void CON_Draw(void) { int line; float y = 0; float x = 0; float inputlen; if(oldiwad && !console_enabled) { Draw_ConsoleText(8, 16, RED, CONFONT_SCALE, "IWAD is out of date. Please use Wadgen to generate a new one"); } if(!console_linebuffer) return; if(!console_enabled) return; GL_SetOrtho(1); GL_SetState(GLSTATE_BLEND, 1); dglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); dglColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 128); dglRectf(SCREENWIDTH, CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD, 0, 0); GL_SetState(GLSTATE_BLEND, 0); dglColor4f(0, 1, 0, 1); dglBegin(GL_LINES); dglVertex2f(0, CONSOLE_Y - 1); dglVertex2f(SCREENWIDTH, CONSOLE_Y - 1); dglVertex2f(0, CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD); dglVertex2f(SCREENWIDTH, CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD); dglEnd(); dglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); line = console_head; y = CONSOLE_Y - 2; if(line < MAX_CONSOLE_LINES) { while(console_buffer[line] && y > 0) { Draw_ConsoleText(0, y, console_buffer[line]->color, CONFONT_SCALE, "%s", console_buffer[line]->line); line = (line + 1) & CONSOLETEXT_MASK; y -= CONFONT_YPAD; } } Draw_ConsoleText(SCREENWIDTH - (64 * CONFONT_SCALE), CONSOLE_Y - 2, RED, CONFONT_SCALE, "rev. %s", PACKAGE_VERSION); y = CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD; inputlen = Draw_ConsoleText(x, y, WHITE, CONFONT_SCALE, "%s", console_inputbuffer); Draw_ConsoleText(x + inputlen, y, WHITE, CONFONT_SCALE, "_"); }
void CON_Draw(void) { int line; float y = 0; float x = 0; float inputlen; if(!console_linebuffer) { return; } if(!console_enabled) { return; } GL_SetOrtho(1); GL_SetState(GLSTATE_BLEND, 1); dglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); dglColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 128); dglRectf(SCREENWIDTH, CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD, 0, 0); GL_SetState(GLSTATE_BLEND, 0); dglColor4f(0, 1, 0, 1); dglBegin(GL_LINES); dglVertex2f(0, CONSOLE_Y - 1); dglVertex2f(SCREENWIDTH, CONSOLE_Y - 1); dglVertex2f(0, CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD); dglVertex2f(SCREENWIDTH, CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD); dglEnd(); dglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); line = console_head; y = CONSOLE_Y - 2; if(line < MAX_CONSOLE_LINES) { while(console_buffer[line] && y > 0) { Draw_ConsoleText(0, y, console_buffer[line]->color, CONFONT_SCALE, "%s", console_buffer[line]->line); line = (line + 1) & CONSOLETEXT_MASK; y -= CONFONT_YPAD; } } y = CONSOLE_Y + CONFONT_YPAD; inputlen = Draw_ConsoleText(x, y, WHITE, CONFONT_SCALE, "%s", console_inputbuffer); Draw_ConsoleText(x + inputlen, y, WHITE, CONFONT_SCALE, "_"); }