Esempio n. 1
struct synQueue *synQueueNew()
/* Make a new, empty, synQueue. */
struct synQueue *sq;
sq->queue = dlListNew();
return sq;
Esempio n. 2
static struct dlList *sortedListFromTree(struct rbTree *tree)
/* Create a double-linked list from tree. List will be sorted.  */
struct slRef *ref, *refList = rbTreeItems(tree);
struct dlList *list = dlListNew();
for (ref = refList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
    dlAddValTail(list, ref->val);
return list;
Esempio n. 3
static void wordTreeMakeNonsense(struct wordTree *wt, int maxSize, char *firstWord, 
	int maxOutputWords, FILE *f)
/* Go spew out a bunch of words according to probabilities in tree. */
struct dlList *ll = dlListNew();
int listSize = 0;
int outputWords = 0;

for (;;)
    if (++outputWords > maxOutputWords)
    struct dlNode *node;
    char *word;

    /* Get next predicted word. */
    if (listSize == 0)
	word = firstWord;
    else if (listSize >= maxSize)
	node = dlPopHead(ll);
	word = predictNext(wt, ll);
	word = predictNext(wt, ll);
    node->val = word;
    dlAddTail(ll, node);

    if (word == NULL)

    /* Output last word in list. */
	node = ll->tail;
	word = node->val;
	fprintf(f, "%s", word);
	if (word[strlen(word)-1] == '.')
	    fprintf(f, "\n");
	    fprintf(f, " ");
Esempio n. 4
static struct dlList *wordTreeGenerateList(struct wordStore *store, int maxSize, 
    struct wordTree *firstWord, int maxOutputWords)
/* Make a list of words based on probabilities in tree. */
struct dlList *ll = dlListNew();
int chainSize = 0;
int outputWords = 0;
struct dlNode *chainStartNode = NULL;

for (;;)
    if (++outputWords > maxOutputWords)
    struct dlNode *node;
    struct wordTree *picked;

    /* Get next predicted word. */
    if (chainSize == 0)
	chainStartNode = node;
	picked = firstWord;
    else if (chainSize >= maxSize)
	chainStartNode = chainStartNode->next;
	picked = predictNext(store, ll);
	picked = predictNext(store, ll);

    if (picked == NULL)

    /* Add word from whatever level we fetched back to our output chain. */
    struct wordInfo *info = picked->info;
    node->val = info;
    dlAddTail(ll, node);

    info->outTarget -= 1;
    info->outCount += 1;
verbose(2, "totUseZeroCount = %d\n", totUseZeroCount);
return ll;
Esempio n. 5
void letterChain(char *inFile, char *outFile, int maxSize)
/* letterChain - Make Markov chain of letters in text. */
struct dlList *ll = dlListNew();
int llSize = 0;
int c;
FILE *in = mustOpen(inFile, "r");
FILE *out;
struct dlNode *node;
struct trie *trie;


while ((c = getc(in)) >= 0)
    if (llSize < maxSize)
	s = needMem(1);
	*s = c;
	dlAddValTail(ll, s);
	if (llSize == maxSize)
	    addToTrie(trie, ll);
	node = dlPopHead(ll);
	s = node->val;
	*s = c;
	dlAddTail(ll, node);
	addToTrie(trie, ll);
if (llSize < maxSize)
    addToTrie(trie, ll);
while ((node = dlPopHead(ll)) != NULL)
    addToTrie(trie, ll);

out = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
rDumpTrie(0, trie->useCount, trie, out);

Esempio n. 6
void memTrackerStart()
/* Push memory handler that will track blocks allocated so that
 * they can be automatically released with memTrackerEnd().  You
 * can have memTrackerStart one after the other, but memTrackerStart/End
 * need to nest. */
struct memTracker *mt;

if (memTracker != NULL)
     errAbort("multiple memTrackerStart calls");
mt->handler->alloc = memTrackerAlloc;
mt->handler->free = memTrackerFree;
mt->handler->realloc = memTrackerRealloc;
mt->list = dlListNew();
mt->parent = pushMemHandler(mt->handler);
memTracker = mt;
Esempio n. 7
struct wordTree *wordTreeForChainsInFile(char *fileName, int chainSize, struct lm *lm)
/* Return a wordTree of all chains-of-words of length chainSize seen in file. 
 * Allocate the structure in local memory pool lm. */ 
/* Stuff for processing file a line at a time. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *line, *word;

