Esempio n. 1
File: matrix.c Progetto: tamuri/SLR
int InvertMatrix ( double * A, int n){
        int INFO;
        int N;
        static int * IPIV=NULL;
        static int LWORK=0;
        static double * WORK=NULL;
        static int last_n=0;

        N = n;

        if ( n>last_n){
                if (NULL==IPIV){
                        WORK = malloc(sizeof(double));
                } else {
                LWORK = -1;
                dgetri_ (&N,A,&N,IPIV,WORK,&LWORK,&INFO);
                WORK = malloc(LWORK*sizeof(double));
                IPIV = malloc(n*sizeof(int));
                last_n = n;

        dgetrf_ (&N,&N,A,&N,IPIV,&INFO);
        if ( INFO==0){
                dgetri_ (&N,A,&N,IPIV,WORK,&LWORK,&INFO);

        if (INFO!=0)
                return -1;
        return 0;
Esempio n. 2
/* Currently only used as 'support' function for the matrix_det function. */
static void matrix_dgetrf__( matrix_type * A, int * ipiv, int * info) {
  int lda       = matrix_get_column_stride( A );
  int m         = matrix_get_rows( A );
  int n         = matrix_get_columns( A );  

  dgetrf_( &m , &n , matrix_get_data( A ) , &lda , ipiv , info);
		//--- Calculation of determinamt ---
		double det(const dmatrix &_a)
				assert( _a.cols() == _a.rows() );

				typedef dmatrix mlapack;
				mlapack a = _a;	// <-

				int info;
				int n = (int)a.cols();
				int lda = n;
				std::vector<int> ipiv(n);

				info = clapack_dgetrf(CblasColMajor,
									  n, n, &(a(0,0)), lda, &(ipiv[0]));
				dgetrf_(&n, &n, &a(0,0), &lda, &(ipiv[0]), &info);

				double det=1.0;
				for(int i=0; i < n-1; i++)
						if(ipiv[i] != i+1)  det = -det;
				for(int i=0; i < n; i++)  det *= a(i,i);

				assert(info == 0);
				return det;
Esempio n. 4
/* on output, A is replaced by A^{-1} */
lapack_inverse(gsl_matrix *A)
  int s = 0;
  int M = A->size1;
  int N = A->size2;
  int lda = N;
  int *ipiv;
  int lwork;
  double *work;
  double q[1];

  ipiv = malloc(N * sizeof(int));

  dgetrf_(&M, &N, A->data, &lda, ipiv, &s);
  if (s != 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "lapack_inverse: error: %d\n", s);
      return s;

  lwork = -1;
  dgetri_(&N, A->data, &lda, ipiv, q, &lwork, &s);

  lwork = (int) q[0];
  work = malloc(lwork * sizeof(double));

  /* compute inverse */
  dgetri_(&N, A->data, &lda, ipiv, work, &lwork, &s);


  return s;
Esempio n. 5
long benchmark(int size) {
    int m = sqrt(size);
	long requestStart, requestEnd;

    // random matrices are full rank (and can always be inverted if square)
    double* a = random_array(m * m);
    int bSize = m * m;
    double* b = calloc(bSize, sizeof(double));
    int* p = calloc(m, sizeof(int));
    int info = 0;

	requestStart = currentTimeNanos();

    // calling raw fortran because OS X doesn't have LAPACKE
    dgetrf_( &m, &m, a, &m, p, &info );
    dgetri_( &m, a, &m, p, b, &bSize, &info );

	requestEnd = currentTimeNanos();


