void SyntopReducer::reduce(HadoopPipes::ReduceContext& context) { // NOLINT
  boost::split(temp_string_components_, context.getInputKey(),

  float sum = 0;
  while (context.nextValue()) {
    sum += HadoopUtils::toFloat(context.getInputValue());

  if (boost::starts_with(temp_string_components_[0], "gamma")) {
    context.emit(context.getInputKey(), boost::lexical_cast<string>(sum));
  } else if (boost::starts_with(temp_string_components_[0], "lhood")) {
    // sum += GlobalLikelihoodTerm();
    sum += GlobalWeightTerm(vars_->nu_.get(),

    context.emit(context.getInputKey(), boost::lexical_cast<string>(sum));
  } else {
    if (boost::starts_with(temp_string_components_[2], "~")) {
      // cout << "optimizing" << endl;


      StringMap::const_iterator last = (output).end();
      for (StringMap::const_iterator itr = (output).begin();
           itr != last; itr++) {
        // cout << itr->first << "\t" << itr->second << endl;
        context.emit(itr->first, boost::lexical_cast<string>(itr->second));


      last = (output).end();
      for (StringMap::const_iterator itr = (output).begin();
           itr != last; itr++) {
        // cout << "output is\t" << itr->first << "\t" << itr->second << endl;
        // context.emit(itr->first, boost::lexical_cast<string>(itr->second));

      index = boost::lexical_cast<int>(temp_string_components_[1]);
      vars_ = new VariationalParameters(*params_);

      display_matrix(vars_->tau_est_top_.get(), "tau_est_top is\n");
      display_vector(vars_->tau_est_bottom_.get(), "tau_est_bottom is\n");

      tau_coordinate_ = -1;
      nu_coordinate_ = -1;
    } else {
      ProcessKey(context.getInputKey(), sum);
      // cout << "processing\t" << context.getInputKey() << "\t" << sum << endl;

    if (index == -1) {
      index = boost::lexical_cast<double>(temp_string_components_[1]);
      // reduceContext = context;
    } else {
      if (index != boost::lexical_cast<int>(temp_string_components_[1])) {

        StringMap::const_iterator last = (output).end();
        for (StringMap::const_iterator itr = (output).begin();
             itr != last; itr++) {
          // cout << itr->first << "\t" << itr->second << endl;
          context.emit(itr->first, boost::lexical_cast<string>(itr->second));


        index = boost::lexical_cast<int>(temp_string_components_[1]);
        vars_ = new VariationalParameters(*params_);

        tau_coordinate_ = -1;
        nu_coordinate_ = -1;
  // }
Esempio n. 2
/** unittest for oapackage
 * Returns UNITTEST_SUCCESS if all tests are ok.
int oaunittest (int verbose, int writetests = 0, int randval = 0) {
        double t0 = get_time_ms ();
        const char *bstr = "OA unittest";
        cprintf (verbose, "%s: start\n", bstr);

        srand (randval);

        int allgood = UNITTEST_SUCCESS;

        Combinations::initialize_number_combinations (20);

        /* constructors */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: interaction matrices\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (2);
                Eigen::MatrixXd m1 = array2xfeigen (al);
                Eigen::MatrixXd m2 = arraylink2eigen (array2xf (al));

                Eigen::MatrixXd dm = m1 - m2;
                int sum = dm.sum ();

                myassert (sum == 0, "unittest error: construction of interaction matrices\n");

		cprintf(verbose, "%s: reduceConferenceTransformation\n", bstr);
		myassert(unittest_reduceConferenceTransformation()==0, "unittest unittest_reduceConferenceTransformation failed");

        /* constructors */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: array manipulation operations\n", bstr);

                test_array_manipulation (verbose);

        /* double conference matrices */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: double conference matrices\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (36, verbose);
                myassert (al.is_conference (2), "check on double conference design type");

                myassert (testLMC0checkDC (al, verbose >= 2), "testLMC0checkDC");


