Esempio n. 1
void dict_route_dictionary(t_dict_route *x, t_symbol *s)
	t_dictionary	*d = dictobj_findregistered_retain(s);

	if (!d) {
		object_error((t_object*)x, "unable to reference dictionary named %s", s);

	if (proxy_getinlet((t_object*)x) == 0) {	
		// left inlet : validate the input against the schema

		long			validates = false;
		t_atom			a;

		validates = dictobj_validate(x->schema_dict, d);
		atom_setsym(&a, s);
		if (validates)
			outlet_anything(x->outlet_dict, _sym_dictionary, 1, &a);
			outlet_anything(x->outlet_nomatch, _sym_dictionary, 1, &a);
	else {
		// right inlet : set the contents of the schema with a copy of the incoming dictionary

		if (d) {
			dictionary_clone_to_existing(d, x->schema_dict);
Esempio n. 2
t_my_err _dict_recurse_begin_cmd(t_dict_recurse *x, t_atom *dict_ato, t_symbol *cmd_sym)

  // Test if the object is already busy 
  MY_ASSERT_ERR(x->is_busy, ERR_LOCKED, "%s:  The object is still busy.", cmd_sym->s_name);

  // Arg 0: The name of the dictionary to process
  x->dict_sym = atom_getsym(dict_ato);
  x->dict = dictobj_findregistered_retain(x->dict_sym);
  MY_ASSERT_ERR(!x->dict, ERR_DICT_NONE, "%s:  Arg 1:  Unable to reference the dictionary named \"%s\".",
    cmd_sym->s_name, x->dict_sym->s_name);

  // Copy the name of the root dictionary into the path
  strncpy_zero(x->path, x->dict_sym->s_name, x->path_len_max);

  // Set the trailing variables
  x->type_iter = VALUE_TYPE_DICT;
  x->dict_iter = x->dict;

  // Set the object to busy status
  x->is_busy = true;

  return ERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 3
append in_dict_cont_entry (sym: dictionary) (sym: search key) (sym: search value) (sym: replace key) (sym: replace value)
append in_dict_cont_entry_d (sym: dictionary) (sym: search key) (sym: search value) (sym: replace key) (sym: replace dict)
append in_dict_from_key (sym: dictionary) (sym: search key) (sym: replace key) (sym: replace dict)
void dict_recurse_append(t_dict_recurse *x, t_symbol *sym, long argc, t_atom *argv)
  t_symbol *search_key_sym = gensym("");
  t_symbol *search_val_sym = gensym("");

  // Arg 1: Find a key, all entries with the key in, a value, or a dictionary
  t_symbol *cmd_arg = atom_getsym(argv);
  t_symbol *cmd_sym = gensym("");
  if (cmd_arg == gensym("in_dict_cont_entry")) { x->command = CMD_APPEND_IN_DICT_CONT_ENTRY; cmd_sym = gensym("append in_dict_cont_entry"); }
  else if (cmd_arg == gensym("in_dict_cont_entry_d")) { x->command = CMD_APPEND_IN_DICT_CONT_ENTRY_D; cmd_sym = gensym("append in_dict_cont_entry_d"); }
  else if (cmd_arg == gensym("in_dict_from_key")) { x->command = CMD_APPEND_IN_DICT_FROM_KEY; cmd_sym = gensym("append in_dict_from_key"); }
  else { MY_ASSERT(1, "replace:  Arg 0:  Invalid argument."); }

  switch (x->command) {

  // append in_dict_cont_entry (sym: dictionary) (sym: search key) (sym: search value) (sym: replace key) (sym: replace value)
    search_key_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 2);
    search_val_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 3);
    x->replace_key_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 4);
    x->replace_val_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 5);
    MY_ASSERT(search_key_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 2:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(search_val_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 3:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(x->replace_key_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 4:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(x->replace_val_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 5:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    regexpr_set(x->search_key_expr, search_key_sym);
    regexpr_set(x->search_val_expr, search_val_sym);
  // append in_dict_cont_entry_d (sym: dictionary) (sym: search key) (sym: search value) (sym: replace key) (sym: replace dict)
    search_key_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 2);
    search_val_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 3);
    x->replace_key_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 4);
    x->replace_dict_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 5);
    MY_ASSERT(search_key_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 2:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(search_val_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 3:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(x->replace_key_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 4:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(x->replace_dict_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 5:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    regexpr_set(x->search_key_expr, search_key_sym);
    regexpr_set(x->search_val_expr, search_val_sym);

    x->replace_dict = dictobj_findregistered_retain(x->replace_dict_sym);
    MY_ASSERT(!x->replace_dict, "%s:  Arg 5:  Unable to reference the dictionary named \"%s\".",
      cmd_sym->s_name, x->replace_dict_sym->s_name);

  // append in_dict_from_key (sym: dictionary) (sym: search key) (sym: replace key) (sym: replace dict)
    search_key_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 2);
    x->replace_key_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 3);
    x->replace_dict_sym = atom_getsym(argv + 4);
    MY_ASSERT(search_key_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 2:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(x->replace_key_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 3:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    MY_ASSERT(x->replace_dict_sym == gensym(""), "%s:  Arg 4:  Invalid argument.", cmd_sym->s_name);
    regexpr_set(x->search_key_expr, search_key_sym);

    x->replace_dict = dictobj_findregistered_retain(x->replace_dict_sym);
    MY_ASSERT(!x->replace_dict, "%s:  Arg 4:  Unable to reference the dictionary named \"%s\".",
      cmd_sym->s_name, x->replace_dict_sym->s_name);
  default: break; }

  // Initialize the object variables
  if (_dict_recurse_begin_cmd(x, argv + 1, cmd_sym) != ERR_NONE) { return; }

  // Start the recursion
  _dict_recurse_dict(x, x->dict, 0);

  // Notify that the dictionary has been modified
  if (x->count > 0) {
    object_notify(x->dict, gensym("modified"), NULL); }

  // Post a summary for the command
  POST("%s:  %i entr%s appended in \"%s\".", cmd_sym->s_name, x->count, (x->count == 1) ? "y" : "ies", x->dict_sym->s_name);

  // End the command