bool spnego_free_data(struct spnego_data *spnego) { bool ret = true; if (!spnego) goto out; switch(spnego->type) { case SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_INIT: if (spnego->negTokenInit.mechTypes) { talloc_free(discard_const(spnego->negTokenInit.mechTypes)); } data_blob_free(&spnego->negTokenInit.reqFlags); data_blob_free(&spnego->negTokenInit.mechToken); data_blob_free(&spnego->negTokenInit.mechListMIC); talloc_free(spnego->negTokenInit.targetPrincipal); break; case SPNEGO_NEG_TOKEN_TARG: if (spnego->negTokenTarg.supportedMech) { talloc_free(discard_const(spnego->negTokenTarg.supportedMech)); } data_blob_free(&spnego->negTokenTarg.responseToken); data_blob_free(&spnego->negTokenTarg.mechListMIC); break; default: ret = false; break; } ZERO_STRUCTP(spnego); out: return ret; }
static void free_scsi_device(struct scsi_device *sdev) { if (sdev->error_str) { free(discard_const(sdev->error_str)); sdev->error_str = NULL; } if (sdev->iscsi_url) { free(discard_const(sdev->iscsi_url)); sdev->iscsi_url = NULL; } if (sdev->iscsi_ctx) { iscsi_logout_sync(sdev->iscsi_ctx); iscsi_destroy_context(sdev->iscsi_ctx); sdev->iscsi_ctx = NULL; } if (sdev->sgio_dev) { free(discard_const(sdev->sgio_dev)); sdev->sgio_dev = NULL; } if (sdev->sgio_fd != -1) { close(sdev->sgio_fd); sdev->sgio_fd = -1; } free(sdev); }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_group_both_set) { struct tevent_req *req; test_ctx->ctx->allow_groups = discard_const(ulist_1); test_ctx->ctx->deny_groups = discard_const(ulist_1); req = simple_access_check_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->ctx, "u1"); fail_unless(test_ctx != NULL, "Cannot create request\n"); tevent_req_set_callback(req, simple_access_check_done, test_ctx); test_loop(test_ctx); test_ctx->done = false; fail_unless(test_ctx->error == EOK, "access_simple_check failed."); fail_unless(test_ctx->access_granted == false, "Access granted while user is in deny list."); req = simple_access_check_send(test_ctx, test_ctx->ev, test_ctx->ctx, "u3"); fail_unless(test_ctx != NULL, "Cannot create request\n"); tevent_req_set_callback(req, simple_access_check_done, test_ctx); test_loop(test_ctx); fail_unless(test_ctx->error == EOK, "access_simple_check failed."); fail_unless(test_ctx->access_granted == false, "Access granted while user is not in allow list."); }
void opt_test_inherit(void **state) { struct dp_option *opts = talloc_get_type(*state, struct dp_option); int ret; struct dp_option *opts_copy; const char *s; const char *sd_inherit_match[] = { "string_nodefault", "blob_nodefault", "int_nodefault", "bool_true", NULL }; ret = dp_copy_defaults(opts, test_def_opts, OPT_NUM_OPTS, &opts_copy); assert_int_equal(ret, EOK); assert_defaults(opts); dp_option_inherit(NULL, OPT_STRING_NODEFAULT, opts, opts_copy); s = dp_opt_get_string(opts_copy, OPT_STRING_NODEFAULT); assert_null(s); /* string */ assert_nondefault_string_empty(opts_copy); set_nondefault_string(opts); dp_option_inherit(discard_const(sd_inherit_match), OPT_STRING_NODEFAULT, opts, opts_copy); check_nondefault_string(opts_copy); /* blob */ assert_nondefault_blob_empty(opts_copy); set_nondefault_blob(opts); dp_option_inherit(discard_const(sd_inherit_match), OPT_BLOB_NODEFAULT, opts, opts_copy); check_nondefault_blob(opts_copy); /* number */ assert_nondefault_int_notset(opts_copy); set_nondefault_int(opts); dp_option_inherit(discard_const(sd_inherit_match), OPT_INT_NODEFAULT, opts, opts_copy); assert_nondefault_int_set(opts_copy); /* bool */ assert_true(dp_opt_get_bool(opts_copy, OPT_BOOL_TRUE)); ret = dp_opt_set_bool(opts, OPT_BOOL_TRUE, false); assert_int_equal(ret, EOK); dp_option_inherit(discard_const(sd_inherit_match), OPT_BOOL_TRUE, opts, opts_copy); assert_false(dp_opt_get_bool(opts_copy, OPT_BOOL_TRUE)); }
