Esempio n. 1
DiaOutputDev::_fill (GfxState *state, bool winding)
  GArray *points = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(BezPoint));
  DiaObject *obj = NULL;
  GfxPath *path = state->getPath();
  bool haveClose = true;

  if (doPath (points, state, path, haveClose) && points->len > 2) {
    if (path->getNumSubpaths() == 1 && haveClose)
      obj = create_standard_beziergon (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
      obj = create_standard_path (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
    applyStyle (obj, true);
    if (this->pattern) {
      ObjectChange *change = dia_object_set_pattern (obj, this->pattern);
      if (change) {
	change->free (change);
	g_free (change);
  g_array_free (points, TRUE);
  if (obj) {
    // Useful for debugging but high performance penalty 
    // dia_object_set_meta (obj, "fill-rule", winding ? "winding" : "even-odd");
    addObject (obj);
void lvDCOMInterface::getLabviewValue(const char* param, T* value)
	if (value == NULL)
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue failed (NULL)");
	if (param == NULL || *param == '\0')
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue: param is NULL");
	CComVariant v;
	char vi_name_xpath[MAX_PATH_LEN], control_name_xpath[MAX_PATH_LEN];
	_snprintf(vi_name_xpath, sizeof(vi_name_xpath), "/lvinput/section[@name='%s']/vi/@path", m_configSection.c_str());
	_snprintf(control_name_xpath, sizeof(control_name_xpath), "/lvinput/section[@name='%s']/vi/param[@name='%s']/read/@target", m_configSection.c_str(), param);
	CComBSTR vi_name(doPath(vi_name_xpath).c_str());
	CComBSTR control_name(doXPATH(control_name_xpath).c_str());
	if (vi_name.Length() == 0 || control_name.Length() == 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue: vi or control is NULL");
	getLabviewValue(vi_name, control_name, &v);
	if ( v.ChangeType(CVarTypeInfo<T>::VT) == S_OK )
		*value = v.*(CVarTypeInfo<T>::pmField);	
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue failed (ChangeType)");
void lvDCOMInterface::getLabviewValue(const char* param, T* value, size_t nElements, size_t& nIn)
	if (value == NULL)
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue failed (NULL)");
	if (param == NULL || *param == '\0')
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue: param is NULL");
	CComVariant v;
	char vi_name_xpath[MAX_PATH_LEN], control_name_xpath[MAX_PATH_LEN];
	_snprintf(vi_name_xpath, sizeof(vi_name_xpath), "/lvinput/section[@name='%s']/vi/@path", m_configSection.c_str());
	_snprintf(control_name_xpath, sizeof(control_name_xpath), "/lvinput/section[@name='%s']/vi/param[@name='%s']/read/@target", m_configSection.c_str(), param);
	CComBSTR vi_name(doPath(vi_name_xpath).c_str());
	CComBSTR control_name(doXPATH(control_name_xpath).c_str());
	if (vi_name.Length() == 0 || control_name.Length() == 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue: vi or control is NULL");
	getLabviewValue(vi_name, control_name, &v);
	if ( v.vt != (VT_ARRAY | CVarTypeInfo<T>::VT) )
		throw std::runtime_error("getLabviewValue failed (type mismatch)");
	CComSafeArray<T> sa;
	nIn = ( sa.GetCount() > nElements ? nElements : sa.GetCount() );
	for(LONG i=0; i<nIn; ++i)
		value[i] = sa.GetAt(i);
Esempio n. 4
DiaOutputDev::_fill (GfxState *state, bool winding)
  GArray *points = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(BezPoint));
  DiaObject *obj = NULL;
  GfxPath *path = state->getPath();
  bool haveClose = true;

  if (doPath (points, state, path, haveClose)) {
    if (path->getNumSubpaths() == 1 && haveClose)
      obj = create_standard_beziergon (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
      obj = create_standard_path (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
    applyStyle (obj, true);
  g_array_free (points, TRUE);
  if (obj) {
    dia_object_set_meta (obj, "fill-rule", winding ? "winding" : "even-odd");
    addObject (obj);
Esempio n. 5
 * \brief create a _Bezierline or _StdPath from the graphics state
DiaOutputDev::stroke (GfxState *state)
  GArray *points = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(BezPoint));
  DiaObject *obj = NULL;
  GfxPath *path = state->getPath();
  bool haveClose = false;

