static void populate_create_subpartitions_form(struct dfui_form *f, struct i_fn_args *a) { struct subpartition *sp; struct dfui_dataset *ds; int i; long capacity; if (slice_subpartition_first(storage_get_selected_slice(a->s)) != NULL) { /* * The user has already given us their subpartition * preferences, so use them here. */ for (sp = slice_subpartition_first(storage_get_selected_slice(a->s)); sp != NULL; sp = subpartition_next(sp)) { ds = dfui_dataset_new(); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "mountpoint", subpartition_get_mountpoint(sp)); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "capacity", capacity_to_string(subpartition_get_capacity(sp))); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "encrypted", subpartition_is_encrypted(sp) ? "Y" : "N"); dfui_form_dataset_add(f, ds); } } else { /* * Otherwise, populate the form with datasets representing * reasonably-calculated defaults. The defaults are chosen * based on the slice's total capacity and the machine's * total physical memory (for swap.) */ for (i = 0; def_mountpt[i] != NULL; i++) { capacity = default_capacity(a->s, def_mountpt[i]); ds = dfui_dataset_new(); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "mountpoint", def_mountpt[i]); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "capacity", capacity_to_string(capacity)); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "encrypted", "N"); dfui_form_dataset_add(f, ds); } } }
/* * Returns: * -1 = the form should be redisplayed * 0 = failure, function is over * 1 = success, function is over */ static int show_create_subpartitions_form(struct dfui_form *f, struct i_fn_args *a) { struct dfui_dataset *ds; struct dfui_response *r; for (;;) { if (dfui_form_dataset_get_first(f) == NULL) populate_create_subpartitions_form(f, a); if (!dfui_be_present(a->c, f, &r)) abort_backend(); if (strcmp(dfui_response_get_action_id(r), "cancel") == 0) { dfui_response_free(r); return(0); } else if (strcmp(dfui_response_get_action_id(r), "switch") == 0) { if (check_subpartition_selections(r, a)) { save_subpartition_selections(r, a); expert = expert ? 0 : 1; dfui_response_free(r); return(-1); } } else { if (check_subpartition_selections(r, a)) { save_subpartition_selections(r, a); if (!warn_subpartition_selections(a) && !warn_encrypted_boot(a)) { if (!create_subpartitions(a)) { inform(a->c, _("The subpartitions you chose were " "not correctly created, and the " "primary partition may " "now be in an inconsistent state. " "We recommend re-formatting it " "before proceeding.")); dfui_response_free(r); return(0); } else { dfui_response_free(r); return(1); } } } } dfui_form_datasets_free(f); /* dfui_form_datasets_add_from_response(f, r); */ for (ds = dfui_response_dataset_get_first(r); ds != NULL; ds = dfui_dataset_get_next(ds)) { dfui_form_dataset_add(f, dfui_dataset_dup(ds)); } } }
void fn_memtest(struct i_fn_args *a) { struct dfui_form *f; struct dfui_response *r; struct dfui_dataset *ds, *new_ds; struct commands *cmds; struct command *cmd; const char *memtestsize; f = dfui_form_create( "memtest", _("Memory test"), _("Memory test - Enter the size in values such as 400M, 1G."), "", "f", "memtestsize", _("Memory test size"), _("Enter the amount of memory you would like to check:"), "", "a", "ok", _("OK"), "", "", "a", "cancel", _("Cancel Memory Test"), "", "", "p", "accelerator", "ESC", NULL ); ds = dfui_dataset_new(); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "memtestsize", ""); dfui_form_dataset_add(f, ds); if (!dfui_be_present(a->c, f, &r)) abort_backend(); if (strcmp(dfui_response_get_action_id(r), "ok") == 0) { new_ds = dfui_response_dataset_get_first(r); memtestsize = dfui_dataset_get_value(new_ds, "memtestsize"); cmds = commands_new(); cmd = command_add(cmds, "cd %s && %s%s %s 1 --log", a->tmp, a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "MEMTEST"), memtestsize); command_set_log_mode(cmd, COMMAND_LOG_QUIET); cmd = command_add(cmds, "%s%s -E -v '^Unable to malloc' %smemtest.log >", a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "GREP"), a->tmp, a->tmp); cmd = command_add(cmds, "%s%s %smemtest.log", a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "MV"), a->tmp, a->tmp); cmd = command_add(cmds, "%s%s -E -v '^Allocated.*failed' %smemtest.log >", a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "GREP"), a->tmp, a->tmp); cmd = command_add(cmds, "%s%s %smemtest.log", a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "MV"), a->tmp, a->tmp); if (commands_execute(a, cmds)) { commands_free(cmds); view_memtest_log(a); cmds = commands_new(); cmd = command_add(cmds, "%s%s -f %smemtest.log", a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "RM"), a->tmp); commands_execute(a, cmds); } else { inform(a->c, _("Memory test could not be run.")); } commands_free(cmds); } dfui_form_free(f); dfui_response_free(r); }