    return (requestEnd - requestStart);
Esempio n. 6
void Peer::ros2(double * y, double& tstart, double tend, IContinuous *continuousSystem, ITime *timeSystem) {
    double *T=new double[_dimSys*_dimSys];
    double *D=new double[_dimSys];
    double *k1=new double[_dimSys];
    double *k2=new double[_dimSys];
    long int *P=new long int[_dimSys];
    long int info;
    long int dim=1;
    double t=tstart;
    const double gamma=1.-sqrt(2.)/2.;
    char trans='N';
    double hu=(tend-tstart)/10.;
    for(int count=0; count<10; ++count) {
        evalJ(t,y,T,continuousSystem, timeSystem,-hu*gamma);
        for(int i=0; i<_dimSys;++ i) T[i*_dimSys+i]+=1.;
        dgetrf_(&_dimSys, &_dimSys, T, &_dimSys, P, &info);
        evalF(t,y,k1,continuousSystem, timeSystem);
        evalD(t,y,D,continuousSystem, timeSystem);
        for(int i=0; i<_dimSys;++ i) k1[i]+=gamma*hu*D[i];
        dgetrs_(&trans, &_dimSys, &dim, T, &_dimSys, P, k1, &_dimSys, &info);
        for(int i=0; i<_dimSys;++ i) y[i]+=hu*k1[i];
        evalF(t,y,k2,continuousSystem, timeSystem);
        for(int i=0; i<_dimSys;++ i)  k2[i]+= hu*gamma*D[i]-2.*k1[i];
        dgetrs_(&trans, &_dimSys, &dim, T, &_dimSys, P, k2, &_dimSys, &info);
        for(int i=0; i<_dimSys;++ i) y[i]+=0.5*hu*(k1[i]+k2[i]);
Esempio n. 7
/*  returns determinant
	Matrix m wil NOT change!
double utr_mat_det(const double *m, int n,char store, double * det) 
  int aux=n,i=0;
  int *  pivots = malloc(n*sizeof(int));
  double * M=malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
  if(M!=NULL && pivots != NULL) {
	if(store == 'R' || store == 'r') {
	  int j=0;
	  for(i=0;i<n;++i) {
	for(j=0;j<n;++j) {
	else {	// 'c' or 'C' column store schema 
	for(i=0; i < n; ++i) {
	  *det *= M[n*i+i] * (pivots[i]!=(i+1)? -1.0 : 1.0);
Esempio n. 8
  void LapackLuDense::prepare() {
    double time_start=0;
    if (CasadiOptions::profiling && CasadiOptions::profilingBinary) {
      time_start = getRealTime(); // Start timer
      profileWriteEntry(CasadiOptions::profilingLog, this);
    prepared_ = false;

    // Get the elements of the matrix, dense format

    if (equilibriate_) {
      // Calculate the col and row scaling factors
      double colcnd, rowcnd; // ratio of the smallest to the largest col/row scaling factor
      double amax; // absolute value of the largest matrix element
      int info = -100;
      dgeequ_(&ncol_, &nrow_, getPtr(mat_), &ncol_, getPtr(r_),
              getPtr(c_), &colcnd, &rowcnd, &amax, &info);
      if (info < 0)
          throw CasadiException("LapackQrDense::prepare: "
                                "dgeequ_ failed to calculate the scaling factors");
      if (info>0) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "LapackLuDense::prepare: ";
        if (info<=ncol_)  ss << (info-1) << "-th row (zero-based) is exactly zero";
        else             ss << (info-1-ncol_) << "-th col (zero-based) is exactly zero";

        userOut() << "Warning: " << ss.str() << endl;

        if (allow_equilibration_failure_)  userOut() << "Warning: " << ss.str() << endl;
        else                              casadi_error(ss.str());

      // Equilibrate the matrix if scaling was successful
      if (info!=0)
        dlaqge_(&ncol_, &nrow_, getPtr(mat_), &ncol_, getPtr(r_), getPtr(c_),
                &colcnd, &rowcnd, &amax, &equed_);
        equed_ = 'N';

    // Factorize the matrix
    int info = -100;
    dgetrf_(&ncol_, &ncol_, getPtr(mat_), &ncol_, getPtr(ipiv_), &info);
    if (info != 0) throw CasadiException("LapackLuDense::prepare: "
                                         "dgetrf_ failed to factorize the Jacobian");