/* returns the size of the uncompressed file, or 0 if it could not be * determined. */ static off_t get_uncompressed_size(const char *path) { struct ecm *ecm; size_t pos; TDB_DATA key, data; LOG("GET_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE [%s]\n", path); key.dptr = discard_const(path); key.dsize = strlen(path); data = tdb_fetch(filesize_tdb, key); if (data.dptr) { off_t size = *(off_t *)data.dptr; free(data.dptr); return size; } LOG("GET_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE SLOW PATH [%s]\n", path); ecm = ecm_open_file(dir_fd, path); if (ecm == NULL) { LOG("Failed to open ECM file %s in get_uncompressed_size\n", path); return 0; } pos = ecm_get_file_size(ecm); ecm_close_file(ecm); LOG("GET_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE [%s] %zu\n", path, pos); data.dptr = (uint8_t *)&pos; data.dsize = sizeof(pos); tdb_store(filesize_tdb, key, data, TDB_REPLACE); return pos; }
static errno_t ipa_sudo_conv_store(hash_table_t *table, const char *key, void *value) { hash_key_t hkey; hash_value_t hvalue; int hret; if (table == NULL || key == NULL) { return EINVAL; } hkey.type = HASH_KEY_STRING; hkey.str = discard_const(key); /* If value is NULL we don't want to override existing entry. */ if (value == NULL && hash_has_key(table, &hkey)) { return EEXIST; } hvalue.type = HASH_VALUE_PTR; hvalue.ptr = value; hret = hash_enter(table, &hkey, &hvalue); if (hret != HASH_SUCCESS) { return EIO; } if (value != NULL) { talloc_steal(table, value); } return EOK; }
void dyndns_test_error(void **state) { struct tevent_req *req; errno_t ret; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; tmp_ctx = talloc_new(global_talloc_context); assert_non_null(tmp_ctx); check_leaks_push(tmp_ctx); dyndns_test_ctx->state = MOCK_NSUPDATE_ERR; req = be_nsupdate_send(tmp_ctx, dyndns_test_ctx->tctx->ev, BE_NSUPDATE_AUTH_GSS_TSIG, discard_const("test message"), false); assert_non_null(req); tevent_req_set_callback(req, dyndns_test_done, dyndns_test_ctx); /* Wait until the test finishes with EIO (child error) */ ret = test_ev_loop(dyndns_test_ctx->tctx); DEBUG(SSSDBG_TRACE_LIBS, "Child request returned [%d]: %s\n", ret, strerror(ret)); assert_int_equal(ret, ERR_DYNDNS_FAILED); assert_true(WIFEXITED(dyndns_test_ctx->child_status)); assert_int_equal(WEXITSTATUS(dyndns_test_ctx->child_status), 1); assert_true(check_leaks_pop(tmp_ctx) == true); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); }
/* Just try locking/unlocking a single record once */ static void fetch_lock_once(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, struct event_context *ev) { TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = talloc_new(ctdb); TDB_DATA key, data; struct ctdb_record_handle *h; static time_t t = 0, t2; key.dptr = discard_const(TESTKEY); key.dsize = strlen(TESTKEY); // printf("Trying to fetch lock the record ...\n"); h = ctdb_fetch_readonly_lock(ctdb_db, tmp_ctx, key, &data, true); if (h == NULL) { printf("Failed to fetch record '%s' on node %d\n", (const char *)key.dptr, ctdb_get_pnn(ctdb)); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); exit(10); } count++; t2 = time(NULL); if (t != 0 && t != t2) { static int last_count = 0; printf("count : %d\n", count - last_count); last_count = count; } t = t2; talloc_free(tmp_ctx); }
