static void send_dropto(dbref thing, dbref player) { if(!Sticky(thing)) move_via_generic(thing, Dropto(Location(thing)), player, 0); else move_via_generic(thing, HOME, player, 0); divest_object(thing); }
static void give_thing (dbref giver, dbref recipient, int key, char *what) { dbref thing, loc; char *str, *sp; init_match(giver, what, TYPE_THING); match_possession(); match_me(); thing = match_result(); switch (thing) { case NOTHING: notify(giver, "You don't have that!"); return; case AMBIGUOUS: notify(giver, "I don't know which you mean!"); return; } if (thing == giver) { notify(giver, "You can't give yourself away!"); return; } if (((Typeof(thing) != TYPE_THING) && (Typeof(thing) != TYPE_PLAYER)) || !(Enter_ok(recipient) || controls(giver, recipient))) { notify(giver, "Permission denied."); return; } if ((Flags3(thing) & NOMOVE) && !Wizard(giver)) { notify(giver, "Permission denied."); return; } if (!could_doit(giver, thing, A_LGIVE,1)) { sp = str = alloc_lbuf("do_give.gfail"); safe_str((char *)"You can't give ", str, &sp); safe_str(Name(thing), str, &sp); safe_str((char *)" away.", str, &sp); *sp = '\0'; did_it(giver, thing, A_GFAIL, str, A_OGFAIL, NULL, A_AGFAIL, (char **)NULL, 0); free_lbuf(str); return; } if (!could_doit(thing, recipient, A_LRECEIVE,1)) { sp = str = alloc_lbuf("do_give.rfail"); safe_str(Name(recipient), str, &sp); safe_str((char *)" doesn't want ", str, &sp); safe_str(Name(thing), str, &sp); safe_chr('.', str, &sp); *sp = '\0'; did_it(giver, recipient, A_RFAIL, str, A_ORFAIL, NULL, A_ARFAIL, (char **)NULL, 0); free_lbuf(str); return; } loc = Location(giver); if ( !Good_obj(loc) || loc == NOTHING || loc == AMBIGUOUS || Recover(loc) || Going(loc) ) loc = giver; if (!could_doit(giver, loc, A_LGIVETO, 1)) { sp = str = alloc_lbuf("do_giveto.rfail"); safe_str((char *)"You can not give ", str, &sp); safe_str(Name(thing), str, &sp); safe_str((char *)" away at this location.", str, &sp); *sp = '\0'; notify(giver, str); free_lbuf(str); return; } move_via_generic(thing, recipient, giver, 0); divest_object(thing); if (!(key & GIVE_QUIET)) { str = alloc_lbuf("do_give.thing.ok"); strcpy(str, Name(giver)); notify_with_cause(recipient, giver, unsafe_tprintf("%s gave you %s.", str, Name(thing))); notify(giver, "Given."); notify_with_cause(thing, giver, unsafe_tprintf("%s gave you to %s.", str, Name(recipient))); free_lbuf(str); } else { notify(giver, "Given. (quiet)"); } did_it(giver, thing, A_DROP, NULL, A_ODROP, NULL, A_ADROP, (char **)NULL, 0); did_it(recipient, thing, A_SUCC, NULL, A_OSUCC, NULL, A_ASUCC, (char **)NULL, 0); }
void do_kill (dbref player, dbref cause, int key, char *what, char *costchar) { dbref victim; char *buf1, *buf2; int cost; init_match(player, what, TYPE_PLAYER); match_neighbor(); match_me(); match_here(); if (Wizard(player)) { match_player(); match_absolute(); } victim = match_result(); switch (victim) { case NOTHING: notify(player, "I don't see that player here."); break; case AMBIGUOUS: notify(player, "I don't know who you mean!"); break; default: if ((Typeof(victim) != TYPE_PLAYER) && (Typeof(victim) != TYPE_THING)) { notify(player, "Sorry, you can only kill players and things."); break; } if ((Haven(Location(victim)) && !Wizard(player)) || (controls(victim, Location(victim)) && !controls(player, Location(victim))) || Immortal(victim)) { notify(player, "Sorry."); break; } if (key == KILL_SLAY) { if (Builder(player) && Builder(victim)) { notify(player, "Sorry."); break; } } /* go for it */ cost = atoi(costchar); if (key == KILL_KILL) { if (HasPriv(victim,player,POWER_NOKILL,POWER4,NOTHING)) { notify(player, "Sorry."); break; } if (cost < mudconf.killmin) cost = mudconf.killmin; if (cost > mudconf.killmax) cost = mudconf.killmax; /* see if it works */ if (!payfor(player, cost)) { notify(player, unsafe_tprintf("You don't have enough %s.", mudconf.many_coins)); return; } } else { cost = 0; } if (!(((random() % mudconf.killguarantee) < cost) || (key == KILL_SLAY)) || Wizard(victim)) { /* Failure: notify player and victim only */ notify(player, "Your murder attempt failed."); buf1 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.failed"); sprintf(buf1, "%s tried to kill you!", Name(player)); notify_with_cause(victim, player, buf1); if (Suspect(player)) { strcpy(buf1, Name(player)); if (player == Owner(player)) { raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s tried to kill %s(#%d).", buf1, Name(victim), victim); } else { buf2 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.SUSP.failed"); strcpy(buf2, Name(Owner(player))); raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s <via %s(#%d)> tried to kill %s(#%d).", buf2, buf1, player, Name(victim), victim); free_lbuf(buf2); } } free_lbuf(buf1); break; } /* Success! You killed him */ buf1 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.succ.1"); buf2 = alloc_lbuf("do_kill.succ.2"); if (Suspect(player)) { strcpy(buf1, Name(player)); if (player == Owner(player)) { raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s killed %s(#%d).", buf1, Name(victim), victim); } else { strcpy(buf2, Name(Owner(player))); raw_broadcast(0, WIZARD, "[Suspect] %s <via %s(#%d)> killed %s(#%d).", buf2, buf1, player, Name(victim), victim); } } sprintf(buf1, "You killed %s!", Name(victim)); sprintf(buf2, "killed %s!", Name(victim)); if (Typeof(victim) != TYPE_PLAYER) if (halt_que(NOTHING, victim) > 0) if (!Quiet(victim)) notify(Owner(victim), "Halted."); did_it(player, victim, A_KILL, buf1, A_OKILL, buf2, A_AKILL, (char **)NULL, 0); /* notify victim */ sprintf(buf1, "%s killed you!", Name(player)); notify_with_cause(victim, player, buf1); /* Pay off the bonus */ if (key == KILL_KILL) { cost /= 2; /* victim gets half */ if (Pennies(Owner(victim)) < mudconf.paylimit) { sprintf(buf1, "Your insurance policy pays %d %s.", cost, mudconf.many_coins); notify(victim, buf1); giveto(Owner(victim), cost, NOTHING); } else { notify(victim, "Your insurance policy has been revoked."); } } free_lbuf(buf1); free_lbuf(buf2); /* send him home */ move_via_generic(victim, HOME, NOTHING, 0); divest_object(victim); break; } }