    // Success if reached this point
    prepared_ = true;

    if (CasadiOptions::profiling && CasadiOptions::profilingBinary) {
      double time_stop = getRealTime(); // Stop timer
      profileWriteTime(CasadiOptions::profilingLog, this, 0, time_stop-time_start,
      profileWriteExit(CasadiOptions::profilingLog, this, time_stop-time_start);
Esempio n. 9
/* Main function to be called */
void errbars (int numparams, double *p, struct kslice *ks, double **covar)
	int ii, ij, ik;
	lapack_int n, lda, info, worksize;
	char c;
	double *fish, *work, *rscale, *cscale;
	double row, col, amax;
	int *piv;

	c = 'U';
	fish = malloc(numparams*numparams*sizeof(double));
	piv = malloc(numparams*numparams*sizeof(int));
	rscale = malloc(numparams*sizeof(double));
	cscale = malloc(numparams*sizeof(double));

	/* compute fisher information matrix */
	fisher(numparams, p, ks, fish);

	n = numparams;
	lda = numparams;
	dgeequ_(&n, &n, fish, &lda, rscale, cscale, &row, &col, &amax, &info);
	for (ii=0; ii<numparams; ii++)
		for (ij=0; ij<numparams; ij++)
			fish[ii*numparams+ij] *= rscale[ii]*cscale[ij];

	n = numparams;
	lda = numparams;
	dgetrf_(&n, &n, fish, &lda, piv, &info);
//	printf("\tLU decomp status: %d\n", info);

	worksize = 32*n;
	work = malloc(worksize*sizeof(double));
	dgetri_(&n, fish, &lda, piv, work, &worksize, &info);
//	printf("\tInversion status: %d\n", info);
	for (ii=0; ii<numparams; ii++)
		for (ij=0; ij<numparams; ij++)
			fish[ii*numparams+ij] *= rscale[ij]*cscale[ii];
	/* compute inverse of fisher information matrix */
	for (ii=0; ii<numparams; ii++)
		for (ij=0; ij<numparams; ij++)
			printf("%d\t%d\t%e\n", ii, ij, (fish[ii*numparams+ij]));
	/* return */
	*covar = fish;

	/* free local memory */
Esempio n. 10
File: LA.c Progetto: mikailcf/PSAT
static long
dgetrf(long M, long N, double *A, long LDA, long *IPIV)
  extern void dgetrf_(const long *M,const long *N, double *A,const long *LDA,
   long *IPIV, long *infop);
  long info;
  dgetrf_(&M, &N, A, &LDA, IPIV, &info);
  return info;
  void QuasiNewton<double>::symmNonHerDiag(int NTrial, ostream &output){
    char JOBVL = 'N';
    char JOBVR = 'V';
    int TwoNTrial = 2*NTrial;
    int *IPIV = new int[TwoNTrial];
    int INFO;

    RealCMMap  SSuper(this->SSuperMem, TwoNTrial,TwoNTrial);
    RealCMMap  ASuper(this->ASuperMem, TwoNTrial,TwoNTrial);
    RealCMMap    SCPY(this->SCPYMem,   TwoNTrial,TwoNTrial);
    RealCMMap NHrProd(this->NHrProdMem,TwoNTrial,TwoNTrial);

    SCPY = SSuper; // Copy of original matrix to use for re-orthogonalization

    // Invert the metric (maybe not needed?)
    delete [] IPIV;

    NHrProd = SSuper * ASuper;
  //cout << endl << "PROD" << endl << NHrProd << endl;

    // Sort eigensystem using Bubble Sort
    RealVecMap ER(this->ERMem,TwoNTrial);
    RealVecMap EI(this->EIMem,TwoNTrial);
    RealCMMap  VR(this->SSuperMem,TwoNTrial,TwoNTrial);
//  cout << endl << ER << endl;
//  cout << endl << ER << endl;
    // Grab the "positive paired" roots (throw away other element of the pair)
    this->ERMem += NTrial;
    new (&ER    ) RealVecMap(this->ERMem,NTrial);
    new (&SSuper) RealCMMap(this->SSuperMem+2*NTrial*NTrial,2*NTrial,NTrial);