void fn_install_bootblocks(struct i_fn_args *a, const char *device) { struct dfui_form *f; struct dfui_response *r; struct dfui_dataset *ds; struct disk *d; struct commands *cmds; struct command *cmd; char disk[64], boot0cfg[32], packet[32]; char msg_buf[1][1024]; snprintf(msg_buf[0], sizeof(msg_buf[0]), "'Packet Mode' refers to using newer BIOS calls to boot " "from a partition of the disk. It is generally not " "required unless:\n\n" "- your BIOS does not support legacy mode; or\n" "- your %s primary partition resides on a " "cylinder of the disk beyond cylinder 1024; or\n" "- you just can't get it to boot without it.", OPERATING_SYSTEM_NAME); f = dfui_form_create( "install_bootstrap", _("Install Bootblock(s)"), a->short_desc, msg_buf[0], "p", "special", "dfinstaller_install_bootstrap", "f", "disk", _("Disk Drive"), _("The disk on which you wish to install a bootblock"), "", "p", "editable", "false", "f", "boot0cfg", _("Install Bootblock?"), _("Install a bootblock on this disk"), "", "p", "control", "checkbox", "f", "packet", _("Packet Mode?"), _("Select this to use 'packet mode' to boot the disk"), "", "p", "control", "checkbox", "a", "ok", _("Accept and Install Bootblocks"), "", "", "a", "cancel", a->cancel_desc, "", "", "p", "accelerator", "ESC", NULL ); dfui_form_set_multiple(f, 1); if (device != NULL) { ds = dfui_dataset_new(); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "disk", device); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "boot0cfg", "Y"); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "packet", "Y"); dfui_form_dataset_add(f, ds); } else { for (d = storage_disk_first(a->s); d != NULL; d = disk_next(d)) { ds = dfui_dataset_new(); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "disk", disk_get_device_name(d)); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "boot0cfg", "Y"); dfui_dataset_celldata_add(ds, "packet", "Y"); dfui_form_dataset_add(f, ds); } } if (!dfui_be_present(a->c, f, &r)) abort_backend(); a->result = 0; if (strcmp(dfui_response_get_action_id(r), "ok") == 0) { cmds = commands_new(); for (ds = dfui_response_dataset_get_first(r); ds != NULL; ds = dfui_dataset_get_next(ds)) { strlcpy(disk, dfui_dataset_get_value(ds, "disk"), 64); strlcpy(boot0cfg, dfui_dataset_get_value(ds, "boot0cfg"), 32); strlcpy(packet, dfui_dataset_get_value(ds, "packet"), 32); if (strcasecmp(boot0cfg, "Y") == 0) { cmd = command_add(cmds, "%s%s -B -o %spacket %s", a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "BOOT0CFG"), strcasecmp(packet, "Y") == 0 ? "" : "no", disk); command_set_failure_mode(cmd, COMMAND_FAILURE_WARN); command_set_tag(cmd, "%s", disk); cmd = command_add(cmds, "%s%s -v %s", a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "BOOT0CFG"), disk); command_set_failure_mode(cmd, COMMAND_FAILURE_WARN); command_set_tag(cmd, "%s", disk); } } if (!commands_execute(a, cmds)) { ask_to_wipe_boot_sector(a, cmds); } else { inform(a->c, _("Bootblocks were successfully installed!")); a->result = 1; } commands_free(cmds); } dfui_form_free(f); dfui_response_free(r); }
/* * Pop a Lua table representing a DFUI form from the Lua stack, * create a new DFUI form from it, and return it. */ static struct dfui_form * dfui_form_from_lua_table(lua_State *L, int table_idx) { struct dfui_form *f; struct dfui_action *a; struct dfui_field *fi; struct dfui_dataset *ds; const char *id, *name, *short_desc, *long_desc; int list_idx, subtable_idx, counter, done; /* * Get the basic properties of the form. */ id = lua_access_table_string(L, table_idx, "id"); name = lua_access_table_string(L, table_idx, "name"); short_desc = lua_access_table_string(L, table_idx, "short_desc"); long_desc = lua_access_table_string(L, table_idx, "long_desc"); /* * Create the initial form. */ f = dfui_form_new(id, dfui_info_new(name, short_desc, long_desc)); set_dfui_properties_from_lua_table(L, table_idx, DFUI_OBJ_FORM, f); /* * Get the list of actions attached to the form. */ lua_pushliteral(L, "actions"); lua_gettable(L, table_idx); list_idx = lua_gettop(L); if (lua_istable(L, list_idx)) { /* * Loop through all entries in this table, creating * and attaching a new action for each one. */ counter = 1; done = 0; while (!done) { lua_pushnumber(L, counter++); lua_gettable(L, list_idx); subtable_idx = lua_gettop(L); if (lua_istable(L, subtable_idx)) { a = dfui_action_from_lua_table(L, subtable_idx); dfui_form_action_attach(f, a); } else { done = 1; } } } else { /* No actions */ } lua_pop(L, 1); /* * Get the list of fields attached to the form. */ lua_pushliteral(L, "fields"); lua_gettable(L, table_idx); list_idx = lua_gettop(L); if (lua_istable(L, list_idx)) { /* * Loop through all entries in this table, creating * and attaching a new field for each one. */ counter = 1; done = 0; while (!done) { lua_pushnumber(L, counter++); lua_gettable(L, list_idx); subtable_idx = lua_gettop(L); if (lua_istable(L, subtable_idx)) { fi = dfui_field_from_lua_table(L, subtable_idx); dfui_form_field_attach(f, fi); } else { done = 1; } } } else { /* No fields */ } lua_pop(L, 1); /* * Get the list of datasets attached to the form. */ lua_pushliteral(L, "datasets"); lua_gettable(L, table_idx); list_idx = lua_gettop(L); if (lua_istable(L, list_idx)) { /* * Loop through all entries in this table, creating * and attaching a new dataset for each one. */ counter = 1; done = 0; while (!done) { lua_pushnumber(L, counter++); lua_gettable(L, list_idx); subtable_idx = lua_gettop(L); if (lua_istable(L, subtable_idx)) { ds = dfui_dataset_from_lua_table(L, subtable_idx); dfui_form_dataset_add(f, ds); } else { done = 1; } } } else { /* No datasets */ } lua_pop(L, 1); /* * Finally, delete the table representing the form by * popping it from the top of the stack. */ lua_pop(L, 1); return(f); }