int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc<2) { printf("No output file name prefixgiven.\n"); printf("Use:\n\t%s output_prefix\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } /* const size_t NUM_FRAMES = 10; */ RiBegin(RI_NULL); scene_info_t scene;[0] = 20;[1] = 20;[2] = 20;[0]= 0.0;[1]= 0.0;[2]= 0.0; = 0.0; scene.fprefix = argv[1]; size_t cur_frame = 0; for (size_t fnum = 0; fnum <= 20; ++fnum) { doFrame(cur_frame, &scene);[0] -= 2; cur_frame += 1; } for (size_t fnum = 0; fnum <= 20; ++fnum) { doFrame(cur_frame, &scene);[1] -= 2; cur_frame += 1; } for (size_t fnum = 0; fnum <= 20; ++fnum) { doFrame(cur_frame, &scene);[0] += 2; cur_frame += 1; } for (size_t fnum = 0; fnum <= 20; ++fnum) { doFrame(cur_frame, &scene);[1] += 2; cur_frame += 1; } RiEnd(); return 0; }
void createContent(int width, int height, TestCanvas& canvas) override { container = TestUtils::createNode(0, 0, width, height, nullptr); doFrame(0); // update container canvas.drawColor(Color::White, SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode); canvas.drawRenderNode(container.get()); }
void MohawkEngine_Riven::delay(uint32 ms) { uint32 startTime = _system->getMillis(); while (_system->getMillis() < startTime + ms && !hasGameEnded()) { doFrame(); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *inf; wave_object_t obj; const size_t NUM_FRAMES = 360; RtInt md = 4; scene_info_t scene; double rad = 20; double t = 0.0; double dt = 2.0*PI/(NUM_FRAMES-1); size_t fnum; if (argc <3) { printf("No input and output file names given!\n"); return 1; } inf = fopen(argv[1], "rt"); if (inf == NULL) { printf("Could not open \"%s\"\n", argv[1]); return 1; } init_object(&obj); read_object(inf, &obj); printf("Object file has:\n %zu vertices\n %zu normals\n %zu texture coordinates\n %zu faces\n %d objects\n", obj.num_verts, obj.num_norms, obj.num_texts, obj.num_faces, 1); RiBegin(RI_NULL); RiOption("trace", "maxdepth", &md, RI_NULL); RiSides(2);[0] = rad;[1] = rad;[2] = rad;[0]= 0.0;[1]= 0.0;[2]= 0.0; = 0.0; scene.fprefix = argv[2]; for (fnum = 0; fnum < NUM_FRAMES; ++fnum) {[0] = rad * sin(t);[2] = rad * cos(t); t += dt; printf("Rendering frame %lu\n", fnum); doFrame(fnum, &scene, &obj); } RiEnd(); free_object(&obj); fclose(inf); return 0; }
void doDefault(struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean newSearch) /* Put up default page - if there is no specific do variable. */ { char *listSpec = cartUsualString(cart, hgpListSpec, ""); listSpec = skipLeadingSpaces(listSpec); if (listSpec[0] == 0) doInitialPage(); else doFrame(conn, newSearch); }
void Scene::loop() { while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && !_reloadSceneFlag && (_nextSceneId == _currentSceneId)) { // Handle drawing a game frame doFrame(); // Wait for the next frame _vm->_events->waitForNextFrame(); if (_vm->_dialogs->_pendingDialog != DIALOG_NONE && !_vm->_game->_trigger && _vm->_game->_player._stepEnabled) _reloadSceneFlag = true; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc<2) { std::cerr << "No filename given.\n"; return 1; } int i; RiBegin(RI_NULL); for (i=1;i<=360; ++i) { doFrame(i, argv[1]); } RiEnd(); }
void SystemClass::run() { MSG Message; bool Done = false; ZeroMemory(&Message, sizeof MSG); while (!Done) { if (PeekMessage(&Message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&Message); DispatchMessage(&Message); } if (Message.message == WM_QUIT || !doFrame()) Done = true; if (InputManager->isKeyPressed(DIK_ESCAPE)) Done = true; } }