     * Re-orthogonalize the eigenvectors with respect to the metric S(R)
     * because DSYGV orthogonalzies the vectors with respect to E(R)
     * because we solve the opposite problem.
     * Gramm-Schmidt

    // Separate the eigenvectors into gerade and ungerade parts
    RealCMMap XTSigmaR(this->XTSigmaRMem,NTrial,NTrial);
    RealCMMap XTSigmaL(this->XTSigmaLMem,NTrial,NTrial);
    XTSigmaR = SSuper.block(0,     0,NTrial,NTrial);
    XTSigmaL = SSuper.block(NTrial,0,NTrial,NTrial);
  //cout << endl << "ER" << endl << ER << endl << endl;
  //cout << endl << "CR" << endl << XTSigmaR << endl << endl;
  //cout << endl << "CR" << endl << XTSigmaL << endl << endl;
//  CErr();
Esempio n. 12
	DLLEXPORT MKL_INT d_lu_factor(MKL_INT m, double a[], MKL_INT ipiv[])
		MKL_INT info = 0;
		for(MKL_INT i = 0; i < m; ++i ){
			ipiv[i] -= 1;
		return info;
Esempio n. 13
    //! build and factorize "real" matrix
    //! \param fac1 : we add fac1*I to the Jacobian.
    //! \param Jac the jacobian.
    inline void decomr(double fac1,MatrixReal& Jac)
      int nn=n,info;
	throw OdesException("odes::Matrices::decomr dgetrf,info=",info);
Esempio n. 14
	DLLEXPORT int d_lu_factor(int m, double a[], int ipiv[])
		int info = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i ){
			ipiv[i] -= 1;
		return info;
Esempio n. 15
 Subroutine to compute the Determinant of Matrix
 by using CLAPACK subroutine - dgetrf_() ( PLU decomposition:
 where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit
 diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper
 triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n))

   matrix *A:     the pointer to the matrix   
   return value: the determinant of matrix
double det(matrix *A)
    integer m, n, lda, info; 
	int i, j, size;
    double *AT;
	integer *ipiv;
	double detU=1;
	int num_permut=0;

	m = A->m;
    n = A->n;

	if (m != n) {
		printf(" Warning: det() is failed since the matrix is not square matrix. \n");
		return 0;

    lda = m;
    size = m*n;

    AT = new double[size];
    ipiv = new integer[n];

    // to call a Fortran routine from C we have to transform the matrix
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {				
        for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
            AT[n*i+j] = *(A->pr+m*j+i);
	dgetrf_(&m, &n, AT, &lda, ipiv, &info);
	if (info < 0) {
		printf(" Warning: det() is failed. \n");
	// the determinant of U
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		detU *= AT[n*i+i];

	// the determinant of P is either +1 or -1
	// depending of whether the number of row permutations is even or odd.
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		if (ipiv[i] != i+1) {

	if (num_permut%2 == 0) {
		return detU;
	} else {
		return -detU;

Esempio n. 16
int32_t invert_matrix(__CLPK_integer dim, double* matrix, MATRIX_INVERT_BUF1_TYPE* int_1d_buf, double* dbl_2d_buf) {
    // dgetrf_/dgetri_ is more efficient than dpotrf_/dpotri_ on OS X.
    __CLPK_integer lwork = dim * dim;
    __CLPK_integer info;
    dgetrf_(&dim, &dim, matrix, &dim, int_1d_buf, &info);
    dgetri_(&dim, matrix, &dim, int_1d_buf, dbl_2d_buf, &lwork, &info);
    if (info) {
        return 1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
 LU::LU(const Matrix &mat)
   : dcmp(mat),
     pivots(std::min(mat.nrow(), mat.ncol())),
   int m = mat.nrow();
   int n = mat.ncol();
   int info;
   dgetrf_(&m, &n,, &m, &pivots[0], &info);
   if(info!=0) sing_ = true;
Esempio n. 18
template <typename fptype> static inline int
lapack_LU(fptype* a, size_t a_step, int m, fptype* b, size_t b_step, int n, int* info)
    int lda = a_step / sizeof(fptype), sign = 0;
    int* piv = new int[m];

