Esempio n. 1
File: os.c Progetto: jiamacs/rhype
run_event(struct os *os, uval event)
	struct dlist *curr = dlist_next(&os->po_events.oe_list);

	while (curr != &os->po_events.oe_list) {
		struct lpar_event *le = PARENT_OBJ(typeof(*le), le_list, curr);

		curr = dlist_next(curr);

		uval ret = (*le->le_func) (os, le, event);

		 * ret == 1 || event==LPAR_DIE --> le is now a bad pointer,
		 * memory may have been freed
		if (ret == 0 && (event != LPAR_DIE)) {
			dlist_insert(curr, &le->le_list);

Esempio n. 2
int main()

    struct DList* list = dlist_create();
    printf("list length = %d\n", dlist_length(list));
    dlist_append(list, 5);
    printf("list length = %d\n", dlist_length(list));
    dlist_append(list, 7);
    printf("list length = %d\n", dlist_length(list));
    dlist_append(list, 8);
    printf("list length = %d\n", dlist_length(list));
	dlist_remove(list, 1);
	printf("list length = %d\n", dlist_length(list));
	dlist_insert(list, 0, 5);
	printf("list length = %d\n", dlist_length(list));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
File: os.c Progetto: jiamacs/rhype
register_event(struct os *os, struct lpar_event *le)
	dlist_insert(&os->po_events.oe_list, &le->le_list);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 * - cbi_register()
 * - register a cbi into list
OS_STATUS cbi_register (GUI_CBI *pCBI)
#if 0
    dlist_add (&_G_cbi_list, (DL_NODE *)pCBI); /* insert tail */
    dlist_insert (&_G_cbi_list, NULL, (DL_NODE *)pCBI); /* insert head */

    return OS_STATUS_OK;
Esempio n. 5
void line_list_insert(line_t *line, line_list_t *list)
  dlink_t *link;


  link = dlink_new(), link->object = (void *)line;
  dlist_insert(link, (dlist_t *)list);
Esempio n. 6
void point_list_insert(point_t *p, point_list_t *list)
  dlink_t *link;


  link = dlink_new();
  link->object = (void *)p;
  dlist_insert(link, list);
Esempio n. 7
bool dlist_insert_ts (DList* list, int32_t index, void* data) {
    assert(NULL != list);
    assert(0 <= index);
    assert(NULL != list->mutex);


    bool ret = dlist_insert(list, index, data);


    return ret;
Esempio n. 8
void test_dlist_insert_at_front(void)
    unsigned long *val;
    unsigned long old_size;

    old_size = dlist_size(test_dlist);
    val = make_ulong_ptr(8888);
    assert_true(dlist_insert(test_dlist, 0, val) == 0);

    /* Verify */
    val = NULL;
    val = dlist_index(test_dlist, 0);
    assert_ulong_equal(8888, *val);
    assert_true((old_size + 1) == dlist_size(test_dlist));
Esempio n. 9
void test_dlist_insert_in_middle(void)
    unsigned long *val;
    unsigned long old_size;

    old_size = dlist_size(test_dlist);
    val = make_ulong_ptr(6666);
    assert_true(dlist_insert(test_dlist, old_size / 2, val) == 0);

    /* Verify */
    val = NULL;
    val = dlist_index(test_dlist, old_size / 2);
    assert_ulong_equal(6666, *val);
    assert_true((old_size + 1) == dlist_size(test_dlist));
Esempio n. 10
void test_dlist_insert_at_back(void)
    unsigned long *val;
    unsigned long old_size;

    old_size = dlist_size(test_dlist);
    val = make_ulong_ptr(7777);
    assert_true(dlist_insert(test_dlist, old_size, val) == 0);

    /* Verify */
    val = NULL;
    val = dlist_index(test_dlist, old_size);
    assert_ulong_equal(7777, *val);
    assert_true((old_size + 1) == dlist_size(test_dlist));
Esempio n. 11
static void test_invalid_params(void)
	printf("===========Warning is normal begin==============\n");
	assert(dlist_length(NULL) == 0);
	assert(dlist_prepend(NULL, 0) == RET_INVALID_PARAMS);
	assert(dlist_append(NULL, 0) == RET_INVALID_PARAMS);
	assert(dlist_delete(NULL, 0) == RET_INVALID_PARAMS);
	assert(dlist_insert(NULL, 0, 0) == RET_INVALID_PARAMS);
	assert(dlist_set_by_index(NULL, 0, 0) == RET_INVALID_PARAMS);
	assert(dlist_get_by_index(NULL, 0, NULL) == RET_INVALID_PARAMS);
	assert(dlist_find(NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0);
	assert(dlist_foreach(NULL, NULL, NULL) == RET_INVALID_PARAMS);
	printf("===========Warning is normal end==============\n");