static void do_test1(void) { struct hash_count_context *hc = NULL; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); struct timeval interval = {1, 0}; TDB_DATA key; int count = 0; int ret, i; key.dptr = (uint8_t *)discard_const(KEY); key.dsize = strlen(KEY); ret = hash_count_increment(hc, key); assert(ret == EINVAL); ret = hash_count_init(mem_ctx, interval, NULL, NULL, &hc); assert(ret == EINVAL); ret = hash_count_init(mem_ctx, interval, test1_handler, &count, &hc); assert(ret == 0); assert(hc != NULL); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { ret = hash_count_increment(hc, key); assert(ret == 0); assert(count == i+1); } talloc_free(hc); ret = talloc_get_size(mem_ctx); assert(ret == 0); talloc_free(mem_ctx); }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_case_sensitive) { char *result; int ret; const char *file_template = BASE"_%u"; const char *expected_cs = BASE"_TestUser"; const char *expected_ci = BASE"_testuser"; kr->pd->user = discard_const("TestUser"); ret = dp_opt_set_string(kr->krb5_ctx->opts, KRB5_CCACHEDIR, CCACHE_DIR); fail_unless(ret == EOK, "Failed to set Ccache dir"); result = expand_ccname_template(tmp_ctx, kr, file_template, NULL, true, true); fail_unless(result != NULL, "Cannot expand template [%s].", file_template); fail_unless(strcmp(result, expected_cs) == 0, "Expansion failed, result [%s], expected [%s].", result, expected_cs); result = expand_ccname_template(tmp_ctx, kr, file_template, NULL, true, false); fail_unless(result != NULL, "Cannot expand template [%s].", file_template); fail_unless(strcmp(result, expected_ci) == 0, "Expansion failed, result [%s], expected [%s].", result, expected_ci); }
/* set a pointer in a existing MprVar, freeing it when the property goes away */ void mprSetPtrChild(struct MprVar *v, const char *propname, const void *p) { mprSetVar(v, propname, mprCreatePtrVar(discard_const(p))); v = mprGetProperty(v, propname, NULL); v->allocatedData = 1; talloc_steal(mprMemCtx(), p); }
END_TEST void setup_talloc_context(void) { int ret; int i; struct pam_data *pd; struct krb5_ctx *krb5_ctx; fail_unless(tmp_ctx == NULL, "Talloc context already initialized."); tmp_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); fail_unless(tmp_ctx != NULL, "Cannot create talloc context."); kr = talloc_zero(tmp_ctx, struct krb5child_req); fail_unless(kr != NULL, "Cannot create krb5child_req structure."); pd = create_pam_data(tmp_ctx); fail_unless(pd != NULL, "Cannot create pam_data structure."); krb5_ctx = talloc_zero(tmp_ctx, struct krb5_ctx); fail_unless(pd != NULL, "Cannot create krb5_ctx structure."); pd->user = discard_const(USERNAME); kr->uid = atoi(UID); kr->upn = discard_const(PRINCIPAL_NAME); pd->cli_pid = atoi(PID); krb5_ctx->opts = talloc_zero_array(tmp_ctx, struct dp_option, KRB5_OPTS); fail_unless(krb5_ctx->opts != NULL, "Cannot created options."); for (i = 0; i < KRB5_OPTS; i++) { krb5_ctx->opts[i].opt_name = default_krb5_opts[i].opt_name; krb5_ctx->opts[i].type = default_krb5_opts[i].type; krb5_ctx->opts[i].def_val = default_krb5_opts[i].def_val; } ret = dp_opt_set_string(krb5_ctx->opts, KRB5_REALM, REALM); fail_unless(ret == EOK, "Failed to set Realm"); ret = dp_opt_set_string(krb5_ctx->opts, KRB5_CCACHEDIR, CCACHE_DIR); fail_unless(ret == EOK, "Failed to set Ccache dir"); kr->homedir = HOME_DIRECTORY; kr->pd = pd; kr->krb5_ctx = krb5_ctx; }
static void iscsi_free_discovery_addresses(struct iscsi_context *iscsi, struct iscsi_discovery_address *addresses) { while (addresses != NULL) { struct iscsi_discovery_address *next = addresses->next; iscsi_free(iscsi, discard_const(addresses->target_name)); addresses->target_name = NULL; iscsi_free(iscsi, discard_const(addresses->target_address)); addresses->target_address = NULL; addresses->next = NULL; iscsi_free(iscsi, addresses); addresses = next; } }