        /* conference matrices */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: conference matrices\n", bstr);

                int N = 4;
                conference_t ctype (N, N, 0);

                arraylist_t kk;
                array_link al = ctype.create_root ();
                kk.push_back (al);

                for (int extcol = 2; extcol < N; extcol++) {
                        kk = extend_conference (kk, ctype, 0);
                myassert (kk.size () == 1, "unittest error: conference matrices for N=4\n");

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: generators for conference matrix extensions\n", bstr);
                test_conference_candidate_generators (verbose);

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: conference matrix Fvalues\n", bstr);
                array_link al = exampleArray (22, 0);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        al.show ();
                if (0) {
                        std::vector< int > f3 = al.FvaluesConference (3);
                        if (verbose >= 2) {
                                printf ("F3: ");
                                display_vector (f3);
                                printf ("\n");

                const int N = al.n_rows;
                jstructconference_t js (N, 4);
                std::vector< int > f4 = al.FvaluesConference (4);
                std::vector< int > j4 = js.Jvalues ();

                if (verbose >= 2) {
                        printf ("j4: ");
                        display_vector (j4);
                        printf ("\n");
                        printf ("F4: ");
                        display_vector (f4);
                        printf ("\n");

                myassert (j4[0] == 28, "unittest error: conference matricex F values: j4[0]\n");
                myassert (f4[0] == 0, "unittest error: conference matricex F values: f4[0] \n");
                myassert (f4[1] == 0, "unittest error: conference matricex F values: j4[1]\n");

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: LMC0 check for arrays in C(4, 3)\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (28, 1);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        al.showarray ();
                lmc_t r = LMC0check (al, verbose);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        printf ("LMC0check: result %d\n", r);
                myassert (r >= LMC_EQUAL, "LMC0 check\n");

                al = exampleArray (29, 1);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        al.showarray ();
                r = LMC0check (al, verbose);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        printf ("LMC0check: result %d (LMC_LESS %d)\n", r, LMC_LESS);
                myassert (r == LMC_LESS, "LMC0 check of example array 29\n");

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: LMC0 check\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (31, 1);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        al.showarray ();
                conference_transformation_t T (al);

                for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
                        T.randomize ();
                        array_link alx = T.apply (al);

                        lmc_t r = LMC0check (alx, verbose);

                        if (verbose >= 2) {
                                printfd ("%d: transformed array: r %d\n", i, r);
                                alx.showarray ();
                        if (alx == al)
                                myassert (r >= LMC_EQUAL, "result should be LMC_MORE\n");
                        else {
                                myassert (r == LMC_LESS, "result should be LMC_LESS\n");

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: random transformation for conference matrices\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (19, 1);
                conference_transformation_t T (al);
                // T.randomizerowflips();
                T.randomize ();

                conference_transformation_t Ti = T.inverse ();
                array_link alx = Ti.apply (T.apply (al));

                if (0) {
                        printf ("input array:\n");
                        al.showarray ();
                        T.show ();
                        printf ("transformed array:\n");
                        T.apply (al).showarray ();
                        Ti.show ();
                        alx.showarray ();

                myassert (alx == al, "transformation of conference matrix\n");

        /* constructors */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: constructors\n", bstr);

                array_transformation_t t;
                conference_transformation_t ct;

        /* J-characteristics */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: J-characteristics\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (8, 1);

                const int mm[] = {-1, -1, 0, 0, 8, 16, 0, -1};

                for (int jj = 2; jj < 7; jj++) {
                        std::vector< int > jx = al.Jcharacteristics (jj);
                        int j5max = vectormax (jx, 0);
                        if (verbose >= 2) {
                                printf ("oaunittest: jj %d: j5max %d\n", jj, j5max);