Esempio n. 12
File: hash.c Progetto: Tumas/labs
spellcast_htable_insert(sp_hash_table *ht, int key, const void *data)
    void *check_data = NULL;
    int bucket, retval;

    if (spellcast_htable_lookup(ht, key, &check_data) == 0) {
        return 1;

    bucket = hash_key(ht, key);
    retval = dlist_insert(&ht->table[bucket], data);

    if (retval == 0)

    return retval;
Esempio n. 13
static void *producer_thread(void *arg)
	int i = 0;
	DList *dlist = (DList *)arg;
	printf("producer thread executed\n");
	printf("append data\n");
	for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) 
		dlist_insert(dlist, 0, (void *)i);

	printf("prepend data to dlist \n");
	for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) 
		dlist_prepend(dlist, (void *)i);
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 14
point_list_t *point_list_new_and_copy(point_list_t *list)
  dlink_t *a, *b;
  point_list_t *ret;
  point_t *p;


  ret = point_list_new();

  for (a = list->tail->next; a != list->head; a = a->next) {
    p = point_new_and_copy((point_t *)a->object);
    b = dlink_new();
    b->object = (void *)p;
    dlist_insert(b, (dlist_t *)ret);

  return ret;
Esempio n. 15
line_list_t *line_list_new_and_copy(line_list_t *copee)
  dlink_t *a, *b;
  line_list_t *ret;
  line_t *p;


  ret = line_list_new();

  for (a = copee->tail->next; a != copee->head; a = a->next) {
    b = dlink_new();
    p = line_new_and_copy((line_t *)a->object);
    b->object = (void *)p;
    dlist_insert(b, (dlist_t *)ret);

  return ret;
Esempio n. 16
static void* producer(void* param)
    int i = 0;
    DList* dlist = (DList*)param;

    for (i = 0; i < NR; i++) {
        assert(dlist_append(dlist, (void*)i) == RET_OK);


    for (i = 0; i < NR; i++) {
        assert(dlist_prepend(dlist, (void*)i) == RET_OK);

    for (i = 0; i < NR; i++) {
        assert(dlist_insert(dlist, i, (void*)i) == RET_OK);

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 17
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int i = 0;
	int num = 10;
	dlist* head = dlist_creat();
#ifdef TEST	

        //#ifdef DLIST_CREAT_ARRAY
        //#endif  /*DLIST_CREAT_ARRAY*/

	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
		/*dlist_ret ret = dlist_append(head, (void*)i);
		assert(ret == DLIST_RET_OK);*/
		assert(dlist_append(head, (void*)i) == DLIST_RET_OK);
		/*dlist_append(head, (void*)i);*/
	/*for ()
		assert(dlist_prepend() == DLIST_RET_OK);
	//	dlist_delete();
	dlist_delete(head, 2);
	dlist_insert(head, 2 ,(void*)11);

	dlist_print(head, print_int);
#endif /*TEST*/
Esempio n. 18
/* Graham's Scan
 * Given a set of points on the plane, Graham's scan computes their convex hull.
 * The algorithm works in three phases: 
 * 1. Find an extreme point.
 *    This point will be the pivot, is guaranteed to be on the hull,
 *    and is chosen to be the point with largest y coordinate. 
 * 2. Sort the points in order of increasing angle about the pivot.
 *    We end up with a star-shaped polygon (one in which one special point,
 *    in this case the pivot, can "see" the whole polygon). 
 * 3. Build the hull, by marching around the star-shaped poly, adding edges
 *    when we make a left turn, and back-tracking when we make a right turn. 
static int grahamscan(polygon_t *chull, point_list_t *points)
  int i;
  real_t dx, dy, ymin;
  real_t *ang;
  point_t *p, *q;
  point_t *v1, *v2, *v3;
  dlink_t *ax, *bx, *cx, *x, *y, *tmp;
  assert(point_list_get_count(points) >= 3);
  ang = (real_t *)malloc(point_list_get_count(points) * sizeof(real_t));

  // Find an extreme point
  // Preparing the polygon, and
  // Find the point with minimum value of y-coordinate
  for (ax = NULL, x = points->tail->next; x != points->head; x = x->next) {
    p = (point_t *)x->object;
    y = dlink_new();
    y->object = (void *)p;
    dlist_insert(y, chull);
    if (ax == NULL || point_get_y(p) < ymin) {
      ax = y;
      ymin = point_get_y(p);
  dlist_push(ax, chull);

  // Sort the points in order of increasing angle about the pivot.
  p = (point_t *)ax->object;
  for (i = 0, x = ax->next; x != chull->head; x = x->next) {
    q = (point_t *)x->object;
    dx = point_get_x(q) - point_get_x(p);
    dy = point_get_y(q) - point_get_y(p);
    ang[i] = arctan2r(dy, dx);
    x->spare = (void *)&(ang[i]);
    //printf("ang: %lf\n", ang[i-1]);

  for (x = ax->next; x->next != chull->head; x = x->next) {
    for (y = x->next; y != chull->head; y = y->next) {
      if (*((real_t *)y->spare) < *((real_t *)x->spare)) {
	dlink_exchange(x, y);
	tmp = x, x = y, y = tmp;
  //point_dump((point_t *)c->object);

  v1 = point_new();
  v2 = point_new();
  v3 = point_new();

  cx = chull->tail->next->next->next;
  while (cx != chull->head) {
    bx = cx->prev;
    ax = bx->prev;

    point_subtract(v1, (point_t *)ax->object, (point_t *)bx->object);
    point_subtract(v2, (point_t *)cx->object, (point_t *)bx->object);
    point_xproduct(v3, v1, v2);

