bool collisionBallBarrierY(const Ball &ball, const BarrierY &barr, float &toc)
   Vector3d normal = barr.plane().normal();

   float CdotN = dot(ball.position(), normal);
   //Distance to collision in direction of normal
   CdotN = barr.plane().d() - CdotN + ball.radius(); 
   //Speed of ball in direction of normal
   float DdotN = dot(ball.velocity(), normal);
   //Time of collision
   toc = CdotN / DdotN;

   if(toc < 0.0f)
      return false; //Collision is behind ball
   //Check barrier bounds
   //Find Point of Impact
   Vector3d PoI = ball.position() + ball.velocity() * toc;
   Vector3d bPos = barr.plane().position();

   //Check height bounds
   if(PoI.y < bPos.y || PoI.y > bPos.y + barr.height())
      return false;

   //Check width bounds
   float distSq = distanceSq(PoI, bPos);
   if(distSq > (barr.radius() * barr.radius()))
      return false;

   return true;
Esempio n. 2
	bool areAdjacent(const Entity &a, const Entity &b) {
		FBox box_a = a.boundingBox(), box_b = b.boundingBox();

		if(box_a.ey() < box_b.y() || box_b.ey() < box_b.y())
			return false;

		return distanceSq(box_a.xz(), box_b.xz()) <= 1.0f;
Esempio n. 3
	bool areAdjacent(const Entity &a, const Entity &b) {
		FBox box_a = a.boundingBox(), box_b = b.boundingBox();

		if(box_a.max.y < box_b.min.y || box_b.max.y < box_b.min.y)
			return false;

		return distanceSq(	FRect(box_a.min.xz(), box_a.max.xz()),
							FRect(box_b.min.xz(), box_b.max.xz())) <= 1.0f;
bool intersectBallGoal(const Ball& s1, const Ball &s2)
   //Squared Distance between the two (save sqrt)
   float dist = distanceSq(s1.position(), s2.position());
   float sumRadi = s1.radius() + s2.radius();

   //Check dist vs. the sum of the two radi squared
   if(dist < (sumRadi * sumRadi))
      return true; //Intersection

   return false; //No Intersection
Esempio n. 5
void Ghost::updateEvent(double secsElapsed)
	if (!mTarget) newTarget();

	//check if we caught them
	if (mTarget && distanceSq(pos(), mTarget->pos()) < 9.0) {

		Ghost* victim = new Ghost(mTarget->pos(), world());

		if (mKillCount % 3 == 0) new DormantGhostPortal(pos(), world());


	newTargetTimer += secsElapsed;
	if (newTargetTimer > 30) newTarget();

	assert(mTarget || !(mPursue->isOn()));
bool intersectBallBarrierY(const Ball &ball, const BarrierY &barr, float &dist)
   //Distance between the ball and the plane
   dist = dot(barr.plane().normal(), ball.position()) - barr.plane().d();

   //Test if ball is on front or back of plane
   if(dist >= ball.radius() || dist <= -ball.radius())
      return false;
   // a^2 = h^2 - o^2
   float aSq = distanceSq(barr.plane().position(), ball.position()) - (dist * dist);
   //Check distance bounds
   if(aSq > (barr.radius() * barr.radius()))
      return false;
   //Check height bounds
   if(ball.position().y - ball.radius() > barr.plane().position().y + barr.height() ||
      ball.position().y + ball.radius() < barr.plane().position().y)
      return false;

   //Ball intersects plane
   return true;
Esempio n. 7
Coord distanceSq(Point const &p, OptRect const &rect)
    if (!rect) return std::numeric_limits<Coord>::max();
    return distanceSq(p, *rect);
Esempio n. 8
double Path::nearestPoint(Point const &_point, double from, double to, double *distance_squared) const
	if ( from > to ) std::swap(from, to);
	const Path& _path = *this;
	unsigned int sz = _path.size();
	if ( _path.closed() ) ++sz;
	if ( from < 0 || to > sz )
		THROW_RANGEERROR("[from,to] interval out of bounds");
	double sif, st = modf(from, &sif);
	double eif, et = modf(to, &eif);
	unsigned int si = static_cast<unsigned int>(sif);
	unsigned int ei = static_cast<unsigned int>(eif);
        if(sz == 0) {// naked moveto
            if (distance_squared != NULL)
                *distance_squared = distanceSq(_point, _path.initialPoint());
            return 0;
	if ( si == sz )
		st = 1;
	if ( ei == sz )
		et = 1;
	if ( si == ei )
		double nearest = _path[si].nearestPoint(_point, st, et);
		if (distance_squared != NULL)
		    *distance_squared = distanceSq(_point, _path[si].pointAt(nearest));
		return si + nearest;