NTSTATUS wbsrv_samba3_priv_pipe_dir(struct wbsrv_samba3_call *s3call) { const char *path = s3call->wbconn->listen_socket->service->priv_socket_path; s3call->response.result = WINBINDD_OK; s3call-> = discard_const(path); s3call->response.length += strlen(path) + 1; return NT_STATUS_OK; }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_parse_args) { struct pa_testcase { const char *argstr; const char **parsed; }; TALLOC_CTX *test_ctx; int i, ii; int ret; char **parsed; char **only_ret; char **only_exp; char **both; test_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); /* Positive tests */ const char *parsed1[] = { "foo", NULL }; const char *parsed2[] = { "foo", "a", NULL }; const char *parsed3[] = { "foo", "b", NULL }; const char *parsed4[] = { "foo", "a c", NULL }; const char *parsed5[] = { "foo", "a", "d", NULL }; const char *parsed6[] = { "foo", "a", "e", NULL }; const char *parsed7[] = { "foo", "a", "f", NULL }; const char *parsed8[] = { "foo", "a\tg", NULL }; struct pa_testcase tc[] = { { "foo", parsed1 }, { "foo a", parsed2 }, { "foo b", parsed3 }, { "foo a\\ c", parsed4 }, { "foo a d ", parsed5 }, { "foo a e ", parsed6 }, { "foo a f ", parsed7 }, { "foo a\\\tg", parsed8 }, { NULL, NULL } }; for (i=0; tc[i].argstr != NULL; i++) { parsed = parse_args(tc[i].argstr); fail_if(parsed == NULL && tc[i].parsed != NULL, "Could not parse correct argument string '%s'\n"); ret = diff_string_lists(test_ctx, parsed, discard_const(tc[i].parsed), &only_ret, &only_exp, &both); fail_unless(ret == EOK, "diff_string_lists returned error [%d]", ret); fail_unless(only_ret[0] == NULL, "The parser returned more data than expected\n"); fail_unless(only_exp[0] == NULL, "The parser returned less data than expected\n"); for (ii = 0; parsed[ii]; ii++) free(parsed[ii]); free(parsed); } talloc_free(test_ctx); }
int iscsi_destroy_context(struct iscsi_context *iscsi) { struct iscsi_pdu *pdu; if (iscsi == NULL) { return 0; } if (iscsi->initiator_name != NULL) { free(discard_const(iscsi->initiator_name)); iscsi->initiator_name = NULL; } if (iscsi->alias != NULL) { free(discard_const(iscsi->alias)); iscsi->alias = NULL; } if (iscsi->is_loggedin != 0) { printf("deswtroying context while logged in\n"); } if (iscsi->fd != -1) { iscsi_disconnect(iscsi); } if (iscsi->inbuf != NULL) { free(iscsi->inbuf); iscsi->inbuf = NULL; iscsi->insize = 0; iscsi->inpos = 0; } while ((pdu = iscsi->outqueue)) { DLIST_REMOVE(iscsi->outqueue, pdu); pdu->callback(iscsi, ISCSI_STATUS_CANCELLED, NULL, pdu->private_data); iscsi_free_pdu(iscsi, pdu); } while ((pdu = iscsi->waitpdu)) { DLIST_REMOVE(iscsi->waitpdu, pdu); pdu->callback(iscsi, ISCSI_STATUS_CANCELLED, NULL, pdu->private_data); iscsi_free_pdu(iscsi, pdu); } free(iscsi); return 0; }
static int fuse_nfs_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { int ret = 0; struct nfsfh *nfsfh = (struct nfsfh *)fi->fh; ret = nfs_pwrite(nfs, nfsfh, offset, size, discard_const(buf)); return ret; }
/* Just try locking/unlocking a single record once */ static void fetch_lock_once(struct ctdb_context *ctdb, struct event_context *ev, uint32_t generation) { TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = talloc_new(ctdb); TDB_DATA key, data; struct ctdb_record_handle *h; struct ctdb_ltdb_header *header; int ret; key.dptr = discard_const(TESTKEY); key.dsize = strlen(TESTKEY); printf("Trying to fetch lock the record ...\n"); h = ctdb_fetch_readonly_lock(ctdb_db, tmp_ctx, key, &data, false); if (h == NULL) { printf("Failed to fetch record '%s' on node %d\n", (const char *)key.dptr, ctdb_get_pnn(ctdb)); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); exit(10); } printf("Record fetchlocked.\n"); header = talloc_memdup(tmp_ctx, ctdb_header_from_record_handle(h), sizeof(*header)); printf("RSN:%d\n", (int)header->rsn); talloc_free(h); printf("Record released.