    // Convex ?
    if (point_get_z(v3) < 0) {
      cx = cx->next;
    } else {
      point_destroy((point_t *)bx->object);

  for (x = chull->tail->next; x != chull->head; x = x->next)
    x->spare = NULL;



  return dlist_get_count(chull);
Esempio n. 19
Ret dlist_append(DList* thiz, void* data)
	return dlist_insert(thiz, -1, data);
Esempio n. 20
Ret dlist_prepend(DList* thiz, void* data)
	return dlist_insert(thiz, 0, data);
Esempio n. 21
Dlist_data *
dlist_add(Dlist *dl, void *d)
  return dlist_insert(dl, __dlist_guard(dl), d);
Esempio n. 22
 /* some problem is occurred due to co-linear pixels,
  * so it need to be check the maximum distance within same minimum angle
  * comment : if break statement in the Right chain growth routine is converted
  * from "if (ycoord[imin] < ycoord[i-1]) break;"
  * to "if (ycoord[imin] <= ycoord[i-1]) break;"
  * , then some problem is removed.
  * However, if an point exits 
  * such that is resemble to "ycoord" of the extreme point
  * and has the minimum angle
  * then the convex hull that we want don't be created.
static int jarvismarch(polygon_t *chull, point_list_t *points)
  real_t ang, dist, ymin;
  real_t amin, dmax, dx, dy;
  dlink_t *x, *y, *ax, *bx;
  point_t *p, *q;

  assert(point_list_get_count(points) >= 3);

  // Preparing the polygon, and
  // Find the point with minimum value of y-coordinate
  for (ax = NULL, x = points->tail->next; x != points->head; x = x->next) {
    p = (point_t *)x->object;
    y = dlink_new();
    y->object = (void *)p;
    dlist_insert(y, chull);
    if (ax == NULL || point_get_y(p) < ymin) {
      ax = y;
      ymin = point_get_y(p);
  dlist_push(ax, chull);
  point_dump((point_t *)ax->object);

  // Scan right chain
  for (ax = chull->tail->next; ax->next != chull->head; ax = ax->next) {
    p = (point_t *)ax->object;
    for (bx = NULL, x = ax->next; x != chull->head; x = x->next) {
      q = (point_t *)x->object;
      dx = point_get_x(q) - point_get_x(p);
      dy = point_get_y(q) - point_get_y(p);
      ang = arctan2r(dy, dx);
      dist = sqrt(sqr(dx) + sqr(dy));
      // Find another vertex with min-angle and max-distance
      if (bx == NULL || ang < amin) {
	bx = x;
	amin = ang;
	dmax = dist;
      } else if (ang == amin && dist > dmax) {
	bx = x;
	dmax = dist;
    q = (point_t *)bx->object;

    // Right chain complete ?
    if (point_get_y(q) < point_get_y(p))

    // Swapping (coordinations and mark)
    dlink_append(bx, ax);
    point_dump((point_t *)bx->object);
  //printf("n: %d\n", convexhull->count);

  // Scan left chain
  for (; ax->next != chull->head; ax = ax->next) {
    p = (point_t *)ax->object;
    for (bx = NULL, x = ax->next; x != chull->head; x = x->next) {
      q = (point_t *)x->object;
      dx = point_get_x(p) - point_get_x(q);
      dy = point_get_y(p) - point_get_y(q);
      ang = arctan2r(dy, dx);
      dist = sqrt(sqr(dx) + sqr(dy));
      if (bx == NULL || ang < amin) {
	bx = x;
	amin = ang;
	dmax = dist;
      } else if (ang == amin && dist > dmax) {
	bx = x;
	dmax = dist;

    y = chull->tail->next;
    q = (point_t *)y->object;
    dx = point_get_x(p) - point_get_x(q);
    dy = point_get_y(p) - point_get_y(q);
    ang = arctan2r(dy, dx);
    // Convexhull complete ?
    if (ang < amin) break;

    // Swapping
    dlink_append(bx, ax);
    point_dump((point_t *)bx->object);
  //printf("n: %d\n", convexhull->count);

  while (ax->next != chull->head) {
    x = ax->next;
    point_destroy((point_t *)x->object);

  return dlist_get_count(chull);
Esempio n. 23
static int quickhull(polygon_t *chull, point_list_t *points)
  real_t ymin, ymax, yval;
  point_t *p, *v1, *v2, *v3;
  dlink_t *ax, *bx, *x, *y, *next;
  dlist_t *right_group, *left_group;


  // Allocate the structure element of convex hull
  for (x = points->tail->next; x != points->head; x = x->next) {
    p = (point_t *)x->object;
    y = dlink_new();
    y->object = (void *)p;
    dlist_insert(y, chull);

