINT)drive >= FD_MAX_DRIVES)
	printErr ("drive is out of range (0-%d).\n", FD_MAX_DRIVES - 1);
	return (ERROR);

    /* create a block device spanning entire disk (non-distructive!) */

    if ((pBootDev = fdDevCreate (drive, type, 0, 0)) == NULL)
        printErr ("fdDevCreate failed.\n");
        return (ERROR);

    /* create a disk cache to speed up Floppy operation */
    cbio = dcacheDevCreate( (CBIO_DEV_ID) pBootDev, NULL, 
                           FD_CACHE_SIZE, bootDir );

    if( cbio == NULL )
	/* insufficient memory, will avoid the cache */
	cbio = cbioWrapBlkDev (pBootDev);

    /* split off boot device from boot file */

    devSplit (fileName, bootDir);

    /* initialize device as a dosFs device named <bootDir> */

    if (dosFsDevCreate (bootDir, cbio, 20, NONE) == ERROR)
        printErr ("dosFsDevCreate failed.\n");
        return (ERROR);

    return (OK);
Esempio n. 2
STATUS usrCFConfig
    int     drive,	/* drive number of hard disk (0 or 1) */
    char *  fileName	/* mount point */
    BLK_DEV *pBlkDev;
    char bootDir [BOOT_FILE_LEN];
    char buffer [1024];
    int offset = 0;
    char *pSys;
    DOS_PART_TBL *pPart;

    if ((UINT)drive >= DATAFLASH_MAX_DRIVES)
	printErr ("drive is out of range (0-%d).\n", DATAFLASH_MAX_DRIVES - 1);
	return (ERROR);

    /* split off boot device from boot file */

    devSplit (fileName, bootDir);
    /* read the boot sector */

    cfRaw.cylinder	= 0;
    cfRaw.head		= 0;
    cfRaw.sector	= 1;
    cfRaw.pBuf		= buffer;
    cfRaw.nSecs	= 1;
    cfRaw.direction	= 0;

    cfcRawio (drive, &cfRaw);

    /* get an offset if it is formated by MSDOS */

    pSys  = &buffer[DOS_BOOT_SYS_ID];
    pPart = (DOS_PART_TBL *)&buffer[DOS_BOOT_PART_TBL];
    if ((strncmp(pSys, VXDOS, strlen(VXDOS)) != 0) &&
        (strncmp(pSys, VXEXT, strlen(VXEXT)) != 0))
        offset = usrCFPartition (drive, pPart);

    if ((pBlkDev = cfcDevCreate(drive, 0, offset)) == (BLK_DEV *)NULL)
        printErr ("Error during cfDevCreate: %x\n", errno);
        return (ERROR);

    /* Make DOS file system */
#if 0	
    if (dosFsDevInit(bootDir, pBlkDev, NULL) == (DOS_VOL_DESC *)NULL)
	printErr ("Error during dosFsDevInit: %x\n", errno);
        return (ERROR);
    if (dosFsDevCreate(bootDir, pBlkDev, 20,0) == (DOS_VOL_DESC *)NULL)
		printErr ("Error during dosFsDevInit: %x\n", errno);
	    return (ERROR);
    return (OK);