                        if (j5max != mm[jj]) {
                                printfd ("j5max %d (should be %d)\n", j5max, mm[jj]);
                                allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;
                                return allgood;
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: array transformations\n", bstr);

                const int N = 9;
                const int t = 3;
                arraydata_t adataX (3, N, t, 4);

                array_link al (adataX.N, adataX.ncols, -1);
                al.create_root (adataX);

                if (checkTransformationInverse (al))
                        allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

                if (checkTransformationComposition (al, verbose >= 2))
                        allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

                al = exampleArray (5, 1);
                if (checkTransformationInverse (al))
                        allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

                if (checkTransformationComposition (al))
                        allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
                        al = exampleArray (18, 0);
                        if (checkConferenceComposition (al))
                                allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;
                        if (checkConferenceInverse (al))
                                allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;
                        al = exampleArray (19, 0);
                        if (checkConferenceComposition (al))
                                allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;
                        if (checkConferenceInverse (al))
                                allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: rank \n", bstr);

                const int idx[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9};
                const int rr[10] = {4, 11, 13, 18, 16, 4, 4, 29, 29};
                for (int ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++) {
                        array_link al = exampleArray (idx[ii], 0);
                        myassert (al.is2level (), "unittest error: input array is not 2-level\n");

                        int r = arrayrankColPivQR (array2xf (al));

                        int r3 = (array2xf (al)).rank ();
                        myassert (r == r3, "unittest error: rank of array");

                        if (verbose >= 2) {
                                al.showarray ();
                                printf ("unittest: rank of array %d: %d\n", idx[ii], r);

                        myassert (rr[ii] == r, "unittest error: rank of example matrix\n");

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: Doptimize \n", bstr);
                const int N = 40;
                const int t = 0;
                arraydata_t arrayclass (2, N, t, 6);
                std::vector< double > alpha (3);
                alpha[0] = 1;
                alpha[1] = 1;
                alpha[2] = 0;
                int niter = 5000;
                double t00 = get_time_ms ();
                DoptimReturn rr = Doptimize (arrayclass, 10, alpha, 0, DOPTIM_AUTOMATIC, niter);

                array_t ss[7] = {3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
                arraydata_t arrayclassmixed (ss, 36, t, 5);
                rr = Doptimize (arrayclassmixed, 10, alpha, 0, DOPTIM_AUTOMATIC, niter);

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: Doptimize time %.3f [s] \n", bstr, get_time_ms () - t00);

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: J-characteristics for conference matrix\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (19, 0);
                std::vector< int > j2 = Jcharacteristics_conference (al, 2);
                std::vector< int > j3 = Jcharacteristics_conference (al, 3);

                myassert (j2[0] == 0, "j2 value incorrect");
                myassert (j2[1] == 0, "j2 value incorrect");
                myassert (std::abs (j3[0]) == 1, "j3 value incorrect");

                if (verbose >= 2) {
                        al.showarray ();
                        printf ("j2: ");
                        display_vector (j2);
                        printf ("\n");
                        printf ("j3: ");
                        display_vector (j3);
                        printf ("\n");

                // test PEC sequence
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: PEC sequence\n", bstr);
                for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++) {
                        array_link al = exampleArray (ii, 0);
                        std::vector< double > pec = PECsequence (al);
                        printf ("oaunittest: PEC for array %d: ", ii);
                        display_vector (pec);
                        printf (" \n");

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: D-efficiency test\n", bstr);
                //  D-efficiency near-zero test
                        array_link al = exampleArray (14);
                        double D = al.Defficiency ();
                        std::vector< double > dd = al.Defficiencies ();
                        printf ("D %f, D (method 2) %f\n", D, dd[0]);
                        assert (fabs (D - dd[0]) < 1e-4);
                        array_link al = exampleArray (15);
                        double D = al.Defficiency ();
                        std::vector< double > dd = al.Defficiencies ();
                        printf ("D %f, D (method 2) %f\n", D, dd[0]);
                        assert (fabs (D - dd[0]) < 1e-4);
                        assert (fabs (D - 0.335063) < 1e-3);

        arraydata_t adata (2, 20, 2, 6);
        OAextend oaextendx;
        oaextendx.setAlgorithm ((algorithm_t)MODE_ORIGINAL, &adata);

        std::vector< arraylist_t > aa (adata.ncols + 1);
        printf ("OA unittest: create root array\n");
        create_root (&adata, aa[adata.strength]);