    transpose_square_inplace(a, lda, m);

        if(n == 1 && b_step == sizeof(fptype))
            if(typeid(fptype) == typeid(float))
                sgesv_(&m, &n, (float*)a, &lda, piv, (float*)b, &m, info);
            else if(typeid(fptype) == typeid(double))
                dgesv_(&m, &n, (double*)a, &lda, piv, (double*)b, &m, info);
            int ldb = b_step / sizeof(fptype);
            fptype* tmpB = new fptype[m*n];

            transpose(b, ldb, tmpB, m, m, n);

            if(typeid(fptype) == typeid(float))
                sgesv_(&m, &n, (float*)a, &lda, piv, (float*)tmpB, &m, info);
            else if(typeid(fptype) == typeid(double))
                dgesv_(&m, &n, (double*)a, &lda, piv, (double*)tmpB, &m, info);

            transpose(tmpB, m, b, ldb, n, m);
            delete[] tmpB;
        if(typeid(fptype) == typeid(float))
            sgetrf_(&m, &m, (float*)a, &lda, piv, info);
        else if(typeid(fptype) == typeid(double))
            dgetrf_(&m, &m, (double*)a, &lda, piv, info);

    if(*info == 0)
        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            sign ^= piv[i] != i + 1;
        *info = sign ? -1 : 1;
        *info = 0; //in opencv LU function zero means error

    delete[] piv;
    return CV_HAL_ERROR_OK;
Esempio n. 19
/* LU decomposition */
void THLapack_(getrf)(int m, int n, real *a, int lda, int *ipiv, int *info)
#ifdef  USE_LAPACK
#if defined(TH_REAL_IS_DOUBLE)
  dgetrf_(&m, &n, a, &lda, ipiv, info);
  sgetrf_(&m, &n, a, &lda, ipiv, info);
  THError("getrf : Lapack library not found in compile time\n");
Esempio n. 20
/* solve linear equation -------------------------------------------------------
* solve linear equation (X=A\Y or X=A'\Y)
* args   : char   *tr       I   transpose flag ("N":normal,"T":transpose)
*          double *A        I   input matrix A (n x n)
*          double *Y        I   input matrix Y (n x m)
*          int    n,m       I   size of matrix A,Y
*          double *X        O   X=A\Y or X=A'\Y (n x m)
* return : status (0:ok,0>:error)
* notes  : matirix stored by column-major order (fortran convention)
*          X can be same as Y
static int solve(const char *tr, const double *A, const double *Y, integer n,
                 integer m, double *X)
    double B[n*n];
    integer info;
    integer ipiv[n];

    memcpy(B, A, sizeof(double)*n*n);
    memcpy(X, Y, sizeof(double)*n*m);
    if (!info) dgetrs_((char *)tr,&n,&m,B,&n,ipiv,X,&n,&info);
    return info;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  char* filename;
  FILE *fp;
  int m, n, i, info;
  double **a;
  double det;
  int *ipiv;

  if (argc < 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile\n", argv[0]);
  filename = argv[1];

  /* read matrix A from a file */
  fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: file can not open\n");
  read_dmatrix(fp, &m, &n, &a);
  if (m != n) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: non-square matrix\n");
  printf("Matrix A:\n");
  fprint_dmatrix(stdout, n, n, a);

  /* perform LU decomposition */
  ipiv = alloc_ivector(n);
  dgetrf_(&n, &n, mat_ptr(a), &n, vec_ptr(ipiv), &info);
  if (info != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: LAPACK::dgetrf failed\n");
  printf("Result of LU decomposition:\n");
  fprint_dmatrix(stdout, n, n, a);
  printf("Pivot for LU decomposition:\n");
  fprint_ivector(stdout, n, ipiv);