  // find the extreme points along y-axis
  ax = NULL;
  bx = NULL;
  for (x = chull->tail->next; x != chull->head; x = x->next) {
    yval = point_get_y((point_t *)(x->object));
    if (ax == NULL || yval < ymin) {
      ax = x;
      ymin = yval;
    if (bx == NULL || yval > ymax) {
      bx = x;
      ymax = yval;
  //point_dump((point_t *)ax->object);
  //point_dump((point_t *)bx->object);

  v1 = point_new();
  v2 = point_new();
  v3 = point_new();

  //printf("for right section\n");
  right_group= dlist_new();
  dlist_insert(ax, right_group);
  point_subtract(v2, (point_t *)bx->object, (point_t *)ax->object);
  for (x = chull->tail->next; x != chull->head;) {
    //point_dump((point_t *)x->object);
    point_subtract(v1, (point_t *)x->object, (point_t *)ax->object);
    point_xproduct(v3, v1, v2);
    if (point_get_z(v3) > 0) {
      next = x->next;
      dlist_insert(x, right_group);
      //printf(" ");
      //point_dump((point_t *)x->object);
      x = next;
    } else x = x->next;
  dlist_insert(bx, right_group);

  //printf("for left section\n");
  ax = dlist_pop(right_group);
  bx = dlist_extract(right_group);
  //point_dump((point_t *)ax->object);
  //point_dump((point_t *)bx->object);

  left_group = dlist_new();
  dlist_insert(bx, left_group);
  point_subtract(v2, (point_t *)ax->object, (point_t *)bx->object);
  for (x = chull->tail->next; x != chull->head; ) {
    point_subtract(v1, (point_t *)x->object, (point_t *)bx->object);
    point_xproduct(v3, v1, v2);
    if (point_get_z(v3) > 0) {
      next = x->next;
      dlist_insert(x, left_group);
      //point_dump((point_t *)x->object);
      x = next;
    } else {
      next = x->next;
      point_destroy((point_t *)x->object);
      x = next;
  dlist_insert(ax, left_group);

  ax = dlist_extract(left_group);
  bx = dlist_pop(left_group);

  dlist_insert(ax, chull);
  while (dlist_get_count(right_group) > 0) {
    x = dlist_pop(right_group);
    dlist_insert(x, chull);
  dlist_insert(bx, chull);

  while (dlist_get_count(left_group) > 0) {
    x = dlist_pop(left_group);
    dlist_insert(x, chull);



  return dlist_get_count(chull);
Esempio n. 24
void test_list()
    printf("\ntesting single list\n");

    // single link list
    struct snode {
        struct slist lnk;
        int i;
        int j;

    struct slist shead;

    struct snode* n1 = (struct snode*)malloc(sizeof(struct snode));
    n1->i = 1; n1->j = 1;
    slist_insert(&shead, &n1->lnk); // insert n1 AFTER head

    struct snode* n2 = (struct snode*)malloc(sizeof(struct snode));
    n2->i = 2; n2->j = 2;
    slist_insert(&n1->lnk, &n2->lnk);   // insert n2 after n1

    struct snode* n3 = (struct snode*)malloc(sizeof(struct snode));
    n3->i = 3; n3->j = 3;
    slist_insert(&n2->lnk, &n3->lnk);   // insert n3 after n2

    struct snode* n0 = (struct snode*)malloc(sizeof(struct snode));
    n0->i = 0; n0->j = 0;
    slist_insert(&shead, &n0->lnk);     // insert n0 after head

    struct snode* pos;
    slist_for_each_entry(pos, struct snode, &shead, lnk) {
        printf("%d ", pos->i);

    slist_remove(&n1->lnk, &n2->lnk);   // remove n2
    slist_remove(&n1->lnk, &n3->lnk);   // remove n3
    slist_remove(&shead, &n0->lnk);     // remove n0
    slist_remove(&shead, &n1->lnk);     // remove n1
    slist_for_each_entry(pos, struct snode, &shead, lnk) {
        printf("%d ", pos->i);

    printf("\ntesting double link list\n");

    // double link list
    struct dnode {
        struct dlist lnk;

        int i;
        int j;

    struct dlist dhead;

    struct dnode* d0 = (struct dnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct dnode));
    d0->i = 0; d0->j = 0;
    dlist_insert(&dhead, &d0->lnk); // insert d0 before head

    struct dnode* d2 = (struct dnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct dnode));
    d2->i = 2; d2->j = 2;
    dlist_insert(&dhead, &d2->lnk); // insert d2 before head

    struct dnode* d1 = (struct dnode*)malloc(sizeof(struct dnode));
    d1->i = 1; d1->j = 1;
    dlist_insert(&d2->lnk, &d1->lnk);   // insert d2 before d1

    struct dnode* p;
    dlist_for_each_entry(p, struct dnode, &dhead, lnk) {
        printf("%d ", p->i);

