Esempio n. 1
s32 MPT_InitializeAdapter(struct adapter *pAdapter, u8 Channel)
	struct hal_data_8188e	*pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
	s32		rtStatus = _SUCCESS;
	struct mpt_context *pMptCtx = &pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx;
	struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &pAdapter->mlmepriv;

	/*  HW Initialization for 8190 MPT. */
	/*  SW Initialization for 8190 MP. */
	pMptCtx->bMptDrvUnload = false;
	pMptCtx->bMassProdTest = false;
	pMptCtx->bMptIndexEven = true;	/* default gain index is -6.0db */
	pMptCtx->h2cReqNum = 0x0;
	/* Init mpt event. */
	/* init for BT MP */

	pMptCtx->bMptWorkItemInProgress = false;
	pMptCtx->CurrMptAct = NULL;
	/*  */

	/*  Don't accept any packets */
	rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_RCR, 0);

	PHY_IQCalibrate(pAdapter, false);
	dm_CheckTXPowerTracking(&pHalData->odmpriv);	/* trigger thermal meter */

	pMptCtx->backup0xc50 = (u8)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, bMaskByte0);
	pMptCtx->backup0xc58 = (u8)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XBAGCCore1, bMaskByte0);
	pMptCtx->backup0xc30 = (u8)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_RxDetector1, bMaskByte0);
	pMptCtx->backup0x52_RF_A = (u8)PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_0x52, 0x000F0);
	pMptCtx->backup0x52_RF_B = (u8)PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_0x52, 0x000F0);

	/* set ant to wifi side in mp mode */
	rtw_write16(pAdapter, 0x870, 0x300);
	rtw_write16(pAdapter, 0x860, 0x110);

	if (pAdapter->registrypriv.mp_mode == 1)
		pmlmepriv->fw_state = WIFI_MP_STATE;

	return	rtStatus;
	IN	PADAPTER			pAdapter,
	IN	u8				Channel
	HAL_DATA_TYPE	*pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
	s32		rtStatus = _SUCCESS;
	PMPT_CONTEXT	pMptCtx = &pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx;
	u32		tmpRegA, tmpRegC, TempCCk,ledsetting;

	// HW Initialization for 8190 MPT.
	// SW Initialization for 8190 MP.
	pMptCtx->bMptDrvUnload = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->bMassProdTest = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->bMptIndexEven = _TRUE;	//default gain index is -6.0db

	/* Init mpt event. */
#if 0 // for Windows
	NdisInitializeEvent( &(pMptCtx->MptWorkItemEvent) );
	NdisAllocateSpinLock( &(pMptCtx->MptWorkItemSpinLock) );

	pMptCtx->bMptWorkItemInProgress = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->CurrMptAct = NULL;

#if 1
	// Don't accept any packets
	rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_RCR, 0);
	// Accept CRC error and destination address
	pHalData->ReceiveConfig |= (RCR_ACRC32|RCR_AAP);
	rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_RCR, pHalData->ReceiveConfig);

#if 0
	// If EEPROM or EFUSE is empty,we assign as RF 2T2R for MP.
	if (pHalData->AutoloadFailFlag == TRUE)
		pHalData->RF_Type = RF_2T2R;
	ledsetting = rtw_read32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0);
	rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0, ledsetting & ~LED0DIS);

#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8192C
	PHY_IQCalibrate(pAdapter, _FALSE);
	dm_CheckTXPowerTracking(pAdapter);	//trigger thermal meter

#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8192D
	dm_CheckTXPowerTracking(pAdapter);	//trigger thermal meter

	PHY_SetRFPathSwitch(pAdapter, 1/*pHalData->bDefaultAntenna*/);	//Wifi default use Main