  /* calculate determinant */
  det = 1.0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    det *= mat_elem(a, i, i);
    if (ipiv[i] != i+1) det = -det;
  printf("Determinant of A = %lf\n", det);
Esempio n. 22
// lapack_square_inverse inverts a square matrix.
// Return codes:
//   0 : no problems
//   1 : make_int failed
//   2 : LU factorization failed
//   3 : inversion failed
int lapack_square_inverse(double *Ai, long m_long, double *A) {

    // matrix size
    int m;
    int info = make_int(&m, m_long);
    if (info != 0) return 1;

    // copy A into Ai
    int i = 0;
    for (i=0; i<m*m; ++i) Ai[i] = A[i];

    // auxiliary variable
    int * ipiv = (int*)malloc(m * sizeof(int));

    // factorization
    dgetrf_(&m,     // M
            &m,     // N
            Ai,     // double * A
            &m,     // LDA
            ipiv,   // Pivot indices
            &info); // INFO

    // clean-up and check
    if (info != 0) {
        return 2;

    // auxiliary variables
    int      NB    = 8;    // Optimal blocksize ?
    int      lwork = m*NB; // Dimension of work >= max(1,m), optimal=m*NB
    double * work  = (double*)malloc(lwork * sizeof(double)); // Work

    // inversion
    dgetri_(&m,     // N
            Ai,     // double * A
            &m,     // LDA
            ipiv,   // Pivot indices
            work,   // work
            &lwork, // dimension of work
            &info); // INFO

    // clean up

    // check
    if (info != 0) return 3;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 23
// Interface to lapack routine dgetrf
// mm: nrow of A
// nn: ncol of A
void lapack_dgetrf(int mm, int nn, dreal *AA, int *ipiv)
  int lda, info;
  lda = (1 > mm) ? 1 : mm;
  dgetrf_(&mm, &nn, AA, &lda, ipiv, &info);
  check(info == 0, "Failed dgetrf, info = %d", info);
Esempio n. 24
 Subroutine to compute the Inverse Matrix
 by using CLAPACK subroutine - dgetri_() and dgetrf_()
   matrix *A:     the pointer to the matrix
   matrix *InvA:  the pointer to the inverse matrix
 return value: '1' - successfully exit
               '0' - inverse matrix does not exist
int inv(matrix *A, matrix *InvA)
    integer m, n, lda, lwork, info1, info2, i, j, size;
    double *AT;
    double *work;
	integer *ipiv;

	m = A->m;
    n = A->n;

	if (m != n) {
		printf(" Warning: inv() is failed since the matrix is not square matrix. \n");
		return 0;

    lda = m;
    lwork = 5*n;
    size = m*n;

    AT = new double[size];
    work = new double[5*n];
    ipiv = new integer[n];

    // to call a Fortran routine from C we have to transform the matrix
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {				
        for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
            AT[n*i+j] = *(A->pr+m*j+i);
	dgetrf_(&m, &n, AT, &lda, ipiv, &info1);
	dgetri_(&n, AT, &lda, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info2);

	if ((info1 != 0) || (info2 != 0)) {
		printf(" Warning: Inv() is failed. \n");
		return 0;

	// to output a Fortran matrix to C we have to transform the matrix
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {				
        for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
            *(InvA->pr+n*i+j) = AT[m*j+i];

	return 1;

Esempio n. 25
	DLLEXPORT MKL_INT d_lu_inverse(MKL_INT n, double a[], double work[], MKL_INT lwork)
		MKL_INT* ipiv = new MKL_INT[n];
		MKL_INT info = 0;

		if (info != 0){
			delete[] ipiv;
			return info;

		delete[] ipiv;
		return info;
Esempio n. 26
void matrix_invert_inplace(int n, double *A) {
    int m = n;
    int lda = n;
    int info;
    int *ipiv = malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    int lwork = n * 512;
    double *work = malloc(sizeof(double) * lwork);

    /* Make calls to FORTRAN routines */
    dgetrf_(&m, &n, A, &lda, ipiv, &info);
    dgetri_(&n, A, &lda, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info);