    // remove first and last node
    dlist_for_each_entry(p, struct dnode, &dhead, lnk) {
        printf("%d ", p->i);
    // remove the only left node
    dlist_for_each_entry(p, struct dnode, &dhead, lnk) {
        printf("%d ", p->i);
Esempio n. 25
/* return 1 for (potential) success, 0 for failure */
int try_server(int index, int conn)
	int upfd;
	int client = conns[conn].client;
	int n = 0, err;
	int optval = 1;
	struct sockaddr_storage *addr = &servers[index].addr;
	/* The idea is that a client should be able to connect again to the same server
	   even if the server is close to its configured connection limit */
	int sticky = ((client != -1) && (index == clients[client].server));

	if (index == NO_SERVER) {
		DEBUG(2, "Won't try to connect to NO_SERVER");
		return 0;	/* out of bounds */
	DEBUG(2, "Trying server %d for connection %d at time %d", index, conn, now);
	if (pen_getport(addr) == 0) {
		DEBUG(1, "No port for you!");
		return 0;
	if (now-servers[index].status < blacklist_time) {
		DEBUG(1, "Server %d is blacklisted", index);
		return 0;
	if (servers[index].maxc != 0 &&
	    (servers[index].c >= servers[index].maxc) &&
	    (sticky == 0 || servers[index].c >= servers[index].hard)) {
		DEBUG(1, "Server %d is overloaded: sticky=%d, maxc=%d, hard=%d", \
				index, sticky, servers[index].maxc, servers[index].hard);
		return 0;
	if ((client != -1) && !match_acl(servers[index].acl, &(clients[client].addr))) {
		DEBUG(1, "try_server: denied by acl");
		return 0;
	upfd = socket_nb(addr->ss_family, protoid, 0);

	if (keepalive) {
		setsockopt(upfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void *)&optval, sizeof optval);

	if (debuglevel > 1) {
		debug("Connecting to %s", pen_ntoa(addr));
	conns[conn].t = now;

	if (transparent) spoof_bind(index, conn, upfd);

	n = connect(upfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, pen_ss_size(addr));
	err = socket_errno;
	DEBUG(2, "connect (upfd = %d) returns %d, errno = %d, socket_errno = %d",
		upfd, n, errno, err);
	/* A new complication is that we don't know yet if the connect will succeed. */
	if (n == 0) {		/* connection completed */
		conns[conn].state = CS_CONNECTED;
		if (conns[conn].downfd == -1) {
			/* idler */
			conns[conn].state |= CS_CLOSED_DOWN;
		event_add(upfd, EVENT_READ);
		if (!udp) event_add(conns[conn].downfd, EVENT_READ);
		if (servers[index].status) {
			servers[index].status = 0;
			DEBUG(1, "Server %d ok", index);
		DEBUG(2, "Successful connect to server %d\n" \
			"conns[%d].client = %d\n" \
			"conns[%d].server = %d", \
			index, conn, conns[conn].client, conn, conns[conn].server);
	} else if (err == CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS) {	/* may potentially succeed */
		conns[conn].state = CS_IN_PROGRESS;
		pending_list = dlist_insert(pending_list, conn);
		conns[conn].pend = pending_list;
		event_add(upfd, EVENT_WRITE);
		DEBUG(2, "Pending connect to server %d\n" \
			"conns[%d].client = %d\n" \
			"conns[%d].server = %d", \
			index, conn, conns[conn].client, conn, conns[conn].server);
	} else {		/* failed definitely */
		if (servers[index].status == 0) {
			debug("Server %d failed, retry in %d sec: %d",
				index, blacklist_time, socket_errno);
		debug("blacklisting server %d because connect error %d", index, err);
		return 0;
	conns[conn].server = index;
	DEBUG(2, "Setting server %d for client %d", index, client);
	clients[client].server = index;
	current = index;
	conns[conn].upfd = upfd;
	fd2conn_set(upfd, conn);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 26
int test_dlist()
	puts("starting double linked list tests");
	int value = 0;
	struct DList *dlist = dlist_create();
	puts("empty double list created");
	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 0) {
		printf("dlist_length of empty list should be zero\n");
		return 0;

	puts("dlist_length ok");
	// Insert value 101 and test functions
	dlist_insert(dlist, 0, 101);
	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 1) {
		printf("dlist_length should be 1\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_get(dlist, 0, &value) == 0) {
		printf("Error in dlist_get (1)\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != 101) {
		printf("dlist_get should return value 101\n");
		return 0;

	// Insert value 202 and test functions
	dlist_insert(dlist, 0, 202);
	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 2) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 2\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_get(dlist, 0, &value) == 0) {
		printf("Error in dlist_length (2)\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != 202) {
		printf("dlist_get should return 202\n");
		return 0;

	puts("dlist_get ok");
	// Test remove function

	if (dlist_remove(dlist, 1) == 0) {
		printf("Error in dlist_remove\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 1) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 1 (after remove)\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_remove(dlist, 1) != 0) {
		printf("Error in dlist_remove\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 1) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 1 (after remove)\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_remove(dlist, 0) == 0) {
		printf("Error in dlist_remove\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 0) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 0 (after remove)\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_remove(dlist, 0) != 0) {
		printf("Error in dlist_remove\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 0) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 0 (after remove)\n");
		return 0;
	puts("dlist_remove ok");
	// test dlist_append()
	dlist_append(dlist, -5);
	dlist_append(dlist, 1);
	dlist_append(dlist, 15);
	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 3) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 0\n");
		return 0;
	if (dlist_get(dlist, 0, &value) != 1) {
		printf("Error in dlist_append\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != -5) {
		printf("dlist_get should return -5\n");
		return 0;
	if (dlist_get(dlist, 1, &value) != 1) {
		printf("Error in dlist_append\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != 1) {
		printf("dlist_get should return 1\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_get(dlist, 2, &value) != 1) {
		printf("Error in dlist_append\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != 15) {
		printf("dlist_get should return 15\n");
		return 0;
	puts("dlist_append ok");
	// test dlist insert
	dlist_insert(dlist, -5, 0);
	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 4) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 4\n");
		return 0;
	if (dlist_get(dlist, 0, &value) != 1) {
		printf("Error in dlist_append\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != 0) {
		printf("dlist_get should return 0\n");
		return 0;
	dlist_insert(dlist, 1, 100);