  if (doPath (points, state, path, haveClose) && points->len > 1) {
    if (path->getNumSubpaths() == 1) {
      if (!haveClose)
        obj = create_standard_bezierline (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0), NULL, NULL);
        obj = create_standard_beziergon (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
    } else {
      obj = create_standard_path (points->len, &g_array_index (points, BezPoint, 0));
    applyStyle (obj, false);
  g_array_free (points, TRUE);
  if (obj)
    addObject (obj);
/// \param[in] configSection @copydoc initArg1
/// \param[in] configFile @copydoc initArg2
/// \param[in] host @copydoc initArg3
/// \param[in] options @copydoc initArg4
/// \param[in] progid @copydoc initArg5
/// \param[in] username @copydoc initArg6
/// \param[in] password @copydoc initArg7
lvDCOMInterface::lvDCOMInterface(const char *configSection, const char* configFile, const char* host, int options, const char* progid, const char* username, const char* password) : 
m_configSection(configSection), m_pidentity(NULL), m_pxmldom(NULL), m_options(options), 
	m_progid(progid != NULL? progid : ""), m_username(username != NULL? username : ""), m_password(password != NULL ? password : ""),
	epicsThreadOnce(&onceId, initCOM, NULL);
	if (host != NULL && host[0] != '\0') 
		m_host = host;
		//		char name_buffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1];
		//		DWORD name_size = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;
		//		if ( GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameNetBIOS, name_buffer, &name_size) != 0 )
		//		{
		//			m_host = name_buffer;
		//		}
		//		else
		//		{
		//			m_host = "localhost";
		//		}			
		m_host = "localhost";
	if (macCreateHandle(&m_mac_env, NULL) != 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create mac handle");
	// load current environment into m_mac_env, this is so we can create a macEnvExpand() equivalent 
	// but tied to the environment at a specific time. It is useful if we want to load the same 
	// XML file twice but with a macro defined differently in each case 
	for(char** cp = environ; *cp != NULL; ++cp)
		char* str_tmp = strdup(*cp);
		char* equals_loc = strchr(str_tmp, '='); // split   name=value   string
		if (equals_loc != NULL)
		    *equals_loc = '\0';
		    macPutValue(m_mac_env, str_tmp, equals_loc + 1);
	//	m_doc = new TiXmlDocument;
	//	if ( !m_doc->LoadFile(configFile) )
	//	{
	//		delete m_doc;
	//		m_doc = NULL;
	//		throw std::runtime_error("Cannot load " + std::string(configFile) + ": load failure");
	//	}
	//	m_root = m_doc->RootElement();
	short sResult = FALSE;
	char* configFile_expanded = envExpand(configFile);
	m_configFile = configFile_expanded;
	HRESULT hr = m_pxmldom->load(_variant_t(configFile_expanded), &sResult);
		throw std::runtime_error("Cannot load XML \"" + m_configFile + "\" (expanded from \"" + std::string(configFile) + "\"): load failure");
	if (sResult != VARIANT_TRUE)
		throw std::runtime_error("Cannot load XML \"" + m_configFile + "\" (expanded from \"" + std::string(configFile) + "\"): load failure");
	std::cerr << "Loaded XML config file \"" << m_configFile << "\" (expanded from \"" << configFile << "\")" << std::endl;
	m_extint = doPath("/lvinput/extint/@path").c_str();
	epicsAtExit(epicsExitFunc, this);
	if (m_progid.size() > 0)
		if ( CLSIDFromProgID(CT2W(m_progid.c_str()), &m_clsid) != S_OK )
			throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find progId " + m_progid);
		m_clsid = LabVIEW::CLSID_Application;
		wchar_t* progid_str = NULL;
		if ( ProgIDFromCLSID(m_clsid, &progid_str) == S_OK )
			m_progid = CW2CT(progid_str);
			m_progid = "LabVIEW.Application";
	wchar_t* clsid_str = NULL;
	if ( StringFromCLSID(m_clsid, &clsid_str) == S_OK )
		std::cerr << "Using ProgID \"" << m_progid << "\" CLSID " << CW2CT(clsid_str) << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Using ProgID \"" << m_progid << "\" but StringFromCLSID() failed" << std::endl;