Esempio n. 27
	DLLEXPORT int d_lu_inverse(int n, double a[], double work[], int lwork)
		int* ipiv = new int[n];
		int info = 0;

		if (info != 0){
			delete[] ipiv;
			return info;

		delete[] ipiv;
		return info;
Esempio n. 28
linalg_invert (double *A, int m)
  int                 N = m;
  int                 lwork = N * N;

  int                *ipiv = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (N + 1));
  double             *work = (double *) malloc (sizeof (double) * lwork);
  int                 info;

  dgetrf_ (&N, &N, A, &N, ipiv, &info);
  dgetri_ (&N, A, &N, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info);

  free (ipiv);
  free (work);
Esempio n. 29
/* Invert square, real, nonsymmetric matrix.  Uses LU decomposition
   (LAPACK routines dgetrf and dgetri).  Returns 0 on success, 1 on
   failure. */
int mat_invert(Matrix *M_inv, Matrix *M) {
  die("ERROR: LAPACK required for matrix inversion.\n");
  int i, j;
  LAPACK_INT info, n = (LAPACK_INT)M->nrows, ipiv[n], lwork=(LAPACK_INT)n;
  LAPACK_DOUBLE tmp[n][n], work[lwork];

  if (!(M->nrows == M->ncols && M_inv->nrows == M_inv->ncols && 
	M->nrows == M_inv->nrows))
    die("ERROR mat_invert: bad dimensions\n");

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) 
      tmp[i][j] = (LAPACK_DOUBLE)mat_get(M, j, i);

#ifdef R_LAPACK
  F77_CALL(dgetrf)(&n, &n, (LAPACK_DOUBLE*)tmp, &n, ipiv, &info);
  dgetrf_(&n, &n, (LAPACK_DOUBLE*)tmp, &n, ipiv, &info);

  if (info != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to compute LU factorization of matrix (for matrix inversion); dgetrf returned value of %d.\n", (int)info); 
    return 1;
#ifdef R_LAPACK
  F77_CALL(dgetri)(&n, (LAPACK_DOUBLE*)tmp, &n, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info);
  dgetri_(&n, (LAPACK_DOUBLE*)tmp, &n, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info);

  if (info != 0) {
    if (info > 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: matrix is singular -- cannot invert.\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to invert matrix.  Element %d had an illegal value (according to dgetri).\n", (int)info); 
    return 1;

  for (i = 0; i < M->nrows; i++) 
    for (j = 0; j < M->nrows; j++) 
      mat_set(M_inv, i, j, (double)tmp[j][i]);

  return 0;
void LRTRSR1::HessianEta(Vector *Eta, Vector *result)
	integer idx;
	double *v = new double[Currentlength];
	if (ischangedSandY)
		for (integer i = 0; i < Currentlength; i++)
			idx = (i + beginidx) % LengthSY;
			Mani->ScalerVectorAddVector(x1, -gamma, S[idx], Y[idx], YMGS[i]);
		for (integer i = 0; i < Currentlength; i++)
			for (integer j = 0; j < Currentlength; j++)
				PMGQ[i + j * Currentlength] = SY[i + j * LengthSY] - gamma * SS[i + j * LengthSY];
		if (Currentlength > 0)
			// compute LU
			integer info, CurLen = Currentlength;
			dgetrf_(&CurLen, &CurLen, PMGQ, &CurLen, P, &info);
			ischangedSandY = false;

	for (integer i = 0; i < Currentlength; i++)
		v[i] = Mani->Metric(x1, YMGS[i], Eta);

	if (Currentlength > 0)
		char *trans = const_cast<char *> ("n");
		integer info, one = 1, CurLen = Currentlength;
		dgetrs_(trans, &CurLen, &one, PMGQ, &CurLen, P, v, &CurLen, &info);

	Mani->ScaleTimesVector(x1, gamma, Eta, result);
	for (integer i = 0; i < Currentlength; i++)
		Mani->ScalerVectorAddVector(x1, v[i], YMGS[i], result, result);

	delete[] v;