void gameLoop() { frameNum++; //LOG("doFrame()..."); doFrame(); h3dSetNodeTransform(cam, //0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, _rx ,_ry, 0, 1, 1, 1 ); //LOG("h3dRender(cam)..."); h3dRender(cam); //LOG("h3dutShowFrameStats(fontMatRes, panelMatRes, 2)..."); h3dutShowFrameStats(fontMatRes, panelMatRes, 2); #if 0 //int n = snprintf(text, textLen - 1, "Frame %d: %f ms", frameNum, msSinceLastFrame()); //int n = snprintf(text, textLen - 1, "Frame %d", frameNum % 32); int n = snprintf(text, textLen - 1, "Frame %d", frameNum); LOG("Showing text \"%s\" (wrote %d chars) with color (%d, %d, %d)", text, n, frameNum % 2, (frameNum >> 1) % 2, (frameNum >> 2) % 2); h3dutShowText(text, 0.5, 0.5, // Position 0.05, // Size (scale) frameNum % 2, (frameNum >> 1) % 2, (frameNum >> 2) % 2, // Color (RGB) fontMatRes // Font material ); #endif //LOG("h3dFinalizeFrame()..."); h3dFinalizeFrame(); //LOG("Frame finished."); } // end gameLoop
void doEmptyDialog ( char *lpTitle, bool bShowTotalProgress, COORD &c ) { int Diff = 0; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO SInfo; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &SInfo); c.X = SInfo.dwSize.X/2-28; c.Y = SInfo.dwSize.Y/2-9; if ( bShowTotalProgress) { Diff = 2; c.Y = SInfo.dwSize.Y/2-9; } doFrame (c.X, c.Y, 55, 10+Diff, lpTitle, true); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //parse command line strcpy(autoip,""); for(int j=0; j<argc; j++) { if(strcmp(argv[j],"-full")==0) fullscreen=1; else if(strstr(argv[j],"-join")!=0) sscanf(argv[j],"-join:%s", autoip); else if(strstr(argv[j],"-port")!=0) sscanf(argv[j],"-port:%ld", &SERVER_PORT); } //strcpy(autoip,"");//testing //init graphics initializeSystem(); //setup setupClient(); //startup term.newLine("^cMystera Legends Beta %.3f ^b- ^OZircon Release",client_version); //only for testing //initTestingMode(); //checking for newer version or showing servers //if(!checkVer())showServers(); //get available servers //initialize socket library if(!debug) { if(strlen(autoip)>2) { /*dialog=-1; //char show[128]; cstate=1; //sprintf(show,"--- Attempting to connect to %s",autoip); //term.newLine(show); //term.render(0,480,246); //Renderer::Swap(); if(!nc.connect(autoip,SERVER_PORT)) term.newLine("--- Error connecting. CTRL-Q to quit."); else { term.newLine("--- Connected to %s.",autoip); connected=1; }*/ sips.size(1); strcpy(sips[0].ip,autoip); sprintf(sips[0].name,"^W%s",autoip); strcpy(sips[0].players," "); vDialog[0].w[2].addList(sips[0].name); dialog=0; } else showServers(); } unsigned long loopnum = 0; unsigned long lastsec = 0; unsigned long loopdif = 0; long second = time(0); unsigned long sleeptime = 0; const long FPS = 50; //buildMapLayers(); //application loop while(!done) { Input::Update(); doFrame(); if(time(0) == second + 1) { loopdif = loopnum - lastsec; lastsec = loopnum; sleeptime = float(1000/FPS); sleeptime -= loopdif/1000; second++; } loopnum++; Sleep(sleeptime); if(connected) { //term.newLine("I really am connected you know."); if(udpTimer.tick(1500)) { //send udp packet char u=NULL_MSG; nc.send((unsigned char *)&u,1,SEND_NON_GUARANTEED); } int res = nc.update(); if(res==-1 || servTimer.tick(1000000)) { me=-1; player.size(0); player.size(10); world.size(0); world.size(10); item.size(0); term.newLine("--- Connection closed."); connected=0; servTimer.reset(); dialog=0; Renderer::SetTitle("Mystera Legends Beta"); nc.shutdown(); } } } //shutdown fclose(chatLog); nc.shutdown(); Mix_CloseAudio(); Renderer::Shutdown(); //if(restart) // doRestart(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc<2) { printf("No file names given.