	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 5) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 5\n");
		return 0;
	if (dlist_get(dlist, 1, &value) != 1) {
		printf("Error in dlist_append\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != 100) {
		printf("dlist_get should return 100\n");
		return 0;
	dlist_insert(dlist, 10, 500);
	if (dlist_length(dlist) != 6) {
		printf("dlist_length should return 6\n");
		return 0;

	if (dlist_get(dlist, 5, &value) != 1) {
		printf("Error in dlist_append\n");
		return 0;
	if (value != 500) {
		printf("dlist_get should return 500\n");
		return 0;
	puts("dlist_insert ok");
	// test print and  print reversed
	puts("print current dlist");
	puts("printing reversed dlist");
	puts("check print and print_reversed for yourself!");
	puts("all tests of double linked lists completed");

	return 1;
Esempio n. 27
void test_int_dlist(void)
    int s = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int n = 100;
    int data = 0;
    DList* dlist = dlist_create(NULL, NULL);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        assert(dlist_append(dlist, (void*)i) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_length(dlist) == (i + 1));
        assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, i, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(data == i);
        assert(dlist_set_by_index(dlist, i, (void*)(2 * i)) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, i, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(data == 2 * i);
        assert(dlist_set_by_index(dlist, i, (void*)i) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_find(dlist, cmp_int, (void*)i) == i);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, 0, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(data == (i));
        assert(dlist_length(dlist) == (n - i));
        assert(dlist_delete(dlist, 0) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_length(dlist) == (n - i - 1));

        if ((i + 1) < n) {
            assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, 0, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
            assert((int)data == (i + 1));

    assert(dlist_length(dlist) == 0);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        assert(dlist_prepend(dlist, (void*)i) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_length(dlist) == (i + 1));
        assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, 0, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(data == i);
        assert(dlist_set_by_index(dlist, 0, (void*)(2 * i)) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, 0, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(data == 2 * i);
        assert(dlist_set_by_index(dlist, 0, (void*)i) == DLIST_RET_OK);

    i = n - 1;
    assert(dlist_foreach(dlist, check_and_dec_int, &i) == DLIST_RET_OK);

    s = dlist_length(dlist);

    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        assert(dlist_insert(dlist, i, (void*)i) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_length(dlist) == (s + i));
        assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, i, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(data == i);
        assert(dlist_set_by_index(dlist, i, (void*)(2 * i)) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(dlist_get_by_index(dlist, i, (void**)&data) == DLIST_RET_OK);
        assert(data == 2 * i);
        assert(dlist_set_by_index(dlist, i, (void*)i) == DLIST_RET_OK);


Esempio n. 28
 * Quick-Hull
 * Here's an algorithm that deserves its name.
 * It's a fast way to compute the convex hull of a set of points on the plane.
 * It shares a few similarities with its namesake, quick-sort: 
 * - it is recursive.
 * - each recursive step partitions data into several groups.
 * The partitioning step does all the work. The basic idea is as follows:
 * 1. We are given a some points, 
 *    and line segment AB which we know is a chord of the convex hull. 
 * 2. Among the given points, find the one which is farthest from AB.
 *    Let's call this point C.
 * 3. The points inside the triangle ABC cannot be on the hull.
 *    Put them in set s0.
 * 4. Put the points which lie outside edge AC in set s1,
 * and points outside edge BC in set s2.
 * Once the partitioning is done, we recursively invoke quick-hull on sets s1 and s2.
 * The algorithm works fast on random sets of points 
 * because step 3 of the partition typically discards a large fraction of the points. 
static int quickhull_grouping(dlist_t *group)
  dlink_t *x, *ax, *bx, *cx, *next;
  dlist_t *s1, *s2;
  point_t *v1, *v2, *v3;
  real_t area;


  if (dlist_get_count(group) <= 2)
    return dlist_get_count(group);

  v1 = point_new();
  v2 = point_new();
  v3 = point_new();

  // Find the point with maximum parallelogram's area
  ax = dlist_pop(group);
  bx = dlist_extract(group);
  cx = NULL;

  point_subtract(v2, (point_t *)(bx->object), (point_t *)(ax->object));
  for (x = group->tail->next; x != group->head; x = x->next) {
    point_subtract(v1, (point_t *)(x->object), (point_t *)(ax->object));
    point_xproduct(v3, v1, v2);
    if (cx == NULL || point_get_z(v3) > area) {
      cx = x;
      area = point_get_z(v3);