        /** Test extend of arrays **/
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: extend arrays\n", bstr);

                setloglevel (SYSTEM);

                for (int kk = adata.strength; kk < adata.ncols; kk++) {
                        aa[kk + 1] = extend_arraylist (aa[kk], adata, oaextendx);
                        printf ("  extend: column %d->%d: %ld->%ld arrays\n", kk, kk + 1, aa[kk].size (),
                                aa[kk + 1].size ());

                if (aa[adata.ncols].size () != 75) {
                        printf ("extended ?? to %d arrays\n", (int)aa[adata.ncols].size ());
                myassert (aa[adata.ncols].size () == 75, "number of arrays is incorrect");

                aa[adata.ncols].size ();
                setloglevel (QUIET);

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test LMC check\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (1, 1);

                lmc_t r = LMCcheckOriginal (al);

                myassert (r != LMC_LESS, "LMC check of array in normal form");

                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                        array_link alx = al.randomperm ();
                        if (alx == al)
                        lmc_t r = LMCcheckOriginal (alx);

                        myassert (r == LMC_LESS, "randomized array cannot be in minimal form");

                /** Test dof **/
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test delete-one-factor reduction\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (4);
                cprintf (verbose >= 2, "LMC: \n");
                al.reduceLMC ();
                cprintf (verbose >= 2, "DOP: \n");
                al.reduceDOP ();

        arraylist_t lst;

                /** Test different methods **/
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test 2 different methods\n", bstr);

                const int s = 2;
                arraydata_t adata (s, 32, 3, 10);
                arraydata_t adata2 (s, 32, 3, 10);
                OAextend oaextendx;
                oaextendx.setAlgorithm ((algorithm_t)MODE_ORIGINAL, &adata);
                OAextend oaextendx2;
                oaextendx2.setAlgorithm ((algorithm_t)MODE_LMC_2LEVEL, &adata2);

                printf ("OA unittest: test 2-level algorithm on %s\n", adata.showstr ().c_str ());
                std::vector< arraylist_t > aa (adata.ncols + 1);
                create_root (&adata, aa[adata.strength]);
                std::vector< arraylist_t > aa2 (adata.ncols + 1);
                create_root (&adata, aa2[adata.strength]);

                setloglevel (SYSTEM);

                for (int kk = adata.strength; kk < adata.ncols; kk++) {
                        aa[kk + 1] = extend_arraylist (aa[kk], adata, oaextendx);
                        aa2[kk + 1] = extend_arraylist (aa2[kk], adata2, oaextendx2);
                        printf ("  extend: column %d->%d: %ld->%ld arrays, 2-level method %ld->%ld arrays\n", kk,
                                kk + 1, (long) aa[kk].size (), (long)aa[kk + 1].size (), aa2[kk].size (), aa2[kk + 1].size ());

                        if (aa[kk + 1] != aa2[kk + 1]) {
                                printf ("oaunittest: error: 2-level algorithm unequal to original algorithm\n");
                                exit (1);
                setloglevel (QUIET);

                lst = aa[8];

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: rank calculation using rankStructure\n", bstr);

                for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
                        array_link al = exampleArray (i, 0);
                        if (al.n_columns < 5)
                        al = exampleArray (i, 1);

                        rankStructure rs;
                        rs.verbose = 0;
                        int r = array2xf (al).rank ();
                        int rc = rs.rankxf (al);
                        if (verbose >= 2) {
                                printf ("rank of example array %d: %d %d\n", i, r, rc);
                                if (verbose >= 3) {
                                        al.showproperties ();
                        myassert (r == rc, "rank calculations");
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test dtable creation\n", bstr);