/* We'll keep a chain of three or so words in a doubly linked list. */
struct dlNode *node;
struct dlList *chain = dlListNew();
int curSize = 0;

/* We'll build up the tree starting with an empty root node. */
struct wordTree *wt = wordTreeNew("");	
int wordCount = 0;

/* Save time/space by sharing stack between all "following" rbTrees. */
struct rbTreeNode **stack;	
lmAllocArray(lm, stack, 256);

/* Loop through each line of input file, lowercasing the whole line, and then
 * looping through each word of line, stripping out special chars, and finally
 * processing each word. */
while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    if (lower)
    while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
	if (unpunc)
	    stripChar(word, ',');
	    stripChar(word, '.');
	    stripChar(word, ';');
	    stripChar(word, '-');
	    stripChar(word, '"');
	    stripChar(word, '?');
	    stripChar(word, '!');
	    stripChar(word, '(');
	    stripChar(word, ')');
	    if (word[0] == 0)
	verbose(2, "%s\n", word);

	/* We come to this point in the code for each word in the file. 
	 * Here we want to maintain a chain of sequential words up to
	 * chainSize long.  We do this with a doubly-linked list structure.
	 * For the first few words in the file we'll just build up the list,
	 * only adding it to the tree when we finally do get to the desired
	 * chain size.  Once past the initial section of the file we'll be
	 * getting rid of the first link in the chain as well as adding a new
	 * last link in the chain with each new word we see. */
	if (curSize < chainSize)
	    dlAddValTail(chain, cloneString(word));
	    if (curSize == chainSize)
		addChainToTree(wt, chain, lm, stack);
	    /* Reuse doubly-linked-list node, but give it a new value, as we move
	     * it from head to tail of list. */
	    node = dlPopHead(chain);
	    node->val = cloneString(word);
	    dlAddTail(chain, node);
	    addChainToTree(wt, chain, lm, stack);

/* Handle last few words in file, where can't make a chain of full size.  Need
 * a special case for file that has fewer than chain size words too. */
if (curSize < chainSize)
    addChainToTree(wt, chain, lm, stack);
while ((node = dlPopHead(chain)) != NULL)
    addChainToTree(wt, chain, lm, stack);
return wt;
Esempio n. 8
struct wordStore *wordStoreForChainsInFile(char *fileName, int chainSize)
/* Return a wordStore containing all words, and also all chains-of-words of length 
 * chainSize seen in file.  */
/* Stuff for processing file a line at a time. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *line, *word;

/* We'll build up the tree starting with an empty root node. */
struct wordStore *store = wordStoreNew(chainSize);
struct wordTree *wt = store->markovChains = wordTreeNew(wordStoreAdd(store, ""));	

/* Loop through each line of file, treating it as a separate read. There's 
 * special cases at the beginning and end of line, and for short lines.  In the
 * main case we'll be maintaining a chain (doubly linked list) of maxChainSize words, 
 * popping off one word from the start, and adding one word to the end for each
 * new word we encounter. This list is added to the tree each iteration. */
while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    /* We'll keep a chain of three or so words in a doubly linked list. */
    struct dlNode *node;
    struct dlList *chain = dlListNew();
    int curSize = 0;
    int wordCount = 0;

    /* skipping the first word which is the read id */
    word = nextWord(&line);

    while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
	struct wordInfo *info = wordStoreAdd(store, word);
	 /* For the first few words in the file after ID, we'll just build up the chain,
	 * only adding it to the tree when we finally do get to the desired
	 * chain size.  Once past the initial section of the file we'll be
	 * getting rid of the first link in the chain as well as adding a new
	 * last link in the chain with each new word we see. */
	if (curSize < chainSize)
	    dlAddValTail(chain, info);
	    if (curSize == chainSize)
		addChainToTree(wt, chain);
	    /* Reuse doubly-linked-list node, but give it a new value, as we move
	     * it from head to tail of list. */
	    node = dlPopHead(chain);
	    node->val = info;
	    dlAddTail(chain, node);
	    addChainToTree(wt, chain);
    /* Handle last few words in line, where can't make a chain of full size.  Also handles       
    * lines that have fewer than chain size words. */
    if (curSize < chainSize)
 	addChainToTree(wt, chain);
    while ((node = dlPopHead(chain)) != NULL)
	if (!dlEmpty(chain))
	    addChainToTree(wt, chain);

wordTreeSort(wt);  // Make output of chain file prettier
return store;