\n"); printf("Write new record with RSN+10\n"); header->rsn += 10; data.dptr = (void *)talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "%d", (int)header->rsn); data.dsize = strlen((char *)data.dptr); ret = ctdb_ctrl_updaterecord(ctdb, ctdb, timeval_zero(), CTDB_CURRENT_NODE, ctdb_db, key, header, data); if (ret != 0) { printf("Failed to writerecord, ret==%d\n", ret); exit(1); } printf("re-fetch the record\n"); h = ctdb_fetch_lock(ctdb_db, tmp_ctx, key, &data); if (h == NULL) { printf("Failed to fetch record '%s' on node %d\n", (const char *)key.dptr, ctdb_get_pnn(ctdb)); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); exit(10); } printf("Record fetchlocked.\n"); header = talloc_memdup(tmp_ctx, ctdb_header_from_record_handle(h), sizeof(*header)); printf("RSN:%d\n", (int)header->rsn); talloc_free(h); printf("Record released.\n"); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_both_set) { int ret; bool access_granted = false; ctx->allow_users = discard_const(ulist_1); ctx->deny_users = discard_const(ulist_1); ret = simple_access_check(ctx, "u1", &access_granted); fail_unless(ret == EOK, "access_simple_check failed."); fail_unless(access_granted == false, "Access granted " "while user is in deny list."); ret = simple_access_check(ctx, "u3", &access_granted); fail_unless(ret == EOK, "access_simple_check failed."); fail_unless(access_granted == false, "Access granted " "while user is not in allow list."); }
static bool test_create(struct torture_context *tctx, const void *tcase_data, const void *test_data) { struct share_context *ctx = discard_const(tcase_data); int count; const char **names; int i; bool found = false; struct share_info inf[] = { { SHARE_INFO_STRING, SHARE_TYPE, discard_const_p(void *, "IPC$") },
int ipapwd_get_cur_kvno(Slapi_Entry *target) { Slapi_Attr *krbPrincipalKey = NULL; Slapi_ValueSet *svs; Slapi_Value *sv; BerElement *be = NULL; const struct berval *cbval; ber_tag_t tag, tmp; ber_int_t tkvno; int hint; int kvno; int ret; /* retrieve current kvno and and keys */ ret = slapi_entry_attr_find(target, "krbPrincipalKey", &krbPrincipalKey); if (ret != 0) { return 0; } kvno = 0; slapi_attr_get_valueset(krbPrincipalKey, &svs); hint = slapi_valueset_first_value(svs, &sv); while (hint != -1) { cbval = slapi_value_get_berval(sv); if (!cbval) { LOG_TRACE("Error retrieving berval from Slapi_Value\n"); goto next; } be = ber_init(discard_const(cbval)); if (!be) { LOG_TRACE("ber_init() failed!\n"); goto next; } tag = ber_scanf(be, "{xxt[i]", &tmp, &tkvno); if (tag == LBER_ERROR) { LOG_TRACE("Bad OLD key encoding ?!\n"); ber_free(be, 1); goto next; } if (tkvno > kvno) { kvno = tkvno; } ber_free(be, 1); next: hint = slapi_valueset_next_value(svs, hint, &sv); } return kvno; }
static bool test_list_empty(struct torture_context *tctx, const void *tcase_data, const void *test_data) { struct share_context *ctx = discard_const(tcase_data); int count; const char **names; torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, share_list_all(tctx, ctx, &count, &names), "share_list_all failed"); return true; }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_string_in_list) { bool is_in; char *empty_list[] = {NULL}; char *list[] = {discard_const("ABC"), discard_const("DEF"), discard_const("GHI"), NULL}; is_in = string_in_list(NULL, NULL, false); fail_unless(!is_in, "NULL string is in NULL list."); is_in = string_in_list(NULL, empty_list, false); fail_unless(!is_in, "NULL string is in empty list."); is_in = string_in_list(NULL, list, false); fail_unless(!is_in, "NULL string is in list."); is_in = string_in_list("ABC", NULL, false); fail_unless(!is_in, "String is in NULL list."); is_in = string_in_list("ABC", empty_list, false); fail_unless(!is_in, "String is in empty list."); is_in = string_in_list("ABC", list, false); fail_unless(is_in, "String is not list."); is_in = string_in_list("abc", list, false); fail_unless(is_in, "String is not case in-sensitive list."); is_in = string_in_list("abc", list, true); fail_unless(!is_in, "Wrong string found in case sensitive list."); is_in = string_in_list("123", list, false); fail_unless(!is_in, "Wrong string found in list."); }