#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8192C
#if 1
	if (pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_MINICARD)
		PHY_SetRFPathSwitch(pAdapter, 1/*pHalData->bDefaultAntenna*/); //default use Main
	if(pAdapter->HalFunc.GetInterfaceSelectionHandler(pAdapter) == INTF_SEL2_MINICARD )
		PHY_SetRFPathSwitch(Adapter, pAdapter->MgntInfo.bDefaultAntenna); //default use Main



	pMptCtx->backup0xc50 = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, bMaskByte0);
	pMptCtx->backup0xc58 = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XBAGCCore1, bMaskByte0);
	pMptCtx->backup0xc30 = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_RxDetector1, bMaskByte0);

	return	rtStatus;
Esempio n. 3
	IN	PADAPTER			pAdapter,
	IN	u8				Channel
	HAL_DATA_TYPE	*pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
	s32		rtStatus = _SUCCESS;
	PMPT_CONTEXT	pMptCtx = &pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx;
	u32		ledsetting;
	struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &pAdapter->mlmepriv;

	// HW Initialization for 8190 MPT.
	// SW Initialization for 8190 MP.
	pMptCtx->bMptDrvUnload = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->bMassProdTest = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->bMptIndexEven = _TRUE;	//default gain index is -6.0db
	pMptCtx->h2cReqNum = 0x0;
	/* Init mpt event. */
#if 0 // for Windows
	NdisInitializeEvent( &(pMptCtx->MptWorkItemEvent) );
	NdisAllocateSpinLock( &(pMptCtx->MptWorkItemSpinLock) );

	//init for BT MP
#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8723A
	pMptCtx->bMPh2c_timeout = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->MptH2cRspEvent = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->MptBtC2hEvent = _FALSE;
	_rtw_init_sema(&pMptCtx->MPh2c_Sema, 0);
	_init_timer( &pMptCtx->MPh2c_timeout_timer, pAdapter->pnetdev, MPh2c_timeout_handle, pAdapter );

	//before the reset bt patch command,set the wifi page 0's IO to BT mac reboot.

	pMptCtx->bMptWorkItemInProgress = _FALSE;
	pMptCtx->CurrMptAct = NULL;

#if 1
	// Don't accept any packets
	rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_RCR, 0);
	// Accept CRC error and destination address
	//pHalData->ReceiveConfig |= (RCR_ACRC32|RCR_AAP);
	//rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_RCR, pHalData->ReceiveConfig);
	rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_RCR, 0x70000101);

#if 0
	// If EEPROM or EFUSE is empty,we assign as RF 2T2R for MP.
	if (pHalData->AutoloadFailFlag == TRUE)
		pHalData->RF_Type = RF_2T2R;

	//ledsetting = rtw_read32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0);
	//rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0, ledsetting & ~LED0DIS);
		rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0, 0x8888);
		//rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0, 0x08080);
		ledsetting = rtw_read32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0);
	#if defined (CONFIG_RTL8192C) || defined( CONFIG_RTL8192D )
			rtw_write32(pAdapter, REG_LEDCFG0, ledsetting & ~LED0DIS);
	PHY_IQCalibrate(pAdapter, _FALSE);
	dm_CheckTXPowerTracking(&pHalData->odmpriv);	//trigger thermal meter

	PHY_SetRFPathSwitch(pAdapter, 1/*pHalData->bDefaultAntenna*/);	//Wifi default use Main

#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8192C
	if (pHalData->BoardType == BOARD_MINICARD)
		PHY_SetRFPathSwitch(pAdapter, 1/*pHalData->bDefaultAntenna*/); //default use Main


	pMptCtx->backup0xc50 = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XAAGCCore1, bMaskByte0);
	pMptCtx->backup0xc58 = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_XBAGCCore1, bMaskByte0);
	pMptCtx->backup0xc30 = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_RxDetector1, bMaskByte0);
#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8188E
	pMptCtx->backup0x52_RF_A = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_0x52, 0x000F0);
	pMptCtx->backup0x52_RF_B = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_0x52, 0x000F0);
		//set ant to wifi side in mp mode
#ifdef CONFIG_RTL8723A
#endif //CONFIG_RTL8723A

	//set ant to wifi side in mp mode
	rtw_write16(pAdapter, 0x870, 0x300);
	rtw_write16(pAdapter, 0x860, 0x110);

	if (pAdapter->registrypriv.mp_mode == 1)
		pmlmepriv->fw_state = WIFI_MP_STATE;

	return	rtStatus;