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        array_link al = exampleArray (5);
                        array_link dtable = createJdtable (al);

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test Pareto calculation\n", bstr);
                double t0x = get_time_ms ();

                int nn = lst.size ();
                for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
                                lst.push_back (lst[i]);
                Pareto< mvalue_t< long >, long > r = parsePareto (lst, 1);
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test Pareto %d/%d: %.3f [s]\n", bstr, r.number (), r.numberindices (),
                         (get_time_ms () - t0x));

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: check reduction transformation\n", bstr);
                array_link al = exampleArray (6).reduceLMC ();

                arraydata_t adata = arraylink2arraydata (al);
                LMCreduction_t reduction (&adata);
                reduction.mode = OA_REDUCE;

                reduction.init_state = COPY;
                OAextend oaextend;
                oaextend.setAlgorithm (MODE_ORIGINAL, &adata);
                array_link alr = al.randomperm ();

                array_link al2 = reduction.transformation->apply (al);

                lmc_t tmp = LMCcheck (alr, adata, oaextend, reduction);

                array_link alx = reduction.transformation->apply (alr);

                bool c = alx == al;
                if (!c) {
                        printf ("oaunittest: error: reduction of randomized array failed!\n");
                        printf ("-- al \n");
                        al.showarraycompact ();
                        printf ("-- alr \n");
                        alr.showarraycompact ();
                        printf ("-- alx \n");
                        alx.showarraycompact ();
                        allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: reduce randomized array\n", bstr);
                array_link al = exampleArray (3);

                arraydata_t adata = arraylink2arraydata (al);
                LMCreduction_t reduction (&adata);

                for (int ii = 0; ii < 50; ii++) {
                        reduction.transformation->randomize ();
                        array_link al2 = reduction.transformation->apply (al);

                        array_link alr = al2.reduceLMC ();
                        if (0) {
                                printf ("\n reduction complete:\n");
                                al2.showarray ();
                                printf ("	--->\n");
                                alr.showarray ();
                        bool c = (al == alr);
                        if (!c) {
                                printf ("oaunittest: error: reduction of randomized array failed!\n");
                                allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

        /* Calculate symmetry group */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: calculate symmetry group\n", bstr);

                array_link al = exampleArray (2);
                symmetry_group sg = al.row_symmetry_group ();
                assert (sg.permsize () == sg.permsize_large ().toLong ());

                // symmetry_group
                std::vector< int > vv;
                vv.push_back (0);
                vv.push_back (0);
                vv.push_back (1);
                symmetry_group sg2 (vv);
                assert (sg2.permsize () == 2);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        printf ("sg2: %ld\n", sg2.permsize ());
                assert (sg2.ngroups == 2);

        /* Test efficiencies */
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: efficiencies\n", bstr);

                std::vector< double > d;
                int vb = 1;

                array_link al;
                if (1) {
                        al = exampleArray (9, vb);
                        al.showproperties ();
                        d = al.Defficiencies (0, 1);
                        if (verbose >= 2)
                                printf ("  efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f Ds0 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
                        if (fabs (d[0] - al.Defficiency ()) > 1e-10) {
                                printf ("oaunittest: error: Defficiency not good!\n");
                                allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;
                al = exampleArray (8, vb);
                al.showproperties ();
                d = al.Defficiencies ();
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        printf ("  efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]);
                if (fabs (d[0] - al.Defficiency ()) > 1e-10) {
                        printf ("oaunittest: error: Defficiency of examlple array 8 not good!\n");

                al = exampleArray (13, vb);
                if (verbose >= 3) {
                        al.showarray ();
                        al.showproperties ();
                d = al.Defficiencies (0, 1);
                if (verbose >= 2)
                        printf ("  efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]);

                if ((fabs (d[0] - 0.939014) > 1e-4) || (fabs (d[3] - 0.896812) > 1e-4) || (fabs (d[2] - 1) > 1e-4)) {
                        printf ("ERROR: D-efficiencies of example array 13 incorrect! \n");
                        d = al.Defficiencies (2, 1);
                        printf ("  efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f Ds0 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);