  // S1 grouping
  s1 = dlist_new();
  dlist_insert(ax, s1);
  point_subtract(v2, (point_t *)(cx->object), (point_t *)(ax->object));
  for (x = group->tail->next; x != group->head; ) {
    point_subtract(v1, (point_t *)(x->object), (point_t *)(ax->object));
    point_xproduct(v3, v1, v2);
    if (point_get_z(v3) > 0) {
      next = x->next;
      dlist_insert(x, s1);
      x = next;
    } else x = x->next;
  dlist_insert(cx, s1);
  assert(cx == s1->head->prev);

  // S2 grouping and pop out others
  cx = dlist_extract(s1);
  s2 = dlist_new();
  dlist_insert(cx, s2);
  point_subtract(v2, (point_t *)bx->object, (point_t *)cx->object);
  for (x = group->tail->next; x != group->head;) {
    point_subtract(v1, (point_t *)x->object, (point_t *)cx->object);
    point_xproduct(v3, v1, v2);
    if (point_get_z(v3) > 0) {
      next = x->next;
      dlist_insert(x, s2);
      x = next;
    } else {
      next = x->next;
      point_destroy((point_t *)x->object);
      x = next;
  dlist_insert(bx, s2);
  assert(bx == s2->head->prev);

  assert(dlist_get_count(group) == 0);
  //assert(group->count == 0);

  // Merge s1 and s2 into group
  while (dlist_get_count(s1) > 0) {
    x = dlist_pop(s1);
    dlist_insert(x, group);

  while (dlist_get_count(s2) > 0) {
    x = dlist_pop(s2);
    dlist_insert(x, group);



  return dlist_get_count(group);
Esempio n. 29
 * By computing a formula, deriving and finding the minimum,
 * one can prove that
 * the minimum rects will always have at least one side that lies on a polygon edge. 
 * In order to find the minimum area or circumference blocking rectangule,
 * we'll examine a sequence of such rectangles.
 * The basic idea is to start with a bounding rectangle and to rotate it at each step,
 * so we'll change only one point from the polygon's points that lie on the rect.
 * We do that by calculating the angles for each point
 * between the rect side that lies on it and the next polygon edge (clockwise).
 * We rotate the rect in the minimal angle we've calculated.
 * The first rect will lie on the most right, most left, most up and most down points. 
 * For each rect we'll calculate the area and the circumference. This way we can find the minimum.
static void convexhull_create_circumference_rectangles(dlist_t *circumrects, polygon_t *chull)
  int i, irotate;
  real_t *angle, rectangle[4], delta;
  real_t rotate, dmin, slope, yslope, ortho, yortho, temp;
  real_t xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, area;
  point_t *p, *q, *r, *s;
  dlink_t *left, *right, *top, *bottom;
  dlink_t *cross_vertex[4], *start, *pivot, *pivot_next;
  dlink_t *ax, *bx;
  polygon_t *rect;

  assert(polygon_get_count(chull) >= 3);

  // Finding angle of edge of convexhull
  angle = (real_t *)malloc(polygon_get_count(chull) * sizeof(real_t));

  i = 0;
  ax = chull->head->prev;
  bx = chull->tail->next;
  do {
    p = (point_t *)ax->object;
    q = (point_t *)bx->object;
    angle[i] = arctan2r(point_get_y(q) - point_get_y(p),
			point_get_x(q) - point_get_x(p));
    //angle[i] = angle[i] > M_PI ? angle[i]-M_PI : angle[i];
    ax->spare = (void *)&angle[i];
	   point_get_x(p), point_get_y(p),
	   point_get_x(q), point_get_y(q),
	   angle[i] * 180 / M_PI);
    ax = bx;
    bx = bx->next;
  } while (bx != chull->head);
  printf("Initialized the angle between verteces\n");
  // Finding four extreme points
  left = NULL;
  right = NULL;
  top = NULL;
  bottom = NULL;
  for (ax = chull->tail->next; ax != chull->head; ax = ax->next) {
    p = (point_t *)ax->object;
    if (left == NULL || point_get_x(p) < xmin) {
      left = ax;
      xmin = point_get_x(p);
    if (right == NULL || point_get_x(p) > xmax) {
      right = ax;
      xmax = point_get_x(p);
    if (bottom == NULL || point_get_y(p) < ymin) {
      bottom = ax;
      ymin = point_get_y(p);
    if (top == NULL || point_get_y(p) > ymax) {
      top = ax;
      ymax = point_get_y(p);
  cross_vertex[0] = bottom;
  cross_vertex[1] = right;
  cross_vertex[2] = top;
  cross_vertex[3] = left;
  area = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin);

  // Forming the starting rectangle from four extreme points
  rect = polygon_new();
  polygon_insert(point_new_and_set(xmin, ymin, 0), rect);
  polygon_insert(point_new_and_set(xmax, ymin, 0), rect);
  polygon_insert(point_new_and_set(xmax, ymax, 0), rect);
  polygon_insert(point_new_and_set(xmin, ymax, 0), rect);