	double t;
	double nearest = _path[si].nearestPoint(_point, st);
	unsigned int ni = si;
	double dsq;
	double mindistsq = distanceSq(_point, _path[si].pointAt(nearest));
	for ( unsigned int i = si + 1; i < ei; ++i )
            Rect bb = (_path[i].boundsFast());
		dsq = distanceSq(_point, bb);
		if ( mindistsq <= dsq ) continue;
		t = _path[i].nearestPoint(_point);
		dsq = distanceSq(_point, _path[i].pointAt(t));
		if ( mindistsq > dsq )
			nearest = t;
			ni = i;
			mindistsq = dsq;
	Rect bb = (_path[ei].boundsFast());
	dsq = distanceSq(_point, bb);
	if ( mindistsq > dsq )
		t = _path[ei].nearestPoint(_point, 0, et);
		dsq = distanceSq(_point, _path[ei].pointAt(t));
		if ( mindistsq > dsq )
			nearest = t;
			ni = ei;
			mindistsq = dsq;

    if (distance_squared != NULL)
        *distance_squared = mindistsq;

	return ni + nearest;
Esempio n. 9
Path::allNearestPoints(Point const& _point, double from, double to) const
	if ( from > to ) std::swap(from, to);
	const Path& _path = *this;
	unsigned int sz = _path.size();
	if ( _path.closed() ) ++sz;
	if ( from < 0 || to > sz )
		THROW_RANGEERROR("[from,to] interval out of bounds");
	double sif, st = modf(from, &sif);
	double eif, et = modf(to, &eif);
	unsigned int si = static_cast<unsigned int>(sif);
	unsigned int ei = static_cast<unsigned int>(eif);
	if ( si == sz )
		st = 1;
	if ( ei == sz )
		et = 1;
	if ( si == ei )
		std::vector<double>	all_nearest =
			_path[si].allNearestPoints(_point, st, et);
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < all_nearest.size(); ++i )
			all_nearest[i] = si + all_nearest[i];
		return all_nearest;
	std::vector<double> all_t;
	std::vector< std::vector<double> > all_np;
	all_np.push_back( _path[si].allNearestPoints(_point, st) );
	std::vector<unsigned int> ni;
	double dsq;
	double mindistsq
		= distanceSq( _point, _path[si].pointAt( all_np.front().front() ) );
	Rect bb(Geom::Point(0,0),Geom::Point(0,0));
	for ( unsigned int i = si + 1; i < ei; ++i )
		bb = (_path[i].boundsFast());
		dsq = distanceSq(_point, bb);
		if ( mindistsq < dsq ) continue;
		all_t = _path[i].allNearestPoints(_point);
		dsq = distanceSq( _point, _path[i].pointAt( all_t.front() ) );
		if ( mindistsq > dsq )
			mindistsq = dsq;
		else if ( mindistsq == dsq )
	bb = (_path[ei].boundsFast());
	dsq = distanceSq(_point, bb);
	if ( mindistsq >= dsq )
		all_t = _path[ei].allNearestPoints(_point, 0, et);
		dsq = distanceSq( _point, _path[ei].pointAt( all_t.front() ) );
		if ( mindistsq > dsq )
			for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < all_t.size(); ++i )
				all_t[i] = ei + all_t[i];
			return all_t;
		else if ( mindistsq == dsq )
	std::vector<double> all_nearest;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < all_np.size(); ++i )
		for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < all_np[i].size(); ++j )
			all_nearest.push_back( ni[i] + all_np[i][j] );
	all_nearest.erase(std::unique(all_nearest.begin(), all_nearest.end()),
	return all_nearest;
Esempio n. 10
std::vector<double> EllipticalArc::allNearestPoints( Point const& p, double from, double to ) const
    std::vector<double> result;

    if ( from > to ) std::swap(from, to);
    if ( from < 0 || to > 1 )
        THROW_RANGEERROR("[from,to] interval out of range");