/* This function takes a path to a file and returns true if this needs * ecm unpacking. * For a file <file> we need to unpack the file if * <file> does not exist * <file>.ecm exists * <file>.ecm.edi exists * In that situation READDIR will just turn a single instance for the name * <file> and hide the entries for <file>.ecm and <file>.ecm.edi * * IF all three files exist, we do not mutate any of the READDIR data * and return all three names. Then we just redirect all I/O to the unpacked * file. The reason we do not hide the <file>.ecm and <file>.ecm.edi is to make * it possible for the user to see that something is odd/wrong and possibly * take action. (action == delete the unpacked file, it is redundant.) */ static int need_ecm_uncompress(const char *file) { char stripped[PATH_MAX]; char tmp[PATH_MAX]; struct stat st; TDB_DATA key, data; uint8_t ret = 1; LOG("NEED_ECM_UNCOMPRESS [%s]\n", file); key.dptr = discard_const(file); key.dsize = strlen(file); data = tdb_fetch(nu_tdb, key); if (data.dptr) { uint8_t val = data.dptr[0]; free(data.dptr); return val; } LOG("NEED_ECM_UNCOMPRESS SLOW PATH [%s]\n", file); snprintf(stripped, PATH_MAX,"%s", file); if (strlen(stripped) > 4 && !strcmp(stripped + strlen(stripped) - 4, ".edi")) { stripped[strlen(stripped) - 4] = 0; } if (strlen(stripped) > 4 && !strcmp(stripped + strlen(stripped) - 4, ".ecm")) { stripped[strlen(stripped) - 4] = 0; } if (fstatat(dir_fd, stripped, &st, AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT) == 0) { ret = 0; goto finished; } snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s.ecm", stripped); if (fstatat(dir_fd, tmp, &st, AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT) != 0) { ret = 0; goto finished; } snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s.ecm.edi", stripped); if (fstatat(dir_fd, tmp, &st, AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT) != 0) { ret = 0; goto finished; } finished: data.dptr = &ret; data.dsize = 1; tdb_store(nu_tdb, key, data, TDB_REPLACE); return ret; }
int iscsi_process_nop_out_reply(struct iscsi_context *iscsi, struct iscsi_pdu *pdu, const unsigned char *hdr, int size) { struct iscsi_data data; = NULL; data.size = 0; if (size > ISCSI_HEADER_SIZE) { = discard_const(&hdr[ISCSI_HEADER_SIZE]); data.size = size - ISCSI_HEADER_SIZE; } pdu->callback(iscsi, ISCSI_STATUS_GOOD, &data, pdu->private_data); return 0; }
static struct sss_domain_info *create_test_domain(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *name, const char *flatname, struct sss_domain_info *parent, struct sss_names_ctx *nctx) { struct sss_domain_info *dom; dom = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct sss_domain_info); assert_non_null(dom); /* just to make new_subdomain happy */ dom->sysdb = talloc_zero(dom, struct sysdb_ctx); assert_non_null(dom->sysdb); dom->name = discard_const(name); dom->flat_name = discard_const(flatname); dom->parent = parent; dom->names = nctx; dom->provider = discard_const(PROVIDER); dom->conn_name = discard_const(CONNNAME); return dom; }