\n"); printf("Use:\n\t%s audio_file output_prefix\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } av_register_all(); audio_data_t snd_data; read_audio(argv[1], &snd_data); int per_frame = snd_data.sample_rate/30; int32_t maxVal = 0; switch (snd_data.sample_size) { case 1: maxVal = 1<<6; break; case 2: maxVal = 1<<12; break; default: maxVal = 1<<28; } const int N = 120; fftw_complex *fft_in __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); fftw_complex **fft_out __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); fftw_plan fft_plan __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); fft_in = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); fft_out = (fftw_complex**) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex*) * N); for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) { fft_out[i] = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); } fft_plan = fftw_plan_dft_1d(N, fft_in, fft_out[0], FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE); size_t fnum, cur_out; for (size_t i=0; i<N; ++i) { fft_in[i] = 0.0; for (size_t j=0; j<N; ++j) { fft_out[i][j] = 0.0; } } show_audio_info(&snd_data); RiBegin(RI_NULL); size_t num_frames = (snd_data.num_samples-per_frame)/per_frame; for (size_t i = 0, cur_out = 0, fnum = 1; i<(snd_data.num_samples-per_frame); i+= per_frame, ++fnum) { size_t j_size = N/2; size_t stp = per_frame/(j_size); size_t ci = per_frame*15+i; for (size_t j=0; j< j_size;++j) { fft_in[j] = (double)get_sample(&snd_data, ci, 0)/(double)maxVal; ci += stp; } fftw_execute_dft(fft_plan, fft_in, fft_out[cur_out]); printf("Calling doFrame %lu of %lu\n", fnum, num_frames); doFrame(fnum, cur_out, N, fft_out, argv[2]); cur_out += 1; if (cur_out == N) { cur_out = 0; } } RiEnd(); for (size_t i=0; i<N; ++i) { fftw_free(fft_out[i]); } fftw_destroy_plan(fft_plan); fftw_free(fft_out); fftw_free(fft_in); fftw_cleanup(); free(snd_data.samples); return 0; }
int Narrator::script(int st, PRNG &prng) { static ChaosParticles chaosA(flow, runner.config["chaosParticles"]); static ChaosParticles chaosB(flow, runner.config["chaosParticles"]); static OrderParticles orderParticles(flow, runner.config["orderParticles"]); static Precursor precursor(flow, runner.config["precursor"]); static RingsEffect ringsA(flow, runner.config["ringsA"]); static RingsEffect ringsB(flow, runner.config["ringsB"]); static RingsEffect ringsC(flow, runner.config["ringsC"]); static PartnerDance partnerDance(flow, runner.config["partnerDance"]); static CameraFlowDebugEffect flowDebugEffect(flow, runner.config["flowDebugEffect"]); static Forest forest(flow, runner.config["forest"]); static DarknessEffect darkness; rapidjson::Value& config = runner.config["narrator"]; Sampler s(prng.uniform32()); switch (st) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Special states case 1: { // Darkness only ("off") crossfade(&darkness, 1); delayForever(); } case 2: { // Precursor only (sleep mode) precursor.reseed(prng.uniform32()); crossfade(&precursor, 1); delayForever(); } case 3: { // Debugging the computer vision system crossfade(&flowDebugEffect, 1); delayForever(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Opening sequence case 0: { // Darkness until opening crossfade(&darkness, 1); delayUntilDate(config["opening"]["date"]); return config["opening"]["nextState"].GetInt(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cyclic