void Mixer::fifoWriter::run() { disable_denormals(); #if 0 #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_LINUX #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_SCHED_H cpu_set_t mask; CPU_ZERO( &mask ); CPU_SET( 0, &mask ); sched_setaffinity( 0, sizeof( mask ), &mask ); #endif #endif #endif const fpp_t frames = m_mixer->framesPerPeriod(); while( m_writing ) { surroundSampleFrame * buffer = new surroundSampleFrame[frames]; const surroundSampleFrame * b = m_mixer->renderNextBuffer(); memcpy( buffer, b, frames * sizeof( surroundSampleFrame ) ); m_fifo->write( buffer ); } m_fifo->write( NULL ); }
void MixerWorkerThread::run() { MemoryManager::ThreadGuard mmThreadGuard; Q_UNUSED(mmThreadGuard); disable_denormals(); QMutex m; while( m_quit == false ) { m.lock(); queueReadyWaitCond->wait( &m ); globalJobQueue.run(); m.unlock(); } }
int main( int argc, char * * argv ) { // initialize memory managers MemoryManager::init(); NotePlayHandleManager::init(); // intialize RNG srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) ); disable_denormals(); bool coreOnly = false; bool fullscreen = true; bool exitAfterImport = false; bool allowRoot = false; bool renderLoop = false; bool renderTracks = false; QString fileToLoad, fileToImport, renderOut, profilerOutputFile, configFile; // first of two command-line parsing stages for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { QString arg = argv[i]; if( arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" || arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" || arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" ) { coreOnly = true; } else if( arg == "--rendertracks" ) { coreOnly = true; renderTracks = true; } else if( arg == "--allowroot" ) { allowRoot = true; } else if( arg == "--geometry" || arg == "-geometry") { if( arg == "--geometry" ) { // Delete the first "-" so Qt recognize the option strcpy(argv[i], "-geometry"); } // option -geometry is filtered by Qt later, // so we need to check its presence now to // determine, if the application should run in // fullscreen mode (default, no -geometry given). fullscreen = false; } } #if !defined(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32) && !defined(LMMS_BUILD_HAIKU) if ( ( getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0 ) && !allowRoot ) { printf( "LMMS cannot be run as root.\nUse \"--allowroot\" to override.\n\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif QCoreApplication * app = coreOnly ? new QCoreApplication( argc, argv ) : new MainApplication( argc, argv ); Mixer::qualitySettings qs( Mixer::qualitySettings::Mode_HighQuality ); OutputSettings os( 44100, OutputSettings::BitRateSettings(160, false), OutputSettings::Depth_16Bit ); ProjectRenderer::ExportFileFormats eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile; // second of two command-line parsing stages for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { QString arg = argv[i]; if( arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" ) { printVersion( argv[0] ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" ) { printHelp(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--upgrade" || arg == "-u" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } DataFile dataFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) ); if( argc > i+1 ) // output file specified { dataFile.writeFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i+1] ) ); } else // no output file specified; use stdout { QTextStream ts( stdout ); dataFile.write( ts ); fflush( stdout ); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--allowroot" ) { // Ignore, processed earlier #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 if( allowRoot ) { printf( "\nOption \"--allowroot\" will be ignored on this platform.\n\n" ); } #endif } else if( arg == "--dump" || arg == "-d" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } QFile f( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) ); f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QString d = qUncompress( f.readAll() ); printf( "%s\n", d.toUtf8().constData() ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" || arg == "--rendertracks" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); renderOut = fileToLoad; } else if( arg == "--loop" || arg == "-l" ) { renderLoop = true; } else if( arg == "--output" || arg == "-o" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo output file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } renderOut = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } else if( arg == "--format" || arg == "-f" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo output format specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const QString ext = QString( argv[i] ); if( ext == "wav" ) { eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile; } #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_OGGVORBIS else if( ext == "ogg" ) { eff = ProjectRenderer::OggFile; } #endif else { printf( "\nInvalid output format %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--samplerate" || arg == "-s" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo samplerate specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } sample_rate_t sr = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); if( sr >= 44100 && sr <= 192000 ) { os.setSampleRate(sr); } else { printf( "\nInvalid samplerate %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--bitrate" || arg == "-b" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo bitrate specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int br = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); if( br >= 64 && br <= 384 ) { OutputSettings::BitRateSettings bitRateSettings = os.getBitRateSettings(); bitRateSettings.setBitRate(br); os.setBitRateSettings(bitRateSettings); } else { printf( "\nInvalid bitrate %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg =="--float" || arg == "-a" ) { os.setBitDepth(OutputSettings::Depth_32Bit); } else if( arg == "--interpolation" || arg == "-i" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo interpolation method specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const QString ip = QString( argv[i] ); if( ip == "linear" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_Linear; } else if( ip == "sincfastest" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincFastest; } else if( ip == "sincmedium" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincMedium; } else if( ip == "sincbest" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincBest; } else { printf( "\nInvalid interpolation method %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--oversampling" || arg == "-x" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo oversampling specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int o = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); switch( o ) { case 1: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_None; break; case 2: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_2x; break; case 4: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_4x; break; case 8: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_8x; break; default: printf( "\nInvalid oversampling %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--import" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo file specified for importing.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fileToImport = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); // exit after import? (only for debugging) if( QString( argv[i + 1] ) == "-e" ) { exitAfterImport = true; ++i; } } else if( arg == "--profile" || arg == "-p" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo profile specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } profilerOutputFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } else if( arg == "--config" || arg == "-c" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo configuration file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } configFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } else { if( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { printf( "\nInvalid option %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } } // Test file argument before continuing if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() ) { fileCheck( fileToLoad ); } else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() ) { fileCheck( fileToImport ); } ConfigManager::inst()->loadConfigFile(configFile); // set language QString pos = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", "language" ); if( pos.isEmpty() ) { pos = QLocale::system().name().left( 2 ); } #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 #undef QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR #define QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ConfigManager::inst()->localeDir() #endif #ifdef QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR // load translation for Qt-widgets/-dialogs loadTranslation( QString( "qt_" ) + pos, QString( QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ) ); #endif // load actual translation for LMMS loadTranslation( pos ); // try to set realtime priority #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_LINUX #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_SCHED_H #ifndef __OpenBSD__ struct sched_param sparam; sparam.sched_priority = ( sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO ) + sched_get_priority_min( SCHED_FIFO ) ) / 2; if( sched_setscheduler( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &sparam ) == -1 ) { printf( "Notice: could not set realtime priority.\n" ); } #endif #endif #endif #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 if( !SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) ) { printf( "Notice: could not set high priority.\n" ); } #endif #if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 1 || _XOPEN_SOURCE || _POSIX_SOURCE struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; if ( sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Signal initialization failed.\n" ); } if ( sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Signal initialization failed.\n" ); } #endif bool destroyEngine = false; // if we have an output file for rendering, just render the song // without starting the GUI if( !renderOut.isEmpty() ) { Engine::init( true ); destroyEngine = true; printf( "Loading project...\n" ); Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad ); if( Engine::getSong()->isEmpty() ) { printf("The project %s is empty, aborting!\n", fileToLoad.toUtf8().constData() ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } printf( "Done\n" ); Engine::getSong()->setExportLoop( renderLoop ); // when rendering multiple tracks, renderOut is a directory // otherwise, it is a file, so we need to append the file extension if ( !renderTracks ) { renderOut = baseName( renderOut ) + ProjectRenderer::getFileExtensionFromFormat(eff); } // create renderer RenderManager * r = new RenderManager( qs, os, eff, renderOut ); QCoreApplication::instance()->connect( r, SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( quit() ) ); // timer for progress-updates QTimer * t = new QTimer( r ); r->connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( updateConsoleProgress() ) ); t->start( 200 ); if( profilerOutputFile.isEmpty() == false ) { Engine::mixer()->profiler().setOutputFile( profilerOutputFile ); } // start now! if ( renderTracks ) { r->renderTracks(); } else { r->renderProject(); } } else // otherwise, start the GUI { new GuiApplication(); // re-intialize RNG - shared libraries might have srand() or // srandom() calls in their init procedure srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) ); // recover a file? QString recoveryFile = ConfigManager::inst()->recoveryFile(); bool recoveryFilePresent = QFileInfo( recoveryFile ).exists() && QFileInfo( recoveryFile ).isFile(); bool autoSaveEnabled = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "ui", "enableautosave" ).toInt(); if( recoveryFilePresent ) { QMessageBox mb; mb.setWindowTitle( MainWindow::tr( "Project recovery" ) ); mb.setText( QString( "<html>" "<p style=\"margin-left:6\">%1</p>" "<table cellpadding=\"3\">" " <tr>" " <td><b>%2</b></td>" " <td>%3</td>" " </tr>" " <tr>" " <td><b>%4</b></td>" " <td>%5</td>" " </tr>" " <tr>" " <td><b>%6</b></td>" " <td>%7</td>" " </tr>" "</table>" "</html>" ).arg( MainWindow::tr( "There is a recovery file present. " "It looks like the last session did not end " "properly or another instance of LMMS is " "already running. Do you want to recover the " "project of this session?" ), MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ), MainWindow::tr( "Recover the file. Please don't run " "multiple instances of LMMS when you do this." ), MainWindow::tr( "Ignore" ), MainWindow::tr( "Launch LMMS as usual but with " "automatic backup disabled to prevent the " "present recover file from being overwritten." ), MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ), MainWindow::tr( "Launch a default session and delete " "the restored files. This is not reversible." ) ) ); mb.setIcon( QMessageBox::Warning ); mb.setWindowIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "icon" ) ); mb.setWindowFlags( Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint ); QPushButton * recover; QPushButton * discard; QPushButton * ignore; QPushButton * exit; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 // setting all buttons to the same roles allows us // to have a custom layout discard = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); ignore = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Ignore" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); recover = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); # else // in qt4 the button order is reversed recover = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Recover" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); ignore = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Ignore" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); discard = mb.addButton( MainWindow::tr( "Discard" ), QMessageBox::AcceptRole ); #endif // have a hidden exit button exit = mb.addButton( "", QMessageBox::RejectRole); exit->setVisible(false); // set icons recover->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "recover" ) ); discard->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "discard" ) ); ignore->setIcon( embed::getIconPixmap( "ignore" ) ); mb.setDefaultButton( recover ); mb.setEscapeButton( exit ); mb.exec(); if( mb.clickedButton() == discard ) { gui->mainWindow()->sessionCleanup(); } else if( mb.clickedButton() == recover ) // Recover { fileToLoad = recoveryFile; gui->mainWindow()->setSession( MainWindow::SessionState::Recover ); } else if( mb.clickedButton() == ignore ) { if( autoSaveEnabled ) { gui->mainWindow()->setSession( MainWindow::SessionState::Limited ); } } else // Exit { return 0; } } // first show the Main Window and then try to load given file // [Settel] workaround: showMaximized() doesn't work with // FVWM2 unless the window is already visible -> show() first gui->mainWindow()->show(); if( fullscreen ) { gui->mainWindow()->showMaximized(); } // Handle macOS-style FileOpen QEvents QString queuedFile = static_cast<MainApplication *>( app )->queuedFile(); if ( !queuedFile.isEmpty() ) { fileToLoad = queuedFile; } if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() ) { if( fileToLoad == recoveryFile ) { Engine::getSong()->createNewProjectFromTemplate( fileToLoad ); } else { Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad ); } } else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() ) { ImportFilter::import( fileToImport, Engine::getSong() ); if( exitAfterImport ) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } // If enabled, open last project if there is one. Else, create // a new one. Also skip recently opened file if limited session to // lower the chance of opening an already opened file. else if( ConfigManager::inst()-> value( "app", "openlastproject" ).toInt() && !ConfigManager::inst()-> recentlyOpenedProjects().isEmpty() && gui->mainWindow()->getSession() != MainWindow::SessionState::Limited ) { QString f = ConfigManager::inst()-> recentlyOpenedProjects().first(); QFileInfo recentFile( f ); if ( recentFile.exists() ) { Engine::getSong()->loadProject( f ); } else { Engine::getSong()->createNewProject(); } } else { Engine::getSong()->createNewProject(); } // Finally we start the auto save timer and also trigger the // autosave one time as recover.mmp is a signal to possible other // instances of LMMS. if( autoSaveEnabled && gui->mainWindow()->getSession() != MainWindow::SessionState::Limited ) { gui->mainWindow()->autoSaveTimerReset(); gui->mainWindow()->autoSave(); } } const int ret = app->exec(); delete app; if( destroyEngine ) { Engine::destroy(); } // cleanup memory managers MemoryManager::cleanup(); // ProjectRenderer::updateConsoleProgress() doesn't return line after render if( coreOnly ) { printf( "\n" ); } return ret; }
