Esempio n. 1
 * Copy all files needed for correct working after chrooting
 * @param __dst_dir - where files should be copied
static void
copy_chroot_data (const char *__dst_dir)
  char src_dir[4096];
  static char init = FALSE;

  INF_DEBUG_LOG ("Copying chroot data to %s\n", __dst_dir);

  snprintf (src_dir, BUF_SIZE (src_dir), "%s/chroot", data_dir);
  fcopydir (src_dir, __dst_dir);

  snprintf (src_dir, BUF_SIZE (src_dir), "%s/chroot", data_dir);

  if (!init)
      /* Cache list of items, needed by chrooting */
      dynastruc_t *ls;
      int count = 0;
      char *cur_dir;
      ls = dir_listing (src_dir);

      DYNA_FOREACH (ls, cur_dir);
        strcpy (chroot_items[count++], cur_dir);

      dyna_destroy (ls, dyna_deleter_free_ref_data);
      init = TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv){
	bt_zero("~~~Userspace test program start!~~~\n");
	print_string("TEST Command Prompt!\n");
		char input[128]={0};
		get_string(input, 128);
		if(input[0]=='d') dir_listing();
		else if(input[0]=='b') ata_test();
		else if(input[0]=='l') dir_listing2(input);
		else if(input[0]=='f') file_contents();
		else if(input[0]=='c') file_contents2(input);
		else if(input[0]=='m') mount_test();
		else if(input[0]=='v') version();
		else if(input[0]=='r') run_program(input);
		else if(input[0]=='p') path(input);
		else if(input[0]=='t') thread_test();
        else if(input[0]=='x') crash_test();
		else if(input[0]=='q') break;
		else {
			if(strlen(input) && input[0]!='\n') print_string("Unrecognised command.\n");
	bt_zero("~~~Userspace test program done!~~~\n");
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// Parses the request from the client and populates req
int http_process_request(http_req *req)
    char *apath, path[PATH_MAX];
    struct stat statbuf;
    int rlen, alen;

    if (req->method != GET)
        return 0;

    // path with server_root prepended
    //   get the rootLock for reading server_root
    pthread_cleanup_push(CTYPE pthread_mutex_unlock, CARG &rootLock);
    strncpy(path, server_root, sizeof(path));
    if (req->resource[0] != '/')
        strncat(path, "/", sizeof(path));
    strncat(path, req->resource, sizeof(path) - strlen(path));
    // use realpath to determine the absolute path
    apath = realpath(path, NULL);
    if (apath == NULL) {
        perror("apath() error");
        // handle not found and not authorized conditions
        if (errno == ENOENT) 
            req->status = NOT_FOUND;
        else if (errno == EACCES)
            req->status = UNAUTHORIZED;
        return -1;
    // get the rootLock for reading server_root
    pthread_cleanup_push(CTYPE pthread_mutex_unlock, CARG &rootLock);
    rlen = strlen(server_root);
    alen = strlen(apath);
    // rewrite path and req-resource using new absolute path
    strncpy(path, apath, sizeof(path));
    // copy server_root to ensure the request is bounded
    strncpy(path, server_root, rlen);
    if (alen <= rlen)
        strncpy(req->resource, "/", strlen(req->resource));
        strncpy(req->resource, apath+rlen-1, strlen(req->resource));

    // stat it -- could we open it read-only?
    if (stat(path, &statbuf) < 0) {
            perror("stat() error");
            req->status = INTERNAL_ERROR;
        return -1;
    } else if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
    // its a directory
        // output web content summarizing directory contents
        /* check permissions - personally I think access() works much better
         * in checking directory access permissions.  scandir() does not fail 
         * if the execute permission is not set on a directory. */
/*        if (access(path, X_OK) < 0) {
            req->status = FORBIDDEN;
            return 0;
        req->resource_fd = dir_listing(path);
        // dir_listing returns -1 on scandir errors
        if (req->resource_fd == -1) {
            req->status = FORBIDDEN;
            return 0;
        req->mime = "text/html";
        fstat(req->resource_fd, &statbuf);
        req->length = statbuf.st_size;
    } else {
    // its a file,
        //  open it and we will send it to the client
        req->resource_fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
        if (req->resource_fd < 0) {
            perror("open() error");
            if (errno == EACCES) 
                req->status = UNAUTHORIZED;
                req->status = INTERNAL_ERROR;
        get_mime_type(req->resource, req);
        req->length = statbuf.st_size;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 * Unlink all unwanted testing dirs
static void
unlink_unwanted_testing_dirs (void)
  static BOOL initialized = FALSE;
  static timeval_t last_unlink;
  timeval_t cur = now ();

  mutex_lock (unlink_mutex);
  INF_DEBUG_LOG ("Start unlinking unwanted dirs\n");

  if (!initialized)
      last_unlink = now ();
      initialized = TRUE;

  if (CHECK_TIME_DELTA (last_unlink, cur, unlink_interval))
      char *cur_dir;
      char lock_file[4096], full[4096];
      int to_delete = 0;
      dynastruc_t *ls;

      mutex_lock (lck_mutex);
      ls = dir_listing (testing_dir);
      mutex_unlock (lck_mutex);

      to_delete = dyna_length (ls) - keep_alive_testdirs;
      if (to_delete < 0)
          to_delete = 0;

      DYNA_FOREACH (ls, cur_dir);
        if (!to_delete)

        snprintf (full, BUF_SIZE (full), "%s/%s", testing_dir, cur_dir);
        snprintf (lock_file, BUF_SIZE (lock_file), "%s/lock", full);

        if (!flock_test (lock_file))
            INF_INFO ("Unlink testing dir %s\n", cur_dir);
            unlinkdir (full);
            INF_DEBUG_LOG ("Skipping unlinking testing dir %s\n", cur_dir);


      dyna_destroy (ls, dyna_deleter_free_ref_data);
      last_unlink = cur;

  mutex_unlock (unlink_mutex);
  INF_DEBUG_LOG ("Unwanted dirs have been just deleted\n");