states default: { endCycle(); return 10; } case 10: { // Order trying to form out of the tiniest sparks; runs for an unpredictable time, fails. precursor.reseed(prng.uniform32()); crossfade(&precursor, s.value(config["precursorCrossfade"])); // Bootstrap delay(s.value(config["precursorBootstrap"])); // Wait for darkness while (!precursor.isDone) { doFrame(); } return 20; } case 20: { // Bang. Explosive energy, hints of self-organization ChaosParticles *pChaosA = &chaosA; ChaosParticles *pChaosB = &chaosB; int bangCount = s.value(config["bangCount"]); for (int i = 0; i < bangCount; i++) { pChaosA->reseed(prng.circularVector() * s.value(config["bangSeedRadius"]), prng.uniform32()); crossfade(pChaosA, s.value(config["bangCrossfadeDuration"])); delay((1 << i) * s.value(config["bangDelayBasis"])); std::swap(pChaosA, pChaosB); } attention(s, config["bangAttention"]); return 30; } case 30: { // Textures of light, exploring something formless. Slow crossfade in ringsA.reseed(prng.uniform32()); crossfade(&ringsA, s.value(config["ringsA-Crossfade"])); attention(s, config["ringsA-Attention"]); return 40; } case 40: { // Add energy, explore another layer. ringsB.reseed(prng.uniform32()); crossfade(&ringsB, s.value(config["ringsB-Crossfade"])); attention(s, config["ringsB-Attention"]); return 50; } case 50: { // Biology happens, order emerges. Cellular look, emergent order. orderParticles.reseed(prng.uniform32()); orderParticles.symmetry = 10; crossfade(&orderParticles, s.value(config["orderCrossfade"])); while (orderParticles.symmetry > 4) { attention(s, config["orderStepAttention"]); orderParticles.symmetry--; } attention(s, config["orderStepAttention"]); return 60; } case 60: { // Two partners, populations of particles. // Spiralling inwards. Depression. Beauty on the edge of destruction, // pressing forward until nothing remains. partnerDance.reseed(prng.uniform32()); crossfade(&partnerDance, s.value(config["partnerCrossfade"])); attention(s, config["partnerAttention"]); return 70; } case 70: { // Sinking deeper. Interlude before a change. ringsC.reseed(prng.uniform32()); crossfade(&ringsC, s.value(config["ringsC-Crossfade"])); attention(s, config["ringsC-Attention"]); return 80; } case 80: { // Continuous renewal and regrowth. Destruction happens unintentionally, // regrowth is quick and generative. The only way to lose is to stagnate. forest.reseed(prng.uniform32()); crossfade(&forest, s.value(config["forestCrossfade"])); attention(s, config["forestAttention"]); return 90; } } }
Common::Error MohawkEngine_Riven::run() { MohawkEngine::run(); // Let's try to open the installer file (it holds extras.mhk) // Though, we set a low priority to prefer the extracted version if ("arcriven.z")) SearchMan.add("arcriven.z", &_installerArchive, 0, false); _gfx = new RivenGraphics(this); _video = new RivenVideoManager(this); _sound = new RivenSoundManager(this); _console = new RivenConsole(this); _saveLoad = new RivenSaveLoad(this, _saveFileMan); _optionsDialog = new RivenOptionsDialog(this); _scriptMan = new RivenScriptManager(this); _inventory = new RivenInventory(this); _rnd = new Common::RandomSource("riven"); // Create the cursor manager if (Common::File::exists("rivendmo.exe")) _cursor = new PECursorManager("rivendmo.exe"); else if (Common::File::exists("riven.exe")) _cursor = new PECursorManager("riven.exe"); else // last resort: try the Mac executable _cursor = new MacCursorManager("Riven"); initVars(); // Check the user has copied all the required datafiles if (!checkDatafiles()) { return Common::kNoGameDataFoundError; } // We need to have a cursor source, or the game won't work if (!