int main( int argc, char * * argv ) { // initialize memory managers MemoryManager::init(); NotePlayHandleManager::init(); // intialize RNG srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) ); disable_denormals(); bool coreOnly = false; bool fullscreen = true; bool exitAfterImport = false; bool allowRoot = false; bool renderLoop = false; bool renderTracks = false; QString fileToLoad, fileToImport, renderOut, profilerOutputFile; // first of two command-line parsing stages for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { QString arg = argv[i]; if( arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" || arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" || arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" ) { coreOnly = true; } else if( arg == "--rendertracks" ) { coreOnly = true; renderTracks = true; } else if( arg == "--allowroot" ) { allowRoot = true; } else if( arg == "-geometry" ) { // option -geometry is filtered by Qt later, // so we need to check its presence now to // determine, if the application should run in // fullscreen mode (default, no -geometry given). fullscreen = false; } } #ifndef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 if ( ( getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0 ) && !allowRoot ) { printf( "LMMS cannot be run as root.\nUse \"--allowroot\" to override.\n\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif QCoreApplication * app = coreOnly ? new QCoreApplication( argc, argv ) : new QApplication( argc, argv ) ; Mixer::qualitySettings qs( Mixer::qualitySettings::Mode_HighQuality ); ProjectRenderer::OutputSettings os( 44100, false, 160, ProjectRenderer::Depth_16Bit ); ProjectRenderer::ExportFileFormats eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile; // second of two command-line parsing stages for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { QString arg = argv[i]; if( arg == "--version" || arg == "-v" ) { printVersion( argv[0] ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" ) { printHelp(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--upgrade" || arg == "-u" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } DataFile dataFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) ); if( argc > i+1 ) // output file specified { dataFile.writeFile( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i+1] ) ); } else // no output file specified; use stdout { QTextStream ts( stdout ); dataFile.write( ts ); fflush( stdout ); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--allowroot" ) { // Ignore, processed earlier #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 if( allowRoot ) { printf( "\nOption \"--allowroot\" will be ignored on this platform.\n\n" ); } #endif } else if( arg == "--dump" || arg == "-d" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } QFile f( QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ) ); f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QString d = qUncompress( f.readAll() ); printf( "%s\n", d.toUtf8().constData() ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if( arg == "--render" || arg == "-r" || arg == "--rendertracks" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo input file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); renderOut = fileToLoad; } else if( arg == "--loop" || arg == "-l" ) { renderLoop = true; } else if( arg == "--output" || arg == "-o" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo output file specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } renderOut = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } else if( arg == "--format" || arg == "-f" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo output format specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const QString ext = QString( argv[i] ); if( ext == "wav" ) { eff = ProjectRenderer::WaveFile; } #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_OGGVORBIS else if( ext == "ogg" ) { eff = ProjectRenderer::OggFile; } #endif else { printf( "\nInvalid output format %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--samplerate" || arg == "-s" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo samplerate specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } sample_rate_t sr = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); if( sr >= 44100 && sr <= 192000 ) { os.samplerate = sr; } else { printf( "\nInvalid samplerate %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--bitrate" || arg == "-b" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo bitrate specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int br = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); if( br >= 64 && br <= 384 ) { os.bitrate = br; } else { printf( "\nInvalid bitrate %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg =="--float" || arg == "-a" ) { os.depth = ProjectRenderer::Depth_32Bit; } else if( arg == "--interpolation" || arg == "-i" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo interpolation method specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const QString ip = QString( argv[i] ); if( ip == "linear" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_Linear; } else if( ip == "sincfastest" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincFastest; } else if( ip == "sincmedium" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincMedium; } else if( ip == "sincbest" ) { qs.interpolation = Mixer::qualitySettings::Interpolation_SincBest; } else { printf( "\nInvalid interpolation method %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--oversampling" || arg == "-x" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo oversampling specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int o = QString( argv[i] ).toUInt(); switch( o ) { case 1: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_None; break; case 2: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_2x; break; case 4: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_4x; break; case 8: qs.oversampling = Mixer::qualitySettings::Oversampling_8x; break; default: printf( "\nInvalid oversampling %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if( arg == "--import" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo file specified for importing.