                        allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;
                        exit (1);

                for (int ii = 11; ii < 11; ii++) {
                        printf ("ii %d: ", ii);
                        al = exampleArray (ii, vb);
                        al.showarray ();
                        al.showproperties ();

                        d = al.Defficiencies ();
                        if (verbose >= 2)
                                printf ("  efficiencies: D %f Ds %f D1 %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]);
                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test robustness\n", bstr);

                array_link A (0, 8, 0);
                printf ("should return an error\n  ");
                A.Defficiencies ();

                A = array_link (1, 8, 0);
                printf ("should return an error\n  ");
                A.at (0, 0) = -2;
                A.Defficiencies ();

                cprintf (verbose, "%s: test nauty\n", bstr);

                array_link alr = exampleArray (7, 0);
                if (unittest_nautynormalform (alr, 1) == 0) {
                        printf ("oaunittest: error: unittest_nautynormalform returns an error!\n");

        if (writetests) {
                cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: reading and writing of files\n");

                boost::filesystem::path tmpdir = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path ();
                boost::filesystem::path temp = boost::filesystem::unique_path ("test-%%%%%%%.oa");

                const std::string tempstr = (tmpdir / temp).native (); 

                if (verbose >= 2)
                        printf ("generate text OA file: %s\n", tempstr.c_str ());

                int nrows = 16;
                int ncols = 8;
                int narrays = 10;
                arrayfile_t afile (tempstr.c_str (), nrows, ncols, narrays, ATEXT);
                for (int i = 0; i < narrays; i++) {
                        array_link al (nrows, ncols, array_link::INDEX_DEFAULT);                        
                        afile.append_array (al);
                afile.closefile ();

                arrayfile_t af (tempstr.c_str (), 0);
                std::cout << "  " << af.showstr () << std::endl;
                af.closefile ();

                // check read/write of binary file

                arraylist_t ll0;
                ll0.push_back (exampleArray (7));
                ll0.push_back (exampleArray (7).randomcolperm ());
                writearrayfile (tempstr.c_str (), ll0, ABINARY);
                arraylist_t ll = readarrayfile (tempstr.c_str ());
                myassert (ll0.size () == ll.size (), "read and write of arrays: size of list");
                for (size_t i = 0; i < ll0.size (); i++) {
                        myassert (ll0[i] == ll[i], "read and write of arrays: array unequal");

                ll0.resize (0);
                ll0.push_back (exampleArray (24));
                writearrayfile (tempstr.c_str (), ll0, ABINARY_DIFFZERO);
                ll = readarrayfile (tempstr.c_str ());
                myassert (ll0.size () == ll.size (), "read and write of arrays: size of list");
                for (size_t i = 0; i < ll0.size (); i++) {
                        myassert (ll0[i] == ll[i], "read and write of arrays: array unequal");


                cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: test nauty\n");
                array_link al = exampleArray (5, 2);
                arraydata_t arrayclass = arraylink2arraydata (al);

                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                        array_link alx = al;
                        alx.randomperm ();
                        array_transformation_t t1 = reduceOAnauty (al);
                        array_link alr1 = t1.apply (al);

                        array_transformation_t t2 = reduceOAnauty (alx);
                        array_link alr2 = t2.apply (alx);

                        if (alr1 != alr2)
                                printf ("oaunittest: error: Nauty reductions unequal!\n");
                        allgood = UNITTEST_FAIL;

        cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: complete %.3f [s]!\n", (get_time_ms () - t0));
        cprintf (verbose, "OA unittest: also run ptest.py to perform checks!\n");

        if (allgood) {
                printf ("OA unittest: all tests ok\n");
                return UNITTEST_SUCCESS;
        } else {
                printf ("OA unittest: ERROR!\n");
                return UNITTEST_FAIL;