Esempio n. 1
 * Compute the size, in bytes, of a DexCode.
size_t dexGetDexCodeSize(const DexCode* pCode)
     * The catch handler data is the last entry.  It has a variable number
     * of variable-size pieces, so we need to create an iterator.
    u4 handlersSize;
    u4 offset;
    u4 ui;

    if (pCode->triesSize != 0) {
        handlersSize = dexGetHandlersSize(pCode);
        offset = dexGetFirstHandlerOffset(pCode);
    } else {
        handlersSize = 0;
        offset = 0;

    for (ui = 0; ui < handlersSize; ui++) {
        DexCatchIterator iterator;
        dexCatchIteratorInit(&iterator, pCode, offset);
        offset = dexCatchIteratorGetEndOffset(&iterator, pCode);

    const u1* handlerData = dexGetCatchHandlerData(pCode);

    //LOGD("+++ pCode=%p handlerData=%p last offset=%d\n",
    //    pCode, handlerData, offset);

    /* return the size of the catch handler + everything before it */
    return (handlerData - (u1*) pCode) + offset;
Esempio n. 2
/* Get count of handler lists for the given DexCode. */
u4 dexGetHandlersSize(const DexCode* pCode) {
    if (pCode->triesSize == 0) {
        return 0;

    const u1* data = dexGetCatchHandlerData(pCode);

    return readUnsignedLeb128(&data);
Esempio n. 3
/* Get the first handler offset for the given DexCode.
 * It's not 0 because the handlers list is prefixed with its size
 * (in entries) as a uleb128. */
u4 dexGetFirstHandlerOffset(const DexCode* pCode) {
    if (pCode->triesSize == 0) {
        return 0;

    const u1* baseData = dexGetCatchHandlerData(pCode);
    const u1* data = baseData;


    return data - baseData;
Esempio n. 4
/* Get the handler offset just past the end of the one just iterated over.
 * This ends the iteration if it wasn't already. */
u4 dexCatchIteratorGetEndOffset(DexCatchIterator* pIterator,
        const DexCode* pCode) {
    while (dexCatchIteratorNext(pIterator) != NULL) /* empty */ ;

    return (u4) (pIterator->pEncodedData - dexGetCatchHandlerData(pCode));
Esempio n. 5
/* Initialize a DexCatchIterator to a particular handler offset. */
DEX_INLINE void dexCatchIteratorInit(DexCatchIterator* pIterator,
                                     const DexCode* pCode, u4 offset)
                                  dexGetCatchHandlerData(pCode) + offset);