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fileToImport = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); // exit after import? (only for debugging) if( QString( argv[i + 1] ) == "-e" ) { exitAfterImport = true; ++i; } } else if( arg == "--profile" || arg == "-p" ) { ++i; if( i == argc ) { printf( "\nNo profile specified.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } profilerOutputFile = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[1] ); } else { if( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { printf( "\nInvalid option %s.\n\n" "Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n\n", argv[i], argv[0] ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fileToLoad = QString::fromLocal8Bit( argv[i] ); } } ConfigManager::inst()->loadConfigFile(); // set language QString pos = ConfigManager::inst()->value( "app", "language" ); if( pos.isEmpty() ) { pos = QLocale::system().name().left( 2 ); } #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 #undef QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR #define QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ConfigManager::inst()->localeDir() #endif #ifdef QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR // load translation for Qt-widgets/-dialogs loadTranslation( QString( "qt_" ) + pos, QString( QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR ) ); #endif // load actual translation for LMMS loadTranslation( pos ); // try to set realtime priority #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_LINUX #ifdef LMMS_HAVE_SCHED_H #ifndef __OpenBSD__ struct sched_param sparam; sparam.sched_priority = ( sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO ) + sched_get_priority_min( SCHED_FIFO ) ) / 2; if( sched_setscheduler( 0, SCHED_FIFO, &sparam ) == -1 ) { printf( "Notice: could not set realtime priority.\n" ); } #endif #endif #endif #ifdef LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 if( !SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS ) ) { printf( "Notice: could not set high priority.\n" ); } #endif // if we have an output file for rendering, just render the song // without starting the GUI if( !renderOut.isEmpty() ) { Engine::init( true ); QFileInfo fileInfo( fileToLoad ); if ( !fileInfo.exists() ) { printf("The file %s does not exist!\n", fileToLoad.toStdString().c_str()); exit( 1 ); } printf( "Loading project...\n" ); Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad ); printf( "Done\n" ); Engine::getSong()->setExportLoop( renderLoop ); // when rendering multiple tracks, renderOut is a directory // otherwise, it is a file, so we need to append the file extension if ( !renderTracks ) { renderOut = baseName( renderOut ) + ProjectRenderer::getFileExtensionFromFormat(eff); } // create renderer RenderManager * r = new RenderManager( qs, os, eff, renderOut ); QCoreApplication::instance()->connect( r, SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( quit() ) ); // timer for progress-updates QTimer * t = new QTimer( r ); r->connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( updateConsoleProgress() ) ); t->start( 200 ); if( profilerOutputFile.isEmpty() == false ) { Engine::mixer()->profiler().setOutputFile( profilerOutputFile ); } // start now! if ( renderTracks ) { r->renderTracks(); } else { r->renderProject(); } } else // otherwise, start the GUI { new GuiApplication(); // re-intialize RNG - shared libraries might have srand() or // srandom() calls in their init procedure srand( getpid() + time( 0 ) ); // recover a file? QString recoveryFile = ConfigManager::inst()->recoveryFile(); if( QFileInfo(recoveryFile).exists() && QMessageBox::question( gui->mainWindow(), MainWindow::tr( "Project recovery" ), MainWindow::tr( "It looks like the last session did not end properly. " "Do you want to recover the project of this session?" ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { fileToLoad = recoveryFile; } // we try to load given file if( !fileToLoad.isEmpty() ) { gui->mainWindow()->show(); if( fullscreen ) { gui->mainWindow()->showMaximized(); } if( fileToLoad == recoveryFile ) { Engine::getSong()->createNewProjectFromTemplate( fileToLoad ); } else { Engine::getSong()->loadProject( fileToLoad ); } } else if( !fileToImport.isEmpty() ) { ImportFilter::import( fileToImport, Engine::getSong() ); if( exitAfterImport ) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } gui->mainWindow()->show(); if( fullscreen ) { gui->mainWindow()->showMaximized(); } } else { // If enabled, open last project if there is one. Else, create // a new one. if( ConfigManager::inst()-> value( "app", "openlastproject" ).toInt() && !ConfigManager::inst()->recentlyOpenedProjects().isEmpty() ) { QString f = ConfigManager::inst()-> recentlyOpenedProjects().first(); QFileInfo recentFile( f ); if ( recentFile.exists() ) { Engine::getSong()->loadProject( f ); } else { Engine::getSong()->createNewProject(); } } else { Engine::getSong()->createNewProject(); } // [Settel] workaround: showMaximized() doesn't work with // FVWM2 unless the window is already visible -> show() first gui->mainWindow()->show(); if( fullscreen ) { gui->mainWindow()->showMaximized(); } } } const int ret = app->exec(); delete app; // cleanup memory managers MemoryManager::cleanup(); return ret; }