struct dnaMotif *dnaMotifLoadNamed(struct sqlConnection *conn, 
	char *table, char *name)
/* Load motif of given name from table.  Return NULL if no such
 * motif. */
char where[256];
safef(where, sizeof(where), "name='%s'", name);
return dnaMotifLoadWhere(conn, table, where);
Esempio n. 2
struct dnaMotif *loadDnaMotif(char *motifName, char *motifTable)
/* Load dnaMotif from table. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
char query[256];
struct dnaMotif *motif;
sqlSafefFrag(query, sizeof query, "name = '%s'", motifName);
motif = dnaMotifLoadWhere(conn, motifTable, query);
return motif;
Esempio n. 3
void motifFinder(char *database, char *name, int fileCount, char *files[])
/* motifFinder - find largest scoring motif in bed items. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
int fileNum;
char where[256];
struct chromInfo *ci  = createChromInfoList(NULL, database);
sqlSafefFrag(where, sizeof(where), "name = '%s'", name);
struct dnaMotif *motif = dnaMotifLoadWhere(conn, motifTable, where);
if(markovTable != NULL)
if(motif == NULL)
    errAbort("couldn't find motif '%s'", name);
for (fileNum = 0; fileNum < fileCount; fileNum++)
    char *words[64], *line;
    char **row;
    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(files[fileNum], TRUE);
    while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
	int dnaLength, i, j, rowOffset, length, wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
        unsigned chromSize;
        boolean markovFound = FALSE;
        double mark0[5];
        double mark2[5][5][5];
        struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
        char *dupe = NULL;
        if (0 == wordCount)
        lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, 3, wordCount);
        dupe = cloneString(line);
        char *chrom = words[0];
        int chromStart = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 1);
        if(markovTable != NULL)
            chromStart = max(2, chromStart);
        unsigned chromEnd = lineFileNeedNum(lf, words, 2);
        if (chromEnd < 1)
            errAbort("ERROR: line %d:'%s'\nchromEnd is less than 1\n",
		     lf->lineIx, dupe);
        if (chromStart > chromEnd)
            errAbort("ERROR: line %d:'%s'\nchromStart after chromEnd (%d > %d)\n",
                     lf->lineIx, dupe, chromStart, chromEnd);
        length = chromEnd - chromStart;
        chromSize = getChromSize(ci, chrom);
        if(markovTable == NULL)
            dnaLength = length;
            seq = hDnaFromSeq(database, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, dnaUpper);
                int i;
                mark0[0] = 1;
                for(i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                    mark0[i] = 0.25;
                dnaMark0(seq, mark0, NULL);
            dnaLength = length + 4;
            if(chromStart - 2 + dnaLength > chromSize)
                // can't do analysis for potential peak hanging off the end of the chrom
            seq = hDnaFromSeq(database, chrom, chromStart - 2, chromEnd + 2, dnaUpper);
            struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, markovTable, chrom, chromStart,
                                               chromStart + 1, NULL, &rowOffset);
            if((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
                dnaMark2Deserialize(row[rowOffset + 3], mark2);
                markovFound = TRUE;
                errAbort("markov table '%s' is missing; non-markov analysis is current not supported", markovTable);
        struct bed6FloatScore *hits = NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            double mark0Copy[5];
            char strand = i == 0 ? '+' : '-';
            for (j = 0; j <= 4; j++)
                mark0Copy[j] = mark0[j];
            if(strand == '-')
                // reverse markov table too!
                double tmp;
                reverseComplement(seq->dna, dnaLength);
                tmp = mark0Copy[1];
                mark0Copy[1] = mark0Copy[3];
                mark0Copy[3] = tmp;
                tmp = mark0Copy[2];
                mark0Copy[2] = mark0Copy[4];
                mark0Copy[4] = tmp;
            for (j = 0; j < length - motif->columnCount + 1; j++)
                // tricky b/c if(markovFound) then seq includes the two bytes on either side of actual sequence.
                double score;
                    score = dnaMotifBitScoreWithMarkovBg(motif, seq->dna + j, mark2);
                    score = dnaMotifBitScoreWithMark0Bg(motif, seq->dna + j, mark0Copy);
                if(score >= minScoreCutoff)
                    int start;
                    if(strand == '-')
                        start = (chromEnd - j) - motif->columnCount;
                        start = chromStart + j;
                    struct bed6FloatScore *hit = NULL;

                    // Watch out for overlapping hits (on either strand; yes, I've seen that happen);
                    // we report only the highest scoring hit in this case.
                    // O(n^2) where n == number of motifs in a peak, but I expect n to be almost always very small.
                        for (hit = hits; hit != NULL; hit = hit->next)
                            if(hit->chromEnd > start && hit->chromStart <= (start + motif->columnCount))
                                verbose(3, "found overlapping hits: %d-%d overlaps with %d-%d\n", start, start + motif->columnCount, hit->chromStart, hit->chromEnd);
                    if(hit == NULL || hit->score < score)
                        if(hit == NULL)
                            slAddHead(&hits, hit);
                            hit->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
                        hit->chromStart = originalCoordinates ? chromStart : start;
                        hit->chromEnd = originalCoordinates ? chromEnd : start + motif->columnCount;
                        hit->score = score;
                        hit->strand[0] = strand;
                verbose(3, "j: %d; score: %.2f\n", j, score);
        slSort(&hits, bed6FloatCmpDesc);
        int count;
        float currentPrior = prior;
        for(count = 1; hits != NULL; count++, hits = hits->next)
            if(topOnly && count > topOnly)
            // Use a progressively weaker prior for hits with lower scores
            verbose(3, "count: %d; score: %.2f; prior: %.2f; log2(prior / (1 - prior)): %.2f\n", count, hits->score, currentPrior, log2(currentPrior / (1 - currentPrior)));
            if(hits->score >= minScoreCutoff - log2(currentPrior / (1 - currentPrior)))
                printf("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%.2f\t%c\n", chrom, originalCoordinates ? chromStart : hits->chromStart, 
                       originalCoordinates ? chromEnd : hits->chromStart + motif->columnCount, name, hits->score, hits->strand[0]);
                currentPrior = count == 1 ? priorBackoff : currentPrior * priorBackoff;
                if(count > 2)
                    verbose(3, "hit for count: %d at %s:%d-%d\n", count, chrom, hits->chromStart, hits->chromStart + motif->columnCount);