_cursor->hasSource()) { Common::String message = _("You're missing a Riven executable. The Windows executable is 'riven.exe' or 'rivendmo.exe'. "); message += _("Using the 'arcriven.z' installer file also works. In addition, you can use the Mac 'Riven' executable."); GUIErrorMessage(message); warning("%s", message.c_str()); return Common::kNoGameDataFoundError; } // Open extras.mhk for common images _extrasFile = new MohawkArchive(); // We need extras.mhk for inventory images, marble images, and credits images if (!_extrasFile->openFile("extras.mhk")) { Common::String message = _("You're missing 'extras.mhk'. Using the 'arcriven.z' installer file also works."); GUIErrorMessage(message); warning("%s", message.c_str()); return Common::kNoGameDataFoundError; } // Set the transition speed _gfx->setTransitionMode((RivenTransitionMode) _vars["transitionmode"]); // Start at main cursor _cursor->setCursor(kRivenMainCursor); _cursor->showCursor(); // Let's begin, shall we? if (getFeatures() & GF_DEMO) { // Start the demo off with the videos changeToStack(kStackAspit); changeToCard(6); } else if (ConfMan.hasKey("save_slot")) { // Load game from launcher/command line if requested int gameToLoad = ConfMan.getInt("save_slot"); // Attempt to load the game. Common::Error loadError = _saveLoad->loadGame(gameToLoad); if (loadError.getCode() != Common::kNoError) { return loadError; } } else { // Otherwise, start us off at aspit's card 1 (the main menu) changeToStack(kStackAspit); changeToCard(1); } while (!hasGameEnded()) doFrame(); return Common::kNoError; }
void OperationDialog::Show() { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO SInfo; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &SInfo); SHORT sWidth = SInfo.srWindow.Right-SInfo.srWindow.Left+1; SHORT sHeight = SInfo.srWindow.Bottom-SInfo.srWindow.Top+1; int X = sWidth/2-28; int Y = sHeight/2-5; Info.Text(0, 0, 0, nullptr); string strTitle; switch ( m_nOperation ) { case OPERATION_ADD: strTitle = _T("Adding"); break; case OPERATION_EXTRACT: strTitle = _T("Extracting"); break; }; if ( m_bShowSingleFileProgress ) doFrame(X, Y, 55, 10, strTitle, true); else doFrame(X, Y, 55, 8, strTitle, true); string strStage; switch ( m_nStage ) { case STAGE_EXTRACTING: strStage = _T("Extracting file..."); break; case STAGE_SKIPPING: strStage = _T("Skipping file..."); break; case STAGE_ADDING: strStage = _T("Adding file..."); break; case STAGE_UPDATING: strStage = _T("Updating file..."); break; } Info.Text(X+5, Y+2, FarGetColor(COL_DIALOGTEXT), strStage); string strSrc = m_strSrcFileName; farTruncPathStr(strSrc, 45); string strDest = m_strDestFileName; farTruncPathStr(strDest, 45); string strTemp; strTemp.Format(_T("%-45s"), strSrc.GetString()); Info.Text(X+5, Y+3, FarGetColor(COL_DIALOGTEXT), strTemp); if ( m_nStage != STAGE_SKIPPING ) { Info.Text(X+5, Y+4, FarGetColor(COL_DIALOGTEXT), _M(MProcessFileTo)); strTemp.Format(_T("%-45s"), strDest.GetString()); Info.Text(X+5, Y+5, FarGetColor(COL_DIALOGTEXT), strTemp); } if ( m_bShowSingleFileProgress ) { doIndicator(X+5, Y+6, 40, m_dPercent); doIndicator(X+5, Y+8, 40, m_dTotalPercent); } else doIndicator(X+5, Y+6, 40, m_dTotalPercent); Info.Text(0, 0, 0, nullptr); }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeDrawframe( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jint width, jint height ) { doFrame( width, height ); }