    if ( ( are_near(ray(X), 0) && are_near(ray(Y), 0) )  || are_near(from, to) )
        return result;
    else if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) || are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
        LineSegment seg(pointAt(from), pointAt(to));
        Point np = seg.pointAt( seg.nearestPoint(p) );
        if ( are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
            if ( are_near(_rot_angle, M_PI/2)
                 || are_near(_rot_angle, 3*M_PI/2) )
                result = roots(np[Y], Y);
                result = roots(np[X], X);
            if ( are_near(_rot_angle, M_PI/2)
                 || are_near(_rot_angle, 3*M_PI/2) )
                result = roots(np[X], X);
                result = roots(np[Y], Y);
        return result;
    else if ( are_near(ray(X), ray(Y)) )
        Point r = p - center();
        if ( are_near(r, Point(0,0)) )
        // TODO: implement case r != 0
//      Point np = ray(X) * unit_vector(r);
//      std::vector<double> solX = roots(np[X],X);
//      std::vector<double> solY = roots(np[Y],Y);
//      double t;
//      if ( are_near(solX[0], solY[0]) || are_near(solX[0], solY[1]))
//      {
//          t = solX[0];
//      }
//      else
//      {
//          t = solX[1];
//      }
//      if ( !(t < from || t > to) )
//      {
//          result.push_back(t);
//      }
//      else
//      {
//      }

    // solve the equation <D(E(t),t)|E(t)-p> == 0
    // that provides min and max distance points
    // on the ellipse E wrt the point p
    // after the substitutions:
    // cos(t) = (1 - s^2) / (1 + s^2)
    // sin(t) = 2t / (1 + s^2)
    // where s = tan(t/2)
    // we get a 4th degree equation in s
     *  ry s^4 ((-cy + py) Cos[Phi] + (cx - px) Sin[Phi]) +
     *  ry ((cy - py) Cos[Phi] + (-cx + px) Sin[Phi]) +
     *  2 s^3 (rx^2 - ry^2 + (-cx + px) rx Cos[Phi] + (-cy + py) rx Sin[Phi]) +
     *  2 s (-rx^2 + ry^2 + (-cx + px) rx Cos[Phi] + (-cy + py) rx Sin[Phi])

    Point p_c = p - center();
    double rx2_ry2 = (ray(X) - ray(Y)) * (ray(X) + ray(Y));
    double sinrot, cosrot;
    sincos(_rot_angle, sinrot, cosrot);
    double expr1 = ray(X) * (p_c[X] * cosrot + p_c[Y] * sinrot);
    Poly coeff;
    coeff[4] = ray(Y) * ( p_c[Y] * cosrot - p_c[X] * sinrot );
    coeff[3] = 2 * ( rx2_ry2 + expr1 );
    coeff[2] = 0;
    coeff[1] = 2 * ( -rx2_ry2 + expr1 );
    coeff[0] = -coeff[4];

//  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
//      std::cerr << "c[" << i << "] = " << coeff[i] << std::endl;

    std::vector<double> real_sol;
    // gsl_poly_complex_solve raises an error
    // if the leading coefficient is zero
    if ( are_near(coeff[4], 0) )
        if ( !are_near(coeff[3], 0) )
            double sq = -coeff[1] / coeff[3];
            if ( sq > 0 )
                double s = std::sqrt(sq);
        real_sol = solve_reals(coeff);

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < real_sol.size(); ++i )
        real_sol[i] = 2 * std::atan(real_sol[i]);
        if ( real_sol[i] < 0 ) real_sol[i] += 2*M_PI;
    // when s -> Infinity then <D(E)|E-p> -> 0 iff coeff[4] == 0
    // so we add M_PI to the solutions being lim arctan(s) = PI when s->Infinity
    if ( (real_sol.size() % 2) != 0 )

    double mindistsq1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    double mindistsq2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    double dsq;
    unsigned int mi1, mi2;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < real_sol.size(); ++i )
        dsq = distanceSq(p, pointAtAngle(real_sol[i]));
        if ( mindistsq1 > dsq )
            mindistsq2 = mindistsq1;
            mi2 = mi1;
            mindistsq1 = dsq;
            mi1 = i;
        else if ( mindistsq2 > dsq )
            mindistsq2 = dsq;
            mi2 = i;

    double t = map_to_01( real_sol[mi1] );
    if ( !(t < from || t > to) )

    bool second_sol = false;
    t = map_to_01( real_sol[mi2] );
    if ( real_sol.size() == 4 && !(t < from || t > to) )
        if ( result.empty() || are_near(mindistsq1, mindistsq2) )
            second_sol = true;

    // we need to test extreme points too
    double dsq1 = distanceSq(p, pointAt(from));
    double dsq2 = distanceSq(p, pointAt(to));
    if ( second_sol )
        if ( mindistsq2 > dsq1 )
            mindistsq2 = dsq1;
        else if ( are_near(mindistsq2, dsq) )
        if ( mindistsq2 > dsq2 )
        else if ( are_near(mindistsq2, dsq2) )

        if ( result.empty() )
            if ( are_near(dsq1, dsq2) )
            else if ( dsq2 > dsq1 )

    return result;
Esempio n. 11
double Point2D::distance(Point2D p) {
  return sqrt(distanceSq(p));