WERROR dsdb_load_oid_mappings_ldb(struct dsdb_schema *schema, const struct ldb_val *prefixMap, const struct ldb_val *schemaInfo) { WERROR werr; const char *schema_info; struct dsdb_schema_prefixmap *pfm; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; /* verify schemaInfo blob is valid one */ if (!dsdb_schema_info_blob_is_valid(schemaInfo)) { DEBUG(0,(__location__": dsdb_schema_info_blob_is_valid() failed.\n")); return WERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } mem_ctx = talloc_new(schema); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(mem_ctx); /* fetch prefixMap */ werr = _dsdb_prefixmap_from_ldb_val(prefixMap, mem_ctx, &pfm); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { DEBUG(0, (__location__ " _dsdb_prefixmap_from_ldb_val failed: %s\n", win_errstr(werr))); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return werr; } /* decode schema_info */ schema_info = hex_encode_talloc(mem_ctx, schemaInfo->data, schemaInfo->length); if (!schema_info) { talloc_free(mem_ctx); return WERR_NOMEM; } /* store prefixMap and schema_info into cached Schema */ talloc_free(schema->prefixmap); schema->prefixmap = talloc_steal(schema, pfm); talloc_free(discard_const(schema->schema_info)); schema->schema_info = talloc_steal(schema, schema_info); /* clean up locally allocated mem */ talloc_free(mem_ctx); return WERR_OK; }
ssize_t pwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset) { if (nfs_fd_list[fd].is_nfs == 1) { int ret; LD_NFS_DPRINTF(9, "pwrite(fd:%d offset:%d count:%d)", fd, (int)offset, (int)count); if ((ret = nfs_pwrite(nfs_fd_list[fd].nfs, nfs_fd_list[fd].fh, offset, count, (char *)discard_const(buf))) < 0) { errno = -ret; return -1; } return ret; } return real_pwrite(fd, buf, count, offset); }
WERROR dsdb_load_oid_mappings_ldb(struct dsdb_schema *schema, const struct ldb_val *prefixMap, const struct ldb_val *schemaInfo) { WERROR status; const char *schema_info; struct dsdb_schema_prefixmap *pfm; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; /* verify input params */ if (schemaInfo->length != 21) { return WERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (schemaInfo->data[0] != 0xFF) { return WERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } mem_ctx = talloc_new(schema); W_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(mem_ctx); /* fetch prefixMap */ status = _dsdb_prefixmap_from_ldb_val(prefixMap, schema->iconv_convenience, mem_ctx, &pfm); W_ERROR_NOT_OK_RETURN(status); /* decode schema_info */ schema_info = hex_encode_talloc(mem_ctx, schemaInfo->data, schemaInfo->length); if (!schema_info) { talloc_free(mem_ctx); return WERR_NOMEM; } /* store prefixMap and schema_info into cached Schema */ talloc_free(schema->prefixmap); schema->prefixmap = talloc_steal(schema, pfm); talloc_free(discard_const(schema->schema_info)); schema->schema_info = talloc_steal(schema, schema_info); /* clean up locally allocated mem */ talloc_free(mem_ctx); return WERR_OK; }
static struct tevent_req *aio_posix_pwrite_send( struct vfs_handle_struct *handle, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct tevent_context *ev, struct files_struct *fsp, const void *data, size_t n, off_t offset) { struct tevent_req *req; struct aio_posix_state *state; struct aiocb *a; int ret; req = tevent_req_create(mem_ctx, &state, struct aio_posix_state); if (req == NULL) { return NULL; } a = &state->acb; a->aio_fildes = fsp->fh->fd; a->aio_buf = discard_const(data); a->aio_nbytes = n; a->aio_offset = offset; a->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; a->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo = RT_SIGNAL_AIO; a->aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = req; ret = aio_write(a); if (ret == 0) { talloc_set_destructor(state, aio_posix_state_destructor); return req; } if (errno == EAGAIN) { /* * aio overloaded, do the sync fallback */ state->ret = sys_pwrite(fsp->fh->fd, data, n, offset); if (state->ret == -1) { state->err = errno; } tevent_req_done(req); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); } tevent_req_error(req, errno); return tevent_req_post(req, ev); }