  // Angle of four edge of the starting rectangle
  rectangle[0] = 0;
  rectangle[1] = M_PI_2;
  rectangle[2] = M_PI;
  rectangle[3] = M_PI + M_PI_2;
  for (i = 0, ax = rect->tail->next; ax != rect->head; ax = ax->next) {
    ax->spare = (void *)&rectangle[i];

  ax = dlink_new();
  ax->object = (void *)polygon_new_and_copy(rect);
  dlist_insert(ax, circumrects);

  // Difference between angle of edge of rectangle and edge of convexhull
  start = NULL;
  for (i = 0, ax = rect->tail->next; ax != rect->head; ax = ax->next) {
    delta = (*((real_t *)cross_vertex[i]->spare) - *((real_t *)ax->spare) + 2 * M_PI);
    if (delta >= 2 * M_PI) delta -= 2 * M_PI;
    if ((start == NULL) || (delta < dmin)) {
      start = cross_vertex[i];
      dmin = delta;
      irotate = i;

  rotate = 0;
  pivot = start;
  do {
    if (pivot->next == chull->head) pivot_next = chull->tail->next;
    else pivot_next = pivot->next;

    p = (point_t *)pivot->object;
    q = (point_t *)pivot_next->object;

    if (point_get_x(p) == point_get_x(q) || point_get_y(p) == point_get_y(q)) {
      // For 0 or 90 or 180 degree
      // Nothing
    } else {
      // For others
      // Update rectangluar by pivot edge for rotation

      // Finding parameters of extending line between p and q
      slope = (point_get_y(q) - point_get_y(p)) /
	(point_get_x(q) - point_get_x(p));
      yslope = point_get_y(q) - slope * point_get_x(q);

      r = (point_t *)cross_vertex[(irotate + 1) % 4]->object;
      ortho = -1 / slope;
      yortho = point_get_y(r) - ortho * point_get_x(r);
      s = polygon_glimpse(irotate, rect);
      point_put_x(-1 * (yslope - yortho) / (slope - ortho), s);
      point_put_y(slope * point_get_x(s) + yslope, s);

      temp = slope;
      slope = ortho;
      ortho = temp;
      yslope = yortho;
      r = (point_t *)cross_vertex[(irotate + 2) % 4]->object;
      yortho = point_get_y(r) - ortho * point_get_x(r);

      s = polygon_glimpse((irotate + 1) % 4, rect);
      point_put_x(-1 * (yslope - yortho) / (slope - ortho), s);
      point_put_y(slope * point_get_x(s) + yslope, s);

      temp = slope;
      slope = ortho;
      ortho = temp;
      yslope = yortho;
      r = (point_t *)cross_vertex[(irotate + 3) % 4]->object;
      yortho = point_get_y(r) - ortho * point_get_x(r);

      s = polygon_glimpse((irotate + 2) % 4, rect);
      point_put_x(-1 * (yslope - yortho) / (slope - ortho), s);
      point_put_y(slope * point_get_x(s) + yslope, s);

      temp = slope;
      slope = ortho;
      ortho = temp;
      yslope = yortho;
      r = (point_t *)cross_vertex[irotate]->object;
      yortho = point_get_y(r) - ortho * point_get_x(r);

      s = polygon_glimpse((irotate + 3) % 4, rect);
      point_put_x(-1 * (yslope - yortho) / (slope - ortho), s);
      point_put_y(slope * point_get_x(s) + yslope, s);

      rotate += dmin;
      for (ax = rect->tail->next; ax != rect->head; ax = ax->next) {
	*((real_t *)ax->spare) += dmin;
	if (*((real_t *)ax->spare) >= 2 * M_PI)
	  *((real_t *)ax->spare) -= 2 * M_PI;
      p = polygon_glimpse(0, rect);
      q = polygon_glimpse(1, rect);
      r = polygon_glimpse(2, rect);
      s = polygon_glimpse(3, rect);

      ax = dlink_new();
      ax->object = (void *)polygon_new_and_copy(rect);
      dlist_insert(ax, circumrects);

      temp = get_distance_of_p2p(p, q) * get_distance_of_p2p(q, r);
      if (temp < area)
	area = temp;

    // Update crossing verteces between rectangle and convexhull
    cross_vertex[irotate] = pivot_next;

    pivot = NULL;
    for (i = 0, ax = rect->tail->next; ax != rect->head; ax = ax->next) {
      delta = (*((real_t *)cross_vertex[i]->spare) - *((real_t *)ax->spare) + 2 * M_PI);
      if (delta >= 2 * M_PI) delta -= 2 * M_PI;
      if (pivot == NULL || delta < dmin) {
	pivot = cross_vertex[i];
	dmin = delta;
	irotate = i;

    p = polygon_glimpse(0, rect);
    q = polygon_glimpse(1, rect);
    r = polygon_glimpse(2, rect);
    s = polygon_glimpse(3, rect);
  } while (pivot != start);


Esempio n. 30
static Ret linear_container_dlist_insert(LinearContainer* thiz, size_t index, void* data)
	PrivInfo* priv = (PrivInfo*)thiz->priv;

	return dlist_insert(priv->dlist, index, data);